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Cenzura internetu v Číně / Internet censorship in the People's Republic of ChinaPátek, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
This master thesis discusses the sensitive topic of internet censorship in People's Republic of China (PRC). The first part provides a detailed overview on current situation of internet censorship in PRC. Some of the important terms related to censorship are also explained here. The theoretical part acquaints reader with technical aspects of censorship, as well as with the legal policies of Chinese government. Furthermore, this part also presents an analysis of keywords blocked by the search engines in China. Next part of this thesis offers a discussion on future development of censorship in both China and the rest of the world. The author proposes two potential scenarios and argues whether present state of censorship is feasible for upcoming years or not.
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Cenzura v českých překladech románu Vinnetou Karla Maye / Censorship in the Czech Translations of Karl May's Novel WinnetouHornofová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
4 Abstract The thesis examines the Czech translations of the novel Winnetou by German author Karl May, which were published in the beginning of the 20th century, in the era of Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. The aim of the empirical research is to prove whether the translations were influenced and manipulated by the governing ideology or not. The paper also covers relevant works of the translation theorists Anton Popovič, Itamar Even- Zohar and André Lefevere. Due to limited extent of this paper the empirical re- search focuses only on selected parts from four Czech translations of the novel Winnetou, which are related to religious, philosophical and national topics. The analysis covers not only the linguistic aspect of the translations, but also takes into consideration the political situation of the relevant era. Key words: Karl May, Winnetou, censorship and translation, manipulation school, metatext
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Čínský nezávislý dokumentární film (1990-2018) v kontextu cenzurních opatření / Recent Chinese Independent Documentary film (1990-2018) and its Relantionship to Practice of CensorshipHoncoop, Haruna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the situation of independent documentary film in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) over the last three decades (1990–2018), dividing the period into three phases. Focusing on key filmmakers and their work, the thesis illustrates the obstacles and opportunities that independent filmmakers navigate when producing and distributing films outside of the system of censorship. The PRC’s censorship system is described in a short historical review which culminates in the recently-issued Censorship Law of 2017 and its practical provisions, thus clarifying the mechanisms of surveillance and regulation which affect how documentary filmmakers work. Important film festivals and centres of the independent documentary movement are described in chronological order, as well as the disappearance of such activities following the accession to power of the current ruling elite in 2012. Because recent conditions prohibit the free distribution of non-censored films, this thesis pays attention to important support provided by international documentary film festivals, their programmers and curators, and archivists and researchers from Western universities. Finally, the thesis analyzes filmmakers‘ reactions to the current situation, which range from ignorance and obedience, through self-censorship to protest resulting in imprisonment or exile. Finally, the thesis mentions the methods in totalitarian China of nowadays used in controlling the filmmakers and the complete society through digital technologies. Read more
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Regulace transferu informací ve vybraných politických systémech porovnáním hlavních charakteristik regulačních orgánů / Regulation of the information transfer in selected political systems by comparing main characteristics of regulatory authoritiesStarý, Vladislav January 2017 (has links)
The thesis solves the modern state of media power across selected political systems. The main idea is how the control of media content and the authorities of regulators are established inside the legal conception. Also, the question is, whether such a system of regulation is currently sufficient and whether the situation has come into a state where the media ceased to function as a control element of democracy and took on a determinant and powerful role. The first part of the thesis is a theoretical one, in which the basic concepts and also the most important sources on which the research is based on are presented. The second part is a practical one and it presents the systems themselves including their main characteristics. The mechanism of control in each country is described in more detail, and the hypothesis is presented together with the procedure leading to its evaluation. The hypothesis is confirmed in the last part of the thesis and the results are compared using information from the analysis. The paper presents a discussion of the detected state of media power at the end and also offers possible ways and solutions.
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Státní cenzura Internetu a metody jejího obcházení / State Censorship of the Internet and the Methods of CircumventionKolář, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This Master thesis deals with the subject of state censorship of the Internet. The objective of the thesis is to map the techniques of state censorship of the Internet and the methods of circumvention. In the first part, the author introduces organisations and projects that investigate state Internet censorship in the world. Subsequently, the author depicts inspection methods of communication and the Internet filtering techniques. The following part focuses on the principles of circumventing Internet censorship. It also describes various techniques of the circumvention of the censorship. Another objective of the thesis is to test the practical methods of circumventing Internet censorship. As a destination for the measurement the author has chosen PRC where he scrutinised the state of Internet censorship and tested the success rate of circumvention methods. The presented outputs serve as an overview of the techniques of the state censorship of the Internet and the methods of its circumvention, and can be used as a foundation for further work.
