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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Raman Spectroscopy of the Skeleton of the Coral Acropora Cervicornis

Shepard, Zachary C 01 January 2018 (has links)
Coral reefs are an important element of marine ecosystem that are critical to maintain a healthy environment. Unfortunately, in recent years coral reefs are doing poorly and many in parts of the ocean are simply dying. Therefore, study of coral’s structural response to external loads could answer what will happen with their structures, while they exhibit different types of loading. Therefore, the proposition of using in-situ micro-Raman spectroscopy to study skeletons of Acropora cervicornis was used. Coral skeleton samples I subjected to mechanical loading studied their vibrational properties by exciting the material with 532nm visible light. A uniaxial compressive load I applied using a MTS universal testing machine and then using the Raman Spectroscopy to study the vibrational response of coral skeletons. Indentations used Vickers Hardness tester and performed 2D mapping of the coral structure around the indentation. If it’s expected that as a result of the proposed research the better understanding of structural stability of the Acropora Cervicornis coral skeletons will be achieved.

Mechanical Properties of the Skeleton of Acropora Cervicornis

Masa, Bridget 01 January 2018 (has links)
This research explores the instantaneous mechanical behavior of the skeleton of the critically endangered staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis. Both bleached and sanded skeletons were used in this experiment. The Raman spectroscopy test showed that there was no significant change in the Raman shift between the three branches tested. The shifts were nearly identical to Raman shifts of calcium carbonate. Vickers hardness test found that 1 Bleached had the average hardness of 3.44 GPa with a standard deviation of 0.12 GPa. The sanded sample also had a similar value of 3.54 GPa with a standard deviation of 0.13 GPa. Samples from 2 Bleached had a hardness value that was significantly lower at only 2.68 GPa with a standard deviation of 0.37 GPa. The axial compressive stress test determined that the average strength for the bleached samples was 18.98 MPa and for the sanded, 29.16 MPa. This information can be used to assist in the restoration of this species.

The role of the threespot damselfish, Stegastes planifrons, in contemporary Caribbean reef ecology

Husain, Ellen January 2011 (has links)
Caribbean reef ecosystems have undergone major ecological changes in the last 30 – 40 years, with the result that ecological systems once dominated by structurally complex Acropora cervicornis and Montastraea annularis corals now consist mainly of flattened carbonate substrates with macroalgal overgrowth. A need for greater understanding of coral reef ecosystems is imperative if we are to attempt to conserve them. The threespot damselfish, Stegastes planifrons, is herbivorous damselfish species ubiquitous to Caribbean reefs, where it has been termed a keystone species. Aggressive in nature, S. planifrons defends territories of around 70 cm in diameter from other roving herbivorous fish and urchins, in apparent effort to maintain the algal resources therein for its own use. The predilection of Stegastes planifrons for basing its territories on the now Critically Endangered staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis, and the Endangered boulder coral Montastraea annularis is well known, however the likely ecological implications of this fact have not been investigated. Using a combination of experimental and observational methodologies we examine the ecological implications of coral microhabitat choice and use by S. planifrons. We also assess the magnitude of the direct and indirect effects of S. planifrons’ territorial behaviour on macroalgal dynamics both within and outside of territory confines, at the reef-wide level. We find that coral microhabitat is a more important determinant of algal community structure than damselfish presence, and that this can be explained by a previously unrecognised effect of coral microhabitat on the grazing behaviour of roving herbivorous fishes - on which S. planifrons’ territorial behaviour has little effect. In a modification of the space availability hypothesis of Williams et al (2001) we suggest that Acropora cervicornis acts as a grazing fish „exclusion zone‟, and we further hypothesise that the existence of large stands of this coral prior to the Caribbean „phase shift‟ may have acted to concentrate the grazing pressure of excluded roving fish onto the remaining areas of the reef. We further hypothesise that the loss of such „exclusion zones‟ and accompanied effective dilution of grazing pressure may have been on a scale large enough to have been a significant underlying factor in the proliferation of macroalgae seen on modern day Caribbean reefs. In the absence of demonstrable direct or indirect effects on benthic algal communities we question the continued keystone status of S. planifrons, particularly since the status 6 was originally based on interference behaviour involving the important grazing urchin Diadema antillarum, which is now functionally absent from Caribbean reefs. Implications of the context-dependant nature of keystone status are also discussed. We find that the effect of S. planifrons on coral community may be more important than its effects on benthic algal community. In examining the factors involved in habitat coral choice we establish a significant preference for 100% live coral substrate over substrates with a supply of algal food. Territory selection was followed by a high rate of coral biting – a behaviour which has previously been shown to result in coral tissue death and the fast establishment of algal turf communities on which S. planifrons likes to feed (Kaufman 1977). We also demonstrate a novel and significant association between S. planifrons presence and disease incidence its primary habitat coral, the Critically Endangered staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis, and a significant correlation between areas of fish biting and the later onset of disease. Changes to the overall role of damselfish on today's Caribbean reefs are discussed in light of these insights.

