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Das Schlafapnoe-Syndrom bei Dialysepatienten / The sleep apnea syndrome with dialysis patientsWeidler, Oliver 28 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Physical Activity and Cardiovascular DiseaseAndersen, Kasper January 2014 (has links)
The aim was to investigate associations of fitness and types and levels of physical activity with subsequent risk of cardiovascular disease. Four large-scale longitudinal cohort studies were used. The exposures were different measures related to physical activity and the outcomes were obtained through linkage to the Swedish In-Patient Register. In a cohort of 466 elderly men without pre-existing cardiovascular disease, we found that skeletal muscle morphology was associated with risk of cardiovascular events. A high amount of type I (slow-twitch, oxidative) skeletal muscle fibres was associated with lower risk of cardiovascular events and high amount of type IIx was associated with higher risk of cardiovascular events. This association was only seen among physically active men. Among 39,805 participants in a fundraising event, higher levels of both total and leisure time physical activity were associated with lower risk of heart failure. The associations were strongest for leisure time physical activity. In a cohort of 53,755 participants in the 90 km skiing event Vasaloppet, a higher number of completed races was associated with higher risk of atrial fibrillation and a higher risk of bradyarrhythmias. Further, better relative performance was associated with a higher risk of bradyarrhythmias. Among 1,26 million Swedish 18-year-old men, exercise capacity and muscle strength were independently associated with lower risk of vascular disease. The associations were seen across a range of major vascular disease events (ischemic heart disease, heart failure, stroke and cardiovascular death). Further, high exercise capacity was associated with higher risk of atrial fibrillation and a U-shaped association with bradyarrhythmias was found. Higher muscle strength was associated with lower risk of bradyarrhythmias and lower risk of ventricular arrhythmias. These findings suggest a higher rate of atrial fibrillation with higher levels of physical activity. The higher risk of atrial fibrillation does not appear to lead to a higher risk of stroke. In contrast, we found a strong inverse association of higher exercise capacity and muscle strength with vascular disease. Further, high exercise capacity and muscle strength are related to lower risk of cardiovascular death, including arrhythmia deaths. From a population perspective, the total impact of physical activity on cardiovascular disease is positive.
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Development of a culturally sensitive program delivering cardiovascular health education to indigenous Australians, in South-West towns of Western Australia with lay educators as community role modelsOwen, Julie January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Indigenous Australians suffer cardiovascular disease (CVD) at a rate six times greater than the general population in Australia and while the incidence of CVD has been reduced dramatically amongst the majority of non-indigenous Australians and amongst Indigenous populations in other countries in the last 30 years, there has been little change in the figures for Aboriginal Australians, showing that heart health campaigns have little impact, for this group of people. Aims : The principal aims of this study were firstly, to determine and record the barriers to the development and delivery of CVD prevention programs amongst Indigenous Australians and secondly, to develop an alternative, effective and culturally sensitive method of delivering heart health messages. Methods and results : The study was qualitative research undertaken in three South-West towns of Western Australia where the incidence of CVD was high amongst the Aboriginal community members. The use of semi-formal interviews, informal individual consultation, observation, and focus groups were methods implemented to obtain information. The first phase of the research was to identify the barriers which affected the Aboriginal Health Workers’ ability to deliver specialist educational programs. Questionnaires and interviews with the Aboriginal Health Workers and other health professionals in the towns, and community focus groups were undertaken in this phase of the study. The second phase of the research was aimed at developing an alternative strategy for delivering heart health messages. The focus changed to adopt more traditional ways of passing on information in Indigenous communities. The idea of small gatherings of friends or family with a trusted community member presenting the health message was developed. The third phase of the research was to implement this new approach. Lay educators who had been identified within focus groups and by Aboriginal Health Workers were trained in each of the towns and a protocol involving discussions of health issues, viewing a video on CVD, produced by the National Heart Foundation, sharing in a ‘heart healthy’ lunch and partaking in a ‘heart health’ knowledge game which was developed specifically for the gatherings. Several of these gatherings were held in each of the towns and they became known as ‘HeartAware parties’.
