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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A typology of designs for social research in the built environment

Du Toit, Jacques Louis 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this metamethodological study was to construct a typology of designs for social research in the built environment, i.e., architecture, urban design and planning. Currently there is no such typology, while the notion of “research design” is relatively unknown in methodological literature in the built environment field. An outline of the dimensions of social research provided a theoretical lens for methodological analysis, and identified six methodological considerations as classification criteria, including (1) research context, (2) research aim, (3) research purpose, (4) methodological paradigm, (5) methodological approach, and (6) source of data. Exploratory interviews and a survey and methodological content analysis of built environment theses provided a better understanding of methodological issues in conducting social research in the built environment and the potential relevance of a typology of designs. A review of methodological literature identified 25 research design subtypes that can be clustered into 10 prototypical designs for inclusion in the typology, namely: (1) surveys, (2) experiments, (3) modelling, simulation, mapping and visualization, (4) textual and narrative studies, (5) field studies, (6) case studies, (7) intervention research, (8) evaluation research, (9) participatory action research, and (10) metaresearch. A survey and methodological content analysis of journal articles determined the extent to which these designs feature in social research in the built environment. Although all the designs and subtypes feature, metaresearch, case studies, evaluation research and surveys predominate. An initial typology classified the 10 prototypical designs in terms of the six methodological considerations. The typology was tested to see how well it classified the designs of actual studies and revised accordingly. Possible benefits of the typology include greater clarification, improved teaching and decision-making, and methodological reflection. Thus, the typology may support lecturers, students, supervisors, researchers, peer-reviewers and practitioners to have a more articulate, reflexive, and critical orientation with regard to research design to maximize the validity of findings and advance theory, methodology and practice in built environment disciplines. The study concludes that the typology may also mitigate post-modern criticisms against social research in the built environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie metametodologiese studie was om `n tipologie van ontwerpe vir sosiale navorsing in die bou-omgewing (d.w.s. argitektuur, stadsontwerp en beplanning) te konstrueer. Tans is daar geen so tipologie nie, terwyl die nosie van “navorsingsontwerp” relatief onbekend is in metodologiese literatuur in die bou-omgewing veld. `n Uiteensetting van die dimensies van sosiale navorsing het `n teoretiese lens vir metodologiese analises verskaf en ses metodologiese konsiderasies as klassifikasie kriteria geïdentifiseer, insluitend (1) navorsingskonteks, (2) navorsingsoogmerk, (3) navorsingsdoelwit, (4) metodologiese paradigma, (5) metodologiese benadering, en (6) data bron. Verkennende onderhoude en `n opname en metodologiese inhoudsanalise van bou-omgewing tesisse het `n beter begrip van metodologiese kwessies in sosiale navorsing in die bou-omgewing en die moontlike relevansie van `n tipologie van ontwerpe verskaf. `n Oorsig van metodologiese literatuur het 25 navorsingsontwerp subtipes geïdentifiseer wat in 10 prototipe ontwerpe gegroepeer kan word vir insluiting in die tipologie, naamlik (1) opnames, (2) eksperimente, (3) modellering, simulasie, kartering en visualisering, (4) tekstuele en narratiewe studies, (5) veldstudies, (6) gevallestudies, (7) intervensie navorsing, (8) evaluasie navorsing, (9) deelnemende aksie navorsing, en (10) metanavorsing. `n Opname en metodologiese inhoudsanalise van joernaal artikels het die mate waartoe hierdie ontwerpe in sosiale navorsing in die bou-omgewing voorkom bepaal. Alhoewel al die ontwerpe en subtipes voorkom, is metanavorsing, gevallestudies, evaluasie navorsing en opnames predominant. `n Aanvanklike tipologie het die 10 prototipe ontwerpe in terme van die ses metodologiese konsiderasies geklassifiseer. Die tipologie is getoets om te sien hoe goed dit die ontwerpe van werklike studies klassifiseer en dienooreenkomstig gewysig. Moontlike voordele van die tipologie sluit in verbeterde klarifikasie, onderrig, besluitneming en metodologiese refleksie. Die tipologie kan dus dosente, studente, studieleiers, navorsers, beoordelaars en praktisyns ondersteun om `n meer geartikuleerde, refleksiewe en kritiese oriëntasie ten opsigte van navorsingsontwerp te hê om die geldigheid van bevindinge te maksimeer en teorie, metodologie en praktyk in bou-omgewing dissiplines te bevorder. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die tipologie ook postmoderne kritiek teen sosiale navorsing in die bou-omgewing kan mitigeer.

