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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalitet proizvoda i usluga u velnes centrima kao faktor konkurentnosti hotela u Sloveniji / Quality of products and services in wellness centers as a factor of competitiveness of the hotels in Slovenia

Rančić Milica 04 July 2019 (has links)
<p>U&nbsp; doktorskoj&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; predstavljena&nbsp; je&nbsp; problematika poslovanja&nbsp; velnes&nbsp; centara,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; predstavljaju&nbsp; važan&nbsp; deo ugostiteljskih&nbsp; objekata,&nbsp; prilagođavanje&nbsp; obima&nbsp; i&nbsp; kvaliteta<br />velnes&nbsp; ponude&nbsp; potrebama&nbsp; velnes&nbsp; turista,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; uticaj kvaliteta usluge u velnes centrima na konkurentnost hotela.U&nbsp; teorijskom&nbsp; delu&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp;&nbsp; predstavljena&nbsp; su glavna&nbsp; teorijska&nbsp; ishodi&scaron;ta&nbsp; koja&nbsp; se&nbsp; bave&nbsp; problematikom<br />definisanja&nbsp; pojmova velnes i subjektivno blagostanje,&nbsp; velnes turista&nbsp; i&nbsp; velnes&nbsp; turizma,&nbsp; kvaliteta&nbsp; usluga&nbsp; u&nbsp; hotelijerstvu, konkurentnosti.&nbsp; U&nbsp; empirijskom&nbsp; delu&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije predstavljeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; pomoću sledećih&nbsp; istraživačkih&nbsp; metoda:&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; podataka&nbsp; na&nbsp; vebsajtovima&nbsp; hotela,&nbsp; odnosno&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; velnes&nbsp; ponude&nbsp; hotela&nbsp; u loveniji&nbsp; i&nbsp; anketno&nbsp; istraživanje&nbsp; usmereno&nbsp; na&nbsp; posetioce<br />velnes centara&nbsp; izdvojenih&nbsp; hotela u Sloveniji.&nbsp; U zaključnom delu&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije,&nbsp; pored&nbsp; zaključne&nbsp; diskusije&nbsp; o rezultatima&nbsp; istraživanja,&nbsp; istaknut&nbsp; je&nbsp; naučni&nbsp; i&nbsp; praktični<br />doprinos&nbsp; rada,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; limitirajući&nbsp; faktori&nbsp; i&nbsp; preporuke&nbsp; za buduća istraživanja.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; wellness&nbsp; center,&nbsp; as&nbsp; an important part of the hotel, then adapting the diversity and quality of wellness offer to the needs of the wellness tourists, as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; influence&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; service&nbsp; quality&nbsp; in&nbsp; wellness centers on the competitiveness of hotels.&nbsp; The theoretical part of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp;&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; presents&nbsp; the&nbsp; main&nbsp; theoretical sources that deal with the problem of defining the concepts of wellness and subjective well-being, wellness tourism and&nbsp; &nbsp; wellness&nbsp; tourists, the quality of services in hotel industry, competitiveness.&nbsp; In&nbsp; the&nbsp; empirical&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral dissertation, the results of the research, obtained through the following&nbsp; research&nbsp; methods,&nbsp; were&nbsp; presented:&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of data of hotel&nbsp; web sites, analysis of the hotel&#39;s wellness offer in Slovenia and&nbsp; survey research directed at visitors of the wellness centers of selected hotels in Slovenia.&nbsp; In the final part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; dissertation,&nbsp; in&nbsp; addition&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; final discussion on the&nbsp; results &nbsp; of the research, the scientific and practical contribution of the work was emphasized, as well as&nbsp; the&nbsp; limiting&nbsp; factors&nbsp; and&nbsp; recommendations&nbsp; for&nbsp; future research.</p>

Вишекритеријумска анализа положаја и одрживости регионалних центара за управљање отпадом у Војводини / Višekriterijumska analiza položaja i održivosti regionalnih centara za upravljanje otpadom u Vojvodini / Multi-criteria analysis of the position and sustainability of regional waste management centers in Vojvodina

