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The influence of emotional intelligence theory on contemporary leadership theoriesLombaard, Winnie 12 1900 (has links)
Mini study project (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The modern business environment is volatile, fast moving and complex, bringing new
challenges for leadership. Many new theories on leadership were therefore
developed, including emotional intelligence theory. The study focused on the
question whether emotional intelligence theory has influenced the other
contemporary leadership theories or not.
Emotional intelligence theory propagates that there is a wide spectrum of
intelligences that include emotional intelligence, which is defined as the person's
capacity to recognise his own feelings and those of others, for motivating himself and
for managing emotions in himself and in his relationships. Emotional intelligence falls
within four domains, namely self-awareness, self-management, social awareness
and relationship management. Each of these domains can be broken down into
specific emotional intelligence competencies needed for superior performance.
Most traditional leadership research can be classified into one of four approaches,
namely the trait approach, behavioural approach, power-influence approach and
situational/contingency approach. Some traditional theories fall outside of this
classification, while others cut across two or more approaches. Contemporary
leadership theories tend to have a more human approach and a stronger focus on
soft skills.
A comparison was done to establish whether there were any notions similar to the
emotional intelligence competences in the traditional or contemporary leadership
theories and whether these notions have become more important in contemporary
theories than they were in traditional theories.
It was found that the competencies of self-assessment, service orientation and
change catalyst are new concepts that were not found in traditional leadership
theories, while competencies such as emotional self-awareness, self-control,
trustworthiness, adaptability, initiative, empathy, visionary leadership, communication, building bonds and teamwork have gained popularity to some extend
in modern leadership theories. The other competencies either carried the same
weight in traditional theories than in contemporary ones or no specific conclusion
could be reached.
Although there are definite differences between the importance of certain
competences in traditional and contemporary leadership theory, it is not possible to
conclude that these changes are due to the influence of emotional intelligence. It
should rather be hypothesised that these modern theories developed side-by-side
due to the changes in the modern business environment, which provided new
challenges to organisations and leaders, necessitating the development of new
theories. The theories might even have cross-pollinated each other, but it is not
possible to stipulate a direct influence of one on the other. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die moderne besigheidsomgewing is wispelturig, vinnig-bewegend en kompleks met
talle nuwe uitdagings vir leiers. Baie nuwe leierskapsteorieë is dus ontwikkel, onder
andere die teorie van emosionele intelligensie. Hierdie studie het gefokus op die
vraag of emosionele intelligensie teorie die ander kontemporêre leierskapsteorieë
beïnvloed het, al dan nie.
Emosionele intelligensie teorie propageer 'n wye spektrum intelligensies wat
emosionele intelligensie insluit. Emosionele intelligensie word gedefinieer as die
persoon se kapasiteit om sy eie en ander mense se gevoelens to herken, om
homself te motiveer en om sy eie emosies en die emosies betrokke in sy
verhoudings te bestuur. Emosionele intelligensie kan verdeel word in vier domeine,
naamlik self-bewustheid, self-bestuur, sosiale bewustheid en verhoudingsbestuur.
Elkeen van hierdie domeine kan verder verdeel word in spesifieke emosionele
intelligensie vaardighede wat nodig is vir voortreflike prestasie.
Meeste tradisionele leierskapsteorieë kan geklassifiseer word onder een van vier
benaderings, naamlik die eienskap benadering, gedrags benadering, mag-invloed
benadering en die situasie I gebeurtenis benadering. Sommige tradisionele teorieë
val buite hierdie klassifikasie, terwyl ander weer oor twee of meer benaderings strek.
'n Vergelyking is gedoen om vas te stelof daar enige neigings soos die emosionele
intelligensie vaardighede in die tradisionele of kontemporêre leierskapsteorieë
voorkom en of the neigings meer belangrik geword het in kontemporêre teorieë as
wat hulle in tradisionele teorieë was.
Dit is bevind dat vaardighede soos self-waardasie, diensorïentasie en
veranderingskatalisator nuwe konsepte is wat nie in die tradisionele leierskapsteorieë
gevind is nie, terwyl vaardighede soos emosionele self-bewustheid, self-beheersing,
betroubaarheid, aanpasbaarheid, inisiatief, empatie, verbeeldingryke leierskap,
kommunikasie, die bou van bande en spanwerk 'n mate van populariteit gewen het in moderne leierskapsteorieë. Die ander vaardighede het óf dieselfde gewig gedra in
tradisionele teorieë as in kontemporêre teorieë, óf daar kon tot geen spesifieke
gevolgtrekking gekom word nie.