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Biomarkers for cardiovascular risk prediction in people with type 2 diabetesPrice, Anna Helen January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Type 2 diabetes continues to be one of the most common non-communicable diseases worldwide and complications due to type 2 diabetes, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) can cause severe disability and even death. Despite advances in the development and validation of cardiovascular risk scores, those used in clinical practice perform inadequately for people with type 2 diabetes. Research has suggested that particular non-traditional biomarkers and novel omics data may provide additional value to risk scores over-and-above traditional predictors. Aims: To determine whether a small panel of non-traditional biomarkers improve prediction models based on a current cardiovascular risk score (QRISK2), either individually or in combination, in people with type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, to investigate a set of 228 metabolites and their associations with CVD, independent of well-established cardiovascular risk factors, in order to identify potential new predictors of CVD for future research. Methods: Analyses used the Edinburgh Type 2 Diabetes Study (ET2DS), a prospective cohort of 1066 men and women with type 2 diabetes aged 60-75 years at baseline. Participants were followed for eight years, during which time 205 had a cardiovascular event. Additionally, for omics analyses, four cohorts from the UCL-LSHTM-Edinburgh-Bristol (UCLEB) consortium were combined with the ET2DS. Across all studies, 1005 (44.73%) participants had CVD at baseline or experienced a cardiovascular event during follow-up. Results: In the ET2DS, higher levels of high sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTnT) and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) and lower levels of ankle brachial pressure index (ABI) were associated with incident cardiovascular events, independent of QRISK2 and pre-existing cardiovascular disease (odds ratios per one SD increase in biomarker 1.35 (95% CI: 1.13, 1.61), 1.23 (1.02, 1.49) and 0.86 (0.73, 1.00) respectively). The addition of each biomarker to a model including just QRISK2 variables improved the c-statistic, with the biggest increase for hs-cTnT (from 0.722 (0.681, 0.763) to 0.732 (0.690, 0.774)). When multiple biomarkers were considered in combination, the greatest c-statistic was found for a model which included ABI, hs-cTnT and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (0.740 (0.699, 0.781)). In the combined cohorts from the UCLEB consortium, a small number of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles were found to be significantly associated with CVD: concentration of medium HDL particles, total lipids in medium HDL, phospholipids in medium HDL and phospholipids in small HDL. These associations persisted after adjustment for a range of traditional cardiovascular risk factors including age, sex, blood pressure, smoking and HDL to total cholesterol ratio. Conclusions: In older people with type 2 diabetes, a range of non-traditional biomarkers increased predictive ability for cardiovascular events over-and-above the commonly used QRISK2 score, and a combination of biomarkers may provide the best improvement. Furthermore, a small number of novel omics biomarkers were identified which may further improve risk scores or provide better prediction than traditional lipid measurements such as HDL cholesterol.
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Impacto de intervenção nutricional no controle dos níveis pressóricos e metabólicos de pacientes hipertensos em acompanhamento na atenção primária de saúde do município de São Luís MA / Impact of nutritional intervention in the control of blood pressure and metabolic monitoring in hypertensive patients in primary health care in São Luís - MASilvia Tereza de Jesus Rodrigues Moreira Lima 18 March 2013 (has links)
A hipertensão é uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade no Brasil. Os hipertensos muitas vezes apresentam perfil lipídico e glicidico desfavoráveis. A alimentação pode desempenhar um papel importante na redução da pressão arterial (PA) e no perfil lipídico e controle glicêmico desses pacientes. Avaliar o impacto de uma intervenção nutricional adaptada ao padrão alimentar brasileiro no controle dos níveis pressóricos e metabólico de pacientes hipertensos em acompanhamento em um serviço de atenção primária de saúde do município de São Luís do Maranhão. Metodologia: ensaio clínico randomizado utilizando uma dieta de baixo índice glicêmico combinada ao aumento do consumo de frutas, vegetais, grãos integrais e laticínios desnatados que são os princípios do Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (dieta DASH). Foram alocados randomicamente 206 pacientes hipertensos que foram acompanhados por 6 meses. O grupo controle (GC, n=101) recebeu aconselhamento padrão, focado na redução da ingestão de sal. Resultados: Dos 206 pacientes randomizados, 156 (37 homens, 119 mulheres) completaram o estudo. A idade média dos