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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo para a utilização de resíduo da fabricação de papel na construção rodoviária / Study for use the wastes of the paper manufacture in the road construction

Walter Sidronio da Silva Júnior 09 August 2010 (has links)
A indústria de papel e celulose representa um dos mais expressivos setores industriais do mundo, sendo de grande importância para a economia mundial. Na América do Sul, devido à grande disponibilidade de recursos florestais, O Brasil e o Chile são os maiores produtores de celulose. O Brasil produz em torno de 6 milhões de toneladas de polpa por ano, dos quais 98% são branqueadas, segundo pesquisas da Unicamp (2004). A produção de papel passou por evoluções ao longo dos anos, que possibilitou o melhoramento da qualidade e velocidade de produção, fazendo com que este setor industrial gerasse um aumento na capacidade produtiva, acarretando um aumento do volume de resíduos gerados pela indústria de papel e celulose. O alto consumo de papel e seus métodos de produção endossam o rol das atividades humanas mais nocivas ao planeta. Para produzir 1 tonelada de papel são necessárias 2 a 3 toneladas de madeira, uma grande quantidade de água (mais do que qualquer outra atividade industrial) e muita energia (está em quinto lugar na lista das que mais consomem energia). O principal objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar resultados da avaliação, em laboratório, de propriedades físicas e mecânicas de misturas constituídas de solo, cal e resíduo da fabricação de papel, visando sua utilização na construção rodoviária. Os ensaios de compactação foram realizados na energia equivalente ao Proctor Normal e o comportamento mecânico das misturas foi avaliado mediante os resultados obtidos dos ensaios de compressão simples, compressão diametral e triaxial cíclico. Para a realização destes ensaios escolheram-se os teores de 0 e 40% de resíduo e os teores 0,5 e 10% de cal. Avaliou-se, também, a rigidez do material mediante o módulo tangente inicial (Eo) e módulo de resistência (Mr). Os corpos-de-prova foram ensaiados sem imersão e após imersão em água por 4 horas, decorridos 7 dias de cura em câmara úmida. Posteriormente, analisou-se a influência do tempo de cura para 0, 2, 7, 28 84 dias de permanência em câmara úmida. Para determinar a periculosidade do resíduo foram executados ensaios ambientais de lixiviação e solubilização. Os resultados mostraram que a adição do resíduo e a influência da água agiram como agentes redutores das propriedades mecânicas. Entretanto, as misturas de solo-cal e solo-resíduo-cal atendem às especificações técnicas da State of the art 5 - Lime stabilization (TRB, 1987), oferecendo uma solução viável para a utilização destas misturas na construção rodoviária. Observou-se, também, que o aumento do tempo de cura e teor de cal conduziu a valores crescentes de resistência e rigidez. Os ensaios ambientais realizados no solo, resíduo da fabricação de papel e na mistura solo-resíduo-cal foram essenciais para se obter parâmetros que permitam acompanhar o desequilíbrio que possa surgir no meio ambiente decorrente da aplicação deste resíduo em camadas de base e sub-base de pavimentos. / The paper and pulp industry represent one of the most expressive industrial sector around the world, being of great importance to the world economy. In South America, because of the wide forest resources, Brazil and Chile are the largest pulp-producing. Brazil produces around 6 million tons of pulp per year, among which 98% of the pulp are produced by the bleaching process, according to research from Unicamp (2004). The paper production has undergone changes through the years, which enabled the improvement of the quality and speed of production. It made that this industrial sector has an increase of productive capacity and of waste\'s volume produced for the paper and pulp industry. The high consumption of paper and its productions ways increase the contingent of human most harmful activities o the planet. To produce 1 ton of paper are necessary from 2 to 3 tons of wood, a lot of water (more than any other industrial activity) and a lot of energy (it is in the fifth place in the list of industries that consume more energy). The main goal of this paper is present results of assessment, in laboratory, of physical and mechanical properties of mixtures of soil, lime and residue from the manufacture of paper, for their use in road construction. The compaction tests were made in the equivalent energy to the normal Proctor and the mechanical behavior of the mixtures was evaluated on the strength of the results of tests for unconfined compressive strength, diametrical compression and cyclic loading triaxial. For these tests have been chosen the levels of 0 and 40% of waste and the levels 0,5 and 10% of lime. It was evaluated also the stiffness of the material by the initial tangent modulus (Eo) and resilient modulus (Mr). The samples were tested without immersion and after immersion in water for 4 hours, after 7 days of cure in a moist chamber. Subsequently, it was analyzed the influence of curing time for 0, 2, 7, 28 and 84 days of stay in a moist chamber. To determine the dangerousness of the residue were performed environmental testing of leaching and solubility. The results showed that the addition of waste and the influence of water acted as reducing agents of mechanical properties. However mixtures of soil-lime and soil-residue-lime meet the technical specifications of the State of the art 5 - Lime stabilization (TRB, 1987), providing a feasible solution to the use of such mixtures in road construction. Observed also that increasing the curing time and content of lime led to increasing values of strength and stiffness. The environmental testing conducted in the soil residue from the manufacture of paper and the mixture soil-residue-lime were essential for obtaining parameters for monitoring the imbalance that may arise in the environment resulting from the application of this waste in layers of base and sub base\'s pavements.

