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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Statistická analýza vývoje cen motorových paliv v České republice

Šmídová, Anna January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Metodická východiska stanovení ceny dřeva na pni

Szorád, Daniel January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Vliv jakosti na konkurenceschopnost mléka a mléčných výrobků / Influence of Quality on Comipetitivity of Milk and Milk products

Hrubá, Renata January 2015 (has links)
Globalization requires a new understanding of the effect of attitudes in the decision making process, particularly when regional differences arise from different cultural and social norms. Information behavior is the part of behavioral economics that explores decision making stakeholders - consumers, businessmen or politicians, under conditions of bounded rationality. For consumers it is primarily important to buy local products from family farms. The aim of the thesis was to verify the effectiveness of that model in the Czech Republic, especially to fill in the empirical aspect of behavioral economics, relating to consumer behavior under unclear information as well as normal environments, thus understanding the indirect effect of perception on product information. Today these issues are gaining in importance in developed countries as well as in the Czech Republic. The high probability of "never researching product information" resides more within consumers with negative attitudes toward global issues (30%) than in consumers with positive attitudes towards those issues (about 1%). Attitudinal changes affect decreases among those "never searching for product information" (by 30%) as well as increasing "search-rates" (by 60%). In other words, the changes in attitude have significant effects on consumer behavior (Spillover effect). Predicting decision making behavior under unclear information also shows important results. Changes of attitude toward nutrient security, milk of origin or ingredients is associated with relative changes in behavior. A change of attitude will reduce the probability to sometimes buy products with unclear (15%) and increases the probability of buying products with clear information (17%). Empirical research of behaviors under uncertainty are long-term projects, however methodologies may vary differentially. By connecting the theory of planned behavior to the theory of information, these theses fill in the issues of behavioral economics theory. The practical implication is a methodological approach of the model.


Slabá, Ivana January 2008 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou regionální diferenciace cen nemovitostí a její dopad na reálnou ekonomickou situaci regionů, která bývá obvykle analyzována pomocí standardních ekonomických ukazatelů jako je HDP na obyvatele, výše mezd nebo úroveň nezaměstnanosti. Důležité je však si uvědomit, že nemovitosti hrají ve spotřebním koši domácností významnou úlohu a jejich zahrnutím získáme pravdivější obraz o ekonomické úrovni krajů ČR. Ceny nemovitostí mají značný vliv nejen na osídlení, ale i na lokalizaci firem. To se pak odráží na dalším rozvoji regionu. Přínosem práce je prokázat, že v krajích, které vykazují větší ekonomickou výkonnost, jsou nemovitostí finančně hůře dostupné než v krajích, které jsou z ekonomického hlediska méně výkonné. Tato cenová diferenciace výrazně snižuje a často i neguje meziregionální rozdíly, kterých jsme svědky při standardní komparativní analýze. Celá práce je doplněna o grafy, obrázky a kartogramy, jenž slouží k vizuálnímu vyjádření jednotlivých ukazatelů a podílů. V diplomové práci je tato problematika řešena i na mezinárodní úrovni, kde je předmětem zkoumání Praha, Hamburk a Vídeň.

An investigation of the long-run relationship between capital market indices and macroeconomics variables in Zimbabwe

Mandigo, Naison January 2017 (has links)
The hash economic conditions in Zimbabwe, marred with perpetual cash cri- sis, little to no foreign direct investments (FDI's), high unemployment rates, absence of the Central Bank roles and local currency has piqued my interests to study the long-run relationship of capital market indices and macroeco- nomic variables, in such conditions. The literature review analysed dierent research work that were done in health economics about the same subject but with dierent variable matrix structure and methods. Most of the stud- ies conrmed the short/ long-run relationship between capital market indices and macroeconomic variables. An ARDL method was employed on the subject matter, and interesting re- sults were obtained that are at variance with most of the existing empirical results in the literature. For example, most of the studies conrmed a signi- cant relationship between the exchange rate, interest rate and stock index but this research showed otherwise. Moreover, this work lled the existing gap in the literature on the relationship between the mining index and macroeco- nomics variables. Furthermore, it has been noted that consumer price index and exchange rates have a negative long-run relationship with the mining index. A way for further research of this nature in countries with the same or similar economic conditions as of Zimbabwe has been set in motion and needed for an abstract conclusions on the variations noted by this work.

