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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestión sostenible para obtener la certificación de comercio justo en la Asociación Bananeros Orgánicos Olmos – Banol - Lambayeque 2018

Aldana Cornejo, Noelia Del Carmen January 2020 (has links)
La agricultura orgánica con certificación Comercio Justo, permite que los productores vendan sus productos a mercados más competitivos que les permitan obtener mejoras económicas, ambientales y sociales para ellos y para la comunidad, es por ello que la presente investigación consistió en elaborar una propuesta que permita obtener la certificación de Comercio Justo para los productores de la Asociación BANOL del distrito de Olmos - Lambayeque 2018, así como diagnosticar la situación actual de la agricultura orgánica en el distrito de Olmos, análisis de la dimensión ambiental, económica, social y las fortalezas en relación al comercio Justo. Para ello se utilizaron entrevistas con preguntas semiestructuradas dirigidas a la presidenta de la asociación, 07 agricultores y 02 técnicos especialistas en agricultura orgánica. Determinando que la actividad agrícola orgánica se encuentra en etapa introducción, adaptación y aprendizaje, también se comprobó que los agricultores si cumplen con prácticas medioambientales preservando los recursos naturales y evitando el uso agroquímicos para no contaminar el ecosistema, en la situación económica se determinó que la adopción de la agricultura orgánica se implementó como estrategia comercial para ingresar a mercados más competitivos donde están dispuestos a pagar un mejor precio por productos orgánicos y eco amigables viéndose rentable a mediano plazo, debido al nivel de ventas, contratos fijos anuales, precios y reinversión. Sin embargo, en la parte social presentan debilidad: bajo nivel de educación, salud, vivienda, formalidad de empleo etc. Finalmente se concluyó que las fortalezas de Banol se adaptan al cumplimiento de las exigencias mínimas iniciales que pide Comercio Justo para otorgar la certificación. Esta certificación ayudará a mejorar la calidad de vida, debido a la mejora de los servicios básicos para todos los agricultores de Banol y comunidad, fortaleciendo así la parte social. / Organic farming with Fair Trade certification, allows producers to sell their products to more competitive markets that allow them to obtain economic, environmental and social improvements for themselves and for the community, which is why the present investigation consisted in writing a proposal that allows obtaining the certification of Commerce for the producers of the Association BANOL of the district of Olmos - Lambayeque 2018, as a diagnosis of the current situation of the organic agriculture in the district of Olmos, analysis of the Dimension environmental, economic, social and strengths in relation to Fair trade. For this, interviews with semi-structured questions directed to the presidency of the association, 07 farmers and 02 technicians specialized in organic agriculture are used. To determine that the organic agricultural activity is in the introduction, adaptation and learning stage, it is also verified that the means are maintained with the environmental practices preserving the natural resources and the use of agrochemicals in order not to contaminate the ecosystem, in the economic situation determined that the adoption of organic agriculture is implemented as a commercial strategy to enter more competitive markets where it offers to pay better price for organic and eco-friendly products over a period of sales, fixed annual contracts, prices and reinvestment. However, it is concluded that the strengths of Banol are adapted to meet the minimum initial requirements that Trade is required. Just to grant the certification. This is the best way to improve the quality of life thanks to the improvement of basic services for all.

<b>Microbial Inactivation and Validation of Aseptic Processing and Packaging System Using Vapor Peroxide</b>

