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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kalma / Kalma

Cook Ipenza, Antonella, Goñi Sierra, Paul Renzo, Ríos Torrejón, Milenita Yelitza, Rodríguez Rebaza, Karla Paola, Romero Caldas, Renzo Gonzalo 19 June 2020 (has links)
En la siguiente tesis se explica la viabilidad del negocio de las almohadillas terapéuticas a base de semillas naturales y aromáticas (manzanilla y lavanda) que ayudarán a aliviar el estrés, dolor y tensión en las zonas de los hombros y cuello a través de la termoterapia. Los segmentos por abarcar en este proyecto son los niveles socioeconómicos A, B y C de Lima Metropolitana cuyo rango de edad se encuentre entre 18 y 60 años. Nuestra idea de negocio consiste en la venta de una almohadilla terapéutica de fácil uso y práctica para transportar. La venta será a través de canales online como Facebook e Instagram, y a su vez se participarán en ferias de productos naturales, centros de relajación y farmacias. Nuestro producto será entregado en una bolsa reutilizable de yute el cual contendrá una almohadilla terapéutica y un frasco de esencia aromática a un precio de 60 nuevos soles. Además, se explicar más a detalle el plan de negocio y su desarrollo, el Concierge, el plan de operaciones, el plan de recursos humanos, el plan de marketing, el plan de responsabilidad social empresarial, el plan financiero y los aprendizajes que se obtuvieron en todo el proyecto. / The following thesis explains the business viability of therapeutic pads based on natural and aromatic seeds (chamomile and lavender) that will help relieve stress, pain and tension in the areas of the shoulders and neck through thermotherapy. The segments to be covered in this project are the socioeconomic levels A, B and C of Lima Metropolitan whose age range is between 18 and 60 years. Our business idea is to sell a therapeutic pad that is easy to use and practical to transport. The sale will be through online channels such as Facebook and Instagram, and in turn will participate in fairs of natural products, relaxation centers and pharmacies. Our product will be delivered in a reusable jute bag which will contain a therapeutic pad and a bottle of aromatic essence at a price of 60 soles. In addition, the business plan and its development, the Concierge, operations plan, human resources plan, marketing plan, corporate social responsibility plan, financial plan and learning obtained throughout the project are further explained. / Trabajo de investigación

Оптимизација савремених екстракционих поступака за изоловање апигенина из цвета камилице (Chamomilla recutita L.) и карактеризација биолошке активности добијених екстраката / Optimizacija savremenih ekstrakcionih postupaka za izolovanje apigenina iz cveta kamilice (Chamomilla recutita L.) i karakterizacija biološke aktivnosti dobijenih ekstrakata / Optimization of novel extraction techniques for apigenin isolation from chamomile flowers (Chamomilla recutita L.) and characterization of biological activity of obtained extracts