Design e arquitetura: a criança e as bibliotecas pública infantil e escolar / Design and architecture: the child and public children\'s and school libraries

Amorim, Aline Pessoa de Oliveira 03 May 2017 (has links)
As bibliotecas são espaços dinâmicos, centros de aprendizagem e de lazer que necessitam estar em consonância com o público ao qual atendem. Por sua importância relacionada ao desenvolvimento cognitivo, à emancipação em termos de aprendizagem e à cultura e socialização imbricadas a sua essência, as bibliotecas voltadas para o público infantil são o tema da presente pesquisa. Reconhecendo-se que o bom uso da biblioteca está intrinsecamente conectado a aspectos relativos à organização espacial do local e a seus equipamentos, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender como se dá a relação da criança em bibliotecas voltadas para este público, com seu ambiente e com os equipamentos ali presentes, visando extrair da análise destas experiências aspectos que possam servir para projetos futuros relacionados ao tema. Para tanto, foi feita uma pesquisa bibliográfica que buscou compreender como se deu a criação da infância enquanto aspecto cultural e a relevância da criação da Biblioteca Infantil Municipal, atualmente denominada Biblioteca Infantojuvenil Monteiro Lobato, para a cidade de São Paulo na década de 1930. Além disso, discutiu-se a Infoeducação e os aspectos a ela imbricados, que norteiam as análises dos ambientes aqui estudados. Uma compilação dos mobiliários atualmente ofertados pela indústria brasileira pra escolas e bibliotecas e a análise de bibliotecas com espaços infantis que apresentam projetos inovadores para a área também constituem esta pesquisa. Por fim, foram realizados dois estudos de caso de bibliotecas voltadas para o público infantil (uma pública e a outra escolar), coletando dados referentes à atuação de crianças entre seis e nove anos nas mesmas, com a adição da coleta de dados com outros personagens que fazem parte, direta ou indiretamente, da experiência das crianças nestes locais como, por exemplo, os pais e/ou responsáveis, as bibliotecárias e as contadoras de histórias. A análise dos dados coletados e os resultados obtidos com os estudos de caso foram confrontados por meio de uma triangulação dos dados gerados com os aspectos relacionados à Infoeducação e à ofertada da indústria brasileira para os ambientes em questão, permitindo, assim, tecer considerações acerca dos resultados obtidos com esta experiência. / Libraries are dynamic spaces, centers of learning and recreation that need to be in consonance with the public they serve. Because of its importance in relation to cognitive development, emancipation, in terms of learning, culture and socialization imbricated to its essence, children\'s libraries are the subject of this research. Recognizing that the good use of the library is intrinsically connected with aspects related to the spatial organization and to the equipments that belong to these libraries, this research has as its main objective, to understand how kids interact with these libraries and its equipments, aiming to extract from the analysis of these experiences, aspects that may be useful for future projects related to this area of study. To make it possible, a bibliographical research was realized in aiming to understand the creation of the childhood\'s concept, as a cultural aspect and also about the relevance of the creation of the Municipal Children\'s Library (nowadays called Biblioteca Infantojuvenil Monteiro Lobato) to the city of São Paulo in the 1930s. In addition, aspects concerning the essence of the Infoeducation were discussed, which guided the analysis of the spaces studied here. A compilation of the furniture provided by the Brazilian industry for schools and libraries and an analysis of libraries with children\'s spaces that have innovative projects for the areas of design and architecture are also part of this research. Finally, there are two cases of children\'s libraries (a public children library and a school library), collecting data related to the performance of children between six and nine years old, with an addition of data collected with other characters that are directly or indirectly part of the experience of the kids at these places, such as parents and / or guardians, librarians and storytellers. The analysis of the data collected and the results obtained with the cases were confronted using a triangulation of the data generated with the aspects related to the Infoeducation and the furniture offered by the Brazilian industry in general, making it possible to generate considerations about the results obtained with this experience.