Manoj Ram Krishna Sawale (16840431) 23 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Liquid hydrogen peroxide (LHP) and vapor hydrogen peroxide (VHP) efficacy as a sterilant for <i>Bacillus atrophaeus</i> and <i>Geobacillus stearothermophilus</i> spores in aseptic packaging systems under commercial sterilization conditions were evaluated in this research. The work centers on quantifying and modeling the kinetic parameters that impact peroxide sterilization efficacy, including the D and z values, that relate to the change in concentration required for a 1-log reduction in spore population and a novel Z<sub>conc</sub> parameter This comprehensive study is divided into four key investigations, each contributing critical insights to the overall understanding of peroxide sterilization processes.</p><p dir="ltr">The first study examined the inactivation kinetics of <i>B. atrophaeus</i> spores in liquid hydrogen peroxide. By evaluating different concentrations (20%, 28%, and 33%) and temperatures (up to 82.2°C), the study revealed that higher concentrations and elevated temperatures significantly enhanced spore inactivation. The Weibull model provided a more accurate fit for the data, indicating a non-linear relationship between spore reduction and exposure time.</p><p dir="ltr">The second part of the research explored the use of VHP for sterilizing <i>B. atrophaeus</i> spores. With VHP concentrations of 2500 ppm and 4450 ppm at various temperatures, the study demonstrated that higher concentrations and temperatures are highly effective for spore inactivation. Both log-linear and Weibull models accurately described the inactivation kinetics, with the Weibull model showing a slightly better fit, emphasizing the potential of VHP in achieving commercial sterility.</p><p dir="ltr">The third investigation focused on developing predictive models for VHP concentration and its efficacy in spore inactivation. The study evaluated VHP concentrations ranging from 2.32 mg/L to 7.35 mg/L and their impact on spore inactivation rates. The Weibull model proved particularly effective in predicting the inactivation of <i>G. stearothermophilus</i> and <i>B. atrophaeus</i> spores, offering a robust tool for optimizing sterilization protocols in aseptic packaging.</p><p dir="ltr">The fourth and final study of the research investigated the influence of surface roughness on spore survival during VHP sterilization cycles on plastic packaging materials. Artificial roughness on high-density polyethylene (HDPE) coupons was created using sandpaper with different grits. <i>B. atrophaeus</i> spores were applied to both roughened and smooth HDPE surfaces. The study finds that rougher surfaces provide more shelter for spores, reducing sterilization efficacy. For example, surfaces roughened with P-36 grit showed a 2.75 log reduction in spore count, whereas smoother surfaces with P-220 grit achieved a 4.42 log reduction. Contact angle measurements indicated that increased roughness led to more hydrophilic surfaces, with water contact angles decreasing from 149.7° for the pristine sample to 105.4° for the P-36 sample. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images confirmed that spores were more likely to reside in the valleys of rough surfaces, highlighting the importance of surface characteristics in optimizing VHP sterilization protocols.</p><p dir="ltr">The findings of this dissertation underscore the significant impact of hydrogen peroxide concentration, application conditions, and packaging material surface properties on the efficacy of spore inactivation during sterilization. By providing a comprehensive understanding of these factors, the research contributes to the development of optimized aseptic sterilization protocols, enhancing the reliability and safety of aseptically packaged food and pharmaceutical products. This work will ensure compliance with regulatory standards and improve food safety in commercial manufacturing, laying a solid foundation for future research and practical applications in VHP sterilization technology.</p>

Gröna marknadsvärden i den svenska fastighetsbranschen – idag och i framtiden : En totalundersökning av miljöcertifieringens ekonomiska värdepremie / Green market values in the Swedish real estate industry – present and beyond : A comprehensive study of the economic value premium of environmental certification

Bersbo, Adam, Schultz, Erik January 2024 (has links)
I denna studie har fenomenet miljöcertifiering och dess inverkan på transaktionspriser undersökts. Under det senaste decenniet har intresset och efterfrågan på hållbarhet kraftigt ökat. Tillsammans med krav från Europeiska Unionen har investerare, fastighetsägare och hyresgästers efterfrågan på hållbara fastigheter ökat. För att skapa incitament förhållbarhetsinvesteringar i fastighetsbranschen krävs det att arbetet är ekonomiskt gynnsamt och att företag kan räkna hem sina investeringar. Studien undersöker om miljöcertifierade fastigheter historiskt sätt genererat en värdepremie vid transaktionstillfällen. Syftet medstudien är att identifiera om miljöcertifieringsstämpeln medför en ekonomisk värdepremie samt identifiera hur miljöcertifieringens utveckling ser ut i ljuset av EU-taxonomin. Genomregressionsanalyser analyseras olika attributs inverkan på priset med syfte att kunna isoleramiljöcertifieringen och därigenom analysera hur miljöcertifieringen påverkar priset. Därutöver har en kompletterande kvalitativ intervjustudie utförts för att underbygga resultaten iden kvalitativa analysen. Studiens resultat visar att det finns tendenser till att miljöcertifierade fastigheter betingar högre priser än icke-certifierade fastigheter. Däremot kan studien inte med signifikans bevisa att det är just miljöcertifieringsstämpeln som ensamt bidrar till de högre prisnivåerna. Studiens resultat pekar på att EU-taxonomin kommer förändrafastighetsmarknadens dynamik på ett sätt som fortfarande inte är säkerställt samtidigt som tunga investerare lagt stora resurser på att miljöcertifiera sina bestånd. Då experter utrycker sig försiktigt och delvis har olika utgångspunkter är miljöcertifieringens framtid i ljuset av EU-taxonomin oviss. Utvecklingen av branschens affärslandskap kommer att till stor delpåverkas av EU-taxonomin och det är således viktigt att investerare, fastighetsägare och marknadsanalytiker följer utvecklingen noggrant. Dessutom bör branschorganisationer och forskare fortsatt engagerar sig i hållbarhetsfrågor för att främja en mer miljömässig, social men också ekonomiskt hållbar framtid inom fastighetsbranschen. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the economic advantages of eco-labeling in the real estate market. By employing a quantitative methodology, our goal is to identify if there is a financial key performance indicator for environmental certifications within the Swedish market. In the past decade, the demand for and interest in sustainability have increased. Along with stringent regulations from the European Union, the demand of sustainable properties have risen. To create incentives for sustainability efforts, the work must be economically beneficial. Companies need to justify their sustainable investments and therefore this study examines whether environmentally certified propertied have historically generated a higher transaction price compared to properties without eco-labeling. To answer our research questions an eclectic method was applied. A quantitative data analysis was combined with a qualitative interview study to deeply investigate how and if ecolabeling brings an economic value premium and to identify the development of certifications in the light of the EU-taxonomy. Through regression analysis we analyze the impact of various attributes on the price with the aim of isolating the environmental certification and thus analyzing how the eco-labeling is affecting the price. The qualitative study works as a complement to the quantitative analysis to support the results and put it into a context. The study concludes that there are tendencies for environmental certified properties to command higher prices than not certified properties. However, the results cannot significantly prove that it is the environmental labeling alone that contributes to higher price levels. The dynamics of the real estate market will change due the EU-taxonomy in a way that’s still uncertain. As experts express caution and have partly different perspectives, the future of environmental labeling in the light of EU-taxonomy remains uncertain. The development of the business landscape will be influenced by the EU-taxonomy, making it important for investors, property-owners and market analysts to closely follow its development. Moreover, industry organization and research should continue to engage in sustainability issues to promote a more environmentally, socially and economically sustainable future within the real estate industry.

