101 |
Project management : a study on why projects fail and are virtually always running lateSwanepoel, Johann Franz Wagener 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to demonstrate why projects are late and/or
ultimately fail, regardless of the fact that project management and project
management techniques are being used.
A study of literature regarding project failure was done. This was used to
illustrate that human, organisational, technical and project type all play a
significant role in project successor failure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is uitgevoer om aan te dui hoekom projekte soms laat is en/of
uiteindelik faal, nieteenstaande die feit dat projekbestuur en
projekbestuurtegnieke toegepas word.
'n Literatuurstudie aangaande onsuksesvolIe projekte is uitgevoer. Hierdie
studie is gebruik om aan te toon dat menslike, organisatoriese, tegniese en
projek tipe almal bydra tot projek sukses al dan nie.
102 |
Project management : hit or miss in the Agricultural Research Council Infruitec-NietvoorbijVan Wyk, Liret 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A study was conducted within the Argicultural Research Council Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, by
means of a questionnaire, regarding the application of project management. The study
was done to investigate and bring forth opinions and reasons why project management
is deemed to be unsuccessful within the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij.
A comprehensive study of literature regarding the successful application of project
management within an organisation, was done. This was used to develop a
questionnaire applicable to the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, to test the above mentioned
With the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative outcomes of the questionnaire,
opinions and perceptions of the respondents were identified, which should be of interest
to the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. These opinions and perceptions undoubtedly influence
the dynamics of the working environment and will in future influence the successful
application of project management within the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. Therefore some
areas of concern were identified which need attention before the ARC Infruitec-
Nietvoorbij can be truly successful in the implementation of project management.
With the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative outcomes of the questionnaire, the
results also indicated that "conventional" project management, as applied to the
engineering, architectural and construction fields, can not without further ado, merely be
applied in a research environment and specifically the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. The
ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij needs to give specific attention to the development of an own
methodology to apply project management in the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. This
methodology needs to be relayed by means of a specific strategy and policy inherent to
the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Studie is gedoen by die Landbou Navorsingsraad Infruitec-Nietvoorbij aangaande die
aanwending van projekbestuur, deur middel van 'n vraelys. Die studie is gedoen om
opinies en redes uit te bring waarom projekbestuur onsuksesvol is by die LNR Infruitec-
'n Omvattende literatuurstudie aangaande die suksesvolle aanwending van
projekbestuur in 'n organisasie is gedoen. Die bevindinge uit die literatuurstudie is
aangewend om 'n vraelys te ontwikkel wat van toepassing is op die Landbou
Navorsingsraad Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, om sodoende die bogenoemde persepsies te
Met die analise van die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe gedeeltes van die vraelys, is
opinies en persepsies van die deelnemers geïdentifiseer wat betekenisvol vir die LNR
Infruitec-Nietvoorbij behoort te wees. Die opinies en persepsies beïnvloed beslis die
funksionaliteit van die werkomgewing en sal ook in die toekoms die suksesvolle
aanwending van projekbestuur in die LNR Infruitec-Nietvoorbij beïnvloed. Daar is 'n
aantal areas geïdentifiseer, waaraan aandag geskenk sal moet word, voordat die LNR
Infruitec-Nietvoorbij werklik suksesvol met projekbestuur sal wees.
Met die analise van die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe gedeeltes van die vraelys het die
resultate ook aangedui dat "konvensionele" projekbestuur soos toegepas in die
ingenieurs-, argitektoniese-, en konstruksievelde, nie summier by die LNR Infruitec-
Nietvoorbij en spesifiek in 'n navorsingsomgewing toegepas kan word nie. Die LNR
Infruitec-Nietvoorbij moet spesifiek aandag skenk aan die ontwikkeling van 'n eie
metodologie. Dié metodologie moet deur middel van 'n spesifieke strategie en beleid in
the LNR Infruitec-Nietvoorbij gepromulgeer word.
103 |
The development of a framework for the practical application of change leadership principles in a project contextKromhout, C. J. H. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Powerful macro-economic forces (of which technology is the main driver) are
propelling organisational change. As the rate of technological change
accelerates, new threats and opportunities arise more frequently, spurring the
need for more rapid organisational change. According to various studies the
success rate of major change initiatives is deemed to be very low.
