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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation into the role of pattern recognition receptors in canine inflammatory bowel disease

Kathrani, Aarti Ashok January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The role of hepatic regeneration and angiogenesis in the response to surgical attenuation of congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs

Tivers, Michael Samuel January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Šunų nutukimo ir antsvorio analizė / Analysis of canine overweight and obesity

Morkūnaitė, Justina 05 March 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: išnagrinėti šunų nutukimo ir viršsvorio pasireiškimo dažnumą, priežastis ir svorio kontroliavimo galimybes. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išsiaiškinti, kokius sveikatos sutrikimus dažniausiai patiria nutukę šunys. 2. Įvertinti tiriamus šunis pagal kūno kondicijos skalę nuo 1 iki 5 balų. 3. Išnagrinėti nutukimo priežastis bei išsiaiškinti, kokią įtaką viršsvoriui turi šunų šėrimo ypatybės ir gyvenimo sąlygos. Tyrimai atlikti LSMU VA Dr. Leono Kriaučeliūno smulkiųjų gyvūnų klinikoje 2012 – 2013 metais. 2012-12-01 – 2013-06-01 buvo renkama informacija apie klinikoje užregistruotus veislinius viršsvorio turinčius šunis. Taip pat buvo įvertinti mišrūnai, apsilankę klinikoje 2013-08-01 – 2013-10-01. 2013-10-15 – 2013-12-23 buvo pateikta anketa šunų augintojams internetiniame puslapyje [www.apklausa.lt]. Nustatyta antsvorio ir nutukimo dažnumas, įvertina veislės, amžiaus, lyties, gyvenimo sąlygų įtaka nutukimui, ligų pasireiškimas viršsvorio turintiems šunims. Baigiamojo darbo apimtinis – 48 puslapių. Juose pateikta 3 lentelės ir 20 paveikslų. Buvo panaudoti 44 literatūros šaltiniai. Tyrimų rezultatai: Viršsvorio turi vidutiniškai 19% bendros šunų populiacijos. Iš jų – 83% turi antsvorio, 17% yra nutukę. Dažniausiai viršsvorio turi šios veislės: Labradoro retriveriai, Vakarų Škotijos baltieji terjerai, taksai, auksaspalviai retriveriai, mopsai, prancūzų buldogai. Viršsvorio dažniau turi vyresni šunys. Didelių veislių (nuo 26kg) viršsvorio turinčių šunų daugiausia buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the work is to analyze the frequencies of canine overweight and obesity, also causes and options to control the weight. The objectives of the work are: • To find out what health problems usually have an obese canine. • To rate the dogs according to body condition score from 1 to 5 points. • To analyze the causes of canine obesity and to find out the impact of dogs feeding and living characteristics to them overweight. Investigations of the work were carried out in the Clinic of Small Animals of Lithuanian University of Health Science Veterinary Academy Dr. Leonas Kriaučeliūnas in the year of 2012–2013. The information about pedigree canine with overweight problems was collected in clinic in the period of 2012-12-01–2013-06-01. Also there were analyzed mixed breeds dogs, which visited this clinic in the period of 2013-08-01–2013-10-01. Also in the period of 2013-10-15–2013-12-23 there were published the questionnaire on this theme for canine owners online [www.apklausa.lt]. Determined the frequencies of canine overweight and obesity, assessed the influence on obesity according to breed, age, sex, and living conditions, also analyzed the disease prevalence on canine with overweight problems. The scope of scientific work are 48 pages, in these pages are 3 tables and 21 pictures. There were used 44 literature sources in this work. The results of the work are: There are about 19% overweight dogs (83% – overweight, 17% – obesity). Mostly of breeds with overweight:... [to full text]
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Urbaitytė, Rūta 05 March 2014 (has links)
Tikslas - Ištirti pirmą kartą vakcinuojamų šuniukų motininio imuniteto trukmę ir įvertinti specifines profilaktikos priemones šunų parvovirusinio enterito sukėlėjui. Tyrimai buvo atlikti Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Veterinarijos akademijoje, Anatomijos ir fiziologijos katedros Imunologijos laboratorijoje ir privačioje veterinarijos klinikoje 2013 metais. Per šį periodą buvo surinkti duomenys apie atliktas 324 vakcinacijas prieš CPV infekciją. Buvo registruojama informacija apie amžių, lytį, veislę, naudotą vakciną ir laikymo sąlygas. 15 šunų buvo įtraukti į tyrimą paremtą imunofermentine analize. Kraujas buvo imamas iš ≤ 3 mėnesių amžiaus nevakcinuotų, kliniškai sveikų šuniukų. Buvo nustatyti parvovirusui specifiniai antikūnai. Standartinėje smulkių gyvūnų klinikoje šuniukų parvovirusinio enterito vakcinacijos atliekamos 6, 8-9 ir 12 savaičių laikotarpyje, kuomet motininio imuniteto parvovirusui specifinių antikūnų vidutinis titras yra ne mažesnis nei 1:1007. Šešių savaičių amžiaus šuniukų grupėje nustatyti aukšti (iki 1:1040) parvovirusui specifinių antikūnų titrai įrodo, kad pirmą kartą vakcinuojamų šuniukų motininis imunitetas šiame amžiuje gali nuslopinti aktyvų imuninį atsaką. Aštuonių savaičių amžiaus šuniukų motininių antikūnų parvovirusams titras kraujo serumo mėginiuose sumažėjo 3,7 karto iki 1:272 ir todėl leidžia atlikti sėkmingą vakcinaciją jau nuo 8 savaičių amžiaus. Nors didžiausias antikūnų parvovirusams kiekis prieš vakcinaciją buvo nustatytas Kinų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Purpose – to investigate maternal immunity duration among the puppies vaccinated for the first time and to evaluate specific preventive measures against canine parvovirus agent. Studies have been carried out at LSMU Veterinary academy, Anatomy and physiology department, Laboratory of immunology and private veterinary clinic „Dainavos veterinarija“ in 2013. During this period data was collected about 324 cases that preventive vaccination was used in the clinic against CVP infection. Registered data of dogs: age, sex, breed, used vaccine and dogs housing conditions. 15 dogs were included in this study based on enzime-linked immunosorbent assay. Blood samples were taken from ≤ 3 months age non-vaccinated and clinically healthy puppies. Specific parvovirus antibodies were determined. In standard private small animal veterinary clinic puppies against CPV are vaccinated at 6, 8-9 and 12 weeks of age, when maternal immunity specific antibody for parvovirus average titer is not less than 1:1007. In group puppies of 6 weeks age with high titres (up to 1:1040) of specific antibodies for parvovirus were determined and its demonstrate that maternal immunity of first time vaccinated puppies in this age could inhibit active immune response. In group of puppies at 8 weeks of age the titre of maternal antibodies for parvovirus in blood serum samples decrease by 3.7 times down to 1:272 an therefore allow a successful vaccination since the age of 8 weeks. Data of CPV vaccination demonstrate... [to full text]
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Šunų akių vokų ligos / Canine Eyelid Diseases