Dunjić Jelena 22 September 2020 (has links)
<p>Тема&nbsp; докторске&nbsp; дисертације&nbsp; је вишекритеријумска&nbsp; анализа&nbsp; положаја&nbsp; и&nbsp; одрживости регионалних&nbsp; центара&nbsp; за&nbsp; управљање&nbsp; отпадом&nbsp; у&nbsp; Војводини.&nbsp; Анализом&nbsp; примарног&nbsp; и секундарног&nbsp; географског&nbsp; положаја&nbsp; утврђено&nbsp; је&nbsp; да&nbsp; је оцена географског&nbsp; положаја регионалних&nbsp; центара&nbsp; условљена&nbsp; различитим&nbsp; критеријумима. Апсолутни&nbsp; географски положај регионалних центара за управљање отпадом анализиран је са аспекта физичко-географских&nbsp; карактеристика&nbsp; региона&nbsp; (геолошко&nbsp; геоморфолошких,&nbsp; климатских, хидрографских,&nbsp; педолошких&nbsp; и&nbsp; биогеографских).&nbsp; Анализа&nbsp; је&nbsp; показала&nbsp; да&nbsp; поједини регионални&nbsp; центри&nbsp; немају&nbsp; повољан&nbsp; положај&nbsp; у&nbsp; односу&nbsp; на&nbsp; физичко-географске карактеристике простора. Ту се пре свега мисли на регион Сомбора, односно на локацију постојеће&nbsp; депоније&nbsp; &bdquo;Ранчево&ldquo;&nbsp; за&nbsp; коју&nbsp; је&nbsp; предвиђено&nbsp; проширење&nbsp; ради&nbsp; успостављања регионалног центра. Релативни географски положај регионалних центара анализиран је<br />са аспекта друштвено-географских карактеристика простора: становништва и насеља, као&nbsp; и&nbsp; привредне&nbsp; активности. У&nbsp; оквиру&nbsp; овог&nbsp; аспекта,&nbsp; анализа&nbsp; је&nbsp; показала&nbsp; релативно неповољан положај регионалних центара за управљање отпадом. Ово пре свега јер само три&nbsp; од&nbsp; девет&nbsp; предвиђених&nbsp; региона&nbsp; испуњавају&nbsp; услов&nbsp; минималног&nbsp; броја&nbsp; становника (200.000) на дужи рок и то региони Новог Сада, Суботице и Инђије. Са друге стране региони&nbsp; Сомбора&nbsp; и&nbsp; Вршца&nbsp; имају&nbsp; изразито&nbsp; неповољну&nbsp; структуру&nbsp; становништва, док регион&nbsp; Инђија,&nbsp; са&nbsp; аспекта&nbsp; положаја&nbsp; насеља,&nbsp; има&nbsp; неповољан&nbsp; положај,&nbsp; јер&nbsp; је&nbsp; једна&nbsp; од<br />општина&nbsp; која&nbsp; припада&nbsp; региону&nbsp; (Шид)&nbsp; физички одвојена&nbsp; од&nbsp; остатка&nbsp; региона.&nbsp; Са економског аспекта, региони Зрењанина и Сомбора бележе најниже зараде у последњој деценији, па се њихов положај у овом смислу може сматрати неповољним. За потребеовог&nbsp; рада&nbsp; извршена&nbsp; је&nbsp; евалуација&nbsp; критеријума&nbsp; и&nbsp; подкритеријума&nbsp; релевантних за доношење&nbsp; одлука у процесу управљања&nbsp; отпадом&nbsp; на&nbsp; нивоу&nbsp; Стратегијом&nbsp; дефинисаних региона&nbsp; у&nbsp; Војводини. Резултати&nbsp; су&nbsp; показали&nbsp; значајне&nbsp; разлике&nbsp; у&nbsp; перцепцији&nbsp; и вредновању појединих фактора од стране доносилаца одлука из различитих региона, али и од стране доносилаца одлука на националном и на локалном нивоу. Такође разликују се ставови независних стручњака из области управљања отпадом и одрживог развоја у<br />односу&nbsp; на&nbsp; доносиоце&nbsp; одлука&nbsp; који су&nbsp; директно&nbsp; укључени&nbsp; у&nbsp; процес&nbsp; доношења одлука. Степен&nbsp; конзистентности&nbsp; је&nbsp; у&nbsp; границама,&nbsp; што&nbsp; говори&nbsp; у&nbsp; прилог&nbsp; томе&nbsp; да&nbsp; је&nbsp; метод аналитичко&nbsp; хијерархијског&nbsp; процеса&nbsp; адекватан&nbsp; за&nbsp; постављање&nbsp; приоритета у&nbsp; развоју одрживих система за управљање отпадом у Војводини.</p> / <p>Tema&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; je višekriterijumska&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; položaja&nbsp; i&nbsp; održivosti regionalnih&nbsp; centara&nbsp; za&nbsp; upravljanje&nbsp; otpadom&nbsp; u&nbsp; Vojvodini.&nbsp; Analizom&nbsp; primarnog&nbsp; i sekundarnog&nbsp; geografskog&nbsp; položaja&nbsp; utvrđeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; je ocena geografskog&nbsp; položaja regionalnih&nbsp; centara&nbsp; uslovljena&nbsp; različitim&nbsp; kriterijumima. Apsolutni&nbsp; geografski položaj regionalnih centara za upravljanje otpadom analiziran je sa aspekta fizičko-geografskih&nbsp; karakteristika&nbsp; regiona&nbsp; (geološko&nbsp; geomorfoloških,&nbsp; klimatskih, hidrografskih,&nbsp; pedoloških&nbsp; i&nbsp; biogeografskih).