Alhoewel daar definitiewe verskille is tussen die belangrikheid van sekere
vaardighede in tradisionele en kontemporêre leierskapsteorieë, is dit nie moontlik om
tot die gevolgtrekking te kom dat die veranderinge as gevolg van die invloed van
emosionele intelligensie teorie is nie. Daar kan eerder gepostuleer word dat hierdie
moderne teorieë sy-aan-sy ontwikkel het as gevolg van die veranderings in the
moderne besigheidsomgewing wat nuwe uitdagings vir organisasies en leiers gestel
het en dus die ontwikkeling van nuwe teorieë genoodsaak het. Die teorieë kon
mekaar selfs gekruiskontamineer het, maar dit is nie moontlik om In direkte invloed
van een op die ander te stipuleer nie.
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Towards a political framework for the successful implementation of project managementOosthuizen, Yolande(Yolande Helene) 12 1900 (has links)
Study project (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organizational politics and the political environment of organizations are topics that
have been extensively researched and debated in the academic literature.
Organizations are not always strategically focused on this area of management and
are not always aware of the consequences of the negative impacts of organizational
politics on the success of their business. Project management also takes place
within this political environment of organizations and is thus subject to its influences.
The aim of this study was to provide project managers with some insight into the nature
of organizational politics and political behavior and to assist them in understanding how
these concepts impact on the project management process. The study takes the form
of a literature review on the topics of organizational politics and project management.
The study can be divided into five main sections:
• Organizational politics is reviewed in terms of the definition of political behavior,
dimensions of political behavior and the political environment of organizations.
Examples of political behavior are given and the functional roles of politics in
organizations are discussed.
• The second section deals with the social perspective of project management in
terms of the inherent nature of teams, operation within a matrix structure and
leadership requirements of the project manager. Project management skills and
success criteria are also studied. The third section views project management in terms of organizational politics
and readdresses the areas of management of the project manager and the
importance of stakeholder analysis. The power base of the project manager is
evaluated and the use of influence discussed. The political activities that occur
around resource control and decision-making is considered with reference to
organizational culture. Guidelines are laid down for project managers regarding
the management of political behavior.
• The fourth section moves towards putting a framework there for project
managers with reference to implications for project management success, the
use of constructive political tactics and the adoption of appropriate political skills.
• The fifth section tests assumptions made regarding possible problems areas for
project managers in the context of organizational politics. Personal interviews
were conducted with eight project managers in a development and management
company and questions were designed around two themes, namely problems
experienced on a more personal level and problems relating to the
organizational environment. The current and ideal situations for each theme
were discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasie politiek en die politiese omgewing van organisasies is onderwerpe wat
uitgebreid nagevors en gedebateer is in die akademiese literatuur. Organisasies is
nie altyd strategies gefokus op hierdie bestuursarea nie en is derhalwe nie altyd
bewus van die negatiewe effek van organisasie politiek op die sukses van hul
besigheid nie. Projekbestuur vind plaas binne hierdie politiese omgewing en is dus
onderworpe aan die invloed daarvan.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om aan projekbestuurders 'n mate van insig te
verskaf met betrekking tot die aard van organisasie politiek en politiese gedrag, en
om 'n beter begrip van die impak van hierdie konsepte op die projekbestuur proses te
kweek. Die navorsing is in die vorm van 'n literatuurstudie rondom organisasie
politiek en projekbestuur.
Die studie word onderverdeel in vyf afdelings:
• Eerstens word 'n oorsig van organisasie politiek verskaf, met spesifieke
verwysing na die definisie van politiese gedrag, die dimensies van politiese
gedrag en die politiese omgewing van organisasies. Voorbeelde van politiese
gedrag word aangebied en die funksionele rol van politiek in organisasies
word bespreek.
• Die tweede afdeling handeloor die sosiale perspektief van projekbestuur in
terme van die inherente aard van projekspanne, die werking van projekbestuur binne 'n matriks struktuur, en die leierskap vereistes van die projekbestuurder.
Projekbestuur vaardighede en sukses maatstawwe word bestudeer.
