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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zpracování biosignálů - shluková analýza / Biosignal processing - clusetr analysis

Příhodová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem with cluster analysis and biosignal classification options. The principle of cluster analysis, methods for calculating distances between objects and the standard process in the implementation of clustering are described in the first part. For biosignals processing,it is necessary to get familiar with the primary parameters of these signals in the following sections of thesis, process biosignals and methods for recording of action potentials described. Based on studying different clustering methods is presented a program with the applied method kmedoid in the next section of this thesis. The steps of this program are described in detail and in the end of thesis functionality is tested on a database of signals ÚBMI.

Čeští novináři na Twitteru: Analýza sociálních interakcí českého mediálního prostoru / Czech journalists on Twitter: Social network analysis of Czech media system

Krsová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the communication inclusion and exclusivity of Czech journalist on Twitter and how they use conventions of this platform to connect with other users. Through the description of current communication layers and functions of Twitter this thesis depicts how it became one of main sources of news and how it pushed journalists to reinterpret their traditional roles in the society. It also describe how digital humanities and digital trace data gathered from social media can be used as means of analysis of social interactions of its users. The practical part presents a cluster analysis based on Twitter data of 457 Czech journalists that shows how is Twitter used to communicate within and outside the Czech media system.

Zwangsmobilität und Verkehrsmittelorientierung junger Erwachsener: Eine Typologisierung

Wittwer, Rico 12 December 2014 (has links)
In der Mobilitätsforschung entstand in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine breite Wissensbasis für das Verständnis von Verkehrsursachen und Zusammenhängen, die das Verkehrsverhalten determinieren. Mit der Entwicklung von Verkehrsmodellen lag das Forschungsinteresse zunächst primär bei Ökonomen und Ökonometrikern sowie Verkehrsingenieuren. Bald kamen andere Wissenschaftsbereiche wie die Psychologie oder die Geowissenschaften hinzu, welche sich in der Folge zunehmend mit dem Thema Mobilität befassten und die zur Erklärung des menschlichen Verhaltens ganz unterschiedliche Methoden und Maßstäbe nutzten. Heute versuchen zumeist handlungsorientierte Ansätze, auf Individualebene, Faktoren zu bestimmen, die Aufschluss über die Verhaltensvariabilität in der Bevölkerung geben und damit einen möglichst großen Beitrag zur Varianzaufklärung leisten. Werden Einflussfaktoren in geeigneter Weise identifiziert und quantifiziert, können Defizite und Chancen erkannt und das Verhalten steuernde Maßnahmen entworfen werden. Mit deren Hilfe wird ungewollten Entwicklungen entgegengesteuert. Junge Erwachsene stellen aufgrund ihrer sehr unterschiedlichen Phasen im Lebenszyklus, z. B. gerade anstehender oder abgeschlossener Ausbildung, Umzug in eine eigene Wohnung, Familiengründung, Neuorientierung in Arbeitsroutinen oder das Einleben in ein anderes Lebensumfeld einer fremden Stadt, intuitiv eine sehr heterogene Gruppe dar. Die Modellierung des Verhaltens ist für diese Altersgruppe besonders schwierig. Aus der Komplexität dieser Problemstellung heraus ist ersichtlich, dass fundierte Analysen zur Mobilität junger Erwachsener notwendig sind, um verkehrsplanerische Defizite aufzudecken und Chancen zu erkennen. Der methodische Schwerpunkt des Beitrages liegt auf der Bildung einer Typologie des Verkehrsverhaltens junger Erwachsener. Die verwendete Datengrundlage ist das „Deutsche Mobilitätspanel – MOP“. Dabei wird der Versuch unternommen, zunächst Variablen aller relevanten Dimensionen des handlungsorientierten, aktivitätsbasierten Verkehrsverhaltens zusammenzustellen und für eine entsprechende Analyse aufzubereiten. Im Anschluss werden geeignete und in den Sozialwissenschaften erprobte Verfahren zur Ähnlichkeitsmessung eingesetzt, um möglichst verhaltensähnliche Personen zu typologisieren. Im Weiteren finden konfirmatorische Analysetechniken Anwendung, mit deren Hilfe Verhaltenshintergründe erklärt und inferenzstatistisch geprüft werden. Als Ergebnis wird eine clusteranalytische Typologisierung vorgestellt, die im Anschluss anhand soziodemografischer Indikatoren und raumstruktureller Kriterien der Lagegunst beschrieben wird. Aufgrund der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse können objektive und im Idealfall quantifizierbare, d. h. prognosefähige Merkmale zur Bildung verkehrssoziologischer und weitgehend verhaltensähnlicher Personengruppen genutzt werden. / Over the last few decades of mobility research, a wide base of knowledge for understanding travel determinants and causal relationships in mobility behavior has been established. The development of travel models was at first of interest primarily to economists and econometricians as well as transportation engineers. They were soon joined by other scientific areas such as psychology or the geosciences, which as a result increasingly addressed the theme of mobility and used quite different methodologies and criteria for explaining human behavior. Today, activity-oriented approaches generally attempt to determine individual-level factors that provide information on behavioral variability within the population, thereby contributing greatly to explaining variances. If explanatory factors can be properly identified and quantified, then deficiencies and opportunities can be recognized and measures for influencing behavior can be conceptualized. With their help, undesirable developments can be avoided. Because of their highly differing stages in life, e.g. upcoming or recently completed education, moving into their own apartment, starting a family, becoming oriented in a work routine or adapting to a new environment in a different city, young adults are intuitively a very heterogeneous group. Modeling the behavior of this age group is particularly difficult. This problem makes it clear that founded analysis of the mobility of young adults is necessary in order to recognize deficiencies and opportunities in transportation planning. The methodological focus of this work is on creating a typology of young adults’ travel behavior. The base data is from the “Deutsches Mobilitätspanel – MOP” (German Mobility Panel). An attempt is made to gather and prepare all relevant dimensions of decision-oriented, activity-based travel behavior for a corresponding analysis. Afterward, appropriate and proven methods from the social sciences are used to test for similarity in order to identify groups of persons which are as behaviorally homogeneous as possible. In addition, confirmatory data analysis is utilized which helps explain and test, through inferential statistics, determinants of behavior. The resulting typology from the cluster analysis is presented and followed by a description using sociodemographic indicators and spatial criteria of accessibility. The findings make it possible to use objective and, ideally, quantifiable and therefore forecastable characteristics for identifying sociological population groups within which similar travel behavior is displayed.