&nbsp; Analiza&nbsp; je&nbsp; pokazala&nbsp; da&nbsp; pojedini regionalni&nbsp; centri&nbsp; nemaju&nbsp; povoljan&nbsp; položaj&nbsp; u&nbsp; odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; fizičko-geografske karakteristike prostora. Tu se pre svega misli na region Sombora, odnosno na lokaciju postojeće&nbsp; deponije&nbsp; &bdquo;Rančevo&ldquo;&nbsp; za&nbsp; koju&nbsp; je&nbsp; predviđeno&nbsp; proširenje&nbsp; radi&nbsp; uspostavljanja regionalnog centra. Relativni geografski položaj regionalnih centara analiziran je<br />sa aspekta društveno-geografskih karakteristika prostora: stanovništva i naselja, kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; privredne&nbsp; aktivnosti. U&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; aspekta,&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; je&nbsp; pokazala&nbsp; relativno nepovoljan položaj regionalnih centara za upravljanje otpadom. Ovo pre svega jer samo tri&nbsp; od&nbsp; devet&nbsp; predviđenih&nbsp; regiona&nbsp; ispunjavaju&nbsp; uslov&nbsp; minimalnog&nbsp; broja&nbsp; stanovnika (200.000) na duži rok i to regioni Novog Sada, Subotice i Inđije. Sa druge strane regioni&nbsp; Sombora&nbsp; i&nbsp; Vršca&nbsp; imaju&nbsp; izrazito&nbsp; nepovoljnu&nbsp; strukturu&nbsp; stanovništva, dok region&nbsp; Inđija,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; aspekta&nbsp; položaja&nbsp; naselja,&nbsp; ima&nbsp; nepovoljan&nbsp; položaj,&nbsp; jer&nbsp; je&nbsp; jedna&nbsp; od<br />opština&nbsp; koja&nbsp; pripada&nbsp; regionu&nbsp; (Šid)&nbsp; fizički odvojena&nbsp; od&nbsp; ostatka&nbsp; regiona.&nbsp; Sa ekonomskog aspekta, regioni Zrenjanina i Sombora beleže najniže zarade u poslednjoj deceniji, pa se njihov položaj u ovom smislu može smatrati nepovoljnim. Za potrebeovog&nbsp; rada&nbsp; izvršena&nbsp; je&nbsp; evaluacija&nbsp; kriterijuma&nbsp; i&nbsp; podkriterijuma&nbsp; relevantnih za donošenje&nbsp; odluka u procesu upravljanja&nbsp; otpadom&nbsp; na&nbsp; nivou&nbsp; Strategijom&nbsp; definisanih regiona&nbsp; u&nbsp; Vojvodini. Rezultati&nbsp; su&nbsp; pokazali&nbsp; značajne&nbsp; razlike&nbsp; u&nbsp; percepciji&nbsp; i vrednovanju pojedinih faktora od strane donosilaca odluka iz različitih regiona, ali i od strane donosilaca odluka na nacionalnom i na lokalnom nivou. Takođe razlikuju se stavovi nezavisnih stručnjaka iz oblasti upravljanja otpadom i održivog razvoja u<br />odnosu&nbsp; na&nbsp; donosioce&nbsp; odluka&nbsp; koji su&nbsp; direktno&nbsp; uključeni&nbsp; u&nbsp; proces&nbsp; donošenja odluka. Stepen&nbsp; konzistentnosti&nbsp; je&nbsp; u&nbsp; granicama,&nbsp; što&nbsp; govori&nbsp; u&nbsp; prilog&nbsp; tome&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; metod analitičko&nbsp; hijerarhijskog&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; adekvatan&nbsp; za&nbsp; postavljanje&nbsp; prioriteta u&nbsp; razvoju održivih sistema za upravljanje otpadom u Vojvodini.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; topic&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; dissertation&nbsp; is&nbsp; a&nbsp; multi-criteria&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; position&nbsp; and sustainability of regional waste management centers in Vojvodina. The analysis of the primary and secondary geographical position showed that the assessment of the geographical position of the regional centers is conditioned by different criteria. The absolute geographical position of regional waste management centers was analyzed from the aspect of physical-geographical characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; region&nbsp; (geological,&nbsp; geomorphological,&nbsp; climatic,&nbsp; hydrographic, pedological and biogeographical). The analysis showed that some regional centers do not have a favorable position in relation to the physical-geographical characteristics of the area. This primarily refers to the region of Sombor, ie the location of the existing landfill &quot;Rančevo&quot;, which&nbsp; will&nbsp; be&nbsp; expanded in&nbsp; order&nbsp; to&nbsp; establish&nbsp; a&nbsp; regional center.