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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die voorligtingsbehoeftes van Sekondêre leerlinge in 'n benadeelde gemeenskap en die implikasies daarvan vir hul groepvoorligtingsprogram:'n opvolgstudie

Gouws, Andre January 1990 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Hierdie ondersoek is onderneem om die voorligtingsbehoeftes van leerlinge in sekondêre Kleurlingskole in Wes-Kaapland te bepaal en die implikasies daarvan vir hul groepvoorligtingsprogram aan te toon. Die navorser het ook die bevindings van die huidige ondersoek met die van sy meningsopnames in 1979 en 1983 vergelyk. 'n Literatuurstudie is aangewend om die aard, doelstellings en beginsels van groepvoorligting te kelingstake van die Westerse en Afrikaanse - adolessent te ondersoek, formuleer, die ontwikspesifiek die Suiden lig te werp op die spesifieke ontwikkelingsbehoeftes en -probleme waarmee Kleurlingjeugdiges te kampe het. Vraelyste deur leerlinge en skoolvoorligters voltooi, het die relevantheid van die amptelike program se groepvoorligtingsonderwerpe beoordeel, aangedui watter moontlik bestaande onderwerpe kan vervang of daarby gevoeg kan word, en kommentaar oor die inhoud en aanbieding van die huidige program gelewer. Ten opsigte van di,e~~rd van groepvoorligting is bevind dat die huidige Handleiding en Program slegs enkele vereistes toelig en dus hersien behoort te word om alle essensiale aspekte van voorligting te dek. Die afwesigheid van spesifieke dQelá!allinaá vir groepvoorligting in die amptelike handleiding voorsien nie die nodige riglyne aan voorligters vir hul taak nie, en dus is 'n reeks doelstellings in funksionele terme geformuleer. Havighurst (1972) se formulering van adolessente ontwikkelingstake, aangevul deur die navorsing van Burns (1988), kan as n bruikbare raamwerk vir die terrein van groepvoorligting gebruik word. Dis is voorgestel dat elke sekondêre standerd persoonlikheidsvoorligting, voorligting, opvoedkundige voorligting en voorligting behoort te ontvang. sosiale beroeps- Ten opsigte het die onderwerpe van die inhoud van 'n groepvoorligtings programliteratuurstudie onder andere aangetoon dat by die leerlinge se ontwikkelingsvlak en veranderende behoeftes aansluiting moet vind, die program buigsaam moet wees om by plaaslike vereistes te kan aanpas, en dat die klem op die bevordering van leerlinge se persoonlike waardestelsels behoort te val Dit het uit die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek geblyk dat beide leerlinge en voorligters die oorgrote meerderheid onderwerpe van die amptelike program as van besondere belang beskou. Weens die erns en omvang van die voorligtingsbehoeftes wat geIdentifiseer is, blyk egter 'n aansienlike uitbreiding van die program aangewese te wees. Binne elke standerd behoort 'n beperkte aantal "verpligte" onderwerpe aangebied te word, terwyl minstens die helfte van dievoorligtingstyd aan opsionele onderwerpe in ooreenstemming met leerlinggroepe se besondere behoeftes bestee behoort te word. Persoonlikheids- en sosiale voorligting enersyds en opvoedkundige en beroepsvoorligting andersyds moet die twee gelykwaardige komponente van so 'n program uitmaak Dié response van die leerlinge en voorligters stem in 'n hom mate met die van die vorige ondersoeke ooreen. n Veel groter sensitiwiteit ten opsigte van gemeenskaps probleme en interpersoonlike verhoudings, asook 'n sterker behoefte aan probleemoplossingsvaardighede en geslags- en beroepsvoorligting het egter geblyk. Dus is onder andere aanbeveel dat geslagsvoorligting as n afsonderlike program aangebied en die bestaande samewerking met privaat tingsinstansies voortgesit sal word. In verband met die aanbieding van groepvoorligtingslesse is die skep van 'n ontspanne atmosfeer, bevorderlik vir aktiewe leerlingdeelname, vrye meningswisseling en persoonlike meningsvorming, beklemtoon. Bepaalde administratiewe maatreels is voorgestel ten einde die sukses verseker. van 'n hersiene groepvoorligtingsprogram te help Verder is sekere aanbevelings gemaak om voorligters se professionele status te verhoog.

