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Reorganização do trabalho, novas tecnologias e o sobreaviso no direito do trabalhoMatos, Bráulio da Silva de January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga as transformações nas formas de prestação de trabalho e nos tempos de trabalho em razão do rearranjo das relações laborais e das novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação. O objetivo dessa dissertação é compreender se a reordenação do modelo de trabalho clássico e a proliferação das novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação compatibilizam-se com o regime de sobreaviso e se este serve como resposta aos novos problemas decorrentes da conexão e disponibilidade dos trabalhadores. Na primeira parte do trabalho é feita uma análise das formas de organização do trabalho que motivaram o desenvolvimento das normas de Direito do Trabalho que regulam o controle da jornada e do contexto fático que contribuiu para o surgimento das regras limitadoras da duração do trabalho. No segundo capítulo, analisa-se as transformações determinadas principalmente pelo modelo pós-industrial, marcado por um grande avanço das tecnologias da informação, que reformulou as características da duração do trabalho para o qual foi concebido o Direito do Trabalho tradicional. No terceiro capítulo aborda-se justamente os reflexos das transformações do mundo do trabalho especificamente sobre o modelo do sobreaviso, para verificar a compatibilidade das normas já existentes com os novos meios de prestação de trabalho. A abordagem do trabalho é marcada pelos métodos indutivo e dialético, e a técnica de pesquisa adotada é a documentação indireta, a partir de pesquisa documental e de pesquisa bibliográfica. Ao final, como resultado do estudo, compreende-se que o regime de sobreaviso não se revela adequado como única resposta aos problemas decorrentes das transformações dos modos de prestação de trabalho e dos tempos de trabalho, razão pela qual se faz necessário buscar alternativas para assegurar outras respostas a essas situações laborais. / This work investigates the transformations in work patterns and working times due to the rearrangement of labor relations and the new technologies of communication and information. The purpose of this dissertation is to understand whether the reorganization of the classic work model and the proliferation of new communication and information technologies are compatible with the 'oncall/ standby time" and whether it serves as an answer to the new problems arising from the connection and availability of workers. The first part of this paper analyzes the forms of labor organization that motivated the development of Labor Law rules that regulate the control of time and the context that contributed to the emergence of the regulations limiting the duration of work. In the second chapter, it is analyzed the transformations determined mainly by the post-industrial model, marked by a significant advance in information technology, which reformulated the characteristics of the duration of work for which the traditional Labor Law was conceived. In the third chapter, the consequences of the transformations of the labor world are explicitly approached on the model of "on call time/standby time," to check if the existing rules are compatible with the rearrangement of labor. This work approach is marked by the inductive and dialectical methods, and the research technique adopted is the indirect documentation, based on documentary research and bibliographic research. In the end, as a result of the study, it is understood that the "on call time/standby time" is not appropriate as the only answer to the problems arising from the changes of work and working hours, which is why it is necessary to seek alternatives to ensure other responses to these situations.
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Analýza Regionálního operačního programu NUTS II Jihozápad / Analysis of the Regional Operational Programme NUTS II SouthwestTALÍŘOVÁ, Hana January 2010 (has links)
The thesis describes a detailed analysis of the Regional Operational Programme NUTS II Southwest. Theoretical part of the thesis introduces to readers with issues of Regional and Structural policy of the European Union and the Czech Republic. The practical part describes the characteristic of the cohesion region NUTS II Southwest and evaluation of the SWOT analysis of the teritorry, that assesses conformity of individual priority axes of the programme and the needs of the region. The thesis also monitors the first three rounds of calls approved the Regional Operational Programme NUTS II Southwest, their focus, the structure of the interest of applicants for support and gradual achievement of the indicators. The analysis results are at the end of the thesis set out proposals to future direction of calls and the types of activities supported in 2015.