Cvetanović Aleksandra 02 December 2016 (has links)
<p>У оквиру ове докторске дисертације изведено је<br />испитивање различитих екстракционих поступака за<br />изоловање апигенина из цвета камилице, као и евалуација<br />биолошке активности добијених екстраката. Полазни<br />биљни материјал сачињавале су две групе латица<br />камилице: ферментисане и неферментисане (нативне).<br />Екстракција ферментисаних цветова је извођена применом<br />ултразвучне екстракције користећи етанол као екстрагенс,<br />а добијени екстракти су се одликовали изузетно високим<br />садржајем апигенина. Оптимизација екстракције је била<br />изведена применом методе одзивне површине. Применом<br />електрон-спин резонанце испитана је антирадикалска<br />активност екстраката. Додатно, фармаколошка вредност<br />добијених екстраката је потврђена и одређивањем њиховог<br />антимикробног и антипролиферативног потенцијала.<br />Нативни цветови камилице су екстраховани применом<br />различитих екстаркционих техника: микроталасне,<br />ултразвучне, Soxhlet екстракције као и екстракције<br />субкритичном водом. Eкстрaкција водом у субкритичном<br />стању се показала супериорнијом у односу на све остале<br />технике у погледу садржаја укупних фенола и флавоноида.<br />У циљу добијања екстраката са максималним садржајем<br />апигенина изведена је оптимизација овог екстракционог<br />процеса. Изоловање чистог апигенина је изведено из<br />екстракта добијеног под оптималним екстракцијом<br />условима (однос дрога:растварач 1:30, брзина мешања 3 Hz,<br />притисак 45 bar, температура 115&ordm;C, време 30 мин,<br />концентрација модификатора 0,001 М) применом поступка<br />колонске хроматографије на стубу полиамида. Хемијски<br />профил као и садржај појединачних полифенолних<br />компонената у екстрактима добијеним на различитим<br />притисцима, температурама и уз присуство модификатора<br />различитих концентрација одређен је применом UHPLCDAD-<br />HESI-MS/MS. У свим анализираним екстрактима<br />детектован је велики број полифенолних компонената, док<br />је апигенин у свима био доминантно једињење. Садржај<br />апигенина у екстракту добијеном под оптималним<br />екстракционим условима је износио 1.700,34 mg/kg.<br />Применом седам различитих тестова извршена је<br />евалуација антиоксидативног и антирадикалског<br />потенцијала екстраката. Антимикробни потенцијал<br />екстраката је одређен за осам различитих микробних<br />линија. in vitro тестовима испитана је способност<br />инхибиције &alpha;-амилазе, &alpha;-глукозидазе и тирозиназе.<br />Деловањем на раст три хистолошки различите ћелијске<br />линије, испитана је антипролиферативна активност<br />екстраката добијених субкритичном водом.<br />Антимотилитетна активност обе групе екстраката<br />(ферментисаних и неферментисаних цветова) одређена је у<br />in vitro условима.</p> / <p>U okviru ove doktorske disertacije izvedeno je<br />ispitivanje različitih ekstrakcionih postupaka za<br />izolovanje apigenina iz cveta kamilice, kao i evaluacija<br />biološke aktivnosti dobijenih ekstrakata. Polazni<br />biljni materijal sačinjavale su dve grupe latica<br />kamilice: fermentisane i nefermentisane (nativne).<br />Ekstrakcija fermentisanih cvetova je izvođena primenom<br />ultrazvučne ekstrakcije koristeći etanol kao ekstragens,<br />a dobijeni ekstrakti su se odlikovali izuzetno visokim<br />sadržajem apigenina. Optimizacija ekstrakcije je bila<br />izvedena primenom metode odzivne površine. Primenom<br />elektron-spin rezonance ispitana je antiradikalska<br />aktivnost ekstrakata. Dodatno, farmakološka vrednost<br />dobijenih ekstrakata je potvrđena i određivanjem njihovog<br />antimikrobnog i antiproliferativnog potencijala.<br />Nativni cvetovi kamilice su ekstrahovani primenom<br />različitih ekstarkcionih tehnika: mikrotalasne,<br />ultrazvučne, Soxhlet ekstrakcije kao i ekstrakcije<br />subkritičnom vodom. Ekstrakcija vodom u subkritičnom<br />stanju se pokazala superiornijom u odnosu na sve ostale<br />tehnike u pogledu sadržaja ukupnih fenola i flavonoida.