Efeitos da cal hidratada e do ácido polifosfórico nas propriedades mecânicas e suscetibilidade à umidade de misturas asfálticas densas / Effects of hydrated lime and polyphosforic acid in mechanical properties and moisture susceptibility in dense asphalt mixtures

Wilson Ricardo de Grande 06 June 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar os efeitos da cal hidratada e do ácido polifosfórico nas propriedades mecânicas e suscetibilidade à umidade de misturas asfálticas densas. O ligante utilizado foi o CAP 50/70, chamado de controle, modificado com 0,6 e 1,2% de PPA, e como aditivo a cal hidratada em concentrações de 1,5 e 3,0%, perfazendo nove combinações de misturas asfálticas. Foram moldados 108 corpos-de-prova, divididos em 4 e 7% de volume de vazios, sendo que os corpos-de-prova de 7% foram divididos em condicionados e não condicionados. Os ensaios realizados para análise das propriedades mecânicas foram o Módulo de Resiliência e a Resistência à Tração Indireta. Os resultados mostram que o aumento da concentração de ácido polifosfórico melhora a rigidez e a flexibilidade, e melhora a suscebilidade ao dano por umidade, assim como aumenta a resistência à tração; para a cal hidratada, com o aumento da sua concentração, ocorreu aumento da rigidez e da flexibilidade de maneira mais discreta, se comparado ao ácido polifosfórico, e proporciona a diminuição da resistência à tração: o teor que apresentou melhor suscetibilidade ao dano por umidade foi de 1,5% de cal hidratada. / This work aims to analyze the effects of hydrated lime and polyphosphoric acid on the mechanical properties and moisture susceptibility of dense asphalt mixtures. In nine combinations of asphalt mixtures, CAP 50/70, named control and modified with 0,6 and 1,2% of PPA, was employed as binder, and hydrated lime in concentrations of 1,5 and 3,0% was used as additive. 108 test specimens have been molded and divided into 4 and 7% of volume void, considering that 7% were separated into conditioned and non-conditioned. The Resilient Modulus and the Tensile Strength were the tests conducted for the analysis of mechanical properties. The results showed that the increase in polyphosphoric acid concentration improved stiffness and flexibility and increased the susceptibility to moisture damage, as well as the tensile strength. Also in the results, with the concentration increase of the hydrated lime, there was a smaller increase of stiffness and flexibility, and it provided a decrease of tensile strength, considering that the percentage of 1,5% of hydrated lime presented the best susceptibility to moisture damage.

Avaliação da susceptibilidade térmica e do efeito das condições ambientais no enrijecimento de misturas asfálticas densas à luz de seus comportamentos resilientes / Evaluation of the thermal susceptibility and the effect of the environmental conditions in the hardening of dense-graded hot-mix asphalt to the light of their resilient behavior

