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Srovnání vybraných sociodemografických ukazatelů ORP Chrudim a ORP PoličkaMutňanská, Nela January 2014 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the comparison of selected socio-demographic indicators ORP Chrudim and ORP Polička. Demographic comparison is based on the population structure and basic demographic processes. This comparison is complemented by selected social indicators. Comparison of some indicators is not selected ORP, but also in the Czech Republic or the European Union and global trends.
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Využití GAP modelu kvality služeb ve FITcentru Chrudim / Using the GAP Model of Service Quality in the FITcentrum ChrudimPecinová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
Title: Using the GAP Model of Service Quality in the FITcentrum Chrudim. Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to analyze through GAP model the causes of the gaps that exist between the various levels of interaction in the process of providing services in the FITcentrum Chrudim. Based on the results was assessed the state of the organization and the solution was designed to achieve a higher quality of service and higher customer satisfaction. Methods: For the research is used GAP model of service quality, model of five gaps. Individual gaps were investigated using questionnaires designed for customers and staff of fitness center, semi-structured interview with the owner of fitness and self-observation. Results: The results of research are illustrated using the method of classification crosses, tables and graphs. The obtained dates helped to identify the services, what can be improved and to find the gaps in communication between employees and on the basis of this are set recommendations, how existing deficiencies minimize or completely removed. These results help to achieve a higher quality of providing services and enjoyment of the customers. Keywords: sports service, service quality, customer satisfaction, GAP model of service quality, FITcentrum Chrudim
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Návrhy na snížení nezaměstnanosti v okrese Chrudim / Suggestion for reduction of uneployement in the district of ChrudimVácha, David January 2008 (has links)
This diploma work deals with problem of unemployment in the region Chrudim, where analyzes problem of unemployment in the years 2003 – 2007. It includes analysis of unemployment structure in relation to age, aducation, state of health and unemployment lenght. This diploma work also includes proposed solutions and measures that could contribute to the reduction of the unemployment rate in the region Chrudim.
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Spolková činnost v okrese Chrudim od vydání spolkového zákona do roku 1949 / Clubs activity in Chrudim area release from federal law and 1949DUŠEK, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with the activities of the clubs Chrudim area issue of club law in 1867 until the creation of the National Front in 1949. In this thesis is described historie of clubs law, the history of Chrudim, Chrudim area, selected historical sites (Chrast Heřmanův Městec and Glinsko). From these historical sites were chosen few clubs Divadelní spolek Tyl Chrast, Kroužek mládenců a dívek Chrast, Kroužek divadelních ochotníků Chrast, Studentský spolek Rudolf Pokorný Heřmanův Městec a Dělnická jednota Hlinsko.
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Rozmanitost organizací ve vybraném území (sociologická studie) / Variety of Organizations in a chosen Locality (a sociological study)Rybová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the Diploma Thesis is to analyze non-profitable organizations according to the organizational characteristics in a chosen locality and to judge this type of organizations regarding their possible common or different characteristics. Some selected non-profitable organizations in the town of Chrudim are the aggregate research. Each organization is analyzed according to its organizational characteristics, these are the instrumentality, formality, structure and culture. The data have been found mainly in publicly accessible databases like the register of public administration and web pages of these organizations. In conclusion I compare the organizational characteristics of each single organization and assess the potential accordance of these characteristics and I also consider some pattern for non-profitable organizations to work and to be structured.
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Akce StB Kulak a její dopad na Chrudimsku a Hlinecku / The so called 'operation Kulak'and its impact in the districts Chrudim and HlinskoBlažek, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The so called 'operation Kulak' and its impact in the districts Chrudim and Hlinsko Abstract The submitted doctoral thesis analyses the problem of a violent phase of collectivization in Czechoslovakia in the 1950's, with a particular focus on the so called 'Operation Kulak.' In the first part, the author analyses the historical background of collectivization and therefore at first provides with significant milestones in the history of Czechoslovakia. He focuses mainly on the development after the Second World War, with a particular aim to inquire into the relation of land confiscation made on the ground of Czechoslovakian president's decrees. Specific attention is also paid to the fundamental regulations, which are connected either with the agricultural production, land ownership, or with the violent phase of collectivization. Moreover, the author introduces 'Operation Kulak' nationwide. He gives a detailed description of the preparation of the most significant events linked to the above-mentioned operation, including pretexts for its implementation known as 'Babice case' (1951). 'Operation Kulak' was prepared in the highest ranks of the Czechoslovak Communist Party with an involvement of closest collaborators of Klement Gottwald. This operation was aimed against wealthy and medium sized farmers including...