participantes foi de 60,1 (DP 12,9) anos. Após 6 meses, houve redução na média da pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) em 14,4 mmHg e na diastólica (PAD) de 9,7 mmHg no grupo experimental (GE), em comparação a 6,7 mmHg e 4,6 mmHg, respectivamente, no GC. Após o ajuste para mudança de peso corporal, PA na linha de base e idade, essas diferenças entre os grupos foram de aproximadamente 9,2 mmHg e 6,2 mmHg, respectivamente. Ocorreram tambem variações estatisticamente significantes na excreção urinária de sódio, reduzida em 43,4 mEq/24 h no GE, bem como o colesterol total (-46.6mg/dl) , LDL colesterol (-42.5mg/dl), triglicérides (-31.3mg/dl), glicemia de jejum (-9.6mg/dl ) e hemoglobina glicada (-0,1%). O consumo alimentar modificou-se no GE com aumento do consumo de vegetais, passando de 2,97 para 5,85 ; frutas (4,09-7,18); feijão (1,94-3,13) e peixes (1,80 para 2,74). Modificações importantes relacionadas à redução significativa de carboidratos, teor lipídico e carga glicêmica da dieta, foram observadas. Conclusão: Este estudo mostrou a viabilidade e a eficácia de uma abordagem dietética com base no padrão alimentar brasileiro, na redução da PA e parâmetros bioquímicos inadequados, podendo causar um grande impacto na saúde pública. / Hypertension is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in Brazil. Hypertensive patients often have unfavorable lipid profile and glucose level. Nutrition may play an important role in reducing blood pressure (BP) and metabolic control of these patients. Objective: To evaluate the impact of nutritional intervention adapted to the Brazilian food in controlling blood pressure and metabolic monitoring in hypertensive patients from a primary care service in São Luís do Maranhão. Methodology: Randomized clinical trial using a low-glycemic index diet combined with increased consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nonfat dairy products which principles of the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH). We randomly assigned 206 patients with hypertension who were followed for 6 months. The control group (CG, n = 101) received standard counseling, focused on reducing salt intake. Results: Of the 206 patients randomized, 156 (37 men, 119 women) completed the study. The average age of participants was 60.1 (SD 12.9) years. After 6 months, a reduction in mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) by 14.4 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) by 9.7 mmHg in the experimental group (EG), compared to 6.7 mmHg and 4.6 mmHg, respectively GC. After adjusting for change in body weight at baseline BP and age, these differences between groups were approximately 9,2 mmHg and 6,2 mmHg, respectively. There were also statistically significant variability in urinary sodium excretion, reduced by 43.4 mEq/24 h at GE, as well as total cholesterol (-46.6mg/dl), LDL cholesterol (-42.5mg/dl), triglycerides (-31.3 mg / dl), fasting glucose (-9.6mg/dl) and glycated hemoglobin (-0.1%). The EG increased the intake of vegetables, from 2.97 to 5.85; fruits (4,09 to 7.18), beans (1.94 to 3.13) and fish (1.80 to 2.74).Significant changes related to the significant reduction of carbohydrate, lipid content and glycemic load of the diet have been observed. Conclusion: This study showed the feasibility and effectiveness of a dietary approach based no Brazilian pattern in reducing blood pressure and biochemical parameters. Dietary changes as proposed may have a great impact on public health.
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Individual differences in the prediction of metabolic dysfunction from physiological responses to stress : a target for intervention?Gentile, Christina 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Perfil dos riscos cardiovasculares em motoristas profissionais de transporte de cargas da Rodovia BR-116 no trecho Paulista-Régis Bittencourt / Cardiovascular risk profile observed in professional truck drivers who work on Highway BR116 within the area of the state of São Paulo-Régis BittencourtLuciane Cesira Cavagioni 14 December 2006 (has links)
Introdução: As doenças cardiovasculares constituem a principal causa demorbimortalidade nacional. Nesse sentido realizou-se estudo com o objetivo de caracterizar o perfil para riscos cardiovasculares em motoristas profissionais de transporte de cargas que trafegam pela Br-116. Casuística e Método: Estudo transversal, descritivo e exploratório com 258 motoristas profissionais de transporte de cargas com obtenção de informações socioeconômicas; avaliações antropométricas: índice de massa corporal (IMC), circunferência abdominal e medida da pressão arterial; realização de exames laboratoriais: triglicérides, colesterol total e frações, proteína C reativa e creatinina. Analisou-se o risco para doenças cardiovasculares pelo Escore de Risco de Framingham, consumo de bebidas alcoólicas pelo Alcohol Use Disorders Identification-AUDIT, distúrbios psiquiátricos comuns pelo Self Report Questionnaire-SRQ-20, Síndrome Metabólica e angina pectoris pelo Teste de Rose. Os dados foram processados no sistema SPSS v.7.5. O nível de significância adotado foi