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Etická dilemata sociálního pracovníka při práci s nezletilými dětmi na pracovišti OSPOD / The ethical dilemmas of a social worker working with underage children at OSPODTRHLÍNOVÁ, Dagmar Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with ethical dilemmas, which social worker ordinary experiences during his work at the OSPOD (Service for the Protection of Children's Rights). The aim of the thesis is to present OSPOD, documents which are part of this work and ethical connection with social work. The aim of the research is to identify the most serious ethical dilemmas and the possibilities how to solve them. The qualitative method of research using semistructured interviews is used to realize the aim of the thesis. The research is carried out at the OSPOD in Český Krumlov.
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Projektové vyučování ve výuce lidských práv ve výchově k občanství / Project Teaching in Teaching of Human Rights in CivicsNováková, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals in the theoretical part with comparing the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Constitution with the Declaration of Human Rights in the sense of historical acceptance in the two countries under consideration. It includes a proposal for a educational project in this area (e.g. the creation of supporting worksheets). It deals with the topic of Human Rights in FEP for Elementary Education and specific SEPs of selected schools. The diploma thesis focuses on the preparation of a new Human Rights education project using selected effective methods. The proposal of this project will be based on the comparison of already existing educational projects.
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Is the R2P- principle inefficient against the Security Council’s veto system? : - China’s indoctrination camps of Uyghur and Kazakh Muslim minorities in Former East TurkestanAltay, Tansulu January 2018 (has links)
During the UN World Summit 2005 all Member States of the United Nations unanimously accepted the Responsibility to protect- principle (R2P- principle), that each member state shall protect its own population from ethnic cleansing, genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. During the set-up of the United Nations and the Security Council’s veto system in the San Francisco Conference 1945, the five permanent members of the Security Council promised that their right to veto would be used “sparingly” and in the “interest” of the world organization, to safeguard “the International peace and security”. Despite the united acceptance of the R2P- principle to avoid mass atrocities since 2005, China have been detaining up to one million Uyghur, including Kazakhs in detainment camps, in former East Turkestan since the beginning of 2018. Since the passage to invoke the R2P- principle is by the Security Council, the question arises if- the veto would serve as a deadlock on the R2P- principle if China could veto such decision. The purpose of the thesis have therefore been to analyze if the R2P- principle is inefficient against the Security Council’s veto system, by targeting China’s opportunity of vetoing the R2P- principle. The conclusion have been that the R2P- principle is inefficient against the Security Council’s veto system. This is because a permanent member can block the R2P- principle by either vetoing or double vetoing a draft resolution, which have been demonstrated by illustrating how China could veto the R2P- principle. Since the decisions of the Security Council cannot be appealed or dissent in terms of the veto card and UN Charter, it leaves the R2P- principle inefficient with a weak operational legitimacy against the Security Council’s powerful veto system, on the cost of human lives.
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Promoting healthy body images in populations : does body dissatisfaction influence reactions to Québec’s charter for a healthy and diverse body image?Islam, Farah 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Giustizia penale e protezione dei minori nell’Unione europea / Justice pénale et protection des mineurs dans l'Union européenne / Criminal justice and child protection in the European UnionMagli, Mia 13 June 2017 (has links)
Aujourd'hui les droits des mineurs occupent une place de plus en plus importante dans l'agenda juridique et politique de l'UE. La promotion des droits de l'enfant représente maintenant un objectif de l'UE, consacré dans l'article 3, paragr. 3, du Traité sur l'Union européenne. Les droits de l'enfant sont également cristallisés dans l'article 24 de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne. Actuellement l'Union européenne dispose de nombreux actes législatifs et de documents non législatifs relatifs aux droits des mineurs ou qui peuvent avoir des répercussions indirectes sur la vie des enfants. Ce travail analyse la nature, la portée et la valeur des mesures de l'UE dans deux domaines principaux : la protection des enfants et de leurs droits et la justice pénale des mineurs. Le but de la recherche a été d’examiner jusqu'à quel point on peut parler d’une valeur ajoutée de la promotion des droits des enfants au niveau de l'UE, par rapport au niveau national et international et également celui de proposer de nouvelles solutions pour améliorer la promotion et la protection des droits des enfants dans l’Union européenne. / Today children’s rights occupy an increasingly prominent place on the EU legal and policy agenda. The promotion and protection of the rights of the child is now an objective of the EU as set out in Article 3.3 of the Treaty on European Union. The rights of the child are also enshrined in the article 24 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The EU has now many legislative documents and non-legislative acts related to children’s rights or that may have the potential to impact on children’s life. This Phd thesis analyzes the nature, scope and value of EU measures in relation to children in two main areas : child protection and juvenile criminal justice. It investigates if there is an added value of children’s rights at EU level and it also makes some suggestions to improve the promotion and protection of children’s rights in the EU. / Al giorno d’oggi, i diritti dei minori occupano uno spazio sempre più importante nell’agenda giuridica e politica dell’Unione europea. Attualmente, infatti, la promozione dei diritti dei minori rappresenta un obiettivo dell’Unione, consacrato nell’articolo 3, par. 3, del Trattato sull’Unione europea. I diritti fondamentali dei minori sono poi sanciti esplicitamente nell’articolo 24 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’UE. Oggi, l’Unione europea può disporre di numerosi strumenti normativi (e non) dedicati espressamente ai diritti dei fanciulli e tanti altri possono avere delle ripercussioni indirette sulla loro vita. La presente ricerca analizza, pertanto, la natura, la portata e il valore delle misure intraprese dall’UE in due settori principali : la protezione dei minori e la giustizia penale. Lo scopo della tesi è esaminare in che termini si possa parlare di un valore aggiunto della promozione dei diritti dei minori a livello UE, rispetto alle normative già in vigore a livello nazionale e internazionale. A partire da tale analisi, essa cerca di proporre nuove soluzioni per migliorare la promozione e la protezione dei diritti dei minori nell’Unione europea.