Participação e qualidade do ambiente construído na habitação: processo e produto no programa Minha Casa Minha Vida - Entidades / Participation and quality of the environment built in housing: process and product in the program Minha Casa Minha Vida - Entities

Noia, Paula Regina da Cruz 28 April 2017 (has links)
A discussão sobre a questão habitacional é complexa e apresenta inúmeros paradigmas sobre suas formas de provisão. No contexto das sociedades contemporâneas de mercado, a habitação tende a se tornar um objeto de especulação financeira. Dessa forma, práticas participativas na produção habitacional exercem importante papel propositivo de transformação das bases de atuação da sociedade civil, contribuindo na promoção de justiça social e democracia. Tais práticas, de forte embasamento ideológico e político desencadeiam autonomia ao usuário pelo domínio de seus processos de gestão. Assim, estimulam um uso mais efetivo dos recursos, reduzindo custos e criando melhores soluções arquitetônicas. A qualidade da habitação resultante de tais processos é entendida como superior àquelas produzidas em processos convencionais. Contudo, ainda que consista em uma discussão antiga, poucas pesquisas empíricas analisam casos concretos que justifiquem a validade de tal hipótese. Amparada por uma vasta revi-são bibliográfica sobre teorias e práticas de participação da sociedade civil e do usuário, a presente pesquisa debruçou-se sobre o contexto atual da produção habitacional brasileira, analisando o Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) e sua modalidade participativa: o Entidades (MCMV-E).A análise sobre as dinâmicas do processo e os aspectos físico-espaciais do produto visou compreender a relação entre a participação de tais atores e os benefícios acarretados na qualidade do ambiente construído. O método empregado utilizou abordagens qualitativas e reflexivas, através da metodologia de Estudo de Caso. Para a realização de uma análise comparativa, seis unidades de análise foram escolhidas, três pertencentes à modalidade Faixa 1 - Entidades (FDS) e três à Faixa 1 - Regular (FAR). O levantamento de dados qualitativos da pesquisa baseou-se em formas de evidências como documentos, registros em arquivos, entrevistas e observação direta. Resultados apontam inúmeras contradições em tal modalidade do programa, coerentes com as políticas de concessões praticadas nos governos responsáveis por sua criação. Conflitos da estrutura do programa com a autogestão, burocracia, falta de integração das políticas sociais e concorrência fundiária acabam por prejudicar os objetivos emancipatórios fundamentais da modalidade, colocando em questão a legitimidade e a eficácia da abordagem participativa no programa. Não obstante, é constatada uma notável distinção entre modalidades, trazendo rebatimentos positivos tanto do ponto de vista da qualidade do ambiente construído quanto das práticas de resistência ao desenvolvimento privado nas grandes cidades brasileiras.Ainda que o contexto analisado esteja em constante transformação, a pesquisa buscou realizar uma leitura crítica da atual produção da habitação participativa no Brasil, colaborando com a discussão sobre direito à habitação, participação e qualidade do ambiente construído. / Housing is a complex subject and its provision presents several paradigms. On contemporary free-market societies, housing tends to become an objects of financial speculation. Thus, participatory practices in housing production play an important role in civil society transformation, contributing to social justice and democracy. With a strong ideological and political foundation, such practices trigger user autonomy and control of management processes. Therefore, they stimulate a more effective use of resources, reducing costs and creating better architectural solutions. Quality of housing resulted from such processes is understood to be superior to those produced in conventional processes. However, although an old discussion, few empirical studies analyze cases that justify such hypothesis. Based on a literature review of theories of civil society and user participation practices, the research focused on current brazilian housing production, analyzing the Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) program and its participatory modality: Entidades (MCMV-E). Process analysis and product physical--spatial aspects analysis aimed to understand the relationship between the participation of such actors and the quality of the built environment. Using qualitative and reflexive approaches through Case Study methodology, a comparative analysis of six units of analysis was carried out, with three cases belonging to Faixa 1 - Entidades (FDS) and three to Faixa 1 - Regular (FAR).The qualitative data survey was based on evidence such as documents, archives, interviews and direct observation. Results shows contradictions in this program modality, in accordance with policies of concessions practiced in the governments. Conflicts of program structure with self-management, bureaucracy, lack of integration of social policies and land competition end up undermining fundamental emancipatory objectives of the modality, questioning the legitimacy and effectiveness of the participatory approach in the program. Nonetheless, there is a notable distinction between modalities, bringing positive repercussions both from quality of the built environment to practices of private development resistance in Brazilian cities. Although analyzed context is in constant transformation, the researchs ought to carry out a critical reading of the current participatory housing production in Brazil, contributing with the discussion about right to housing, participation and quality of the built environment.

