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A noção de linguagem em Descartes: ensaio sobre o conceito de linguagem na filosofia dualista de René Descartes / The notion of language in Descartes: essay on the concept of language in the dualistic philosophy of René DescartesCominetti, Geder Paulo Friedrich 06 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Descartes did not write a philosophy of language. A few quotes about this topic generate many interpretations. Most of the language studies in Descartes produce anachronisms or are originated by comparisons with other conceptions, without being led, primarily, by an analysis of the thought about the Cartesian language concept. However, the topic proved to be productive in speculations about the interaction between the human mind and body, which is very discussed by specialists and aggressively attacked by his opposers. Characterized as a Cartesian dualism essay, this study dares to separate the language in two parts, analyzing singly its material aspect, and then its immaterial aspect. This new approach turns the reader s attention to the importance of the material aspect of the language, substantiating the objectivity of the language in the extended substances. The communication only becomes possible because there is, among two or more men, the extension. This concept is classified as the objective aspect of the language, because it is generally in the area of the sensitive experience, apart from the individual and perceptible thought of the men. Concerning the subjective aspect, each individual has a free will and he can make his own thoughts. Indeed, it is in this way that Descartes conceives the language: having the men as the creator of the words meaning, which are represented and implemented by modification of the extension. In addition, he conceives the linguistics signs as representations of thoughts, as explicitness of the internal events of men. Their speech is the explicitness of their thoughts. Therefore, when looking at a set of graphic symbols that he produced, the individual realizes the movement of his thought. These revelations that the mind uses the body as a help in the searching for the truth, because, in the body, the memory can be used as a notebook of the mind demonstrate that the Cartesian dualistic conception of the language helped Descartes in his work on algebra and in his mathematical and scientific discoveries. In conclusion, it is possible to say that the topic has no end in the next pages, but it opens a new route for researchers devote their efforts to investigate the relations between mind and body. This study dares to be completely original in its approach, in the presented problem, but it does not want to bring the reader more than a deepening, at his limit, interpretation of one of the most commented writers in philosophy in the last three centuries. / Descartes não escreveu uma filosofia da linguagem. Algumas poucas citações acerca do tema dão margem a muitas interpretações. A maioria dos estudos sobre a linguagem em Descartes comete anacronismos ou é gerida por comparações com outras concepções, deixando de proceder primordialmente por uma análise do pensamento cartesiano sobre a noção de linguagem. Contudo, este tema se mostra muito fecundo em especulações sobre a interação entre corpo e alma, que é polemizada por especialistas e atacada com agressividade por seus opositores. Caracterizado como um ensaio sobre o dualismo cartesiano, este trabalho ousa seccionar a linguagem de maneira bifurcada, analisando separadamente o seu aspecto material, por um lado, e seu aspecto imaterial, por outro. Esta abordagem inédita volta a atenção do leitor para a importância do aspecto material da linguagem ao fundamentar a objetividade da linguagem na matéria extensa. A comunicação só se torna possível porque há, entre dois ou mais homens, a extensão. Esta é classificada como sendo o aspecto objetivo da linguagem, pois está comumente no campo da experiência sensível, independentemente do pensamento individual e perceptível do homem. Com relação ao aspecto subjetivo, cada homem possui um livre arbítrio e pode compor seus próprios pensamentos. De fato, é assim que Descartes concebe a linguagem, tendo o homem como autor da significação das palavras, representadas e objetivadas através de modificações da extensão. Ademais, Descartes concebe os sinais linguísticos como representações do pensamento, como explicitação das ocorrências internas do homem. O discurso deste é a explicitação de seu pensamento. Por isto que, ao olhar um conjunto de símbolos gráficos que produziu, o homem percebe o movimento de seu pensamento. Revelações como estas de a mente se utilizar do corpo como um auxílio na busca da verdade, já que no corpo a memória pode servir como um caderno de notas da mente mostram que a concepção cartesiana dualista da linguagem auxiliou Descartes em seus trabalhos de álgebra e em suas descobertas científicas e matemáticas. Em suma, é possível afirmar que o tema não se esgota nas páginas que seguem, mas ele abre uma nova via para que pesquisadores se detenham a investigar as relações entre alma e corpo. Este trabalho tem a ousadia de ser completamente original em sua abordagem, no problema que se coloca, mas não quer trazer ao leitor mais que um aprofundamento, em seus limites, da interpretação de um dos autores mais comentados em filosofia nos últimos três séculos.