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The concept of migratory family unit in the proccess of family call in Peru (about same-sex marriages) / Corrección del concepto de unidad migratoria familiar en el procedimiento de llamado de familia en el Perú (a propósito del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo)Casas, Orlando de las 25 September 2017 (has links)
The concept of family call embraces a migratory alternative that allows a foreigner to stay in another country with his or her spouse. Taking into account Peru’s legal framework, it is possible to ask if a foreigneris able to appeal to the family call if he or she is married to a person of the same sex? Wouldit be legitimate to recognize a foreign law thatallows same sex marriages?In the following paper, the author answers these and other questions, analyzing concepts such as family, public order, collective morality and familiar migratory unit that are acknowledged in our legal system by appealing, furthermore, to the weighting testof principles in collision. / El concepto de llamado de familia comprende la alternativa migratoria que permite a unextranjero permanecer en otro país con su cónyuge. Dado el marco normativo peruano, podríamos preguntarnos: ¿Es posible que unextranjero, casado con una persona de su mismo sexo, pueda recurrir al llamado de familia? ¿Podría ser válido reconocer una normaextranjera que permita el matrimonio entre personas de un mismo sexo?En el presente artículo, el autor da respuesta a estas y otras preguntas, analizando los conceptos de familia, orden público, moral colectiva y unidad migratoria familiar recogidos en nuestro ordenamiento, aplicando la ponderación entre estos principios.
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Digital literacy : en undersökande studie om de digitala verktyg som används i engelskundervisningen i åk 4-6 / Digital literacy : a survey of digital tools used in English teaching in years 4-6Landhammar, Anna January 2018 (has links)
This study is an investigation of what digital tools and approaches teachers use in their teaching of English as a foreign language in Swedish primary schools, in years 4-6 in the Swedish state school system. This study also addresses obstacles and limitations which teachers believe exist in the incorporation of digital tools into their teaching at this level. Using the digital literacy framework as an analytical basis, the study presents results obtained from semi-structured interviews involving six primary school teachers teaching English as part of a range of subjects within the primary curriculum. Interviews were conducted in pairs of teachers. The results emerging from the interviews indicated that the widespread availability of technological tools in the classroom is not necessarily a guarantee that the technology is used in the most advantageous manner by teachers at this level. This finding runs contrary to the fact that the schools in question have provided pupils with 'one-to-one' solutions in the form of individual computer/ tablet loans. Another result emerging from the study is that teachers tended to be fairly conservative in their planning of English lessons involving ICT.
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Visualizing Endpoint Security Technologies using Attack TreesPettersson, Stefan January 2008 (has links)
Software vulnerabilities in programs and malware deployments have been increasing almost every year since we started measuring them. Information about how to program securely, how malware shall be avoided and technological countermeasures for this are more available than ever. Still, the trend seems to favor the attacker. This thesis tries to visualize the effects of a selection of technological countermeasures that have been proposed by researchers. These countermeasures: non-executable memory, address randomization, system call interception and file integrity monitoring are described along with the attacks they are designed to defend against. The coverage of each countermeasure is then visualized with the help of attack trees. Attack trees are normally used for describing how systems can be attacked but here they instead serve the purpose of showing where in an attack a countermeasure takes effect. Using attack trees for this highlights a couple of important aspects of a security mechanism, such as how early in an attack it is effective and which variants of an attack it potentially defends against. This is done by the use of what we call defensive codes that describe how a defense mechanism counters a sub-goal in an attack. Unfortunately the whole process is not well formalized and depends on many uncertain factors.
