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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anti-predator behaviour of Guereza colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza)

Schel, Anne Marijke January 2009 (has links)
Black-and-white colobus monkeys are renowned for their impressive vocal behaviour, but up to date there have been only very few systematic efforts to study this. These monkeys are able to produce loud and low-pitched roars that transmit over long distances, which has lead to the assumption that these calls function in inter-group spacing and male-male competition. The fact that the monkeys sometimes produce the same calls to predators as well, has not received much attention so far. This thesis presents a detailed description of the form and function of the anti-predator behaviour of one species of black-and-white colobus monkeys, the Guereza (Colobus guereza), with a specific focus on their alarm calling behaviour. A second aim was to determine the effects of predator experience on their anti-predator behaviour, with a specific focus on call comprehension and production. Data were collected from two populations of Guereza monkeys in the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda, that differ in predation pressures experienced by their main predators: leopards, eagles and chimpanzees. Results showed that Guerezas use a basic form of zoo-syntax in order to compose predator-specific call sequences that vary in the number of roaring phrases and snorts. These sequences are meaningful to recipients, at least at the level of the predator class, but there were also indications for additional levels of encoded information: Guerezas appear to have evolved a second system, based on acoustic variants of individual phrases, which allows them to narrow down the information content of call sequences, generating the potential to communicate highly specific information by using a mix of syntactic and semantic cues. The monkeys’ vocal behaviour was influenced by predator experience, but not strongly so. Monkeys without prior experience with leopards lacked some of the behavioural nuances seen in leopard-experienced monkeys, but they nevertheless responded appropriately to visual and acoustic leopard models, suggesting they had retained the basic capacities to recognise this predator type as relevant and dangerous. Results are discussed in light of the comparative approach to the study of human language evolution. Although human language is unique in a number of ways, for example through its use of complex syntax and intentional semantics, some animal communication systems have revealed similar features, and Guerezas, the first member of the colobine family to be studied in this respect, are no exception. The Guerezas’ alarm calling behaviour is complex and flexible, and these monkeys have provided another piece of empirical evidence that is directly relevant for the comparative approach to human language evolution.

Personuppgiftslagens efterlevnad i samband med IT-övervakning : En studie av medelstora callcenterverksamheter

Eklund, Per, Forsman, Olof January 2010 (has links)
<p>I Datainspektionens rapporter 2003:3 och 2005:3 har myndigheten granskat hur personuppgifter behandlas i samband med arbetsgivares övervakning av anställda. Resultaten av dessa rapporter har visat på förekommande brister i förhållande till personuppgiftslagen i många av de granskade verksamheterna.</p><p>Mot denna bakgrund har en fallstudie av ett medelstort callcenterföretag genomförts för att ur ett tekniskt perspektiv undersöka hur väl personuppgiftslagen följs i samband med företagets övervakning av sin personal. Utifrån brister identifierade i fallstudien har en mindre kartläggning av liknande företag genomförts i ett försök att mäta graden av generaliserbarhet i de identifierade bristerna.</p><p>De brister som har identifierats i fallstudien rör i första hand otillfredsställande rutiner för gallring av personuppgifter vid e-postövervakning samt avsaknad av information till de anställda om vilka kontroller som sker i samband med detta. Behov av en uppdatering av företagets IT-policy samt ett behov av en övervakningslösning för personalens internetanvändande kunde också noteras.</p><p>Kartläggningen har givit antydningar om att liknande brister vad gäller rutiner för gallring samt bristande information kan tänkas förekomma även hos andra medelstora callcenterföretag.</p><p>Slutsatsen av arbetet är att flera av de brister som uppdagades av Datainspektionen för fem år sedan tycks göra sig gällande bland vissa medelstora callcenterföretag även idag.</p> / <p>In the 2003:3 and 2005:3 reports issued by the Swedish Data Inspection Board, the authority examined the treatment of personal data related to employer surveillance of employees. The reports indicated flaws occurring in regard to the Personal Data Act in several of the examined businesses.</p><p>In reference to this, a case study of a mid-sized call center was conducted to examine, from a technical point of view, the degree of compliance with the Personal Data Act regarding the company's surveillance of its employees. Based upon flaws found in the case study, a minor survey of similar companies was conducted in an attempt to measure the degree of generalizability of the identified flaws.</p><p>The flaws identified in the case study are mainly related to unsatisfactory routines for sorting out personal data during e-mail surveillance and lack of information given to employees about the conducting of checks related to this. A need to update the company's corporate IT policy and a need for a web surveillance solution were also noted.</p><p>The survey has indicated that similar flaws regarding screening routines and lack of information also might occur at other mid-sized call center companies.</p><p>The conclusion of the study is that several of the flaws the Swedish Data Inspection Board discovered five years ago still seem to be applicable among some mid-sized call center companies.</p>

