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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉乃綸 Unknown Date (has links)
商品檢驗行業發展至今也有百餘年的歷史。傳統的檢驗僅對貨品的數量、外觀、包裝根據買賣合約進行核對和計量,隨著消費者對品質、成份的重視,商檢內容增加了測試。1990年代ISO品質管理系統、環境管理系統、職業安全衛生管理系統相繼推出,掀起了一遍驗證的風潮,隨後在汽車製造業、資訊業、醫療事業、食品業也分別訂定了各行業的品質保證系統。 台灣商檢業發展50餘年,雖然總體規模不大,但競爭環境也非常激烈。台灣企業經營面臨國際化、自由化競爭,產業外移至勞工、原料便宜的國家,對於產業依附性高的商檢公司造成相當大的衝擊。因此商檢公司未來經營策略更加突顯重要。 本研究採個案研究法,選擇一個案公司,針對內外在環境、及個案公司的經營策略進行分析。主要內容包括SWOT分析、波特競爭五力分析,並整理歸納出10項商檢業關鍵成功因素,期望藉由對個案公司的研究,找尋商檢公司制定未來策略的重點。 研究的結果顯示: 1. 個案公司成功因素與10項商檢業關鍵成功因素大多吻合。 2. 營業收入、營業利潤下降的部門;根本策略短期宜採市場滲透,中、長期採市場發展、產品發展。競爭策略短期為成本領導,長期為差異化。如個案公司檢驗和驗證部門。 3. 營業收入、營業利潤皆高的部門,根本策略短期為市場發展、產品發展策略,中、長期為多角化策略。競爭策略短期為短期差異化,長期為差異化集中。如個案公司測試部門。 在制定策略時值得考慮的事項有: 1. 商檢公司的發展與策略方向與政府的政策息息相關,策略的制定應注意政府政策的方向。 2. 商檢公司間應發展既競爭又合作的關係,惡性競爭對整體不利。 3. 商檢公司在做迅速轉型時,要注意強化內部成員與部門之間的協調搭配都能跟上,避免車頭、車尾產生脫節。 4. 未來關鍵成功因素可能與現在關鍵因素因環境或所進入市場不同而改變,商檢公司應因應其差異而建構不同的核心能力。

Requirements Engineering Process according to Automotive Standards in a Model-driven Framework

Adedjouma, Morayo 12 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'industrie automobile des systèmes embarqués critiques est confrontée de nos jours à une complexité croissante, tandis que les coûts, les performances en termes d'intelligence, les caractéristiques, les capacités et les délais de commercialisation de leurs produits sont constamment remises en question. Face à cela, l'objectif principal pour les constructeurs et fournisseurs automobiles devient désormais de contrôler la qualité et la fiabilité des systèmes mécatroniques et embarqués. L'existence de normes internationales comme le HIS Automotive SPICE et l'ISO26262 est une contrainte supplémentaire qu'ils doivent prendre en compte s'ils veulent atteindre cet objectif. De plus, assurer la bonne gestion de la sécurité et la qualité du produit ne suffit pas: il est essentiel de veiller à ce que nous produisons un système qui n'est pas seulement sécuritaire et bien, mais aussi que nous produisons le bon système. Cela induit donc une plus grande prise en compte des exigences.Dans cette thèse, nous traitons le challenge du développement des systèmes embarqués automobiles suivant l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM) qui répondent aux exigences des utilisateurs et des standards du domaine et qui permettent de maîtriser davantage la qualité des produits développés. Le problème à résoudre a été abordé sur plusieurs phases qui sont ensuite utilisés conjointement. En premier, nous définissons un métamodèle fusionnant les approches orienté qualité produit et qualité processus selon respectivement les normes ISO26262 et SPICE. Puis, dans un but de certification, nous proposons une méthodologie générique basée sur ce métamodèle commun où une évaluation du processus de développement induite par l'HIS standard ainsi qu'une évaluation de la sécurité fonctionnelle induite par l'ISO2626 sont simultanément effectuées. Ce résultat est traduit au travers de la définition d'un framework outillé où nous appliquons la méthode d'évaluation propre au standard SPICE. En deuxième phase, nous définissons un métamodèle pour gérer les actifs de sécurité concernant ces normes automobiles au niveau produit. Ce métamodèle définit comment capturer les exigences et l'architecture d'un système de telle manière qu'ils puissent être traçables entre eux et également traçables depuis des documents de spécifications d'origine. Enfin, une approche à base de modèle où l'interaction des modèles de processus et le produit est géré afin de répondre aux besoins identifiés dans la première phase est développé pour soutenir la gestion de projet. L'approche utilise la modélisation des processus et leur mesure pour améliorer le contrôle et le suivi de projet et de réduire par la même les coûts et les fréquences de replanification.Les avantages de la contribution sont démontrés sur une application pilote automobile, validant ainsi le travail de recherche au vue des faiblesses identifiées préalablement dans le contexte.