<br />U cilju dobijanja ekstrakata sa maksimalnim sadržajem<br />apigenina izvedena je optimizacija ovog ekstrakcionog<br />procesa. Izolovanje čistog apigenina je izvedeno iz<br />ekstrakta dobijenog pod optimalnim ekstrakcijom<br />uslovima (odnos droga:rastvarač 1:30, brzina mešanja 3 Hz,<br />pritisak 45 bar, temperatura 115&ordm;C, vreme 30 min,<br />koncentracija modifikatora 0,001 M) primenom postupka<br />kolonske hromatografije na stubu poliamida. Hemijski<br />profil kao i sadržaj pojedinačnih polifenolnih<br />komponenata u ekstraktima dobijenim na različitim<br />pritiscima, temperaturama i uz prisustvo modifikatora<br />različitih koncentracija određen je primenom UHPLCDAD-<br />HESI-MS/MS. U svim analiziranim ekstraktima<br />detektovan je veliki broj polifenolnih komponenata, dok<br />je apigenin u svima bio dominantno jedinjenje. Sadržaj<br />apigenina u ekstraktu dobijenom pod optimalnim<br />ekstrakcionim uslovima je iznosio 1.700,34 mg/kg.<br />Primenom sedam različitih testova izvršena je<br />evaluacija antioksidativnog i antiradikalskog<br />potencijala ekstrakata. Antimikrobni potencijal<br />ekstrakata je određen za osam različitih mikrobnih<br />linija. in vitro testovima ispitana je sposobnost<br />inhibicije &alpha;-amilaze, &alpha;-glukozidaze i tirozinaze.<br />Delovanjem na rast tri histološki različite ćelijske<br />linije, ispitana je antiproliferativna aktivnost<br />ekstrakata dobijenih subkritičnom vodom.<br />Antimotilitetna aktivnost obe grupe ekstrakata<br />(fermentisanih i nefermentisanih cvetova) određena je u<br />in vitro uslovima.</p> / <p>In the frame of this thesis different extraction approaches for<br />apigenin isolation from chamomile ligulate flowers were<br />examined and biological activity of obtained extracts was<br />evaluated. Starting plant samples included fermented and<br />nonfermented (native) flowers.<br />Extraction of fermented flowers was performed by using<br />ultrasound-assisted extraction with ethanol. The concentration<br />of apigenin was high in obtained extracts. Optimization of the<br />extraction procedures was performed by response surface<br />methodology. Antiradical activity of observed extracts was<br />examined by electron-spin resonance spectroscopy.<br />Furthermore, pharmacological potential of obtained extracts<br />was confirmed by determining their antimicrobial and<br />antiproliferative activity.<br />Native chamomile flowers were extracted by different<br />extraction techniques: microwave, ultrasound, Soxhlet and<br />subcritical water extraction. Subcritical water extraction<br />showed to be superior in comparison to other applied techniques<br />in respect to total phenols and flavonoids content. Optimization<br />of the subcritical water extraction was directed to maximization<br />of apigenin content. Isolation of pure apigenin from extracts<br />obtained under optimal extraction conditions (sample-tosolvent<br />ratio 1:30, agitation rate 3 Hz, temperature 115&ordm;C,<br />pressure 45 bar, extraction time 30 min) was performed by<br />preparative chromatography. Chemical profiles and content of<br />individual polyphenolic components in extracts obtained at<br />different pressures, temperatures, and with different<br />concentrations of a modifier was determined by UHPLC-DADHESI-<br />MS/MS. In all analyzed extracts the great number of<br />polyphenolic components was detected while apigenin was the<br />dominant compound in all extracts. Content of apigenin in the<br />extract obtained under optimal extraction condition was<br />1,700.34 mg/kg. Antioxidant and antiradical potential of<br />extracts was evaluated according to different mechanisms.<br />Antimicrobial potential of extracts was determined against eight<br />different microbial strains. Ability of extracts to inhibit &alpha;-<br />amylase, &alpha;-glucosidase and tyrosinase was determined by in<br />vitro assays. Antiproliferative activity of subcritical water<br />extracts was defined by testing their influence on the growth of<br />three histologically different cell lines.<br />Anti-intestinal motility activity of both group of extracts (native<br />and fermented) was determined by in vivo experiments.</p>

