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Investiční politika Evropské unie - ochrana přímých zahraničních investic / Investment Policy of the European Union - protection of foreign direct investmentŠtamberk, David January 2017 (has links)
Investment Policy of the European Union - protection of foreign direct investment Abstract One of the changes brought about by the Lisbon Treaty is the explicit inclusion of foreign direct investment and its protection in the common commercial policy of the European Union. This is one of the areas of exclusive competence of the EU. The European Union has subsequently stated negotiating bilateral agreements governing, inter alia, investment issues. However, it has not been spared from controversy and negative publicity that has been accompanying especially the TTIP and the CETA. This work aims to analyse the investment policy of the EU and mutual interaction of its institutions with the Member States and third parties. After general introduction to the topic of international investment law and EU law (chapters II. and III.), it is devoted to the issue of protection of foreign investment in the internal market. Its regime is then compared with the BIT regime (chapter IV.). Attention is then focussed towards the EU's external relations in the field of investment protection. Its competence is subjected to further analysis (chapter V.) and current results of efforts of the Commission and the EU as such are also discussed (chapter VI.). It is so in the light of possible impacts of foreign investment in terms of...
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L'identité européenne : un développement progressif par la citoyenneté et la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenneArabaghian, Anouche 11 1900 (has links)
Depuis le projet d’origine, l’Union européenne a étendu ses frontières, intégré de nouveaux territoires, de nouvelles traditions politiques et pris une nouvelle forme géographique. Ses frontières « non définies » se sont déplacées, le territoire cédant la place à un espace ouvert. Mais cette évolution n’a pas modifié la nature des interrogations sur son identité, sur l’existence d’une société européenne, sur l’identification des « peuples » européens à leur nouvelle communauté politique et sur l’émergence d’un espace public européen.
La problématique de l'identité européenne est que malgré tous les moyens déployés par les institutions supranationales (processus d’harmonisation, d’homogénéisation et de convergence), celle-ci demeure un concept abstrait dont l’expression et l’enracinement dans le tissu social sont encore superficiels. L’Union européenne est une communauté de citoyens, les droits sont codifiés par les traités successifs, mais elle reste une communauté dont l’identité est encore incertaine.
Bien que l’identité européenne concerne toute une série de questions qui doivent être saisies concurremment - élargissement, questions des frontières, hybridité politico-institutionnelle, nous l'analyserons notamment à travers le prisme de la citoyenneté européenne et de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne. La question suivante sera ainsi posée : la citoyenneté européenne et la Charte européenne contribuent-elles à faire émerger, voire à consolider, une identité européenne? / Since the original project, the European Union has extended its borders, integrated new territories, new political traditions and has taken a new geographic form. Its borders "undefined" moved, the area giving way to an open space. But this evolution did not alter the nature of questions relating to its identity, the existence of a European society, the identification of "peoples" to their new European political Community and the emergence of a european public space.
The issue of the European identity is that despite all measures deployed by supranational institutions (harmonization process, homogenization and convergence), it remains an abstract concept whose expression and rooting in the social sphere are still superficial. The European Union is indeed a community of citizens, the rights are codified by successive treaties, but it remains a community whose identity is still uncertain.
Although the European identity concerns a range of questions that must be considered concurrently - enlargement, border issues, political-institutional hybridity, we will analyze it mainly through the prism of European citizenship and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The following question will therefore be asked : European citizenship and the Charter of Fundamental Rights will they contribute to emerge or even consolidate a European identity? / Thèse de doctorat effectuée en cotutelle avec la Faculté de droit de l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon III
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Intimidation as a factor in the liberation struggle in South Africa with special reference to Bela Bela (Warmbaths) : an anthropological perspectiveVan Niekerk, Letitia 07 1900 (has links)
The cultural revitalisation or adjustment model of Anthony Wallace provides a basis for
interpreting religious, political and other revitalisation movements. This study focuses on
political revitalisation movements. Participation in the activities of revitalisation movements does
not always occur voluntarily. Leaders of such movements apply techniques and methods of
intimidation enforcing change and participation. In South Africa, political revitalisation was
inter alia brought about by the ANC as political liberation movement who used methods of
violent and non-violent intimidation to force people, regardless of their ethnic affiliation, to
support the movement and enforce political change. The ANC inter alia used charactersitic
cultural phenomena and components of Bantu-speakers as resources for intimidation to ensure
unanimity, participation and ultimately to achieve political liberation. Cultural components that
were exploited included communality, group solidarity, administration of justice, songs and
Kulturele vernuwmg ts 'n universele verskynsel. Anthony Wallace se model van kulturele
vernuwing of -aanpassing bied 'n raamwerk vir die verduideliking en interpretasie van die fases
waardeur kulturele vernuwingsbewegings van 'n godsdienstige, politieke of ander aard ontwikkel.