Antonio Carlos Gigante 24 August 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o módulo de resiliência de misturas asfálticas densas sob duas condições. A primeira foi o estudo dos efeitos do enrijecimento de misturas asfálticas densas em condições ambientais diferentes (cinco condições) que são: AAAL (ao ar e à luz), AASL (ao ar e sem luz), AVAL (baixa pressão atmosférica e à luz), AVSL (baixa pressão atmosférica e sem luz) e CLIMA (ao clima e intempéries), tendo sido utilizados para este experimento CAP 20, centro da faixa C do DNER como distribuição granulométrica e preparados segundo a AASHTO PP2. Neste estudo concluiu-se que não houve efeito significativo da exposição da luz artificial nas condições AL e SL, assim como não houve, também, efeito significativo na variação do módulo de resiliência nas condições de exposição ou não ao ar (AV e AA); nas demais condições houve melhora significativa nos resultados. Na segunda parte foram avaliados os efeitos de alguns fatores na susceptibilidade térmica de misturas asfálticas densas: tipo de agregado (basalto, gabro e granito), tipo de asfalto (CAP 20 e CAP 40), teor de asfalto (5%, 5,5% e 6%), presença de aditivo (com e sem cal) e temperaturas de ensaio (10ºC, 25ºC e 40ºC). Todos os corpos-de-prova foram preparados segundo procedimento da AASHTO PP2. Na segunda parte do experimento, concluiu-se que o CAP 40 produziu valores médios de Vv superiores aos do CAP 20, as misturas com teor de 5,5% apresentaram maior resistência à tração a 25°C, o módulo de resiliência e a relação MR/RT diminuem com o aumento do teor de CAP. / This work intended to evaluate the resilient modulus of dense-graded hot-mix asphalt under two conditions. The first condition comprehends a study of the hardening effects of densegraded hot mix asphalt submitted to five environmental conditions: AAAL (air and artificial light), AASL (air and no artificial light), AVAL (low atmospheric pressure and artificial light), AVSL (low atmospheric pressure and no artificial light) and CLIMA (exposition to intemperism). In this phase, it was used an AC-20 asphalt binder and DNER middle band \"C\" as aggregate\'s particles size distribution. Specimens were prepared according to AASHTO PP2. Based on the results of the first part of the experiment, it was concluded that there was no significant effect of the artificial light exposition on AL and SL conditions, as well as on the variation of resilient modulus under air conditions (AV and AA). The other conditions presented better performance results. The second part of the experiment aimed to evaluating the effect of some factors in the thermal susceptibility of dense-graded HMA, that are: aggregate type (basalt, gabbro, granite), asphalt type (AC-20 and AC-40), binder content (5,0%, 5,5% and 6,0%), presence of additive (with or without lime) and test temperature (10ºC, 25ºC and 40ºC). As in the first part of the experiment, all specimens were prepared according to AASHTO PP2. Results of the second part of the experiment led to the following conclusions: mixtures using AC-40 showed average air voids higher than mixtures using AC-20, mixtures with a binder content of 5,5% showed the highest values of tensile strength, at 25°C, the resilient modulus and the MR/RT ratio reduce when binder content increases.

Contribuição ao estudo da deformação permanente de misturas asfálticas densas à luz de ensaios de fluência por compressão uniaxial estática e dinâmica / Contribution for the rutting study on hot mixture asphalt by means of static and dynamic creep tests