Evaluating Acropora cervicornis Growth and Survivorship in a Line Nursery

Ostroff, Zachary 01 January 2013 (has links)
Acropora cervicornis and A. palmata were once dominant, reef-building corals of Caribbean reefs. Over the last several decades, population declines of Caribbean Acropora have been dramatic, and both species are now listed as “Threatened” under the United States Endangered Species Act. Numerous restoration efforts now utilize coral gardening techniques to cultivate these species for transplantation, in which A. cervicornis is primarily cultivated both on fixed structures and in line nurseries. This study evaluates growth and survivorship of multiple A. cervicornis genotypes grown via two line nursery techniques, and compares the efficacy of each against the conventional method of fixed nursery puck-mounted culture. Suspended nursery culture resulted in higher post-fragmentation survivorship of corals than puck culture, especially in warmer conditions. Disease incidence was significantly reduced by suspended culture, which also prevented predation from fireworms (Hermodice carunculata) prevalent in puck corals at the same nursery. Genotypic growth rate differences persisted among techniques, and suspended coral growth was comparable to puck culture. Suspended colonies may need more frequent pruning to avoid branch abrasion and breakage, but the technique is an effective means to reduce disease, predation, and post-fragmentation mortality in A. cervicornis nursery culture.

Effects of 17 β-estradiol and Progesterone on Acropora cervicornis and Porites astreoides Growth and Reproduction

Stocker, Joshua L. 06 December 2016 (has links)
Reef-building coral populations throughout the world are being threatened by numerous stressors and continue to decline. As potent endocrine-disrupting compounds, exogenous sex steroid contamination has been a largely overlooked stressor to corals. Previous research indicates these compounds are prevalent in marine environments, fluctuate annually along with reproductive cycles, can bioaccumulate, and have had variable effects on growth and reproduction in several cnidarian species. This project had three primary objectives: (1) establish environmental estradiol and progesterone concentrations in Broward County and lower Florida Keys reef environments, (2) conduct 17 β-estradiol and progesterone larval assays on P. astreoides larvae to determine the effects of these compounds on settlement and viability, and (3) conduct 17 β-estradiol and progesterone dosing experiments on adult Acropora cervicornis and Porites astreoides fragments to determine the effects on growth, zooxanthellae, reproduction, and overall tissue health. Estradiol was detected in surface and at-depth water samples from Broward County and lower Keys reef sites at effect level concentrations for marine organisms. Broward County larvae treated with low progesterone (5 ng/L) had decreased survival, while lower Keys larvae in low estradiol treatments (1 ng/L) had increased on-disc settlement. No other treatment effects were observed, however, lower Keys larvae had greater overall survival in comparison to Broward County larvae. There were no significant differences between estradiol and progesterone treatments in the adult-dosing experiment for growth, zooxanthellae density, reproduction, and overall tissue health. This is the first study to detect estradiol at Broward County reefs sites and our results, while inconclusive, indicate these compounds may have the potential to affect coral reef ecosystems.

