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Federations in international politics /Rector, Chad. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of California, San Diego, 2003. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 308-334).
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An atomic adventure : A case study of the history of the Swedish nuclear policy using the theories of historical institutionalism and advocacy coalition frameworkJansson, Martin January 2015 (has links)
A case study of the first 35 years, 1945 to 1980, of the Swedish nuclear institution. The purpose is to discover which actors that have shaped the Swedish nuclear institution. By using the theories of historical institutionalism and advocacy coalition framework I have analyzed these 35 years in three separate parts. Historical institutionalism puts emphasis on the creation of an institution, and so have I. The creation phase goes from 1945 to 1972. The following two parts are critical junctures that spans the years 1973-1978 and 1978-1980. The first critical juncture deals with the Centre Party's reversal in their opinion on nuclear power, the 1976 election and the outcome of that election. The third juncture starts with the Harrisburg accident and ends after the 1980 referendum. Using the advocacy coalition framework to analyze the actions or actors and coalitions during these three phases, I have come to the conclusion that the industry actors, those that have built the reactors, have been the most successful in pushing their coalition's agendas, over the years. Their influence was considerable during the years of institutional creation, while the coalitions that opposed nuclear power were quite weak during this time frame, which is consistent with historical institutionalism's focus on the creation, and path dependence.
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Cooperation and competition in wild male Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) in MoroccoYoung, Christopher 05 September 2013 (has links)
Männliche Säugetiere konkurrieren um eine nicht-teilbare Ressource (empfängnisbereite Weibchen) und sind üblicherweise das abwandernde Geschlecht, weshalb Kooperation zwischen Männchen der Intuition zu widersprechen scheint. Wenn die Kooperation jedoch für beide Partner vorteilhaft ist, indem sich z.B. ihr Paarungs-/Fortpflanzungserfolg erhöht, kann Kooperation eine plausible Strategie sein. Koalitionen können opportunistisch sein, also kurzfristig einen direkten Nutzen bieten, oder für einen zukünftigen Fortpflanzungserfolg und Aufstieg in der Rangordnung sorgen. Welche Art von Koalition auftritt, hängt von dem Konkurrenzpotential innerhalb einer Gruppe ab, das von der Fähigkeit des alpha-Männchen, rezeptive Weibchen zu monopolisieren, bestimmt wird. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass Männchen den Rang bzw. die Stärke von potentiellen Koalitionspartnern und Kontrahenten abwägen müssen, um einen Partner zu rekrutieren, so dass die gemeinsame intrinsische Kampfkraft ausreicht um den Kontrahenten zu besiegen. Alternativ können Männchen vorherige Erfahrungen mit Gruppenmitgliedern nutzen, um zu entscheiden wen sie rekrutieren ("attitudinal partner choice") und verlässliche Partner wählen. Unter solchen Bedingungen kann die Wahl des Koalitionspartners durch Sozialbeziehungen beeinflusst werden.
Diese Doktorarbeit sollte Aufschluss geben über die Kooperation zwischen Männchen, indem die Paarungskonkurrenz und Sozialbeziehungen von Männchen und der Einfluss von Koalitionen in einer gruppenlebenden, wilden Primatenart, dem Berberaffen (Macaca sylvanus), untersucht wurden. Dazu habe ich einen Bottom-Up-Ansatz genutzt, indem ich die vollständige Folge von Ereignissen analysierte, die zu Kooperation zwischen Männchen führte. Ich habe bestimmt, inwiefern Männchen den reproduktiven Zustand von Weibchen feststellen können, um das Potential zur Paarungskonkurrenz innerhalb von Gruppen empirisch abschätzen zu können. Ich habe das "Priority-of-Access"-Modell als Grundlage für eine Erforschung der männlichen Paarungskonkurrenz genutzt und habe die Faktoren untersucht, die zu Abweichungen von den Vorhersagen des Modells führen, vornehmlich das Verhalten der Weibchen und die männliche Koalitionsbildung. Die artspezifische Messung der Konkurrenz zwischen Männchen erlaubte eine kritische Evaluation eines mathematischen Modells, das konzipiert wurde, um verschiedene Typen von Koalitionsbildung innerhalb von Gruppen vorherzusagen (Pandit/van Schaik-Koalitionsmodell). Im Besonderen habe ich untersucht, wie die Vorhersagen des Modells zu empirischen Daten zweier Arten mit variablem Konkurrenzpotential (Berberaffen und Assam-Makaken, M. assamensis) passen. Die Sozialbeziehungen von Männchen wurden analysiert, um festzustellen, ob Berberaffen selbst in Zeiten intensiver Konkurrenz (während der Paarungszeit) langfristige Beziehungen formen. Schlussendlich wurde die Stärke männlicher Sozialbeziehungen untersucht um zu ermitteln, ob sie einen Anpassungswert durch die Kooperation in der Koalitionsbildung bieten, oder ob Koalitionspartner allein aufgrund ihres Dominanzstatus ausgewählt wurden.