Čeponis, Tomas 05 March 2014 (has links)
Tirtos šunų akių vokų ligos ir joms gydyti taikomų metodų patikimumas. Tyrimas atliktas veterinarijos gydykloje “GATTO”. Tyrime analizuoti įvairių veislių, skirtingo amžiaus ir lyčių 92 šunys, turintys akių vokų ligų klinikinius simptomus. Tyrimai truko pusantrų metų laiko. Tirtos ligos: trečiojo voko hiperplazija ir konjunktyvitas, vokų įsivertimai, trauminiai pažeidimai, parazitiniai, bakteriniai susirgimai. Nustatyta, kad trumpasnukių veislių šunų ir jų mišrūnų patinams šios ligos diagnozuotos dažniau. / Topic of my research was canine eyelid diseases and effectiveness of their treatment. The research was conducted at veterinary clinic "Gatto”. 92 dogs that differed in breed, age and gender and all with history of eyelid diseases were involved. Diseases investigated were: third eyelid hyperplasia and conjunctivitis, eyelid trespassing, obstruction, parasitic, bacterial diseases. It was found that the short-nosed dog breeds and their crossbred males tend to be diagnosed with eyelid diseases more often.

Einfluss eines Immunmodulators auf Viruspersistenz und Immunantwort bei der caninen oralen Papillomatose