Genomic Analysis of Acropora cervicornis Mucus and Sediments in the Florida Keys Tavernier Nursery

Zimmerman, Rachel 13 August 2018 (has links)
White Band disease has devastated the staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis in recent decades, and it continues to impinge upon restoration efforts. The etiological agent(s) remain unknown as Koch’s postulates have yet to be satisfied, but disease may originate when opportunistic pathogens in the surface mucus layer exploit a stressed host. Using 16s rRNA sequencing, differences in the taxonomic diversity and relative abundances of bacteria within the mucus of A. cervicornis were documented between colonies of the same genotype, genotypes (n=8) categorized as having either high or low WBD susceptibility, and during a transplantation event. A. cervicornis colonies suspended from midwater PVC trees via monofilament were sampled for mucus, after which half of the sampled colonies were relocated to the unconsolidated sediments below. Temporal changes in the microbiome of the pelagic and benthic corals were then monitored by sampling the same apical tip over time. Incidentally, all benthic colonies for this experiment became afflicted with WBD; thereby differences in healthy vs. diseased colonies and the effects of disease progression on the microbiome were documented. Water was sampled concurrently with all mucus experiments to resolve the degree of commonality in bacterial species between the two environments, and sediments were sampled in the transplant experiment to determine if sediments may act as a pathogen reservoir. In addition, sediment samples were collected to assess site and temporal differences in the benthic microbiome along a nearshore to offshore transect off Key Largo, Florida. Irrespective of the inclusion of water operational taxonomic units (OTUs), no differences between colonies of the same genotype were observed with regards to the bacterial communities sampled from mucus in either alpha diversity metrics [species richness, Shannon, Inverse Simpson] or phylogenetic relatedness as determined by weighted unique fraction (UniFrac) were detected between colonies. However, differences were observed in the Bray-Curtis dissimiliarity matrices based on relative abundance and presence/absence of either [with and without water OTU] scenarios. Bacterial communities associated with different coral genotypes differed in species richness and Inverse Simpson in both water scenarios, as did weighted UniFrac and Bray-Curtis relative abundance and presence/absence transformed dissimilarity matrices. Alpha diversity of mucus bacteria was similar between corals of different disease-susceptibilities when water OTUs were either included or excluded, except for the Inverse Simpson index upon removal of water OTUs. Removal of aqueous bacteria also revealed significant differences between disease-susceptibility groups in Bray-Curtis relative abundance and presence/absence dissimiliarity values that was not detected with the incorporation of water OTUs. Regardless of the presence of water OTUs, weighted UniFrac was similar between corals of different disease susceptibilities. Most notably, dispersion increased in the microbiome of coral genotypes with high disease susceptibility in all cases except for the relative abundance transformed Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix when water OTUs were incorporated. This finding is in accordance with the Anna Karenina Principle, which states that loss of microbial regulation leads to an unpredictable microbiome in diseased individuals. In the sediment experiment, location was the only factor influencing microbiome composition. These findings may be due to the short duration of the experiment and differences between the carbonate content of the sediments and hydrological regimes between sites.

Identifying Disease-Resistant and Thermal-Tolerant Genotypes in the Threatened Staghorn Coral, Acropora cervicornis

Hightshoe, Morgan V 27 April 2018 (has links)
Since the 1970s, loss of herbivores, coral bleaching, pollution, and disease epidemics have reshaped the ecological framework of coral reefs. Staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis, was a major reef-building scleractinian coral found throughout Florida and the Caribbean that experienced unprecedented population declines primarily due to disease and coral bleaching. These two stressors are coupled; the highest coral disease prevalence occurs after periods of thermal stress caused by increased sea surface temperature. Previous research documented three disease-resistant A. cervicornis genotypes in Panama, but it is unknown if disease-resistant genotypes exist in the Florida Keys. Thermal tolerance has been found to be variable among different species of corals and is relatively unknown in A. cervicornis. To investigate disease resistance and thermal tolerance in corals collected from the Florida Keys, pathogen transmission, thermal tolerance experiments, and coral outplanting studies were conducted, along with histological work to assess the condition of coral tissues. Corals were challenged in situ with exposure to rapid tissue loss (RTL) and bleaching resistance was evaluated ex situ in temperature-controlled seawater tanks, using 39 A. cervicornis genotypes. Disease and bleaching were further characterized in the wild using outplanted colonies. In a pathogen transmission pilot study, 7 out of 39 genotypes developed signs of rapid tissue loss transmission. An expanded transmission experiment that used 12 potentially disease resistant genotypes (based on anecdotal information and results from the pilot study), all genotypes developed signs of RTL transmission. However, susceptibility was variable but not statistically different among genotypes (p>0.05), ranging from 40-100% transmission. Histological analyses revealed significant (p0.05) related to photosynthetic efficiency and tissue condition metrics. No significant differences in mortality, disease, or predation were found between disease resistant and disease susceptible genotypes in outplanting experiments (p>0.05). This study reports the first evidence that disease resistance is present in Florida A. cervicornis genotypes. The variability of disease resistance found within genotypes suggests that genotype is not the only factor influencing disease transmission. Short-term exposure to thermal stress revealed heat tolerant A. cervicornis genotypes, which corroborates with recent published studies. Taken together, these results provide insights into how Caribbean Acropora and other scleractinian species persist through multiple disease and coral bleaching events.