• Die derde afdeling fokus op projekbestuur binne die konteks van organisasie
politiek: die bestuursareas van die projekbestuurder word weer beskou en die
belangrikheid van insethouer-analise (stakeholders) word aangedui. Verder
word die magsbasis van die projekbestuurder ge-evalueer en die aanwending
van die proses van invloed word bespreek. Die politiese aktiwiteite wat
gepaard gaan met hulpbron-beheer asook besluitneming word ondersoek, met
verwysing na organisasie kultuur. Etlike riglyne met betrekking tot die bestuur
van politiese gedrag word neergelê vir projekbestuurders.
• Die vierde afdeling fokus op die daarstelling van 'n raamwerk vir
projekbestuurders, wat onder andere verwys na implikasies vir projekbestuur
sukses, die gebruik van konstruktiewe politiese tegnieke asook die
aanwending van aanvaarbare politiese vaardighede.
• Die vyfde afdeling behels die toetsing van etlike aannames wat gemaak word
aangaande probleemareas vir projekbestuurders binne die konteks van
organisasie politiek. Persoonlike onderhoude is gevoer met agt
projekbestuurders, werksaam by 'n ontwikkelings- en bestuursmaatskappy.
Die onderhoudsvrae was saamgestel rondom twee temas, naamlik: probleme
wat ondervind word op 'n meer persoonlike vlak; en probleme wat verband jou
met die organisasie omgewing. Die huidige asook die ideale situasie vir elke
tema was ondersoek en weergegee.
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Breaking through the entrepreneurial air pocket to sustain and grow a small franchise businessFourie, Daniel Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Small business development and growth is for no one as important as to the
entrepreneur at the helm of a small business. Small business is also by no means not a big
priority when the South African government is concerned. Not only does the
government talk about small business developments but has in fact within the recent
past contributed and established many enabling initiatives towards small business
Within the scope of this research report it is empowering to know that the single
entrepreneur is not alone in his or her battle to push their individual businesses to
higher altitudes.
This helping hand is even more extended when a small business adapts the form of a
franchise. Within such an environment entrepreneurs can expect business support not
only from their local government but also through much more personal and incisive
interactions from the franchisor. Although this form of conducting a business might
seem like the most logical and safest way to enter into a small business, a few potential
pitfalls are highlighted as well as certain alternatives to the franchise concept.
Within the franchise business concept, Postnet is introduced firstly on a national basis
where after an individual Postnet franchise is exposed to financial growth therapy. This
is mainly achieved by conducting a thorough industry and SWOT analysis.
Finally it is suggested that cost reducing strategies, combined with brand development,
avoiding growth hampering factors, marketing initiatives and the continued strive
towards the recognition and early adoption of industry related opportunities can never
be substituted for any amount of government or franchisor support in order to establish
and maintain sustainable growth within a small business. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die groei en ontwikkeling van 'n klein sake onderneming is vir niemand meer belangrik
as vir die individuele entrepeneur wat aan die stuur van so 'n klein sake onderneming
sit nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering gee ook veral baie aandag aan die ontwikkeling van
klein sake ondernemings. Daar word nie net gepraat van klein sake ontwikkeling in
regeringskringe nie, maar daadwerklike aksie is al geneem met verskeie inisiatiewe wat
reeds die lig gesien het ter ondersteuning van klein sake ontwikkeling in Suid Afrika.
Vanuit die fokus van hierdie verslag is dit bemoedigend om te weet dat die klein sake
entrepreneur nie alleen hoef te veg om sy of haar individuele besigheid tot nuwe
vlakke te dryf nie.
Hierdie helpende hand word nog meer ondersteunend en persoonlik as 'n klein sake
onderneming die vorm van 'n konsessie aanneem. Binne so 'n omgewing kan
entrepreneurs meer as net ondersteuning van plaaslike owerhede verwag, maar
persoonlike en interaktiewe insette vanaf die konsessie houer. Alhoewel hierdie tipe
besigheidsformaat na die mees logieste en veiligste vorm van 'n klein sake
onderneming mag lyk, word daar wel 'n paar potensiele lokvalle uitgelig sowel as
alternatiewe strukture tot die konsessie besigheidsformaat.
Binne die konsessie besigheidsformaat word Postnet bekendgestel, eerstens op 'n
nasionale basis waarna daarvolgens die moontlikhede van finansiele groei ten opsigte
van 'n individuele Postnet konsessie ondersoek word. Dit word hoofsaaklik bereik deur
'n industrie analiese en 'n "SWOT" analiese te doen.