p<0,05, utilizou-se análise univariada e multivariada. Resultados: A caracterização os motoristas estudados mostrou idade 37,5±10,1 anos, 91% de etnia branca, renda mensal 1.431,3±644,4 reais, 19% tabagistas, 55% referiram ingestão de bebidas alcoólicas, 74% não realizavam atividade físicas, 14% relataram uso de medicamentos inibidores do sono, tempo profissão de 14±10 anos e percorriam 782,9±229,6 km/dia, dirigiam 10 horas por dia e repousavam 06 horas diárias. Verificou-se pelos dados antropométricos que 46% tinham sobrepeso, 36% obesidade e 58% circunferência abdominal alterada (_94 cm). Os exames laboratoriais mostraram 33% com nível de colesterol total _ 200mg/dL, 10% LDL-c _ 160 mg/dL; HDL-c < 40 mg/dL 23%, triglicérides acima de 150 mg/dL 38%, glicemia _ 110mg/dL 7% e proteína C reativa > 0,5 mg/dL 19%, creatinina >1,5 mg/dL 1%. A prevalência da hipertensão arterial foi de 37% e da Síndrome metabólica 24%. O Questionnaire Rose foi positivo em 8,0% dos motoristas, Escore de Risco de Framingham médio/alto em 9%, presença de distúrbios psiquiátricos comuns em 33% e AUDIT 16% no escore que sugere intervenção e aconselhamento. A análise de regressão logística indicou associação independente para as seguintes variáveis (OD Odds ratio, IC intervalo de confiança a 95%): 1-Síndrome Metabólica: IMC (OR=1,40 IC 1,192-1,661); hábito de verificar o colesterol total (OR= 0,102 IC 0,017-0,589); e escore de risco de Framingham médio/alto (OR= 26,389 IC 2,520-276,374). 2-Hipertensão arterial: IMC (OR=1,183 IC 1,065-1,314); glicemia (OR=1,039 IC 1,004-1,076); e hábito de ingerir medicamento para inibir o sono (OR= 0,322 IC 0,129-0,801). 3- Colesterol Total (_ 200 mg/dL): LDL-c (OR=1,157 IC 1,100-1,216);triglicérides (OR=1,012 IC 1,004-1,021) 4- Glicemia (_ 110 mg/dL): IMC (OR=1,153 IC 1,024-1,298); maior tempo de profissão (OR=1,154 IC 1,057-1,259) 5-Proteína C reativa (>0,5 mg/dL): escore de risco de Framingham médio/alto (OR=4,692 IC 1,912-11,515). Conclusão: Verificou-se presença expressiva de fatores de risco cardiovasculares, nesse sentido os profissionais de saúde devem implementar estratégias para estimular mudanças de estilos de vida nos motoristas de transporte de cargas, visando a prevenção primária e secundária / Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of morbidity and mortality in Brazil. Therefore, a study aiming at characterizing the cardiovascular risk profile observed in professional truck drivers who work on Highway Br-116 was carried out. Population and Method: An exploring, descriptive and transversal study with 258 professional truck drivers, social economical information, both body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference evaluations, blood pressure measurement, as well as laboratory test performance: triglycerides, total and fraction cholesterol, and C reactive protein. The risk for cardiovascular diseases was assessed by Framingham scores; alcohol intake by Alcohol Use Disorders Identification-AUDIT; common psychiatric disorders by Self Report Questionnaire-SRQ-20; and angine pectoris by Rose´s test Data were processed in the SPSS system v.7.5, considering that the significance level adopted was 0,05, and univaried and multivaried analyses were used. Results: The characterization of the drivers studied revealed age of 37.5±10.1 years, 91% of them were white, monthly income 1.431,3 ± 644,4 reais (Brazilian currency), 19% were smokers, 55% referred alcohol intake, 74% did not make physical exercises, 14% referred using sleeping inhibitor drugs, professional time 14±10 years and used to drive 782,9±229,6 Km/day. It was observed that 46% of them were overweight and 36% were obese and 58% had altered waist circumference (_ 94 cm) by the anthropometric data. The lab tests showed 33% with total cholesterol level _200 mg/dL, 10% LDLc _160 mg/dL, HDL-c <40 mg/dL 23%, triglycerides over 150 mg/dL 38%, glycemy _110mg/dL 7%, and C reactive protein >0.5 mg/dL 19%. The prevalence of hypertension was 37% and of Metabolic Syndrome, 24%. Roses test was positive for 8% of the drivers, Medium/High Framingham scores for 9%, presence of common psychiatric disturbs in 33% and 16% with AUDIT score suggesting intervention and advisory. The logistical regression analysis indicated independent association for the following variables: (OR Odds ratio, CI confidence interval at 95%): 1- Metabolic Syndrome: BMI (OR=1,40 CI 1,192-1,661); the habit of checking the total cholesterol (0,102 IC 0,017-0,589); Medium/high Framingham score (OR=26,389 IC 2,520-276,374); 2-Hypertension: BMI (OR=1,183 IC 1,065-1,314); glycemy (OR=1,039 IC 1,004-1,076); the habit of taking sleeping pills (OR=0,322 IC 0,129-0,801). 3- Total Cholesterol (_ 200 mg/dL): LDL-c (OR=1,157 IC 1,100-1,216); triglycerides (OR=1,012 IC 1,004-1,021). 4- Glycemy (_ 110 mg/dL): BMI (OR=1,153 IC 1,024-1,298); professional time (OR=1,154 IC 1,057-1,259). 5- C reactive protein (>0,5 mg/dL): Medium/high Framingham score (OR=4,692 IC 1,912-11,515). Conclusion: It was observed an expressive presence of cardiovascular risk factors. Therefore health professionals should implement strategies to stimulate changes in truck drivers lifestyle, aiming at primary and secondary prevention