A Framework for Call Graph Construction

Honar, Elnaz, Mortazavi Jahromi, Seyed AmirHossein January 2010 (has links)
<p>In object oriented programming, a Call Graph represents the calling relationships between the program’s methods. To be more precise, a Call Graph is a rooted directed graph where each node of the graph represents a method and each edge <em>(u, v)</em> represents a method call from method <em>u </em>to method <em>v.</em></p><p><em></em>Focus of this thesis is on building a framework for Call Graph construction algorithms which can be used in program analysis. Our framework is able to be initialized by different front-ends and constructs various Call Graph algorithms. Here, we instantiate framework with two bytecode readers (ASM and Soot) as front-ends and implement three Call Graph construction algorithms (CHA, RTA and CTA).<em></em></p><p>At first, we used two above mentioned bytecode readers to read the bytecode of a specific Java program, then we found reachable methods for each invoked method; meanwhile we kept obtained details on our own data structures.  Creating data structures for storing required information about Classes, Methods, Fields and Statements, gives us a great opportunity to implement an independent framework for applying well known Call Graph algorithms. As a result of these data structures, Call Graph construction will not depend on bytecode readers; since, whenever we read the bytecode of a program, we accumulate all necessary points in pre-defined data structures and implement our Call Graphs based on this accumulated data.</p><p>Finally, the result is a framework for different Call Graph construction algorithms which is the goal of this thesis. We tested and evaluated the algorithms with a variety of programs as the benchmark and compared the bytecode readers besides the three Call Graph algorithms in different aspects.</p>

A mathematical model for managing equity-linked pensions.

Julie, Elmerie January 2007 (has links)
<p>Pension fund companies manage and invest large amounts of money on behalf of their members. In return for their contributions, members expect a benefit at termination of their contract. Due to the volatile nature of returns that pension funds attain, pension companies started attaching a minimum guaranteed amount to member&rsquo / s benefits. In this mini-thesis we look at the pioneering work of Brennan and Schwartz [10] for pricing these minimum guarantees. The model they developed prices these minimum guarantees using option pricing theory. We also look at the model proposed by Deelstra et al. which prices minimum guarantees in a stochastic financial setting. We conclude this mini-thesis with new contributions where we look at simple alternative ways of pricing minimum guarantees. We conclude this mini-thesis with an approach, related to the work of Brennan and Schwartz [10], whereby the member&rsquo / s benefit is maximised for a given minimum guaranteed amount, which comprises of multi-period guarantees. We formulate a method to find the optimal stream of these multi-period guarantees.</p>

高頻率交易引入我國之初探 / A preliminary study of introducing high frequency trading to Taiwan

