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La restructuration du travail chez Santé Info : du développement de l’activité d’un centre de contact spécialisé à ses incidences sur les pratiques situées / Understanding organizational change within a health call center : from activity development to situated work practicesIaneva, Maria 28 November 2012 (has links)
Notre thèse s’intéresse à la restructuration du service social d’une plate-forme téléphonique de santé – Santé Info. Au moment de l’étude le service social de ce centre de contact venait de faire l’objet d’une importante réorganisation, qui s’est concrétisée par la création d’une équipe de télé-opérateurs spécialisés. Dans ce contexte de changement organisationnel, notre travail vise à comprendre les incidences du développement de l’activité sur les pratiques situées des acteurs et saisir comment celles-ci nourrissent ce développement en retour. Nos réflexions autour de cette question sont inspirées par les théories de l’activité ainsi que les courants de la cognition et de l’action située. Nous nous appuyons sur la notion de perspective professionnelle et proposons la notion de saillance afin de rendre compte du développement de l’activité en pratique. Nous avons conduit une enquête ethnographique de près de deux ans au sein de cette organisation. Le dispositif méthodologique que nous avons mis en œuvre privilégie l’observation in situ des pratiques. La stratégie observationnelle choisie était celle du suivi, celui i) des acteurs, ii) des affaires c’est-à-dire des demandes traitées par plusieurs intervenants et iii) des situations de communication collective (formations, réunions d’équipe). Nous avons par ailleurs mobilisé la méthode de l’autoconfrontation à partir d’enregistrements audiovisuels. Nos résultats mettent en évidence deux axes de développement contradictoires de l’organisation, à savoir, d’une part, une tendance à l’intégration aux services des mutuelles fondatrices et une tendance à l’autonomisation de Santé Info en tant que prestataire de service externe. D’autre part, la restructuration du service social peut être appréhendée comme actualisant une contradiction sous-jacente au système d’activité, celle entre travail d’information (informer) et conseil (conseiller). Nous analysons les pratiques de prise et de construction de configurations d’indices informationnels des professionnels que nous qualifions de saillances. Nos analyses mettent en évidence que connaître son travail revient à connaître le travail des autres c’est-à-dire à anticiper leurs contraintes, leurs éventuelles difficultés, à reconnaître et tenir compte des impératifs auxquels ils doivent faire face (temporels et de production). La restructuration du service social de Santé Info au travers de la création d’une équipe spécialisée de téléconseillers – le pôle social - contribue à transformer ces pratiques. Par ailleurs, les nouvelles exigences que cette restructuration fait peser sur les professionnels participent de la redéfinition des enjeux de leurs actions en situation. En d’autres termes connaître le travail d’autrui est une ressource pour le collectif mais aussi pour le sujet. Les contributions de ce travail de thèse se situe à trois niveaux : théorique, méthodologique et disciplinaire. L’apport théorique réside dans la recherche d’une articulation entre une analyse orientée par les théories de l’activité et les approches situées de la cognition et de l’action. Ces questions nourrissent des enjeux méthodologiques pour notre travail, qui constituent le second apport de notre recherche. Il s’agit également de construire un dispositif d’observation et de collecte systématique de données dans un environnement professionnel exigeant où le travail est, à la fois, intellectuel et relationnel, la coopération latente et différée, et qui s’étayent sur une infrastructure sociotechnique complexe. Du point de vue de la psychologie du travail, notre étude ouvre à une réflexion autour des compétences collectives et du bien-être au travail. / Our research deals with the organizational change within Health Info, the inbound call center for a number of mutual health insurance companies. Health Info provides users with health information and referral for the purpose of helping them to make better choices in healthcare and to reduce their expenses. In order to improve the service delivered to the clients of the mutual insurance companies, call operators’ activity was redesigned. Some of the most experienced call center agents formed a new team (referred as the « social team »), which had the responsibility to process the information requests of users in need of financial support, different kind of allowances, within outbound calls. In this context, the goals of this doctoral thesis is to understand this organizational change as a development, that of Health Info’ collective activity but also that of the local individual practices. We build upon three approaches to the study of context - activity theory, situated action and situated cognition. Our research is based on a two years ethnographic study. We have used various data collection techniques. Those included ethnographic observation, video recordings of naturally occurring situations as well as interviews with staff members. We systematically attended and video recorded the regular staff meeting of the « social team ». We also shadowed staff members and followed specific « client cases » as first identified by call operators, then processed by the members of the « social team » and eventually transferred for further analysis to the social worker. Our results highlight several contradictions underlying Health Info’ current development. On one hand, Health Info is an additional service designed to fit within the those already existing of the mutual insurance companies. But it is also an autonomous service provider whose clients are the mutual companies. On the other hand, the « social team » reveals another contradiction between different work perspectives, namely that of informing users and helping them or providing them with support. Furthermore, our study underlines the practical dimensions of Health Info’ restructuring. The analysis of situated practices shows that works perspectives are grounded on salient configurations which are both emergent in situ and collectively elaborated cultural resources. The contributions of this doctoral thesis are to address some of the a) methodological and b) conceptual challenges arising from the use of activity theory as a theoretical framework in empirical studies, c) triggers off some interesting considerations on collective competencies and on well-being in the workplace.