Es wurden Daten zweier Gruppen freilebender Berberaffen im Mittleren Atlasgebirge Marokkos von September 2009 bis August 2011 gesammelt. Ich habe über 2000 Stunden Verhaltensdaten aller Männchen in beiden Gruppen nach der Focus-Tier-Methode sowie ad libitum gesammelt, und 549 Koalitionen verschiedener Größe und unterschiedlichen Erfolges beobachtet. Zusätzlich wurden 155 weibliche Kotproben analysiert, um das Datum der Empfängnis mittels Enzymimmunassays von Gestagenmetaboliten festzustellen. Außerdem wurden weibliche Sexualschwellungen visuell eingestuft, um die Synchronität der Empfängnisse zu ermitteln.
Die Analyse der weiblichen Hormonkonzentrationen zeigt, dass die Ovulation am wahrscheinlichsten im Zeitraum maximaler Sexualschwellung standfand. Allerdings konzentrierte sich das männliche Paarungsverhalten stärker auf die fertile Phase, was impliziert, das Männchen mehr als nur die Schwellungen an sich als Information nutzen können. Die Paarungshäufigkeit der Männchen stieg im Einklang mit dem sexualen Sozialverhalten der Weibchen. Bemerkenswerterweise zeigen meine Ergebnisse, dass Männchen gleichermaßen in Paarungen während der fertilen und nicht-fertilen (d.h. nach der Empfängnis) Phasen der Sexualschwellungen investieren. Obwohl diese zusätzlichen Sexualschwellungen das Monopolisierungspotential hochrangiger Männchen verringern, waren Paarungen zu Gunsten hochrangiger Männchen verschoben. Hochrangige Männchen haben aber keinen so großen Anteil der Paarungen erzielt, wie vom "Priority-of-Access"-Modell vorhergesagt wird. Weibchen haben regelmäßig Paarungen initiiert, in erster Linie mit mittelrangigen Männchen, was deren Paarungserfolg erhöhte, während Koaltionsbildung von Männchen deren Paarungserfolg unabhängig davon erhöhte. Regelmäßige Assoziationen mit Weibchen waren kostspielig für Männchen, da sie Ziele überbrückender Koalitionen ("bridging coalitions") wurden, was ihre zukünftigen Paarungsmöglichkeiten einschränkte. Hochrangige Männchen haben ihren Paarungserfolg nicht direkt mittels überbrückender Koalitionen ("bridging coalitions") erhöht, minderten aber den Einfluss des weiblichen Verhaltens. Außerdem bildeten Berberaffenmännchen langfristige Sozialbeziehungen die durch die höchst kompetitiven Paarungzeiten hindurch bestehen blieben. Männchen mit einer starken sozialen Bindung wurden mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit als Koalitionspartner rekrutiert, was nahe legt, dass für Männchen mehr als nur der Rang der verfügbaren Partner ausschlaggebend ist. Eine Prüfung des Pandit/van Schaik-Koalitionsmodells zeigte, dass unter hohem Konkurrenzpotential opportunistische Koalitionen genutzt werden sollten, um Zugang zu Weibchen zu gewinnen, die von hochrangigen Männchen monopolisiert sind. Indessen stimmten die empirischen Daten nicht mit den Vorhersagen unter mittlerem bis niedrigem Konkurrenzpotentials überein, bei dem männliche Affiliationen Rang-verändernde Koalitionen erleichtern könnten. Für diese werden vertrauenswürdige Partner benötigt, um die höherrangige Position zu verteidigen, sobald sie gewonnen wurde. Demnach können enge soziale Bindungen zwischen Männchen sowohl kurz- als auch langfristige Vorteile liefern, indem die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass der Partner während einer Koalition abtrünnig wird, verringert wird. Zudem steht ein langfristiger Partner zur Verfügung, der erfolgreiche Rangveränderungen erleichtert wodurch enge soziale Bindungen letzlich sowohl den Status als auch den Paarungs-/Fortpflanzungserfolg erhöhen.