In hierdie studie word daar uitsluitlik gefokus op vernuwingsbewegings van 'n politieke aard.
Aangesien deelname aan die aktiwiteite van kulturele vernuwings- en aanpassingsbewegings nie
noodwendig vrywillig geskied nie, het leiers van hierdie bewegings gebruik gemaak van tegnieke
en metodes van intimidasie om deelname en vernuwing op die massas af te dwing. In SuidAfrika
is politieke vernuwing onder andere teweeggebring deur die ANC as politieke
bevrydingsbeweging. Die ANC het gebruik gemaak van gewelddadige (harde of direkte) sowel
as nie-geweldadige (sagte of indirekte) intimidasie om mense, ongeag hulle etniese aanhorigheid,
te dwing om die beweging se oogmerke aktief te ondersteun om politieke verandering te weeg te
bring. As dee! van die strategie om deur intimidasie mense tot deelname aan massa-aksies soos
optogte, betogings en massa-vergaderings te dwing, het die ANC gebruik gemaak van bepaalde
kultuur verskynsels en -komponente wat eie is aan die lewensbeskouinge en lewenswyse van
Kultuurkomponente wat suksesvol benut is deur die leiers en lede van bevrydingsbewegings
omvat, onder andere verskynsels soos kommunaliteit, groep solidariteit, die regspraak, liedere en
danse. Hierdie kultuurkomponente en verskynsels is verander en aangepas om ten eerste eenheid
en deelname te bewerkstellig en te verseker en uiteindelik om die hoofdoelwit van politieke
bevryding te bereik. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M.A. (Anthropology)
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Mission statement and management of private tertiary religious institutions in Eastern and Southern AfricaKibuuka, Hudson Eddie 06 1900 (has links)
The region of Eastern and Southern Africa has recently experienced an unprecedented
development of private tertiary institutions. Most of these institutions are established by
religious organisations which, since the inception of education, have been involved in
operating educational institutions of lower levels. Although referred to as private
institutions, which by definition would imply funding other than the government sources,
these private institutions find themselves, at times requesting the government to fund
their development as well as their operations.
This study sought to investigate if these private religious institutions have unique raison
d'etre expressed in the form of mission statements. The study also investigated the nature
of their management and the management structures in practice.
The literature reviewed indicated that private religious institutions have a unique mission
based on their basic concept of education and their world view. They seek to pursue and
inculcate specific values. Operating in a competitive environment, however, in which
their competitors do receive funding from the government makes the private institutions
vulnerable to hardships.
The study was conducted using qualitative research approach in three countries, namely
Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe; involving all degree granting recognised private
religious institutions in the sample and focussing on the management. The respondents
were chosen by elite purposive and snowball sampling. The main data collection method
was the interview. However, document analysis, observations, and a questionnaire were
also used.
The findings from the data indicate that private religious institutions have unique
missions although they are, at times, not expressed in the form of mission statements. As
a result some of the stakeholders, including those involved in management, don't get to
know what their institutions' missions are.