The need for accelerated change and the low success rate of the change
initiative attempts to date indicate a dire need for practical change leadership
competencies. This study project makes a contribution towards that need by
providing a practical framework, making it easier for change leaders, sponsors
and change agents to apply change leadership in the context of a project.
A meta-analytical study of change leadership principles, as described by
some of the leading authors on the subject, provides various insights into the
high failure rate of change initiatives. The synthesis of their recommendations
culminates in the description of ten critical success factors for organisational
Each critical success factor is expanded into tasks with detail that will aid the
execution thereof. Linked to the states of change, the critical success factors
and accompanying task detail form a practical framework for change
leadership. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Makro-ekonomiese kragte (waarvan tegnologie die grootste invloed het) dryf
die versnellende tempo waarteen organisatoriese verandering tans moet
plaasvind. Die tempo waarteen tegnologie verander skep toenemend nuwe
geleenthede en bedreigings vir organisasies, wat die behoefte na vinnige
reaksie en snelle verandering verhoog. Verskeie studies bewys dat die
meeste veranderingsinisiatiewe egter onsuksesvol is.
Die groeiende behoefte aan 'n vermoe om vinnig te kan verander en die lae
vlak van sukses dui daarop dat 'n groot behoefte in organisasies bestaan vir
praktiese veranderingsbestuur vaardighede. Hierdie werkstuk lewer 'n bydrae
tot die bevrediging van die behoefte deur 'n praktiese raamwerk daar te stel
wat leiers en agente van verandering sal help om die beginsels van
veranderingsbestuur toe te pas in die konteks van 'n projek.
'n Meta-analitiese studie van veranderingsbestuur verskaf insigte deur
verskeie outeurs oor die redes waarom die meerderheid van
veranderingsinisiatiewe faal. Die sintese van hul aanbevelings lei tot die
beskrywing van tien kritiese suksesfaktore vir organisatoriese verandering.
Elke kritiese suksesfaktor word uitgebrei in gedetaileerde take wat die
uitvoering daarvan ondersteun. Die take en kritiese suksesfaktore, gekoppel
aan die onderskeie stadiums van verandering vorm 'n praktiese raamwerk vir
104 |
The relevant unique factors and issues affecting family businesses in generalTheron, Gerhard 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Family businesses are increasing in the western societies. They will
continue to play an important role in most economies. There is a growing
interest among young people to get involved in family businesses. It is
therefore important that issues and factors influencing the behaviour of
family businesses be highlighted and understood by those interested in
family businesses. This study investigates the dynamics in family
businesses and concludes on the issues of remuneration, conflict and
The family business is a composition of two complex systems, family and
business, with at its lead an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are the "green
barets" of our economy, they are the people with guts, who survive on a
mixture of unwarranted confidence and blind hope.
This study focused on the issues of remuneration, conflict and succession
as described in literature. Founders/managers should be sensitive to these
issues and the management thereof. The emotions involved in family
businesses make them unique compared to other businesses. Businesses
that fail to address these issues will experience more problems than
businesses which proactively deal with the issues.
The results of this research indicate that family business globally experience
similar dynamics. It is suggested that founders/managers make an effort to
uncover the issues threatening the health of their business and address
them. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Familie ondememings is aan die toeneem in die westerse gemeenskappe.
Dit het in die verlede en sal soveel te meer in die toekoms 'n belangrike rol
vertolk in meeste ekonomië. Daar is 'n toenemende belangstelling onder
jong entrepreneurs in familie besighede. Dit is dus belangrik dat die
realiteite en faktore wat in familie besighede teenwoordig is, onder
entrepreneurs se aandag gebring word sodat hulle nie oningelig is nie.
Hierdie studie het juis ten doel om die sake rakende konflik, vergoeding en
opvolging na te vors.
Familie besighede is die samevoeging van twee komplekse sisteme naamlik
familie en besigheid, met 'n entrepeneur aan die stuur van hierdie
kombinasie. Entrepreneurs word beskou as die baanbrekers van die
ekonomie, hulle beskik oor deursettingsvermoë, geloof en hoop.
