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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lärarens uppdrag enligt yrkesverksamma gymnasielärare

Lindholm, Jenny, Ekehult, Mikaela January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka yrkesverksamma gymnasielärares syn på sitt uppdrag och om denna stämmer överens med styrdokumenten för lärarens uppdrag och de pedagogiska teorier som ligger till grund för dessa. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod användes i form av en enkätundersökning med ett ostrukturerat frågeformulär. 22 yrkesverksamma lärare från två olika gymnasieskolor fick besvara enkäten. Resultatet av enkäten visar att lärarens syn på sitt uppdrag stämmer relativt väl överens med rådande styrdokument och de pedagogiska teorier som speglas i dessa. Dock finns diskrepanser i vad lärarna anser ligga till grund för deras pedagogiska grundsyn och syn på lärarens uppdrag. Lärarna i undersökningen beskriver att det är erfarenhet och utbildning som har lett till den uppfattningen de har om yrket. De nämner även en ny roll i uppdraget som lärare, det vill säga att vara coach åt eleverna och även att de lägger stor vikt på den sociala kompetensen i yrkesutförandet. Slutsatserna vi kan dra av undersökningen är att styrdokumenten måste förankras på ett bättre sätt redan i lärarutbildningen, samt att yrkesverksamma lärare ständigt måste få fortbildning i dessa för att inte stagnera i sitt yrkesutförande.

Det coachande ledarskapet : En win-win situation?

Gustafsson, Helena January 2012 (has links)
Abstract   Title: Coaching Leadership - A win-win situation?   Level: Final assignment for Master Degree in Business Administration   Author: Helena Gustafsson   Supervisor: Pär Vilhelmson   Date: 2012 – mars   Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine how companies use the coaching leadership and how the employees perceive to have a manager who uses this way to lead.   Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative study in which interviews was an important feature. The information I gathered is the basis for analysis and final discussion. The material has been collected through personal interviews with two managers and then I send questions to the employees by e-mail that they responded. This is to get such an interesting empirical data as possible. With this qualitative approach, I got a deeper understanding of how managers and employees perceive it to work with the so-called Coaching leadership.   Result & Conclusions:  Coaching leadership is theorized to be motivating for employees than the traditional because it is based on a person in charge should have the role of helping the employees to strengthen and develop the staff. In order that the employees increase the performance of companies. This is consistent with respondents´ views in relation to the coaching style of leadership advantages. The study has shown that both companies are well aware that that communication and information are key ingredients to get their employees involved so they feel involved in what goes on in the company. Employees will be more motivated to take responsibility and solve any problem that may arise. In this way, believe the two respondents in the leading position that the results are better for business. Respondents use a coaching style of leadership which is consistent with the theory. Coaching leadership is here to stay.   Suggestions for future research: This study has shown that there is reasoning among managers and scientist around the firms improves the results using the Coaching Leadership. This is something that I think we should continue research on and produce measurable results on whether it really is so that companies using a coaching style of leadership among their managers can get better results. The two companies that I have examined so both managers are convinced of the improved results, but they can not reveal any figures on this, which I think would be interesting to see.   Contribution of the thesis: The studies contribution is to clarify how the company can have the help of the coaching leadership when they work with their staff. The study shows that with a coaching style of leadership the companies get their employees more involved, solution-oriented and that they take grater responsibility for their work. There are also those who believe that it improves the results for companies as the use of coaching   Key words: Coaching, leader, manager, coaching leadership, coach, traditional leadership / Sammanfattning   Titel: Det coachande ledarskapet - En win-win situation?   Nivå: Magisteruppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi   Författare: Helena Gustafsson   Handledare: Pär Vilhelmson   Datum: 2012– mars   Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur företag använder sig av det coachande ledarskapet och hur medarbetarna upplever det att ha en chef som använder sig av detta sätt att leda.   Metod: Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ studie, där intervjuer är ett viktigt inslag. Den information jag samlat in ligger som grund för analys och slutdiskussion. Materialet har samlats in genom personliga intervjuer med två chefer sedan har frågor skickats till medarbetare via mejl som de besvarat. Detta för att få en så intressant empiri som möjligt. Med den kvalitativa metoden fick jag en djupare förståelse för hur chefer och medarbetare uppfattar det att arbeta med det så kallade coachande ledarskapet.   Resultat & slutsats: Det coachande ledarskapet anses i teorin vara mer motiverande för medarbetarna än det traditionella eftersom det bygger på att man som chef ska ha en hjälparroll som ska stärka och utveckla medarbetarna. På det sättet ökar de prestationen inom företagen. Detta stämmer väl överens med respondenternas åsikter när det gäller det coachande ledarskapets fördelar. I studien har det visat sig att båda företagen är väl medvetna om att kommunikation och information är viktiga ingredienser för att få sina medarbetare engagerade så de känner delaktighet i det som sker i företaget. Medarbetarna blir de mer motiverade, tar ansvar och löser de problem som kan uppstå. På detta sätt tror de två respondenterna i ledande ställning att resultaten blir bättre för företagen. Respondenterna använder sig av ett coachande ledarskap och som stämmer väl överens med det som står i teorin. Det coachande ledarskapet har kommit för att stanna.   Förslag till vidare forskning: Denna studie har visat att det finns ett resonemang bland chefer och forskare att företagen förbättrar resultaten med hjälp av det coachande ledarskapet. Detta är något som jag anser att man bör forska vidare kring och ta fram mätbara resultat på om det verkligen är så att företagen med hjälp av ett coachande ledarskap bland sina chefer kan få bättre resultat. I de två företagen som jag granskat så är båda cheferna övertygade om att man förbättrat resultaten men de kan inte visa upp några siffror på detta, vilket jag tycker vore intressant att ta del av.   Uppsatsens bidrag: Studiens bidrag är att tydliggöra hur man inom företag kan ha hjälp av det coachande ledarskapet då man arbetar med sin personal. Studien visar att med ett coachande ledarskap får företagen sina medarbetare mer delaktiga, lösningsinriktade samt att de tar ett större ansvar för sitt arbete. Det finns även de som anser att man förbättrar resultaten för företagen då man använder sig av coaching.   Nyckelord: Coaching, ledare, chef, coachande ledarskap, coach, traditionellt ledarskap