Untersuchungen zur Visualisierung zahnfarbener Füllungen

Dreißig, Anna 24 August 2016 (has links)
Bei der postmortalen Befunderhebung an Zähnen im Rahmen der Identifikation unbekannter Leichen besteht die Möglichkeit, dass zahnfarbene Füllungen übersehen oder fehlgedeutet werden. Daraus entstehende Diskrepanzen zu den antemortalen Daten können zu Problemen bei der Identifikation führen. Ziel der Ar-beit war daher die Ermittlung einer zuverlässigen und praxistauglichen Methode zum sicheren Erkennen von zahnfarbenen Zahnfüllungen bei der postmortalen Befunderhebung. Dazu wurden 50 menschliche Zähne mit zahnfarbenen Füllungen versorgt und mittels UV-Licht, digitaler IR-Fotografie, digitalem Röntgen, CT und einer Schmelzfärbemethode bezüglich der Erkennbarkeit der Füllungen untersucht. Die geeignetsten Methoden wurden zusätzlich anhand von Farbfotografien in Fragebögen beurteilt. Die Schmelzfärbemethode erwies sich als die genauste Methode, aber auch mit Hilfe der UV-Fluoreszenz konnten mit 97% nahezu alle Füllungen erkannt werden. Die Röntgendiagnostik ermöglichte das Erkennen von 80% der vorhandenen zahnfarbenen Füllungen. Das CT ist unzuverlässig und die Infrarot-Fotografie ist ungeeignet für diese Fragestellung. Im Ergebnis dieser Studie kann die verbesserte Schmelzfärbung als sicherste Me-thode zur postmortalen Identifikation von zahnfarbenen Füllungen empfohlen wer-den. Als zuverlässige und schnelle „Screening Methode“ ist die Untersuchung mittels UV-Fluoreszenz geeignet. Für den sicheren Einsatz der UV-Fluoreszenz in der Rechtsmedizin sollten die Fähigkeiten der Rechtsmediziner im Umgang mit dieser Methode anhand praktischer Übungen geschult werden.

Srovnání tří metod použitých při vyhodnocení schopnosti šíření semen a jejího významu pro kolonizaci opuštěných polí u druhů z čeledi Asteraceae / Comparison of three trials used for assassement of ability to disperse by wind and its importance for colonazition of abandoned fields in Asteraceae species

Vlasta, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Several methods are used for studying seed dispersal (seed traps, tracking individual seeds, tracking seeds coloured by fluorescent colours, etc.) However, only a few studies compared results obtained by several methods. In first part of this master thesis, I compared the three above mentioned methods used for studying seed dispersal using species from Asteraceae family. From previous research within the study area (Úštěcko), it is known that dry grassland species are able to colonize abandoned fields. Using seed dispersal data obtained within this theses, I tried to assess the role of seed dispersal on distribution of dry grassland species on abandoned fields both on local and regional scale. The results showed that dispersal curves obtained by the three methods differ significantly. This results may be due to different wind conditions during the experiments. Seed trap data show results from long-term seed dispersal influenced by highly variable wind conditions. In contrary, seed release experiments showed results based on single dispersal event under limited wind conditions. Tracking seeds coloured by fluorescent colours was shown to be not convenient for small seeds, but I can recommend this method for larger seeds. Influence of seed dispersal ability on abundance of dry grassland species on...

Des aménagements routiers sécuritaires et des techniques routières urbaines dans une perspective de gestion durable de la voirie : le cas du Québec / Safe road development and urban road technology from a sustainable road management perspective : the case of Quebec

