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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Återetablering av personligt varumärke inom cancel kulturen : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys inom kriskommunikation och strategisk kommunikation om hur Paolo Roberto och Alexander Bard försöker återetablea sig efter att ha blivit cancelled / Re-establishment of personal branding in cancel culture : A qualitative content analysis within crisis communication and strategic communication about how Paolo Roberto and Alexander Bard try to re-establish after being cancelled

Byman, Jacob, Kamruddin, Qais January 2022 (has links)
The increase in digitalisation of society and the growth of the internet has increased the development and activity of the media. People who are active in media create a personal brand with a goal to portray positive connections to themselves in order to attract opportunities. If the person behaves or says something controversial they face a risk of getting canceled. Cancel culture is a term that is researched in this paper and indicates that a person has made a mistake. This leads to the person being hung out in public, meaning a negative image for the personal brand. By getting canceled the person gets fired from their job or removed from a specific environment. The purpose of this study is to analyze how two Swedish celebrities use personal branding as a strategy to reestablish themselves in the media using crisis- and strategic communication within today's cancel culture. Using a qualitative research method with a focus on strategic and crisis communication this study uses a hermeneutic method based on interpretation to analyze the specific strategies that Paolo Roberto and Alexander Bard uses when trying to reestablish themselves.  The study analyzes Alexander Bard and Paolo Robertos communication on social media platforms and oral interviews on the Swedish channel TV4 after being fired for their behavior. The study examines the use of strategies by Roberto and Bard in their communication. The empirical data is based on the interviews with TV4 and posts on social media regarding the incident that got Bard and Roberto canceled. It was found that Roberto and Bard used two different types of communication strategies when trying to reestablish themselves after being canceled and this study examines if their strategies were successful or not. The study answers the question on how personal branding can be used as a method to reestablish a brand after being canceled.

Utdelning i fåmansbolag : Reformers påverkan på beteende och agerande

Abbas, Rami, Issa, Simon, Landenberg, Kevin January 2018 (has links)
Datum:                    2018-01-15 Nivå:                        Kandidatuppsats Företagsekonomi, 15 hp Akademi:                Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens Högskola Författare:              Rami Abbas             Simon Issa                          Kevin Landenberg              92/03/26                                 92/02/02                                       94/08/11        Titel:                        Utdelning i fåmansbolag Nyckelord:                         Utdelning, kvalificerade aktier, slopade förslaget 2017, skattebeteende Forskningsfrågor: Vilka eventuella förändringar i beteenden har det slopade förslaget             genererat vid beslutfattande hos fåmansbolag?  Vilken påverkan har skattereformer på skattebeteende? Syfte:                       Syftet med undersökningen är att skapa förståelse över om, hur och varför fåmansbolagen har agerat utefter det slopade förslaget för förändringen på 3:12- reglerna. Utöver detta är syftet också att skapa en förståelse för vilken påverkan skattereformer har på skattebeteende. Metod:                     Regleringar kring fåmansbolagsutdelningsmöjligheter har samlats in och analyserats. Teoretisk datainsamling om reformers påverkan på skattebeteende har insamlats. Utöver detta har det genomförts intervjuer med ägare för fåmansbolag samt auktoriserade revisorer. Slutsats:        Förslaget till förändringar som slopades sommaren 2017 hade ingen nämnvärd påverkan på majoriteten av delägarna i fåmansbolagen. Detta på grund av för komplicerade regleringar. I särskilda fall, när reformer är för komplicerade kräver det för berörda parter en inlärningstid för att ta in ny kunskap och därför inte har varken tid eller kunskap att agera efter reformens krav. / Date:                        2018-01-15 Level:                       Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr Institution:                         School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors:                  Rami Abbas             Simon Issa                          Kevin Landenberg              92/03/26                                 92/02/02                                       94/08/11 Title:                        Dividend in close companies Keywords:              Dividend, qualified shares, the canceled proposition 2017, tax behavior Research Questions:               What possible changes in behavior has the cancelled proposition generated at decision making in close companies?                                  What impact do tax reforms have on tax behavior? Purpose:                  The purpose of the survey is to create an understanding about if and how close companies have acted towards the rejected proposition of change in the 3:12 rules. In addition to this, the purpose is also to create an understanding of what impact tax reforms have on tax behavior. Method:                   Regulations regarding dividend opportunities in close companies, have been collected and analyzed. Theoretical data collection on reformers' impact on tax behavior has been collected. In addition, interviews have been conducted with owners of close companies and authorized auditors. Conclusion:              The proposition of change that were rejected in the summer of 2017 had no significant impact on majority of the shareholders at close companies. This is due to complicated regulations. In specific cases, when reforms are too complicated, it requires the involved partners a learning time to acquire new knowledge and therefore do not have the time or knowledge to respond to the reform requirements.

