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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nitrogen fluxes at the landscape scale : a case study in Scotland

Vogt, Esther January 2012 (has links)
Nitrogen (N) fluxes show a substantial variability at the landscape scale. Emissions are transferred by atmospheric, hydrological and anthropogenic dispersion between different landscape elements or ecosystems, e.g. farms, fields, forests or moorland. These landscape N fluxes can cause impacts to the environment, such as loss of biodiversity. The aim of this study is to illustrate how landscape N fluxes can be quantified by integrating atmospheric and fluvial fluxes in a Scottish landscape of 6 km x 6 km that contains intensively managed poultry farming, extensively managed beef and sheep farming, semi-natural moorland and woodland. Atmospheric ammonia (NH3) emissions of two deep pit free range layer poultry houses were estimated by high time-resolution measurements of NH3 concentrations and meteorological variables downwind of layer poultry houses and the application of an inverse Gaussian plume model. Atmospheric NH3 concentrations and deposition fluxes across the study landscape were studied at a resolution of 25 m x 25 m. The approach combined a detailed landscape inventory of all farm activities providing high resolution NH3 emission estimates for atmospheric dispersion modelling and an intensive measurement programme of spatial NH3 concentrations for verifying modelled NH3 concentrations. The spatially diverse emission pattern resulted in a high spatial variability of modelled mean annual NH3 concentrations (0.3 to 77.9 μg NH3 m-3) and dry deposition fluxes (0.1 to >100 kg NH3-N ha-1 yr-1) within the landscape. Annual downstream fluxes and variation in spatial concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (NH4 + and NO3 -) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) were studied in the two main catchments within the study landscape (agricultural grassland vs. semi-natural moorland catchment). The grassland catchment was associated with an annual downstream total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) flux of 14.4 kg N ha-1 yr-1, which was 66% higher than the flux of 8.7 kg ha-1 yr-1 from the moorland catchment. This difference was largely due to the NO3 - flux being one order of magnitude higher in the grassland catchment. The contribution of DON to the TDN flux varied between the catchments with 49% in the grassland and 81% in the moorland catchment. Fluvial and atmospheric N fluxes were combined to derive N budgets of the two catchments. Agricultural activities accounted for the majority of N input to the catchments, with atmospheric deposition also playing a significant role, especially in the moorland catchment. Both catchments showed large stream export fluxes compared to their net import which suggests that their capacity of N storage is limited. This thesis quantifies major N fluxes in a study landscape and shows their large spatial variability. Agricultural activities dominate landscape N dynamics. The work demonstrates the importance of considering landscape N variability when attempting to reduce the environmental impact of agricultural activities.

Data-driven analysis of water and nutrient flows: Case of the Sava River Catchment and comparison with other regions

Levi, Lea January 2017 (has links)
A growing human population and demands for food, freshwater and energy are causing extensive changes in the water and biogeochemical cycles of river catchments around the world. Addressing and investigating such changes is particularly important for transboundary river catchments, where they impose additional risk to a region’s stability. This thesis investigates and develops data-driven methodologies for detecting hydro-climatic and nutrient load changes and their drivers with limited available data and on different catchment scales. As a specific case study, we analyze the Sava River Catchment (SRC) and compare its results with other world regions. A past–present to future evaluation of hydro-climatic data is done on the basis of a water balance approach including analysis of historic developments of land use and hydropower development data and projections of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5 (CMIP5) output. Using observed water discharge and nutrient concentration data, we propose a novel conceptual model for estimating and spatially resolving total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) input and delivery-retention properties for a river catchment and its nested subcatchments, as well as detection of nutrient hotspots. The thesis identifies hydroclimatic change signals of hydropower-related drivers and finds consistency with other world regions. The proposed nutrient screening methodology provides a good distinction between human-related nutrient inputs and landscape-related transport influences on nutrient loading at subcatchment to catchment scale. A cross-regional comparison of the SRC data with the Baltic region shows similarity between nutrient-relevant indicators and driving socio-economic and hydro-climatic conditions. The study highlights a number of complexities with regard to CMIP5 model representation of water fluxes. The large intermodel range of CMIP5 future projections of fluxes calls for caution when using individual model results for assessing ongoing and future water and nutrient changes. / <p>QC 20170516</p> / VR 2009-3221 / FORMAS 2014-43