Case study of the implementation of cognitive coaching by an instructional coach in a Title 1 elementary school

Reed, Linda A. 17 September 2007 (has links)
This research is a qualitative case study involving eight participants' €”seven teachers and one instructional coach at an elementary school. The student population of this school was a Title I eligible elementary campus with students of mixed ethnicity. The purpose of the study was to document teachers' perceptions and understanding of the implementation process and those factors they perceived that inhibited and facilitated the implementation by an instructional coach of the Cognitive CoachingSM process. The method of inquiry was an instrumental case study at a single site that included a minimum of three one-on-one interviews with each of the eight participants. These interviews triangulated with historical data and observations provide the information to tell the story of the implementation process and extend the reader's understanding of the implementation process. The themes revealed in the research included: (1) lack of understanding and clarity of the Cognitive CoachingSM process, (2) influence of the campus leadership, (3) teacher'™s willingness or resistance to change educational practice, (4) relational trust, (5) influence on instructional change, and (6) increased student achievement. This research study offers implications for both practice and theory. There are specific implications for administrators, instructional coaches, principals, and teachers as they implement the Cognitive CoachingSM process. There is a need for clear, welldefined expectations for implementation at both the campus and district level. In addition, personnel responsible for the implementation process at the campus and district level must be trained in the Cognitive CoachingSM process. Teachers must be aware of the process and terminology pertinent to the implementation process. The Cognitive CoachingSM process provides the opportunity for teachers to restructure their educational practice as they to engage in professional dialogue and reflection with instructional coaches, principals, and peers. Further studies on the connection between relational trust and the implementation process, would provide educators and researchers a fuller understanding of the factors that support the process of implementing innovative reform models in schools.