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Simulation à l’échelle microscopique et analyse macroscopique de l’imprégnation d’un matériau composite par un fluide chargé en particules / Microscopic simulation and macroscopic analysis of impregnation process of composite material by a concentrated suspensionDugois, Kévin 13 February 2017 (has links)
Dans le but d’améliorer le comportement thermo-mécanique des aubes de turbine présentes dans les moteurs d’avion développés par SAFRAN, il est nécessaire de mettre au point un nouveau matériau composite. Le procédé de fabrication de ce matériau est complexe et requiert une densification par voie liquide divisée en deux étapes. Cette thèse s’intéresse à la modélisation numérique de la première étape appelée Slurry Cast/APS.Celle-ci consiste en l’injection et le confinement, dans la préforme fibreuse, de particules préalablement mises en suspension. Pour cela, nous avons développé à l’échelle des fibres,un modèle qui utilise les équations de Navier-Stokes incompressibles et monophasiques ,l’équation de Phillips [Phillips et al., 1992] et une loi rhéologique [Krieger, 1972]. Après validation des résultats numériques par comparaison avec des résultats expérimentaux [Hampton et al., 1997] et théoriques [Belfort et al., 1994], le modèle est utilisé pour simuler l’écoulement autour de géométries de tissage proches du matériau étudié. / In order to improve thermo-mechanical behavior of tubine blades in SAFRAN engines plane, a new composite material is necessary. The manufacturing process to obtain this composite is intricate and requires a two steps fluid densification process. This thesis focuses on numerical simulation of the first one called Slurry Cats/APS. In this step, suspended particles are introducted and captured in the reinforcement. For that purpose,we carry out a model at fiber scale, using Navier-Stokes equations in incompressible and monophasic formulation, Phillips equations [Phillips et al., 1992] and a rheological law [Krieger, 1972]. After validation step consisting in a comparison of computational results with experiments [Hampton et al., 1997] and theorical law [Belfort et al., 1994], this model has been used to simulate flow around geometries similar to those encountered in our composite material.
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Nouveaux concepts de robots à tubes concentriques à micro-actionneurs à base de polymères électro-actifs / New concept of concentric tube robots with micro-actuators based on electro-active polymersChikhaoui, Mohamed Taha 17 November 2016 (has links)
L’utilisation de systèmes robotiques pour la navigation dans des zones confinées pose des défis intéressants sur les thèmes de conception, de modélisation et de commande, particulièrement complexes pour les applications médicales. Dans ce contexte, nous introduisons un nouveau concept de robots continus, fortement prometteurs pour des applications biomédicales, dont la forme complexe, la dextérité et la capacité de miniaturisation constituent des avantages majeurs pour la navigation intra corporelle. Parmi cette classe, les robots à tubes concentriques (RTC), qui constituent notre point de départ, sont améliorés grâce à un actionnement embarqué innovant. Nos travaux s’articulent autour de deux thématiques aux frontières de l’état de l’art. D’une part, nous avons proposé une modélisation générique et conduit une analyse cinématique approfondie de robots continus basés sur l’architecture des RTC standards et ceux avec changement de courbure de leurs tubes dans deux variantes : courbures unidirectionnelle et bidirectionnelle. D’autre part, leur commande cartésienne en pose complète est introduite avec une validation expérimentale sur un prototype développé de RTC standard, ainsi que les simulations numériques d’une loi de commande comprenant la gestion de la redondance des RTC à changement de courbure. D’autre part, nous avons effectué la synthèse, la caractérisation et la mise en œuvre de micro-actionneurs souples basés sur les polymères électro-actifs (PEA), intégrés pour la première fois dans un robot continu.Ainsi, l’asservissement visuel d’un prototype de robot télescopique souple est proposé avec des précisions atteignant 0.21 mm sur différentes trajectoires. / Major challenges need to be risen in order to perform navigation in confined spaces with robotic systems in terms of design, modeling, and control, particularly for biomedical applications. Indeed,the complex shape, dexterity, and miniaturization ability of continuum robots can help solving intracorporeal navigation problems. Within this class, we introduce a novel concept in order to augment the concentric tube robots (CTR) with embedded actuation. Our works hinge on two majorcutting-edge thematics. On the one hand, we address modeling and kinematics analysis of standard CTR as well as variable curvature CTR with their two varieties : single and double bending directions.Furthermore, we perform the experimental validation of Cartesian control of a CTR prototype, anda task hierarchy based control law for redundancy resolution of CTR with variable curvatures. Onthe other hand, we develop the synthesis, the characterization, and the integration of soft microactuatorsbased on electro-active polymers (EAP) for the first time in a continuum robot. Thus, thevisual servoing of a telescopic soft robot is performed with precisions down to 0.21 mm following different trajectories.