Constructing and contesting the legitimacy of private forest governance : The case of forest certification in Sweden

Johansson, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
In recent decades, political scientists have devoted substantial attention to the changing role of the state towards more inclusion of non-state actors in policymaking. This deliberative turn, or move towards governance, may signal inability to handle complex problems without cooperation with nonstate actors. On the other hand, governance is frequently credited with generating legitimate decision-making processes and results. In some instances, non-governmental actors have even taken the lead in policymaking. One archetype of such private governance, which has received significant scholarly attention, is forest certification. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is frequently described as the most democratic and therefore legitimate forest certification organization since it grants equal voting rights to three stakeholder groups in the formulation of criteria for responsible forestry: environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs), social groups (indigenous peoples and labor organizations) and forest owners. However, in Sweden, a country often described as a role model in forest certification, the FSC has increasingly received critique for failing to generate legitimate processes and results, and recently three of five ENGOs have chosen to exit the FSC organization. Such processes of de-legitimation have received little attention in the forest certification literature. This thesis therefore provides a critical assessment of the legitimacy of forest certification in Sweden. Legitimacy is analyzed through concerned stakeholders’ perceptions of both procedural qualities (input legitimacy) and problem-solving capacity (output legitimacy). This study of legitimacy is combined with an assessment of the ability of certification to enhance environmental protection, defined as changes in both forest management practices and biophysical conditions. The thesis focuses not the least on legitimacy on the local level, which is where the actual implementation takes place. Today local studies of the legitimacy of forest certification are rare. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are applied and a number of sources are analyzed: forest monitoring data, survey data, interviews with and documents produced by the participating stakeholders. Papers I and IV analyze the perceived legitimacy of forest certification, while Papers II and III analyze forest certification schemes’ ability to enhance environmental protection. The results show that a process of de-legitimation is occurring in Swedish forest certification. In particular, certification has lost legitimacy with ENGOs, which increasingly consider Swedish forest certification to lack both input legitimacy and output legitimacy. Moreover, although the Swedish FSC standard pays attention to reindeer husbandry, the results show that reindeer herders consider themselves to have limited power to influence long-term forest planning and management (low output legitimacy). The forest industry, on the other hand, increasingly grants legitimacy to forest certification due to customer demands, which are created not the least by pressures from international ENGOs and by EU regulation. The results also show that Swedish forest companies have paid more attention to their environmental practices after obtaining certification. However, to what extent these changes result in positive environmental impacts remains uncertain, especially since forests in Sweden grow slowly, which requires analyses over time. There are also measurement problems resulting from the low certification rate among small-scale forest owners and from the fact that certified small-scale owners tend to be more active in their management. These findings highlight that research on private forest governance should not neglect the role of the state, neither as a buyer nor as a regulator. These findings also suggest that further research should pay attention to power asymmetries in private governance and develop methods for better understanding and evaluating the certification schemes’ environmental and social impacts.

Miljömässiga kundvärden i en akvaponi : En studie av alternativa kundvärden när en ekologisk certifiering inte är möjlig