St-Jacques, Michèle 16 May 2019 (has links)
Pendant plusieurs années, les aménagements de la voirie urbaine ont été adaptés à un accroissement continuel de la circulation automobile avec l’élargissement des emprises roulables et la prédominance du noir des revêtements bitumineux. Or, la route accueille maintenant des usagers variés. Elle doit donc tenir compte de tous ces utilisateurs, leur donner la place qui leur revient et réussir à les faire cohabiter. La route doit mettre en valeur les territoires qu’elle traverse, tout en répondant à sa mission première qui est de desservir adéquatement les communautés avoisinantes. Il faut concevoir des routes de façon à ce que les conducteurs de véhicules motorisés fassent naturellement ce qu’on attend d’eux. Les revêtements colorés peuvent être utilisés pour créer des ambiances urbaines, renforcer l’identité d’une ville et faciliter la lecture des espaces. Plusieurs nouveaux aménagements routiers, allant des carrefours giratoires aux stationnements en passant par la signalisation et toutes les mesures qui permettent de modérer la circulation, sont à la disposition des concepteurs. De plus, dans un contexte de développement durable, de nouvelles techniques routières ont fait leur apparition. Parmi celles-ci, en plus des revêtements colorés, il y a les enrobés tièdes. Cette thèse, basée sur une trentaine d’années de recherches, d’enseignements, de réalisations et d’observations à travers le monde, présente ces nouveaux aménagements routiers et ces nouveaux matériaux / For years, the development and maintenance of urban road systems responded to a continuous increase in automobile traffic by extending the network, with the blacktop for asphalt pavements taking the lead. However, the road now serves a wide variety of users, which it must now satisfy even as it struggles to meet their competing end goals. The road must enhance the landscape, while adequately serving the surrounding communities. Road design must be realized in a manner that allows drivers to perform what is expected of them naturally. Coloured bituminous surfaces can be used to create urban atmospheres, to reinforce the identity of a city, to facilitate the reading of spaces, to support the cohabitation of different users and to identify different places. Several new road engineering measures, such as roundabouts, parking, traffic signs and traffic calming measures, are now available to urban planners, traffic engineers and road designers. Furthermore, in the framework of sustainable development, new road techniques have emerged, including coloured bituminous pavements and a variety of warm mix asphalt techniques. This thesis, wich is based on thirty years of research, teaching, accomplishments and observations from around the world, presents these new road management measures and materials

A thematic inquiry into the dominant cultural and familial factors in South African coloured people's experience of anorexia nervosa : a qualitative study

Stemmet, Leatia 08 April 2010 (has links)
This study seeks to explore anorexia nervosa as experienced within the South African coloured community in the specific. It represents an examination of themes within the participants’ depictions, discovering those themes that concur with existent literature, as well as discerning novel themes within the target group. Literature proves to yield varied results with regard to anorexia as presented in diverse cultures. Sufficient awareness is lacking within the South African context, where a scarcity of available literature that explores the experiences of the coloured anorexic individual necessitates the need for the current study. The contributing factors are viewed to involve societal, cultural, and familial aspects, all of which are situated within a systemic frame of reference. Systems theory provides the foundation within which these factors are explored, aiming to provide the reader with in-depth knowledge as to the functioning of the anorectic patient. It should be noted that these factors are interconnected, influencing each other in a circular manner. Attention is awarded to not only larger systems of societal and cultural influences, but also serves to encompass the functioning of the anorectic within the familial system. The reciprocity that exists within and between sub-systems is investigated, with the focus being the interrelatedness between members. Recursive feedback and associated processes are examined as they relate to the development and maintenance of anorexia. A qualitative research design was applied, where semi-structured interviews served as the chosen data collection strategy. Interviews were conducted at the hospital where they received treatment, and aimed to extract the meanings inherent in the participants’ experiences. A limited availability of diagnosed coloured anorexic individuals resulted in two willing participants partaking in the study. Thematic networks enabled the researcher to explore their representations in depth, leading to the subsequent organising of themes for further analysis. Two global themes emerged upon examination, the first of which was identified as “familial impact and patterns”, consisting of organising themes of relational positioning and interactional processes. Organising themes of expectations and internal emotional states constitute the second global theme of “control”. These themes are supported by a variety of basic themes, all of which serve to enhance the understanding of the organising themes, contributing to the respective global themes. Extensive exploration of the discovered themes followed, with the investigation proceeding within a systems theory framework. A conclusive discussion serves the purpose of bringing the exploration to a close. Relevant literature is incorporated into the discussion, providing the reader with an integrated understanding of the findings of the study within the broader field of anorexia nervosa. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Psychology / unrestricted