Raue, Monika 04 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Das canine orale Papillomvirus (COPV) infiziert hauptsächlich junge Hunde. Tiere, die an caniner oraler Papillomatose erkranken, weisen blumenkohl-ähnliche Papillome im Bereich der Maulhöhle auf, die sich in der Mehrzahl der Fälle nach vier bis acht Wochen spontan zurückbilden. In dieser Studie wurde der Einfluss von Baypamune auf den Erkrankungsverlauf, die Immunantwort und die Persistenz des viralen Genoms nach experimenteller COPV-Infektion untersucht. Baypamune ist ein Immunmodulator, der das Immunsystem antigen-unspezifisch stimuliert; sein genauer Wirkmechanismus ist noch nicht geklärt. Zwölf Labrador-Retriever im Alter von ca. 15 Wochen wurden mit COPV experimentell im Bereich der Maulschleimhaut infiziert. Nach der Entwicklung der ersten Papillome wurde allen Hunden sechsmal Baypamune oder ein Plazebopräparat subkutan injiziert. Bei allen Hunden bildeten sich die Papillome im Verlauf von mehreren Wochen zurück, klinisch konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen der Baypamune- und der Plazebo-Gruppe festgestellt werden (Klinik für Kleintiere, Universität Leipzig). Vor der experimentellen Infektion und 24 Stunden nach Plazebo- bzw. Baypamune-Gabe wurden Blutproben entnommen, in denen mittels quantitativer real-time RT-PCR der mRNA-Gehalt der Zytokine IL-18, TNFα und INFγ bestimmt wurde. In allen Proben wurde IL-18- und TNFα-mRNA nachgewiesen. Beobachtete Unterschiede im mRNA-Gehalt korrelierten jedoch nicht mit der vorherigen Behandlung mit einem bestimmten Präparat. INFγ-mRNA wurde in einigen, aber nicht in allen Proben detektiert. Ein Muster bezüglich der Behandlungsgruppe oder des Studientages war hier ebenfalls nicht erkennbar. Serumproben wurden in wöchentlichen Abständen vom Tag der Infektion bis zur Regression der Papillome sowie am letzten Studientag (Tag 147 post infectionem) entnommen. Diese wurden mittels eines dafür entwickelten COPV Capture ELISAs auf IgG-Antikörper gegen das Hauptstrukturprotein L1 von COPV untersucht. Die hierbei ermittelten Titer derjenigen Hunde, die mit Baypamune behandelt wurden, stiegen deutlich früher an als die der Plazebo-Gruppe. Am Ende der Studie waren jedoch die Titer in beiden Behandlungsgruppen ähnlich hoch. Einundzwanzig Wochen nach experimenteller Infektion wurden allen Hunden an zwei Stellen der Maulschleimhaut Bioptate entnommen: Ein Bioptat stammte aus einem Bereich, an dem sich zuvor ein Papillom befunden hatte, das andere von einer nicht-infizierten Stelle. Mittels PCR wurden die Proben auf das Vorhandensein persistierender COPV-DNA untersucht. Alle Proben, die von nicht-infizierten Stellen stammten, waren negativ. In den Bioptaten, die aus dem Bereich eines zurückgebildeten Papilloms entnommen worden waren, konnte abhängig vom verwendeten PCR-Protokoll in drei beziehungsweise vier von insgesamt sechs Hunden der Plazebo-Gruppe COPV-DNA nachgewiesen werden. In keinem Hund der Baypamune-Gruppe wurde COPV-DNA detektiert. Aus den hier vorgestellten Daten kann geschlossen werden, dass die wiederholte therapeutische Behandlung mit Baypamune zu einem schnelleren Anstieg der humoralen Immunantwort gegen das Hauptstrukturprotein L1 von COPV führt. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, dass Baypamune das Immunsystem bei der Beseitigung persistierender Papillomvirus-DNA unterstützen kann. Sollten weitere Versuche mit COPV und anderen Papillomviren diesen Effekt bestätigen, könnte die Anwendung von Baypamune bei rezidivierenden, persistierenden oder progressiv verlaufenden Papillomvirus-induzierten Erkrankungen bei Mensch und Tier sinnvoll sein.
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Characterization of Chronic Enteropathies in Dogs by Use of Fecal and Urinary N-methylhistamine Concentrations and Serum Methylmalonic Acid Concentrations