Hierdie tesis beskou vergoeding, konflik en opvolging vanuit 'n literatuur
oogpunt. Dit is van kardinale belang dat stigters/bestuurders van familie
besighede sensitief is vir hierdie aspekte en dit bestuur. Die uniekheid van
familie besighede stem van die emosies daarbinne af. Besighede wat
versuim om aandag aan hierdie dinamika binne familie besighede te gee,
kan meer algemene probleme verwag as die besighede wat wel proaktief
Hierdie studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat familie besighede oor die
wêreld heen soortgelyke probleme ervaar. Daar word voorgestel dat
eienaars/stigters/bestuurders daadwerklik aandag gee aan die faktore en
realiteite wat die gesondheid van familie besighede bedreig.
105 |
A business and revenue model for the B to B E-marketplace environmentKane, Ian J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations have progressed from managing their information system isolated from each
department to a fully integrated enterprise resource planning system. This has resulted in
transparency of information throughout the organisation. Organisations initially
communicated directly with each other via facsimile and electronic data interchange on a oneto-
one basis, whereas the business-to-business e-marketplace facilitates a many-to-many
relationship and assists in improving efficiencies in the supply chain. In order for these emarketplaces
to succeed, it is vital that they focus on achieving the critical success factors
such as liquidity, fulfilment and implementation of basic business principles to name a few.
The backing of the industry’s “Bricks and Mortar” organisations is important since this gives
the buyer or supplier the capability to attract the other members of the e-marketplace. Further
to this, these organisations contribute knowledge of the industry and an understanding of the
customer’s requirements.
The e-marketplace should be seen as a community, where not only the procurement process is
facilitated, but where also other value adding services such as logistics and finance are
offered. In order to ensure the sustainability of the e-marketplace, it is important to define its
life cycle. It is envisaged that the life cycle will consist of four phases, namely procurement,
value added services, knowledge and customer relations management. The business model
should be focused on ensuring that the maximum revenue is achieved during each of these
One of biggest benefits of the e-marketplace and also an essential component for its survival,
is that all information relating to the procurement process and value added services should be
rooted through and stored in the data warehouse. This data warehouse will thus become rich
in information that could be sold as knowledge in the long term and create a significant
revenue stream in the later life cycle phases of the e-marketplace.
A case study of Quadrem illustrates that the e-marketplace is in the early stage of the life
cycle and that extensive further development is required before the true value of the businessto-
business e-marketplace can be attained. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ondernemings het vordering gemaak vanaf die bestuur van inligtingstelsels, geïsoleerd van
mekaar in departemente, na ‘n ten volle geïntegreerde besigheidsbronbeplanningstelsel. Dit
het gelei tot deursigtigheid van inligting dwarsdeur die hele onderneming. Ondernemings het
aanvanklik direk met mekaar gekommunikeer op ‘n een-tot-een basis met behulp van fakse en
EDI, terwyl die besigheid-tot-besigheid e-markomgewing ‘n baie-tot-baie verwantskap
fasiliteer en bydra tot die verbetering van effektiwiteit in die toevoerketting. Dit is
noodsaaklik dat die e-markomgewing daarop fokus om die kritiese suksesfaktore soos
likiditeit, uitvoering en implementering van basiese besigheidsbeginsels, om slegs ‘n paar te
noem, te bereik, ten einde suksesvol te wees. Die ondersteuning van die industrie se
tradisionele “Bricks and Mortar” ondernemings is belangrik, aangesien dit die koper of
verskaffer die vermoë gee om ander lede van die e-markomgewing aan te trek. Buitendien
maak dié ondernemings ‘n bydrae tot die kennis van die industrie en insig in die klante se
Die e-markomgewing moet as ‘n gemeenskap gesien word, waar nie alleen die
verskaffingsproses gefasiliteer word nie, maar waar ook ander waarde toevoegingsdienste
soos logistiek en finansier aangebied word. Ten einde die volhoudbaarheid van die emarkomgewing
te verseker, is dit belangrik om die lewensiklus te definieer. Dit word
voorsien dat die lewensiklus uit vier fases sal bestaan, naamlik verskaffing, waarde
toevoegingsdienste, kennis en kliënteverhoudingsbestuur. Die besigheidsmodel moet daarop
fokus om te verseker dat die maksimum inkomste gedurende elke fase gegenereer word.
