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Etude phénotypique des cellules endométriosiques profondes / Hyperproliferative Phenotype of Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis CellsLeconte, Mahaut 07 December 2012 (has links)
L’endométriose concerne 8 à 10% des femmes en âge de procréer et est responsable de douleurs pelviennes chroniques et d’infertilité. Seule l’exérèse chirurgicale des lésions permet un traitement curatif de la maladie. Dans le cas de l’endométriose profonde avec atteinte rectale la chirurgie est extensive et associée à une morbidité significative. Les traitements médicaux reposent sur une hormonothérapie visant à bloquer la fonction ovarienne dont l’effet n’est que suspensif et transitoire. Il n’existe à ce jour aucun traitement ciblant les mécanismes à l’origine de la maladie. L’objectif de notre travail était d’explorer différents mécanismes potentiellement impliqués dans le développement de la maladie et d’identifier des molécules capables d’intervenir sur ces mécanismes. Dans un premier temps nous avons exploré le phénotype hyperprolifératif des cellules endométriosiques profondes et cherché un lien avec différentes voies métaboliques impliquées dans la prolifération cellulaire telles que le stress oxydant, la voie ERK et la voie Akt. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons exploré le recrutement des cellules endométriales au sein de la cavité péritonéale au travers de l’interaction CXCR4-CXCL12. Des cultures cellulaires ont été réalisées à partir de prélèvements humains de nodules endométriosiques profonds, d’endomètre eutopique et d’endomètre sain. Des lames histologiques ont été préparées à partir de nodules endométriosiques profonds. Des prélèvements de liquide péritonéal de femmes endométriosiques et de témoins ont été congelés. La prolifération cellulaire a été étudiée par incorporation de thymidine tritiée. La production des FRO a été évaluée par spectrofluorimétrie. La voie ERK a été évaluée par western blot, ELISA et immunohistochimie. La voie Akt été évaluée par western blot et immunohistochimie. Nous avons montré un phénotype hyperprolifératif des cellules endométriosiques profondes en rapport avec une activation de la voie ERK par le biais du stress oxydant et à une activation de la voie Akt. Nous avons montré qu’un anti-oxydant (NAC), un inhibiteur de protéines kinases (A771726), un inhibiteur de Raf (sorafenib), un inhibiteur de mTOR (temsirolimus), un agoniste des cannabinoïdes (WIN 55212-2) et un anti-métabolite (5-FU) pouvaient contôler la prolifération des cellules endométriosiques profondes in vitro et la progression de nodules endométriosiques profonds implantés dans des souris Nudes. L’interaction CXCR4-CXCL12 a été étudiée par western blot, analyse de migration, cytométrie de flux et ELISA. Nous avons montré une attraction spécifique des cellules endométriosiques profondes sur-exprimant le CXCR4 par la chimiokine CXCL12 présente en quantité accrue dans le liquide péritonéal des femmes endométriosiques. En conclusion, nous avons montré que le traitement médical de l’endométriose pouvait être non hormonal et que le stress oxydant, la voie ERK et la voie Akt constituaient de nouvelles pistes thérapeutiques à évaluer dans le cadre d’essais cliniques. Nous avons également montré comment la modification constitutive des cellules de l’endomètre eutopique pouvait favoriser leur recrutement dans la cavité péritonéale. / Endometriosis, a common disease that affects approximately 8 to 10% of women of childbearing age, is responsible for chronic pelvic pain and infertility. There is currently no cure other than surgical removal of lesions. In the case of deep infiltrating endometriosis with rectal involvement, surgery is associated with a significant morbidity. Medical treatments are based on a hormone used to block ovarian function. Their effects are only transient and suspensive. There is currently no treatment targeting the mechanisms underlying the disease. The aim of our study was to explore different pathways potentially involved in the development of endometriosis and to identify molecules that act on these mechanisms. In a first step, we explored the hyperproliferative phenotype of deep infiltrating endometriosis cells and sought a link with different metabolic pathways involved in cell proliferation such as oxidative stress, ERK, and Akt pathways. In a second step, we explored the recruitment of endometrial cells in the peritoneal cavity through the CXCL12-CXCR4 interaction. Cell cultures were taken from deep infiltrating endometriosis nodules, eutopic endometrium and control endometrium. Histological slides were prepared from deep endometriotic nodules. Peritoneal fluid of women with deep infiltrating endometriosis, and of women without endometriosis were frozen. Cell proliferation was determined by [H3]thymidine incorporation. Cellular