Deutschland, ein Solarmärchen?: Die Zweite Phase der Energiewende zwischen Richtungsstreit und Systemintegration

Thuß, Sebastian 26 July 2017 (has links)
Die fortgeschrittene Phase der Energiewende ist, neben einer zunehmenden Notwendigkeit zur Systemintegration, vor allem geprägt durch das Zutage treten grundsätzlicher Richtungsentscheidungen – der Schwerpunkt verschiebt sich also vom ‚Ob‘ zum ‚Wie‘. Heutige Infrastrukturentscheidungen begründen dabei ganz unterschiedliche Energiezukünfte, welche wiederum über sozio-technische Pfadabhängigkeiten auf Dauer gestellt werden. Die Arbeit rückt zunächst die hierfür maßgeblichen Stellschrauben in den Vordergrund und beleuchtet deren wirtschaftliche und technische Grundlagen sowie die Bandbreite konkurrierender politischer Steuerungsoptionen. Auf dieser Datengrundlage wird im Rahmen einer Clusteranalyse die Aktualisierung des politikfeldspezifischen Akteurskoalitionsmodells vorgeschlagen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die strukturbildende Unterscheidung zwischen einer eher zentralen und einer eher dezentralen Energiezukunft. Die so skizzierte ‚Landkarte der Energiewende‘ ist weiterhin eingebettet in eine Untersuchung des Energiediskurses auf Akteurs- und Medienebene sowie durch eine Politikfeldanalyse, in der aktuelle steuerungspolitische Problemstellungen und Handlungsmuster auf Basis technologischer Fallbeispiele beleuchtet werden. Die Arbeit ist ein Ergebnis der Forschung im interdisziplinären Boysen-TU Dresden Graduiertenkolleg „Nachhaltige Energiesysteme – Interdependenz von technischer Gestaltung und gesellschaftlicher Akzeptanz.“