The study concludes by emphasising the development of clear mission statements
involving the stakeholders in the process and having the mission statements widely
disseminated. It is also recommended that training in management is important for the
managers of the institutions at the various levels. A model of management is proposed
for streamlining the management of the institutions considering the requirements of the
national governments as well as those of the religious proprietors. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Educational Management)
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Le principe de complémentarité entre la cour pénale internationale et la juridiction pénale nationale / The principle of complementarity between the international criminal court and the national criminal jurisdictionAshnan, Almoktar 16 June 2015 (has links)
L’objet de cette recherche est d’analyser le principe de complémentarité, de montrer la spécificité de la notion et d’en étudier la mise en œuvre à la lumière de la pratique de la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) afin de mettre en évidence les obstacles juridiques et politiques. Selon l’article 1er du Statut de Rome, la Cour est complémentaire des juridictions pénales nationales pour le crime de génocide, les crimes contre l’humanité, les crimes de guerre et le crime d’agression. Dans le cadre de ce principe, les juridictions nationales ont la priorité mais la compétence de la Cour prend le relais lorsqu’un État ne dispose pas des moyens techniques ou juridiques nécessaires pour juger et punir les auteurs desdits crimes ou bien s’il mène un procès truqué. Dès lors, le régime de complémentarité vise à mettre fin à l’impunité à l’égard des personnes impliquées dans les crimes les plus graves qui touchent l’ensemble de la Communauté internationale. Le Statut de Rome, notamment par les dispositions de son article 17, indique comment mettre en œuvre la complémentarité selon les critères de recevabilité qui sont l’incapacité, le manque de volonté et la gravité. Les articles 18 et 19, pour leur part, fournissent le mécanisme de décision préjudicielle sur la recevabilité et la contestation. Par ailleurs, le rôle du Conseil de sécurité face à la complémentarité est aussi considéré comme un élément essentiel pour bien comprendre l’effectivité et l'impact juridique de cette Cour. En effet, les pouvoirs que le Statut de Rome et le chapitre VII de la Charte des Nations Unies confèrent au Conseil lui permettent de saisir la CPI, de suspendre son activité, d’imposer aux États de coopérer avec la Cour, ou encore de qualifier un acte de crime d’agression, et ceci bien que l'indépendance de l’enquête et du procès soit l’épine dorsale de toute la justice pénale, si celle-ci veut être efficace. / The purpose of this research is to analyse the principle of complementarity, to show the specific character of the notion and to study its implementation in the light of the practice of the International criminal court (ICC) in order to highlight the political and legal obstacles. In accordance with Article 1, the Court is complementary to national criminal jurisdictions for crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crime of aggression. Under this principle, national jurisdictions have priority over ICC but the Court’s jurisdiction takes over when a State lacks the technical or legal means, which are necessary to try and punish the perpetrators of such crimes, or if a rigged trial took place. Therefore, complementarity aims to bring an end to impunity for those responsible for the most serious crimes of international concern. The Rome Statute, namely with the provisions of Article 17, indicates how to implement complementarity according to the criteria for admissibility which are inability, unwillingness and seriousness. Articles 18 and 19, for their part, provide the mechanism of preliminary ruling regarding admissibility and challenge. Furthermore, the role of the Security Council regarding complementarity is also considered as essential to understand the effectiveness and the legal impact of this Court. Powers which are conferred under the Rome Statute and chapter VII of the United Nations Charter allow the Security Council to refer a situation to the ICC, to suspend an ICC investigation, to require States to cooperate with the ICC, or to qualify a crime as aggression, and this despite the fact that the independence of the investigation and of the trial is the backbone of criminal justice ensuring it is efficient.