production of ROS was assessed by spectrofluorometry. ERK pathway was assessed by Western blot, ELISA assay and immunohistochemistry. The Akt pathway was assessed by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. We showed a hyperproliferative phenotype of deep infiltrating endometriosis cells in line with an activation of the ERK pathway through an up-regulation of oxidative stress, and activation of the Akt pathway. We have shown that an antioxidant (NAC), an inhibitor of protein kinases (A771726), a Raf inhibitor (sorafenib), an inhibitor of mTOR (temsirolimus), a cannabinoid agonist (WIN 55212-2) and an anti-metabolite (5-FU) could control the proliferation of endometriotic cells in vitro, and the growth of endometriotic nodules grafted in Nude mice. The CXCL12-CXCR4 interaction was studied by Western blot, Transwell migration assay, flow cytometry and ELISA assay. We showed a specific attraction of deep infiltrating endometriosis cells over-expressing the CXCR4 chemokine by CXCL12 present in increased amounts in the peritoneal fluid of endometriotic women. In conclusion, we have shown that medical treatment of endometriosis could be non-hormonal and that oxidative stress, ERK and Akt were new therapeutic approaches to assess in clinical trials. We also showed how the molecular changes of eutopic endometrial cells could facilitate their recruitment into the peritoneal cavity.
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Controlling Depth of Cellular Quiescence by an Rb-E2F Network SwitchKwon, Jungeun Sarah, Everetts, Nicholas J., Wang, Xia, Wang, Weikang, Della Croce, Kimiko, Xing, Jianhua, Yao, Guang 09 1900 (has links)
Quiescence is a non-proliferative cellular state that is critical to tissue repair and regeneration. Although often described as the G0 phase, quiescence is not a single homogeneous state. As cells remain quiescent for longer durations, they move progressively deeper and display a reduced sensitivity to growth signals. Deep quiescent cells, unlike senescent cells, can still re-enter the cell cycle under physiological conditions. Mechanisms controlling quiescence depth are poorly understood, representing a currently underappreciated layer of complexity in growth control. Here, we show that the activation threshold of a Retinoblastoma (Rb)-E2F network switch controls quiescence depth. Particularly, deeper quiescent cells feature a higher E2F-switching threshold and exhibit a delayed traverse through the restriction point (R-point). We further show that different components of the Rb-E2F network can be experimentally perturbed, following computer model predictions, to coarse-or fine-tune the E2F-switching threshold and drive cells into varying quiescence depths.
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Krvetvorba u mihule mořské / Haematopoiesis in Sea lampreyKovář, Martin January 2017 (has links)
To find out if the haematopoietic system is common feature of vertebrates, we decided to examine haematopoiesis in a sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). All blood cells arises from the haematopoietic stem cells in higher vertebrates. We assume that this is common for the higher vertebrates and a jawless vertebrates, but nobody was interested in the jawless haematopoiesis since 1970. Using a reverse genetic, we identify homologues of important hematopoietic of higher vertebrates in transcriptome of the sea lamprey with emphasis on important receptors or transcription factors, because they can be used as the specific markers of different blood cells and their progenitors. Then we use those sequences for cloning, expression measurements and other work. We picked up sea lamprey as model organism because its unique phylogenetic position, important foe evo-devo studies, but also because lack of elementary knowledge about sea lamprey haematopoiesis. Key words: Petromyzon marinus, haematopoiesis, HSC, evo-devo
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The role of Dkk1 and Wnt5a in mammalian kidney development and diseasePietilä, I. (Ilkka) 13 January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on mammalian kidney development and in particular on the question of how two Wnt signalling pathway genes, an antagonistic Dkk1 and an agonistic ligand Wnt5a, regulate the process.
Wnts are secreted ligands that are involved in many developmental processes, including gonadal differentiation and kidney development, but also in various diseases and malformations. Wnts form a large signalling family containing 19 different glycoprotein ligands in mammals. Wnt signalling occurs via two different intracellular pathways. A canonical pathway proceeds via beta-catenin, and a non-canonical pathway utilizes other signalling molecules. Dkk1 is an antagonist of the canonical pathway and Wnt5a is considered a ligand that activates the non-canonical signalling pathway.