Laastens word bevestig dat koste verminderings analiese gekombineer met
handelsmerk ontwikkeling, die venmelding van teenwerkende groei faktore,
bemarkingsinisiatiewe en die volgehoue strewe na herkenning en vroegtydige
aanneming van relevante industrie geleenthede, nooit vervang kan word vir enige
hoeveelheid regerings of konsessie houer hulp ten einde volgehoue groei in 'n klein
sake onderneming te handhaaf nie.
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The competitiveness of South African apple industry in a global contextBeukes, Stephan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The object of this study was to do a comparative analysis of the competitiveness of the
South African apple industry with the competitive ran kings published by Dr Desmond
O'Rourke as a guideline. Firstly, the intention was to determine if South Africa's ranking is
valid and representative, and secondly, to look at the scope for improvement.
South Africa's best competitive performance is in the area of production. Although South
Africa is performing well there is still scope for improvement by increasing productivity of
orchards and quality of the crop. Input costs, labour and climate change are other big
The biggest area for improvement however lies with the relationship between the South
African apple industry and the South African government. Many of the changes in
legislation and policy since 1994 have had a negative impact on the competitiveness of the
South African apple industry. Government need to play an active role in supporting the
apple industry through infrastructure, market access and financial support for industry
initiatives like promotion and research. This can only be achieved if there is a partnership
between the industry and government. The Department of Agriculture also need to be
capacitated to perform their functions professionally and efficiently.
In terms of market and demand the main concern is the dependence of the South African
apple industry on the markets of Europe and the United Kingdom. These markets also
have a decline in per capita consumption of apples. This, associated with increased
consumer pressure in terms of food safety, environmental and ethical issues and the
power of retailers, creates a need to get market access in new developing markets like
India and China. The promotions of consumption of apples in the local market would also
have a positive effect on profitability.
In a world market where the production volume of South Africa is insignificant, the industry
needs to do everything in its control to increase competitiveness. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om 'n vergelykende studie van die mededingendheid van
die Suid-Afrikaanse appelindustrie te doen met die mededingendheidsranglys van Dr.
Desmond O'Rourke as 'n riglyn. Eerstens was die oogmerk om te bepaal of hierdie
ranglys verteenwoordigend is van die mededingendheid van Suid-Afrika, en tweedens om
die ruimte en area vir verbetering te identifiseer.
Suid-Afrika se beste area van kompeterende prestasie is produksie. Alhoewel Suid-Afrika
goed vaar op hierdie gebied is daar nog steeds ruimte vir verbetering deur produktiwiteit
van boorde en die kwaliteit van die oes te verhoog. Insetkoste, arbeid en
klimaatsverandering is ook areas van bekommernis.
Die grootste area vir verbetering is egter die verhouding tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse
industrie en die regering. Baie van die veranderinge in wetgewing en beleid sedert 1994
het 'n negatiewe impak op die mededingendheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse appelindustrie
gehad. Die regering moet 'n aktiewe rol speel om die appelindustrie te ondersteun t.o.v.
die infrastruktuur, marktoegang, promosie en navorsing. Dit kan slegs bereik word as daar
'n vennootskap tussen die regering en industrie is. Die Departement van Landbou het ook
die kapasiteit nodig om hulle taak professioneel en effektief te kan verrig.
In terme van markte en vraag is die grootste bekommernis die afhanklikheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse
industrie van die markte van Europa en die Verenigde Koninkryk. Hierdie
markte toon 'n afname in per capita verbruik van appels. Dit tesame met die
verbruikersdruk in terme van voedselveilighied, omgewing en etiese kwessies en die mag
van die supermarkte skep die behoefte om marktoegang tot nuwe ontwikkelende markte
soos Indie en China uit te brei. Die promosie van verbruik van appels in die plaaslike mark
sal ook 'n positiewe effek op winsgewendheid he.
In 'n wereldmark waar die produksievolume van Suid-Afrika nie noemenswaardig is nie, is
dit van die uiterste belang dat die industrie alles in hul vermoe doen am mededingendheid
te verhoog.