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La sécurité juridique en droit fiscal : étude comparée France-Côte d’Ivoire / Legal certainty in tax law : comparative study between France and Côte d'IvoireOkou, Urbain 29 November 2014 (has links)
La France et la Côte d’Ivoire sont deux États qui présentent des similitudes dues principalement à leur passé colonial commun ; mais il s’agit également de deux États qui présentent de nombreuses différences tenant notamment à leur niveau de développement. Si les règles de droit fiscal substantiel au sein de chacun de ces deux États permettent d’étudier les exigences de sécurité juridique et les moyens par lesquels elles sont prises en compte, c’est en réalité la pratique processuelle qui révèle de manière plus substantielle l’effectivité de cette prise en compte. Au demeurant, la problématique de la sécurité juridique n’est bien souvent réduite qu’aux seules exigences d’accessibilité, de stabilité ou de prévisibilité de la norme. Ce qui témoigne au fond d’une approche partielle de l’exigence de sécurité juridique tendant à en limiter l’étude à la qualité formelle et à l’évolution temporelle des actes juridiques. La prise en compte d’une pluralité de systèmes juridiques différents révèle cependant que la notion de sécurité juridique ne ramène pas nécessairement à un contenu univoque. En effet, l’insécurité juridique ne s’exprimant pas toujours en des termes identiques d’un cadre juridique à un autre, la sécurité juridique pourrait se révéler polysémique, voire antinomique, d’un système juridique et fiscal à un autre. Ainsi donc, au-delà de la norme, la sécurité juridique s’applique également au cadre et au système juridique ainsi qu’à la pratique juridique et juridictionnelle. La sécurité juridique apparaît donc, en droit fiscal, comme l’expression de la fiabilité d’un cadre et d’un système juridiques et fiscaux, à travers des normes de qualité offrant une garantie d’accessibilité et d’intelligibilité ainsi que des moyens pour le contribuable de bâtir des prévisions ou donner satisfaction à celles légitimement bâties. En outre, au-delà du cadre imposé par la présente thèse, il convient d’aborder la problématique de la sécurité juridique dans une approche moins restrictive, afin de ne point en occulter les aspects historiques, philosophiques, sociologiques et juridiques essentiels à une étude d’ensemble de la question. / France and Côte d'Ivoire are two countries with similarities mainly due to their common colonial past; but they are also two countries with many differences especially due to their level of development. While the rules of substantive tax law within each of these two countries make it possible to study the requirements of legal certainty and the means whereby they are taken into account, it is actually the procedural practice that reveals more substantively the effectiveness of this consideration. It should also be noted that the issue of legal certainty is often reduced to the only requirements of accessibility, stability or predictability of the standard. This actually reflects a partial approach to the requirements of legal certainty that tends to limit its study to the formal quality and the temporal evolution of legal acts. Taking into account a plurality of different legal systems, however, reveals that the concept of legal certainty does not necessarily lead to an unequivocal content. Indeed, since legal certainty is not always expressed in identical terms from one legal framework to another, legal certainty could prove to be polysemic, or even antinomic, from one legal and fiscal system to another. Thus, beyond the norm, legal certainty also applies to the legal framework and system as well as to the legal and judicial practice. Legal certainty thus, appears in tax law, as an expression of the reliability of a legal and fiscal framework and system, through quality standards, offering a guarantee of accessibility and intelligibility, as well as means for the taxpayer to build predictions or satisfy those legitimately built. Moreover, beyond the framework imposed by the present dissertation, it is important to deal with the problem of legal certainty in a less restrictive way, so as not to obscure the historical, philosophical, sociological and legal aspects essential to a holistic study of the issue.
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Ochrana investic v plynárenském sektoru: Perspektivy právních vztahů mezi Evropskou unií a Ruskou federací / Protection of Investments in Gas Sector: The Perspectives of Legal Relations between the European Union and the Russian FederationLyapina, Elmira January 2017 (has links)
The absence of a relevant legal basis between huge commercial partners such as the EU as a single entity and the Russian Federation promoted the emergence of a legal vacuum. The long term cooperation between Russia and the EU has only one bilateral agreement - the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation signed in 1994, which is however obsolete, and does not meet the contemporary needs. The adequate legal basis for Russia-EU cooperation in the gas sector is still missing. The protection of investments in the gas sector is being realized by bilateral agreements between Russia and EU member states, soft law and general international agreements, without any specifications for those two partners. The only international instrument covering the energy relations of these two partners - Energy Charter Treaty cannot be considered as a reliable mechanism, as Russia withdrew from it more than 8 years ago. The reasons of the withdrawal and the Yukos case as an illustrative example are discussed in this paper. In order to avoid uncertainty in such strategic area as gas investment relations and unpredictable decisions between the states represented by the commercial entities, there is a need to design a substantive legal basis, and a need to consider on the adequate dispute resolution body. In this thesis, key...