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La mobilisation des artefacts technologiques dans l’interaction : analyse linguistique et multimodale des pratiques professionnelles en centres d’appels / The mobilization of technological artefacts during the interaction : linguistic et multimodal analysis of professional practices in call centersColón de Carvajal, Isabelle 03 December 2010 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche s’intéresse à l’usage des technologies dans les interactions professionnelles, et en particulier dans des centres d’appel. Nos analyses s’appuient sur trois champs disciplinaires que sont l’Ethnométhodologie, l’Analyse Conversationnelle et les Workplace Studies. Notre étude cherche à contribuer à la réflexion sur des interactions médiées par les technologies en milieu professionnel afin de rendre compte des pratiques émergentes des participants et comprendre l’organisation séquentielle complexe des interactions entre conseiller/opérateur et patient/client s’appuyant sur l’utilisation de ressources technologiques. La thèse s’articule en une partie introductive et trois parties analytiques. La première étudie les modifications de cadre participatif en tenant compte du dispositif technologique comme point d’ancrage de l’activité des participants. Nous avons distingué deux configurations: i) soit le dispositif est ajusté par l’opérateur ; ii) soit l’opérateur s’ajuste au dispositif. La modification du cadre participatif peut être initiée de façon verbale ou non verbale, ou par l’un ou l’autre des participants.Dans une seconde partie, nous analysons l’intégration de l’écran comme artefact interactionnel dans l’activité des participants. Nous avons remarqué qu’ils rapportent à l’oral des informations écrites sur un écran, en employant des verbes introductifs du type « il dit que », que nous retrouvons dans les travaux sur le discours rapporté à l’oral. Nous avons voulu montrer le lien entre le cours d’action dans lequel sont engagés les participants et l’émergence de ces discours rapportés où la référence aux messages écrits peut transformer les écrans et les systèmes informatiques en « agents interactionnels ». La troisième partie se focalise sur un type d’appel où un client s’adresse au service pour résoudre un problème, et après vérification par l’opératrice, elle lui notifie un état a-problématique de son compte. Nous avons remarqué que l’activité de diagnostic opérée ici par l’opératrice dépend étroitement des informations du compte client indiquées sur l’écran. Ce sont ces données qui permettent à l’opératrice d’établir le diagnostic et de notifier l’état a-problématique du compte. / Our research focuses on the use of technology in interactions at work, particularly in the context of call centres. Our analyses draw on three theoretical domains: Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis and Workplace Studies. Our research seeks to contribute to current investigations on interactions mediated by technology in the workplace to reflect emerging practices of participants and to understand the complex sequential organization of interactions between councillor/operator and patient/user, based on the use of technological resources.The thesis comprises an introduction part and three analytical parts. The first part examines changes in participation framework taking into account the technological device as an anchor for the participant’s activity. For this, we distinguished two different configurations: i) the device is adjusted by the operator, or ii) the operator adjusts the device. The adjustment of the participation framework may be initiated through verbal or multimodal way, or by one or the other participant.In the second part, we analyze the integration of the screen as an interactional artefact in the participant’s activity. We noticed that they report oral information’s displayed on a screen, using introductory verbs such as "he said", which we found in the studies on reported speech in spoken interactions. We wanted to show the link between the course of action in which participants are engaged and the emergence of reported speech when referring to written messages that can transform the screens and the computer systems in “interactional agents”.The third part focuses on one type of call where a user call the service to solve a problem, and after verification by the operator, she notifies a status of his account. We noticed that the diagnosis activity reported by the operator is closely related to the user’s account information shown on the screen. These are data that allow the operator to diagnose and report the non-problematic status of the account.