Nygren, Nathanlie January 2016 (has links)
I en akvaponi odlas fisk och grönsaker i ett kretslopp med cirkulerande vatten. Enligt EU:s regelverk, EG nr 889/2008, kan ett sådant odlingssätt inte certifieras ekologiskt. Problematiken uppstår i hur en giftfri odling kan nå de miljömedvetna konsumenterna utan en certifiering. Studien syftar till att ta reda på hur man i en akvaponi kan skapa miljömässiga värden och vilket leveranssätt som är mest hållbart. Genom en enkätundersökning till konsumenter och personer inom restaurangbranschen har det framkommit att miljömärkning har ett högt värde likväl som kvalité. En stark konkurrenskraft är den lokala marknaden som också värderas högt. Efterfrågan på miljömärkt fisk är större än på grönsaker där konsumenterna hellre väljer lokalproducerat. Den lokala produkten förutsätter i många fall att konsumenten känner till dess produktionsprocess, då en lokalt odlad produkt inte per automatik blir miljömässigt hållbar. Är inte fisken miljömärkt påverkar det köpkraften något mer negativt än om grönsakerna inte är miljömärkta enligt urvalet av konsumenter. Personerna inom restaurangbranschen anser däremot att de produkterna som är lokalproducerade har lika stor plats som de miljömärkta. Utifrån enkätresultatet framgår att en akvaponiproducent kan distribuera lokalt som alternativ till ekologiskt märkning. Vill producenten ha ett transparent arbete och ytterligare möjliggöra miljömässiga hållbarhetsaspekter i sin verksamhet är transporten till kunden en viktig faktor. Hur produkterna ska levereras för att vara mest miljömässigt hållbara beror på lokalisering. Vad som avgör transportens miljöpåverkan är transportmedlet, hur mycket som fraktas, drivmedlet och sträckan. Oavsett transportfordon kan inte alla hållbarhetsprinciperna uppfyllas till fullo, men en minimering av påverkan kan väljas. / The aquaponic system includes cultivation of fish and vegetables in a cycle with circulating water. A closed system with circulating water is not possible to certify ecological according to the EU regulations, EG 889/2008. This causes a problem for the aquaponic producer who has a non-toxic production that is not possible to certify. The aim with this study is to find out if there is any alternative environmental values for an aquaponic and how the delivery can be done in the most environmental sustainable way. Results from the survey for consumers and persons in the restaurant branch show that environmental certification and quality are valued high. There is also a high demand for locally produced products. There is a higher demand for ecological fish than vegetables that has a higher demand for local production. Such a production requires that the consumer knows how the production is done since a local produced product does not necessarily mean that it its environmental sustainable. The buying power of the fish is affected more negatively than it is for vegetables if it is not environmental certified according to the consumers. The people in the branch of restaurants do however see local production and certification as equally important. The aquaponic producer has an opportunity to distribute the products locally based on the survey results. Would the producer have a transparent work and further enable environmental sustainability aspects in their business, the transport to the customer becomes an important factor. How the products will be delivered to be the most environmentally sustainable depends on location. The delivery method that provides good opportunities for relationship building between supplier and customer risk to be what leads to the most energy demand. While the delivery method that reduces the contact between the parties in many cases leads to minimum energy consumption. What determines transport energy consumption is the means of transport, how much is transported, the fuel use and the distance. Not all principles of sustainability be met in full regardless of vehicles, but the minimization of impact can be selected. / <p>2016-06-29</p>

A Study of the Professional and Educational Backgrounds of the Photography Teachers in the Texas Secondary Schools

Cloer, Theresa Udd 08 1900 (has links)
To determine professional and educational backgrounds of photography teachers in Texas secondary schools, a questionnaire was sent to all eighty-seven. Sixty-five responded. The study found that the majority (a) were not certified to teach industrial arts as required by the state; (b) taught only three classes of photography; (c) did not handle publication photography; (d) had less than the required twelve hours of photography education; (e) had some professional experience; and (f) planned to continue their photography education although their school systems did not require it. The study (a) concluded that students receive a basic, technical education in photography, but the program suffers from lack of money and administrative support; (b) recommended that the state agency reevaluate its approach to and implementation of the program.

A Study of the Value of Vocational/Industrial Teacher Preparation for the State Certification at North Texas State University

Boyd, Herschel B. 05 1900 (has links)
"The problem with which this study is concerned is that of determining whether the implementation of a teacher-training curriculum providing the courses required for state certification of vocational-technical teachers employed in the North Texas public school systems is feasible and desirable at North Texas State University."--1.

The Status of Head Baseball Coaches in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex in Regard to the Professional Preparation Standards for Coaches as Set Forth By the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation

Swindell, Carl Lee 08 1900 (has links)
The study conducted consisted of an interview with forty-eight varsity baseball coaches of the University Interscholastic League high schools within the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Overall the coaches were found to be a highly qualified group of physical educators. Findings of the study included data on the playing experience, coaching experience, and educational backgrounds of the coaches. Physical education/ coaching areas investigated included: 1) medical-legal, 2) sociological and psychological, 3) kinesiological, 4) physiological, and 5) theory and techniques of coaching. Recommendations included continued professional involvement of coaches, further studies on professional preparation, a course in legal liability, and implementation of a "coaching endorsement".

A Study of the Relationship of Professional Preparation and Teaching Experiences of Women Graduates of North Texas State University with a Major in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation During the College Sessions of 1954-1966

Shook, Helen Jean 08 1900 (has links)
"The problem of this study was to determine the relationship of the professional preparation and teaching experiences of women graduates of North Texas State University with a major in health, physical education, and recreation during the college sessions of 1954-1966."--5.