Parent identity and youth sport volunteerism

Griffiths, Randall Joseph 05 July 2012 (has links)
Youth sport relies on parents to volunteer for positions at all levels of the organization. Among these volunteer positions, the volunteer-coach is often responsible for the creation and delivery of most services in youth sport. The current scope of youth sport would be unattainable without parents’ continuous support; therefore, recruitment and retention of these parent-volunteer-coaches is a critical task for youth sport organizations. Parents, however, do not respond to volunteer service as would be predicted from current volunteer literature (Kim, Chelladurai, & Trail, 2007). Perhaps is the behavior of volunteers in the youth sport setting is due to their identities as parents. The presence of their children in a youth sport setting has always been assumed to be a primary motivator for parents to volunteer as youth sport coaches. This research used narrative analysis (Polkinghorne, 1995), identity theory (Stryker, 1968, 2000) and inductive coding to interpret the experiences of parent-volunteer-coaches in the youth sport setting. The inductive coding analysis yielded two groups of roles available within the youth sport setting: aspirational roles and avoided roles. The narrative analysis yielded seventeen parent stories by identifying the central plot that connected important events to role choices. Five groups of stories--History, Prior Arrangements, Crucible, Right Role, and System--resulted from an examination of the similarities among the plots. Ultimately, the role choices made in response to tension in each plot led to choosing the volunteer-coach role. These results suggest that the experience of youth sport volunteer coaching is not primarily based on a relationship with the organization. These volunteer stories rarely included the organization as the most important influence on their experience; instead, parent volunteer experiences were driven by identities that led to role choices within the parent-child relationship. Role choices were not static throughout the volunteer experience; several parents continued to shift the roles played in response to changes in perceptions of the context. Youth sport organizations that recognize the impact of the parent-child relationship can design volunteer recruitment and retention programs leading to greater satisfaction for parents while at the same time fulfilling the organizational need for dedicated volunteers. / text

Sveikatingumo trenerio kompetencijų standarto pritaikomumas Lietuvai / Health and fitness coaching competence adaptability in Lithuania

Treinienė, Vidmantė 18 June 2008 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe nagrinėjama Lietuvos kūno kultūros ir sporto specialistų dirbančių sveikatingumo ir sporto klubuose profesinių kompetencijų situacija. Darbe apžvelgiama kompetencijos sąvoka, jos raida, rūšys, kvalifikacijos sąvoka, jos tobulinimo tikslinės charakteristikos. Šio darbo tikslas: Įvertinti kokiomis profesinėmis kompetencijomis vadovaujasi Lietuvos sporto, ir sveikatingumo centruose dirbantys treniruoklių salės rinkos specialistai, įvertinti kompetencijų ir kvalifikacijų tobulinimosi galimybes. Šiame darbe yra analizuojami šie uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti kompetencijos ir kvalifikacijos ypatumus. 2. Pagrysti socialinės partnerystės vaidmenį laiduojant sveikatingumo trenerio kompetencijų tobulinimo būtinybę. 3. Apžvelgti Europos sveikatingumo sektoriaus specialistų kvalifikacijų tobulinimo situacija. 4. Išanalizuoti sveikatingumo trenerių kompetencijas (klientų požiūriu) ir jų atitikimą Europos standartui Darbo struktūra: Magistro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro 60 puslapiai: 4 dalys, įvadas ir išvados. Pateikta 1 lentelė, 22 paveikslai ir 3 priedai, iš kurių vienas projektinis pasiūlymas. / It is analysis of sport coaching competence situation in Lithuania. In which included concept of competence, its development, and class. Also considering concept of sport coaching qualification, its improvement facilities. Key of this study is to find out sport coaching competence level, analyze it and make prospectives of it in Lithuania sport system, likewise to find out whose of competence standarts are the most usable by sports coaching. Goals where made like: 1 To establish competence and qualification singularity. 2 To ground sport coaches competence improovement necessity in social relationship. 3. To make a review of health and fitness coaches qualification improovement situation in the Europe. 4 To analyze health and fitness coaches competences by the client point of view and it‘s compatibility to the Europe standarts. Study composition: 60 pages, 4 parts, 1 table, 22 pictures, 3 appendixes, one of them is actualize suggestion.

To Tell or Not to Tell? An Exploration of Athletic Injury Reporting

McClemont, Laura Danielle 18 March 2014 (has links)
Injury can be a very stressful experience for an elite athlete. To facilitate recovery, it is important to understand the psychological dynamics involved in the injury state. The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of the coach-athlete relationship on injury reporting decisions. Six varsity swimmers from a Canadian university were interviewed about their experiences of athletic injury and the coach-athlete relationship. The data also revealed additional salient factors in the athletes’ disclosure decisions. Interview transcripts were analyzed using a grounded theory approach and several key factors were found: identity, pain, frustration, coping, power, trust, caring/openness, investment, isolation, and atmosphere. These factors were organized into three categories: individual, coach-athlete, and team. The PI-AIR (Psychosocial Influences on Athletic Injury Reporting) model was developed to organize the categories into a single framework. The model is discussed in relation to current theory along with limitations of the study and future directions.