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Automatický multikriteriální paralelní evoluční návrh a aproximace obvodů / Automated Multi-Objective Parallel Evolutionary Circuit Design and ApproximationHrbáček, Radek Unknown Date (has links)
Spotřeba a energetická efektivita se stává jedním z nejdůležitějších parametrů při návrhu počítačových systémů, zejména kvůli omezené kapacitě napájení u zařízení napájených bateriemi a velmi vysoké spotřebě energie rostoucích datacenter a cloudové infrastruktury. Současně jsou uživatelé ochotni do určité míry tolerovat nepřesné nebo chybné výpočty v roustoucím počtu aplikací díky nedokonalostem lidských smyslů, statistické povaze výpočtů, šumu ve vstupních datech apod. Přibližné počítání, nová oblast výzkumu v počítačovém inženýrství, využívá rozvolnění požadavků na funkčnost za účelem zvýšení efektivity počítačových systémů, pokud jde o spotřebu energie, výpočetní výkon či složitost. Aplikace tolerující chyby mohou být implementovány efektivněji a stále sloužit svému účelu se stejnou nebo mírně sníženou kvalitou. Ačkoli se objevují nové metody pro návrh přibližně počítajících výpočetních systémů, je stále nedostatek automatických návrhových metod, které by nabízely velké množství kompromisních řešení dané úlohy. Konvenční metody navíc často produkují řešení, která jsou daleko od optima. Evoluční algoritmy sice přinášejí inovativní řešení složitých optimalizačních a návrhových problémů, nicméně trpí několika nedostatky, např. nízkou škálovatelností či vysokým počtem generací nutných k dosažení konkurenceschopných výsledků. Pro přibližné počítání je vhodný zejména multikriteriální návrh, což existující metody většinou nepodporují. V této práci je představen nový automatický multikriteriální paralelní evoluční algoritmus pro návrh a aproximaci digitálních obvodů. Metoda je založena na kartézském genetickém programování, pro zvýšení škálovatelnosti byla navržena nová vysoce paralelizovaná implementace. Multikriteriální návrh byl založen na principech algoritmu NSGA-II. Výkonnost implementace byla vyhodnocena na několika různých úlohách, konkrétně při návrhu (přibližně počítajících) aritmetických obvodů, Booleovských funkcích s vysokou nelinearitou či přibližných logických obvodů pro tří-modulovou redundanci. V těchto úlohách bylo dosaženo význammých zlepšení ve srovnání se současnými metodami.
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Evoluční návrh kombinačních obvodů / EVOLUTIONARY DESIGN OF COMBINATIONAL DIGITAL CIRCUITSHojný, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the use of Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) for combinational circuits design. The work addresses the issue of optimizaion of selected logic circuts, arithmetic adders and multipliers, using Cartesian Genetic Programming. The implementation of the CPG is performed in the Python programming language with the aid of NumPy, Numba and Pandas libraries. The method was tested on selected examples and the results were discussed.