Ensaio Clínico randomizado Inclusão da terapia complementar no manejo da êmese e mucosite em pacientes oncológicos /

Borges, Dayane Oliveira January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Regina Célia Popim / Resumo: A presença de náusea, vômitos e mucosite são relatos frequentes em pacientes com câncer em quimioterapia. O presente estudo teve por objetivo a utilização de gengibre e camomila no manejo da êmese e mucosite nos pacientes com câncer de mama e pulmão em quimioterapia. Método: Trata-se de ensaio clínico randomizado, no qual foram incluídos 73 pacientes, sendo 48 com câncer de mama e 25 com câncer de pulmão, dos quais 24 e 11, respectivamente, constituíram o grupo controle. O grupo controle recebeu as orientações convencionais da instituição e o grupo experimental recebeu chá de gengibre no dia da aplicação do antineoplásico (D0) na especificação de 1 grama/150 ml de água e o tubérculo fracionado para preparo e consumo nos três dias subsequentes, 2 vezes ao dia. O chá de camomila foi entregue no domicílio pela pesquisadora na especificação de 8 mg de flor de camomila /500 ml de água para preparo do gelo e seu consumo do 5º dia ao 10 dia, 3 vezes ao dia. A pesquisadora realizou visita domiciliar no 5º e 10º dia para a coleta de dados confirmando uso das terapias e escala dos sintomas, exame clínico da mucosa oral e registro fotográfico para análise da estomatologista. Para o embasamento teórico dos efeitos do gengibre para o manejo da náusea e êmese foi realizada uma revisão integrativa. Resultados: Nos pacientes com câncer de mama houve redução da náusea em duas ocorrências no terceiro ciclo em relação ao grupo controle. O vômito teve redução de três ocorrências no primeiro e no... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The presence of nausea, vomiting and mucositis are frequent reports in patients with cancer in chemotherapy. The present study aimed to the use of ginger and chamomile in the management of emesis and mucositis in patients with breast and lung cancer in chemotherapy. Method: This was a randomized clinical trial in which 73 patients were included, 48 of which had breast cancer and 25 of them with lung cancer, of which 24 and 11, respectively, constituted the control group. The control group received conventional guidelines from the institution and the experimental group received ginger tea on the day of application of antineoplastic (D0) in the specification of 1 gram / 150 ml of water and the fractionated tuber for preparation and consumption on the subsequent three days, 2 times a day. Chamomile tea was delivered at home by the researcher in the specification of 8 mg of chamomile flower / 500 ml of water to prepare the ice and its consumption from the 5th day to the 10 day, 3 times a day. The researcher carried out a home visit on the 5th and 10th day to collect data confirming the use of therapies and symptom scale, clinical examination of oral mucosa and photographic record for the analysis of the stomatologist. For the theoretical basis of the effects of ginger for the management of nausea and emesis, an integrative review was performed. Results: In patients with breast cancer there was reduction of nausea in two occurrences in the third cycle in relation to the control gr... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

In vitro studies on the mechanisms of action of chamomile, myrrh and coffee charcoal – components of a traditional herbal medicinal product (Myrrhinil-Intest®)

Vissiennon, Cica 17 February 2015 (has links)
The traditional herbal medicinal product Myrrhinil-Intest® is a fixed herbal combination, which is marketed in Germany since 1959 and applied in medical practice for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders such as functional diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. It contains myrrh, which is described as the oleo-gum resin from mainly Commiphora molmol Engler (Burseraceae), coffee charcoal, which are the milled roasted to blackening outer seed parts of green dried Coffea Arabica Linné (Rubiaceae) fruits and chamomile flowers - the flower heads of Matricaria recutita Linné (Asteraceae). The clinical effectiveness of Myrrhinil-Intest® for the treatment of various gastrointestinal disorders was demonstrated in several clinical studies and is described in various experience reports, however its pharmacological profile is not fully elucidated. Within the present study the spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory potential of the components myrrh, chamomile and coffee charcoal was investigated. Therefore pharmacological, histological and molecular biological methods were utilised. Spasmolytic activity was characterised using isometric tension measurement with rat isolated small intestinal preparations. Anti-inflammatory potential was assessed with different methods using isolated rat small intestinal preparations and immune cell lines. Inflammation was induced with TNBS and LPS respectively. Additionally, the influence of the herbal components on the gene expression profile of native human macrophages after LPS/IFNγ stimulation was determined by microarray gene expression analysis. Chamomile flower and myrrh exerted spasmolytic effects, whereby the more pronounced spasmolytic effects of myrrh were mediated via calcium channel blockade. Myrrh and chamomile flower exerted anti-inflammatory effects.