&nbsp; The&nbsp; relative&nbsp; geographical position&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; regional&nbsp; centers&nbsp; was&nbsp; analyzed&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; aspect&nbsp; of&nbsp; socio-geographical characteristics of the area: population and settlements, as well as economic activities. Within this&nbsp; aspect,&nbsp; the&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; showed&nbsp; a&nbsp; relatively&nbsp; unfavorable&nbsp; position&nbsp; of&nbsp; regional&nbsp; waste management centers. This is primarily because only three of the nine planned regions meet the condition of a minimum number of inhabitants (200,000) in the long run, namely the regions of Novi Sad, Subotica and Inđija. On the other hand, the regions of Sombor and Vr&scaron;ac have a very unfavorable population structure. The region of Inđija, from the aspect of the position of settlements, has an unfavorable position, because one of the municipalities belonging to the region (&Scaron;id) is physically separated from the rest of the region. From the economic point of view, the regions of Zrenjanin and&nbsp; Sombor record the lowest salaries in the last decade, so their position in this sense can be considered unfavorable. For the purposes of this dissertation, the evaluation of criteria and sub-criteria relevant for decision-making in the waste management process at the level of the regions defined by the Strategy in Vojvodina was performed. The results showed significant differences in the perception and&nbsp; еvaluation of individual factors by decision makers from different regions, but also by decision makers at the national and local levels.&nbsp; There&nbsp; is&nbsp; also a&nbsp; difference&nbsp; in&nbsp; the &nbsp; views&nbsp; of independent&nbsp; experts&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; field&nbsp; of&nbsp; waste management&nbsp; and&nbsp; sustainable &nbsp; development&nbsp; in&nbsp; relation&nbsp; to&nbsp; decision&nbsp; makers&nbsp; who&nbsp; are&nbsp; directly involved in the decision-making process. The degree of consistency is within the limits, which speaks in favor of the fact that the method of analytical hierarchical process is adequate for setting priorities in the development of sustainable waste management systems in Vojvodina.</p>

La creazione dell'assistenza basata sul valore attraverso il ridisegno dei processi / CREATING VALUE-BASED HEALTHCARE THROUGH PROCESS REDESIGN / Creating value-based healthcare through process redesign

LARATRO, SIMONE 11 May 2021 (has links)
La tesi vuole porre l’attenzione su uno dei dilemmi dei moderni sistemi sanitari: garantire buoni servizi di cura a costi contenuti. La tesi affronta tale questione attraverso l’implementazione del modello value-based (cfr. medicina basata sul valore), dove per “valore” si intende il risultato di salute conseguito per risorse impiegate. L’obiettivo della tesi è quello di dedurre, attraverso tre differenti punti di analisi, le condizioni e i fattori che stanno inducendo le aziende sanitarie a migliorare i loro modelli di erogazione di cura al fine di incrementare il valore per i pazienti. Nello specifico, la tesi focalizza l’attenzione sui processi sanitari (cfr. operations management) mettendo in risalto le modalità con cui le aziende sanitarie tendono a ridisegnare i processi sanitari per rispondere meglio ai bisogni dei pazienti.La tesi tocca diverse prospettive del modello teorico del value-based. I primi due capitoli analizzano la creazione di valore e le condizioni di implementazione analizzando il fenomeno dalla prospettiva aziendale. Al contrario, l’ultimo capitolo punta ad analizzare tale questione dalla prospettiva del paziente. La tesi da spunti su come le aziende sanitarie debbano intraprendere tali cambiamenti operativi e supportare l’implementazione del modello value-based attraverso tre differenti prospettive: percorsi clinici, efficienza operativa, prospettiva del paziente. / The current thesis tries to shed a light on