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Koevoluční algoritmy a klasifikace / Coevolutionary Algorithms and ClassificationHurta, Martin January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this work is to automatically design a program that is able to detect dyskinetic movement features in the measured patient's movement data. The program will be developed using Cartesian genetic programming equipped with coevolution of fitness predictors. This type of coevolution allows to speed up a design performed by Cartesian genetic programming by evaluating a quality of candidate solutions using only a part of training data. Evolved classifier achieves a performance (in terms of AUC) that is comparable with the existing solution while achieving threefold acceleration of the learning process compared to the variant without the fitness predictors, in average. Experiments with crossover methods for fitness predictors haven't shown a significant difference between investigated methods. However, interesting results were obtained while investigating integer data types that are more suitable for implementation in hardware. Using an unsigned eight-bit data type (uint8_t) we've achieved not only comparable classification performance (for significant dyskinesia AUC = 0.93 the same as for the existing solutions), with improved AUC for walking patient's data (AUC = 0.80, while existing solutions AUC = 0.73), but also nine times speedup of the design process compared to the approach without fitness predictors employing the float data type, in average.
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Aproximativní implementace aritmetických operací v obrazových filtrech / Approximate Implementation of Arithmetic Operations in Image FiltersVálek, Matěj January 2021 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá aproximativní implementace aritmetických operací v obrazových filtrech. Zejména tedy využitím aproximativních technik pro úpravu způsobu násobení v netriviálním obrazovém filtru. K tomu je využito několik technik, jako použití převodu násobení s pohyblivou řadovou čárkou na násobení s pevnou řadovou čárkou, či využití evolučních algoritmů zejména kartézkého genetického programování pro vytvoření nových aproximovaných násobiček, které vykazují přijatelnou chybu, ale současně redukují výpočetní náročnost filtrace. Výsledkem jsou evolučně navržené aproximativní násobičky zohledňující distribuci dat v obrazovém filtru a jejich nasazení v obrazovém filtru a porovnání původního filtru s aproximovaným fitrem na sadě barevných obrázků.
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Obslužný program pro colony-picking robot / Control Program for Colony-picking RobotMatějka, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
From an overview of most commonly used kinematic conceptions of robotic manipulators, the conception of Cartesian robot was identified as the most suitable for the given task of colony picking. A control system consisting of two modular parts has been designed for the colony picking robot. ColonyCounter module is a set of image processing libraries for identification of microbial colonies in image data and precise localization of individual colonies. This has been achieved by combination of multiple methods, most importantly connected components labelling and Hough circular transform. The second module – ColonyPicker – utilizes output of ColonyCounter module to plan the picking and placing of colonies. Subsequently it controls the transfer process itself using an innovative task planning and executing system.
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Souběžné učení v koevolučních algoritmech / Colearning in Coevolutionary AlgorithmsWiglasz, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Cartesian genetic programming (CGP) is a form of genetic programming where candidate programs are represented in the form of directed acyclic graphs. It was shown that CGP can be accelerated using coevolution with a population of fitness predictors which are used to estimate the quality of candidate solutions. The major disadvantage of the coevolutionary approach is the necessity of performing many time-consuming experiments to determine the best size of the fitness predictor for the particular task. This project introduces a new fitness predictor representation with phenotype plasticity, based on the principles of colearning in evolutionary algorithms. Phenotype plasticity allows to derive various phenotypes from the same genotype. This allows to adapt the size of the predictors to the current state of the evolution and difficulty of the solved problem. The proposed algorithm was implemented in the C language and optimized using SSE2 and AVX2 vector instructions. The experimental results show that the resulting image filters are comparable with standard CGP in terms of filtering quality. The average speedup is 8.6 compared to standard CGP. The speed is comparable to standard coevolutionary CGP but it is not necessary to experimentally determine the best size of the fitness predictor while applying coevolution to a new, unknown task.
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Design of Digital Circuits at Transistor Level / Design of Digital Circuits at Transistor LevelKešner, Filip January 2014 (has links)
This work aims to design process of integrated circuits on the transistor level, specially using evolutionary algorithm. For this purpose it is necessary to choose reasonable level of abstraction during simulation, which is used for evaluation candidate solutions by fitness function. This simulation has to be fast enough to evaluate thousands of candidate solutions within seconds. This work discusses already used techniques for transistor level circuit design and it chooses useful parts for new design of faster and more reliable automated design process, which would be able to design complex logic circuits. The thesis also discusses implementation of this system and used approach with regard to encountered problems in transistor-level circuit design and optimization by evolution.
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