Optimalizace digitální podoby říční sítě a její dopad na vodohospodářský management povodí / Optimization of digital river network and its impact on catchment water management

Hošek, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
Digital river network dataset is an important source of information in any aspect of water management decision making. It is also a base for modelling or scientific research in many different fields. Development of the dataset in the Czech Republic had been fragmented in a past and as a result three different datasets have been developed that cover the whole of the state's territory. The datasets contain different geometries, different and often conflicting attributes and serve different purposes. Today the time has come that water management decision makers have realised that the situation is no longer sustainable and make effort to merge the datasets into one. The task brings in several technical issues and a potential for severe legal consequences. The aim of this study is to develop a methodological approach to merging the existing datasets into one. This methodological approach to decision which of the conflicting or different attributes should be adopted is based on assumption that the existing datasets will be merged into one consisting the best of all. Comparison of features in the existing dataset will inevitably lead to many conflicts when it will be necessary to decide which of the considered features should be adopted to the resulting dataset. The study considers the main purposes which...


Kalkus, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The main task of this diploma thesis is to evaluate function of system of open drainage channels and its impact on runoff from Tetřívčí brook forest catchment in Šumava mountains region, upper basin of the Blanice River. Catchment area is only 1,62 km2 and total length of all channels is over 12 km, so it's very important feature of this catchment. The first task was to explore to explore all the channels and set them to the map. Most of used data were measured manually, only precipitation and water level in main stream were measured by automatic gauges. It's not possible to compare results with state without channels, what is the main obstacle for data analysis. Measured channels normally contribute to total catchment runoff by 6 % to 39 %. About 20 % of channel length participate in runoff process in dry periods, in wet periods it can be even 90 % of channel length, what indicates functionality of drainage system. Actual soil saturation in the catchment is very important factor, it's expressed either by index API 5 (based on precipitation) or by groundwater level in 5 measured in separate drills. It's proved by channels responses in well-saturated periods. Runoff in measured channels raises up significantly after even very small precipitations of 1,7 mm. All results are suggesting, that total...

Určení zdrojů Pb v malém povodí pomocí Pb isotopů / Determination of Pb sources in small catchment using Pb isotopes.

Krajíčková, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The contents and isotopic composition of lead (Pb) were studied in a small forested catchment Lesní potok. The catchment is located 30 km southeast from Prague near Jevany. Monitoring inputs and outputs in GEOMON, a network of small forested catchments in the territory of the Czech Republic, has been coordinated by the Czech Geological Survey since 1994. It was analyzed litter of spruce and beech, collected between 2013 and 2014, and an archival sample litter of spruce from 1997. Lead in soil was studied at two profiles cambisols in each diagnostic horizons. Samples of profile LP 38 were collected in 2005, the LP 39 a year later. Surface water and bulk precipitation were sampled monthly for one hydrological year 2013. The ICP-MS method was used to determine the concentration and isotope ratios of lead. To determine of sources Pb were used isotope ratios 206 Pb/207 Pb and 208 Pb/206 Pb. In spruce litter (3,87 mg.kg-1 ) was measured average Pb concentration higher than beech (0,98 mg.kg-1 ). Topsoil horizons contain elevated concentrations of Pb (up to 100,70 mg.kg-1 ) decreasing towards the deeper horizons. The Pb concentration in the soil was 61,28 mg.kg-1 . Bulk precipitation in with average Pb concentrations206 Pb/207 Pb = 0.87 µg.l-1 contained more Pb than surface water 206 Pb/207 Pb = 0.50 µg.l-1 ....

