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Online Market MonitoringWalchhofer, Norbert 22 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis conceptualizes a generic monitoring framework for online markets, which has also been implemented in a prototypic fashion. Thereby identifying a set of arising challenges for which solutions have been developed.
An introductory section gives a short overview of the field of research, states identified scientfic challenges and derives research questions thereof. The following articles describe (i) the general approach of an online market monitor, (ii) how to encapsulate domain-dependent configurations & functionalities from monitoring core modules to facilitate a generic approach, (iii) change frequency estimation for observational units in a dynamic and fuzzy population setting, (iv) the development of an adaptive harvest heuristic scheduling new observations by utilizing the change frequency estimator, (v) how to make use of collected market information in form of business intelligence reports and finally (vi) an exemplary meta-analysis showing how to draw further conclusions about market mechanisms.
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Website Adaptive Navigation Effects on User ExperiencesSpeirs, James C. 07 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The information search process within a website can often be frustrating and confusing for website visitors. Navigational structures are often complex and multitiered, hiding links with several layers of navigation that user's might be interested in. Poor navigation causes user frustration. Adaptive navigation can be used to improve the user's navigational experience by flattening the navigational structure and reducing the number of accessible links to only those that the user would be interested in. This examines the effects on a user's navigational experience, of using adaptive navigation as the main navigational structure on a website. This study measured these effects by gathering survey responses from over 1,000 users. The survey recorded users' perceptions of navigational effectiveness and efficiency as well as user satisfaction and efficacy. Users were assigned into nine treatment groups that provided variations in navigational change frequency and the order of navigational links. Surveys were used to identify the effects of navigational change frequency and navigational link ordering on the user's navigational experience. The survey found that adaptive navigation works best when change occurs on a page-by-page basis and links are ordered alphabetically.
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Mapping Uncertainties – A case study on a hydraulic model of the river Voxnan.Andersson, Sara January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis gives an account for the numerous uncertainties that prevail one-dimensional hydraulic models and flood inundation maps, as well as suitable assessment methods for different types of uncertainties. A conducted uncertainty assessment on the river Voxnan in Sweden has been performed. The case study included the calibra-tion uncertainty in the spatially varying roughness coefficient and the boundary condi-tion uncertainty in the magnitude of a 100-year flood, in present and future climate conditions. By combining a scenario analysis, GLUE calibration method and Monte Carlo analysis, the included uncertainties with different natures could be assessed. Significant uncer-tainties regarding the magnitude of a 100-year flood from frequency analysis was found. The largest contribution to the overall uncertainty was given by the variance between the nine global climate models, emphasizing the importance of including projections from an ensemble of models in climate change studies. Furthermore, the study gives a methodological example on how to present uncertainty estimates visually in probabilistic flood inundation maps. The conducted method of how the climate change uncertainties, scenarios and models, were handled in frequency analysis is also suggested to be a relevant result of the study.
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Omvårdnad vid central venkateter - Sjuksköterskans ansvarsområde - En systematisk litteraturstudieErlandsson, Linda, Nordqvist Nilsson, Cecilia January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att sammanställa litteratur gällande olika typer av förband samt omläggningsfrekvens vid omvårdnad av central venkateter. Författarna har gjort en systematisk litteraturstudie och följt Goodmans sju steg i forskningsprocessen. Totalt inkluderades 15 vetenskapliga artiklar efter litteratursökning i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library samt via kompletteringar i ELIN. Artiklarna granskades av två oberoende bedömare utefter modifierade granskningsprotokoll och kvalitetsbedömdes därefter. Resultaten av denna sammanställning visar en tendens åt att sterila kompresser än så länge har ett litet försprång gentemot transparenta förband, i synnerhet när insticksstället inte läkt. En omläggningsfrekvens mellan fem och sju dagar verkar ge bäst resultat vid användning av transparenta förband, och varannan till var sjunde vid användning av kompressförband. Fler studier behövs som redovisar signifikanta resultat för att evidensgraden ska kunna höjas. / The aim of this study is to compile literature concerning which dressing type and redressing frequency is the most efficient handling for a central venous catheter (CVC). This study is a systematic literature review according to Goodman. Searches were made in the databases PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library and complements through ELIN. A total of 15 scientific articles of quantitative design and literature reviews were included. The articles were then scrutinized by two independent readers and were then judged by quality. The result shows a tendency that sterile gauze has an advantage in comparison to transparent dressings so far, especially when the exit site has not fully healed. A redressing frequency between five to seven days seems to be the best alternative when using transparent dressings. When using sterile gauze the results have shown more variation; a redressing frequency every other day to every seventh day. More studies are necessary for reaching statisticly significant results.
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