協力治理、網絡結構與政策擴散: 以中國大陸森林認證政策為例 / Examining collaborative governance, network structure & policy diffusion: the case of forest certification policy in China

謝儲鍵, Hsieh, Chu Chien Unknown Date (has links)
面對全球氣候急遽變遷的挑戰下,各國政府對於環境治理議題高度的重視與 關切。在1992年京都議定書制定後,國家透過彼此的規範制約,期望可減少二 氧化碳的排放與環境的破壞。然而,正式權威途徑的執行,對於經濟發展與環境 永續的趨避衝突,卻不見預期效益。爾後,森林認證概念倡議後,希冀以市場途 徑作為國際規範,進入各國的創新管道。而第一個透過非政府組織建立的FSC體系,在2001年經由WWF進入中國大陸推展認證項目。只是,西方的運作思維與原則框架,在中國大陸終究遭遇到體制與管理上的困境。2008年後,中國大陸政府除了主導國家體系CFCC外,也與PEFC在2014年正式達成互認的成果。本研究試圖從政策改變前與後,以兩個階段分析行動者協力合作的情況,網 絡互動與體系採用的擴散情況。 研究結果分為兩個部分,首先就問卷統計數據來看協力與體系採用的相關性。對於FSC而言,治理與規範性是行動者選擇採用與否的重要因素。也就是行動者選擇FSC是因為重視認證資源的獲取、非正式關係的信任度與公開透明的正式溝通管道。而對於PEFC而言,治理因素同樣重要,而受到行動者支持的是相互性因數。傘型認證體制的特性,共同分享資訊、資源,使得政策場域中的行動者支持 PEFC。然而,對於CFCC而言並沒有太大的差異性。而在協力與網絡互動的分析上,自主性成為影響的因數。代表政策場域中的行動者,重視管理協調與主導政策制定討論的過程。 第二,對於擴散因數與體系採用的相關檢定。對FSC而言,社會化是重要 的關鍵。政策制定行動者考慮的是體系鄰近性、市場偏好、企業喜好與國際組織 的支持。而採用CFCC的行動者,同樣認為社會化重要。表示,利益方瞭解這是一個市場遊戲,而CFCC得到PEFC的互認後,對國家體系保持肯定態度。然而,競爭因素與採用CFCC也具有顯著性。表示行動者瞭解在中國大陸,政府透過管制帶來的競爭情勢,因此選擇了CFCC體系。 第三,就社會網絡分析數據分析,來看組織協力與體系採用關係。以程度中 心性來看,在資源與專業知識面向,皆是從國際組織轉向政府部門。在影響力層 面,國際組織甚至在第二階段便消失。而正式途徑的合作,以政府及國際組織為 兩大群體。但在第二階段,政府集中性更高,而國際組織則愈趨降低。包括在信 任度上,國際非政府組織也是下降的情況。在結構洞分析方面,第一階段的資源 掮客是一個多元組織的分佈,到的第二階段則單一化,國際體系成為傳達訊息的 角色。在影響力方面,第二階段主要是政府的角色成為掮客,而國際組織傳達影 響力的功能消失。而在信度度方面,第二階段發現國際非政府組織與企業,反而 更突顯他們在非正式關係網絡中的掮客位置。影響信任網絡的因素,分析發現政 策制定過程的資訊分享是關鍵原因。 本論文認為國際規範不僅建立在行動者的合作上,更需要結合地方組織,透 過社區力量建立由下而上的互動網絡。尤其第一階段,中國大陸需要藉由國際力 量,協助國內政策制定。因此,給予行動一個大鳴大放的空間與環境。第二階段, 受到協商過程的困境,而形成權力收回的情況。再者,中國大陸對於非政治敏感 議題,並非完全恪守政治命令而行,來決定政策發展的方向。相反的,政府可相 對釋出部分的自主性給國際組織。然而,當遭遇話語權問題時,便會透過管制途 徑收回權力,是一種「妥協式的管制協力」。而擴散的效應則是源於政策場域中, 行動者對於政策的學習與社會化而成。本研究透過微觀的實證資料,對中國大陸 協力、擴散與網絡互動研究有興趣的學者,提供另一個角度的解釋。總結來說, 國際規範透過非政府組織的「非正式途徑」,從國外帶入國內,並同時垂直向上 與向下影響中央政府的決策,及提升草根的公民力量。以中國大陸經驗反思國際 政策治理理論,重構對於開發中國家的「迴力鏢效應 2.0」模式。 / While facing the challenge of global climate change, each country puts much emphasis on environmental governance issues urgently. Since the Kyoto Protocol declared in 1992, the effective approach to resolve environmental crisis aims to regulate environmental standards and reduce emission of carbon dioxide through various air, forest and water management. However, the management efficiency is not obvious to enhance the sustainable target by formal authorities because of the conflict of economic development and environmental sustainability. The forest certification mechanism is an innovative business strategy to implement international norms into domestic governance. Particularly, FSC is successfully getting into China to develop systems through the strong support from international organizations and enterprises. On the other hand, FSC also confronted many obstacles in regulatory institution and management difficulties from Chinese registration and standard laws. Meanwhile, Chinese governments dominated in national system (CFCC) which had recognized with PEFC in 2014. This research analysis focused on the development of collaboration, network interaction and system adoption in two stages of policy change. First, the statistical findings show that norm and governance factors are significant to actors in adoption of FSC which means that the policy makers emphasize on the resource, informal trust relationships and transparent formal communication. Also, governance is important to actors to adopt PEFC systems. Another influential factor is mutuality that actors prefer the umbrella mechanism of PEFC to share information and resources with more flexible institutions. Otherwise, the correlation of interval variable of collaboration and network interaction, the analysis shows that autonomy is the influential factor to affect the collaborative relationships among actors in policy domain. On the other side, the interactive relationship is not significantly correlated to system adoption and diffusion. Second, about the results of diffusion and system adoption, socialization is a crucial element to support FSC because of system approximation, market preferences and INGO support. To CFCC adopters, socialization is also a significant factor to them which means that they understand the certification system is a global market game. After CFCC recognized with PEFC, policy-domain actors approve CFCC. Meanwhile, competition is a considerable dimension to actors by regulatory approach by central governments. Finally, based on network analysis of centrality, the high-central actors transformed to governmental actors from international NGOs in the second stage. Meanwhile, INGOs disappeared in influential factor. As for formal collaborative relationship, the public sectors and INGOs are two main groups. However, the public sectors are more central, but INGO are more peripheral. Also, the trust centrality of INGOs descends since CFCC and PEFC recognized. Of the structural-constraint analysis, the resource brokers are multiple in the first stage, but more homogeneous to public sector then. In policy-influence dimension, the governmental organizations are still main brokers in the second stage, and INGOs disappeared. The trust brokers are INGO and private sectors that highlight their informal relationships in the broker network. The Chinese governments release the approach of “airing views freely” to INGOs and multinational corporations in the first stage, and take back the autonomous right in second one because of “political baselines”. In conclusion, this research argues that collaborative governance not only requires the legitimacy of international norms and rules implemented to domestic markets, but also integrates more local actors in policy-making process to enhance the efficiency. Chinese governmental actors are willing to cooperate with others by releasing more power and autonomy. However, they also take back the power while they lose the power of discourse which means that it is “negotiable regulation and collaboration”. Moreover, the research results reform the “Boomerang Effect 2.0” to rethink about another vertical effect of INGOs power bringing into domestic central governments and local civil society.