Spatiotemporal streamflow variability in a boreal landscape : Importance of landscape composition for catchment hydrological functioning / Avrinningens rumsliga och tidsmässiga variation i ett borealt landskap : Landskapets betydelse för avrinningsområdets hydrologiska funktion

Karlsen, Reinert Huseby January 2016 (has links)
The understanding of how different parts of a landscape contribute to streamflow by storing and releasing water has long been a central issue in hydrology. Knowledge about what controls streamflow dynamics across landscapes can further our understanding of how catchments store and release water, facilitate predictions for ungauged catchments, and improve the management of water quality and resources. This thesis makes use of data from the Krycklan catchment in northern Sweden. Streamflow data from 14 catchments (0.12 - 68 km2) with variable landscape characteristics such as topography, vegetation, wetland cover, glacial till soils and deeper sediment soils were used to investigate spatial patterns and controls on runoff. The differences in specific discharge (discharge per unit catchment area) between nearby catchments were large at the annual scale, and have the same magnitude as predicted effects of a century of climate change or the observed effects of major forestry operations. This variability is important to consider when studying the effects of climate change and land use changes on streamflow, as well as for our understanding of geochemical mass balances. Streamflow from different catchments was strongly related to landscape characteristics. The distribution of wetland areas had a particularly strong influence, with an annual specific discharge 40-80% higher than catchments with high tree volume on till soils. During drier periods, catchments with deeper sediment soils at the lower elevations of Krycklan had a higher base flow compared to both forested till and wetland catchments. This pattern was reversed at high flows. The storages releasing water to streams in downstream sediment areas were able to maintain base flow for longer periods and were less influenced by evapotranspiration compared to the more superficial till and wetland systems. The results of this thesis have led to a better understanding of the landscape wide patterns of streamflow during different seasons and time scales. The strong associations to landscape characteristics and variable spatial patterns with season and antecedent conditions form the basis for a conceptual understanding of the processes and spatial patterns that shape the heterogeneity of streamflow responses in boreal catchments. / Hur olika delar av landskapet påverkar vattenbalansen och bidrar till avrinning har länge varit en central fråga inom hydrologin. Kunskap om vad som styr avrinningsdynamiken i ett landskap kan öka vår förståelse av hur olika delar av landskapet bidrar till avrinning, hur avrinningsområden lagrar vatten och bildar avrinning, underlätta prognoser för avrinningsområden utan vattenföringsmätningar och förbättra hanteringen av vattenkvaliteten och vattenresurser. Denna avhandling använder data från Krycklans avrinningsområde i norra Sverige. Vattenföringsdata från 14 delavrinningsområden (0.12 - 68 km2) med olika landskapskarakteristik såsom topografi, vegetation och jordarter, användes för att undersöka rumsliga mönster hos avrinningen över olika tidsperioder samt hur landskapet påverkar variabiliteten. Skillnaderna i specifik avrinning (avrinning per areaenhet) mellan närliggande avrinningsområden var stor för årliga värden, och är i samma storleksordning som effekterna av stora skogsavverkningar samt av förutspådda effekter av det kommande seklets förväntade klimatförändringar. Denna variation är viktig att ta hänsyn till när man studerar hur klimatförändringar och ändrad markanvändning påverkar avrinningen, liksom för vår förståelse av geokemiska massbalanser. Avrinning från olika områden var starkt relaterad till deras landskapsegenskaper. Förekomsten av våtmarker hade ett särskilt starkt inflytande. Områden med en stor andel våtmarker hade 40-80% högre årlig specifik avrinning än områden med hög trädvolym på moränjordar. Under torrare perioder hade områden med djupare sedimentjordar hög avrinning jämfört med både områden med skog på morän och med våtmarker. Under höga flöden var detta mönster omvänt. De vattenlager som bidrar till avrinning i sedimentområden kan upprätthålla basflöde under längre tidsperioder och påverkas mindre av evapotranspirationen än de ytligare flödessystemen i morän och våtmarker. Avhandlingen har givit en bättre förståelse av avrinningens rumsliga variation under olika årstider och i olika tidsskalor. Det starka sambandet mellan landskapskarakteristik och avrinningens varierande mönster under olika årstider och lagringsförhållanden utgör en grund för en begreppsmässig förståelse av de processer och rumsliga mönster som skapar heterogeniteten i flödesrespons i boreala områden.

