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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


NÁPRAVNÍKOVÁ, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
Socialization of an individual with behavioural disorder {--} programme ,,Borouk University Decree (Diploma) Work Abstract The aim of the thesis is to monitor situations of clients with problems of behavioural disorder, who was allowed from a hospital and protective training in Educational Institution and Canteen {\clqq}Husův dům`` in Dvůr Králové na Labem, and an evaluation of the socializational programme {\clqq}Borouk``. In a practical part of the thesis the author chose a quatitative research, in which she analysed data of clients allowed from 2001 to 2005. The programme {\clqq}Borouk`` is evaluated on the basis of data about resocialization of those clients. There is a case study enclosed in the text. In the closing part of the thesis, the programme {\clqq}Borouk`` is evaluated as a suitable programme, which helps clients with the behavioural disorder to socialize. The results show that a wide range of aspects of lifes of a group of examined clients were improved. In spite of their suitable integration and related elimination of negative social phenomenons, it is necessary to provide the clients with behavioural disorder with lifelong assistance and support. Diploma work supervisor: Author: Jiří Hartl, M. A. Bc. Lenka Nápravníková (Personal signature (Personal signature attached {--} illegible) attached {--} illegible) České Budějovice 2007

Rozvoj kulturních potřeb, výchova ke vkusu a možnosti motivace v rámci PVČ (mladší školní věk) / Development of Cultural Needs, Education towards Aesthetic Taste and Possibilities of Motivation in the Framework of Spar Time Pedagogy (Junior School Level)

PACALOVÁ, Adéla January 2008 (has links)
The main focus of this master thesis is to encourage the development of sociable relations in junior level pupils towards schoolmates and other children. This intention also involves support of positive relation towards oneself and the environment. The teoretical section of the tesis defines basic terms and gives characteristics of juior school age with consideration to development of child´s drawing technique and the impact of media to its personality. The tesis furthermore deals with culture and aestetic taste, which is an integral part of upbringing and education, and it also involves treatise on using of fine arts on the field of education, benefits of visual creation and its potential in the sphere of comunication. The practical section presents a graphic project called ``Let´s be friends``, which is based upon cinematization of the book written by C. S. Lewis ``The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe`` (directed by Andrew Adamson USA, 2005). Its purpose is to draw children towards deliberation about friendship and revealing the secret of how this relationship works. The project is to give the children posibility to enter the storyline, perform it, which is meant for supporting as well as developing their creativity and imagination. In the conclusion, there is a reflexion caried out by the means of visual creation activity.

Individuální značení drobného hmyzu a jeho využití při popisu společenstev a migrace semiakvatických ploštic (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) stojatých i tekoucích vod Novohradských hor / Individual marking of small insects and its usage in describing societies and migration of semiaquatic bugs (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) in lentic and lotic habitats of Novohradské Mountains.

VOJÍŘOVÁ, Eva January 2010 (has links)
Experiments based on the method of mark-recapture can be used for estimation of the abundance of natural populations, for monitoring dispersion of groups or individual specimens within a population using group or individual marking. Semiaquatic bugs (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) were marked and recaptured many times in the field during research, individual marking was much less used since marking of small insects is difficult. The aim of this work is to develop a method of individual marking of semiaquatic bugs so that it would meet conditions such as durability, legibility and non affecting health of the marked specimen. Semiaquatic bugs of Aquarius paludum, Gerris lacustris, Limnoporus rufoscutellatus (Gerridae) and Velia caprai (Veliidae) species were selected as experimental organisms. Partial aims of this thesis were to try using this method to describe the abundance of the monitored population and to monitor dispersion of the selected species, both at lotic (V. caprai) and lentic habitats (water striders, family Gerridae). A new method of individual marking of semiaquatic bugs was developed on the basis of modifications of the commonly used methods. After a series of tests and in-field research, this method proved to be suitable as it met the essential conditions for marking insects. The abundance of the monitored population was estimated and dispersion of the selected species (V. caprai) in running water was described by using this method. The partial aims of this thesis were met, too. It was confirmed that individuals of the V. caprai species move between the monitored areas along the water course. This inclination to move is greater than tendency to remain in the place of release. The gained data also show conclusively higher rate of movement of V. caprai specimens in the upstream direction, compared to the downstream. The tendency of V. caprai to travel larger distance upstream than downstream, is significant too. No statistically relevant difference in either direction of the water course (up or down) in the surpassed altitude difference was confirmed. The differences in the monitored phenomena between the sexes and generations were compared as well. The differences, however, were not significant. A movement of the adults of the water cricket Velia caprai thus can be characterized as an upstream migration, common in insects of lotic habtitats. A part of the study taking place in still waters showed, that G. lacustris specimens move on the surface of the pond, but not to a larger degree than they remain in place. On the other hand, A. paludum specimens were proved to move away from the place of release rather than remaining in that place. These also overcome greater distance than G. lacustris specimens.