As part of the thesis, I have studied the role of Dkk1 in kidney morphogenesis using a conditional mouse model, in which the gene is deleted in a cell specific manner from the collecting ducts. Dkk1 deficiency increased renal papilla growth and the risk of hydronephrosis. Research pointed out that the lack of Dkk1 in the collecting ducts increased cell proliferation and disturbed the balance of canonical Wnt signalling, which led to an overgrowth of renal papilla. This led to functional phenotypes including increased water reabsorption and changes in ion secretion/absorption. These changes are most likely due to altered Wnt7b signalling.
The second part of the thesis examines the role of the non-canonical Wnt5a gene in kidney development with a conventional knock out mouse model. At the time work began on the thesis, no corresponding kidney phenotype had been published. The primary finding in kidneys lacking Wnt5a was an altered basement membrane organization of the collecting ducts and glomeruli. The phenotype is most likely the reason behind morphological phenotypes which vary from bilateral kidney agenesis to duplex collecting system. Notably, during the course of this study we found a mutation in the human WNT5A gene of a CAKUT patient. This is the first time Wnts have been shown to organize kidney development via basement membrane formation. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoituksena on ollut tutkia munuaisen kehitystä ja kuinka kaksi Wnt-signalointireitin geeniä, signalointia estävä Dkk1 ja signalointia edistävä Wnt5a säätelevät sitä.
Wnt ligandit ovat eritettäviä signaalimolekyylejä, jotka ovat osallisina monissa kehitysbiologissa prosesseissa kuten sukupuolen määräytymisessä ja munuaisen kehityksessä. Myös monissa taudeissa on havaittu muuntuneita Wnt geenien tuottotasoja. Wnt-geenit muodostava suuren signalointimolekyyliperheen, johon lukeutuu 19 jäsentä nisäkkäillä ja Wnt-signointi on jaettu perinteisesti kahteen signalointiryhmään. Dkk1 on kanonisen Wnt-signaloinnin estäjä ja Wnt5a:ta pidetään pääsaantiöisesti ei-kanonisena Wnt-ligandina.
Väitöskirjassani olen tutkinut Dkk1 geenin toimintaa kohdennetussa Dkk1-poistogeenisessä hiiressä, jossa geenin toiminta on poistettu spesifisesti munuaisen kokoojaputkista. Dkk1:n puutos johtaa munuaisen papillan kasvuun ja lisää riskiä hydronefroksen muodostumiseen. Tutkimukset osoittivat että Dkk1:n puutos aiheuttaa lisääntynyttä solujakautumista kokoojaputkissa, jolloin Wnt-signaloinnin muutos aiheuttaa papillan ylikasvua. Ylikasvusta seuraa lisääntynyttä veden takaisin imeytymistä ja muutoksia ionien erittämisessä ja takaisin imeytymisessä. Todennäköisimmin muutokset johtuvat muuntuneesta Wnt7b signaloinnista, jota Dkk1 normaalisti säätelee.
Väitöskirjan toisessa osassa tutkittiin ei-kanonisen reitin Wnt5a ligandin roolia munuaisen kehityksessä käyttäen poistogeenistä hiirimallia, jossa Wnt5a:n roolia munuaisenkehityksessä ei ollut julkaistu työn aloituksen aikaan. Wnt5a:n puutoksen havaittiin vaikuttavan tyvikalvon järjestymiseen kokoojaputkissa ja munuaiskeräsessä. Tyvikalvon häiriö on todennäköisin syy morfologisiin muutoksiin, jotka vaihtelevat molempien munuaisen puuttumisesta kaksois-kokoojatiehyen muodostumiseen. Työssä osoitetaan ensimmäistä kertaa kuinka Wnt-signalointireitin proteiinit säätelevät munuaisen kehitystä tyvikalvon muodostuksen kautta.