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L'identite européenne : un developpement progressif par la citoyennete et la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne / The European identity : its progressive development through the citizenship and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European UnionArabaghian, Anouche 17 November 2012 (has links)
Depuis le projet d’origine, l’Union européenne a étendu ses frontières, intégré de nouveaux territoires, de nouvelles traditions politiques et pris une nouvelle forme géographique. Ses frontières « non définies » se sont déplacées, le territoire cédant la place à un espace ouvert. Mais cette évolution n’a pas modifié la nature des interrogations sur son identité, sur l’existence d’une société européenne, sur l’identification des « peuples » européens à leur nouvelle communauté politique et sur l’émergence d’un espace public européen.La problématique de l'identité européenne est que malgré tous les moyens déployés par les institutions supranationales (processus d’harmonisation, d’homogénéisation et de convergence), celle-ci demeure un concept abstrait dont l’expression et l’enracinement dans le tissu social sont encore superficiels. L’Union européenne est une communauté de citoyens, les droits sont codifiés par les traités successifs, mais elle reste une communauté dont l’identité est encore incertaine.Bien que l’identité européenne concerne toute une série de questions qui doivent être saisies concurremment - élargissement, questions des frontières, hybridité politico- institutionnelle, nous l'analyserons notamment à travers le prisme de la citoyenneté européenne et de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne. La question suivante sera ainsi posée : la citoyenneté européenne et la Charte européenne contribuent-elles à faire émerger, voire à consolider, une identité européenne? / Since the original project, the European Union has extended its borders, integrated new territories, new political traditions and has taken a new geographic form. Its borders "undefined" moved, the area giving way to an open space. But this evolution did not alter the nature of questions relating to its identity, the existence of a European society, the identification of "peoples" to their new European political Community and the emergence of a european public space.The issue of the European identity is that despite all measures deployed by supranational institutions (harmonization process, homogenization and convergence), it remains an abstract concept whose expression and rooting in the social sphere are still superficial. The European Union is indeed a community of citizens, the rights are codified by successive treaties, but it remains a community whose identity is still uncertain.Although the European identity concerns a range of questions that must be considered concurrently - enlargement, border issues, political-institutional hybridity, we will analyze it mainly through the prism of European citizenship and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The following question will therefore be asked : European citizenship and the Charter of Fundamental Rights will they contribute to emerge or even consolidate a European identity?
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英國行政改革理論與現象檢證 / Administration reform theory and phenomenon examine of Britain林德芳, Ter Fang , Lin Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機、目的與流程
壹、 研究動機
貳、 研究目的
參、 研究流程
第二節 研究問題、方法與限制
壹、 研究問題陳述-
貳、 研究方法
參、 研究限制
第二章 行政改革理論與改革現象的探究
第一節 改革背景與過去研究文獻檢閱
壹、 背景說明
貳、 檢閱過去研究文獻
第二節 行政改革理論的介紹
第三節 改革思潮的探究—公共管理、新公共管理
第四節 行政改革所引發的政策弔詭情況
第三章 英國行政改革的策略
第一節 八零年代前的行政改革
第二節 從雷尼稽核到續階計畫
第三節 公民誓約
壹、甚麼是公民誓約(Citizen Charter)
第四節 結論
第四章 英國行政改革政策的檢視
第一節 改革政策的回顧與檢討
第二節 改革理論與改革政策的印證
第三節 改革政策於我國的啟示
第五章 結論
第一節 論文回顧與研究發現
第二節 對後續研究者的建議
附錄1 英國行政改革重要的機關與措施《中英文對照表》
附錄2 英國行政改革重要人物人名對照表
附錄3 1979-1997英國行政改革政經系絡與政策歷程 / This paper try to analyze Caiden's administration reform theory and Kickert's administration reform phenomenon opinion,and take them to analyze Britain administration reform every measures.This include Rayner Scrutinies、Financial Management Initiative、Agency Management Initiative and 90s'「The Citizen’s Charter」movement,to investigate between administration reform theory and phenomenon and Britain administration reform measures to have any corelation.Last,take conclusion to remind our administration reform.