To Tell or Not to Tell? An Exploration of Athletic Injury Reporting

McClemont, Laura Danielle 18 March 2014 (has links)
Injury can be a very stressful experience for an elite athlete. To facilitate recovery, it is important to understand the psychological dynamics involved in the injury state. The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of the coach-athlete relationship on injury reporting decisions. Six varsity swimmers from a Canadian university were interviewed about their experiences of athletic injury and the coach-athlete relationship. The data also revealed additional salient factors in the athletes’ disclosure decisions. Interview transcripts were analyzed using a grounded theory approach and several key factors were found: identity, pain, frustration, coping, power, trust, caring/openness, investment, isolation, and atmosphere. These factors were organized into three categories: individual, coach-athlete, and team. The PI-AIR (Psychosocial Influences on Athletic Injury Reporting) model was developed to organize the categories into a single framework. The model is discussed in relation to current theory along with limitations of the study and future directions.

Coaches' Roles in Facilitating the Personal Development of Canadian Interuniversity Student-athletes

Banwell, Jenessa 21 November 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate coaches’ perspectives on the personal development of student-athletes through interuniversity sport participation. More specifically, the ways in which coaches understand and facilitate athletes’ personal development were explored. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with male and female head coaches of Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) programs. A qualitative approach, utilizing an inductive analysis of the data revealed: coaches’ difficulty in defining personal development and articulating the ways in which they facilitate opportunities for athletes’ personal development through sport; a lack of clarity of the methods used to measure athletes’ personal development; and the ensuing ramifications of university sport model reviews which are moving towards a high performance model of sport on athletes’ personal development. Findings from this study contribute knowledge and understanding of a previously little studied phenomenon – the personal development of student-athletes – and the perspectives from a relatively un-explored population, university head coaches.


Edwards, Jaymi 30 April 2010 (has links)
Recreational athletes are encouraged to use mental imagery by their coaches less frequently than elite athletes (Jedlic, Hall, Munroe-Chandler, & Hall, 2007). The purpose of this study was to examine whether a mental imagery workshop would increase recreational level coaches’ encouragement of imagery to their athletes when compared to coaches attending a communication workshop. The workshops provided coaches with imagery or communication information and tools as well as role-playing opportunities. Recreational sport coaches (N = 132; M age = 41.80 years, SD = 9.67) completed the Coaches Encouragement of Athletes Imagery Use Questionnaire (CEAIUQ; Jedlic et al.), Coach-Athlete Relationship Questionnaire (CART-Q; Jowett & Ntoumanis, 2004), and questionnaires assessing coaches’ demographics, confidence, knowledge, and attitudes towards imagery. These questionnaires were completed before the workshop and online four weeks later. Repeated measure MANCOVAs, controlling for sex and highest level coached, were performed comparing the coaches’ encouragement of imagery use, as well as their confidence, attitudes, and knowledge of mental imagery, across the two study groups. No group by time interactions were found for any of the five functions of imagery. However, group by time interactions were found for knowledge (F(1, 132) = 5.45, p = .02, ηp2 = .040), attitudes (F(1,132) = 4.45, p = .01, ηp2 = .055) and confidence (F(1,132),= 7.10, p = .04, ηp2 = .032) towards imagery. Paired-samples t-tests demonstrated that the mental imagery group significantly increased their confidence from baseline to follow-up (t(65) = -2.75, p = .01). Findings provide direction for designing future coach education training programs and aid in understanding recreational sport coaches’ views on encouraging their athletes to use imagery. / Thesis (Master, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2010-04-30 10:35:41.541

Coaches' Roles in Facilitating the Personal Development of Canadian Interuniversity Student-athletes

Banwell, Jenessa 21 November 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate coaches’ perspectives on the personal development of student-athletes through interuniversity sport participation. More specifically, the ways in which coaches understand and facilitate athletes’ personal development were explored. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with male and female head coaches of Canadian Interuniversity Sport (CIS) programs. A qualitative approach, utilizing an inductive analysis of the data revealed: coaches’ difficulty in defining personal development and articulating the ways in which they facilitate opportunities for athletes’ personal development through sport; a lack of clarity of the methods used to measure athletes’ personal development; and the ensuing ramifications of university sport model reviews which are moving towards a high performance model of sport on athletes’ personal development. Findings from this study contribute knowledge and understanding of a previously little studied phenomenon – the personal development of student-athletes – and the perspectives from a relatively un-explored population, university head coaches.

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