The complexity of cancel culture: : Unveiling the personal and social drivers that influences the decision to cancel

Gvozden, Najda, Zetterlind, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
The rise of social media has emerged the social phenomena called cancel culture, where individuals hold influencers and endorsed brands accountable for perceived immoral actions. Cancel culture originates from a desire for social justice, where the consequences of those cancelled could be temporary and long-lasting reputational damage. The behavior to cancel is individually complex and has many different drivers influencing the performance of behavior.  Despite its significant impact, cancel culture within research is just in its early stage and has received limited research from a qualitative perspective. Previous studies have researched cancel culture through the perspective of consumer power, celebrity transgressions, psychological drivers, and social identity. Moreover, previous research has studied the intended behavior to cancel, not the actual performance to cancel. There still remains a research gap in understanding the personal and social drivers that influence the process to cancel an influencer and endorsed brand. By this, it led us to our research question: “What are the personal and social drivers that could influence the behavior to engage in cancel culture?”. With an aim to provide a deeper understanding of the complex phenomena of cancel culture between consumers, influencers and the endorsed brands. By examining drivers such as norms, beliefs, values and traits our study seeks to shed light on the drivers and how they influence the behavior of cancel culture.  The findings revealed an interesting insight from the consumer perspective. An actual cancellation has a higher chance of occurring if the influencer's action is perceived to cross an moral barrier of a follower. However, our study found that subjectivity increases complexity of the behavior as every individual has their own moral barrier. For example, if the action is perceived to clash with the followers’ personal beliefs and values, cancellation might occur, however another individual might not perceive the action to cross their moral barrier. Moreover, our study found that the desire of social belongingness and social acceptance has a significant role when making a decision to cancel. From our study we have revealed that cancel culture is both an individual and social phenomenon, where the influence of one's own personal drivers is just as influential as the social influence. More specifically, followers' idea of their self- concept is just as influential as the pressure from their social environment. In conclusion, personal and social drivers influence the decision to cancel an influencer and endorsed brands. However, as subjectivity matters, these personal and social drivers influence the process differently for each individual. From a managerial perspective, our findings could contribute to influencer marketing strategies trying to improve their selection process or response strategy if an cancellation would occur.

Inställda förrättningar : Orsaker till inställande i Gävleborg, Dalarna och Jämtlands län 2013-2017

Östlund, Linda January 2018 (has links)
Sometimes obstacles arise in cadastral procedures that make it impossible to carry out the party's claim. An obstacle may be that property formation does not meet the conditions in chapter 3. or 5 chap. property formation (SFS 1970: 988). According to a press release issued by the Government Chancellor on January 19, 2017 (Regeringskansliet, 2017), the average processing time for an cadastral procedures is approximately 47.1 weeks at the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority (based on the last five years). The Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority was commissioned to work towards shorten cases queues. By detecting obstacles in cadastral proceedings earlier, those cases that are not possible to be implemented can be removed from the case queue and help shorten the processing time. By examin cases that have been canceled due to a material barrier, a basis has been provided for reasons of resignation. During the period from 1 January to 31 december 2017, 74 cadastral procedurs were canceled in Gävleborg, Dalarna and Jämtland on due to material barriers. In view of the outcome of Klang (Klang, 2010) and the result of this work it can be concluded that the section of the law that most often cause barriers to cadastral procedurs are found in chapter 3 of the Property Formation Act. An examination of the property formation at an earlier stage would facilitate the work of the establishment. If obvious defects of appropriateness and conditions that are significantly contrary to the applicable land rules are discovered and can be resolved already at the first examination of the application, it could help reduce the processing time for that case. If not, the case would even be considered impracticable already there. However, in order to be able to make such an assessment at first examination, there is a certain kind of competence that is already lacking today. / Ibland uppkommer hinder i förrättningar som omöjliggör ett genomförande av sakägarens yrkande. Ett hinder kan vara att fastighetsbildningen inte uppfyller villkoren i 3 kap. eller 5 kap. fastighetsbildningslagen (SFS 1970:988). Enligt ett pressmeddelande från Regeringskansliet den 19 januari 2017 (Regeringskansliet, 2017) är den genomsnittliga handläggningstiden för ett förrättningsärende ca 47,1 veckor hos det Statliga Lantmäteriet (baserat på de senaste fem åren). Lantmäteriet fick i uppdrag att jobba för att korta ner ärendekön. Genom att upptäcka hinder i förrättningsärenden tidigare kan dessa ärenden som inte är möjliga att genomföra tas ur ärendekön och bidra till att korta handläggningstiden. Genom att kvalitativt granska förrättningar som har blivit inställda på grund av ett materiellt hinder har ett underlag tagits fram för orsaker till inställande. Under tidsperioden 2013-01-01 till 2017-12-31 inställdes 74 stycken förrättningar i Gävleborg, Dalarna och Jämtlands län på grund av materiella hinder. Med tanke på resultatet som Klang (Klang, 2010) fick fram gällande förrättningar enligt fastighetsbildningslagen och resultatet i detta arbete kan slutsatsen dras att de lagrum som oftast orsakar hinder för att genomföra förrättningar finns i fastighetsbildningslagens 3 kapitel. En prövning av fastighetsbildningslagen i ett tidigare skede skulle underlätta arbetet med förrättningen. Om uppenbara lämplighetsbrister och förhållanden som påtagligt strider emot gällande markbestämmelser upptäckts och kan åtgärdas redan vid första granskning av ansökan skulle det kunna bidra till att handläggningstiden för det ärendet kortades ned. Om inte ärendet till och med skulle anses vara ogenomförbart redan där. För att kunna göra en sådan bedömning vid första granskning krävs det dock en viss typ av kompetens som det idag redan är brist på.

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