one of the dilemmas concerning healthcare systems: delivering good care at affordable costs. Therefore, this thesis addresses the issues related to the implementation of the value-based healthcare theory, where “value” is the clinical outcome achieved per resources used. The scope of the thesis is to deduce, through three different viewpoints of analysis, the conditions and drivers that are leading healthcare organizations to enhance their healthcare delivery system in order to create more value for patients. In particular, the thesis stresses the perspective of healthcare operations highlighting how providers tend to redesign healthcare processes to better meet patients’ needs. The thesis touches on different perspectives with regard to the value-based theoretical model. The first two chapters analyze value creation and the conditions of its implementation, looking at these phenomena from the provider’s point of view. In contrast, the last chapter aims to analyze this issue from the patient’s perspective. The thesis makes suggestions on how healthcare organizations should undertake operational changes and deals with value-based healthcare implementation through three different fronts: clinical pathways, operational efficiency, patient’s perspective.

The sustainable regeneration of minor centres - A possible multidisciplinary approach to their knowledge and development

Da Canal, Valerio 01 June 2022 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is an in-depth study of the issues and solutions for a more sustainable regeneration of the small centres on the Italian territory. The followed path starts from a first overview of the phenomenon of minor centres. The first step has been that to describe the evolution of the concept of the minor centres, presenting the different visions born over time. After this first step, the thesis focused on the verification of their consistency on the territory, checking objectively if there is a really need to carry out their regeneration. At the same time, has been presented the sectorial legislation, with which are currently managed the different towns, highlighting the various points in which it is possible to see problems. Subsequently, has been presented and reviewed the available management tools, from which gave rise the various ideas for improving the regeneration of the centres. Another aspect studied has been this to study economic aids and economic programs proposed to sustain initiatives from people and communities, with the aim to underline that the regeneration of the centres is economically possible, only if these actions are well framed through some tools that make easier to choose the locations in which do the regeneration. The proactive part of the thesis has dealt with the possibility of setting up a system through which facilitate the choice methods to implement the regeneration of the minor centres. In particular, the proposal followed by the thesis, is to build a management infrastructure, capable to support administrations in choosing where to act and how to act, allowing to optimizing available resources, avoiding wasting them and achieving the regeneration of the minor localities as soon as possible. Every centre is unique in itself, with its own characteristics that distinguish it, a uniqueness that objectively however, makes difficult to establish easily where it is necessary and possible to start with the regeneration. The proposed method define and use a series of values, through which to go to measure and know the centres objectively and in a shared way, in order to obtain indications on the places that deserve greater attentions. The proposed system provide to use a series of indicators through which local characteristics are measured, taking into account different sectors, through a multiscalar and multidisciplinary approach. From this has been studied a system for the management of information of the localities, with a series of practical modules that can be provided to the administrators, to manage the flow of the actions and information necessary to establish the priorities for the regeneration of Italian minor centres.