Hållbara kommersiella fastighetsinvesteringar : Miljömässiga och ekonomiska perspektiv / Sustainable commercial real estate investments : Environmental and economic perspectives

Lövdahl, Jesper, Dragancea, Paul January 2024 (has links)
In the field of commercial real estate investments, interest in sustainability is growing as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria become increasingly central to investors. The sector, a significant source of global carbon emissions, faces demands to align with sustainable development goals. Despite this, there is a significant gap in understanding how sustainability should be integrated into both decision-making and investment processes from the perspective of investors in commercial properties. This study explores the decision-making processes and factors influencing sustainable investments in commercial properties, with a focus on how investors value sustainability aspects in their decisions. The study is specifically limited to commercial properties in Sweden, particularly office buildings. A qualitative research methodology was applied, involving semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders within the Swedish real estate market. The results indicate that while traditional factors like location and condition remain important, the importance of sustainability aspects such as energy efficiency and environmental certifications in investment decisions is increasing. These factors contribute to reduced operational costs and increased property value but also improve financing opportunities from banks that prioritize green investments. Additionally, sustainable properties tend to have lower vacancy rates, enhancing their investment value. However, the lack of standardized methods for measuring sustainability in real estate investments is a significant barrier, complicating comparisons and consistent valuation of sustainability performance over time and across properties.

The Effect of Environmental Certificates for Hotels on the Purchasing Decision of Online Customers