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Opção de compra ou venda de ações no direito brasileiro: natureza jurídica e tutela executiva judicial / Stock options (put and call) under Brazilian law: legal nature and judicial enforcement protectionIglesias, Felipe Campana Padin 09 June 2011 (has links)
Essa dissertação tem como escopo principal a análise da natureza jurídica e do regime aplicável às opções de compra e venda de ações. Na primeira parte, foram verificados a função econômico-social e o posicionamento doutrinário, em sede de direito nacional e comparado, quanto à classificação das opções de compra ou venda, bem como seu contraste com outros instrumentos existentes, a fim de demonstrar seu caráter contratual sui generis à luz do direito pátrio. Na segunda parte, foram estudadas as principais características das opções de compra ou venda de ações, com especial enfoque nos requisitos subjetivos, objetivos e formais, a fim de determinar seu tratamento à luz no direito brasileiro. Por fim, foram objeto de investigação os efeitos práticos no âmbito societário, bem como o regime de sua tutela jurisdicional em caso de violação das obrigações (lato sensu) assumidas pelas partes. / This dissertation intends to analyze the legal nature and judicial treatment of call and put options having stocks as their underlying assets. In the first part, it was analyzed their economic and social function and doctrine, in terms of national and comparative law, regarding the classification of call and put options in general, as well as their contrast with other existing instruments, in order to demonstrate their contractual sui generis aspect under national law. In the second part, it was verified the main characteristics of call and put stock options, with particular focus on their subjective, objective and formal aspects for the purpose of determining their legal treatment under Brazilian law. Finally, their practical effects within the corporate field were object of analysis, as well as the ruling of their judicial protection upon a default of the obligations (lato sensu) assumed by the parties thereunder.
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Avaliação do estado nutricional de operadores de telemarketing submetidos a três turnos fixos de trabalho / Nutritional status among call center operators who work in 3 fixed schedulesCristofoletti, Maria Fernanda 14 August 2003 (has links)
Objetivo. Realizou-se avaliação do estado nutricional e do consumo alimentar em operadores de telemarketing submetidos a 3 turnos fixos. Métodos. A amostra foi composta por 218 trabalhadores (Matutino=72; Vespertino= 97 e Noturno= 49) de duas centrais de atendimento telefônico, uma vinculada a planos de saúde (A) e outra a uma empresa aérea (B). Para avaliação antropométrica, foram obtidas as seguintes medidas: peso, estatura e circunferência da cintura (CC). Um questionário para autopreenchimento foi utilizado com os seguintes itens: identificação, hábitos de etilismo e tabagismo, freqüência de consumo alimentar (QFA) de alimentos estimulantes do sistema nervoso central e de lanches. Entrevistas foram realizadas para obtenção de 3 inquéritos recordatórios 24 horas (2 dias de trabalho e 1 dia folga). O índice de massa corporal (IMC) (Peso/Estatura2) e a CC foram classificados de acordo com o preconizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). O cálculo do valor nutricional da dieta (macronutrientes e energia) foi realizado com o auxílio do programa Virtual Nutri. Os testes estatísticos utilizados foram: ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, teste exato de Fisher e qui-quadrado de Pearson. Foi considerado nível de significância estatística p=0,05. Resultados. Os operadores eram: 74,2% do gênero feminino, 44% tinham curso superior incompleto e com média de idade igual a 28,9 anos (desvio padrão= 7,6 anos). Do total, 45,0 % referiram aumentar de peso após começar a trabalhar como operador e 28,9% alteraram o consumo alimentar devido a ansiedade no trabalho. A obesidade (IMC_30 kg/m2) atingiu 9,3% (13,0% em homens e 8,1% em mulheres). A CC identificou 14,4% dos operadores com aumento do risco para doenças crônicas associadas à obesidade (CC _ 80 cm para mulheres e _ 94 para homens) e com risco muito aumentado (CC_ 88 cm para mulheres e _ 102 para homens) em 11,6% dos casos. A média do consumo alimentar dos 3 dias evidencia em mulheres, consumo calórico igual a 1612,4 kcal, os valores da porcentagem do valor calórico total da deita (%VCT) para