Een van die grootste voordele van die e-markomgewing, en ook ‘n noodsaaklike komponent
vir oorlewing, is dat al die inligting verwant aan die verskaffingsproses en waarde
toevoegingsdienste deur die datastoor gekanaliseer moet word en daar gestoor word. Hierdie
datastoor sal dus ryk aan inligting word wat op die langtermyn as kennis verkoop kan word en
sodoende ‘n wesenlike inkomstestroom genereer in die latere fases van die lewensiklus van
die e-markomgewing.
‘n Gevallestudie van Quadrem illustreer dat die e-markomgewing in die vroeë stadium van
die lewensiklus is en dat omvattende verdere ontwikkeling vereis word voordat die ware
waarde van die besigheid-tot-besigheid e-markomgewing bereik kan word.
106 |
A model for determining management training needs of an organisation via distance education technologies : with Medi-Clinic as a case studyVan Rooyen, Marleen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the development of a research model for the University of Stellenbosch
(US), which will facilitate the marketing and implementation of DE programmes for
organisations. More leading-edge organisations are utilising distance education (DE) modes
to capitalise on advantages such as rapid assimilation of learning material and the reduction in
costs in the long term.
An organisation in the health sector was chosen for the application of the model. The health
sector faces numerous challenges, prospects and opportunities. The research model's
framework is therefore utilised to establish the training needs of the Medi-Clinic hospital
group's managers.
The results of the research conducted in this study indicate that Medi-Clinic's work
environment seems to be favourable for management training programmes to be implemented
via DE technologies. Their managers in general favour training to be delivered via more
dependent modes. Managers identified mainly direct contact and interaction with the lecturer
by means of traditional training and face-to-face contact (TV) as their first choice. Interactive
video, computer with instructor involvement, and DE via videotapes were predominantly the
managers' second choice. The managers' third choice was primarily computer without
instructor involvement, CD-ROM and correspondence.
From this study it is also clear that Medi-Clinic's different managerial groups prefer different
training modes. Independent DE modes are in general more popular among their higher
levels of management.
This study can serve as the basic model, which can, with further refinement, be used by the
University of Stellenboseh's Distance Education Division as a support tool for the
development, marketing and implementation of programmes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op die ontwikkeling van 'n navorsingsmodel vir die Universiteit van
Stellenbosch (US). Die oogmerk van die model is om die bemarking en implementering van
afstandsonderrigprogramme vir organisasies te fasiliteer. Organisasies maak toenemend
gebruik van afstandsonderrigmetodes om voordele soos vinnige assimilasie van
opleidingsmateriaal en die vermindering van koste op lang termyn daaruit te put.
'n Organisasie uit die gesondheidsektor is gekies vir die toepassing van die model. Die
gesondheidsektor staar vele uitdagings, vooruitsigte en geleenthede in die gesig. Die
navorsingsmodel se raamwerk is daarom gebruik om die opleidingsbehoeftes van die Medi-
Clinic hospitaalgroep se bestuurders te bepaal.
Uit die resultate van hierdie navorsing blyk dit dat Medi-Clinic se werksomgewing gunstig is
vir die implementering van bestuursopleidingsprogramme deur middel van
afstandsonderrigmetodes. Bestuurders het hoofsaaklik direkte kontak en interaksie met die
dosent deur middel van tradisionele opleiding en persoon-tot-persoon- (TV) kontak as hul
eerste keuse geïdentifiseer. Interaktiewe video, rekenaar met instrukteurbetrokkenheid en
afstandsonderrig deur middel van videokassette was oorwegend bestuurders se tweede keuse.
As derde keuse is rekenaar sonder instrukteurbetrokkenheid, CD-ROM en korrespondensie
oor die algemeen gekies.
