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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contra Chalmers : on consciousness and conceivability

Primmer, Jennifer-Wrae 21 July 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents and evaluates David Chalmers argument that the existence of phenomenal conscious experience constitutes a permanent barrier to the reductive aspirations of a purely materialistic neuroscience. My aim is to defend the possibility of a reductive explanation of consciousness, and argue that continued research in neuroscience and neurophysiology can result in a successful materialistic or reductive solution to the hard problem of consciousness. My argument against Chalmers is two-fold. First, I challenge Chalmers claim that consciousness does not logically supervene on the physical. And second, I argue that his conceivability argument is implausible.

Vittnespsykologi betydelsen av missvisande information samt centrala och perifera detaljer

Remdahl, Sophia January 2010 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka om en veckas retentionsintervall påverkar vittnens minnesbild. Vidare undersöks om man kan inkorporera missvisande information i ett vittnesminnesbild och om vittnen minns centrala detaljer i större utsträckning än perifera detaljer.Totalt deltog 17 män och 31 kvinnor i studien. Försökspersonerna fick se en filmsekvens på 1.35 minuter. Vidare fick de fylla i ett frågeformulär med 10 frågor. Efter en veckas retentionsintervall fick försökspersonerna fylla i samma frågeformulär men hälften hade fått en sammanfattning med vilseledande information. Slumpmässig fördelning användes. Resultatet visade att en veckas retentionsintervall inte påverkade minnesbilden men att en delförsökspersoner tog till sig den missvisande informationen och inkorporerade den i sin minnesbild. En större generalisering kan ej genomföras men resultaten påvisar betydelsen av missvisande information samt centrala och perifera detaljer för vittnes utsagor.

"Har du kontrollen?" : En fallstudie om positionsöverlämningar på ATCC Stockholm

Nilsson, Lisa January 2010 (has links)
Flygledare övervakar alla flygplan som färdas världen över genom att se till attflygplanen håller separationsgränserna. Flygledarna jobbar i pass på cirka en timme ochbyts sedan av, en så kallad positionsöverlämning. Det är viktigt att den som tar överpositionen får all information den behöver för att kunna fortsätta leda flygplanen på ett säkert sätt och eventuellt vidta åtgärder för att säkerställa en välordnad flygtrafik. Incidentrapporter visar att ett oproportionerligt stort antal incidenter sker 5- 15minuter efter en positionsöverlämning. På grund av detta vill LFV undersöka hur positionsöverlämningarna går till för att senare kvalitetssäkra dem. Syftet med denna rapport har varit att beskriva positionsöverlämningar på ATCC Stockholm. Resultatet visar att flygledarna till stor del använder sig av en memorerad checklista som inte skiljer sig mycket från den fysiska de har framför sig och följer därmed ett generellt mönster. Det visar även att det svåra kan vara att upprätthålla uppmärksamheten under alla överlämningarna. Resultaten ger LFV en utgångspunkt till att börja med kvalitetssäkringen. Ur ett akademiskt perspektiv visar resultaten en tillämpning på hurde teorier som används i studien kan appliceras i kontexten positionsöverlämningar mellan flygledare.

Measuring the Possible Increase of the Safety Understanding due to the Application of the Safety Scanning Tool

Larsson, Ann-Sofie January 2011 (has links)
Safety is very important for our society. In contrast, it is hard to define what this term really means. Nevertheless, one area that is considered important for safety involves accident prevention. Many methods exist within this area which aims at preventing accidents from happening. One accident prevention method is called ‘The Safety Scanning Tool (SST)’. The study conducted in this thesis aimed at exploring whether the SST could improve the safety understanding of experts from the domain of aviation. The term ‘safety understanding’, as it is used in this thesis, refers to the understanding of central scientific concepts underlying safety. These concepts relate to the area of accident prevention and they were the results of a literature study on safety. Thus, the safety understanding was addressed on two levels of abstraction. The first general abstraction level concerned the basic assumptions for studying an organization’s safety culture relating to Schein’s (1992) framework cited by Guldenmund (2000). This relates to the area of accident prevention in a more general way. The second more specific abstraction level regarded 21 different safety issues important for accident prevention. These originated from the area of resilience engineering. Furthermore, this study was structured as a field experiment using a pre-post test and a within-group design.  In order to measure the different experts’ safety understanding, the data were gathered with the help of two surveys before and after the experts’ used the SST. The SST was applied to two groups of experts. In the first group, they were six people, and, in the second 16. The questions in the surveys were created with the help of the above mentioned literature study on safety. The results were analyzed with the help of the statistics program SPSS. In addition, the results were analyzed with the help of sources from academic literature. These were used in order to determine whether there was an improvement of the safety understanding or not. Based on the results from this study, it can be concluded that undergoing the SST caused several improvements of the experts’ safety understanding. These improvements were found in both groups of experts and on both abstraction levels of the safety understanding. However, one result relating to the basic assumption level in the second group of experts could be interpreted both as an improvement and as a decrease of the safety understanding. The results of this study indicate not only that the SST has the ability to detect safety problems in an early state, before they can develop to the outcome of an accident. It has also the ability to enhance its user’s safety understanding relating to factors important for accident prevention.