蕭叡涵, Hsiao, Jui Han Unknown Date (has links)
高頻率交易在近年已漸成為全球趨勢,在世界各主要交易所的交易型態中都占有相當的比例。高頻率交易雖因係非僅有單一策略型態的套利行為,而目前尚未有明確之定義,然簡言之,其係指於毫秒等級的微小時間內,利用複雜的計算機運算系統挾帶速度優勢來進行迅速探測出市場上股票或期貨微小的價格差異並從中套利之交易模式。高頻率交易的特性是「交易頻繁,但每次獲利微薄」,且通常是當沖交易。然而,此種立基於快速撮合的逐筆交易制度以及資訊軟硬體設備進步而生之新型交易模式,除能帶來增加交易市場流動性、促進市場活絡等優點以外,亦藏有使股市因無意向成交而產生劇烈波動或造成市場秩序不公平等風險,如著名的美國2010年閃電崩盤即為一例。 我國證券市場的交易制度幾經更迭,現行所採之集合競價的撮合間隔時間一路從20秒降至現行的5秒,然仍遲未採行各國趨勢之逐筆交易制度。現任證交所董事長施俊吉對此也於2016年12月13日受訪時指出,集合競價交易方式已屬老式且落伍,逐筆交易已水到渠成,運作尚有賴券商業者大力配合。只要券商準備好即可隨時啟動。 證券交易市場首重公平性,此於我國證券交易法立法目的即可觀之。我國雖因未採行逐筆交易制度,目前尚未面臨高頻率交易之挑戰,然於可預見之未來,我國實施逐筆交易制度後,高頻率交易的產生以及比重無可避免地將有隨之增加之可能。此時我國證券交易市場所將面臨的,即高頻率交易究竟有無促進市場效率、抑或破壞市場公平性;以及我們又該如何將之規範以兼顧市場整體利益與投資人保護等考驗。 本論文以現行我國交易制度的發展動向為脈絡,並以未雨綢繆之角度初探高頻率交易此一議題,藉參考他國就此交易模式之制度與規範方向,自我國現行證券交易法之制度下進行檢視及討論,藉此試提出於我國推行逐筆交易後,發生高頻率交易時之相關配套建議以及對投資人的保護措施,做為我國日後實際推行逐筆交易制度與高頻率交易時之參考依據。 / High-frequency trading (HFT) has become a global trend in recent years. It accounts for a considerable proportion in the world's major exchanges. HFT is not only a single strategy for the type of arbitrage behavior; hence, there is still no clear definition of it. But in short, it refers to a type of algorithmic trading characterized by "frequent transactions with minute profit". Despite the benefit of increasing the liquidity of market and promoting market activity, it also has some disadvantages such as interfering the market order and the risk of unfairness. The well-known case, Flash Crash, of America in 2010 is so one example of HFT. The securities market trading system of Taiwan, Call Auction, has changed several times. The interval of the auction collecting and matching time has been all the way from 20 seconds down to the 5 seconds in current. But the final goal, Trade by Trade Matching transaction, has not yet been adopted so far. In December of 2016, the current chairman of Taiwan Stock Exchange said that Call Auction transaction is now old-fashioned and outdated, Trade by Trade Matching transaction has become a matter of course. Trade by Trade Matching transaction is just right around the corner, and it’s ready to launch as long as the brokers are ready. Fairness is the first priority in securities market. While Taiwan has not yet adopted the Trade by Trade Matching transaction and has not yet faced the challenges of HFT, Taiwan will no doubt implement it in the foreseeable future, and therefore the possibility of the appearance and the proportion of HFT in our market will be increasing. At the same time, HFT will be faced with whether it will promote market efficiency or undermine the fairness of the market. How should we regulate it and how to protect the interests of investors and the overall benefit of our market will also become our tests. This thesis takes the development trend of current trading system in Taiwan as a starting point and probes into the issue of HFT from the view of precaution. By referring to the trading system and regulations toward HFT of other countries, this thesis try to propose relevant suggestions and protection measures for investors and appropriate regulations of market after the implementation of Trade by Trade Matching transaction and the embracement of HFT in Taiwan.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta i glesbygd med jour på distans. / Nurses ' experiences of working in a rural environment with on call at a distance