proteínas de 15,2%, carboidratos 49,3% (fibras 10,3 gramas), lipídios 30,6% (lipídios insaturados 22,8 gramas e colesterol 229,9 gramas). Em homens, o consumo calórico médio foi igual a 2741,7 kcal, com valores da %VCT para proteínas iguais a 16,9%, carboidratos 47,7% (fibras 14,7 gramas), lipídios 32,9% (insaturados 41,1 gramas e colesterol 433,9 gramas). Em relação as recomendações da FAO/OMS (1998) para energia a porcentagem de adequação atingiu 77% para mulheres e 100% em homens. Baseando-se nas recomendações FAO/OMS (2003) os percentis de lipídios estavam acima e para carboidratos, fibras e lipídios insaturados abaixo do prescrito. Em homens, verificou-se consumo elevado de colesterol e do valor do percentil de proteínas (%VCT) em relação ao recomendado pela FAO/OMS (2003). O QFA identificou maior consumo de café (44,5%) e café com leite (42,6%) em relação a substancias estimulantes. Os lanches mais ingeridos diariamente foram: bebidas lácteas (38,5%) e sucos de frutas prontos para beber (38,1%). O turno noturno apresentou diferenças significantes em relação à faixa etária, gênero, possuir outro emprego, fumo, IMC em mulheres e consumo de café, refrigerantes a base de cola, refrigerantes, chicletes e balas dietéticas, suco de frutas prontos para beber e salgadinhos e biscoitos.Conclusões. Sugerem-se evidências de ausência de dietas balanceadas e índices elevados do IMC e da obesidade abdominal em operadores de telemarketing, especialmente em homens do turno noturno. / Objective. The aim of this survey was to identify nutritional status and food intake among call center operators who work in 3-fixed Schedule. Methods. Two hundred and eighteen workers (Morning=72; Afternoon=97 and Evening= 49) of two call centers were studied (A dealing with health assitence services and B airplane company). For anthropometric assessment were used weight, height and waist circumference (WC). The operators filled self-aplicable questionnaire about identification, smoking and drink habits and food frequency (QFA) of snacks and stimulants consumption. Interviews were taken about dietary intake (24 hours recall in 2 workdays and 1 offday). Body mass index (BMI) and WC were classified according to the World Health Organizaton's (WHO) patterns. The nutritional values were calculated through the Virtual Nutri software. The statistics testes were: ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, Exact Fisher test and Pearson's chi-square. Statistic significance level was considered less than p=0.05. Results. The operators were: 74.2% women, 44% had incomplete undergraduate level and the average age was 28.9 (Std Dev=7.6 years old). In the total, 45% referred weight gain after start working in call centers and 28.9% changed dietary habits due to the anxiety during the working time. Obesity (BMI _ 30 kg/m2) was 9.3% (13% in men and 8.1% in women). WC identified 14.4% of operators in high risk of chronic diseases associated with obesity (WC _ 80cm for women and _ 94 cm for men) and in substantially high (WC _ 88 cm for women and _ 102 cm for men) 11,6% of the cases. The average in 3 days of dietary intake in women showed that caloric intake was 1612.4 kcal, the values of percentage of calories (%VPC) coming from protein was 15.2% carbohydrates, 49.3% (fiber 10.3 grams), lipids 30.6% (unsaturated lipids 22.8 grams and cholesterol 229.9 grams). In men, the caloric intake was 2741.7 kcal, with values of %VPC for protein of 16.9%, carbohydrates 47.7% (fiber 14.7 grams), lipids 32.9% (unsaturated lipids 41.4 grams and cholesterol 433.9 grams). Based on FAO/OMS (1998) recommendations of energy, women intakes were 77% and men 100% of recommendations. According to FAO/OMS (2003) recommendations, the values of %VPC for lipids were high and for carbohydrates, fiber and unsaturated lipids were low. In men, cholesterol intake and percentage of protein were high comparing to the FAO/OMS recommendations. The FFQ identified high daily intake of coffee (44.5%) and milk with coffee (42.6%) based on stimulants consumption. The daily intakes of milky drinks (38.5%) and fruit juices ready to drink (38.1%) were high. The night shift workers showed significances differences with age, gender, extra job, smoking, BMI in women and intakes of coffee, cola drinks, diet bubblegum and candy, fruit juices ready to drink and cookies. Conclusions. Study findings suggest that diets were inadequate; overall obesity and abdominal obesity were high among call center operators, especially in men that work at night.