Qubbaj, Abdullah Isam Sharif 23 May 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La tesis doctoral explora la influencia de los certificados de hoteles ecológicos en las decisiones de compra de los clientes en línea en el contexto del creciente enfoque de la industria hotelera en la sostenibilidad. El estudio tiene como objetivo investigar las actitudes de los clientes hacia los certificados verdes, examinando el conocimiento, la comprensión y la confianza en estas credenciales. También explora si la presencia de certificados verdes afecta las intenciones de los clientes de reservar un hotel y su disposición a pagar una prima por alojamientos respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Además, la investigación busca identificar factores que median o regulan la relación entre los certificados verdes y las decisiones de compra de los clientes, incluidos datos demográficos, creencias ambientales y calificaciones de reseñas en línea. Los hallazgos indican que la conciencia ambiental está impulsando la demanda de productos y servicios ecológicos, y las certificaciones ecológicas son un importante factor de motivación para que los clientes paguen más por alojarse en hoteles ecológicos. Los millennials, en particular, muestran una disposición a pagar más por hoteles que adopten prácticas ecológicas. El estudio también señala una tendencia en la que un porcentaje considerable de viajeros expresa su apoyo a los hoteles ecológicos y está dispuesto a gastar más en alojamientos respetuosos con el medio ambiente. La investigación sugiere que las certificaciones ecológicas, las consideraciones ambientales y la percepción de marca ecológica impactan sustancialmente la satisfacción del consumidor en línea y las decisiones de compra en la industria hotelera. El estudio destaca el impacto positivo de los certificados medioambientales en la decisión de los clientes de elegir hoteles ecológicos. Además, destaca la importancia de la gestión del talento en la industria turística e identifica la discriminación como un factor que influye en los recursos humanos. El análisis bibliométrico y de redes del estudio revela que los certificados ambientales pueden ser una herramienta crucial para promover el turismo sostenible y mitigar el impacto ambiental negativo de la industria. Sin embargo, enfatiza la necesidad de una mayor estandarización y transparencia en el proceso de certificación para mantener la credibilidad y el valor de estos certificados. La investigación concluye destacando la creciente popularidad de los alojamientos ecológicos, y la mayoría de los viajeros de todo el mundo expresan su intención de elegir alojamientos ecológicos. Los consumidores están dispuestos a gastar más en hoteles que cumplen las normas medioambientales, y las certificaciones reconocidas como LEED o Green Key tienen una influencia más significativa en los clientes en comparación con certificaciones menos conocidas o de menor nivel. Las implicaciones del estudio se extienden a la industria del turismo y a las empresas que buscan atraer clientes ambientalmente conscientes, sugiriendo que los hoteles deberían seleccionar cuidadosamente los certificados ambientales y considerar las características demográficas de sus clientes objetivo en los esfuerzos de promoción. Finalmente, sugiere posibles vías para futuras investigaciones, como explorar el impacto de las certificaciones ambientales en la satisfacción y lealtad del cliente en la industria hotelera. / [CA] La tesi doctoral explora la influència dels certificats d'hotels ecològics en les decisions de compra dels clients en línia en el context del creixent enfocament de la indústria hotelera en la sostenibilitat. L'estudi té com a objectiu investigar les actituds dels clients cap als certificats verds, examinant el coneixement, la comprensió i la confiança en aquestes credencials. També explora si la presència de certificats verds afecta les intencions dels clients de reservar un hotel i la seua disposició a pagar una prima per allotjaments respectuosos amb el medi ambient. A més, la investigació busca identificar factors que medien o regulen la relació entre els certificats verds i les decisions de compra dels clients, incloses dades demogràfiques, creences ambientals i qualificacions de ressenyes en línia. Les troballes indiquen que la consciència ambiental està impulsant la demanda de productes i serveis ecològics, i les certificacions ecològiques són un important factor de motivació perquè els clients paguen més per allotjar-se en hotels ecològics. Els *millennials, en particular, mostren una disposició a pagar més per hotels que adopten pràctiques ecològiques. L'estudi també assenyala una tendència en la qual un percentatge considerable de viatgers expressa el seu suport als hotels ecològics i està disposat a gastar més en allotjaments respectuosos amb el medi ambient . La investigació suggereix que les certificacions ecològiques, les consideracions ambientals i la percepció de marca ecològica impacten substancialment la satisfacció del consumidor en línia i les decisions de compra en la indústria hotelera. L'estudi destaca l'impacte positiu dels certificats mediambientals en la decisió dels clients de triar hotels ecològics. A més, destaca la importància de la gestió del talent en la indústria turística i identifica la discriminació com un factor que influeix en els recursos humans. L'anàlisi bibliomètrica i de xarxes de l'estudi revela que els certificats ambientals poden ser una eina crucial per a promoure el turisme sostenible i mitigar l'impacte ambiental negatiu de la indústria. No obstant això, emfatitza la necessitat d'una major estandardització i transparència en el procés de certificació per a mantindre la credibilitat i el valor d'aquests certificats. La investigació conclou destacant la creixent popularitat dels allotjaments ecològics, i la majoria dels viatgers de tot el món expressen la seua intenció de triar allotjaments ecològics. Els consumidors estan disposats a gastar més en hotels que compleixen les normes mediambientals, i les certificacions reconegudes com *LEED o Green *Key tenen una influència més significativa en els clients en comparació amb certificacions menys conegudes o de menor nivell. Les implicacions de l'estudi s'estenen a la indústria del turisme i a les empreses que busquen atraure clients ambientalment conscients, suggerint que els hotels haurien de seleccionar acuradament els certificats ambientals i considerar les característiques demogràfiques dels seus clients objectiu en els esforços de promoció. Finalment, suggereix possibles vies per a futures investigacions, com explorar l'impacte de les certificacions ambientals en la satisfacció i lleialtat del client en la indústria hotelera. / [EN] The PhD thesis explores the influence of green hotel certificates on online customers' purchasing decisions in the context of the hospitality industry's growing focus on sustainability. The study aims to investigate customers' attitudes towards green certificates, examining awareness, comprehension, and trust in these credentials. It also explores whether the presence of green certificates affects customers' intentions to book a hotel and their willingness to pay a premium for environmentally friendly accommodations. Additionally, the research seeks to identify factors that mediate or regulate the relationship between green certificates and customers' purchasing decisions, including demographics, environmental beliefs, and online review ratings. The findings indicate that environmental awareness is driving a demand for green products and services, and eco-certifications are a significant motivating factor for customers to pay extra for staying in green hotels. Millennials, in particular, show a willingness to pay more for hotels adopting green practices. The study also notes a trend where a considerable percentage of travelers express support for green hotels and are willing to spend more on environmentally friendly accommodations. The research suggests that green certifications, environmental considerations, and green brand perception substantially impact online consumer satisfaction and purchasing decisions in the hotel industry. The study emphasizes the positive impact of environmental certificates on customers' decisions to choose green hotels. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of talent management in the tourism industry and identifies discrimination as a factor influencing human resources. The study's bibliometric and network analysis reveals that environmental certificates can be a crucial tool for promoting sustainable tourism and mitigating the industry's negative environmental impact. However, it emphasizes the need for greater standardization and transparency in the certification process to maintain the credibility and value of these certificates. The research concludes by stressing the increasing popularity of green lodging, with a majority of global travelers expressing an intention to choose eco-friendly accommodations. Consumers are willing to spend extra on hotels that adhere to environmental rules, and recognized certifications like LEED or Green Key have a more significant influence on customers compared to less-known or lower-standard certifications. The study's implications extend to the tourism industry and businesses aiming to attract environmentally conscious customers, suggesting that hotels should carefully select environmental certificates and consider the demographic characteristics of their target customers in promotional efforts. Finally, it suggests potential avenues for future research, such as exploring the impact of environmental certifications on customer satisfaction and loyalty in the hotel industry. / Qubbaj, AIS. (2024). The Effect of Environmental Certificates for Hotels on the Purchasing Decision of Online Customers [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/204631 / Compendio