Lundholm, Ylva January 2017 (has links)
AbstractSyfte. Att: beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta i glesbygd med jour på distans.Bakgrund. Jour på distans innebär att sjuksköterskor, med stöd av läkare på di-stans, omhändertar patienter med olika slags akuta symtom. Frånvaron av nationella studier, rörande sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av jour på distans i kombination med behovet av att hitta nya sätt att bedriva vård i glesbygd, borde medföra ett intresse för studien.Design: Deskriptiv intervjustudie med kvalitativ ansats.Metod. Intervjuer genomfördes med 9 sjuksköterskor, vilka arbetar vid 2 olika häl-socentraler belägna i nordligaste delen av Sverige. Intervjuerna genomfördes våren 2017. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat. Analysen resulterade i de 4 kategorierna rollutveckling, fördelar för pati-enten, stöd samt osäkerhet. Sjuksköterskor beskriver sig ha ett arbete som på olika sätt medför rollutveckling. Fördelar för patinten framställs bestå av exempelvis mins-kat behov av resor samt möjlighet att få snabb bedömning utan att alltid behöva åka till sjukhus. Kategorin stöd belyser betydelsen av tillit från läkare och fungerande teknik. Sista kategorin påvisar att vissa situationer medför känslor av osäkerhet hos sjuksköterskan, som exempelvis när läkare har dålig kunskap om jour på distans.Slutsats. Resultatet påvisar att jour på distans, sett ur sjuksköterskornas perspektiv, är ett bra sätt att tillvarata befintlig personal och teknik i syfte att tillhandahålla vård under jourtid i glest befolkade områden. Arbete med jour på distans kräver sjukskö-terskor med god kunskap och erfarenhet och studien påvisar även betydelsen av ut-bildning samt stöd från läkaren.

Une analyse en milieu de travail : Étude de cas d'une firme de sondage

Gagnon, Marie-Ève 11 1900 (has links)
[français] L’objectif de cette recherche est d’analyser l’organisation interne d’une firme de sondage sous l’angle des sphères du milieu de travail telles qu’identifiées par Bélanger, Giles et Murray (2004), soient : la gestion de la production, l’organisation du travail et la relation à l’emploi. Plus spécifiquement, nous chercherons à savoir comment se comporte la firme enquêtée face à la gestion de la flexibilité organisationnelle et quel est l’impact de celle-ci sur les trois sphères du travail. L’analyse utilise la méthodologie de l’étude de cas et fait appel à divers types de matériaux : des observations ponctuelles, des entrevues informelles et les bases de données administratives ainsi que les rapports d’évaluation des entrevues téléphoniques effectuées par les intervieweurs. De même, l’analyse des résultats utilise à la fois des méthodes plus classiques telles que les corrélations ainsi que des représentations graphiques et des analyses qualitatives. L’analyse permet de repérer une logique de fonctionnement à l’œuvre dans les différentes sphères de l’emploi : l’importante standardisation des processus de travail (dans le champ de la gestion de la production), la réduction des marges de manœuvre (dans le champ de l’organisation du travail) et la non reconnaissance de l’expertise des intervieweurs (dans le champ de la relation à l’emploi). Les contradictions repérées dans l’analyse, entre les sphères de l’emploi et les objectifs de flexibilité, montrent que les structures mises en place bloquent, dans une certaine mesure, la capacité d’initiative et d’adaptation que la flexibilité exige. La recherche a montré que ce qu’on demande aux intervieweurs est à la fois le reflet des exigences de la flexibilité, tel que constaté dans ce mémoire, mais aussi, des exigences sociales face à la méthodologie de sondage. Tout porte à déduire que celles-ci peuvent engendrer un plafonnement de la performance des employés. Mots-clés : centres d’appels, intervieweurs, firmes de sondage, flexibilité organisationnelle, gestion de la production, organisation du travail, relation à l’emploi, travail émotionnel. / [english] The objective of this study is to analyze the internal organization of a polling firm from the perspective of workplace spheres, as identified by Bélanger, Giles and Murray (2004): production management, work organization and employment relations. More specifically, we sought to discover how the studied firm behaved in terms of managing organizational flexibility and its impact on the three aforementioned spheres. The analysis uses case-study methodology and calls upon various types of material: point source observations, informal interviews, as well as administrative databases and assessment reports of telephone interviews carried out by interviewers. In addition, the analysis employs both classical methods such as correlations, as well as graphical representations and qualitative analyses. The analysis traces an operational logic from the point of view of the different spheres: the significant standardization of the work process (in the sphere of production management), the reduction of flexibility (in the sphere of work organization), and the non-recognition of interviewer expertise (in the sphere of employment relations). The contradictions revealed by the analysis between the spheres of work and the goals of flexibility demonstrate that the structures currently in place block, to a certain extent, the capacities for initiative and adaptation required by flexibility. The research demonstrates that what is asked of interviewers is both a reflection of the requirements of flexibility, as seen in this thesis, but also of social requirements related to survey methodology. All of which points to the conclusion that these requirements can lead to a leveling off of employee performance. Key words: call centers, interviewers, polling firms, organizational flexibility, production management, work organization, work relations, emotional labor. / CRSH