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Impacto de intervenção nutricional no controle dos níveis pressóricos e metabólicos de pacientes hipertensos em acompanhamento na atenção primária de saúde do município de São Luís MA / Impact of nutritional intervention in the control of blood pressure and metabolic monitoring in hypertensive patients in primary health care in São Luís - MASilvia Tereza de Jesus Rodrigues Moreira Lima 18 March 2013 (has links)
A hipertensão é uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade no Brasil. Os hipertensos muitas vezes apresentam perfil lipídico e glicidico desfavoráveis. A alimentação pode desempenhar um papel importante na redução da pressão arterial (PA) e no perfil lipídico e controle glicêmico desses pacientes. Avaliar o impacto de uma intervenção nutricional adaptada ao padrão alimentar brasileiro no controle dos níveis pressóricos e metabólico de pacientes hipertensos em acompanhamento em um serviço de atenção primária de saúde do município de São Luís do Maranhão. Metodologia: ensaio clínico randomizado utilizando uma dieta de baixo índice glicêmico combinada ao aumento do consumo de frutas, vegetais, grãos integrais e laticínios desnatados que são os princípios do Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (dieta DASH). Foram alocados randomicamente 206 pacientes hipertensos que foram acompanhados por 6 meses. O grupo controle (GC, n=101) recebeu aconselhamento padrão, focado na redução da ingestão de sal. Resultados: Dos 206 pacientes randomizados, 156 (37 homens, 119 mulheres) completaram o estudo. A idade média dos participantes foi de 60,1 (DP 12,9) anos. Após 6 meses, houve redução na média da pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) em 14,4 mmHg e na diastólica (PAD) de 9,7 mmHg no grupo experimental (GE), em comparação a 6,7 mmHg e 4,6 mmHg, respectivamente, no GC. Após o ajuste para mudança de peso corporal, PA na linha de base e idade, essas diferenças entre os grupos foram de aproximadamente 9,2 mmHg e 6,2 mmHg, respectivamente. Ocorreram tambem variações estatisticamente significantes na excreção urinária de sódio, reduzida em 43,4 mEq/24 h no GE, bem como o colesterol total (-46.6mg/dl) , LDL colesterol (-42.5mg/dl), triglicérides (-31.3mg/dl), glicemia de jejum (-9.6mg/dl ) e hemoglobina glicada (-0,1%). O consumo alimentar modificou-se no GE com aumento do consumo de vegetais, passando de 2,97 para 5,85 ; frutas (4,09-7,18); feijão (1,94-3,13) e peixes (1,80 para 2,74). Modificações importantes relacionadas à redução significativa de carboidratos, teor lipídico e carga glicêmica da dieta, foram observadas. Conclusão: Este estudo mostrou a viabilidade e a eficácia de uma abordagem dietética com base no padrão alimentar brasileiro, na redução da PA e parâmetros bioquímicos inadequados, podendo causar um grande impacto na saúde pública. / Hypertension is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in Brazil. Hypertensive patients often have unfavorable lipid profile and glucose level. Nutrition may play an important role in reducing blood pressure (BP) and metabolic control of these patients. Objective: To evaluate the impact of nutritional intervention adapted to the Brazilian food in controlling blood pressure and metabolic monitoring in hypertensive patients from a primary care service in São Luís do Maranhão. Methodology: Randomized clinical trial using a low-glycemic index diet combined with increased consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nonfat dairy products which principles of the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH). We randomly assigned 206 patients with hypertension who were followed for 6 months. The control group (CG, n = 101) received standard counseling, focused on reducing salt intake. Results: Of the 206 patients randomized, 156 (37 men, 119 women) completed the study. The average age of participants was 60.1 (SD 12.9) years. After 6 months, a reduction in mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) by 14.4 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) by 9.7 mmHg in the experimental group (EG), compared to 6.7 mmHg and 4.6 mmHg, respectively GC. After adjusting for change in body weight at baseline BP and age, these differences between groups were approximately 9,2 mmHg and 6,2 mmHg, respectively. There were also statistically significant variability in urinary sodium excretion, reduced by 43.4 mEq/24 h at GE, as well as total cholesterol (-46.6mg/dl), LDL cholesterol (-42.5mg/dl), triglycerides (-31.3 mg / dl), fasting glucose (-9.6mg/dl) and glycated hemoglobin (-0.1%). The EG increased the intake of vegetables, from 2.97 to 5.85; fruits (4,09 to 7.18), beans (1.94 to 3.13) and fish (1.80 to 2.74).Significant changes related to the significant reduction of carbohydrate, lipid content and glycemic load of the diet have been observed. Conclusion: This study showed the feasibility and effectiveness of a dietary approach based no Brazilian pattern in reducing blood pressure and biochemical parameters. Dietary changes as proposed may have a great impact on public health.