Uit hierdie studie is dit ook duidelik dat Medi-Clinic se verskillende bestuursgroepe,
verskillende opleidingsmetodes verkies. Onafhanklike afstandsonderrigmetodes is oor die
algemeen meer gewild onder hoër vlakke van bestuur.
Hierdie studie kan as 'n basiese model dien, wat met verdere verfyning gebruik kan word as 'n
ondersteuningsinstrument om afstandsonderrigprogramme vir die Universiteit van
Stellenbosch te ontwikkel.
107 |
A study of the project scope management process in Nedbank retailGoosen, D. G. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study project is to investigate the scope management
process within Nedbank's retail division.
The scope definition provides a starting point for all future planning and tasks in a
project. It defines all the work required, and only the work required, to
successfully complete the set objectives of the project. Although this aspect of
project management is crucial, many organisations fail to complete projects on
time and within budget, due to bad management of the project's scope.
A literature study was undertaken to determine a scope process, reasons why
scope management fails, and those aspects that are of importance when defining
the scope. These aspects were identified as follows:
• Scope definition.
• Setting of objectives.
• Client relationship.
• Stakeholder relationship.
• Scope change management.
• Risk.
• Norms and standards.
• Project requirements.
Information from the literature study was used to develop a questionnaire to
analyse the opinions of project members. These results were used to identify the
gap between the perceptions of the project members and the ideal situation. The
quantitative analysis identified the following as areas of concern:
• Not all tasks needed to complete the project are identified.
• Changes in the objective of the project, after the project scope was defined.
• There is no process to deal with scope change.
• There is a lack of using norms and standards when managing and planning
the scope of the project.
The study is concluded with recommendations to ensure that all future project
plans comply with the identified process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om die projek omvangs proses binne Nedbank
se kleinhandels divisie te ondersoek.
Die definisie van die projek omvang is die begin punt van alle toekomstige
beplanning en take van 'n projek. Projek omvang word gedefinieer as al die werk
benodig, en slegs die werk benodig, om 'n projek suksesvol te voltooi. Alhoewel
hierdie aspek van projekbestuur as van kardinale belang beskou word, is daar
vele organisasies wat steeds projekte laat voltooi en begrotings oorskry, weens
die swak bestuur van projek omvang.
'n Omvattende literatuurstudie is voltooi om 'n omvang formulerings proses te
identifiseer, redes hoekom organisasies faal met die proses, en aspekte te
bepaal wat van belang is om te verseker dat organisasies suksesvol is met die
definiëring van die projek omvang. Hierdie aspekte is soos volg:
• Projekdefinisie.
• Projekdoelwit.
• Kliëntverhoudings.
• Verhoudings met belangegroepe.
• Die bestuur van veranderings in die projek omvang en definisie.
• Projekrisiko.
• Norme en standaarde.
• Projekvereistes.
'n Vraelys, gegrond op die literatuurstudie, is opgestel om die persepsies van
projeklede te meet teenoor die ideale situasie. Die kwantitatiewe analise het die
volgende aspekte geidentifiseer as areas waaraan aandag gegee moet word:
• 'n Volledige lys van take om die projek te voltooi word nie geidentifiseer nie.
• Te veel verandering in die doelwit van die projek nadat die omvang reeds
bepaal is.
• Geen proses om enige verandering in die projek se omvang te bestuur nie.
• Norme en standaarde word nie gebruik met die beplanning en bestuur van
die projek omvang nie.
Die studie word afgesluit met aanbevelings om te verseker dat toekomstige
projekte aan die geidentifiseerde proses voldoen.
108 |
Developing a knowledge management diagnostic tool : a pilot studyButler, Chantal 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis(MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / The objectives of this research were as follows:
• To develop a knowledge management diagnostic tool that can be used to evaluate the status
of knowledge management initiatives from both a technology and a people perspective,
• To conduct a pilot study using a convenience sample of 35 students from the Afrikaans
Modular Masters of Business Administration course at the University of Stellenbosch in
order to test this diagnostic tool for measurement reliability and validity, and
• To present and discuss the results of the pilot study.