Requirements Engineering Process according to Automotive Standards in a Model-driven Framework / Processus d’ingénierie des exigences dans un environnment à base de modèles selon les normes automobiles

Adedjouma, Morayo 12 July 2012 (has links)
L'industrie automobile des systèmes embarqués critiques est confrontée de nos jours à une complexité croissante, tandis que les coûts, les performances en termes d'intelligence, les caractéristiques, les capacités et les délais de commercialisation de leurs produits sont constamment remises en question. Face à cela, l'objectif principal pour les constructeurs et fournisseurs automobiles devient désormais de contrôler la qualité et la fiabilité des systèmes mécatroniques et embarqués. L'existence de normes internationales comme le HIS Automotive SPICE et l’ISO26262 est une contrainte supplémentaire qu'ils doivent prendre en compte s’ils veulent atteindre cet objectif. De plus, assurer la bonne gestion de la sécurité et la qualité du produit ne suffit pas: il est essentiel de veiller à ce que nous produisons un système qui n'est pas seulement sécuritaire et bien, mais aussi que nous produisons le bon système. Cela induit donc une plus grande prise en compte des exigences.Dans cette thèse, nous traitons le challenge du développement des systèmes embarqués automobiles suivant l’Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM) qui répondent aux exigences des utilisateurs et des standards du domaine et qui permettent de maîtriser davantage la qualité des produits développés. Le problème à résoudre a été abordé sur plusieurs phases qui sont ensuite utilisés conjointement. En premier, nous définissons un métamodèle fusionnant les approches orienté qualité produit et qualité processus selon respectivement les normes ISO26262 et SPICE. Puis, dans un but de certification, nous proposons une méthodologie générique basée sur ce métamodèle commun où une évaluation du processus de développement induite par l’HIS standard ainsi qu’une évaluation de la sécurité fonctionnelle induite par l’ISO2626 sont simultanément effectuées. Ce résultat est traduit au travers de la définition d'un framework outillé où nous appliquons la méthode d'évaluation propre au standard SPICE. En deuxième phase, nous définissons un métamodèle pour gérer les actifs de sécurité concernant ces normes automobiles au niveau produit. Ce métamodèle définit comment capturer les exigences et l’architecture d’un système de telle manière qu'ils puissent être traçables entre eux et également traçables depuis des documents de spécifications d’origine. Enfin, une approche à base de modèle où l'interaction des modèles de processus et le produit est géré afin de répondre aux besoins identifiés dans la première phase est développé pour soutenir la gestion de projet. L'approche utilise la modélisation des processus et leur mesure pour améliorer le contrôle et le suivi de projet et de réduire par la même les coûts et les fréquences de replanification.Les avantages de la contribution sont démontrés sur une application pilote automobile, validant ainsi le travail de recherche au vue des faiblesses identifiées préalablement dans le contexte. / The embedded safety-critical systems industry is facing an exponential increase in the complexity and variety of systems and devices while costs, performance in terms of intelligence, features, capacities and time to market are constantly challenged. The main objective for automotive manufacturers and suppliers is now becoming the control of quality and the dependability of embedded and mechatronic systems. The existence of internationally recognized standards such as the Automotive SPICE and ISO26262 is a further constraint that must be managed to meet this objective. Nevertheless, ensuring sound management of safety and viewpoints is insufficient. It is also essential to ensure that we produce a system that is not only compliant and well-defined, but also that we produce the “right” system. Therefore, this leads to greater consideration of the requirements.In this thesis, we address the challenge of development of automotive embedded systems following the model-driven engineering paradigm that meet the user needs and the regulatory constraints of the domain and that further mastered the quality of developed product. We resolve the problem in many steps which are subsequently used jointly. In the first phase, we define a merging approach which embodies a product quality and process quality approaches regarding the ISO26262 and SPICE standards following the model-driven engineering paradigm. Then, in a certification assessment purpose, we propose a generic methodology where an HIS assessment and a functional safety audit is simultaneously performed without altering their original meanings. This commitment results into the definition of a tooled framework where we apply the SPICE assessment method to the common metamodel defined from the merging work. In a second phase, we define a metamodel for manage safety assets regarding these automotive standards at product level. This metamodel defines how the requirements and architecture of a system can be captured in such a way that they can be traceable from each other and from origin specifications documents. Finally, a model-based approach where the interaction of process and product models is managed to address requirements identified in the precedent phases is developed to support project management. The approach uses process modeling and measurement to improve the control and the monitoring of project and to reduce the cost and frequency of re-planning.The benefits of the contribution are demonstrated on an ongoing automotive pilot application, thereby validating the research work against the weaknesses identified prealably in the context.