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Chloroacétaldéhyde : de l’implication dans les mécanismes physiopathologiques de la néphrotoxicité de l’ifosfamide à la contribution à son effet anticancéreux / Chloroacetaldehyde : from the implication in the pathophysiological mechanisms of ifosfamide-induced nephrotoxicity to the contribution to its anticancerous effectKnouzy, Burhan 18 November 2009 (has links)
Le chloroacétaldéhyde (CAA), un des principaux produits du métabolisme hépatique de l’ifosfamide (IFO), est considéré comme responsable de la néphrotoxicité de ce médicament. Les mécanismes exacts de cette néphrotoxicité ne sont pas complètement élucidés. Dans la première partie de cette étude, nous avons essayé de préciser les mécanismes physiopathologiques de la toxicité du CAA sur un modèle de tranches de cortex rénal de rat, puis, dans la deuxième partie, nous avons recherché un effet anticancéreux éventuel du CAA sur des cellules de cancer du sein humain (MCF-7). La néphrotoxicité du CAA, utilisé à des concentrations proches de celles mesurées chez les patients traités par l’IFO, soit 0 - 75 µM, s’est manifestée par une chute d’ATP et du glutathion ainsi que par une inhibition du métabolisme du lactate. Certaines enzymes de la néoglucogenèse, notamment la glyceraldéhyde 3-phosphate déshydrogénase, ont été inhibées par le CAA. Le complexe I de la chaîne respiratoire mitochondriale ainsi que l’oxydation du lactate ont été également inhibées par le toxique. D’autre part, le CAA (10 et 25 µM) a inhibé la prolifération des cellules MCF-7 sans que cette inhibition soit accompagnée d’une chute d’ATP cellulaire. Le transport cellulaire et le métabolisme du glucose ainsi que certaines enzymes de la glycolyse ont été également inhibés par le CAA. Parmi celles-ci, l’hexokinase semble être l’enzyme qui catalyse l’étape limitante de la voie de la glycolyse. En conclusion, le CAA est bien impliqué dans les mécanismes de la néphrotoxicité de l’IFO, mais de plus, il pourrait, via l’inhibition de la glycolyse, contribuer à l’effet thérapeutique de l’IFO. / Chloroacetaldehyde (CAA), one of the main products of ifosfamide (IFO) hepatic metabolism, is considered as responsible of IFO nephrotoxicity. The mechanisms of this nephrotoxicity are not completely known. In the first part of this study, we tried to clarify the pathophysiological mechanisms of CAA toxicity using precision-cut rat renal cortical slices, then, in the second part, we looked for a possible anticancerous effect of CAA on human breast cancer cells (MCF-7). Using clinically-relevant concentrations (0-75 µM), CAA nephrotoxicity was demonstrated by the depletion of ATP and glutathione and by the inhibition of lactate metabolism. Some of the gluconeogenic enzymes, mainly glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, were inhibited by CAA. The complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain as well as lactate oxidation were also inhibited by CAA. On the other hand, CAA (10 and 25 µM) inhibited MCF-7 cell proliferation which was not accompanied by cellular ATP depletion. Glucose transport and metabolism as well as some of the glycolytic enzymes were also inhibited by CAA. Hexokinase seems to be the rate-limiting enzyme of glycolysis. In conclusion, CAA is implied in the mechanisms of IFO-induced nephrotoxicity; furthermore, it could, via the inhibition of the glycolytic pathway, contribute to the therapeutic effect of IFO.