Berghoff, Nora 2012 August 1900 (has links)
Non-invasive markers that are clinically useful for the diagnosis and monitoring of canine chronic enteropathies are scarce. The first aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of cobalamin deficiency on a cellular level in dogs with chronic gastrointestinal disease by measuring serum methylmalonic acid (MMA) concentrations. Hypocobalaminemia has been associated with a negative outcome in dogs with chronic enteropathies, but the prevalence of cellular cobalamin deficiency is unknown. The second aim of this study was to determine the utility of fecal and urinary concentrations of N-methylhistamine (NMH) as a marker of gastrointestinal inflammation and disease activity in dogs with chronic enteropathies. Serum MMA concentrations were measured in healthy control dogs to establish a reference interval, which was calculated to be 415-1,193 nmol/L. Measurement of MMA concentrations in 555 serum samples from dogs with varying cobalamin concentrations showed a significant increase (p<0.05) in dogs with hypocobalaminemia. In a prospective group of 56 dogs with chronic enteropathies, 36% had decreased serum cobalamin concentrations, five of which (9% of 56 dogs) had increased serum MMA concentrations. We conclude that hypocobalaminemia is commonly seen in dogs with chronic gastrointestinal disease, but does not always appear to be associated with cellular cobalamin deficiency. In 47 dogs with chronic enteropathies, fecal and urinary NMH concentrations were increased in 21% and 27%, respectively, indicating that mast cell degranulation plays a role in a subset of dogs with chronic enteropathies. However fecal and urinary NMH concentrations did not correlate with each other, or with the clinical activity index. Urinary NMH concentrations correlated significantly with serum CRP concentrations, and were also significantly associated with severity of duodenal mucosal inflammation (p=0.008). The lack of correlation with the clinical activity index suggests that degranulation of mast cells only plays a role in some dogs with chronic enteropathies. Also, these results suggest that NMH alone may not be a good marker for clinical disease activity in dogs with chronic enteropathies. Due to its linear association with serum CRP and severity of mucosal inflammation, urinary NMH concentrations may be a better marker of intestinal inflammation than fecal NMH concentrations.
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Temporal patterns in canine admission rates at a suburban veterinary surgery, Brisbane, Australia

Parker, A. C. Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Canine zoonoses in Aboriginal communities : the effects of a canine breeding program in the Kimberley Region, Western Australia

Kathryn Wilks January 1999 (has links)
The hypothesis central to this study is that the implementation of a canine breeding and parasite control program in Aboriginal communities results in a reduction in the reservoir of zoonotic parasites within communities. The effect of the parasite and breeding control program on the health status of dogs as well as the population characteristics of dogs in communities was also investigated. The study was conducted in 17 Aboriginal communities of the Kimberley region of Western Australia, divided into three regions according to cultural and geographical attributes. All dogs from each community were permanently identified using a microchip system. Owners of dogs were asked the usual location of their animals, the origins of their dogs and the whereabouts of any missing animals at subsequent visits. Every three months dogs were treated with 200ygikg iverrnectin (a potent endo- and ecto-parasiticide) subcutaneously and adult female dogs were treated with an injectable contraceptive (10-30mgkg proligestone) at the request of their owners. At the time of treatment, dogs were assessed for ecto-parasites and photographs taken for later comparison and diagnosis of alopecic skin conditions. Faecal and blood samples were collected every three to six months and skin scrapings were collected from dogs that were refractory to treatment. The samples were used to determine internal parasite prevalence (using formal ethyl acetate sedimentation), blood parameters (for anaemia status) and evidence of scabies or Demodex infestation. A pilot study at one group of communities, involving weekly assessment of dogs after one iverrnectin treatment, showed that the treatment was effective in reducing the prevalence of scabies (as determined by clinical evaluation), hookworm and ticks. The treatment resulted in improvement in animal health as evidenced by a reduction in the number of dogs with anaemia. The long-term use of the ivermectin treatments at the other communities showed that over a period of three years, the prevalence of scabies and hookworm had reduced at most areas. The initial scabies prevalence varied from 17 to 52% and reduced to below 10% for all communities. The hookworm infection rates were affected by seasonal factors, as was evidenced by a seasonal variance in prevalence. Animals that were treated with ivermectin, though, had lower prevalences of hookworm than those that were not. There was a reasonable compliance rate for contraceptive treatments for female dogs (greater than 60% at each visit) and fewer puppies were born within communities when compared with rates before and after the establishment of the treatment program. High rates of acquisition of puppies from other communities continued to maintain the dog population numbers despite the reduction in breeding within communities. The dog population was young, biased towards male dogs, and very unstable (almost 50% of dogs died or went missing in a one year period). The rate of dog ownership across the Kimberley varied according to the region investigated and always remained higher or equal to ownership rates at the town centres of the Kimberley Region (as determined by a survey conducted during the study). Overall the canine parasite and breeding control program resulted in a reduction in scabies and hookworm prevalence in dogs (and hence a reduction in the potential zoonotic transmission), a reduction in dog breeding within communities, an improvement in dog health, and an understanding in the dynamics and health status of dogs within communities.
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Mechanisms in mosquitoes responsible for variation in susceptibility to infection by Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy), etiologic agent of canine heartworm disease

Sauerman, Donald M., January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Florida, 1980. / Description based on print version record. Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 157-167).

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