Semantic represenations of retrieved memory information depend on cue-modality

Karlsson, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
The semantic content (i.e., meaning of words) is the essence of retrieved autobiographical memories. In comparison to previous research, which has mainly focused on phenomenological experiences and age distribution of memory events, the present study provides a novel view on the retrieval of event information by addressing the semantic representation of memories. In the present study the semantic representation (i.e., word locations represented by vectors in a high dimensional space) of retrieved memory information were investigated, by analyzing the data with an automatic statistical algorithm. The experiment comprised a cued recall task, where participants were presented with unimodal (i.e., one sense modality) or multimodal (i.e., three sense modalities in conjunction) retrieval cues and asked to recall autobiographical memories. The memories were verbally narrated, recorded and transcribed to text. The semantic content of the memory narrations was analyzed with a semantic representation generated by latent semantic analysis (LSA). The results indicated that the semantic representation of visually evoked memories were most similar to the multimodally evoked memories, followed by auditorily and olfactorily evoked memories. By categorizing the semantic content into clusters, the present study also identified unique characteristics in the memory content across modalities.

Face Processing Patterns of Persons with Asperger Syndrome : an Eye Tracking Study

Bram, Staffan, Lönebrink, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
One of the main diagnostic criteria for Asperger Syndrome is a severe social impairment (American Psychiatric Association [DSM-IV-TR] 2000), something that has often been connected to a more specific impairment in facial recognition. However, the main diagnostic tool (the DSM-IV-TR) has received much criticism during later years and is soon to be revised (Woodbury-Smith & Volkmar 2009). Among other things, many researchers claim that the diagnosis should be complemented with a sliding scale of severity (Ring, Woodbury-Smith, Watson, Wheelright & Baron-Cohen 2008). The use of facial information is central in the social interaction of humans, evident in the special patterns of visual scanning that people employ for facial stimuli (Yarbus 1967). Because of that, this symptom of Asperger Syndrome has become a high research priority. The impairment in facial recognition has been connected to a bias towards detail based processing (McPartland, Webb, Keehn & Dawson 2010). A recent study also connects this to an unusually high visual acuity, which could result in a disposition to focus on small facial features. In the present study. facial stimuli were prepared to provoke memory conjunction errors. This type of memory error means that a person erroneously claims to recognize a face assembled by pieces of previously shown stimuli. If a person is more prone to do so, that would imply that he or she is more focused on details than on configural information (Danielsson 2006). Two groups were tested, one consisting of non-diagnosed adults and one of adults diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. A test for visual acuity was administered, which was followed by a series of facial recognition tasks. Responses in the latter part were given with a computer mouse, and eye fixations were recorded using a head mounted eye-tracking device. Three hypotheses were formulated. First, persons with AS were expected to perform more poorly in all facial recognition tasks. Second, persons with AS were expected to make more conjunction errors than test group subjects. Finally, persons with AS were expected to display a mean visual acuity significantly higher than that of the test group. However, no significant differences emerged between the groups in relation to either of the hypotheses, and results could not be referred to flaws in the experimental setup. Therefore, these results are taken to display the heterogeneity of the Asperger Syndrome population, and possibly the importance of early training measures to compensate for social impairments.