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Cenzura a její dopady na kreslený film ve Spojených státech amerických v době od jejího vzniku až po konec 40. let / The Censorship of Animated Movies in United Statess of America in Period from Its Begining to the end of 40sGlaser, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the progression of animated movies in United Stares of America from it`s begining to the 40`s of the 20 th century. The main examination is developed around changes of animated movies before and after censorship in 1934. There`re also emphasized essential moments in creation of animated movie in the wider perspective of history, art theory and society.
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Politika, aminace a komiksy / Politics, Animation and ComicsWon, Sang-Eun January 2015 (has links)
Korean cinematography gained liberty after the military regime, but the situation depends on political situation. The growth of Korean cinematography shows influences of the policies by every korean government. Thanks to the world-wide success of Korean films, korean viewers perceive how the conservative government tries to control the film industry, and they know how to react to it. For example, the film 26 years (2012) - it was not possible to be shot because of the interruption by the conservative government. Because this film contains massacre in 1980 in the city Kwangju by the dictator, and the dictator is still alive. However future viewers of the film supported it, and the production invited subscriptions to a fund. Finally the film was finished in 2012, and distributed to cinemas all around south Korea. However korean animation is out of viewer's concern, even though it has been the biggest scapegoat by policies of Korean government. Every conservative government have used korean comics as a scapegoat whenever they reached problems. When there were serious criminals of youth or criminals against children, korean government strengthened censorships about comics. Some comics were banned, and authors of these comics could not work on their comics. It happened in 1997, and has began again in 2012. Read more
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Východoněmecká tisková agentura ADN / East Germany press agency ADNFrancová, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the establishment and development of the East German press agency Allgemeiner Deutscher Nachrichtendienst (ADN). History and main development changes and tendencies of the agency are described here from its foundation in 1946 till the beginning of 1990. The chapter about cooperation between the East German agency ADN and the Czechoslovak News Agency CTK is part of the main body of the text about the ADN. The paper also gives a brief outline of history of the Soviet occupation zone of Germany and the German Democratic Republic (GDR) from 1945 till the end of 1989. Further, the view on the media sphere of the GDR and its main attributes and characteristics form a part of the paper. Regulation and control system of the media in East Germany in the second half of the 20th century is also introduced in this part.
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Mediální reflexe emigrace Jaroslava Drobného / Media Reflection of Jaroslav Drobny EmigrationBudka, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Media Reflection of Jaroslav Drobny emigration" considers story of July 1949, when famous Czechoslovak tennis player Jaroslav Drobny left his country. It was during his stay at the tennis tournament in Gstaad, Switzerland. This diploma thesis has a theoretical part. It describes person Jaroslav Drobny, it shows the situation in Czechoslovakia in the late 1940's, situation of international sports at reasons why people were leaving their country. The main part of the work contains a deep search of several general dailies. In 1948 it was Rudé právo, Mladá fronta, Práce, Lidová demokracie and magazine Ruch in the period from the 15th May to the 10th June, when Jaroslav Drobny has been playing French Open in Paris and got to the finals. A year after, 1949, the same media was researched in the period from the 1st to the 31st July. It was the month Jaroslav Drobny left Czechoslovakia. And the same media was researched in the period from the 15th May to the 30th June when Jaroslav Drobny has been again playing French Open in Paris and again got to the finals, but at that time he already owned an Egyptian citizenship. Nineteen year later, in 1968 during the period of "Prague spring", issue of Jaroslav Drobny emigration was re - opened and the same media except magazine Ruch and including... Read more
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Cenzura na Internetu / Censorship in the InternetTomaga, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
{This Diploma thesis deals with Internet censorship. Various technical solutions for Internet censorship are presented together with censorship analysis options. Several possibilities for blocked content access and censorship circumvention in general are discussed. The topic is analyzed from the global point of view and is related to the People's Republic of China.
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