La preuve par métadonnées

Dicecca, Christopher 11 1900 (has links)
L’entrée en vigueur de la Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l’information (ci-après la Loi), est la concrétisation de la prise en compte par le droit, de la preuve technologique. La notion de document technologique est à la fois centrale dans la Loi et dans le Code civil du Québec. Il s’est parfaitement intégré aux divers moyens de preuve du Code civil. Nous allons nous intéresser à cette notion qu’est le document technologique, mais davantage à ses éléments structurants, les métadonnées. Nous allons nous pencher sur la notion, ses origines et ses domaines de prédilection, faisant d’elles, un objet a priori essentiellement technologique, avant de les envisager dans un contexte de preuve. Nous allons voir quel potentiel probatoire les métadonnées représentent, à l’appui d’un document technologique. Enfin, nous nous interrogerons sur leur rôle probatoire autour des notions de copie-transfert et des obligations posées par la Loi, afin que ces deux modes de reproduction des document, puissent légalement tenir lieu du document original, soit la certification et la documentation. / The entry into force of the Act to establish a legal framework for information technology (hereafter «the Law») symbolises the embodiment of technological evidence into law. The notion of technological document is central to this Law. It is perfectly integrated to the different means of evidence in the Civil code. We will of course look at the notion of technological document, but even more so at its structuring element, metadata. We will study the notion, the origin and core areas of metadata. Metadata, an essentially technological element, will be studied within the context of evidence law. We will see what probationary potential metadata can offer in support of a technological document. Finally, we will examine the role of metadata within the copy-transfer concept and obligations imposed by the Law to legally be used as original document, certification and documentation.

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