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Mathematical models for ecoepidemiological interactions, with applications to herd behaviour and bovine tuberculosis, and evolutionary interactions of alarm calls / Modelos matemáticos para interações ecoepidemiológicas, com aplicações para o comportamento de manada e tuberculose bovina, e interações evolutivas de alarmesAssis, Luciana Mafalda Elias de 25 February 2019 (has links)
This thesis presents several nonlinear mathematical models applied to ecoepidemiology and evolution. A detailed study involving predator-prey type models considering an alternative resource for the predator was carried out, investigating the situation of infection in the prey and in the predator on separate models. Such study served as a theoretical contribution to the investigation of problems such as bovine tuberculosis in wild animal species presented in a specific model. We also developed models to explain the evolution of alarm calls in species of birds and mammals. The theoretical framework adopted for those evolution models is that of Population Ecology. The models were developed using Ordinary Diferential Equations (ODEs) to describe the population dynamics. The biological assumptions of the systems that we wanted to analyse were enumerated and explained / Esta tese apresenta vários modelos matemáticos não-lineares aplicados à ecopidemiologia e à evolução. Foi realizado um estudo detalhado envolvendo modelos do tipo predador-presa considerando um recurso alternativo para o predador, investigando situações de infecção na presa e no predador em modelos separados. Tal estudo, serviu de aporte teórico para a investigação de problemas como a tuberculose bovina em espécies de animais selvagens apresentado em um modelo específico. Também desenvolvemos modelos para explicar a evolução dos chamados de alarme em espécies de aves e mamíferos. O quadro teórico adotado para esses modelos de evolução é o da Ecologia de População. Nos modelos desenvolvidos usamos as Equações Diferenciais Ordinárias (EDOs) para descrever a dinâmica populacional. Consideramos pressupostos biológicos dos sistemas biológicos analisados
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Emergence de l’autonomie sociale soutenue par le numérique dans une formation pré-professionnelle en didactique des langues / Emerging social autonomy supported by digital tools in a pre-service English language-teaching courseKalyaniwala, Carmenne 07 December 2018 (has links)
Cette étude de cas relève de la didactique des langues, et plus particulièrement de l’intégration des outils numériques à la formation pré-professionnelle à la didactique de l’anglais. Elle a pour objectif de décrire et d’analyser les différents processus qui participent à l’émergence de la dimension sociale de l’autonomie. Elle repose sur l’idée que ces processus viennent au premier plan lors de la réalisation d’une activité collective, située et médiatisée. Afin d’étudier ces processus, une tâche-projet basée sur la réalisation de contes multimodaux a été proposée aux apprenant.e.s d’une formation pré-professionnelle au métier d’enseignement de la langue anglaise. Les supports conçus par les apprenant.e.s de première année de licence ont été ensuite testés comme ressources pédagogiques par des professeur.e.s d’écoles primaires dans le but de conférer une dimension plus réelle, plus située, à la production des contes.Une modélisation systémique de l’activité permet d’identifier trois axes qui contribuent à l’émergence de l’autonomie sociale. Le premier est relatif au fonctionnement intra groupal des groupes restreints ayant accompli la tâche-projet. Le deuxième porte sur la contribution de la communauté des professeur.e.s des écoles primaires qui ont testé les supports. Le troisième interroge le rapport aux outils numériques sociaux utilisés par les groupes restreints pour collaborer et échanger ensemble. Les résultats issus des analyses relatives aux trois axes visent à réaliser une modélisation de certaines variables participant à une émergence de l’autonomie sociale. / This case study focuses on the integration of digital tools to the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language. It aims to describe and analyse the different processes that contribute to the emergence of the social dimension of autonomy. It is based on the idea that several processes come to the fore during the realization of a situated and mediated collective activity accomplished by small groups of learners. In order to study these processes, a digital storytelling task-project was proposed to groups of learners enrolled in the first year of university of a pre-service English language-training course. The materials designed by the learners were then tested as pedagogical resources by teachers of seven primary schools in France.A systemic modelling of the above activity makes it possible to identify three focus areas that contribute to the emergence of social autonomy. The first relates to the intra group operations of the small groups who accomplished the task-project. The second is the contribution of the community of primary school teachers who tested the teaching materials. The third constitutes the ways in which social digital tools were used by small groups to collaborate and work together. The results from the analyses related to the three focus areas allow for a modelling of certain variables that contribute to the understanding of the emergence of social autonomy.