A knowledge management diagnostic tool based on Bukowitz and Williams (2000) Knowledge
Management Diagnostic was developed. The diagnostic tool consisted of seven section scales,
each evaluating a step in Bukowitz and Williams (2000) knowledge management process. Each
section scale contained ten items and responses to items were scored using s seven-point Likert
scale. Correlation calculations, factor analyses and item analyses were conducted for each scale
in order to test for measurement reliability and validity. A comparison of means between
respondent group variables was also conducted using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney
The Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney comparison of means revealed no significant
differences in total scores on the knowledge management diagnostic tool between groups.
However, the fact that a convenience sample rather than a random sample was used, and the
sample size was limited (n=35) indicates that these results may not be conclusive.
Notwithstanding the small, non-random sample used in this pilot study, the results of the
correlation calculations, factor analyses and item analyses indicated that the scales had
satisfactory internal consistency reliability and an examination of the items that loaded against
each factor indicated that the scales displayed face validity. In the light of these results,
recommendations for further research using a larger, random sample were therefore presented.
In addition, items were recommended for deletion in order to improve internal consistency
109 |
Conceptual and empirical investigation into a project management supportive organization cultureMorrison, John Myburgh 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Projects inevitably appear on the agenda of organizations, especially those enterprises that are serious about surviving in a competitive and rapidly changing business environment. They have little say in whether they want to do projects, but they have the choice whether to take a project management approach, or whether to leave projects to their functional departments to carry out as part of their routine work. Growing numbers of organizations opt for project management, because they seek specific benefits such as the ability to accomplish targets under conditions of execution uncertainty and the ability to function across specialist disciplines. Too many organizations find their project management performance disappointing and, despite substantial investments in appropriate systems and training, do not attain the benefits claimed by project management advocates. In response, project management researchers have increasingly speculated about the likely influence of organizational culture in the frustrating experiences organizations have with project management. The reasoning behind this supposition appears sound. Most organizations attempting project management still have cultures shaped by a functionally dominated era of organization. Organizational cultures are only gradually breaking out of management traditions that emphasized principles such as high levels of structure and formalization, defined positions of authority, single channels of reporting, and minimal communication other than directions from management downwards. The philosophy of project management differs. Beneath the scientific and methodological facade of project management, there exists a set of attendant leadership and behavioural patterns that have become equally crucial to its performance, for example: high levels of communication; autonomy for project managers; supportive and participative leadership styles; participants that accept reporting to more than one superior; and the emphasis on collective performance. One can add to this list, but these demonstrate the substantial differences that exist between a project management approach and the traditional approaches to managing work and controlling staff. These differences have provoked project management authors to recognize the influence of organizational culture and to offer suggestions about the nature of a project management supportive organizational culture. This study accepts this notion and postulates that organizations, despite mastering the more obvious methodologies of project management, may have negative cultural circumstances that fail to master the underlying management philosophies that support successful project management behaviour. A consolidated definition of organizational culture, which could discriminate between supportive and unsupportive environments for project management, has however remained elusive in the project management literature. The expected relationship between organizational culture and project management has specifically been linked to project management in a matrix organization. In this environment, since there is an ongoing interaction between vertically managed (functional specialization) and horizontally managed (cross-functional) activity, the interdependency between project management and the organizational culture is likely to be strong. The purpose of this study was to: (a) develop, through a comprehensive literature study, a framework of organizational culture dimensions that could be expected to impact on the effectiveness of project management; and (b) to seek, through empirical examination, confirmation about this relationship between organizational culture and project management. The study developed a multi-dimensional and multiple constituent perspective of project management performance as a measure of project management effectiveness in the empirical research. The research found a statistically