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Post 1998 cross functional/matrix approach to managementGrey, Clive 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The matrix structure has had varying degrees of success over the last 35 years. During this period the major factors, seen as critical to achieving matrix effectiveness, have been identified as:
• communication;
• strong leader;
• culture;
• rewards;
• skills in teams;
• clear and defined goals;
• senior management support;
• defined responsibility;
• accountability; and
• procedures and standards.
A matrix structure (In the form of Category Management) was introduced into our organisation (USABCO) in 1999 and three years later it was replaced with the previous structure (Hierarchical Structure). In hind light the category management structure, if implemented correctly with the relevant preparation, training, and support,would have improved new product development efficiency.
Eleven recent articles related to matrix effectiveness were selected and analysed, and the results used to establish the following for each of the above and other critical factors:
• proposed actions that can be taken to improve matrix effectiveness; and
• reported benefits of these actions.
This is not an exhaustive list but rather a summary of results from current research, empirical studies and surveys. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die matriks struktuur het oor die laaste 35 jaar verskillende suksesse behaal. Gedurende hierdie periode, was die volgende hoof faktore gesien as krities tot die bereiking van matriks doeltreffendheid:
• kommunikasie;
• sterk leiers;
• kultuur;
• vergoeding;
• vaardighede in spanne;
• duidelike doelwitte;
• bemagtiging van lede;
• senior bestuur ondersteuning;
• gedefinieerde verantwoordlikheid;
• toerekenbaarheid; en
• prosedures en standaarde.
Die matriks struktuur (in die vorm van kategoriebestuur) was in 1999 in ons
maatskappy bekend gestel en na 3 jaar was dit weer vervang met die vorige struktuur (hierargiese struktuur). Die "kategorie bestuur struktuur" kon nuwe produk ontwikkeling doeltreffendheid verbeter, as dit reg geimplementeer was met die nodige voorbereiding, opleiding en ondersteuning.
Elf onlangse artikels, wat verband hou met matriks doeltreffendheid, was geselekteer en geanaliseer en die resultate gebruik om die volgende vas te stel vir elkeen van die bogenoemde hooffaktore:
• voorgestelde aksies om matriks doeltreffendheid te verbeter; en
• gepubliseerde voordele van die aksies.
Dit is nie 'n volledige lys nie, maar eerder 'n opsomming van huidige navorsing, empiriese studies en ondersoeke.
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Die bepaling van 'n bestuursinligtingstelsel vir die ondersteuning van die effektiewe bestuur van KromcoSmit, Sybrand 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 1992. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the exercise is to acquire a thorough knowledge of Kromco's business requirements, to create a high level datamodel, a data entity model and to determine the priorities of the different systems which will lead to an effective management information system. To acquire the desired information and strategy within a limited period of time, use was made of questionnaires, focus groups, personal interviews, value chain analysis, critical success achievements and information in use. The desired information requirements and information systems have been evaluated against the information and systems presently available. The present management information system does not fulfil the needs of a successful management information system and therefore it has been suggested that a computer be obtained. The same information is used by different departments. To prevent duplicating transactions, use must be made of a databasis. The designing of the database does not form part of this worksheet and further investigation is necessary. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwit van die werkstuk is om 'n deeglike begrip van Kromco se besigheidsbehoeftes te verkry deur die daarstelling van 'n hoe vlak datamodel, 'n data entiteitmodel en die prioriteitsbepaling van die verskillende stelsels wat sodoende tot 'n effektiewe bestuursinligtingstelsel sal lei. Om die verlangde inligting en strategie binne die kort tydsbestek te kry is daar gebruik gemaak van vraelyste, fokusgroepe, persoonlike onderhoude, waardeketting-ontledings, kritieke suksesbepalings en bestaande inligting in gebruik. Die verlangde inligtingsbehoeftes en -stelsels is geevalueer teenoor die inligting en -stelsels wat tans beskikbaar is. Die bestaande bestuursinligtingstelsel voldoen nie aan die vereistes van 'n suksesvolle bestuursinligtingstelsel nie en die aanbeveling is om n eie rekenaar te kry. Dieselfde inligting word deur verskillende departemente gebruik. Daarom moet daar gebruik gemaak word van n databasis om duplisering van transaksies te vermy. Die databasisontwerp vorm nie deel van hierdie werkstuk nie en verdere navorsing moet daarop gedoen word.