Identifica??o de modelo matem?tico para representar a transmiss?o de rede de sensores sem fio em ambientes constru?dos / Study of mathematical model to represent transmission network of wireless sensors in built environments

Procopio, Edson Taira 14 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:31:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edson Taira Procopio.pdf: 7667432 bytes, checksum: 340fc984da59ee0bd318ee7ba77b68c3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-14 / The signal propagation between nodes of a network of wireless sensors in a built environment, indoor or may suffer interference from the environment in which they are installed. This phenomenon may occur because of the characteristics of objects in the signal propagrado contacts. Environments with different configurations contains objects with features that can compromise the signal in different ways. In this context, this work presents a study to define mathematical models that are capable of representing the behavior of a wireless sensor network operating within a built environment. This study was conducted in environments with specific characteristics, the results of which are limited to environments characterized compatible with this environments, but the method applied for this purpose to study can be used to study environments with different characteristics. The ability to obtain models that characterize the behavior of the network can provide benefits in the design phase, anticipating the conditions of signal propagation between the points and thereby giving conditions to optimize the resources applied. / A propaga??o do sinal entre os n?s de uma rede de sensores sem fio em um ambiente constru?do, ou indoor, pode sofrer interfer?ncias do meio em que est?o instalados. Esse fen?meno pode ocorrer por conta das caracter?sticas dos objetos em que o sinal propagrado entra em contato. Ambientes com diferentes configura??es cont?m objetos com caracter?sticas que podem comprometer o sinal de maneiras diferentes. Nesse contexto, este trabalho apresenta um estudo realizado para definir modelos matem?ticos que sejam capazes de representar o comportamento de uma rede de sensores sem fio operando dentro de um ambiente constru?do. Este estudo foi realizado em ambientes com caracter?sticas espec?ficas, sendo que os resultados obtidos limitam-se a caracterizar ambientes compat?veis com estes ambientes, mas o m?todo aplicado ao estudo para esta finalidade pode ser utilizado para o estudo de ambientes com caracter?sticas diferentes. A possibilidade de obter modelos que caracterizem o comportamento da rede pode apresentar benef?cios na fase de projeto, antevendo as condi??es de propaga??o do sinal entre os pontos e com isso, dando condi??es de otimizar os recursos aplicados.

Alterações da ventilação urbana frente ao processo de verticalização de avenidas litorâreas: o caso da avenida litorânea em São Luis /MA / Urban ventilation alterations due to the tall building construction process on coastal avenues: the case of Litorânea Avenue in São Luís/MA