Construction de la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE) dans les pays en développement : une application dans les entreprises d'exploitations forestières au Cameroun / Building corporate social responsibility (CSR) in developing countries : an application in forestry firms in Cameroon

Ndoumbe Berock, Isaac Bernard 19 May 2017 (has links)
Face à un environnement incertain marqué par une instabilité sans cesse croissante, les entreprises s’efforcent de rechercher la performance à la fois globale et durable considérée désormais comme un levier non seulement de pérennité, mais aussi d’avantage concurrentiel primordial (Porter et Kramer, 2006; Crane et Matten, 2004). Ainsi, la responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise (RSE) est perçue comme un thème fédérateur en sciences de gestion et de par sa dimension sociétale dans les sciences économiques et sociales prenant tout son sens dans le management opérationnel des entreprises. Considérée comme le prolongement de la prise en compte du développement durable (rapport Brundtland 1987) dans ses implications managériales, la RSE cristallise l’attention de nombreux chercheurs depuis plusieurs décennies, notamment dans sa dimension sociale, environnementale et normative (ISO 14000) depuis une vingtaine d’année et sociétale (ISO 26000) depuis les années 2000. Si la littérature foisonnante sur le concept de RSE reste en débat, force est de constater qu’elle traite très peu des mécanismes de construction des pratiques RSE et moins encore du rôle que les stakeholders jouent dans cette construction. Dans un tel contexte, prenant appui sur la stakeholder theory (Freeman, 1984; Oliver, 1991; Clarkson, 1995; Mitchell et al., 1997; Sethi, 1995; Rowley, 1997), l’analyse des données collectées suite à une investigation de huit mois auprès de six entreprises forestières au Cameroun, révèle d’une part que le modèle de Carroll (1979, 1991) de la RSE est contingent au contexte et que le comportement stratégique orienté RSE des entreprises du secteur de l’industrie forestière au Cameroun est fortement corrélé à la nationalité de l’entreprise. D’autre part, cette étude fait état de ce que la variable « champ d’activité » a un effet non déterminé sur le comportement stratégique adopté par les entreprises de ce secteur forestier. Enfin, cette recherche révèle également que la certification forestière FSC représente le gage d’un engagement volontaire en matière de RSE des entreprises d’exploitations forestières au Cameroun. La présente recherche ouvre la voie aux travaux futurs pour internaliser les pratiques de la RSE par les parties prenantes dans le management stratégique des entreprises les plus confrontées aux défis environnementaux. / In an uncertain environment that is also marked by a growing instability, firms try to seek a global and sustainable performance which is considered as a lever not only for longevity but also for competitive advantage (Porter and Kramer, 2006; Crane and Matten, 2004). Thus, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is perceived as a unifying topic in management science and, by its societal dimension, in the economic and social sciences. Considered as an extension to the consideration of sustainable development in its managerial implications (Brundtland report, 1987), CSR has been at the attention of a large number of researchers for several decades now, in particular for twenty years in its social, environmental and normative dimension (ISO 14000) and since the 2000’s in its societal nature.While the concept of CSR is still under debate in its rather large literature, it should also be noted that this literature is usually silent on the construction mechanisms of CSR practices and even more on the role that stakeholders play in this construction.In this context, and relying on stakeholder theory (Freeman, 1984; Oliver, 1991; Clarkson, 1995; Mitchell et al., 1997; Sethi, 1995; Rowley, 1997), the present analysis of the collected data from an eight-month-long in-depth investigation of six forestry firms in Cameroun yields several findings: First, the CSR model in Carroll (1979, 1991) is contingent to the context and the strategic CSR behaviour of the different firms in the forestry industry in Cameroun is strictly correlated to the nationality of these firms. Second, this study shows that the “field of action” variable has a non-significant effect on the strategic behaviour adopted by the firms in this forestry industry. Finally, this research also reveals that the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification represents the deposit of a voluntary commitment in terms of CSR of the forestry exploitation firms in Cameroun. The present work also opens new lines for future research focussing on the internalisation of the CSR practices by the contracting parties in strategic management of the firms that are in direct confrontation to the environmental challenges.