Strontium Isotopes-A Tracer for Dust and Flow Processes in an Alpine Catchment

Hale, Colin Andrus 01 July 2018 (has links)
Stream chemistry changes in response to snowmelt, but does not typically reflect thechemistry of the snowpack. This suggests that flow processes between snowmelt and streamsystem, such as interactions with the soil and bedrock, have an important control on waterchemistry and highlight the complex flow pathways from the snowpack to stream. To investigateflow processes in the upper Provo River watershed, northern Utah, we sampled three sites on theriver ~20 times per year during 2016 and 2017. The sites, from highest elevations to lowest wereSoapstone, Woodland, and Hailstone, corresponding to locations of active stream gauges. Toidentify possible water sources to the stream during snowmelt, water samples were taken forsnow, ephemeral streams, soil water, lake, and spring water. To investigate potential impacts ofmineralogy, samples were taken for dust, soil and bedrock. The upper Provo River showeddistinct temporal variation in filtered (<0.45 microns) stream water for 87Sr/86Sr, dissolvedorganic carbon (DOC), silica (Si), and Lead (Pb) during the snowmelt season. The watershed hasdistinct 87Sr/86Sr ratios for bedrock (0.7449)

Balanço de nitrogênio em microbacias pareadas (floresta vs. pastagem) no estado de Rondônia. / Nitrogen balance in paired small catchments (forest vs. pasture) in Rondonia state.

Castellanos Bonilla, Adriana Lucia 13 April 2005 (has links)
O ciclo do nitrogênio vem sendo alterado pelas atividades antropogênicas, em função do incremento de culturas, como as leguminosas, a queima de combustíveis fósseis e o desmatamento de florestas para uso agrícola e pecuário. Em regiões de climas temperados, existem muitas informações sobre o ciclo biogeoquímico deste elemento e sobre o papel das alterações antropogênicas no mesmo. Entretanto, em regiões tropicais, onde o ritmo do desmatamento ainda é intenso, poucas são as informações sobre este elemento. Em função disto, o presente trabalho visa fornecer informações sobre possíveis alterações nas formas de nitrogênio transportadas por pequenos igarapés, após a conversão de florestas em pastagens de regiões tropicais. Para tal, selecionaram-se duas microbacias, uma coberta com floresta primária e outra com pastagem, no estado de Rondônia (Cacaulândia). Em ambas foram realizados balanços, por eventos de chuva, das formas e quantidades de nitrogênio transportadas desde a precipitação até a água dos rios. As coletas foram realizadas durante a estação chuvosa, de 21 de janeiro a 27 de fevereiro de 2004. Como resultado, observou-se: (1) um maior fluxo de água na microbacia da pastagem, e como conseqüência, uma maior exportação de nitrogênio na mesma; (2) diferenças nas formas de nitrogênio predominantes em cada compartimento estudado. O nitrogênio orgânico dissolvido predominou na precipitação interna, no escoamento superficial e nos igarapés, enquanto que, o amônio predominou na água subsuperficial e na água subterrânea; (3) diferenças nas formas de nitrogênio inorgânico dissolvido presentes nos igarapés de cada microbacia, sendo o nitrato a principal forma observada na floresta, e o amônio na pastagem; (4) o nitrogênio orgânico dissolvido no igarapé da pastagem provem principalmente do escoamento superficial, enquanto que, no igarapé da floresta não foi possível identificar a principal fonte desta forma de nitrogênio. Este estudo mostra mudanças significativas no ciclo do nitrogênio como conseqüência do desmatamento e da implantação de pastagens. / The nitrogen cycle has been altered by anthropogenic activities, in response to the increment of cultures such, as the leguminous, fossil fuel use, and deforestation for agricultural uses and cattle raising. In temperate regions, there is considerable information about the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen and the role of anthropogenic alterations on this cycle. However, in tropical regions, where deforestation rates are significant, there is little available information about these processes. The objective of the present work was to provide information on possible alterations in nitrogen forms transported in small catchments (igarapés) of tropical regions, after the conversion of forests into pastures. Two small catchments, one covered by primary forest, and another one covered by pasture, were selected in Rondonia State (Cacaulândia). At both catchments, balances of nitrogen forms and of quantities transported from the rain water to the rivers were calculated, employing a rain event approach. Sampling was done during the wet season, from January 21 to February 27, 2004. We observed: (1) higher discharges at pasture catchment, which resulted in larger nitrogen fluxes; (2) differences in the predominant nitrogen forms at each studied compartment. Dissolved organic nitrogen predominated in the internal precipitation, overland flow, and stream water, while ammonium predominated in the subsurface water and groundwater; (3) differences in the predominat dissolved inorganic nitrogen forms in stream waters of each catchment, nitrate in the forest, and ammonium in the pasture; (4) Dissolved organic nitrogen in the pasture stream comes primarily from overland flow but, for the forest stream, it was not possible to clearly identify the main source of this nitrogen form. This study shows significant changes in nitrogen cycling in small tropical catchments, as a result of deforestation for pasture.