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Avaliação do risco cirúrgico no paciente portador de megaesôfago chagásico e sua relação com o grau de dilatação / Assessing of surgical risk in patients with Chagasic megaesophagus and correlating it to the degree of esophagus dilationJosé Garcia Neto 14 October 2003 (has links)
As escalas de risco cirúrgico pretendem identificar pacientes de alto risco para complicações cardiovasculares no pós-operatório. As escalas de Goldman e da Sociedade Americana de Anestesia, que não consideram a cardiopatia chagásica e suas peculiaridades, são as mais utilizadas em nosso meio. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o risco cirúrgico do paciente portador de megaesôfago chagásico e correlacionar esse risco com o grau de dilatação do órgão. Foram analisados 124 pacientes, sendo 68 (54,83%) do sexo masculino e 56(45,16%) do sexo feminino, portadores de megaesôfago chagásico, operados no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Goiás no período de janeiro de 1995 a dezembro de 2000. A média de idade foi de 39 anos. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a: 1) anamnese para definição da classe funcional cardíaca (NYHA); 2) radiografia de tórax para avaliar área cardíaca; 3) eletrocardiograma convencional de repouso em 12 derivações e 4) estudo contrastado do esôfago Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico do megaesôfago chagásico. Foram analisadas as complicações pós-operatórias diretamente relacionadas ao aparelho cardiovascular na fase de internação hospitalar. A classificação funcional (Cf) da insuficiência cardíaca dos pacientes portadores de megaesôfago chagásico no 15 período pré-operatório mostrou que 67 pacientes (54,03%) estavam na classe funcional I (Cf I), 46 pacientes (37,09%) na classe Funcional II (Cf II) e 11 pacientes (8,87%) em Classe Funcional III (Cf III). Nenhum paciente estava em classe funcional IV (Cf IV). Em relação ao eletrocardiograma, observamos os seguintes resultados (n= 124): eletrocardiograma normal em 44 pacientes (35,48%); extrassístoles ventriculares isoladas em 58 pacientes (37,09%); bloqueio completo de ramo direito (BCRD) em 35 pacientes (28,22%); alteração primária da repolarização ventricular em 12 pacientes (9,67%); bloqueio atrioventricular do primeiro grau (BAV 1.º grau) em 16 pacientes (12,9%); bloqueio atrioventricular do segundo grau (BAV 2.º grau) Mobitz I em 02 pacientes (1,61%); bloqueio atrioventricular do segundo grau (BAV 2.º grau) Mobitz II em 03 pacientes (2,41%); bloqueio atrioventricular total (BAVT) em 08 pacientes (6,4%); bloqueio divisional ântero-superior (BDAS) em 11 pacientes (8,87%); bloqueio completo de ramo esquerdo (BCRE) em 03 pacientes (2,41%); extrassístoles ventriculares pareadas em 09 pacientes (7,25%); extrassístoles supraventriculares em 06 pacientes (4,83%) e fibrilação/flutter atrial (FA) em 04 pacientes (3,22%). Um mesmo paciente pode apresentar mais de uma alteração, sendo que a associação freqüente foi de BCRD associado à extrassístole ventricular, observada em 28 pacientes (22,58%). A radiografia de tórax, realizada em todos os pacientes, mostrou os seguintes resultados: em 75 pacientes a radiografia era normal (60,48%); 34 pacientes (27,41%) apresentavam área cardíaca aumentada +; 12 pacientes (9,67%) com área cardíaca aumentada ++ e 03 pacientes (2,41%) com área cardíaca aumentada +++. Nenhum paciente apresentava área cardíaca aumentada ++++. As complicações cardiovasculares, definida como toda e 16 qualquer alteração deste sistema ocorrida no pós-operatório até a alta hospitalar, foram: insuficiência cardíaca congestiva descompensada em 12 pacientes (9,67%), choque cardiogênico em 03 pacientes (2,41%), extrassistolia ventricular em 58 pacientes (46,77%); bradicardia sinusal em 22 pacientes (17,74%), taquicardia ventricular não-sustentada em 12 pacientes (9,67%), taquicardia ventricular sustentada em 01 paciente (0,80%), fibrilação atrial aguda em 05 pacientes (4,03%), taquicardia supraventricular em 03 pacientes (2,41%), bloqueio atrioventricular total temporário em 01 paciente (0,80%). Quatro pacientes (3,22%) apresentaram oclusão arterial aguda. Houve desenvolvimento de acidente vascular cerebral em 03 pacientes (2,41%). Dois pacientes (1,67%) apresentaram embolia pulmonar, enquanto que insuficiência renal aguda foi observada em 02 pacientes (1,67%). Cinco pacientes evoluíram para óbito (4,03%); as causas foram: choque cardiogênico em 2 pacientes, embolia pulmonar em um paciente e acidente vascular cerebral em um paciente. Um paciente apresentou morte súbita de causa não definida (suspeita de taquiarritmia) no quinto dia de pós-operatório. Houve correlação do grau de dilatação com o aumento de complicações pós-operatórias, sendo que quanto maior a dilatação esofágica maior o risco de complicações: megaesôfago Grau II x Grau III: p<0,001; megaesôfago Grau II x Grau IV: p<0,001 e megaesôfago Grau III x Grau IV: p = 0,017. A partir destes resultados foi proposta uma escala de risco por análise de regressão multivariada associada à análise probabilística de decisão, com aplicação direta e específica ao paciente portador de megaesôfago chagásico. Os seguintes pontos foram atribuídos aos principais fatores de risco: megaesôfago grupo II - 9 pontos; megaesôfago grupo III - 13 pontos; megaesôfago grupo IV - 17 pontos; alteração da repolarização ventricular - 15 pontos; arritmias - 12 pontos; classe funcional 1 - 6 pontos; classe funcional 2 - 12 pontos; classe funcional 3 - 24 pontos. Na classificação de risco pré-operatório: até 21 pontos - risco leve; de 22 a 34 pontos - risco moderado e maior que 34 pontos - risco elevado. A probabilidade de acerto é 82,4% para risco leve e de 94,6% para risco elevado. A análise dos resultados obtidos permitiu as seguintes conclusões: há correlação positiva entre o grau de dilatação do esôfago e as complicações no pós-operatório. A escala de risco proposta, com considerável grau de confiança, é capaz de prever adequadamente a probabilidade de ocorrência