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O desenvolvimento profissional em relações de serviço: o caminho para construir o valor e o sentido do trabalho: o caso das centrais de atendimento público. / The professional development in service realationship: the way to create value and meaning of work: the case of call centers.Eickhoff, Maud 15 December 2017 (has links)
O reconhecimento do valor do trabalho para a construção da saúde e da cidadania das pessoas é o ponto de partida para a discussão da responsabilidade da organização e gestão na construção de situações que favoreçam o enriquecimento do trabalho. O estudo de caso em uma grande empresa brasileira que presta o serviço de atendimento ao público, utilizando como referência o procedimento metodológico de uma Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET), permitiu o diálogo com as diversas características do trabalho realizado, ressaltando a relação entre o desenvolvimento humano e os resultados econômicos da empresa. Privilegiando o desempenho econômico em detrimento das demais dimensões envolvidas em uma atividade produtiva, e reproduzindo uma racionalidade instrumental estratégica na organização do trabalho, a empresa desconsidera as características próprias de uma relação de serviço, criando situações de trabalho que exigem dos trabalhadores elevado custo físico e cognitivo para a realização da atividade, criando situações propícias para o adoecimento físico e psicológico para os atendentes. Os constrangimentos promovem uma rejeição ao trabalho, que se manifesta principalmente pelos elevados índices de rotatividade e de absenteísmo e pelo elevado número de demandas judiciais trabalhistas. A discussão que se coloca é como criar situações que favoreçam o enriquecimento do trabalho em centrais de atendimento ao público, defendendo que o desenvolvimento profissional dos atendentes é o mais efetivo instrumento para o enriquecimento do conteúdo e do valor do trabalho para os indivíduos, contribuindo com a construção da identidade, da saúde e da cidadania dos trabalhadores. O desenvolvimento profissional é promovido a partir do enriquecimento dos saberes profissionais, obtidos com o fortalecimento dos coletivos de trabalho que compartilhem e construam as regras da profissão. O compartilhamento das experiências e das dificuldades encontradas na atividade, o estabelecimento de efetivos canais de comunicação entre trabalhadores, o estabelecimento de objetivos comuns, a criação conjunta de regras e procedimentos, a repartição das responsabilidades entre os diferentes atores, são estratégias que podem contribuir para atribuir sentido ao trabalho. Pensar um modelo de organização do trabalho e de gestão que promova a busca por soluções coletivas contribui para que sejam atingidos os objetivos da organização ao mesmo tempo em que fortalece o valor do trabalho na construção da subjetividade e o bem-estar das pessoas. / The reconnaissance of the value of work in the promotion of people\'s health and citizenship is the starting for the discussion on the responsibility of work organization and management in creating work situations that promote its development. The case study of a large Brazilian call-center company using the methodology of Ergonomic Work Analysis (E WA) allowed the dialogue with the various characteristics of the work and the relationship between the human development and economic results of the company. By favoring economic and financial performance of companies over human development of workers, the organization and management of work have led to those unfavorable situations when they fail to notice the dynamics of the service relationship and the constraints promote a rejection of work, which is manifested mainly by the high rates of turnover and absenteeism and by the high number of labor lawsuits. The discussion is how to create situations that favor the enrichment of work in call centers, arguing that the professional development of the attendants is the most effective instrument for the enrichment of content and the value of work for individuals, contributing to the construction of identity, health and citizenship of workers. Professional development is promoted through the enrichment of professional knowledge, obtained through the strengthening of labor collectives who share and build the rules of the profession. Sharing experiences and difficulties encountered in the activity, setting up effective channels for communication among workers, setting common goals, jointly devising rules and procedures, and distributing responsibilities among the different players are instruments that might contribute to ascribing meaning to work. Crafting a model for the organization and management of the work which promotes the search for collective solutions contributes to the achievement of the organization goals, and it also strengthens the value of work in building the subjectivity and wellbeing of people. Sharing experiences and difficulties encountered in the activity, setting up effective channels for communication among workers, setting common goals, jointly devising rules and procedures, and distributing responsibilities among the different players are instruments that might contribute to ascribing meaning to work. Crafting a model for the organization and management of the work which promotes the search for collective solutions contributes to the achievement of the organization goals, and it also strengthens the value of work in building the subjectivity and wellbeing of people.