Population Dynamics and Genotypic Richness of the Threatened Acropora spp. and their Hybrid in the U.S. Virgin Islands

Nylander-Asplin, Hannah F 26 November 2018 (has links)
Since the 1980’s, there has been an unprecedented decline in the reef-building Caribbean corals, Acropora cervicornis and A. palmata, which has led to their listing as “threatened” under the U.S Endangered Species Act. Despite this protective status, these Acropora species continue to experience declines primarily attributed to disease, global climate change, and storm damage. Recent evidence suggests the hybrid of these threatened species (A. prolifera) is found at abundances similar to or higher than the parental species at many sites throughout the Caribbean. However, there is still much that is unknown as to how and why hybrids may be increasing in abundance at select sites. In 2007, scientists from NOAA NMFS established 9 permanent transects at three sites in the USVI to quantify fish diversity and coral tissue condition in A. cervicornis thickets. Over the years, they observed that A. prolifera seemed to be increasing in abundance on transects that were once dominated by A. cervicornis. This dataset provided a unique opportunity to investigate whether a shift from a threatened parental species to its hybrid may have occurred. This study has two objectives, (1) to quantify the change in A. cervicornis and A. prolifera percent cover and colony health over a 9-year period, and (2) to compare the genotypic diversity among the three Caribbean acroporids on and near the transects to determine the primary method of propagation, i.e., sexual versus asexual. For this study, I used transect photographs taken in March, July and November 2009, April 2012, and August 2017 to compare intra- and interannual variation in acroporid cover and colony health. Striking losses were observed in A. cervicornis cover between March 2009 and August 2017. At Thatch Cay, A. cervicornis declined from 25.7% to 8.9% between March 2009 and November 2009, but remained stable (10.2%) up to August 2017. Acropora cervicornis cover declined from 13.2% to 0% at Lovango Cay, and from 8.2% to 0% at No-Name Bay. At the one site (No-Name Bay) that A. prolifera was present during the original surveys of the transects, the percent cover remained relatively high and stable over the sample period. At No-Name Bay, A. prolifera percent cover (18.2%) was significantly higher than A. cervicornis (5.4%) by November 2009. It appears that A. prolifera expanded in the habitat left void by the decline in A. cervicornis. The general health of A. cervicornis based on the amount of healthy versus white and pale tissue appeared to decline at all sites between March 2009 and November 2009. To determine if the high percent cover on some transects was derived from asexual propagation or sexual recruitment, 139 tissue samples were collected in 2017 and genotyped using five microsatellite markers. No significant difference in genotypic richness (number of unique genotypes divided by the sample size) was observed among A. cervicornis (0.62), A. prolifera (0.64), and A. palmata (0.68). This suggests that the hybrid colonization is from multiple sexually derived individuals, not just asexual propagation from a rare hybridization event. High genotypic diversity, stable population abundance, and healthier colonies, suggest acroporid hybrids may become the primary habitat building coral of shallow reefs in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Due to considerable differences in morphologies between A. cervicornis and A. prolifera, it is unclear how a shift to the hybrid may affect the organisms that occupy acroporid structure and if the same ecological functions can be fulfilled.

