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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le contrat de société en participation / The contract of joint-venture

Vierling-Kovar, Emmanuelle 25 April 2013 (has links)
La société en participation ne s’analyse pas comme une société classique. Elle ne se dissout pas, elle est résolue ou résiliée, comme tout contrat de partenariat. Sa force, sa réalité, demeure dans le contrat librement choisi par les participants, tant dans son élaboration que dans l’organisation même de la société, situation intermédiaire entre un contrat classique et les sociétés institution. C’est l’application du principe d’autonomie de la volonté. Dans ce cas de figure, l’affectio societatis se rapproche le plus de la notion de jus fraternitatis, du moins lors de l’élaboration des statuts, ce que certains auteurs nomment l’affectio contractus. Finalement, en raison de son caractère éminemment contractuel, à la place de société en participation, ne faudrait-il pas plutôt l’appeler contrat de société en participation ? Il s’agit dès lors de lui reconnaître son caractère de contrat à part entière, un contrat nommé du Code civil. La jurisprudence semble aller dans ce sens. / The joint-venture company cannot be analysed like a typical firm. It cannot be dissolved; it is solved or cancelled, as is any partnership agreement. Its strength, its reality, remains in the contract freely chosen by the participants, both in its elaboration and in the very organization of the firm, which consists in an intermediate situation between a classic contract and an “institution firm”. It is the application of the principle of will autonomy. In such a case, the “affectio societatis” is as close as it gets to the notion of “jus fraternitatis”, at least during the elaboration of the statutes which some authors name the “affectio contractus”. Eventually, because of this eminently contractual character, instead of joint-venture firm, should we not call it a firm participation partnership? What’s at stake here is the acknowledgment of its full contract character, as a contract named by the Civil code. The jurisprudence seems to go in that direction.

Le droit à l'épreuve de la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises : étude à partir des entreprises transnationales / The law tested by CSR : the case of transnational companies

Caillet, Marie-Caroline 24 November 2014 (has links)
Les entreprises sont aujourd’hui au coeur des échanges économiques mondiaux. Ces échanges se traduisent par la mise en place de relations commerciales desquelles peuvent émerger des structures souvent complexes et difficilement saisissables par le droit : les entreprises transnationales. Aucune réponse juridique satisfaisante n’a encore été trouvée pour les encadrer, alors que paradoxalement, la RSE donne naissance à des normes, des outils et des instruments pour les responsabiliser. L’étude de la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises transnationales à travers le prisme du droit révèle en réalité l’émergence d’un cadre de régulation hybride : les normes de RSE s’immiscent dans le droit, conduisant celui-ci à s’emparer de ces normes à son tour. Cet échange permet d’aborder l’entreprise transnationale à travers une approche nouvelle, tirée des normes de RSE, c’est-à-dire à travers son organisation et ses fonctions. Les relations de l’entreprise avec ses partenaires commerciaux deviennent alors une assise potentielle pour le droit, davantage que son statut ou que sa structure juridique, à partir desquelles peuvent être imputées des obligations, aujourd’hui inexistantes. Une fois l’entreprise transnationale saisie, c’est un cadre juridique adapté à son organisation complexe qui peut être mis à jour. L’étude des normes de RSE dévoile un enrichissement des règles applicables à l’entreprise transnationale et un renforcement potentiel de sa responsabilité juridique, fondée sur une approche préventive mais également solidaire du droit de la responsabilité. Passant outre les problèmes posés par l’absence de statut juridique, la RSE permet de saisir les entreprises transnationales par le biais de leurs relations commerciales, et d’envisager la conception d’un nouveau standard juridique de conduite sociétale, générateur d’une responsabilité individuelle et collective fondée sur une obligation de vigilance. / Companies are now at the heart of global trade. These economic exchanges result in the establishment of commercial relationships, from which may emerge structures that are often complex and difficult to grapple with under the law: transnational corporations. While no satisfactory legal framework has yet been established to frame their work, paradoxically CSR gives rise to standards, tools and instruments to ensure their accountability. The study of the social responsibility of transnational corporations through the prism of the law actually reveals the emergence of a hybrid framework of regulation: CSR standards influence the law, forcing the law in turn to take note of these standards. This exchange allows us to handle a transnational business through a new approach derived from CSR standards, essentially through its organisation and functions. The relationship between a company and its business partners then becomes a potential basis for the law, rather than its status or its legal structure, from which can be derived responsibilities. Once a transnational corporation is seized, a legal framework adapted to its complex structure can come to light. The study of CSR standards reveals an enrichment of the rules applicable to transnational corporations and a potential strengthening of their legal liability, based on a preventive and joint and several approach of the law of responsibility. Ignoring the problems posed by the lack of legal status, CSR allows for the regulation of transnational enterprises through their commercial relations and provides a basis for the development of a new legal standard of social conduct, giving rise to individual and collective liability based on a duty of care.