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O desenvolvimento profissional em relações de serviço: o caminho para construir o valor e o sentido do trabalho: o caso das centrais de atendimento público. / The professional development in service realationship: the way to create value and meaning of work: the case of call centers.Maud Eickhoff 15 December 2017 (has links)
O reconhecimento do valor do trabalho para a construção da saúde e da cidadania das pessoas é o ponto de partida para a discussão da responsabilidade da organização e gestão na construção de situações que favoreçam o enriquecimento do trabalho. O estudo de caso em uma grande empresa brasileira que presta o serviço de atendimento ao público, utilizando como referência o procedimento metodológico de uma Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET), permitiu o diálogo com as diversas características do trabalho realizado, ressaltando a relação entre o desenvolvimento humano e os resultados econômicos da empresa. Privilegiando o desempenho econômico em detrimento das demais dimensões envolvidas em uma atividade produtiva, e reproduzindo uma racionalidade instrumental estratégica na organização do trabalho, a empresa desconsidera as características próprias de uma relação de serviço, criando situações de trabalho que exigem dos trabalhadores elevado custo físico e cognitivo para a realização da atividade, criando situações propícias para o adoecimento físico e psicológico para os atendentes. Os constrangimentos promovem uma rejeição ao trabalho, que se manifesta principalmente pelos elevados índices de rotatividade e de absenteísmo e pelo elevado número de demandas judiciais trabalhistas. A discussão que se coloca é como criar situações que favoreçam o enriquecimento do trabalho em centrais de atendimento ao público, defendendo que o desenvolvimento profissional dos atendentes é o mais efetivo instrumento para o enriquecimento do conteúdo e do valor do trabalho para os indivíduos, contribuindo com a construção da identidade, da saúde e da cidadania dos trabalhadores. O desenvolvimento profissional é promovido a partir do enriquecimento dos saberes profissionais, obtidos com o fortalecimento dos coletivos de trabalho que compartilhem e construam as regras da profissão. O compartilhamento das experiências e das dificuldades encontradas na atividade, o estabelecimento de efetivos canais de comunicação entre trabalhadores, o estabelecimento de objetivos comuns, a criação conjunta de regras e procedimentos, a repartição das responsabilidades entre os diferentes atores, são estratégias que podem contribuir para atribuir sentido ao trabalho. Pensar um modelo de organização do trabalho e de gestão que promova a busca por soluções coletivas contribui para que sejam atingidos os objetivos da organização ao mesmo tempo em que fortalece o valor do trabalho na construção da subjetividade e o bem-estar das pessoas. / The reconnaissance of the value of work in the promotion of people\'s health and citizenship is the starting for the discussion on the responsibility of work organization and management in creating work situations that promote its development. The case study of a large Brazilian call-center company using the methodology of Ergonomic Work Analysis (E WA) allowed the dialogue with the various characteristics of the work and the relationship between the human development and economic results of the company. By favoring economic and financial performance of companies over human development of workers, the organization and management of work have led to those unfavorable situations when they fail to notice the dynamics of the service relationship and the constraints promote a rejection of work, which is manifested mainly by the high rates of turnover and absenteeism and by the high number of labor lawsuits. The discussion is how to create situations that favor the enrichment of work in call centers, arguing that the professional development of the attendants is the most effective instrument for the enrichment of content and the value of work for individuals, contributing to the construction of identity, health and citizenship of workers. Professional development is promoted through the enrichment of professional knowledge, obtained through the strengthening of labor collectives who share and build the rules of the profession. Sharing experiences and difficulties encountered in the activity, setting up effective channels for communication among workers, setting common goals, jointly devising rules and procedures, and distributing responsibilities among the different players are instruments that might contribute to ascribing meaning to work. Crafting a model for the organization and management of the work which promotes the search for collective solutions contributes to the achievement of the organization goals, and it also strengthens the value of work in building the subjectivity and wellbeing of people. Sharing experiences and difficulties encountered in the activity, setting up effective channels for communication among workers, setting common goals, jointly devising rules and procedures, and distributing responsibilities among the different players are instruments that might contribute to ascribing meaning to work. Crafting a model for the organization and management of the work which promotes the search for collective solutions contributes to the achievement of the organization goals, and it also strengthens the value of work in building the subjectivity and wellbeing of people.