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Marketing klubu FK ERA-PACK Chrudim vůči fanouškům / Marketing of the club FK ERA-PACK Chrudim to fansHoudková, Romana January 2013 (has links)
Title of thesis: Marketing of the club FK ERA-PACK Chrudim to fans Aims of the thesis: The main aim of the thesis is to suggest a new concept of the communication, which is supposed to improve communication process between fans. Methods: personal questioning, written questioning, marketing analysis, SWOT analysis Results: By using selected methods it was found, that the current marketing communication of the club is sufficient. On the base of this fact there was established the concept of communication and suggestions for improving of the current communication in the club. Key words: fans, FK ERA-PACK Chrudim, marketing communication, marketing research, situation analysis
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Josef Cheth Novotný - osobnost a dílo / Josef Cheth Novotný - personality and workDrašnarová, Sylva January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is the first biography about a journalist and writer Josef Novotný, who was born in Chrudim of 1900, considered one of the culturally liveliest Czech towns at the sunset of the 19th century. He engaged in writing as early as at grammar school, gaining first journalist experience in regional press, above all in Středostavovský buditel. This periodical was published by Československá živnostensko-obchodnická strana středostavovská. In the following years he worked as a reporter in Nová Praha, Trn, Tramp, Úl and others. In the 30s he started cooperation with Melantrich, where he wrote for České slovo and Český ilustrovaný zpravodaj. Later on in the late 40s he was employed as a reporter with Masarykův list. In 1948 his membership in Sydnikát českých novinářů had expired and by that literally his journalist career, too. He wrote tens of books, some of which were of autobiographic and regional character. He is the author of literature for children and youth, theatre and puppet plays, detective stories and rodokaps. He elaborated many historical themes and literary criticism essays. The biggest acknowledgement he received for his novel Piava based on his experiences from the frontline during the First World War. Most of his life work has never been published and is archived in the...
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Jindřich Freiwald a česká meziválečná divadelní architektura / Jindřich Freiwald and Czech Interwar Theatre ArchitectureJankulíková, Alžběta January 2014 (has links)
(in English) The subject of the present thesis is a complex of realizations and projects of Czech architect Jindřich Freiwald (1890-1945) in the field of theatre architecture and its putting into context of Czech interwar theatre architecture. The initial part outlines theatre building as a specific architectonic problem and shows the important moments of its evolution. The subsequent chapter focuses on the situation of Czech theatre architecture between the World Wars and presents briefly the constituent realizations of individual theatre buildings with their promoters, interior organization and outer form. The next part of the thesis deals with the personality of Jindřich Freiwald, his works and production of the Freiwald & Böhm studio. Subsequently, the crucial part of this thesis presents executed theatre buildings by Jindřich Freiwald - Jirásek Theatre in Hronov, Karel Pippich Theatre in Chrudim, Municipal Theatre in Kolín, item project of the Jiřík Theatre in Poděbrady, placing of the Theatre Na kovárně in Poděbrady, project of reconstruction of the Dusík Theatre in Čáslav and project of theatre in Čelákovice . The study of theatre in Malé Svatoňovice and Freiwald's part in completion of the Public Theatre in Tehran are also mentioned. Key words: Jindřich Freiwald, Jaroslav Böhm, Hronov,...
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Analýza obvyklé ceny bytových jednotek v Chrudimi na základě vlivu lokality / Analysis of the Usual Price of Flats in Chrudim Based on the LocationČermáková, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the state of the real estate market with the residential units in new buildings of the apartment buildings in Chrudim. The target of the thesis is to determine the influence on the price of residential units of the given locality and how the influence of prices on the other factors and to evaluate the influence of the location on a larger scale, by comparing the prices of residential units in new buildings in different cities. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis is focused on the topic of valuation. Practical then by describing localities and their differences and comparing the prices of the residential units.
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