Zusammenfassend erweitert meine Doktorarbeit die derzeitige Literatur über den Zusammenhang zwischen männlichen Fortpflanzungsstrategien, Sozialbeziehungen und Kooperation innerhalb von gruppenlebenden Säugetieren mit abwandernden Männchen. Durch die Untersuchung der vollständigen Beweiskette vom zwischenmännlichem Konkurrenzkampf hin zu Paarungserfolg und Kooperation durch das Schließen enger zwischenmännlicher Sozialbindungen, ergibt diese Studie ein umfassendes Bild mehrerer unabhängiger Forschungsansätze und könnte eine Vorlage für zukünftige Forschungsarbeiten bilden. Koalitionsbildung kann mutualistische Vorteile für beide Partner liefern, was nahelegt, dass Kooperation durch vorherige affiliative Interaktionen mit Gruppenmitgliedern durch "attitudinal partner choice" bestimmt sein könnte.
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Explaining the Strength of Legislative Committees: A Comparative AnalysisWang, Yi-ting January 2013 (has links)
<p>By what means can legislative committees exercise influence on policy outputs? How and why do committees in different countries differ in their abilities to do so? This dissertation argues that legislative committee power is a multidimensional concept. Committee procedures can be distinguished into three analytic dimensions: 1) committees' positive agenda power, their power to ensure the placement of legislative versions preferred by them on the floor; 2) committees' negative agenda power, their power to delay or block the progress of legislation; and 3) committees' information capacity, institutional incentives granted to them to gather and transmit information. These distinct dimensions benefit different legislative actors. Therefore, they reflect different features of a political system, and may not be consistently strong or week.</p><p>Based on an original cross-national data set, the dissertation shows that committee procedures cluster empirically in these three distinct dimensions. Furthermore, the dissertation also demonstrates how legislators' electoral incentives, the composition of multiparty governments, preexisting authoritarian incumbents' uncertainty and bargaining power, and the changes in legislative memberships affect different dimensions of committee power.</p> / Dissertation
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Identity, conflict and radical coalition building: a study of grassroots organizing in Northern IrelandMcClean, Anna Unknown Date
No description available.
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Why won’t they join? An exploratory investigation of the Belgian government crisis of 2010Borthwick, Stephanie Frances January 2013 (has links)
Belgium has recently undergone a 541-day period with no elected government following the 2010 general election. This has been called a government and cabinet crisis. This thesis aims to determine what is different about Belgium in 2010/11 compared to past years and what has contributed to Belgium’s difficulty forming coalitions recently. By using coalition formation theory and investigating institutional and sociological aspects of Belgian politics, this research project has found an initial explanation for why the Belgian government crisis of 2010 occurred. Several institutional and sociological aspects are now working against each other and hindering cooperative behaviour among the Belgian political parties. Belgium has become the victim of its own well-adapted and unique political system.
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Formare i significati, influenzare la politica: I Think Tank, struttura ed azione / Formare i significati, influenzare la politica. I Think Tank, struttura ed azione / Shaping meanings, influencing policy: Think Tanks, structure and actionFORNACIARI, MATTEO 21 March 2012 (has links)
La questione portante della mia ricerca è la verifica dell'eventuale appartenenza dei think tank a modelli di Comunità Epistemiche o Advocacy Coalition.
La struttura della tesi rispecchia quindi parte del percorso che ho sviluppato, partendo da una analisi della definizione dell'oggetto di ricerca Think Tank, della sua struttura ed azione, con la finalità di influenzare il processo di policy making.
La seconda sezione analizza gli approcci metodologici principali all'analisi del processo di formazione delle politiche pubbliche, mentre il terzo capitolo affronta la ricerca sui casi di studio selezionati: l'Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), l'Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI) e lo European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). / The fundamental question supporting my research is to verify the membership of the think tank to the Epistemic Communities or Advocacy Coalition model.
The structure of the thesis, therefore, reflects the path that I developed, starting from an analysis of the definition of the research think tank, its structure and action, with the objective of influencing the policy making process.
The second section discusses the main methodological approaches to the analysis of the formation of public policy, while the third chapter discusses research on selected case studies: the Institute of International Affairs (IAI), the Institute for the Study of International Politics (ISPI) and the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).