L'utilisation des plantes médicinales en grossesse : prévalence, déterminants et risque de prématurité

Moussally, Krystel January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Efeito da aplica??o t?pica do extrato de camomila e da curcumina em ?lceras traum?ticas em l?ngua de ratos : an?lise cl?nica e histol?gica

Bortolli, Juliane de Quadros de 27 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Odontologia (odontologia-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-06-27T15:29:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JULIANE_DE_QUADROS_DE_BORTOLLI_DIS.pdf: 1560215 bytes, checksum: 631d814b124322abfc0f1aaf6c260aa3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2018-07-04T13:31:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 JULIANE_DE_QUADROS_DE_BORTOLLI_DIS.pdf: 1560215 bytes, checksum: 631d814b124322abfc0f1aaf6c260aa3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-04T13:41:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JULIANE_DE_QUADROS_DE_BORTOLLI_DIS.pdf: 1560215 bytes, checksum: 631d814b124322abfc0f1aaf6c260aa3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The oral mucosa is a frequent site for traumatic ulcers, which can be caused by mechanical or chemical agents. There is no a gold standard treatment for the management of these lesions, which can be painful and have a negative impact on quality of life. Although studies suggest the use of chamomile and curcumin in the treatment of ulcerated lesions of the oral mucosa, there is no a consensus as to its efficacy in the management of these lesions. The literature has shown that both phytotherapics modulate the levels of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-? and IL-1?. Therefore, in the first article of this dissertation, an integrative literature review was conducted investigating the efficacy of topical interventions with chamomile and curcumin in the management of pain and in the healing of ulcerated lesions of the oral mucosa. Few controlled clinical trials have been found and they suggest a beneficial effect of chamomile and curcumin in the healing process and in the reduction of symptoms in patients with oral mucositis, recurrent aphthous ulceration and oral lichen planus. Studies in animal demonstrated a reduction in the inflammatory wound healing phase, increased deposition of collagen fibers and epithelization. The second article of this dissertation presents an experimental study, which was carried out to evaluate the effect of the 10% chamomile extract and 2% curcumin in the repair of traumatic ulcers on tongue of rats. Thirty-nine Wistar rats were divided into three groups: control, chamomile extract and curcumin. A 5-mm-diameter excisional wound was made in the center of ventral tongue. The substances were applied as a gel twice daily for five days. The animals were euthanized 7 days after the lesions were made. In the macroscopic evaluation, there was no significant difference among chamomile, curcumin and control groups regarding to area of residual ulcer (P= 0.20). Histological analysis also showed no difference among the groups regarding newly formed epithelium area (P=0.97) or intensity of inflammatory infiltrate (P=0.72). Considering the experimental model, the findings of the present study showed that 10% chamomile extract and 2% curcumin did not accelerate the repair of traumatic oral ulcers or reduced the intensity of the inflammatory infiltrate, contradicting previous findings in the literature. / A mucosa bucal ? um s?tio frequente para a ocorr?ncia de ?lceras traum?ticas, as quais podem ser causadas por agentes mec?nicos ou qu?micos. At? o momento, n?o existe um tratamento padr?o-ouro para o manejo dessas les?es, as quais podem ser dolorosas e ter impacto negativo na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Apesar de estudos sugerirem a utiliza??o da camomila e da curcumina no tratamento de les?es ulceradas da mucosa bucal, n?o h? consenso sobre a sua efic?cia no manejo dessas les?es. A literatura tem demonstrado que ambos os fitoter?picos modulam os n?veis de citocinas pr?-inflamat?rias como TNF-? e IL-1?. No primeiro artigo desta disserta??o foi realizada uma revis?o integrativa da literatura investigando a efic?cia das interven??es t?picas com camomila e curcumina no manejo da dor e na cicatriza??o de les?es ulceradas da mucosa bucal. Poucos ensaios cl?nicos controlados foram encontrados e estes sugerem um efeito ben?fico da camomila e da curcumina no processo cicatricial e na redu??o da sintomatologia em pacientes com mucosite oral, ulcera??o aftosa recorrente e l?quen plano oral. Estudos em modelos animais investigando os efeitos desses fitoter?picos em ?lceras traum?ticas bucais demonstraram redu??o da fase inflamat?ria do processo de cicatriza??o, maior deposi??o de fibras col?genas e epiteliza??o. O segundo artigo desta disserta??o apresenta um estudo experimental, que foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do extrato de camomila 10% e curcumina 2% no reparo de ?lceras traum?ticas em l?ngua de ratos. Trinta e nove ratos Wistar foram distribu?dos em tr?s grupos: controle, extrato de camomila e curcumina. Uma ?lcera de 5 mm de di?metro foi confeccionada no ventre lingual de cada animal. As subst?ncias foram aplicadas na forma de gel, duas vezes ao dia, durante cinco dias. Os animais foram eutanasiados sete dias ap?s a confec??o das les?es. Na avalia??o macrosc?pica, n?o houve diferen?a entre os grupos camomila, curcumina e controle quanto ? ?rea de ?lcera remanescente (P=0.20). A an?lise histol?gica tamb?m n?o demonstrou diferen?a entre os grupos quanto ? ?rea de tecido epitelial neoformado (P=0.97) ou intensidade do infiltrado inflamat?rio (P=0.72). Considerando o modelo experimental empregado, os achados do presente estudo demonstraram que extrato de camomila 10% e a curcumina 2% n?o aceleraram o reparo de ?lceras mecanicamente induzidas na mucosa bucal nem reduziram a intensidade do infiltrado inflamat?rio, contrariando achados pr?vios na literatura.