Postoje české veřejnosti k projektu "Lidé místo zdí". / The attitude of the Czech public towards project "The people instead of walls"

VARGA, Tibor January 2010 (has links)
The Attitudes of the Czech Public towards the Project ``The People instead of Walls`` The thesis deals with the research in the area of juvenile delinquency and its redemption. The main objectives were two. The first was to find out about the attitude of the Czech public towards the project ``The people instead of walls{\crqq}. It deals with the redemption of juvenile delinquency in an alternative form, which substitutes the stay of a juvenile in the custody. The second was to find out if the Czech and professional public expect the lowering rate of juvenile delinquency on the basis of the eventual project implementation. The technique of data collection and their analysis was used. The next techniques were the questionnaires, the inquiries with data sheets and first of all the personal interview with randomly selected respondents of the Czech public and semi-standardized interviews with the representatives of professional public. For finding out the present state, the detailed study of related rules of law and the analysis of the documents that govern the area of the research were carried out. In this context the amendment of criminal law and the Act No. 218/2003 Coll., on judiciary regarding juveniles and other related laws and rules were assessed. In the course of the research the present state of juvenile custody and the way the juveniles are treated in custody seen from the aspect of their re-integration were investigated. In the final part, the positives and negatives of present prison practice were assessed and possible measures which can positively influence the lowering of juvenile delinquency were suggested. The research proved both stated hypotheses.

Eucharistie v Janově evangeliu / The Eucharist in the Gospel of John

POLÁČEK, Martin January 2007 (has links)
The presented work deals with the conception of the Eucharist in the Gospel of John. The first chapter is dedicated to terms of the Eucharist, the Last Supper and the Lord{\crq}s Supper and also to the existing division of possible approaches to the sacramentality in the Gospel of John. In the subsequent chapters it deals in detail with five places of the Gospel of John, that are mostly mentioned in connection with the Eucharist. It is the wedding at Cana (2,1-11), the eucharistic section (6,51-58), washing of the feet of disciples (13,1-20), the Vine and the Branches (15,1-17), opening of the side of Jesus (19,34). The work tries to solve the topic (question) in the context as wide as possible including the question of the johannine sources of inspiration. In this way it can be seen the mutual correspondence of these varios places and the deep theological conception of the hole Gospel. The replacement of the institution of the Eucharist in the thirteenth chapter with the washing of the feet and it{\crq}s displacement to {\clqq}the bread of life discourse`` in the sixth chapter is due to the proper evangelist{\crq}s intention. There was an impending danger, that the Eucharist became a magical medicine without any relation to the incarnation and the sacrifitial death of Jesus. These facts have theirs own consequences for the life of the christian community. So the subject of the sacraments has been subordinated to the christological accent.

Vytvoření a ověření optimálního tréninkového plánu v soutěži Ocelový muž\\ / Creation and Verification of Optimum Training Plan for the Competition Called "Ocelový muž"\\

ŠAFAŘÍK, Milan January 2007 (has links)
This work aims at creating and verifying the trainig plan which develops dynamic and endurance skills needed for the competition called {\clqq}Ocelový muž``. The dissertation comprises three parts. The first part deals with the competition {\clqq}Ocelový muž``, the problems concerning dynamic and endurance skills, sports training and other interconected aspects. The next part is devoted to compiled training plan and to the testing of dynamic and endurance skills. Acquired knowledge is discussed and its summary is stated in conclusion.

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