significant correlation between the hypothesized framework of organizational culture and project management effectiveness. This finding provides strong evidence to deduct that organizational culture and project management are interrelated and that organizational culture is an underlying variable that cannot be ignored when establishing a project management capability. The research further found statistically significant correlations between each of the twelve individual dimensions of organizational culture and project management effectiveness. The study has therefore also substantially progressed towards a framework that can assess the degree of supportiveness of the organizational culture in respect of project management. This should be a valuable tool for organizations struggling with unexplained problems in project management, or for organizations wanting to set up a project management capability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Projekte verskyn onvermydelik op die aksielys van organisasies, veral by die ondernemings wat hul voortbestaan in ‘n mededingende en snel veranderende sake-omgewing ernstig benader. Organisasies se keuse lê nie daarin of hulle projekte wil doen nie, maar tussen die toepassing van die beginsels van projekbestuur, of die toevertrou van projekte aan funksionele departmente om dit binne die bestek van hul bedryfsfunksies uit te voer. Baie organisasies kies projekbestuur omdat hulle spesifieke voordele soos die vermoë om doelwitte onder ‘n hoë mate van taakonsekerheid na te jaag, en om trans-funksionele werk te bestuur, verlang. Te veel organisasies vind hul pogings tot projekbestuur teleurstellend en, ten spyte van ‘n substansiële belegging in stelsels en opleiding, ontwyk die tipiese voordele waarop aanspraak gemaak word, hulle. In antwoord hierop skryf navorsers in projekbestuur toenemend oor die moontlikheid dat sekere tipes organisasie-kultuur verband hou met die frustrasies wat organisasies met projekbestuur ondervind. Die onderliggende redenasies agter so ‘n afleiding blyk gesond te wees. Meeste organisasies wat tans projekbestuur aanpak, handhaaf steeds kulture wat in ‘n funksioneel georiënteerde tydperk van organisasie gevorm is. Organisasie-kulture wikkel hulle tans geleidelik los uit bestuurstradisies wat op beginsels van gestruktureerdheid, geformaliseerdheid, rigiede definisies van rolle en gesag, eenduidige kanale van rapportering, en minimale kommunikasie anders as opdraggewing van bestuur na laer vlakke, klem gelê het. Projekbestuur verskil hiervan. Benede die wetenskaplike en metodologiese fasade van projekbestuur bestaan daar ‘n stel van gepaardgaande leierskaps- en gedragspatrone wat ewe noodsaaklik vir die suksesvolle prestasie van projekbestuur geword het, byvoorbeeld: hoë vlakke van kommunikasie; outonomie vir projekbestuurders; ondersteunende en deelnemende leierskapstyle; spanlede wat meervoudige gesagslyne kan aanvaar; en die belangrikheid van spanprestasie. Die lys kan nog uitgebrei word, maar hierdie illustreer die betekenisvolle verskille wat tussen ‘n projekbestuursaanslag, en tradisionele benaderings tot die bestuur van werk en die beheer van personeel, bestaan. Hierdie verskille dwing outeurs in projekbestuur reeds geruime tyd om begrip vir die invloed van organisasie-kultuur te toon, en ook om bepaalde voorstelle oor die aard van ‘n ondersteunende kultuur vir projekbestuur aan die hand te doen. Die studie gebruik hierdie denke as vertrekpunt en postuleer dat organisasies, ten spyte daarvan dat hulle die ooglopende beginsels van projekbestuur bemeester, negatiewe omstandighede in hul organisasie-kultuur mag koester wat nie met die onderliggende bestuursfilosofieë van suksesvolle projekbestuursgedrag kan vereenselwig nie. Die verwagte verwantskap tussen organisasie-kultuur en projekbestuur word in besonder verbind met organisasies wat op ‘n matriksbasis funksioneer. In so ‘n omgewing is daar, as gevolg van die voortdurende interaksie tussen die vertikaalgerigte (funksioneel gespesialiseerde) en horisontaalgerigte (trans-funksionele) bestuur van werk, ‘n sterk verwagte interafhanklikheid tussen projekbestuur en organisasie-kultuur. Die doel van die studie was om: (a) by wyse van ‘n omvattende literatuurstudie ‘n raamwerk van die dimensies van organisasie-kultuur wat ‘n waarskynlike impak op projekbestuur behoort te hê, te ontwikkel; en om (b) deur empiriese ondersoek, bevestiging vir die verwagte verwantskap tussen organisasie-kultuur en projekbestuur te vind. Die studie het ‘n multi-dimensionele perspektief, wat ook die evaluering van verskillende belanghebbendes insluit, as maatstaf vir die effektiwiteit van projekbestuur in die empiriese ondersoek, ontwikkel. Die navorsing het ‘n statisties beduidende korrelasie tussen die gepostuleerde raamwerk van organisasie-kultuur en projekbestuurs-effektiwiteit bevind. Hierdie bevinding lewer sterk ondersteuning vir die afleiding dat organisasie-kultuur en projekbestuur interverwant is en dat organisasie-kultuur as ‘n onderliggende veranderlike in berekening gebring moet word by die vestiging van ‘n projekbestuursvermoë in ‘n organisasie. Die navorsing het verder bevind dat elkeen van die twaalf dimensies van die kultuurkonstruk individueel statisties beduidend met projekbestuurseffektiwiteit korreleer. Hiermee het die studie dan ook substansieel gevorder na die skep van ‘n raamwerk wat die graad van ondersteuning van ‘n organisasie se kultuur ten opsigte van projekbestuur kan assesseer. Hierdie behoort ‘n belangrike stuk gereedskap te wees vir organisasies wat met probleme in projekbestuur worstel asook vir organisasies wat projekbestuur as ‘n organisasie-vermoë wil vestig.