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Opção de compra ou venda de ações no direito brasileiro: natureza jurídica e tutela executiva judicial / Stock options (put and call) under Brazilian law: legal nature and judicial enforcement protectionFelipe Campana Padin Iglesias 09 June 2011 (has links)
Essa dissertação tem como escopo principal a análise da natureza jurídica e do regime aplicável às opções de compra e venda de ações. Na primeira parte, foram verificados a função econômico-social e o posicionamento doutrinário, em sede de direito nacional e comparado, quanto à classificação das opções de compra ou venda, bem como seu contraste com outros instrumentos existentes, a fim de demonstrar seu caráter contratual sui generis à luz do direito pátrio. Na segunda parte, foram estudadas as principais características das opções de compra ou venda de ações, com especial enfoque nos requisitos subjetivos, objetivos e formais, a fim de determinar seu tratamento à luz no direito brasileiro. Por fim, foram objeto de investigação os efeitos práticos no âmbito societário, bem como o regime de sua tutela jurisdicional em caso de violação das obrigações (lato sensu) assumidas pelas partes. / This dissertation intends to analyze the legal nature and judicial treatment of call and put options having stocks as their underlying assets. In the first part, it was analyzed their economic and social function and doctrine, in terms of national and comparative law, regarding the classification of call and put options in general, as well as their contrast with other existing instruments, in order to demonstrate their contractual sui generis aspect under national law. In the second part, it was verified the main characteristics of call and put stock options, with particular focus on their subjective, objective and formal aspects for the purpose of determining their legal treatment under Brazilian law. Finally, their practical effects within the corporate field were object of analysis, as well as the ruling of their judicial protection upon a default of the obligations (lato sensu) assumed by the parties thereunder.
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Avaliação do estado nutricional de operadores de telemarketing submetidos a três turnos fixos de trabalho / Nutritional status among call center operators who work in 3 fixed schedulesMaria Fernanda Cristofoletti 14 August 2003 (has links)
Objetivo. Realizou-se avaliação do estado nutricional e do consumo alimentar em operadores de telemarketing submetidos a 3 turnos fixos. Métodos. A amostra foi composta por 218 trabalhadores (Matutino=72; Vespertino= 97 e Noturno= 49) de duas centrais de atendimento telefônico, uma vinculada a planos de saúde (A) e outra a uma empresa aérea (B). Para avaliação antropométrica, foram obtidas as seguintes medidas: peso, estatura e circunferência da cintura (CC). Um questionário para autopreenchimento foi utilizado com os seguintes itens: identificação, hábitos de etilismo e tabagismo, freqüência de consumo alimentar (QFA) de alimentos estimulantes do sistema nervoso central e de lanches. Entrevistas foram realizadas para obtenção de 3 inquéritos recordatórios 24 horas (2 dias de trabalho e 1 dia folga). O índice de massa corporal (IMC) (Peso/Estatura2) e a CC foram classificados de acordo com o preconizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). O cálculo do valor nutricional da dieta (macronutrientes e energia) foi realizado com o auxílio do programa Virtual Nutri. Os testes estatísticos utilizados foram: ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, teste exato de Fisher e qui-quadrado de Pearson. Foi considerado nível de significância estatística p=0,05. Resultados. Os operadores eram: 74,2% do gênero feminino, 44% tinham curso superior incompleto e com média de idade igual a 28,9 anos (desvio padrão= 7,6 anos). Do total, 45,0 % referiram aumentar de peso após começar a trabalhar como operador e 28,9% alteraram o consumo alimentar devido a ansiedade no trabalho. A obesidade (IMC_30 kg/m2) atingiu 9,3% (13,0% em homens e 8,1% em mulheres). A CC identificou 14,4% dos operadores com aumento do risco para doenças crônicas associadas à obesidade (CC _ 80 cm para mulheres e _ 94 para homens) e com risco muito aumentado (CC_ 88 cm para mulheres e _ 102 para homens) em 11,6% dos casos. A média do consumo alimentar dos 3 dias evidencia em mulheres, consumo calórico igual a 1612,4 kcal, os valores da porcentagem do valor calórico total da deita (%VCT) para