A model for forest and product certification in Ghana : the perception and attitudes of forest enterprises in Ghana

Attah, Alhassan January 2011 (has links)
Forest and product certification was initially promoted as a means of enhancing sustainable management of forests in the tropics. However after almost two decades, there is still very little evidence of certified timber products originating from tropical countries. A number of approaches have been suggested to enhance the growth of forest certification in the tropics. These approaches such as that of the Forest Stewardship Council, Global Forest Trade Network of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Sustainable Forest Initiative and various private sector initiatives have all failed to facilitate forest certification. Therefore to enhance the development of forest certification in Ghana, the research work amongst others, draws on experiences in certification from other sectors such as cocoa, fisheries, tourism and oil palm to develop a model for promoting forest certification in Ghana. The research work uses elements identified in the literature review in developing a questionnaire for the survey of timber firms in Ghana. The research work identified stakeholder consultations, legal framework, resource rights, and the regulation of the domestic market as key elements for promoting forest certification in Ghana. The research recommends a phased approach to promoting forest certification with the first phase being verification of legality that adopts the European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) and the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) initiative. The study identifies this approach not only as a means of reducing cost to the private sector in pursuing forest certification but a means of drawing on support measures to enhance the regulation of the domestic market; a key component for promoting forest certification. The report argues that it is only through a well regulated domestic market can tropical timber producing countries achieve sustainable forest management and hence forest certification. The domestic market is therefore seen as a strong means of promoting certification since it will be internalised in the producing countries. None of the research on certification has so far identified the domestic market as a key factor to promoting forest certification and the research work argues that the slow pace of certification has been the lack of demand for certified products on the domestic market. Developing the domestic market is therefore seen as a key policy instrument for promoting the uptake of forest certification in Ghana and the tropics in general.

Miljöcertifiering av hotellverksamheter : varför miljöcertifiera?

Hallin, Therése, Kjellgren, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
<p>The awareness regarding environmental issues is increasing and as a result a large number of products are eco-labeled. This enables the consumers to make enlightened environmental decisions when purchasing products. Eco-labeling is no longer for products only, but also for services like hotels. It’s difficult to determine what it actually means to eco-label a hotel and what kind of benefits it includes. Our goal for this essay regarding eco-labeling of hotels is to consider the question –why eco-label?</p><p>The essay also considers benefits or disadvantages connected to eco-labeling and also aim to collect theories and thoughts about the meaning of this in the future. In order to reach this goal the essay involves a case study with hotels who are eco-labeled and those who are not. It also contains information from interviews with representatives from four different eco-labeling organizations and one government environmental scientist. This combined with collected theories aim to give a clear picture about the main focus point –why eco-label? The results show that the hotels whom were studied consider environmental work as very important. It also shows that they notice an increasing demand among customers. The demand also seems to be higher among corporate customers. Eco-labeling can be used as a tool to show the customers that the hotel is working according to special criteria which aims to a more sustainable environment. Care about the environment and increasing customer demand are two main important reasons for the hotels to get an eco-label. It has also shown that there can be more reasons behind the decision to eco-label like; the assistance regarding environmental issues from the eco-labeling organization, competitive advantages, brand related and corporate values. There are also challenges associated with eco-labeling; the ones we have seen are that the environmental work can stop evolving after the label has been accepted. Sometimes the eco-label might not even be the most environmental friendly solution. We have also seen that the eco-labels are combined with different compromises and that they often cost money and take time to implement.</p><p>We have reached the conclusion that in the future eco-labeling of hotels is likely to be significantly important and collaboration between eco-labeling organizations will probably grow and be more international. The results do not generally apply for all hotels but it gives an important insight on eco-labels for hotels, and can give arguments about the subject.</p> / <p>Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen bygger på frågan – varför miljöcertifiera? Uppsatsen ger således en bild av miljöcertifieringars roll och betydelse för hotellverksamheter, där för- och nackdelar ställs mot varandra. Även resonemang kring miljöcertifiering av hotellverksamheters sannolika roll och betydelse i framtiden behandlas.</p><p>Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och en hermeneutisk tolkningsstrategi. Informationsinsamlandet består av fallstudier, intervjuer, litteraturstudier och informationsinhämtning på internet. Tio intervjuer genomfördes med fyra personer från fyra olika hotell, både miljöcertifierade och inte, fem personer som på ett eller annat sätt arbetar med de olika miljöcertifieringarna samt med en forskare i miljöpolitik.</p><p>Slutsats: Studien visar att många vill engagera sig i miljöarbete, både hotellverksamheterna och deras kunder. Miljöcertifieringar kan även vara ett verktyg för att förmedla och strukturera miljöarbetet. Dessutom har det genom denna studie visat sig att miljöcertifieringen kan bidra med andra positiva aspekter som exempelvis en förbättrad image och identitet samt en tydligare struktur på miljöarbetet. Det finns dock problem och nackdelar även med miljöcertifieringar och med att miljöcertifiera sig, exempelvis att de kräver mycket resurser och att själva miljöcertifieringen inte behöver vara det miljövänligaste.</p>