Modelagem da dinâmica do nitrogênio em uma micro-bacia com cobertura florestal no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Santa Virginia / Modeling of nitrogen dynamics in a forest coverage catchment in the Serra do Mar State Park, Santa Virginia Nucleus

Ravagnani, Elizabethe de Campos 14 October 2010 (has links)
A Mata Atlântica é um ecossistema reconhecidamente ameaçado, considerado um dos biomas prioritários para execução de políticas de conservação. Sua área florestal, reduzida atualmente a menos de 12% de sua cobertura original, necessita atenção especial em termos de compreensão do seu funcionamento como subsídio para sua melhor conservação. O nitrogênio tem papel fundamental na manutenção da vida. Quando presente em baixas concentrações pode atuar como limitante da produção primária aquática e terrestre. A compreensão da dinâmica do N, no entanto, é complexa, e o uso de modelos pode, além de auxiliar nesta compreensão, tornar mais rápido o entendimento dos mecanismos de transporte, e prever futuros cenários. Assim, este estudo pretendeu parametrizar e validar o modelo INCA (Integrated Nitrogen in CAtchments) em uma microbacia do ribeirão Ipiranga, no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, e investigar a influência dos processos químicos contemplados pelo modelo na dinâmica do N. Esse estudo visou, também, preencher uma lacuna desses tipos de estudo em áreas tropicais. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo simulou relativamente bem os processos hidrológicos, principalmente no que se refere ao escoamento de base, entretanto os picos de vazão foram freqüentemente subestimados. No que se refere ao nitrogênio, foram obtidos resultados médios anuais na mesma ordem de grandeza, entretanto as variações sazonais não foram bem simuladas. Uma das possíveis causas é a inadequação do modelo em regiões tropicais e a pequena quantidade de nitrogênio encontrada em todos os compartimentos estudados, uma vez que a bacia apresenta poucos aportes de nitrogênio de origem antrópica / The Atlantic Forest is recognized as an endangered ecosystem, considered one of the prioritary biomes for the development of conservation policies. Its Forest area, nowadays reduced to less than 12% of its original coverage, needs special attention concerning the understanding of its functioning as a subside to its adequate conservation. Nitrogen plays a fundamental role in life maintenance. When present in low concentrations can act as a refrainer of aquatic and terrestrial primary production. The comprehension of N dynamics, however, is complex, and the use of models can, besides helping this comprehension, turn faster the understanding of transport mechanisms and foresee future scenarios. Thus, the present study parameterized and validated the model INCA (Integrated Nitrogen in CAtchments) in a catchment of the Ipiranga stream, in Serra do Mar State Park, with the aim to investigate the influence of the chemical processes contemplated by the model in N dynamics. The present study also aimed to fulfill a gap in these types of studies in tropical areas. The results show that the model simulated relatively well the hydrological processes, mainly the issues related to baseflow, however the flow peaks were frequently sub estimated. Concerning the nitrogen, average annual values were obtained at the same magnitude order, meanwhile seasonal variations were not well simulated. One of the possible causes is the inadequation of the model in tropical regions and the small quantity of nitrogen found in every studied compartment, considering that the catchment presents few nitrogen sources of anthropogenic origin