Inhaltsbasierte Analyse und Segmentierung narrativer, audiovisueller Medien

Rickert, Markus 26 September 2017 (has links)
Audiovisuelle Medien, insbesondere Filme und Fernsehsendungen entwickelten sich innerhalb der letzten einhundert Jahre zu bedeutenden Massenmedien. Große Bestände audiovisueller Medien werden heute in Datenbanken und Mediatheken verwaltet und professionellen Nutzern ebenso wie den privaten Konsumenten zur Verfügung gestellt. Eine besondere Herausforderung liegt in der Indexierung, Durchsuchung und Beschreibung der multimedialen Datenbestände. Die Segmentierung audiovisueller Medien, als Teilgebiet der Videoanalyse, bildet die Grundlage für verschiedene Anwendungen im Bereich Multimedia-Information-Retrieval, Content-Browsing und Video-Summarization. Insbesondere die Segmentierung in semantische Handlungsanschnitte bei narrativen Medien gestaltet sich schwierig. Sie setzt ein besonderes Verständnis der filmischen Stilelemente vorraus, die im Rahmen des Schaffensprozesses genutzt wurden, um die Handlung und Narration zu unterstützten. Die Arbeit untersucht die bekannten filmischen Stilelemente und wie sie sich im Rahmen algorithmischer Verfahren für die Analyse nutzen lassen. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass unter Verwendung eines mehrstufigen Analyse-Prozesses semantische Zusammenhänge in narrativen audiovisuellen Medien gefunden werden können, die zu einer geeigneten Sequenz-Segmentierung führen. / Audiovisual media, especially movies and TV shows, developed within the last hundred years into major mass media. Today, large stocks of audiovisual media are managed in databases and media libraries. The content is provided to professional users as well as private consumers. A particular challenge lies in the indexing, searching and description of multimedia assets. The segmentation of audiovisual media as a branch of video analysis forms the basis for various applications in multimedia information retrieval, content browsing and video summarization. In particular, the segmentation into semantic meaningful scenes or sequences is difficult. It requires a special understanding of cinematic style elements that were used to support the narration during the creative process of film production. This work examines the cinematic style elements and how they can be used in the context of algorithmic methods for analysis. For this purpose, an analysis framework was developed as well as a method for sequence-segmentation of films and videos. It can be shown that semantic relationships can be found in narrative audiovisual media, which lead to an appropriate sequence segmentation, by using a multi-stage analysis process, based on visual MPEG-7 descriptors.

Barriärer och broar för hållbar konsumtion : Fyra typer av medborgarkonsumenter och möjligheterna för deras engagemang / Barriers and bridges to sustainable consumption : Four types of citizen-consumers and the opportunities for their engagement

Barkman, Henric January 2014 (has links)
Sustainable consumption is seen as a crucial political issue on the global agenda by politicians, the scientific community, and citizens who are worried about unsustainable consumption. However, several studies have shown that some consumers with "green" values do not consume sustainably – there is often a gap between attitude and behavior. One explanation is that the commitment to sustainable consumption is discouraged by barriers to action. For example, the supply of sustainable goods may be inadequate or the products too expensive. Such goods may be perceived as ineffective in their purpose to promote sustainable development, or perhaps it is believed that there are not enough other people who consume sustainably to make the individual effort worthwhile. However, some studies have indicated that there are also "reverse gaps". That is, there are people who are not particularly motivated to engage in sustainable consumption, but who do so anyway. The study examines why consumers sometimes engage in sustainable consumption (operationalized as a choice of environmental and Fairtrade certified products) but do not at other times. Research questions include which individual prerequisites (motivation and resources) are important for sustainable consumption, how they are distributed among citizens in Sweden, and finally whether perceived opportunities for sustainable consumption can form not only barriers but also "bridges" for engagement and how these are formed. The latter could explain the "reverse gaps" mentioned above. The author builds on the discussion about the challenges that sustainable development poses for the concept of citizenship. Researchers argue that sustainable development requires a transformation of traditional citizenship theory into a "sustainable citizenship". This is not limited by nation-state borders, takes into account past and future generations, and is open to the idea that responsibility-taking can, and sometimes should, be carried out in the private sphere. The dissertation is based on quantitative analysis of a (Swedish) representative survey and shows how consumers can be divided into different clusters based on their individual prerequisites: "Capable Critics", "Capital Weak Critics", "Conditionals" and ”Skeptics". Even if it is only the Capable Critics who have both the high motivation and a high level of resources that theoretically could be assumed to be necessary, there are a significant amount of consumers who choose environmental and Fairtrade labeled goods regularly across all clusters. These types of consumers encounter bridges to action by particularly positive perceived opportunities that make the engagement a little less demanding on individual prerequisites. The bridges are not the same for all clusters though. Their particular approach to sustainable consumption determines which factors are most important. / Det hållbara medborgarskapet

Combination of Borehole Seismic and Downhole Logging to Investigate the Vicinity of the COSC‑1 Borehole in Western Scandinavia