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Executive derailmentVan Zyl, Johan Hendrik Combrink 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate the term executive (managerial) derailment. Special reference was given to various research done in the USA at the Centre for Creative Leadership (CCL). Managerial derailment was analysed and the persons most likely to derail identified. Typical indicators for derailment were investigated. The cause for derailment, with special focus on six classical flaws and their intercorrelation, were studied. Preventative measures to combat the phenomenon of derailment were investigated on both individual and organisational levels. Some preventative recommendations were suggested. The state of derailment internationally was studied to ascertain if any time movement occurred. Derailment is still present today, while some of the reasons causing derailment is fading, others increases in strength. Cultural differences between European and North American managers were studied, and no differences were found. This were compared with a survey conducted by the author on 47 modular South African MBA students to determine the state of derailment amongst the respondents. The survey respondents positively confirmed the presence of managerial derailment. Derailment results recorded amongst the pilot group were similar to that documented in literature. Further in-depth study needs to be done to validate the existence of managerial derailment amongst South African managers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die deel van hierdie studie was om die term bestuursontsporing (managerial derailment) te ondersoek. Spesiale aandag is gegee aan verskeie navorsing gedoen by die Centre for Creative Leadership (CCL) in die VSA. Persone met 'n hoe ontsporingspotensiaal is geidentifiseer tydens die ontleding van die term bestuursontsporing. Tipiese aanwysings vir ontsporing is ondersoek. Ses klassieke oorsake vir ontsporing is nagevors met veral verwysing na interkorrolasies tussen hierdie oorsake. Voorkomende ontsporingsmaatreels met betrekking tot die individu en die organisasie is bestudeer. Veranderinge oor tyd in internasionale bestuursontsporingsnavorsing is ondersoek. Resultate dui, ten spyte van 'n verandering in die redes vir ontsporing, aan dat bestuursontsporing steeds plaasvind. Feitlik geen verskille wat aan kultuur toegeskryf kan word, word in die literatuur vermeld nie. In 'n meningspeiling onder 47 Suid-Afrikaanse modulere MBA studente het die outeur soortgelyke resultate verkry. Bestuursontsporing blyk teenwoordig te wees onder die studiegroep. Die oorsake vir bestuursontsporing van die respondente is bykans dieselfde as wat deur internasionale navorsing aangetoon word. Voordat die gevolgtrekking dat bestuursontsporing teenwoordig is onder Suid-Afrikaanse bestuurders gemaak kan word, word verdere in diepte studie vereis.
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The impact of the taxation of dividends on the dividend policy of South African companiesEllis, Edlynn Cecelia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / This study investigated whether the way in which dividends are taxed in South
Africa, with the introduction of Secondary Tax on Companies (STC) in 1993,
together with the extensive piece of legislation which incorporates dividends, has
a negative impact on the total amount of dividends paid by companies listed on
the Johannesburg Stock Exchange for the period from 1993 to 2006.
The Wilcoxon Signed Ranked test was employed to compare the difference in
total dividends declared, effective from 1993 and repeated for 1995. The results
of the negative differences in proportion to the positive differences measured
were then compared to the size of STC applicable in 1993 and 1995.
The results of the comparison were that STC had no negative effect on the total
dividends paid on the companies used in the sample and the majority of
companies constantly increased dividend payments.
The study did not distinguish between the different origins of dividends as
research advises that the origins of dividends have changed during the increase
and decrease of STC. It does seem that total dividends declared are increasing.
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Innovative internal communication of a new strategic plan : a case study with critical analysisSwanepoel, Werner 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The real-life problem in strategy communication is generally defined as that strategic
plans are not generally well communicated to the workforce and therefore not executed
to their full potential. This leads to subordinate problems such as that the strategic plan
is not bought into by the employees, which leads to a lack of commitment and
involvement. When not well understood, the strategic plan loses its motivational power
because employees do not know what their role is. The strategy thus is not likely to
have the desired effect on the market.
Isolated cases of successful communication and implementation of company strategic
plans do exist, which raises the question of what is required from an internal strategy
communication plan, and what makes it successful. The research report attempts to
answer this question and hence contribute to this knowledge field to benefit future
The literature was reviewed on current approaches to establish criteria for successfully
communicating a strategic plan, and a successful communication strategy used at
Sishen Iron Ore Mine was documented as a case study and critically analysed.
Recommendations for future implementations as well as further research were made.