proteínas de 15,2%, carboidratos 49,3% (fibras 10,3 gramas), lipídios 30,6% (lipídios insaturados 22,8 gramas e colesterol 229,9 gramas). Em homens, o consumo calórico médio foi igual a 2741,7 kcal, com valores da %VCT para proteínas iguais a 16,9%, carboidratos 47,7% (fibras 14,7 gramas), lipídios 32,9% (insaturados 41,1 gramas e colesterol 433,9 gramas). Em relação as recomendações da FAO/OMS (1998) para energia a porcentagem de adequação atingiu 77% para mulheres e 100% em homens. Baseando-se nas recomendações FAO/OMS (2003) os percentis de lipídios estavam acima e para carboidratos, fibras e lipídios insaturados abaixo do prescrito. Em homens, verificou-se consumo elevado de colesterol e do valor do percentil de proteínas (%VCT) em relação ao recomendado pela FAO/OMS (2003). O QFA identificou maior consumo de café (44,5%) e café com leite (42,6%) em relação a substancias estimulantes. Os lanches mais ingeridos diariamente foram: bebidas lácteas (38,5%) e sucos de frutas prontos para beber (38,1%). O turno noturno apresentou diferenças significantes em relação à faixa etária, gênero, possuir outro emprego, fumo, IMC em mulheres e consumo de café, refrigerantes a base de cola, refrigerantes, chicletes e balas dietéticas, suco de frutas prontos para beber e salgadinhos e biscoitos.Conclusões. Sugerem-se evidências de ausência de dietas balanceadas e índices elevados do IMC e da obesidade abdominal em operadores de telemarketing, especialmente em homens do turno noturno. / Objective. The aim of this survey was to identify nutritional status and food intake among call center operators who work in 3-fixed Schedule. Methods. Two hundred and eighteen workers (Morning=72; Afternoon=97 and Evening= 49) of two call centers were studied (A dealing with health assitence services and B airplane company). For anthropometric assessment were used weight, height and waist circumference (WC). The operators filled self-aplicable questionnaire about identification, smoking and drink habits and food frequency (QFA) of snacks and stimulants consumption. Interviews were taken about dietary intake (24 hours recall in 2 workdays and 1 offday). Body mass index (BMI) and WC were classified according to the World Health Organizaton's (WHO) patterns. The nutritional values were calculated through the Virtual Nutri software. The statistics testes were: ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, Exact Fisher test and Pearson's chi-square. Statistic significance level was considered less than p=0.05. Results. The operators were: 74.2% women, 44% had incomplete undergraduate level and the average age was 28.9 (Std Dev=7.6 years old). In the total, 45% referred weight gain after start working in call centers and 28.9% changed dietary habits due to the anxiety during the working time. Obesity (BMI _ 30 kg/m2) was 9.3% (13% in men and 8.1% in women). WC identified 14.4% of operators in high risk of chronic diseases associated with obesity (WC _ 80cm for women and _ 94 cm for men) and in substantially high (WC _ 88 cm for women and _ 102 cm for men) 11,6% of the cases. The average in 3 days of dietary intake in women showed that caloric intake was 1612.4 kcal, the values of percentage of calories (%VPC) coming from protein was 15.2% carbohydrates, 49.3% (fiber 10.3 grams), lipids 30.6% (unsaturated lipids 22.8 grams and cholesterol 229.9 grams). In men, the caloric intake was 2741.7 kcal, with values of %VPC for protein of 16.9%, carbohydrates 47.7% (fiber 14.7 grams), lipids 32.9% (unsaturated lipids 41.4 grams and cholesterol 433.9 grams). Based on FAO/OMS (1998) recommendations of energy, women intakes were 77% and men 100% of recommendations. According to FAO/OMS (2003) recommendations, the values of %VPC for lipids were high and for carbohydrates, fiber and unsaturated lipids were low. In men, cholesterol intake and percentage of protein were high comparing to the FAO/OMS recommendations. The FFQ identified high daily intake of coffee (44.5%) and milk with coffee (42.6%) based on stimulants consumption. The daily intakes of milky drinks (38.5%) and fruit juices ready to drink (38.1%) were high. The night shift workers showed significances differences with age, gender, extra job, smoking, BMI in women and intakes of coffee, cola drinks, diet bubblegum and candy, fruit juices ready to drink and cookies. Conclusions. Study findings suggest that diets were inadequate; overall obesity and abdominal obesity were high among call center operators, especially in men that work at night.