Krauß, Felix 05 July 2018 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden bohrlochseismsiche Messungen sowohl mit Bohrlochmessungen als auch mit oberflächenseismischen Messungen ausgewertet und verglichen um das bohrlochnahe Umfeld der Forschungsbohrung COSC-1 (Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides) zu beschreiben. Die bohrlochseismischen Daten zeigen deutlich hohe Reflektivität und seismische Anisotropie der erbohrten geologischen Einheit, der Seve-Decke. Diese Decke zeichnet sich durch einen häufigen Wechsel von mafischen und felsischen Gesteinen aus, welcher auch durch eine Clusteranalyse der Bohrlochmessungen deutlich wird. Die Ergebnisse der Clusteranalyse korrelieren gut mit den seismisch abgebildeten Untergrundstrukturen und den seismischen Geschwindigkeiten. Abschließend wurde die virtual source method als Beispiel der seismischen Interferometrie an einem Teildatensatz erfolgreich getestet. Mit dem Ansatz wurde eine künstliche Messgeometrie mit seismischen Quellen und Empfängern im Bohrloch erzeugt, welche eine gute Datenqualität aufzeigen. / In this thesis, the vicinity of the scientific borehole COSC-1 (Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides) is investigated by the combination of a borehole seismic survey with downhole logging data and a surface seismic survey. The borehole seismic data show a significantly higher reflectivity and seismic anisotropy within the drilled geological unit, the Seve Nappe. This nappe is characterised by frequent changes of mafic and felsic lithologies that are also highlighted by a cluster analysis. The results of the cluster analysis correlate well with structures of the subsurface as imaged by the surface seismic survey and with seismic velocities. Additionally, the virtual source method as example for seismic interferometry is applied to a data subset. This approach created a virtual survey geometry with seismic sources and receivers within the borehole and a good data quality.

Behavioral Economics of Agri-Environmental Policies

Thomas, Fabian 23 October 2019 (has links)
Modern agriculture is causing a wide range of environmental problems. By regulating the agricultural sector, human societies try to find a balance between enabling the production of food and public goods and preventing negative consequences for the environment. In the European Union this is mainly achieved through the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Since many of the environmental indicators are still showing negative trends, an ongoing evaluation and adaptation of the policy instruments included in the CAP is asked for. At the same time, the field of policy evaluation is more and more incorporating a behavioral economic perspective on human behavior, one that deviates from the homo oeconomicus model that has long dominated research in this area. This thesis presents a study on “Behavioral Economics of Agri-Environmental Policies” by combining themes from agricultural and environmental economics with methods and perspectives from behavioral and experimental economics. It thereby contributes to the emerging field of behavioral agricultural economics. Specifically, it aims to shed light on the behavioral drivers of pro-environmental decisions of farmers and how these insights can be used to evaluate and adapt the CAP. With a lab-in-the-field experiment with farmers from Lower Saxony in Germany, an influence of the framing of the farmers’ societal role, their self-identity, as well as control aversion and feelings of warm glow on farmers’ behavior was uncovered. From a policy perspective, the results of this thesis provide a case for the continued use of both mandatory and voluntary policy instruments. Furthermore, with a Principal Components and Cluster Analysis, a multi-facetted picture of different farmer self-identities prevalent in the sample population was revealed. Based on a literature review, the thesis also provides an analysis of how behaviorally-informed interventions might increase the environmental performance of the CAP in the future.

Performance analysis of EM-MPM and K-means clustering in 3D ultrasound breast image segmentation

Yang, Huanyi 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Mammographic density is an important risk factor for breast cancer, detecting and screening at an early stage could help save lives. To analyze breast density distribution, a good segmentation algorithm is needed. In this thesis, we compared two popularly used segmentation algorithms, EM-MPM and K-means Clustering. We applied them on twenty cases of synthetic phantom ultrasound tomography (UST), and nine cases of clinical mammogram and UST images. From the synthetic phantom segmentation comparison we found that EM-MPM performs better than K-means Clustering on segmentation accuracy, because the segmentation result fits the ground truth data very well (with superior Tanimoto Coefficient and Parenchyma Percentage). The EM-MPM is able to use a Bayesian prior assumption, which takes advantage of the 3D structure and finds a better localized segmentation. EM-MPM performs significantly better for the highly dense tissue scattered within low density tissue and for volumes with low contrast between high and low density tissues. For the clinical mammogram, image segmentation comparison shows again that EM-MPM outperforms K-means Clustering since it identifies the dense tissue more clearly and accurately than K-means. The superior EM-MPM results shown in this study presents a promising future application to the density proportion and potential cancer risk evaluation.

Spectroscopic and chemometric analysis of automotive clear coat paints by micro fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

Osborne Jr., James D. January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Clear coats have been part of automotive field paint finishes for several decades. Originally a layer of paint with no pigment, they have evolved into a protective layer important to the appearance and longevity of the vehicle's finish. These clear coats have been studied previously using infrared spectroscopy and other spectroscopic techniques. Previous studies focused on either all the layers of an automobile finish or on chemometric analysis of clear coats using other analytical techniques. For this study, chemometric analysis was performed on preprocessed spectra averaged from five separate samples. Samples were analyzed on a Thermo-Nicolet Nexus 670 connected to a Continuμm™ FT-IR microscope. Two unsupervised chemometric techniques, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), were used to evaluate the data set. Discriminant analysis, a supervised technique, was evaluated using several known qualifiers; these included cluster group from AHC, make, model, and year. Although discriminant analysis confirmed the AHC and PCA results, no correlation to make, model, or year was indicated.

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