Leite, Carolina Gaspar 13 March 2008 (has links)
Em algumas capitais da costa do nordeste do Brasil, a verticalização de áreas de orla marítima representa uma barreira em potencial contra a passagem da ventilação natural ao interior destas cidades. Na cidade de São Luís/MA, inicia-se um processo de verticalização nas proximidades da Avenida Litorânea, localizada na praia do Calhau, com 5,3km de extensão. Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de investigar a relação entre esta iminente verticalização e a ventilação natural. Para isto, foram construídos cinco diferentes cenários de verticalização neste bairro, variando-se o gabarito, os afastamentos laterais e a tipologia dos edifícios propostos, em lotes voltados para a avenida mencionada. Em seguida, estes cenários foram simulados no Ansys CFX Software e comparados com a situação atual. Foram monitorados 24 pontos distribuídos em seis quadras, observando-se a influência de cada cenário sugerido nos padrões de velocidade e direção do vento e pressão no nível do pedestre. Concluiu-se que os cenários de verticalização propostos influenciam significativamente nos padrões do vento. Portanto, este trabalho traz uma grande contribuição para o planejamento urbano de São Luís, auxiliando o planejador na pré-determinação dos impactos de novos edifícios nos padrões de ventilação natural em áreas de orla já ocupadas. / In some of the coastal capitals of the Brazilian northeast states, the building verticalization of seaside areas represents a potential barrier to the air flow through the built environment, towards the inner city areas. In São Luís, capital of the state of Maranhão (MA), the verticalization process has begun along Litorânea Avenue, which is a 5,3km long street located in Calhaus Beach district. In this context, the objective of this research work is to investigate the relationship between this imminent verticalization and the natural ventilation. In order to fulfill such objective, there were created five different fictional scenarios of verticalization among the sites placed in Litorânea Avenue, which were gathered according to the height, distances between buildings and buildings typology. These scenarios were simulated in Ansys CFX Software and compared with the areas current situation. Along six blocks of the avenue, 24 points were distributed and monitored, observing the influence of each proposed scenario in the wind velocity and direction patterns, also considering the pressure in the pedestrian level. As a conclusion to this study, the pointed scenarios of verticalization have proved to result in significant influence in the wind pattern, distinguished from each other. Contributing to the urban planning of the city of São Luís, this research anticipates the impact of new buildings in the air flow of already occupied seaside areas.

Alterações da ventilação urbana frente ao processo de verticalização de avenidas litorâreas: o caso da avenida litorânea em São Luis /MA / Urban ventilation alterations due to the tall building construction process on coastal avenues: the case of Litorânea Avenue in São Luís/MA

Carolina Gaspar Leite 13 March 2008 (has links)
Em algumas capitais da costa do nordeste do Brasil, a verticalização de áreas de orla marítima representa uma barreira em potencial contra a passagem da ventilação natural ao interior destas cidades. Na cidade de São Luís/MA, inicia-se um processo de verticalização nas proximidades da Avenida Litorânea, localizada na praia do Calhau, com 5,3km de extensão. Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de investigar a relação entre esta iminente verticalização e a ventilação natural. Para isto, foram construídos cinco diferentes cenários de verticalização neste bairro, variando-se o gabarito, os afastamentos laterais e a tipologia dos edifícios propostos, em lotes voltados para a avenida mencionada. Em seguida, estes cenários foram simulados no Ansys CFX Software e comparados com a situação atual. Foram monitorados 24 pontos distribuídos em seis quadras, observando-se a influência de cada cenário sugerido nos padrões de velocidade e direção do vento e pressão no nível do pedestre. Concluiu-se que os cenários de verticalização propostos influenciam significativamente nos padrões do vento. Portanto, este trabalho traz uma grande contribuição para o planejamento urbano de São Luís, auxiliando o planejador na pré-determinação dos impactos de novos edifícios nos padrões de ventilação natural em áreas de orla já ocupadas. / In some of the coastal capitals of the Brazilian northeast states, the building verticalization of seaside areas represents a potential barrier to the air flow through the built environment, towards the inner city areas. In São Luís, capital of the state of Maranhão (MA), the verticalization process has begun along Litorânea Avenue, which is a 5,3km long street located in Calhaus Beach district. In this context, the objective of this research work is to investigate the relationship between this imminent verticalization and the natural ventilation. In order to fulfill such objective, there were created five different fictional scenarios of verticalization among the sites placed in Litorânea Avenue, which were gathered according to the height, distances between buildings and buildings typology. These scenarios were simulated in Ansys CFX Software and compared with the areas current situation. Along six blocks of the avenue, 24 points were distributed and monitored, observing the influence of each proposed scenario in the wind velocity and direction patterns, also considering the pressure in the pedestrian level. As a conclusion to this study, the pointed scenarios of verticalization have proved to result in significant influence in the wind pattern, distinguished from each other. Contributing to the urban planning of the city of São Luís, this research anticipates the impact of new buildings in the air flow of already occupied seaside areas.