Caracterização e incremento da variabilidade genética em caracteres agronômicos de importância medicinal em Camomila (Chamomilla recutita L.) / Characterization and increment of genetic variability in agronomic characters of medicinal importance in Chamomilla (Chamomilla recutita L.

Garcia, Cíntia Silveira 07 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-07-11T15:53:44Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) DISSERTAÇÃO_GARCIA_2017.pdf: 1124488 bytes, checksum: 23dd5d3a394b02d22f913578d0326a82 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-07-17T20:05:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 DISSERTAÇÃO_GARCIA_2017.pdf: 1124488 bytes, checksum: 23dd5d3a394b02d22f913578d0326a82 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-17T20:05:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 DISSERTAÇÃO_GARCIA_2017.pdf: 1124488 bytes, checksum: 23dd5d3a394b02d22f913578d0326a82 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / A Camomila (Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert) é uma espécie de planta medicinal e aromática, pertencente à família Asteraceae, que contém aproximadamente 23.000 espécies. É considerada a planta medicinal de maior cultivo no território brasileiro, sendo, amplamente cultivada nas regiões sul e sudeste do Brasil, onde há o predomínio de solos sob o domínio climático tropical e subtropical. Hoje em dia a Camomila possui a maior parte dos seus constituintes químicos amplamente estudados. Sendo altamente favorecida e muito utilizada na medicina tradicional e popular além de sua importância econômica para a indústria farmacêutica, cosmética e alimentícia. Suas propriedades, que possuem grande importância econômica, foram estabelecidas ao longo dos anos através de pesquisas baseadas no conhecimento popular e científico. Embora as propriedades terapêuticas da Camomila tenham sido bem estabelecidas ao longo dos anos, e desta espécie ser uma das mais utilizadas pela maior parte da população, algumas informações básicas quanto ao seu cultivo, caracterização e variabilidade genética existente, ainda são desconhecidas, sendo muitas vezes utilizadas informações de parentes próximos. Desta forma, os objetivos deste estudo foram reunir o máximo de informações a respeito da espécie quanto à caracterização, utilização, composição química e o cultivo de Camomila; avaliar caracteres morfológicos de sementes e o desempenho inicial de plântulas de populações de diferentes mesorregiões do Rio Grande do Sul e variedades comerciais, bem como estimar o comportamento da variedade comercial ISLA de Camomila frente aos ácidos orgânicos, além de estudar o efeito do mutagênico físico (radiação gama) em sementes de variedade comercial ISLA. Os estudos foram realizados no Laboratório de Biologia Molecular do Centro de Genômica e Fitomelhoramento, do Departamento de Fitotecnia na Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), nos anos de 2016 e 2017. Quanto à busca de informações a cerca da Camomila (Capítulo I), verificou-se que para questões fundamentais como o cultivo e exploração da variabilidade as informações disponíveis na literatura ainda são escassas e pouco exploradas. Os resultados encontrados na caracterização de diferentes populações (Capítulo II) demonstraram que a população de Camomila crioula Guabiju se destacou como fonte de variabilidade genética para as variedades comerciais, e quando se leva em consideração os caracteres diretamente associados à semente, o mais promissor foi a massa de cem sementes. Já para parâmetros associados à germinação, o caractere alvo para o melhoramento é o índice de velocidade de germinação, e com relação ao crescimento de plântulas, o caractere com maior importância é primeira contagem de germinação. Quando se estudou o comportamento das sementes comerciais submetidas a diferentes concentrações de ácidos orgânicos comumente encontrados em solos hidromórficos (Capítulo III), observou-se que não houve influência dos ácidos e das concentrações utilizadas na germinação e desenvolvimento inicial das plântulas, indicando que a Camomila 10 é uma planta rústica e que não tem seu comportamento alterado, mesmo em altas concentrações de ácidos orgânicos presentes no solo. Por fim, ao utilizar radiação gama para induzir a mutação e por consequência criar variabilidade genética em sementes comerciais de Camomila (Capítulo IV), observou-se que as doses de até 900 Gy não prejudicaram a germinação de sementes, o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência das plantas, contudo, as doses de radiação utilizadas são recomendadas, pois aumentam as chances de incremento da variabilidade genética em sementes secas de Camomila (Chamomilla recutita L.). Considerando os resultados obtidos durante a realização deste estudo, pode-se concluir que tanto a utilização de mutagênico físico quanto à utilização de populações de