O espaço como obra : ações, coletivos artísticos e cidade / The space as the work : actions, art collectives and city

Joana Zatz Mussi 28 September 2012 (has links)
O ESPAÇO COMO OBRA: Ações, Coletivos Artísticos e Cidade é uma reflexão a respeito dos processos de criação e impacto social das ações dos coletivos artísticos Contrafilé, Frente 3 de Fevereiro e Política do Impossível de São Paulo e GAC de Buenos Aires, que começaram a atuar em meados dos anos 1990. A dissertação foi desenvolvida a partir de diversas vozes, que se complementam e entrecruzam: uma voz narrativa, que vai apresentando descobertas feitas em minha atuação como artista no espaço urbano e que surge de uma dimensão local, inclusive íntima, chegando a uma voz mais \"reflexiva e acadêmica\"; vozes da grande mídia; as vozes dos próprios trabalhos artísticos apresentados; vozes dos coletivos, quando são utilizados como referências teóricas; e, por último, vozes de pensadores que de alguma forma influenciam o meu pensamento e o do movimento cultural do qual fazem parte as práticas urbanas aqui analisadas. O intuito é compreender como as intervenções urbanas, ao mesmo tempo, resultam e geram uma rede de afetos e significados e evidenciam a emergência de uma subjetividade política contemporânea que passa, necessariamente, por discutir e concretizar políticas de representação, relação, subjetivação e modos de vida alternativos aos impostos pelo neoliberalismo. Interessa, portanto, pensar como acontece e toma corpo a potência crítica situada deste tipo de resistência, configurando formas atuais do fazer político no contexto específico e complexo da cidade como escala e espaço referencial. O estudo se desenvolve como uma investigação ativa e participante de diversos trabalhos realizados pelos coletivos e através da qual me interessa observar essas ações/intervenções em seu poder disruptivo, ou seja, em sua capacidade de presentificar acontecimentos que de alguma forma desestabilizem representações sociais e sensações prévias. E que, ao evidenciar a possibilidade de fazê-lo, trazem à tona um saber circulatório que difunde a imagem produzida em situação representação direta e a experiência do \"público\" como obra. / The Space as theWork:Actions, Art Collectives and City is a reflection on creation processes and social impact of actions carried out by art collectives Contrafilé, Frente 3 de Fevereiro and Política do Impossível dfrom São Pauloe, as well as GAC Buenos Aires. These collectives have began work in the 1990\'s. The dissertation stems from multiple voices, which cross over and complement each other: a narrative voice that unravel discoveries made in my work as an artist in the urban space, emerging from a local and also intimate dimension, arriving at a \"more reflexive and academic\" voice; voices of the mainstream media; voices of the works studied; voices of the collectives, when they are mobilised as theoretical refeb rences and, lastly, voices of the thinkers who somehow influenced my thinking and voices of the cultural movement of which the urban practices under scrutiny are part of. The aim is to understand how the urban interventions at once result from and generate a network of affects and meanings, as they render evident the emergence of a contemporary political subjectivity. This subjectivity necessarily involves discussing and carrying out a politics of representation, relation, subjectivation and modes of life alternative to those imposed by neoliberalism. Under this light, the dissertation seeks to think how the critical potency situated in this kind of resistance can be embodied and takes place at all, configuring current forms of political making, in the specific and complex context of the city as scale and as referential space. This study developed as an active and participating investigation of several works carried out by the collectives. I seek to observe the actions/interventions in their disruptive power, i.e., in their capacity to render present events that somehow destabilise social representations and previous sensations. And which, as they evidence the possibility of being carried out, they bring to the surface a circulatory knowledge that diffuses the image produced in situation direct representation and the experience of the \"public\" as work.