AURA : a hybrid approach to identify framework evolution

Wu, Wei 02 1900 (has links)
Les cadriciels et les bibliothèques sont indispensables aux systèmes logiciels d'aujourd'hui. Quand ils évoluent, il est souvent fastidieux et coûteux pour les développeurs de faire la mise à jour de leur code. Par conséquent, des approches ont été proposées pour aider les développeurs à migrer leur code. Généralement, ces approches ne peuvent identifier automatiquement les règles de modification une-remplacée-par-plusieurs méthodes et plusieurs-remplacées-par-une méthode. De plus, elles font souvent un compromis entre rappel et précision dans leur résultats en utilisant un ou plusieurs seuils expérimentaux. Nous présentons AURA (AUtomatic change Rule Assistant), une nouvelle approche hybride qui combine call dependency analysis et text similarity analysis pour surmonter ces limitations. Nous avons implanté AURA en Java et comparé ses résultats sur cinq cadriciels avec trois approches précédentes par Dagenais et Robillard, M. Kim et al., et Schäfer et al. Les résultats de cette comparaison montrent que, en moyenne, le rappel de AURA est 53,07% plus que celui des autre approches avec une précision similaire (0,10% en moins). / Software frameworks and libraries are indispensable to today's software systems. As they evolve, it is often time-consuming for developers to keep their code up-to-date. Approaches have been proposed to facilitate this. Usually, these approaches cannot automatically identify change rules for one-replaced-by-many and many-replaced-by-one methods, and they trade off recall for higher precision using one or more experimentally-evaluated thresholds. We introduce AURA (AUtomatic change Rule Assistant), a novel hybrid approach that combines call dependency and text similarity analyses to overcome these limitations. We implement it in a Java system and compare it on five frameworks with three previous approaches by Dagenais and Robillard, M. Kim et al., and Schäfer et al. The comparison shows that, on average, the recall of AURA is 53.07% higher while its precision is similar (0.10% lower).

Jednotná úroveň informačních systémů operačního řízení a modernizace technologií pro příjem tísňového volání / Consistent level of operational information systems management and upgrading technology for reciving emergency call

Zvonař, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
Title: Unified standart of operational informational system management and upgrading technology for receiving emergency calls. Objective: Operation description and modernizastion of information systems and the Emergency Call Centre and usability compared to other lines in the CR and a single line in the European Union Method: Data search and collection about the operation and modernization of information systems from available sources and compared with previous technologies Results: Presentation of research results and comparison with previous data at a national level and compare the current situation in the Czech Republic and the EU Key words: Emergency Call Centre, Integrated Rescue System, information systems, the single European emergency number 112

Assessing the distribution of bats in southern Africa to highlight conservation priorities