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Demokratie und pacta sunt servandaFulda, Christian B. 10 October 2002 (has links)
Das Demokratieprinzip ist im Völkerrecht verankert. Seine normativen Grundlagen sind zum einen das Vertragsrecht, insbesondere der Internationale Pakt über bürgerliche und politische Rechte, sowie die regionalen Verankerungen in Europa und in Amerika durch die Satzungen der jeweiligen internationaler Organisationen und ihrer Menschenrechtsinstrumente. Substantielle vertragliche Verpflichtungen ergeben sich auch aus den bilateralen Verträgen der EG. Zum anderen fußt es auf der Staatenpraxis, insbesondere im Rahmen der UNO. So ist die internationale Gemeinschaft auf die Errichtung demokratischer Strukturen verpflichtet, wenn sie staatliche Funktionen in failed states übernimmt oder den Wiederaufbau eines Staatswesens begleitet. Die Demokratieresolutionen der UNO lassen erkennen, daß alle Staaten verpflichtet sind, das Ziel der Demokratie anzustreben und erreichte demokratische Errungenschaften zu gewährleisten. Das Demokratieprinzip beinhaltet normativ die Legitimation staatlichen Handelns durch freie Wahlen und die Absicherung durch Menschenrechte, Gewaltenteilung und Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Staatliche Entscheidungen bedürfen daher einer legitimierenden Rückbindung an den frei geäußerten Willen des konstituierenden Staatsvolkes, wobei die Freiheit dieser Willensäußerung in dynamischer Perspektive die Freiheit der Willensänderung garantiert. Sowohl der Vertragsschluß als Akt staatlichen Handelns als auch der Inhalt des Vertrages bedürfen der Legitimation, und zwar über die Zeit hinweg. Das geltende Völkervertragsrecht berücksichtigt das Demokratieprinzip jedoch nur unzureichend. Die Verletzung innerstaatlichen Rechts beim Vertragsschluß kann nur eingeschränkt geltend gemacht werden. Es existiert auch kein Verfahren, mit dem die fortdauernde Legitimation eines Vertrages überprüft werden könnte. Angesichts der Zunahme von Verträgen, die innere Angelegenheiten der Gesellschaften regeln, bedarf das Spannungsverhältnis einer Lösung. Das Problem wird illustriert durch Frankreichs Ausstieg aus der NATO, Senegals Kündigung der Seerechtskonventionen, den Streit um den deutschen Atomausstieg, das Verfahren um den Donaustaudamm Gabcíkovo Nagymaros, die Frage der Vereinbarkeit von Drogenkonsumräumen mit den UN-Anti-Drogenkonventionen, das Schiedsverfahren zwischen Aminoil und Kuwait sowie der Kündigung des ABM-Vertrages durch die USA. Ein erster Ansatz zur Lösung kann in einer Neuinterpretation der völkervertragsrechtlichen Regeln liegen. So bietet sich der Grundsatz der "demokratiefreundlichen Interpretation" an. Internes Recht, das der Kontrolle der Exekutive dient, muß beim Vertragsschluß Berücksichtigung finden. Und Verträgen, die "innere Angelegenheiten" betreffen, kann ein implizites Kündigungsrecht zugebilligt werden. Der wesentliche Ansatz ist aber kautelarjuristischer Natur. Revisions-, Experimentier- und Kündigungsklauseln können bei der Abfassung von Verträgen die Vertragsbeziehung so ausgestalten, daß zukünftige Meinungsänderungen berücksichtigt werden können. Schließlich ist de lege ferenda ein Recht auf Revision, kombiniert mit einem subsidiären Kündigungsrecht, wünschenswert. Mit einem solchen Mechanismus könnten neue normative Lösungen eingeführt werden und die Legitimation bestehender Normen auf den Prüfstand gestellt werden. / International law provides for a democratic principle. It is based both on treaty law and customary law. The International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights as well as the regional treaties in Europe and the Americas - the statutes of the respective regional organisations and their human rights instruments - form a substantial body of treaty obligations toward democracy, which is complemented by bilateral treaties of the EC safeguarding democracy. State practice, especially within the framework of the UN, indicates an obligation to establish democratic structures whenever the international community takes upon itself the task of nation building in failed states. The democracy resolutions of the UN point out that all member states are obliged to strive for democracy and uphold democratic achievements so far. The normative democratic principle includes the legitimation of public affairs through free and fair elections and the guarantee of human rights, separation of powers and the rule of law. Acts of states therefore must be legitimised through the freely expressed will of the people. Under a dynamic perspective, the free will includes the possibility for changes of policy. The conclusion of treaties as