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The Impact of Pancreatic Islet Vascular Heterogeneity on Beta Cell Function and DiseaseUllsten, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Diabetes Mellitus is a group of complex and heterogeneous metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia. Even though the condition has been extensively studied, its causes and complex pathologies are still not fully understood. The occurring damage to the pancreatic islets is strikingly heterogeneous. In type 1 diabetes, the insulin producing beta cells are all destroyed within some islets, and similarly in type 2 diabetes, some islets may be severely affected by amyloid. At the same time other islets, in the near vicinity of the ones that are affected by disease, may appear fully normal in both diseases. Little is known about this heterogeneity in susceptibility to disease between pancreatic islets. This thesis examines the physiological and pathophysiological characteristics of islet subpopulations. Two subpopulations of islets were studied; one constituting highly vascularized islets with superior beta cell functionality, and one of low-oxygenated islets with low metabolic activity. The highly functional islets were found to be more susceptible to cellular stress both in vitro and in vivo, and developed more islet amyloid when metabolically challenged. Highly functional islets preferentially had a direct venous drainage, facilitating the distribution of islet hormones to the peripheral tissues. Further, these islets had an increased capacity for insulin secretion at low glucose levels, a response that was observed abolished in patients with recent onset type 1 diabetes. The second investigated islet subpopulation, low-oxygenated islets, was found to be an over time stable subpopulation of islets with low vascular density and beta cell proliferation. In summary, two subpopulations of islets can be identified in the pancreas based on dissimilarities in vascular support and blood flow. These subpopulations appear to have different physiological functions of importance for the maintenance of glucose homeostasis. However, they also seem to differ in vulnerability, and a preferential death of the highly functional islets may accelerate the progression of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
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Immune Dysfunction Associated with Hemodialysis ModalitiesSlatculescu, Andreea M. January 2014 (has links)
Infection is a leading cause of death in hemodialysis patients, partly due to dysfunctional immunity. Frequent dialysis therapy improves patient outcomes and quality of life. We hypothesize that extended home hemodialysis (EHHD) also improves immune function compared to conventional in-hospital hemodialysis (CHD); therefore, we designed a prospective matching-cohort clinical study to assess serum inflammatory markers and the functional capacity of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDCs) and T-lymphocytes. Serum CRP was decreased in EHHD patients suggesting that extended dialysis may decrease inflammatory solute/cytokine levels. Compared to controls, MDDCs from hemodialysis patients had similar endocytic capacity, expression of co-stimulatory molecules, and T-cell activation capacity. However, CHD was associated with the highest expression of CD83 and CD40. Activated T-cells in CHD patients also produced significantly more immunosuppressive IL-10 compared to EHHD patients and controls. Therefore, EHHD may improve immune function by decreasing inflammation, MDDC pre-activation, and synthesis of immunosuppressive cytokines.
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Atividade anticâncer de extratos e frações obtidos de Croton campestris A.St.-Hil / Anticancer activity of extracts and fractions obtained from Croton campestris A.St.-HilMonteiro, Paula Araujo, 1985- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: João Ernesto de Carvalho, Mary Ann Foglio / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T07:22:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Fatores como o aumento na expectativa de vida, o tabagismo, alcoolismo e a má alimentação, vêm elevando a incidência de câncer já que o envelhecimento do organismo, assim como a ação de carcinógenos, favorece o seu aparecimento. Atualmente, essa doença é a segunda causa de morte na população mundial. As células tumorais caracterizam-se por ignorar os sinais externos e internos que regulam a proliferação celular, e tenderem a evitar os processos de apoptose e diferenciação, sendo consideradas muito invasivas. Grande parte dos quimioterápicos utilizados hoje no tratamento do câncer advém de pesquisas desenvolvidas a partir de fontes naturais como vegetais. Dentro do Projeto Fapesp-Bioprospecta (2004/07943-9) desenvolvido no CPQBA/UNICAMP, uma das espécies selecionadas, Croton campestris, mostrou interessante perfil antiproliferativo em cultura de células tumorais. No atual projeto, extratos, frações e princípios ativos obtidos de Croton campestris foram avaliados quanto a sua atividade anticâncer em cultura de células tumorais humanas e em modelo de tumor sólido de Ehrlich em pata de camundongo. Foram testadas diversas metodologias de extração a fim de verificar, com relação ao rendimento e à atividade, qual seria o extrato ideal para início do fracionamento. Dessa maneira, o melhor perfil de atividade no painel de linhagens tumorais utilizado foi observado para o extrato bruto por acetato de etila, tanto extraído a frio (CCEBAtot), quanto o a quente (CCEBAtotq). As frações obtidas foram submetidas ao teste antiproliferativo e as melhores amostras oriundas de cada extrato foram novamente fracionadas. As frações mais ativas foram CFb96-98 e CFqb14. Ambas foram submetidas à avaliação de parâmetros de morte celular como avaliação de apoptose e necrose