Andressa Ka Yan NG 17 January 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo da deformação permanente de misturas asfálticas à luz dos resultados de ensaios de fluência por compressão uniaxial estática e dinâmica. Para isso, um programa experimental completo foi desenvolvido combinando fatores relacionados às misturas asfálticas e às condições de ensaio. Foram produzidos corpos de prova de misturas asfálticas densas tipo CAUQ com asfalto convencional (CAP 50/70) e com asfalto modificado com polímero SBS (CAP 50/70+SBS), variando o volume de vazios em dois níveis, 4 e 7%, e a presença de aditivo em dois níveis, sem e com cal hidratada. Os corpos de prova foram submetidos a ensaios de fluência com carregamentos estático e dinâmico em dois níveis de tensões, 0,1 MPa e 0,4 MPa, e em duas temperaturas diferentes, 40 e 50ºC. Essas condições do programa experimental permitiram observar o efeito do modificador SBS, da presença da cal e do volume de vazios nas misturas asfálticas, e entender o efeito da temperatura, do nível de tensão e do tipo de carregamento no comportamento de cada tipo de mistura asfáltica. Os resultados indicam que (i) a adição da cal promoveu redução de deformação acumulada somente nas misturas com ligante convencional (CAP 50/70); (ii) as misturas com volume de vazios de 7% apresentam maiores acúmulos de deformação permanente independente da presença de cal, do tipo de carregamento e da temperatura do ensaio, sendo maiores para a mistura asfáltica com CAP 50/70; (iii) as misturas com ligante modificado se mostraram menos sensíveis às variações da temperatura e do nível de tensão; (iv) e a melhora das características das misturas com asfalto modificado com polímero é detectada somente a partir de ensaios dinâmicos. / This paper presents a study of rutting on hot mixture asphalt (HMA) by means of static and dynamic creep tests. A full factorial experiment was developed considering factors related to HMA and to the test conditions. It was produced HMA (unmodified (CAP 50/70) and SBS modified binders) specimens at two different air voids (4 and 7%) and with or without hydrated lime. The specimens were submitted to static and dynamic creep tests at two stress levels, 0,1 MPa e 0,4 MPa, and two temperatures, 40 e 50ºC. These conditions of the experimental program allowed to observe the effects of the modifier SBS, the presence of the lime and the air voids in HMA, and to understand the effects of the temperature, stress and the type of loading on the behavior of each type of asphalt mix. The results indicate that (i) the addition of lime promoted reduction of accumulative deformation only in mixtures with conventional binder (CAP 50/70), (ii) mixtures with 7% air voids showed greater accumulation of permanent deformation regardless of presence of lime, the type of load and temperature of the test, mainly for the conventional HMA, (iii) the Polymer Modified Asphalt Hot Mix Asphalt (PMA-HMA) were less sensitive to temperature and the stress variation (iv) the improvement of the polymer modified asphalt mixture characteristics (PMA-HMA) were detected only on dynamic load conditions.

Modifying Succession: A History of Vegetation Alliances on Swanton Pacific Ranch

O'Connor, Jill Wilson 01 June 2019 (has links)
This thesis conducts historical research into Swanton Pacific Ranch in the County of Santa Cruz, an interdisciplinary facility for education and research managed by Cal Poly’s College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences. The study seeks to determine whether there have been discernable changes in vegetation alliances (communities), spatially or in type, within a 110-acre Study Area from the early twentieth century to the present day and how the changes compare with other similar historical analyses in California. Historical farming and ranching uses of the area are researched, and two family case studies are presented as paradigms of potential changes to vegetation as well as the connectivity with the larger socioeconomic context of Italian immigration into California. Examination of the vegetation alliances over the course of the historical study period utilizes several types of historical imagery, including twentieth-century aerial photography, ground level photography and nineteenth-century maps. This thesis diverges from scholarship that posits substantial alteration of ecological systems by anthropogenic activities by arguing that the primary alliances and geospatial borders of the vegetation in the Study area have remained essentially stable, i.e., unchanged at a macro level, since at least the early twentieth century, and that this stability has persisted despite long-term agricultural activities. This thesis contributes to the historiography of Swanton Pacific Ranch by providing a preliminary exploration of the botanic resources and the attendant anthropogenic agricultural activities on the land that may have affected those resources. It provides a framework for further study of Ranch resources as well as the cultural context of the agricultural history of the North Coast-Santa Cruz region.

The Effect of Change in Medi-Cal Dental Coverage on Dental Care Utilization Among Medi-Cal Beneficiaries

Zhang, Min H 01 January 2019 (has links)
One of the most important factors in accessing dental care is having dental insurance. For people with low incomes, Medicaid is the main source of health insurance. Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid program. Adult dental services were mostly eliminated in Medi-Cal in 2009 due to the economic downturn and partially restored in 2014. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of change in Medi-Cal dental coverage, specifically the partial restoration of adult dental coverage in 2014, on dental care utilization among Medi-Cal beneficiaries. The partial restoration significantly increased the utilization rates in dental clinics from 2014 to 2017 (22% in 2017 vs. 12% in 2013) for the overall population. However, the magnitude of increase differs in different age groups and ethnic groups. More statistically significant findings show greater utilization rates among beneficiaries of 19-64 than 65-74 and 75+ years old. Also, more significant findings show lower utilization among Black than White, Hispanic or Asian beneficiaries. The partial restoration significantly reduced the dental related ER visits among Medi-Cal beneficiaries from 2015 to 2017. However, the reduction is largely seen in beneficiaries of 19-64 years old in the ethnic groups of White and Black with reductions of 20 and 15 visits per 1,000 enrollees respectively in 2017 comparing to 2013. The dental related ER visits were lower for Hispanics and Asians, and remained very low among those 65 years old and above. In addition, the partial restoration resulted in increases in participation of dental care providers in the Medi-Cal program.