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The cybernetics of nonzero sum games : the prisoner's dilemma reinterpreted as a pure conflict game with nature, with empirical applicationsBell, Robert I. January 1972 (has links)
In this thesis a new solution concept is developed for n-player, nonzero sum games. The solution concept is based in reinterpreting the n-player nonzero sum game into 2-player zero sum games. The n-player nonzero sum game is first rewritten as an n + 1 player coalition game. The definition of zero sum payment is that one player pays the other what he gets in a given outcome (coalition of the n + 1 player game). Who pays whom depends on the coalition. More than one 2-player zero sum interpretation game always results from the procedure, and criteria are established to select one of the zero sum interpretation games. The solution concept defines results identical to the minimax concept when applied directly to zero sum 2-player games. When applied to 2-player prisoner’s dilemma games, the solution procedure assigns mixed strategies to the prisoners, thereby “resolving” the dilemma. The mixed strategies vary with the payoffs (up to a linear transformation). For prisoner’s dilemma matrices which have been used in large numbers of gaming experiments, the solution concept predicts dynamically, i.e., by play number, the “fraction of cooperative choices” for (approximately) the first 30 plays. In addition, the mixed strategy appears in a game between each subject (prisoner) and the n + 1st player (district attorney), suggesting that the subjects have been playing against the experimenter. Empirical evidence for this conclusion is given. A theorem is proved for n-player prisoner’s dilemma games. Game theory is reviewed to show the roots of this solution concept in the heuristic use of zero sum n-player games in the von Neumann and Morgenstern theory, and in rational decision making models, e.g., “games against Nature.” The empirical and formal difficulties of the equilibrium point solution concept for nonzero sum games are discussed. Detailed connections between game theory and cybernetics are discussed.
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Mega sports event policy in Marseille 1991-2003 the football World Cup and the Americas Cup : a case study of urban governanceCometti, Aurelie January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a theoretically informed account of the decision-making process in mega sports events policy in Marseille. This is intended to allow an evaluation of the major theoretical frameworks developed in the Anglo-Saxon literature on urban governance and their applicability to the French local government context, and more specifically to the context of sports policy in Marseille. Following an analysis of the development of the local political culture of Marseille, the thesis undertakes a review of theoretical frameworks developed in the urban policy literature identifying three major approaches / concepts which have dominated Anglo-Saxon literature, namely the growth coalition (Logan and Molotch 1987), policy network (Rhodes 1981; 1988), and urban regime (Stone 1989) approaches. These theoretical frameworks have been little used in French urban policy literature (Le Gales 1995; 2003) and feature rarely, if at all, in French sports policy literature. In reviewing this literature the thesis identifies a set of indicators, which may be used in empirical contexts to differentiate growth coalitions from policy networks and urban regimes. A major question for the research is thus to what extent Anglo-Saxon theoretical frameworks / concepts can be usefully employed to understand French decision-making and that of Marseille in particular. Subscribing to critical realism, the thesis aims to give an account of the mega sport event phenomena in Marseille, and of the actors' understanding and interpretation (in effect their social construction) of the phenomena. The data collected were documents for the period 1991 - 2003 from official sources (minutes and proceedings of local government and event-related bodies, reports, political speeches, and local government publications), local press coverage, and interviewees conducted with the major decision-makers. An ethnographic content analysis was made, partly employing a deductive approach based on the set of common indicators developed from the review of urban policy, and partly inductively from themes, which emerged in the analysis (Altheide 1996). The thesis concludes that while there is some evidence of the development of policy networks the specificity of the French context, and that of Marseille, with its heavily state-led approach to policy, means that the use of urban regime, and still less of growth coalition approaches, is not warranted by the evidence.
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Citizens, Complexity and the City Lessons from Citizen Participation in Urban (Transport) Planning in Santiago Chile, 1997-2012Sagaris, Lake 12 August 2013 (has links)
Twentieth century, citizen “revolts” against highway projects have influenced thinking about public transport (Toronto, Vancouver, New York), governance (Portland), and cycling (The Netherlands) to this day. Less is known about how these emerge in developing countries, and what they can tell us about citizens’ role in innovation to achieve more socially just, good and livable cities. Using a complexity-based approach, this dissertation explores lessons from an anti-highway movement in Santiago, Chile (1997), which challenged authoritarian planning paradigms inherited from the Pinochet regime (1973-1990). In 2000, these leaders of diverse communities founded a citizen institution, Living City (Ciudad Viva), which today is a prize-winning, citizen-led planning institution.
Participation is recognized as important to community development, health and urban planning. Nonetheless, a rich literature notes many limitations. Is improving participation just a matter of “getting the process right”? Or does it require re-formulating frameworks to redistribute power, fostering self-generating civil society organizations, and treating democratization as ongoing rather than a “steady state”?
Re-formulating frameworks has far-reaching implications. It requires acting consistently with the premise that the local is central to change in human living systems, and the need to create the civic “infrastructure” conducive to citizen learning and the emergence of multiscalar citizen organizations, able to mobilize ecology of actors for innovation. To effectively address the challenges of climate change, loss of biodiversity, the social determinants of health, the “obesity epidemic” and other issues, the answers lie in city neighbourhoods and human settlements.
If we aspire to good, just and livable cities, uncertain futures require planning for change. This research suggests that we can identify dynamics likely to leverage significant change and activate capacities throughout a system. This requires moving to an inclusive planning paradigm that fully integrates citizen planners.
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