This report identified five main groups of requirements for a successful implementation
communication strategy. These areas include the need to engage in two-way dialogue,
the need to repeat the message, the need to plan the communication rollout, the
important role of the middle manager and the need to show the bigger picture. The
methodology is more important than the medium (visual, auditory) used. It is further
concluded that, if the skill levels of the workforce differ significantly. it may be necessary
to have two or more different communication strategies.
Simply delegating the responsibility of communication to subordinates creates the risk
of failure. It is recommended that middle managers be trained for this purpose and that
the progress in each department be appropriately monitored. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die praktiese probleem in strategie kommunikasie is dat strategiese planne nie
gekommunikeer word nie en dus nie tot die volle potentiaal uitegvoer word nie. Dit lei tot
ondergeskikte probleme soos dat daar nie inkoop is in die strategiese plan of intensie
nie wat beteken daar is 'n tekort aan toewyding en betrokkendheid. Die strategiese plan
word ook nie goed verstaan nie en verloor sy motiverings krag omdat werknemers nie
weet wat hulle rol is nie. Die hele strategie het nie die verlangde effek op die mark nie.
Geïsoleerde gevalle van suksesvolle kommunikasie en implimentering word gevind, wat
die vraag laat ontstaan; wat word verlang van 'n interne strategiese kommuniksie plan
en wat maak dit dus suksesvol. Die navorsingsverslag probeer die vraag beantwoord en
sodoende bydrae tot die kennis veld om toekomstige implementeerders te bevoordeel.
'n Literatuur studie is voltooi op die huidige benaderings om kriteria vas te stel vir die
suksesvolle kommunikasie van 'n strategiese plan. 'n Suksesvolle kommunikasie
strategie wat gevolg is by Sishen Ystererts Myn is gedokumenteer as 'n gevalle studie
en krities geevalueer. Aanbevelings is gemaak vir sowel toekomstige implementerings
as ook verdere navorsing.
Die verslag het vyf hoof groepe van vereistes geïdentifiseer vir die suksesvolle
implementerings kommunikasie strategie. Hierdie areas bestaan uit die noodsaaklikheid
vir twee rigting gesprek, die vereiste om die boodskap te herhaal, die belangrikheid om
die kommunikasie strategie goed te beplan, die rol van die middel bestuurder en die
noodsaaklikheid om die groter prentjie te wys. Die metodologie is belangriker as die
medium (visueel, auditer) wat gebruik word. Dit word verder aanbeveel dat, indien die
vaardigheidsvlak van die organisasie baie verskil, dit nodig mag wees om twee
verskillende kommunikasie strategieë te ontwikkel.
Om eenvoudig die verantwoordelikheid van kommunikasie na ondergeskiktes te
delegeer skep die risiko van faaling. Dit word voorgestel dat middel bestuurders opgelei word vir die doel en dat die vordering in elke departement dienooreenkomstig gemonitor
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The role of middle management in strategy execution : a case study in a consulting engineering firmNel, Johlene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA) -- Stellenbosch University, 2010. / Strategy execution is a notorious challenge. Research shows that only two thirds of the employees at the best companies agree that strategic and operational decisions are quickly translated into action. Organisations have to devote as much energy into getting execution right as they spend on crafting the direction for their business. Planning and implementation are inevitably joined at the hip, with the success at both these aspects insuring the success of the business.
The sphere in which private companies operate is profit driven by nature, which requires thorough planning and communication throughout the organisation. Middle management plays a central role in these companies and, if this group is the weakest link, failure is likely to occur. In order to be able to study the role of middle management in an organisation susceptible to the challenges mentioned above, a South African consulting engineering firm has been identified as a case study. Findings from this research study can prove helpful to the case study organisation and others in understanding the process of strategic translation and execution at middle management level and identifying possible areas for improvement or refinement.
In developing an understanding of middle management’s perception of the strategic process, sense can be made of how they translate it into tasks and responsibilities and ultimately the role they play in unfolding strategic plans in the implementation process.
The findings from the study highlight the critical role performed by middle managers within the CEF. Data collected through the interviews indicate that middle management has a broad understanding of the organisation’s strategy and that the roles of middle management within the CEF as connectors, knowledge conveyors and sense-makers in the execution of the organisation’s strategy are vital in successful strategy implementation.
Lastly, the utilisation of the experience gained through the strategy implementation process is debatable. The researcher concludes with a request for further research to determine the extent to which organisations utilise the implementation roles of middle managers to provide substance to strategy plans
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