Three Axis Attitude Control System Design and Analysis Tool Development for the Cal Poly CubeSat Laboratory

Bruno, Liam T 01 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
The Cal Poly CubeSat Laboratory (CPCL) is currently facing unprecedented engineering challenges—both technically and programmatically—due to the increasing cost and complexity of CubeSat flight missions. In responding to recent RFPs, the CPCL has been forced to find commercially available solutions to entire mission critical spacecraft subsystems such as propulsion and attitude determination & control, because currently no in-house options exist for consideration. The commercially available solutions for these subsystems are often extremely expensive and sometimes provide excessively good performance with respect to mission requirements. Furthermore, use of entire commercial subsystems detracts from the hands-on learning objectives of the CPCL by removing engineering responsibility from students. Therefore, if these particular subsystems can be designed, tested, and integrated in-house at Cal Poly, the result would be twofold: 1) the space of missions supportable by the CPCL under tight budget constraints will grow, and 2) students will be provided with unique, hands-on guidance, navigation, and control learning opportunities. In this thesis, the CPCL’s attitude determination and control system design and analysis toolkit is significantly improved to support in-house ADCS development. The toolkit—including the improvements presented in this work—is then used to complete the existing, partially complete CPCL ADCS design. To fill in missing gaps, particular emphasis is placed on guidance and control algorithm design and selection of attitude actuators. Simulation results show that the completed design is competitive for use in a large class of small satellite missions for which pointing accuracy requirements are on the order of a few degrees.

Synthèse de dérivés fonctionnels de petits peptides par voie enzymatique / Synthesis of functional derivative peptides by enzymatic way

Husson, Éric 06 November 2008 (has links)
Ce travail a consisté à étudier la N et/ou O acylation enzymatique d’alcool aminés et de dipeptides.Une étude préliminaire consacrée à l’acylation enzymatique d’une molécule modèle, le 6-amino-1-hexanol a démontré la capacité de la lipase B de Candida antarctica immobilisée à catalyser l’acylation de ce substrat dans différents milieux réactionnels. La mise en œuvre de cette réaction en solvants organiques (hexane, 2-méthyl-2-butanol) a conduit à la formation du produit diacylé avec un rendement de 85 % montrant l’absence de chimio-sélectivité de la réaction. L’utilisation de système sans solvant à base d’acide gras libre et de CO2 supercritique a permis d’orienter la chimio-sélectivité de la réaction en faveur de la O-acylation. Les liquides ioniques à cation de type imidazolium et à anions faiblement nucléophiles ont conduit à un taux de conversion de l’alcool aminé de l’ordre de 99 % tout en conservant l’absence de chimio-sélectivité observée en solvant organique. L’étude s’est ensuite focalisée sur l’acylation de dipeptides modèles tels que la Lys-Ser,HCl et la Ser-Leu. L’étude de l’acylation catalysée par la lipase B de Candida antarctica immobilisée de la Lys-Ser,HCl a montré une sélectivité exclusive en faveur de l’acylation de la fonction amine en position e, indépendamment du milieu réactionnel. La O-acylation de la Ser-Leu a permis de mettre en évidence l’influence du groupe carboxylique Cterminal électro-attracteur de Lys-Ser sur la réactivité de la fonction hydroxyle de la sérine. Enfin, la N-acylation enzymatique d’un dipeptide naturel bioactif, la carnosine a été réalisée d’une part en solvant organique, catalysée par la lipase B de Candida antarctica immobilisée et d’autre part, en milieu aqueux biphasique catalysée par l’acyl-transférase de Candida parapsilosis. L’acylation de la carnosine, conduisant à la synthèse de N-oléyl carnosine, n’affecte pas son activité inhibitrice de la xanthine oxydase et semble améliorer son activité anti-radicalaire vis-à-vis de l’anion superoxyde / The present work consisted in studying the N and/or O-enzymatic acylation of amino alcohols and dipeptides. A preliminary study was firstly undertaken about the enzymatic acylation of a bifunctionnal model molecule, 6-amino-1-hexanol and demonstrated the ability of the lipase B of Candida antarctica to catalyze the acylation of this substrate in different reaction media. The reaction performed in organic solvents (hexane, 2-methyl-2-butanol) allowed to the synthesis of the diacylated product with a substrate conversion yield of 85 %, showing the absence of chimio-selectivity of the reaction. The use of a solvent-free system constituted of free fatty acid and the use of supercritical carbon dioxide permitted to orientate the selectivity of the reaction in favour of the O-acylation. Ionic liquids with imidazolium cation and few nucleophilic anions led to a substrate conversion of 99 % and to maintain the absence of chemo-selectivity observed in organic solvents. Then, the study focused on the acylation of model dipeptides like Lys-Ser, HCl and Ser-Leu. Results relative to the acylation of Lys-Ser, HCl catalyzed by the lipase B of Candida antarctica immobilized showed a selectivity in favour of the acylation of the e-amino function independently of the reaction medium. The Ser-Leu O-acylation permitted to demonstrate the influence of the molecular environment (electro-attractor C terminal carboxylic group) on the reactivity of the serine hydroxyl function. Finally, the enzymatic acylation of a bioactive dipeptide was catalyzed by the lipase B of Candida antarctica immobilized in organic solvent and by the acyl-transferase of Candida parapsilosis in lipid-aqueous biphasic medium. The acylation of carnosine allowed the N-oleyl carnosine synthesis. The acylation of carnosine did not affect its xanthine oxydase inhibition activity and seemed to improve its superoxyde anion scavenging property