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Revisão acústica do canto de anúncio de Hylodes do grupo H. lateristrigatus (Hylodidae; Anura; Amphibia): implicações taxonômicas / Bioacoustic review of advertisement call in Hylodes lateristrigatus group (Hylodidae; Anura; Amphibia): taxonomic implicationsIguchi, Jully Mitie Santos 14 June 2013 (has links)
A comunicação acústica é um importante elemento do comportamento reprodutivo de muitos animais. Em anuros a comunicação que recebe o nome de canto de anúncio tem como principal função a atração de fêmeas coespecíficas. Assim, a vocalização é um mecanismo primário de isolamento reprodutivo, e mostra-se importante no trabalho de determinação de espécies, pois assegura uma diagnose confiável, principalmente em caso de espécies crípticas, como ocorre no gênero Hylodes. Esse gênero compreende 24 espécies descritas, encontradas quase em sua totalidade em ambientes de Floresta Atlântica, exceto por H. otavioi (mata rupestre), e sempre associadas a rios e riachos em terrenos acidentados, distribuídas do Espírito Santo ao Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o canto de anúncio de 9 populações e revisar a descrição da vocalização das 18 espécies descritas do grupo de H. lateristrigatus. Nós realizamos a redescrição do canto de H. lateristrigatus e H. sazimai; alteramos a distribuição de H. pipilans; e detectamos três possíveis novas espécies, que estão sob análise. / The bioacoustic communication is substantial on reproductive behaviour of many animal groups. In anurans the advertisement call is the main communication signal and its major function is conspecific female attraction. Therefore, calling is the primary reproductive isolation mechanism and it is essencial in determining species, because it guarantees a reliable diagnosis specially in cryptic species as Hylodes. This genus comprises 24 species, which occur in the Atlantic Forest, with the exception of H. otavioi (Rocky Forest). Hylodes species are always related with streams and waterfalls from Espírito Santo to Rio Grande do Sul. The purpose of this study is to analyse the advertisement call of nine populations and review the calling of 18 described species of H. lateristrigatus group. We redescribed the advertisement call of H. lateristrigatus and H. sazimai; broadened the distribution of H. pipilans; and detected three probable new species that are under study.
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An Evaluation of the Implementation of a CALL Program in a Pilot Curriculum at the Provo LDS Missionary Training CenterBetteridge, Amberly Patch 05 August 2011 (has links)
The current study examines the implementation of one computer-assisted language learning program (CALL) called Technology Assisted Language Learning (TALL) in a pilot language curriculum at the LDS Missionary Training Center. Because CALL implementation is determined in large part by how successfully users are able to use the computer program to learn language, a primary purpose of this study was to investigate which implementation issues affected the language learning success of the missionaries that used TALL in the pilot curriculum. A survey was, therefore, designed and administered to 86 missionaries from French, Spanish, German, and Mandarin language areas in order to determine which CALL user characteristics were predictive of TALL user success. Through a regression analysis , this study found that the most highly predictive factors on TALL user success were (a) a high indication of pro-activity on the part of the learners in figuring out how to use TALL to their advantage, (b) a high indication of goal-orientation in approaching TALL use with a specific purpose in mind, and (c) a high indication of interaction with the TALL program through frequent use of the electronic glossary feature, the "listen to your voice" feature, and the strategy of repeating out loud the words and phrases encountered while working on TALL. The missionary survey was also analyzed descriptively, and results from this analysis revealed that missionaries in the pilot curriculum felt that more training on how to use TALL effectively would have helped them to be more successful. Focus groups with the missionaries were also conducted in order to better understand their experiences with the TALL program. The analysis of these focus groups revealed that although many missionaries reported liking TALL, there were many who did not sufficiently understand how to successfully use it within the pilot curriculum; a lack of training seemed to be a big contributor to this lack of user success. Additionally, focus groups found that missionaries believed the TALL listening activities to be the most helpful TALL activities. A teacher survey was also designed and administered to the 19 teachers who taught missionaries in the pilot curriculum. Results of the teacher survey revealed a desire for more formal training on how to train missionaries to use the TALL program effectively. In conclusion and based on evidence in the literature and from this study, suggestions are provided for more effective teacher and learner training on TALL.
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