Libertés, Droit, Désordres : les violences émeutières dans l'espace urbain, dynamique des phénomènes et organisation de la réponse sociale / Liberties – Law – Disorders : rioting acts of violence in Urban Areas, Dynamics of the Phenomena and organisation of the social response

Joubert, Didier 03 July 2017 (has links)
L’objet de la recherche consiste à mettre en évidence que la prise en compte des violences émeutières requiert une évolution de l’environnement juridique et des méthodes de maintien de la paix publique hérités de notre histoire. Notre dispositif de gestion de l’ordre public est particulièrement adapté au modèle français de manifestation. C’est considérable et exemplaire à beaucoup d’égards mais cela ne peut clore le débat sur les formes de la réaction sociale nécessaires pour répondre aux différentes formes du répertoire de la protestation en particulier à la dynamique complexe des désordres émeutiers.Alors que la manifestation, son encadrement par les forces de sécurité intérieure et son environnement juridique ressortissent à la culture de l’organisation et de l’ordre, les violences émeutières relèvent, quant à elles, de comportements colériques naturels. Elles constituent un objet et un enjeu différents que traduisent notamment la récurrence des crises en milieu urbain et la difficulté d’y faire face de façon satisfaisante.Sur le plan opérationnel comme sur le plan juridique, l’éventail de la réponse aux désordres est particulièrement large, mais il traduit également un double embarras :• Les violences émeutières sont le plus souvent des violences d’expression. Qu’ils en soient conscients ou non, face à ces comportements, le juge et le politique se sont montrés fréquemment indulgents dans un contexte juridique où la liberté d’expression est un droit fondamental et la manifestation une conquête sans équivalent dans notre pays. Les réponses sociale et judiciaire se caractérisent donc par une mansuétude parfois légitime, parfois inadaptée mais souvent mal comprise.• Les modes d’action policiers et les outils du Droit façonnés par l’environnement juridique et la culture de la manifestation, peuvent se révéler inadaptés pour répondre aux émeutes urbaines et conduire à des évolutions aussi variées qu’inappropriées comme la banalisation du recours à des régimes juridiques d’exception et la sédimentation d’une culture d’affrontement entre police et population.Le concept retentissement / identification et l’analyse des colères rebelles et insoumises ouvrent la voie à une adaptation du droit et de la réponse sociale conciliant le respect des droits fondamentaux et le maintien de la paix publique dans l’espace urbain. Tel est l’enjeu de la dialectique « Libertés - Droit - désordres ». / The object of the research is to highlight that rioting violence cannot be dealt with without an evolution of the legal framework and public-order policing inherited from our History. Our way to manage public-order policing is particularly suitable to our French traditional demonstration pattern. It is significant and exemplary in many respects but that alone cannot close the debate about the forms of social reaction that would be necessary to answer the various forms of the repertoire of protest especially the complex dynamics of rioting disorders.Even though the demonstration, its framing by the police and its legal framework are both an order issue and a cultural issue, rioting acts of violence are a natural irascible behaviour of the human nature. Riots are an object and an issue which translate into in recurring urban crises and the difficulty to satisfactorily deal with them.From an operational point of view and from a judicial one, there is a wide range of answers to the disorders but this results in a double embarrassment:• Riots are very often a means of expression. Consciously or not, the judge and the policy-maker have frequently been indulgent with these behaviours in a legal context in which freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and demonstrating a conquest without equivalent in our country. Social and judicial answers are characterized by indulgence, sometimes legitimate, sometimes inadequate and often ill-understood.• Policing and the tools of the law that were shaped by the legal framework and the culture of demonstration can prove to be inadequate to cope with urban riots and they can result in various as well as inappropriate answers like the trivialization of emergency legal schemes and the sedimentation of a culture of clash between people and the police.The repercussion and identification concept and the analysis of the rebel and unsubdued bouts of anger pave the way to an adaptation of the law and the social response aiming at balancing both the expression of the basic rights and the preservation of public peace in urban areas. This is what is at stake with the dialectics « Liberties – Law – Disorder ».