Traversing the Periphery: Focalization in Cen Shen's Frontier Settings Within the Context of Chinese Frontier Poetry

Macmillan, Daymon Joseph 22 July 2013 (has links)
This thesis has two main objectives: to first discuss the defining characteristics of Chinese frontier poetry (biansaishi 边塞诗) while showing how this subgenre of poetry blossomed during the Tang 唐period prior to the An Lushan rebellion (anshizhiluan安史之乱), and then to focus on one Tang frontier poet in particular, Cen Shen 岑参 (715-770), for a sustained critical investigation into how the poet-narrators of his texts focalize three types of frontier settings, namely landscapes of intense heat, cold and vast distances. These two objectives necessitate dividing the thesis into a bipartite structure, which is further subdivided into six chapters. Chapters one through three address the first objective of the thesis, that of surveying frontier poetry as it pertains to the subgenre's flourishing during Tang period. Chapters four through six endeavour to traverse Cen Shen's frontier settings with a critical eye on uncovering patterns behind the manner in which the poet-narrators perceive China's borderland regions, and to show how these patterns are repeated across disparate poems where the frontier setting itself features prominently. The result of such an analysis is the realization of an underlying foundation of focalization connecting the poet-narrators in each of Cen Shen's three major frontier environements. / Graduate / 0305 / 0332 / 0289 / 0294 / 0401 / daymon@uvic.ca

Determinanty cen nemovitostí v Brně a okolí

Hirš, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Hirš, P. Determinants of house prices in and around Brno. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2015. The aim of this thesis theoretically and empirically analyzes determinants which substantially affect the price of apartments in and around Brno. For the analysis of the prices of apartments are used selling prices of apartments from a database of a real estate. Data are processed by using the method of least squares (OLS) through program Gretl. The work also describes the current state of the property market and its functioning, including familiarization with the works of other authors. In conclusion, the results of the analysis of selling prices of apartments are evaluated including a comparison with existing works dealing with this topic.

Kategorizace léčiv

Slanařová, Eliška Bc. January 2008 (has links)
Farmaceutický průmysl je velmi prestižním odvětvím, ve kterém se točí spousta peněz. Pro rok 2006 bylo za léčiva utraceno 64 miliard Kč. Kategorizace léčiv je jedním z nástrojů lékové politiky, jak zamezit stále rostoucím nákladům na farmakoterapii. Práce podává souhrnný přehled o jednotlivých stakeholders v oblasti lékové politiky, vývoji lékové politiky v ČR, spotřebě léčiv a celkově analyzuje situaci v ČR.

Analýza cenových relací v komoditní vertikále

Pokorná, Ivana January 2018 (has links)
Pokorná, I. Analysis of relative prices in the commodity vertical. Diploma thesis,Brno 2018. The diploma thesis focused on the formation of price levels in the commodity bverticals related to pigs breeding in the Czech Republic. The thesis focused on the quantitative review of the sensitivity of the price development on the consumer, processor and agricultura markets in the Czech Republic. Monthly prices of selected products are used for the analysis. The results based on analysis of price transmission, verify the occurrence and influence of market power in the commodity verticals. All the obtained outcomes were interpreted in the context of the real situation in the Czech Republic in the analysed period.

Marketingová analýza trhu biopotravin v regionu Brno-město

Havigerová, Kamila January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis „Marketing Analysis of the Organic Food Market in the Brno-centre region“ describes marketing definitions, tools of the marketing mix, the current situation of organic farming in the Czech Republic and the world, import and export of organic food, the main category of produced organic food and further characterizes their distribution process. The experimental part includes the current status of organic entities in the Czech Republic and a detailed list of organic food producers in the Brno-centre region. The main part was monitoring the availability of organic food, analyzing the selected company using the tools of marketing mix and further monitoring the availability and prices of teas in organic quality in selected stores. In conclusion, the results of monitoring availability and prices are summarized.

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