de complicações cardiovasculares no pós-operatório da cirurgia para tratamento do megaesôfago chagásico / Surgical risk scales identify high-risk patients for cardiovascular complications during the postoperative period. The Goldman and the American Society of Anesthesia scales are the most commonly used but do not take into consideration Chagasic cardiopathy. The goal of the study was to analyze the surgical risk of patients with Chagasic megaesophagus and its correlation with the degree of esophageal dilation. Our study analyzed 124 patients, which included 68 (54.83%) males and 56 (45.16%) females with Chagasic megaesophagus submitted to surgical treatment at the Teaching Hospital, of the Federal University of Goiás, between January 1995 and December 2000. The mean age was 39 years. All patients were submitted to: 1) anamnese to determine the cardiac functional class (NYHA); 2) chest x-ray to evaluate the cardiac area; 3) conventional 12-lead electrocardiogram at rest and 4) contrast imaging of the esophagus. All the patients were submitted to surgical treatment for the Chagasic megaesophagus. The postoperative complications directly related to the cardiovascular system during the hospitalization period were analyzed. An assessment of the heart failure functional class (FC) in patients with Chagasic megaesophagus during the preoperative period determined that 67 patients (54.03%) were assigned functional class I (Fc I), 46 patients (37.09%) functional class II (Fc II), and 11 patients (8.87%) were assigned functional class III (Fc III). None of the patients were assigned to functional class IV (Fc IV). The electrocardiogram showed the following results: normal electrocardiogram in 44 patients (35.48%); isolated ventricular extra systoles in 58 patients (37.09%); complete right bundle branch block in 35 patients (28.22%); primary change in ventricular repolarization in 12 patients (9.67%); first-degree atrioventricular block in 16 patients (12.9%); second-degree atrioventricular block Mobitz I in 02 patients (1.61%); second-degree atrioventricular block Mobitz II in 03 patients (2.41%); complete atrioventricular block in 08 patients (6.4%); upper anterior divisional block in 11 patients (8.87%); complete left bundle branch block in 03 patients (2.41%); paired ventricular extra systoles in 09 patients (7.25%); supraventricular extra systoles in 06 patients (4.83%) and atrial flutter (AF) in 04 patients (3.22%). In a single patient it was possible to see more than one of these changes and the most frequently observed association was complete right bundle branch block and ventricular extra systole, in 28 patients (22.58%). All the patients had chest x-ray images taken and the results were the following: normal for 75 patients (60.48%); + cardiac enlargement, in 34 patients (27.41%); ++ cardiac enlargement, in 12 patients (19.67%) and +++ cardiac enlargement, in 03 patients (2.41%). None of the patients had a ++++ cardiac enlargement. Cardiovascular complications, defined as any change in this system during the postoperative period until the patient was discharged were: congestive heart failure in 12 patients (9.67%) and cardiogenic shock in 03 patients (2.41%), ventricular extra systole in 58 patients (46.77%) and sinus bradycardia in 22 patients (17.74%). Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia was observed in 12 patients (9.67%) and sustained ventricular tachycardia in 01 patient (0.80%). Five patients (4.03%) developed acute atrial flutter during the postoperative period, while 03 patients (2.41%) had episodes of supraventricular tachycardia. A temporary complete atrioventricular block was observed 01 patient (0.80%). Four patients (3.22%) had acute arterial occlusion. Three patients (2.41%) suffered a stroke. Two patients (1.67%) had pulmonary embolism and acute renal failure was present in 02 patients (1.67%). Five patients (4.03%) died. The cause of death was cardiogenic shock in 2 patients, pulmonary embolism in one patient and a stroke in another patient. One patient died suddenly five days after surgery of non-defined causes, although the presence of tachyarrhythmias was suspected. There was a positive correlation between the degree of esophageal dilation and the increase in postoperative complications. The higher the degree of esophageal dilation, the higher the risk of cardiovascular complications: Grade II x Grade III megaesophagus: p<0.001; Grade II x Grade IV megaesophagus: p<0.001 and Grade III x Grade IV megaesophagus: p = 0.017. We proposed a scale using a multivariate regression analysis associated to the probability decision analysis, with direct and specific application to the Chagasic megaesophagus patient. The following points were attributed to the main risk factors: Group II megaesophagus - 9 points; Group III megaesophagus - 13 points; Group IV megaesophagus - 17 points; primary alteration in ventricular repolarization - 15 points; arrhythmias - 12 points; functional class 1 - 6 points; functional class 2 - 12 points; functional class 3 - 24 points. In terms of classifying preoperative risk, this was the scale: up to 21 points - low risk; from 22 to 34 points - moderate risk and more than 34 points - high risk. The scale has a 82.4% predictive value for low risk patients and up to 94.6%, for high-risk cases. In conclusion, there is a positive correlation between the degree of dilation of the esophagus and postoperative complications. The risk scale that is being proposed, with a considerable degree of confidence, is able to provide an adequate and reliable predictor of cardiovascular complications during the postoperative period, for the surgical treatment of the Chagasic megaesophagus