Building careers, managing capitals

Flynn, Emma January 2015 (has links)
I sought to find out whether this was a tension between artistic and commercial in the career of visual artists, and if so, how this tension was managed. In attempting to uncover information which could address the research question I undertook in-depth career history interviews with artists which covered their time at art school through to their current practice. The career history method was deliberately chosen in order to address the research question at a tangent as both the literature, and my own personal experience of the field of contemporary visual art, had suggested that the topic of artistic and commercial was a sensitive one. By framing the interviews around the experiences the artists had through the time period of their training and career, I was able to approach the research questions indirectly from the perspective of the artists. Through analysis of the interview transcripts the framework of Bourdieu's capitals arose as one that would capably explain the activities which the artists were undertaken and I used this as a framing device for the empirical chapters in the thesis. In exploring ideas of cultural, social and economic capitals in relation to how artists describe the activities they undertake during their career it became apparent that the broad structures of cultural capital needed further refinement in their application to the careers of visual artists. In the thesis I chose to elaborate further on the concept of artistic capital which has, until now, been unexplored by scholars. I have developed an understanding of artistic capital as a subcategory of cultural capital with particular application to the field of contemporary visual art – with the potential for wider application beyond the thesis. The three capitals of artistic, social and economic proved a capable structure for understanding whether there was a tension between artistic and commercial and how artists managed this. Through this research I have found that artists come to believe, during their early career and training through art school, that there is a tension between artistic and commercial as this is perpetuated by institutions and art world participants through their exclusion or dismissal of commercial aspects of the visual art field. Through their careers they come to realise that this tension is less prevalent than they thought and that they are able to manage these two aspects of artistic and commercial more effectively. However, artists continue to be faced with instances where this tension is imposed upon them by other art world players who perpetuate the belief that there is an inherent, unresolvable tension between artistic and commercial. These individuals attempt to shield artists from this perceived tension later in their careers when artists are already adept at managing the competing priorities of artistic and commercial without the two creating tension.

La coaction en droit pénal / Co-perpetration in criminal law

Baron, Elisa 07 December 2012 (has links)
Le coauteur est traditionnellement défini en droit pénal comme l’individu qui, agissant avec un autre, réunit sur sa tête l’ensemble des éléments constitutifs de l’infraction. Pourtant, il est permis de douter de la pertinence de cette affirmation tant la jurisprudence comme la doctrine en dévoient le sens.En réalité, loin d’être cantonnée à une simple juxtaposition d’actions, la coaction doit être appréhendée comme un mode à part entière de participation à l’infraction. En effet, elle apparaît comme un titre d’imputation à mi-chemin entre l’action et la complicité, auxquelles elle emprunte certains caractères. Autrement dit, elle se révèle être un mode de participation à sa propre infraction. Surtout, son particularisme est assuré par l’interdépendance unissant les coauteurs : parce que chacun s’associe à son alter ego, tous sont placés sur un pied d’égalité. Ces différents éléments, qui se retrouvent dans sa notion et dans son régime, permettent ainsi d’affirmer la spécificité de la coaction tout en renforçant la cohérence entre les différents modes de participation criminelle. / In criminal law, the co-perpetrator is classically presented as an individual who, acting jointly with another, gathers all the constitutive elements of the offence. However, one may harbor doubts concerning the relevance of this assertion since both case law and legal scholars denature its meaning.Actually, far from being limited to a mere juxtaposition of perpetrations, co-perpetration must be understood as a full mode of participation in the offence. Indeed, it appears as a form of imputation halfway between perpetration and complicity, from which it borrows some characteristics. In other words, it proves to be a mode of participation in one’s own offence. Above all, its particularism is provided by the interdependence between the co-perpetrators : because each of them joins forces with his alter ego, all are placed on an equal footing. These elements, which are found both in it’s concept and in it’s regime, demonstrate thereby the specificity of co-perpetration while strengthening the coherence of the different modes of criminal participation.