Miljöcertifiering av hotellverksamheter : varför miljöcertifiera?

Hallin, Therése, Kjellgren, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
The awareness regarding environmental issues is increasing and as a result a large number of products are eco-labeled. This enables the consumers to make enlightened environmental decisions when purchasing products. Eco-labeling is no longer for products only, but also for services like hotels. It’s difficult to determine what it actually means to eco-label a hotel and what kind of benefits it includes. Our goal for this essay regarding eco-labeling of hotels is to consider the question –why eco-label? The essay also considers benefits or disadvantages connected to eco-labeling and also aim to collect theories and thoughts about the meaning of this in the future. In order to reach this goal the essay involves a case study with hotels who are eco-labeled and those who are not. It also contains information from interviews with representatives from four different eco-labeling organizations and one government environmental scientist. This combined with collected theories aim to give a clear picture about the main focus point –why eco-label? The results show that the hotels whom were studied consider environmental work as very important. It also shows that they notice an increasing demand among customers. The demand also seems to be higher among corporate customers. Eco-labeling can be used as a tool to show the customers that the hotel is working according to special criteria which aims to a more sustainable environment. Care about the environment and increasing customer demand are two main important reasons for the hotels to get an eco-label. It has also shown that there can be more reasons behind the decision to eco-label like; the assistance regarding environmental issues from the eco-labeling organization, competitive advantages, brand related and corporate values. There are also challenges associated with eco-labeling; the ones we have seen are that the environmental work can stop evolving after the label has been accepted. Sometimes the eco-label might not even be the most environmental friendly solution. We have also seen that the eco-labels are combined with different compromises and that they often cost money and take time to implement. We have reached the conclusion that in the future eco-labeling of hotels is likely to be significantly important and collaboration between eco-labeling organizations will probably grow and be more international. The results do not generally apply for all hotels but it gives an important insight on eco-labels for hotels, and can give arguments about the subject. / Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen bygger på frågan – varför miljöcertifiera? Uppsatsen ger således en bild av miljöcertifieringars roll och betydelse för hotellverksamheter, där för- och nackdelar ställs mot varandra. Även resonemang kring miljöcertifiering av hotellverksamheters sannolika roll och betydelse i framtiden behandlas. Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och en hermeneutisk tolkningsstrategi. Informationsinsamlandet består av fallstudier, intervjuer, litteraturstudier och informationsinhämtning på internet. Tio intervjuer genomfördes med fyra personer från fyra olika hotell, både miljöcertifierade och inte, fem personer som på ett eller annat sätt arbetar med de olika miljöcertifieringarna samt med en forskare i miljöpolitik. Slutsats: Studien visar att många vill engagera sig i miljöarbete, både hotellverksamheterna och deras kunder. Miljöcertifieringar kan även vara ett verktyg för att förmedla och strukturera miljöarbetet. Dessutom har det genom denna studie visat sig att miljöcertifieringen kan bidra med andra positiva aspekter som exempelvis en förbättrad image och identitet samt en tydligare struktur på miljöarbetet. Det finns dock problem och nackdelar även med miljöcertifieringar och med att miljöcertifiera sig, exempelvis att de kräver mycket resurser och att själva miljöcertifieringen inte behöver vara det miljövänligaste.

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