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Efeito do consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras na saúde cardiovascular em adolescentes: uma revisão sistemática / Effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on cardiovascular health in adolescents: a systematic reviewTatiana Sadalla Collese 10 February 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras é pouco frequente entre os adolescentes, e o possível efeito deste consumo na saúde cardiovascular durante esta faixa etária é indefinido. Objetivo: Verificar se existe associação entre o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras e indicadores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes (obesidade abdominal, hiperglicemia, hipertrigliceridemia, dislipidemia, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, e síndrome metabólica). Métodos: Registrou-se esta revisão sistemática no PROSPERO (CRD42013004818) para realizar uma revisão sistemática em seis bases de dados eletrônicas (Biomed Central, CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science). Considerou-se o período desde a criação destas bases de dados até sete de Dezembro de 2015 como data mais recente para a atualização das buscas. A estratégia de busca utilizou os seguintes grupos de descritores: faixa etária; frutas, legumes e verduras; indicadores de risco cardiovascular; estudos transversais ou coorte. Os critérios de elegibilidade foram: Artigos em Inglês, Espanhol e Português? estudos originais? amostra composta de adolescentes (dez a 19 anos de idade segundo a organização mundial de saúde); descritores de acordo com os indicadores de risco cardiovascular estabelecidos para adolescentes. Artigos potencialmente elegíveis foram selecionados por dois revisores separadamente. Resultados: Foram identificados 5632 artigos. Após a leitura dos títulos e resumos, 102 artigos potencialmente relevantes permaneceram para a leitura na íntegra. Após seleção, 11 artigos preencheram os critérios de elegibilidade e foram incluídos (dez transversais, uma coorte). As principais razões para a exclusão dos estudos foram classificação da adolescência diferente da preconizada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras analisado como parte de um padrão alimentar (por exemplo, juntamente com peixes, laticínios ou cereais), e os indicadores de risco cardiovascular que não foram especificados ou que diferiram das definições estabelecidas. Os artigos avaliaram a ingestão de frutas, legumes e verduras em diversas unidades de medida, utilizando-se questionários de frequência de consumo alimentar (54.5%), recordatório alimentar de 24 horas (27.3%) e registro alimentar (18.2%). Além disso, o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras foi avaliado separadamente (54.5%), em conjunto (36.4%), apenas legumes e verduras (9.1%), e um estudo incluiu suco de frutas (9.1%). Um terço dos estudos mostraram associações significativas entre o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras e a pressão arterial sistólica, obesidade abdominal, triglicérides, HDL colesterol e síndrome metabólica. Conclusão: As associações entre o consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras e indicadores de risco cardiovascular em adolescentes são inconsistentes. Isto se deve provavelmente à heterogeneidade nos métodos utilizados para avaliar/classificar o consumo e/ou definir o risco cardiovascular neste grupo etário. Uma vez que os benefícios deste consumo já são bem estabelecidos na saúde cardiovascular de adultos, ainda são necessários estudos adicionais que abordem alta qualidade metodológica para melhor compreender esse fenômeno nos adolescentes / Background: Fruit and vegetable consumption is infrequent among adolescents, and the possible effect of this consumption on cardiovascular health during this age group is undefined. Aim: To investigate the association between fruit and vegetable consumption on cardiovascular risk indicators in adolescents (abdominal obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension and metabolic syndrome). Methods: This systematic review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42013004818), and a systematic review searching electronic databases (Biomed Central, CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Scopus, Web of Science) from inception to December 7, 2015 was conducted. The search strategy used the following sets of descriptors related to: age group; fruits and vegetables; cardiovascular risk indicators; cross-sectional and cohort studies. Eligibility criteria were: Articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese; original studies; sample of adolescents (10-19 year-old according to World Health Organization); descriptors according to the cardiovascular risk indicators. Potentially eligible articles were selected by two reviewers separately. Results: A total of 5632 articles were identified. After reading the titles and abstracts, 102 potentially relevant articles remained for full reviewed. After selection, 11 articles meeting the inclusion criteria were included (10 cross-sectional; 1 cohort). The main reasons for study exclusion were misclassifying adolescence, assessing fruits and vegetables as part of a food pattern (for example, together with fish, dairy, or cereal), and cardiovascular risk indicators that were not specified or that differed from the definitions established. Articles evaluated fruit and vegetable intake in diverse units, using food frequency questionnaires (54.5%), 24-hour-dietary-recalls (27.3%), and food records (18.2%). In addition, fruit and vegetable consumption were assessed separately (54.5%), together (36.4%), or only vegetables (9.1%); and 1 article included fruit juice (9.1%). A third of the studies showed significant inverse associations of fruit and vegetable intake with systolic blood pressure, abdominal obesity, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and metabolic syndrome. Conclusion: The associations between fruit and vegetable consumption and adolescent cardiovascular risk indicators are inconsistent. Since the benefits of this consumption are well established in adult cardiovascular health, further studies are necessary, addressing high methodological quality to better understand this phenomenon in adolescents
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