Avaliação dos impactos ambientais de plantações de eucalipto no Cerrado com base na análise comparativa do ciclo hidrológico e da sustentabilidade da paisagem em duas bacias de segunda ordem / Evaluation of the environmental impacts of eucalyptus plantations in the Cerrado region based on the comparative analyses of the water cycle and landscape sustainability in two small catchments

Mosca, Andreia Arruda de Oliveira 16 July 2008 (has links)
Considerando as polêmicas geradas em torno dos possíveis impactos ambientais negativos causados pelo eucalipto fora de seu ambiente de origem (Austrália), as discussões aqui apresentadas também perpassam uma das manifestações da crise sócioeconômica verificada no final do século XX, que é a questão ambiental, pois aborda três temas globais fundamentais e desafiadores, neste início de século para a manutenção da vida, consequentemente, das atuais e futuras gerações: a monocultura, o aumento no consumo de água, e a exploração mineral. Partindo-se dos princípios teóricometodológicos apoiados na Teoria Geral de Sistemas, no monitoramento hidrológico de duas sub-bacias pareadas e na cartografação da fragilidade ambiental, buscou-se compreender os mecanismos relacionados a sustentabilidade da paisagem associada a plantações de eucalipto localizadas no cerrado do sudeste goiano. Os resultados do monitoramento da vazão mostram valores médios mais elevados para a sub-bacia com eucalipto, associada a uma hidrográfa mais rápida e concentrada, embora sua subida seja retardada por conta da interceptação das copas. A análise da qualidade da água do deflúvio apresentou-se ligeiramente superior para a sub-bacia com cerrado, sendo os macroinvertebrados bentônicos expressivos das alterações ambientais processadas. O monitoramento do nível estático nos poços piezométricos instalados nas sub-bacias mostrou-se fundamental para a compreensão dos fatores associados ao secamento da nascente com eucalipto. A integração dos mapas temáticos para a análise da fragilidade da paisagem associada ao mapa da Área Variável de Afluência revelou-se bastante aplicável ao manejo florestal sustentável por oferecer subsídios ao planejamento, quando aliados a indicadores consistentes. Espera-se que as sugestões propostas e os resultados apresentados venham agregar subsídios técnico-científicos para que os tomadores de decisão, as comunidades locais e os diversos atores sociais envolvidos sejam estimulados a compreender, refletir e agir. / The present study aims to contribute to the analysis of the environmental impact of eucalypt plantations in the Cerrado region of the southern part of the State of Goiás, Brazil. The analysis were based on the methodology of the General Theory of the Systems and also on the results of hydrologic monitoring of two experimental catchments, which included groundwater monitoring, and the cartographic analysis of the environmental fragility. The monitoring results show higher average values of streamflow for the eucalypt catchment, associated with a more rapid and concentrated stormflow response, even though the beginning of the rising limb was delayed, probably due to the rainfall interception by the eucalypt canopy. Based on the analyzed water quality parameters, it can be concluded that the Cerrado catchment presented slightly better values, which were confirmed by the comparativy analysis of the benthonic macroinvertebrates. The inclusion of the identification of the riparian areas of the catchments as one of the thematic maps of the integrated analysis of the landscape fragility revealed to be very pertinent for the planning of the sustainable management of forest plantations and for the correct evaluation of the associated environmental impacts.

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