Книнска крајина - географска студија / Kninska krajina - geografska studija / Knin Krajina - Geographic study

Plavša Jovan 13 March 1995 (has links)
<p>Саобраћајно-географски и стратешки положај Книнске Крајине, условљавају сталну присутност овог подручја у балканским и европским збивањима, мада значај природних потенцијала није томе адекватан. Овим простором су пролазиле многе војске и владале бројне империје. Кроз бурне догађаје неки природни елементи су деградирани (вегетација, земљиште, укупан пејсаж), а дешавале су се и потпуне смене становништва, те рушења и паљења, што се веома негативно одражавало на привредну активност. Виталност становништва дуго је успешно надокнађивала стална исељавања. Међутим, стално погоршавање укупних природно-друштвених елемената, као и савремени привредни токови, поспешили су процес исељавања, па је крајем двадесетог века број становника у многим насељима пао на ниво из средине деветнаестог века. Сточарство је вековима било доминантна активност, али су деградација природне средине, слаба улагања и стално исељавање утицали на знатно опадање значаја ове гране. Ипак за равномеран развој, осим индустријализације, мора бити добро организована и пољопривредна производња. Пољопривредна делатност, на овом простору, мора тражити своју будућност и у производњи здраве хране, како у ратарству тако и у сточарству. Концентрација индустрије у Книну није добра за равномеран развој, а пошто изградња малих погона у неколико мањих наеља показује позитивне ефекте, мора се наставити у том правцу. Територијалне и политичке промене на простору бивше СФРЈ, утичу на појачање централних функција Книна, те он постаје значајан међурегионални и републички центар. Побољшању укупног развоја треба да допринесе и туристичка привреда, али и правилно валоризовање саобраћајног положаја и неких природних богатстава. Да би што боље оживела сеоска насеља, мора се побољшати функционално-комунална опремљеност локалних центара.</p> / <p>Saobraćajno-geografski i strateški položaj Kninske Krajine, uslovljavaju stalnu prisutnost ovog područja u balkanskim i evropskim zbivanjima, mada značaj prirodnih potencijala nije tome adekvatan. Ovim prostorom su prolazile mnoge vojske i vladale brojne imperije. Kroz burne događaje neki prirodni elementi su degradirani (vegetacija, zemljište, ukupan pejsaž), a dešavale su se i potpune smene stanovništva, te rušenja i paljenja, što se veoma negativno odražavalo na privrednu aktivnost. Vitalnost stanovništva dugo je uspešno nadoknađivala stalna iseljavanja. Međutim, stalno pogoršavanje ukupnih prirodno-društvenih elemenata, kao i savremeni privredni tokovi, pospešili su proces iseljavanja, pa je krajem dvadesetog veka broj stanovnika u mnogim naseljima pao na nivo iz sredine devetnaestog veka. Stočarstvo je vekovima bilo dominantna aktivnost, ali su degradacija prirodne sredine, slaba ulaganja i stalno iseljavanje uticali na znatno opadanje značaja ove grane. Ipak za ravnomeran razvoj, osim industrijalizacije, mora biti dobro organizovana i poljoprivredna proizvodnja. Poljoprivredna delatnost, na ovom prostoru, mora tražiti svoju budućnost i u proizvodnji zdrave hrane, kako u ratarstvu tako i u stočarstvu. Koncentracija industrije u Kninu nije dobra za ravnomeran razvoj, a pošto izgradnja malih pogona u nekoliko manjih naelja pokazuje pozitivne efekte, mora se nastaviti u tom pravcu. Teritorijalne i političke promene na prostoru bivše SFRJ, utiču na pojačanje centralnih funkcija Knina, te on postaje značajan međuregionalni i republički centar. Poboljšanju ukupnog razvoja treba da doprinese i turistička privreda, ali i pravilno valorizovanje saobraćajnog položaja i nekih prirodnih bogatstava. Da bi što bolje oživela seoska naselja, mora se poboljšati funkcionalno-komunalna opremljenost lokalnih centara.</p> / <p>The regional trafffic, geographic and strategic position of Knin Krajina was the main cause for its constant presence in Balcan and European events, though the inportantce its natural resources had not been adequate. Many armies passed through this region and a number of empires ruled it. Thruogh the turmoils of these events some natural elements were degraded (vegetation, soil, the whole scenery), total changes in its population emerged, destructions and arsons which had an-extremely negative effect on public economy. Vitality of the population had for a long time been successful in substituting for the constant migrations. However, constant deteriorating of natural and social elements, as well as modem natural movements, had influenced the speed of depopulation process, so that at the end of the XX centry a number of people in many settlements had decreased to the level equal to the middle XIX century period. Forming used to be dominant for centuries but the degradation of the nature and its qualities, poor investments and constant depopulation had affested it and made it inferior. Still, in order to have a balanced growth, apart from industralisation and agricultural production also needed to be very well organised. Agriculture, in this area, had to search for its future prospects in production of healthy food, both in cattle-breeding and in farming. The concentrated industry in Knin is not sufficiently good for a balanced growth and since building of new little factories in a few of small communities has showed positive effects, this direction should be followed. Changes in territory and in politics in the area of exYugoslavia, affects the increasing growth of central functions in Knin and therefore it has become an important internacional and republic center. Tourism should also contribute to the total development, and a proper evaluation of its traffic position and some natural resources as well. To make village communities more active some functional and communal facilities in local centres have to be improved.</p>

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