Camomila de diferentes mesorregiões favorecem o incremento da variabilidade existente aumentando assim a exploração dos potenciais da espécie que não é muito exigente quanto ao tipo de solo, mesmo possuindo altas concentrações de ácidos orgânicos de baixa massa molar, encontrados na Região Sul do Brasil. Dessa forma, recomenda-se o cultivo e a sua utilização como alternativa de melhoria da saúde da população e para aumentar a renda de pequenos produtores devido às inúmeras propriedades terapêuticas de Camomila amplamente exploradas pela indústria. / The Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita (L.) Rauschert) it is a specie of medicinal plant and aromatic, belonging to Asteraceae family, which contains approximately 23.000 species. It is considered the most cultivated medicinal plant in the brazilian territory, being, widely cultivated in the south and southeast regions of Brazil, where there is predominance of soils tropical and subtropical climate under domain. Nowadays the Chamomile has most of its widely studied chemical constituents. Being highly favored and widely used in traditional and popular medicine besides its economic importance for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry. Its properties, which have great economic importance, have been established over the years through research based on popular and scientific knowledge. Although the therapeutic properties of Chamomile have been well established over the years, and this species is one of the most used by most of the population, some basic information about its cultivation, characterization and genetic variability are still unknown, being often information from close relatives. Thus, the objectives of this study were to gather as much information about the species regarding the characterization, use, chemical composition and Chamomile cultivation; to evaluate biometric seed characteristics and initial seedling performance of populations of different mesoregions of Rio Grande do Sul and commercial cultivars, as well as to estimate the behavior of the ISLA commercial cultivar of Chamomile against organic acids, in addition to studying the effect of the physical mutagen (Gamma radiation) in ISLA commercial. The studies were carried out at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology of the Genomics and Breeding Center, Department of Phytotechnology, Faculty of Agronomy Eliseu Maciel, Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), in the years 2016 and 2017. Regarding the search for information about Chamomile (Chapter I), it was verified that for fundamental questions such as the cultivation and exploitation of variability the information available in the literature is still scarce and little explored. The results found in the characterization of different populations (Chapter II) demonstrated that the Guabiju Chamomile landrace population was highlighted as a source of genetic variability for commercial varieties,and when considering the characters directly associated with seed, the most promising was the mass of one hundred seeds. For parameters associated to germination, the target character for breeding is the rate of germination, and for seedling development, the most important character is the first germination count. When the behavior of commercial seeds submitted to different concentrations of organic acids commonly found in hydromorphic soils (Chapter III) was studied, it was observed that there was no influence of the acids and concentrations used in the germination and initial development of the seedlings, indicating that Chamomile is a rustic plant that does not have its behavior altered, even in high concentrations of organic acids present in the soil. Finally, when using gamma radiation to induce the mutation and consequently to create genetic variability in commercial seeds of Chamomile (Chapter IV), it was observed that the doses up to 900Gy did not affect seed 12 germination, development and plant survival , however, the radiation doses used are recommended because they increase the chances of increasing genetic variability in dry seeds of Chamomile (Chamomila recutita L.). Considering the results obtained during the study, it is possible to conclude that both the use of physical mutagen for the increase of characters of agronomic interest and the use of Chamomile populations of different mesoregions favor the increase of the existing variability, thus increasing the exploitation of potentials of the species that is not very demanding as to the type of soil, even having high concentrations of organic acids of low molar mass, found in the Southern Region of Brazil, therefore, it is recommended the cultivation and its use as an alternative for health improvement of the population and to increase the income of small farmers due to the therapeutic properties of Chamomile widely exploited by the industry.