an act of state as well as the content of the treaty as a rule of law need to be legitimised through the times. The current law of treaties does not acknowledge the democratic principle, however. Violations of internal law at the conclusion of a treaty can only be claimed to a limited extent. Nor does international law provide for a formal procedure to validate the on-going support for the content of the treaty. Facing an ever-growing expansion of the number of treaties dealing with the internal affairs of societies, solutions must be found. The problem is being illustrated by France's withdrawal from NATO, Senegal's withdrawal from the Geneva Conventions on the Law of the Sea, the dispute related to the question of the use of nuclear energy in Germany, the judgement of the ICJ in the Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros case, the question of the compatibility of drug consumption rooms with UN anti-drug conventions, the dispute settlement award in the Aminoil case and last not least the denunciation of the ABM treaty by the US. Realigning the interpretation of the law of treaties to the democratic principle is one way to deal with the problem. Interpretation of treaties should take into account the democratic principle. Internal law controlling the executive has to be complied with where conclusion of treaties is concerned. And treaties dealing with "internal affairs" can be considered to contain an implicit right of withdrawal or denunciation. The proper solution lies in respecting the democratic principle when drafting treaties, though. Clauses of revision, clauses allowing for experiments and clauses of denunciation or withdrawal help shaping a contractual relationship that can take into account changes of the political will. Last not least, a right of revision is recommended de lege ferenda, combined with a subsidiary right of denunciation or withdrawal. Such a mechanism allows for introducing new normative solutions and for validating the on-going legitimation of existing treaty rules. (See also the English summary at the end of the thesis.)
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Sovereignty, Peacekeeping, and the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF), Suez 1956-1967: Insiders’ PerspectivesHilmy, Hanny 13 February 2015 (has links)
This research is concerned with the complex and contested relationship between the sovereign prerogatives of states and the international imperative of defusing world conflicts. Due to its historical setting following World War Two, the national vs. international staking of claims was framed within the escalating imperial-nationalist confrontation and the impending “end of empire”, both of which were significantly influenced by the role Israel played in this saga. The research looks at the issue of “decolonization” and the anti-colonial struggle waged under the leadership of Egypt’s President Nasser. The Suez War is analyzed as the historical event that signaled the beginning of the final chapter in the domination of the European empires in the Middle East (sub-Saharan decolonization followed beginning in the early 1960s), and the emergence of the United States as the new major Western power in the Middle East.
The Suez experience highlighted a stubborn contest between the defenders of the concept of “sovereign consent” and the advocates of “International intervention”. Both the deployment of the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) and its termination were surrounded by controversy and legal-political wrangling. The role of UNEF and UN peacekeeping operations in general framed the development of a new concept for an emerging international human rights law and crisis management. The UNEF experience, moreover, brought into sharp relief the need for a conflict resolution component for any peace operation. International conflict management, and human rights protection are both subject to an increasing interventionist international legal regime. Consequently, the traditional concept of “sovereignty” is facing increasing challenge.
By its very nature, the subject matter of this multi-dimensional research involves historical, political and international legal aspects shaping the research’s content and conclusions. The research utilizes the experience and contributions of several key participants in this pioneering peacekeeping experience. In the last chapter, recommendations are made –based on all the elements covered in the research- to suggest contributions to the evolving UN ground rules for international crisis intervention and management. / Graduate / hilmyh@uvic.ca
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