Cooper-Bohannon, Rachael January 2015 (has links)
Approximately 25% of bats globally are threatened, but limited data on African bats, which account for 20% of bat species, hinders our understanding of their conservation status across this ecologically diverse continent. This study combined: modelling techniques, to predict current species distributions for 58 southern African bat species and project past, current and future distributions of 22 endemic and near-endemic species; bat acoustic surveys, to assess landscape features influencing bat activity in arid and semi-arid regions; and conservation planning software to design a large-scale monitoring network for bats across this subcontinent. Species distribution models were employed using a robust and well established presence-only modelling technique (Maximum Entropy – Maxent) to model the current distributions of 58 species in southern Africa. Although the important eco-geographical variables were species- or in some cases family-specific, overall water availability (both temporary and permanent), seasonal precipitation, vegetation and karst (caves/limestone) areas were the most important factors associated with distribution patterns. These species distributions were then used to identify range-restricted and narrow niche breadth species, alongside other life-history strategies considered to put species at risk, such as Old World pteropodids and cave-dwelling bats to identify species most at risk. Nine of the 58 species in this study were identified as ‘at risk’. Considering range-restriction and endemism separately, the results showed that range-restricted species were a higher proportion (50%) of ‘at risk’ species than endemics (41%) but six of the nine identified species were endemic and range restricted (67%). If only areas of high species richness are prioritised, important areas with low species richness but rare, ‘at risk’ or endemic species would be excluded. Species distributions are not fixed but may shift due to changes in environmental conditions. Accurately predicting changes in species’ distributions due to anthropogenic climate change remains a fundamental challenge for conservation biologists, and this is amplified when dealing with taxa such as bats that are inherently difficult to study and in areas, such as Africa, with sparse ecological data. To better understand endemic bat species risk to climate change in southern Africa and to highlight historical and future likely refugia, Maxent was employed to forecast range-shifts for 22 southern African endemic or near-endemic species. Species distributions were projected during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM ~22,000 BP), present (1950-2000) and future (2070: averaged 2061-2080, using IPCC5 scenarios) climatic conditions. Climate change was predicted to change species composition extensively within a relatively short timescale (within 60 years). By 2070, 86% of species modelled are predicted to have range contractions and six species were highlighted to be most at risk, with range contractions of more than 20%. The majority of southern Africa is composed or arid or semi-arid regions. Generally arid and semi-arid areas are overlooked and understudied due to low species richness, yet these areas are known to have a high proportion of endemic species. As part of this study, driven transects were carried out across arid and semi-arid areas to assess bat activity in these areas. Bat activity was recorded at 94% of the acoustic surveys, demonstrating that driven transects are an effective method of surveying bats in southern Africa. Bat activity increased at lower altitudes and higher latitudes, which characteristically have more rainfall, permanent water and vegetation. Although water has been shown in other studies to be important for bats, temporary water was not shown to influence bat activity and permanent water was positively correlated with bat activity for hipposiderids and rhinolophids and FM bats, which may reflect the fact that water features important for bats at smaller scale. The same two vegetation types that were consistently negatively correlated with bat activity were drier vegetation types (Karoo-Namib shrubland) and high salinity halophytic vegetation. Finally, a systematic conservation planning software tool (Marxan) was used to design multi-species monitoring networks that incorporated all 58 target species across the 11 ecoregions found in southern Africa. To ensure rare, endemic and range-restricted species were monitored at the same level as widespread species, species distributions (mapped using Maxent) were extracted by ecoregion. Monitoring targets (i.e. a percentage of species distribution across ecoregions) were standardised to ensure the same percentage of predicted distribution was included across all species (rare and widespread). To account for different resources and capacity, three optimal monitoring networks (minimum monitoring stations to achieve the monitoring targets) were proposed to survey 1, 5 or 10% of all species distributions within each ecoregion. The optimal solution for monitoring 1% of species distributions within ecoregions was found by monitoring 1,699 stations (survey sites), or for 5% 8,486 stations and finally for 10% 17,867 stations would be needed. In conclusion, the findings presented in this thesis have important conservation implications and have the potential to inform the practical steps required towards the introduction of a bat monitoring programme in southern Africa. While this study has highlighted challenges to African bat conservation, it has also demonstrated that an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach, using emerging techniques and conservation tools (e.g. conservation planning and automated call analysis software) can be used to fill knowledge gaps and inform conservation priorities in the absence of systematically collected data.

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