Mental Content And Mentalistic Causal Explanation: A Case Against Externalism

Sarihan, Isik 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents a defense of the view that externalism cannot be a theoretical basis of a mentalistic causal-explanatory science, even though such a theoretical basis is implicitly or explicitly adopted by many cognitive scientists. Externalism is a theory in philosophy of mind which states that mental properties are relations between the core realizers of an individual&rsquo / s mental states (such as brain states) and certain things that exist outside those realizers (such as what the content of a mental state corresponds to in the actual world.) After clarifications regarding the term &ldquo / externalism&rdquo / and reviewing the history and the various forms of the externalist theory, it is argued that the properties offered by externalist theories as mental properties have no causal influence on behavior, and therefore cannot causally explain it. The argument is largely based on a method of comparing the causal powers of entities which are identical in all respects except their mental properties (as construed by externalism), and the conclusions are supported by metaphysical reflections on causation, dispositions, relational properties and historical properties. Objections to the defended view are considered and refuted. The thesis is written in the style of modern analytic philosophy.

An Assessment Of The Status Of The Multiple Realizability Thesis In Cognitive Science

Baysan, Umut Emin 01 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
It has been argued that there are physically different ways of instantiating mental properties, the nature of which is the subject matter of cognitive science. This claim has been known as the Multiple Realizability Thesis (MRT). It has been suggested that the MRT shows that a reduction of mental properties to physical properties is impossible, as there cannot be one-to-one correspondences of mental properties to the properties of the brain. Moreover, it has been argued that the latter point shows that physical explanations are not relevant to the explanations of cognitive science, as they would lack the generality of psychological explanations. This thesis will try to explain from which assumptions of a traditional cognitive science perspective the MRT follows. It will also discuss several responses that have been introduced against both the MRT and the anti-reductionist conclusions that are assumed to follow from it. The responses include a challenge to the scientific status of cognitive science. According to this challenge, the MRT entails that the subject matter of cognitive science, namely mental properties, lack a similarity in the physical level, hence an instance of a mental property is not informative about another instance. While discussing these theories, a revision of the MRT will be proposed. According to this revision, the MRT is compatible with the assumption that there could be an underlying similarity between different physical realizers of a given mental property. It will be argued that by means of this revision, both the challenge to the scientific status of cognitive science, and the argument for the irrelevance of physical explanations will fail.

Hitta rätt - utveckling av navigationsstöd

Wendt, Emelie January 2008 (has links)
<p>Detta arbete har utförts i samarbete med företaget <em>Compute</em> och fokuserar på att utveckla navigationsstöd för webbportaler med bokningssystem. Arbetet har delats upp i tre specifika mål: (1) integrera <em>Information Foraging Theory</em> (IFT) och <em>Graphical User Interface principles</em> (GUI-principer) genom att applicera dessa vid utvecklng av navigation för webbportaler med bokningssystem (2) konkretisera hur navigering kan förbättras på en webbportal med bokningssystem, utifrån ovanstående teroier och (3) arbetet skall resultera i en lista med rekommendationer som kan tillämpas vid utveckling av navigation. För att kunna  integrera IFT och GUI-principer har dessa i kombination med en teroertisk studie tillämpats vid prototyping. Prototyperna användes som verktyg för att konkretisera hur navigationen kunde förbättras på portalen. Prototyperna utvärderades och resulterade i en lista med rekommendationer. Resultaten från utvärderingen påvisade att en integrering av GUI-principer och IFT kan förbättra nvigationsförhållanden på en webbportal. Arbetes främsta bidrag är listan med rekommendationer som skall kunna tillämpas vid navigationsutveckling.</p><p> </p>

Från abstraktion till hyperrealism : En historisk exposé av stridsvagnsanimationer i elektroniska spel

Bergfeldt André, Frans January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats presenterar en historisk exposé kring den visuella och tekniska utvecklingen av stridsvagnsanimationer. Detta med fokus på perception och kognition utifrån definitionerna abstraktion, realism och hyperrealism. Uppsatsen ämnar förklara i bild, text och rörlig media hur utvecklingen sett ut och hur långt den har nått. För att åstadkomma detta har en analysmatris tagits fram, ur vilken valda beståndsdelar i spelen Battlezone, Battle Tank och Battlefield 1942 dissekeras. För att ytterligare påvisa kontrasten i utvecklingskurvan, har jag haft Craft Animations och deras verktyg till min hjälp. Verktyget och resultaten detta genererar, analyseras med hjälp av samma analysmatris som för spelen.</p><p>Resultatet visar en tydlig kontrast i utvecklingen, där Craft Animations verktyg representerar vad vi idag kan kalla för hyperrealism.</p>

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