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Questa ricerca presenta una panoramica introduttiva delle principali variabili (storiche, sociali, economiche, istituzionali, culturali, ideologiche e valoriali) che condizionano il policy-making educativo degli Stati Uniti e descrive le riforme e innovazioni più significative introdotte negli ultimi trent’anni nel sistema scolastico americano. Quali fattori socio-culturali, urgenze storiche, azioni e convinzioni politiche stanno alla base delle riforme in atto? Come stanno mutando gli equilibri di potere fra governo federale, stati membri e autorità locale e quali sono le ricadute di questo riallineamento sulla governance scolastica? L’approccio seguito per esaminare le principali riforme ed innovazioni (dal movimento per gli standard comuni, al collegamento fra i test scolastici e accountability per i risultati, alle charter school) è quello proprio della policy research, disciplina pressoché sconosciuta a quanti s’interessano di problematiche pedagogiche in Italia ma che può arricchire la capacità di lettura e comprensione di molte questioni dibattute quando si parla di riforme dell’istruzione. / this research provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of education policies in the United States. Blending together theoretical analysis and practical examples, it examines the main variables (history, economy, demographics, political structures, ideologies, values, political culture) that influence the policy environment. What social and economic needs does the U.S. education system cater to? What sociocultural factors, pressing historical circumstances, political choices and actions and beliefs (independent) underlie the current education reforms? What are the implications of the shift of power over education policy from the school and local levels to the federal and state levels? Current issues such as charter schools, high-stakes testing, standards-based reform, and school choice are analyzed in retrospective and perspective using a policy research approach to public problems and policy alternatives. Almost unknown to Italian educational experts, particularly in academia, policy research can expand our general understanding and knowledge about problems and choices when education reform is under discussion.
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The role and effect of small arms in the recruitment of child soldiers in Africa: can the international law be strengthened?Anyikame, Hans Awuru January 2011 (has links)
<p>It is an unfortunate and cruel reality that both government and armed groups used child soldiers during armed conflict. Child soldiers have become an integral part of government forces as well as insurgent groups in Africa and elsewhere. Most of them are being exploited as combatants, while others perform functions, such as porters, spies who are able to enter small spaces, cooks, messengers, lookouts, and even suicide bombers. Some of the most disturbing aspects of child soldiering are that some of them are being forced to kill or are themselves killed, sexually abused and are exposed to drugs. The use of child soldiers in conflicts is not a recent phenomenon and has indeed become a common practice that characterises modern conflicts. Recruitment is usually carried out forcefully or voluntarily by both government and rebel forces. The difference between these two types of recruitment is not always clear since their decision to join is always influenced by external factors. Examples of such reasons for voluntary recruitment include the desire to revenge, adventure, peer pressure, and need for belonging and survival. Concerning the reason for survival, some argue that, the children do not actually choose freely to become combatants, but are rather forced by circumstances. There are numerous reasons for the continuous targeting of children by armed forces and armed groups. These include shortage of combatants, the fact that children are easy to train physically and psychologically, and also that children are obedient and are readily available. The recruited children are compelled to take part in brutal induction ceremonies, where they are threatened and forced to kill or witness the killing of someone they know.</p>
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Rights Without Remedies: The Court Party Theory and the Demise of the Court Challenges ProgramSalter, Shannon 25 August 2011 (has links)
The author argues that the Court Challenges Program’s 2006 cancellation was based on claims that judicial review is undemocratic, including those made by three academics, Rainer Knopff, F.L. Morton and Ian Brodie; the Court Party Theorists (the “CPT”). Through a study of Charter equality cases, this paper examines the CPT’s arguments regarding judicial activism, interest groups and interveners and finds they are largely unsupported by statistical evidence. Further, the debate about judicial review and democracy obscures judicial review’s important auditing function over the legislature’s constitutional adherence. This audit depends on individuals’ capacity to pursue Charter litigation, an ability compromised by the access to justice crisis. The author examines this crisis and the efforts to fill the funding gap left by the CCP’s cancellation and concludes that a publicly-funded program like the CCP is best-placed to ensure that the Charter remains a relevant tool for enforcing fundamental human rights in Canada.
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