Participação e qualidade do ambiente construído na habitação: processo e produto no programa Minha Casa Minha Vida - Entidades / Participation and quality of the environment built in housing: process and product in the program Minha Casa Minha Vida - Entities

Paula Regina da Cruz Noia 28 April 2017 (has links)
A discussão sobre a questão habitacional é complexa e apresenta inúmeros paradigmas sobre suas formas de provisão. No contexto das sociedades contemporâneas de mercado, a habitação tende a se tornar um objeto de especulação financeira. Dessa forma, práticas participativas na produção habitacional exercem importante papel propositivo de transformação das bases de atuação da sociedade civil, contribuindo na promoção de justiça social e democracia. Tais práticas, de forte embasamento ideológico e político desencadeiam autonomia ao usuário pelo domínio de seus processos de gestão. Assim, estimulam um uso mais efetivo dos recursos, reduzindo custos e criando melhores soluções arquitetônicas. A qualidade da habitação resultante de tais processos é entendida como superior àquelas produzidas em processos convencionais. Contudo, ainda que consista em uma discussão antiga, poucas pesquisas empíricas analisam casos concretos que justifiquem a validade de tal hipótese. Amparada por uma vasta revi-são bibliográfica sobre teorias e práticas de participação da sociedade civil e do usuário, a presente pesquisa debruçou-se sobre o contexto atual da produção habitacional brasileira, analisando o Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) e sua modalidade participativa: o Entidades (MCMV-E).A análise sobre as dinâmicas do processo e os aspectos físico-espaciais do produto visou compreender a relação entre a participação de tais atores e os benefícios acarretados na qualidade do ambiente construído. O método empregado utilizou abordagens qualitativas e reflexivas, através da metodologia de Estudo de Caso. Para a realização de uma análise comparativa, seis unidades de análise foram escolhidas, três pertencentes à modalidade Faixa 1 - Entidades (FDS) e três à Faixa 1 - Regular (FAR). O levantamento de dados qualitativos da pesquisa baseou-se em formas de evidências como documentos, registros em arquivos, entrevistas e observação direta. Resultados apontam inúmeras contradições em tal modalidade do programa, coerentes com as políticas de concessões praticadas nos governos responsáveis por sua criação. Conflitos da estrutura do programa com a autogestão, burocracia, falta de integração das políticas sociais e concorrência fundiária acabam por prejudicar os objetivos emancipatórios fundamentais da modalidade, colocando em questão a legitimidade e a eficácia da abordagem participativa no programa. Não obstante, é constatada uma notável distinção entre modalidades, trazendo rebatimentos positivos tanto do ponto de vista da qualidade do ambiente construído quanto das práticas de resistência ao desenvolvimento privado nas grandes cidades brasileiras.Ainda que o contexto analisado esteja em constante transformação, a pesquisa buscou realizar uma leitura crítica da atual produção da habitação participativa no Brasil, colaborando com a discussão sobre direito à habitação, participação e qualidade do ambiente construído. / Housing is a complex subject and its provision presents several paradigms. On contemporary free-market societies, housing tends to become an objects of financial speculation. Thus, participatory practices in housing production play an important role in civil society transformation, contributing to social justice and democracy. With a strong ideological and political foundation, such practices trigger user autonomy and control of management processes. Therefore, they stimulate a more effective use of resources, reducing costs and creating better architectural solutions. Quality of housing resulted from such processes is understood to be superior to those produced in conventional processes. However, although an old discussion, few empirical studies analyze cases that justify such hypothesis. Based on a literature review of theories of civil society and user participation practices, the research focused on current brazilian housing production, analyzing the Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) program and its participatory modality: Entidades (MCMV-E). Process analysis and product physical--spatial aspects analysis aimed to understand the relationship between the participation of such actors and the quality of the built environment. Using qualitative and reflexive approaches through Case Study methodology, a comparative analysis of six units of analysis was carried out, with three cases belonging to Faixa 1 - Entidades (FDS) and three to Faixa 1 - Regular (FAR).The qualitative data survey was based on evidence such as documents, archives, interviews and direct observation. Results shows contradictions in this program modality, in accordance with policies of concessions practiced in the governments. Conflicts of program structure with self-management, bureaucracy, lack of integration of social policies and land competition end up undermining fundamental emancipatory objectives of the modality, questioning the legitimacy and effectiveness of the participatory approach in the program. Nonetheless, there is a notable distinction between modalities, bringing positive repercussions both from quality of the built environment to practices of private development resistance in Brazilian cities. Although analyzed context is in constant transformation, the researchs ought to carry out a critical reading of the current participatory housing production in Brazil, contributing with the discussion about right to housing, participation and quality of the built environment.