Restructurations et droit social / Restructuring and social law

Gadrat, Magali 09 December 2014 (has links)
Dans un contexte économique instable, résultant notamment de la mondialisation des échanges, de la financiarisationde l’économie et de l’accélération des mutations technologiques, caractérisé de surcroît par l’apathie endémique de lacroissance économique française, la prospérité et la survie des entreprises dépendent de leur capacité à s’adapter enpermanence aux évolutions du marché pour pouvoir sauvegarder leur compétitivité, assurer leur développement etfaire face à une concurrence toujours plus vive. Si les restructurations sont indispensables pour assurer la pérennité desentreprises dont dépendent le maintien de l’emploi, le dynamisme du marché du travail et la création de richesse, ellesmettent fréquemment en péril les intérêts des salariés. Nombre d’entre elles menacent ainsi leur emploi et partant leursécurité économique et matérielle, mais également leurs droits collectifs qu’il s’agisse des avantages issus de leurstatut collectif ou de leur droit à participer à la détermination de leurs conditions de travail et à la gestion del’entreprise via leurs représentants, dont le mandat peut être affecté par une restructuration. Si ces opérations mettenten péril les intérêts des salariés et génèrent un coût social largement assumé par la collectivité nationale, le droit, enparticulier le droit social, ne peut remettre en cause les projets de restructuration. Ces décisions et leur mise en oeuvrerelèvent en effet de la liberté d’entreprendre des dirigeants de l’entreprise à laquelle le droit social ne saurait porteratteinte en s’immisçant dans leurs choix économiques et stratégiques. L’objet de cette étude est donc d’exposercomment, en dépit de son incapacité à influer sur les décisions de restructurations, le droit social tente d’en limiter lecoût social, en préservant au mieux les intérêts des salariés. / In an unsettled economic climate, the result in particular of globalisation of trade, the financialisation of the economyand accelerating technological change, further marked by the endemic apathy of French economic growth, theprosperity and survival of companies depend on their capacity to adapt constantly to market trends in order tosafeguard their competitiveness, to ensure their development and to stand up to ever increasingly harsh competition.Whilst restructuring is essential to ensure the long-term survival of companies, on which maintaining jobs, a dynamiclabour market and the creation of wealth all depend, it frequently endangers the interests of employees. Manyrestructuring operations thus threaten their employment and consequently their economic and material security, butalso their collective rights when it comes to advantages resulting from their collective status or their right to participatein determining their working conditions and in the management of the company through their representatives, whosemandate may be impacted by a restructuring operation. While such operations endanger the interests of employees andgenerate a social cost borne to a large extent by the national community, law, and in particular social law, cannotchallenge restructuring projects. Such decisions and their implementation fall within the purview of the freedom to actenjoyed by corporate managers that social law cannot in any way impede by interfering in their economic and strategicchoices. The purpose of this study is therefore to show how social law, despite its inability to influence restructuringdecisions, seeks to limit the social cost by preserving as best as possible the interests of employees.

Les stratégies de l'euro-syndicalisme sectoriel: étude de la coordination salariale et du dialogue social / Euro-trade union sectoral strategies: study of wage coordination and social dialogue

Dufresne, Anne 13 December 2006 (has links)
The main contribution of my thesis is the analysis of substantial empirical material that I have collected from Community trade union actors. My analysis focuses on the institutional strategies of the sectoral European trade union federations and their implications for the Europeanisation of wages policy. I have demonstrated that the development of European coordination processes of national collective bargaining, particularly at sectoral level, has contributed to reviving the concept of collective bargaining and professional relations in the European Area, which until then had been covered in the literature by the social dialogue. I have identified three obstacles to collective negociations at a European level: the “depoliticised” wage in the economic partnership, employers identified as the “lobby partner” in the sectoral social dialogue, and the difficulties encountered in the Europeanisation of trade unions.<p><p>L’apport majeur de notre thèse est l’analyse d’un matériel empirique conséquent que nous avons collecté auprès des acteurs syndicaux communautaires. Notre analyse se concentre sur les stratégies institutionnelles des fédérations syndicales sectorielles européennes et sur leurs implications en matière d’européanisation de la politique salariale. Nous avons démontré que le développement des processus de coordination européenne des négociations collectives nationales, en particulier au niveau sectoriel, peut contribuer à renouveler la conception de la négociation collective et des relations professionnelles dans l’espace européen jusqu’alors appréhendée dans la littérature par le dialogue social. Nous avons identifié trois obstacles à la négociation collective européenne :le salaire « dépolitisé » dans le partenariat économique, le patronat devenu « partenaire-lobby » dans le dialogue social sectoriel, et la difficile européanisation syndicale.<p><p><p> / Doctorat en sciences sociales, Orientation sociologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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