e do ciclo celular sendo que os resultados observados confirmam a diminuição da viabilidade celular, aumento de população celular em sub-G1 e morte celular necrótica. A fração CFqb14, testada em modelo murino de tumor sólido de Ehrlich, apresentou resultados satisfatórios de inibição tumoral, bem como elevada potência visto que a dose mais baixa de 1mg/kg foi efetiva, comparada ao grupo controle. Testes fitoquímicos indicaram a presença de terpenóides nas frações ativas e através de espectrometria de massas, foi verificada a presença de duas substâncias já descritas na literatura, velamona e velamolona, que podem ser as responsáveis ou agir em sinergismo com outras moléculas, contribuindo para a atividade anticâncer. Portanto, esses resultados tornam a espécie brasileira Croton campestris uma importante candidata a fonte de novas moléculas a serem utilizadas no tratamento do câncer / Abstract: Factors such as the rise in life expectancy, smoking, alcoholism and bad diet are increasing the incidence of cancer because the aging body and the action of carcinogens favor its appearance. This disease is the second leading cause of death worldwide. Tumor cells are characterized by ignoring the external and internal signals that regulate cell proliferation, and tend to avoid the processes of apoptosis and differentiation, being considered too invasive. Most chemotherapy drugs used in cancer treatment today comes from researches developed from natural sources like plants. Results were obtained from Fapesp-Bioprospecta Project (2004/07943-9) developed at CPQBA/UNICAMP. The anticancer activity of extracts and active fractions obtained from Croton campestris were evaluated in cultured human tumor cells and in Ehrlich solid tumor model in mouse paw. Several extraction methods were tested to verify which one would be better for the beginning of the fractionation, considering efficiency and activity. The extracts with a better activity profile in the tumor strains panel used were obtained by extraction with ethyl acetate, both cold (CCEBAtot) and hot extraction (CCEBAtotq). Fractions obtained that presented the best results in the antiproliferative test were refractionated. The most active fractions of the respective fractionations were CFb96-98 and CFqb14. Both were submitted to the evaluation of cell death-related parameters and the results confirm a decrease in cell viability, increased cell population in sub-G1 and necrotic cell death. Fraction CFqb14 tested in Ehrlich solid tumor, a murine adenocarcinoma, showed satisfactory results of tumor inhibition, as well as high potency because the lowest dose of 1mg/kg was effective, compared to the control group. Phytochemical tests indicated the presence of terpenoids in the active fractions and through mass spectrometry, it was possible to detect the presence of two substances described in the literature, velamone and velamolone, which may be responsible or act in synergy with other molecules, contributing to the anticancer activity. Therefore, these results make the Brazilian species Croton campestris an important source of new molecules used in cancer treatment / Mestrado / Biologia Celular / Mestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutural
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Integrinas ligantes do peptídio RGD atuam como mecanotransdutores na cartilagem do côndilo mandibular de ratos submetidos a tratamento ortopédico funcional. / RGD-binding integrins participate in mechanotransduction in the mandibular condylar cartilage of rats submitted to functional orthopaedic treatment.Mara Rubia Marques 01 June 2007 (has links)
O aparelho propulsor mandibular é utilizado na odontologia para modular o crescimento da cartilagem condilar, por meio de forças geradas pela alteração postural da musculatura. Neste estudo foi avaliado o papel de integrinas ligantes de fibronectina (FN) na transdução das forças mecânicas geradas pelo aparelho, em ratos. Por meio de imuno-histoquímica e PCR em tempo real verificou-se que, in vivo, o uso do aparelho modulou a expressão das subunidades <font face=\"symbol\">1, <font face=\"symbol\">5, e <font face=\"symbol\">v de integrinas, FN e PCNA, um marcador de proliferação celular. In vitro, forças distensivas cíclicas aplicadas sobre células da cartilagem condilar aumentaram a expressão de mRNA para FN, fatores de crescimento IGF-I e IGF-II e PCNA. A adição do peptídeo GRGDSP, que bloqueia a ligação de algumas integrinas à FN, inibiu todos os efeitos, exceto na expressão de IGF-II. Esses resultados sugerem que integrinas ligantes de FN desempenham papel importante na mecano-transdução neste sistema e contribuem para o entendimento das bases moleculares envolvidas na ortopedia funcional dos maxilares / The mandibular propulsor appliance is widely used in dentistry to modulate the growth of the condylar cartilage, through forces generated by postural changes in the orofacial musculature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of fibronectin (FN)-binding integrins in the transduction of mechanical forces generated by the appliance in rats. By immunohistochemistry and real time PCR it was observed that, in vivo, the appliance´s use modulated the expression of the integrin subunits <font face=\"symbol\">1, <font face=\"symbol>\"5, and <font face=\"symbol\">v, FN and PCNA, a cell proliferation marker. In vitro, the application of cyclic distension forces on condylar cartilage cells increased the expression of FN, IGF-I, IGF-II and PCNA mRNA. Addition of the peptide GRGDSP, which blocks the binding of some integrins to FN, inhibited all the effects except the increase in IGF-II mRNA. These results suggest that FN-binding integrins play an important role in mechanotransduction in this system, contributing to the understanding of the molecular basis involved in maxillary functional orthopedic therapy.