Correlations Between Childhood Obesity and Obesogenic Environmental Variables Within Durham County, North Carolina

Daye, Eureka Capri 01 January 2015 (has links)
The application of geographic information systems was used to map obesogenic conditions by zip code tabulation areas in Durham County, North Carolina and evaluated associations between those conditions and the understudied area of early childhood obesity. Of the thirty one percent of the children in Durham County, North Carolina who were considered obese in 2010, four hundred and thirty three (1:5) 2 - 4 year old children who received supplemental nutrition services for women, infants and children were obese with BMI levels greater or equal to the 95th percentile and were used as the criterion variable in the study (N=433). The study's research questions examined conditions of the neighborhood that impeded the weight status of young children. The theoretical framework included the environmental stress, socioeconomic, multiple exposures-multiple effects, and attachment theories. The twenty - six variables used in this secondary quantitative study included demographics on socioeconomic and education levels, home occupancy and vacancy rates, age of homes, and neighborhood accessibility features: access to parks; recreation facilities; grocery stores verses convenience stores; fast food restaurants; medical facilities; schools; day cares; and neighborhood incivilities such as numbers of reported crimes. The t - test were configured as Grouping Variables with the cut-point of 18.7% and with an Alpha of .05 and produced statistical significance on five of twenty - six variables. A mean rate of 19.3% yielded statistical significance on ten of twenty - six variables. The Levene's Test for Equality of Variances expressed assumptions on scores met for statistical significance on t-test at the Alpha = 0.05 level for twenty - four of the twenty - six variables. The results of this study would possibly increase the use of the innovative geographic information systems to inform policy decisions, environmental interventions and environmental design on obesogenic correlates between the understudied area of early childhood obesity and the built environment.

Cultivating The Nation: Ataturk

Kacar, Ayse Duygu 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Atat&uuml / rk Forest Farm is a unique spatial practice representing the main philosophy of the Turkish Republic to create a new society by holding together modern agricultural and industrial production techniques, combining them with leisure activities and developing an urban farm. Eventually it is neither simply a land problem nor a heritage issue. Its being is evaluated as a conscious contribution for the cultural transformation of the Turkish nation. Therefore, its genesis is discussed in relation to the main definitions of culture in history: 1) cultivating nature with the idea of increasing the efficiency in products and lands / 2) cultivation of minds in relation to the education of human beings / 3) the process of social development / 4) meanings, values, ways of life / 5) practices which produce meanings and finally 6) the meshing of anthropological views linking the two definitions of &lsquo / a way of life&rsquo / and &lsquo / the production of meaning&rsquo / as a network of representations. The research has proved that there are very few experiments that might have some resemblance with Atat&uuml / rk Forest Farm, however, its stance as a culture transformation agent is unique.

Commuting in Halifax, Nova Scotia: Exploring Midlife Women's Perceptions and Experiences of Active Transportation

Johnston, Kate E. 20 July 2010 (has links)
Nova Scotia is one of the least active provinces in Canada and is experiencing rising levels of obesity and related diseases. Women in Canada have low rates of participation in physical activity, despite the many benefits. The purpose of this research was to develop an understanding of how the built, natural and social environments act as enablers and barriers to the use of active transportation for midlife women. A qualitative, grounded theory approach was used in conjunction with a feminist perspective to explore the research topic. Findings suggest that the characteristics of the route and region, the presence or lack of support, and the perceived value and benefits of active transportation affect the type of transportation mode that is selected for commuting. Findings also reveal the ways that women respond to and overcome barriers. Implications for health promotion and future research are discussed.

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