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Interfaith praxis in the South African struggle for liberation : towards a liberatio-political framework for Muslim-Christian relationsPalombo, Matthew Cady 23 June 2014 (has links)
D.Litt et Phil. (Semitic Languages and Cultures) / This thesis is an examination of “interfaith praxis” in the South African struggle for liberation, with particular emphasis on Muslim-Christian relations. We begin with an overview of the epistemological and theological contribution of “praxis” in European and subaltern contexts of liberation theology as well as the key dynamics of representation, conditionality and transformative activism in the history of Muslim-Christian relations. We then analyze and contrast “two histories” of Muslim-Christian relations in South Africa: one of Orientalism and the other of interfaith praxis. Through a close examination of two organizations - the Call of Islam (est. 1984) and the South African Chapter of the World Conference on Religion and Peace (est. 1984) - we argue that interfaith praxis changed how Muslims and Christians in the struggle approached interfaith dialogue and theological reflections on the religious other. It was this interfaith praxis that contributed to the importance of religious pluralism in contemporary South Africa. Following through from the history and reflections on interfaith praxis, we suggest here the possibility for a new framework for Muslim-Christian relations called a Liberatio-Political Framework.
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Integration of heterogeneous wireless access networks with IP multimedia subsystemPeyman, Talebifard 05 1900 (has links)
Next generation heterogeneous wireless networks are expected to interwork with Internet Protocol (IP)-based infrastructures. Conventional network services operate like silos in that a specific set of services are offered over a specific type of access network. As access networks evolve to provide IP-based packet access, it becomes attractive to break these “service silos” by offering a converged set of IP-based services to users who may access these services using a number of alternative access networks. This trend has started with third generation cellular mobile networks, which have standardized on the use of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) to manage user access to a wide variety of multimedia services over the mobile Internet, while facilitating interworking of heterogeneous wireless and landline access networks.
The future users of communication systems will subscribe to both IP-based and Circuit Switched (CS) based services and in the foreseeable future a single database that handles user profiles across all domains will be required. Home Subscriber Server (HSS) as an evolved version of Home Location Register (HLR) is one of the key components of IMS. In deploying HSS as a central repository database, in a fully overlapped heterogeneous network setting, changes of access mode are very frequent and conveying this information to HSS imposes excessive signaling load and delay. In our proposed scheme we introduce an Interface Agent (IA) for each location area that caches the location and information about the access mode through which a user can be reached. This method results in significant amount of savings in signaling cost and better delay performance.
The existing call delivery approaches in cellular networks may not be well suited for future communication systems because they suffer from unnecessary usage of network resources for call attempts that may fail which adds to excessive signaling delays and queuing costs. Reducing the number of queries and retrievals from the database will have a significant impact on the network performance. We present a new scheme based on Reverse Virtual Call setup (RVC) as a solution to the call delivery problem in heterogeneous wireless networks and evaluate the performance of this framework. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of / Graduate
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Technology in the English Language Classroom : Computer-Assisted Grammar Learning / Teknologi i det engelskspråkiga klassrummet : Datorstödd grammatikinlärningHankvist, Annikki January 2018 (has links)
As technology advances so does the availability of computer-assisted learning software. Since the Swedish curriculum and syllabus in the subject English do not state how teachers should teach grammar or what grammatical items they should focus on, it is left to the teachers to decide themselves. This thesis aims to investigate how one can make use of CALL, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, when teaching grammar in the English language classroom. The following three research questions are posed: • In what ways is CALL used in teaching grammar? • Are any of the different ways of using CALL more successful than others? • What are the students’ reactions to using CALL as a means of learning grammar? The questions are answered by analyzing the theoretical background of second language acquisition, as well as by analyzing ten articles about learning grammar with the help of modern technology. The findings show that there are more ways of using technology in a teaching environment than there are articles about it, and this thesis only covers a few of the different means of using CALL to teach grammar. The findings also show that the results of computer-assisted teaching and learning are overall positive, but it cannot be concluded whether this is because of the software or the novelty of using CALL. Some software shows better results than other, such as error correction software. The overall perceptions of using CALL in the classroom are overwhelmingly positive from both teachers’ and students’ perspective. Furthermore, the results show that the students believe that using technology to learn helps them more than it actually does, showing how it helps motivate students to acquire new knowledge by making it more interesting for them. All in all, the findings of the research give teachers an overview of the current progress of CALL, as well as giving them suggestions about how to incorporate technology in their own teaching.
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