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Offshore investments from a South African resident's perspectiveGrant, David Ronald 03 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The offshore investment industry has shown tremendous growth (R92,7 billion
invested in offshore unit trusts and mutual funds) since the Minister of Finance
took the bold step (1 July 1997) availing South African (SA) residents the
opportunity to invest offshore. Currently, SA residents, subject to certain criteria,
are allowed to invest R750 000 offshore. The primary objective of this assignment
is to provide a general overview of offshore investments from a SA resident's
perspective. Foreign investment policies as they relate to local residents are
reviewed. Investment maxims, truisms and theory are introduced to provide a
theoretical framework to accommodate future chapters. The question regarding
why South Africans should invest offshore is answered by firstly identifying specific
risks that are unique to this country, its people and businesses and, secondly, by
looking at market risk. Conclusive empirical evidence states that offshore
diversification reduces portfolio risks and enhances returns. Offshore investments,
their related costs/fees, investment strategies as well as regulations that offshore
investors must adhere to, are also discussed. The most important obstacles to
investing offshore, namely the home bias phenomenon and currency or exchange
rate risk, are placed in perspective. Important tax implications for investing
offshore are also briefly mentioned. In the final chapter conclusions and
recommendations are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die buitelandse beleggingsindustrie het merkwaardig gegroei (R92,7 biljoen is
tans in buitelandse effektetrusts en onderlinge fondse belê) sedert die Minister van
Finansies die dapper stap geneem het (1 Julie 1997) om Suid-Afrikaanse (SA)
burgers die geleentheid te bied om in die buiteland te kan belê. Huidiglik kan SA
burgers, onderworpe aan sekere kriteria, tot R750 000 in die buiteland belê. Die
primêre doelwit van hierdie werkstuk is om 'n oorsig vanuit die SA burger se
perspektief voor te lê. Buitelandse beleggingsbeleide, asook hoe hulle SA burgers
beïnvloed is in oënskou geneem. Beleggingsgrondstellings, -waarhede en -
teorieë, is bespreek om 'n teoretiese agtergrond te verskaf vir latere hoofstukke.
Die vraag waarom Suid-Afrikaners in die buiteland moet belê, word beantwoord
deur eerstens, spesifieke risiko's wat uniek is aan ons land, sy mense en
besighede, te identifiseer, en tweedens, om na markrisiko's te kyk. Konklusiewe
empiriese navorsing bewys dat buitelandse beleggings die risiko's van portefeuljes
verlaag en opbrengste verhoog. Buitelandse beleggings, hul verwante koste/fooie,
beleggingstrategieë, asook regulasies waaraan buitelandse beleggings moet
voldoen, is bespreek. Die belangrikste struikelblokke vir belegging in die buiteland,
bekend as die sogenaamde "home bias"-verskynsel en val uta- of
wisselkoersrisiko's, is in perspektief gestel. Belangrike belastingsimplikasies vir
buitelandse beleggings word ook kortliks genoem. In die finale hoofstuk word
gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings gemaak.
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