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Investigação de efeitos imunomoduladores de veneno bruto de Tityus serrulatus sobre funções de linfócitos T humanos / Investigation of the immunomodulatory effects of crude venom of Tityus serrulatus on human T lymphocytes functionsAndrea Casella Martins 03 February 2012 (has links)
Escorpiões da família Buthidae estão envolvidos na maioria dos envenenamentos em todo o mundo. Tityus é um dos gêneros dessa família, sendo Tityus serrulatus a espécie mais perigosa, por estar envolvida em envenenamentos graves, nos quais as vítimas são crianças, podendo levar a óbito. As manifestações da picada incluem dor local, hipersensibilidade, hipertensão, manifestações cardiovasculares e edema pulmonar. A peçonha do T. serrulatus contem, entre outros componentes, várias toxinas que atuam em canais de K+, Na+ e Ca2+ e que são responsáveis pelos efeitos tóxicos do veneno. Estudos recentes mostraram que a peçonha de T. serrulatus pode ativar macrófagos que são críticos na resposta imune e desempenham papel fundamental na resposta humoral e celular. Entretanto, pouco se conhece sobre os efeitos diretos dessas peçonhas sobre linfócitos humanos. Considerando que a modulação de funções celulares como proliferação, ativação e produção de citocinas pode desempenhar papel importante em envenenamentos, o presente estudo propôs: a) avaliar o efeito citotóxico do veneno bruto de Tityus serrulatus (VTs) sobre células mononucleares do sangue periférico humano (PBMC); b) analisar o efeito do VTs sobre a modulação da expressão de marcadores fenotípicos (CD3, CD4, CD8 e CD19) e de marcadores de ativação celular, incluindo CD69, CD25 e HLA-DR em células T e B; c) avaliar o efeito do VTs sobre a proliferação de linfócitos T; d) avaliar a capacidade do VTs em modular a produção de citocinas pelas PBMC. Ensaios de citotoxicidade foram realizados pela técnica do MTT (3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide) e mostraram que as concentrações de 500, 1000 e 2000 ?g/mL do VTs apresentaram citotoxicidade baixa a moderada para PBMC (12,7, 22,2 e 23,7% de redução na viabilidade celular, respectivamente). Concentrações de 25, 50 e 100 ?g/mL não foram citotóxicas. Com base nesses ensaios, estas ultimas concentrações foram utilizadas nos ensaios subsequentes. A citometria de fluxo foi empregada para avaliação da proliferação celular, da expressão de marcadores fenotípicos e de ativação celular, bem como para a quantificação de citocinas nos sobrenadantes de culturas celulares. As concentrações utilizadas não induziram alterações significativas nas subpopulações de linfócitos e não modificaram a expressão de marcadores de ativação em linfócitos T CD4+, CD8+ e B, após 24h de cultivo. O ensaio de proliferação celular, utilizando marcação concomitante com diacetato carboxifluoresceína succinimidyl ester (CFSE) e anticorpos monoclonais contra marcadores fenotípicos e marcadores de ativação celular, permitiu que se avaliasse não só a proliferação, mas a discriminação das diferentes subpopulações celulares e o estado de ativação das mesmas após 96h de cultivo. Os resultados sugerem que o VTs inibe a proliferação de linfócitos estimulados com fitohemaglutinina (PHA), e em especial a porcentagem de linfócitos T CD8+CD25+ (linfócitos T citotóxicos ativados). O VTs não foi capaz de induzir proliferação celular. Em contraste, o VTs quando adicionado isoladamente à cultura de PBMC, nas concentrações de 50 e 100 ?g/mL, induziu a produção de IL-6 (p<0,05 e p<0,01, respectivamente), uma citocina pró-inflamatória que desempenha papeis importantes nas respostas imunes ii inata e adaptativa. A secreção aumentada de IL-6, portanto, não está vinculada a aumento na proliferação celular. A presença do VTs concomitantemente à PHA apresentou tendência para inibição da produção de citocinas por células estimuladas com a PHA, como IL-10, TNF e IFN-gama. Os resultados sugerem que o VTs é uma fonte potencial de substâncias com ações imunomoduladoras sobre linfócitos T humanos e estimulam novas investigações para o esclarecimento dos mecanismos de ação envolvidos, incluindo estudos que considerem a participação dos canais iônicos de linfócitos T nos fenômenos observados. Essas investigações, juntamente com a identificação dos componentes da peçonha, responsável pela atividades observadas, poderão contribuir para a descoberta de ferramentas para estudo dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos do envenenamento, bem como para a descoberta de novas alternativas de tratamento para doenças mediadas pelo sistema imune. / Scorpions of the Buthidae family are involved in most envenomations worldwide. Tityus is one of the genera of this family, being Tityus serrulatus the most dangerous species, because it is involved in severe envenomation, in which the victims are children and it can lead to death. The manifestations of scorpion sting are classified from mild to severe and its clinical signs include local pain, hypersensitivity, hypertension, cardiovascular manifestations and pulmonary edema. T. serrulatus venom contains, among other components, various toxins that act on K+, Na+ and Ca2+ channels, and are responsible for the toxic effects of the venom Recent studies showed that the venom of T. serrulatus (VTs) can activate macrophages that are critical to immune response and play a key role in the humoral and cellular response. However, little is known about the direct effects of these venoms on human lymphocytes. Considering that the modulation of cellular functions such as proliferation and induction of citokines production may play an important role in envenomation, the study proposed: a) to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of crude venom on peripheral blood mononuclear cells, b) to examine the effect of VTs on the modulation of expression of phenotypic markers (CD3, CD4, CD8 and CD19) and markers of cellular activation, including CD69, CD25 and HLA-DR on T and B cells c) to evaluate the VTs effect on the proliferation of T lymphocytes d) to evaluate the ability of VTs to modulate cytokine production by PBMC. Cytotoxicity assays were performed by the technique of MTT (3 - (4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl-2,5-diphenyl-2Htetrazolium bromide) and showed that VTs concentrations of 500, 1000 and 2000 ?g/mL showed low to moderate cytotoxicity to PBMC (12.7, 22.2 and 23.7% reduction in cell viability, respectively). Concentrations of 25, 50 e 100 ?g/mL were not cytotoxic. Based on these tests, these concentrations were used in subsequent trials. Flow cytometry was used to assess cell proliferation, expression of phenotypic markers and cell activation, as well as for the quantification of cytokines in supernatants of cell cultures. The concentrations used did not induce significant changes in subpopulations of lymphocytes and did not modify the expression of activation markers on CD4+, CD8+ and B cells, after 24 hours of culture. The cellular proliferation assay, using simultaneously diacetate carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE) and monoclonal antibodies against phenotypic markers and cell activation markers, allowed the evaluation not only of proliferation, but the discrimination of different cell subpopulations and activation state of the same after 96h of culture. The results suggest that VTs inhibits the proliferation of lymphocytes stimulated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and in particular the percentage of T lymphocytes CD8+ CD25+ (activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes). The VTs were not able to induce cell proliferation. In contrast, the VTs when added alone to the culture of PBMC at concentrations of 50 and 100 ?g/mL induced production of IL-6 (p <0.05 and p <0.01, respectively), a proinflammatory cytokine that plays important roles in innate and adaptive immune responses. The increased secretion of IL-6, therefore, is not linked to increased cell proliferation. The presence of VTs concurrently with PHA tended to inhibit cytokine production by cells stimulated with PHA, as IL-10, TNF and iv IFN-gamma.The results suggest that the VTs is a potential source of substances with immunomodulatory actions on human T lymphocytes and stimulate further research to elucidate the mechanisms of action involved, including studies to consider the participation of ion channels of T lymphocytes in the phenomena observed. These investigations, along with the identification of the components of the venom responsible for the observed activities may contribute to the discovery of tools to study the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the envenomation as well as for the discovery of new treatment alternatives for diseases mediated by the immune system.
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