Kombination von FADN- und IFCN-Datensätzen in der Politikfolgenanalyse - untersucht am Beispiel der EU-Milchmarktpolitik / Combining FADN and IFCN Data for Policy Impact Assessment - studied on the example of the EU Milk Market Policy

Thobe, Petra 29 October 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Investigação da relação entre parâmetros da compactação giratória e de deformação permanente em misturas asfálticas densas / Investigation of relationship between the gyratory compaction and rutting parameters of asphalt mixtures

Soares, Jéssica Santiago 08 August 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar a relação entre parâmetros de compactação e de deformação permanente à luz dos ensaios de compactação giratória Superpave ® e de ensaios de compressão uniaxial estática e dinâmica. Foram estudadas 8 misturas asfálticas com a mesma granulometria (Faixa C) e tipo de agregado mineral (granito) porém variou-se o ligante asfáltico (CAP 50/70 e CAP 50/70+SBS), o volume de vazios (4% e 7%) e a adição de cal hidratada. A partir dos resultados do ensaio de compactação observou-se que a inclinação das curvas de compactação das misturas compactadas a 7% foram mais acentuadas do que as de 4% e os parâmetros incidentais deste ensaio foram sensíveis à presença de cal e à variação do asfalto das misturas testadas. Quanto aos resultados dos ensaios de creep estático e dinâmico, notou-se que as misturas com Vv de 4% e as com asfalto modificado apresentam menor suscetibilidade à deformação permanente, no entanto, essas vantagens do asfalto modificado foram observadas somente nos ensaios de creep dinâmico. No que se refere às relações entre os parâmetros de compactação e de deformação permanente, os ajuste não se mostraram promissores como verificado pela qualidade dos ajustes (R2) exceto para algumas relações com CDI e TDIm. / This research aims to study relations between compaction and permanent deformation by means of Superpave® gyratory compaction and static and dynamic creep tests. Thus, eight asphalt mixtures were evaluated which were composed by same type (granite) and gradation (dense) of mineral aggregate but two types of asphalt binder (Pen 50/70 AC and Pen 50/70+SBS AC), two different levels of air voids (4% and 7%) and the addition of hydrated lime. Compaction results indicated that curve slopes of 7% air void asphalt mixtures were stronger than the 4% ones, and compaction parameters were sensitive to lime addition and asphalt type change. Static and dynamic creep test results indicated that 4% air void and modified asphalt mixtures presented lower susceptibility to rutting, but, these modified asphalt advantages were observed only in dynamic creep tests. In regard to relation between compaction and rutting parameters, linear models did not fit accurately, excepting some CDI and TDIm ones.

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