L'utilisation des plantes médicinales en grossesse : prévalence, déterminants et risque de prématurité

Moussally, Krystel January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Stanovení a vyhodnocení kosmetických mastí a návrh etikety dle aktuální legislativy / Determination and evaluation of cosmetic ointment and design of label according to actual legislation

Trávníčková, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the study olephylic formulations – ointments and cream type of V/O. This thesis gives out information about production, use and properties 3 cosmetic ointments and about properties baby´s skin cream and the study of stability of these products in the presence of antioxidants - tocopherol acetate and rosemary extract. Ointments are made from hemp oil, olive oil and shea butter and chamomile extract. Each ointment is produced in two versions. Once the use of vitamin E as an antioxidant, a second is used as an antioxidant extract from rosemary. Among other important substances with positive effects on human skin include, for example, saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid and stearic acid, unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, and more. Ointments are suitable for greasing dry to very dry skin hands, face and other body parts. The thesis also discusses the current legislation, which producer of cosmetics must comply, the details which must be placed on the label of a cosmetic product and it contains proposals of cosmetic labels Further thesis includes studying methods for determination of lipid characterizations were used for study of behaviour of ointments during time and during storage at different temperatures. They include iodine, acid, peroxide and saponification values. The ester value and the content of glycerol were counted.

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