Potential Habitat of Acropora spp. on Florida Reefs

Wirt, Katherine 01 January 2011 (has links)
Elkhorn and Staghorn corals (Acropora palmata, A. cervicornis) were listed as threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 2005. The threatened status of these species is unprecedented given the vital role they historically played as major constructors of western Atlantic and Caribbean coral reefs. The goal of my study was to evaluate the current extent of habitat of the two species using a database of reported in situ observations. From these observations, potential habitat maps were produced based on benthic substrata and depth parameters throughout the Florida reef tract using GIS software. Locations of 99% of A. palmata observations and 84% of A. cervicornis observations coincided with previously mapped reef or hardbottom habitat. These results indicate that potential habitat for A. palmata is currently well defined and that potential habitat for A. cervicornis is more variable than that for A. palmata. This study provides a starting point in the creation of a revised critical habitat delineation for Acropora spp. in Florida. Using the mapped reef and hardbottom classifications throughout the Florida reef tract, probable habitat maps were generated using buffers that incorporated 95% and 99% of reported observations of colonies of Acropora spp. One of the most important differences between the previously generated critical habitat map and the new probable habitat map is observed in the southeast Florida region, where probable habitat extends further north than critical habitat and, thus, encompasses additional habitat for A. cervicornis and potentially A. palmata.

Assessment of Nursery-Raised Acropora cervicornis Transplants in the Upper Florida Keys

Ware, Matthew 01 July 2015 (has links)
Over the last 40 years, the Caribbean has lost half of its live coral cover, mostly in the form of Acropora cervicornis and A. palmata, due to disease, bleaching from rising water temperatures, and other stressors. To help restore these corals to reefs in Florida, the Coral Restoration Foundation (CRF) created nearshore nurseries and transplanted over 30,000 acroporid colonies across the Florida Keys. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the growth, survivorship, and condition of nursery-raised A. cervicornis colonies that were part of two transplant projects: 1) photographic analyses of 17 past CRF transplant projects over the last seven years; and 2) a transplant experiment at Little Conch Reef to additionally assess the effects of depth, colony density, and the genetic composition of transplants. The photographic analyses included 2,428 individual colonies, 38 genotypes, and six reefs from 2007 to 2013. Results from the photographs were combined with one in situ monitoring effort that used SCUBA in 2014. In the Little Conch Reef experiment, 1,288 colonies from 14 genotypes were transplanted in October and November, 2013 at two depths (5m and 12m) in either cluster or thicket configurations. At each depth, clusters comprised 14 colonies, each placed within in 1m diameter radius, with ten monogenetic and six multigenetic structures. Thickets were 3.5m by 1.5m in size, with 10 colonies from each genotype forming its own subunit within the larger configuration. In June 2014, 963 additional colonies were added to the shallow site by stacking them on top of six existing clusters and one thicket to evaluate whether larger three-dimensional structures affected growth or survival. The Little Conch Reef experiment was monitored through January 2015. Results from the photographic analyses were: 1) maximum size of A. cervicornis transplants was approximately 40cm in diameter; 2) mortality increased after approximately two years; 3) despite high mortality, some colonies survived the duration of each project; and 4) frequent and long-term monitoring is required to assess factors that affect survival and condition. Results from the Little Conch Reef experiment suggest: 1) maximum skeletal diameter was unaffected by any of the treatments; 2) percent survival and percent live tissue were higher at the shallow site compared to the deep site, and similarly, the clusters outperformed the thickets, and multigenetic clusters outperformed their monogenetic counterparts; 3) location within the shallow site had an impact on survival and condition, with clusters doing better on the south side than on the north; and 4) stacking did not positively impact growth, survival, or condition. In general, the sizes and condition of natural populations of A. cervicornis throughout the Florida Keys are similar to results from both experiments and with other transplant projects conducted in the Caribbean. Remarkably, despite high mortality in nearly all of the projects, small numbers of colonies transplanted for most projects, a few colonies survived to 2014/2015. These colonies have the potential to act as a “seed population” that might produce sexually dispersed larvae better adapted at surviving mortality events and asexual fragments that may be better acclimated to the stressors related to their location. Evidence of persistence in this species and expansion northward in Florida suggest that it is too early to consider coral reefs a lost cause, and that coral restoration holds promise for enhancing recovery of A. cervicornis.

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