The effect of zilpaterol hydrochloride on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics in weaner steers

Mantiziba, Chipo Winnie 12 January 2015 (has links)
An experiment was conducted using forty-one Bonsmara steers (age ± 7 months) to determine the effect of zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH) on the growth performance and carcass characteristics. The trial was structured using a completely randomized design with two treatments, control and ZH group. The steers were fed ZH for 28 consecutive days at the end of the finishing period and ZH was withdrawn from the diet 2 days prior to slaughter of the animals. The steers were placed in individual pens and weighed fortnightly throughout the 4 months trial. Zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH) was included in the diet at a rate of 8.3 mg/kg of DM. Feeding of ZH increased (P< 0.05) body weight (BW) gain and ADG (1.102 vs. 1.444) and tended to increase (P = 0.067) feed efficiency (F:G) during the last month of the finishing period. There were no significant differences (P> 0.05) in daily dry matter intakes (DMI). For the control group, high treatment weight gains were significantly associated with high initial weight (r = 0.424, P = 0.049) and also high pre-treatment body weight (r = 0.678, P= 0.001). Treatment weight gain increased as the initial and pre-treatment weight gain increased in the control group. For the steers that were fed ZH, there was no significant correlation between the treatment body weight gain with initial weight (r = 0.097, P = 0.694) and also pre- treatment live weight (r = 0.393, P = 0.096). Supplementation of ZH significantly increased (P < 0.0001) the dressing percentage (56.4% vs. 58.4%) and had no significant (P>0.05) effect on the carcass weight. The outcome of the study suggest that supplementation of ZH in the diet during the last month of the finishing period enhances growth performance and shows the repartitioning capacity of the feed additive as a beta- agonist. / Agriculture and  Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture (Animal Science)

Die rol van die vrou in die onderwys met spesiale verwysing na bruinonderwys

Wessels, Frances Joan 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die Bruinvrou in die onderwys het 'n besondere rol om te vertolk veral in die !ewe van die volwassewordende kind asook in die hele skoolopset. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om hierdie rol te bepaal. Tersaaklike gegewens is verkry deur middel van Iiteratuurstudie, die outobiografiese teks, onderhoude asook vraelyste. Deur die inligting bekom, is vasgestel dat die omstandighede waaronder 'n groot gedcelte van die Bruinonderwyseresse werk, nie altyd gunstig is nie. Baie Bruinlccrclcrs woon in sosio-ekonomiese agtergeblewe gebiede waar misdaad en bendebcdrywighedc aan die orde van die dag is. Waardestelsels, leefstyl van die subkultuur, onvoldoende materiele versorging en gebrekkige opvoeding veroorsaak steuringe in die leerders se ingesteldheid teenoor die skool. Haar vrouwees laat die onderwyseres baie empatie toon in haar opvoedingskommunikasie met die leerder. Sy poog om toereikend na sy behoeftes om te sicn. As medcganger help sy die leerder om elke mylpaal wat hy bereik, te beskou as die begin van 'n ander. Deur haar meelewendheid word veral die milieugestremde Bruinkind se menswaardigheid erken. Baie bruinleerders het aangedui dat onderwyseresse rolmodelle vir hulle is. Sommige onderwyseresse word verplig om jarelank dieselfde graad te onderrig. Aangesien hulle so 'n betekenisvolle rol in die volwassewording van die kind speel, is dit nodig dat hulle ervaring opdoen van die verskillende grade in die skool. Die vrou is baie veelsydig en het moontlikhede wat tocreikcnd aangewend kan word in al die fasette van die skoolopset. Sy kan '11 baie belangrike bydrae lewer in die organisasie en administrasie van die skool as sy die geleentheid gebied word. Haar ingesteldheid op die menslike en die belangrikheid van gesonde verhoudinge asook haar hoe pligsbesef dui daarop dat die onderwyseres by magte is om 'n uitstekende onderwysleier te wees. Nieteenstaande die feit dat onderwyseresse volgens statistieke oorverteenwoordig is in die onderwys, is hulle onderverteenwoordig in bestuursposte. Alhoewel die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid Afrika 1996, gebaseer is op die beginsels van gelykheid en menswaardigheid, is seksisme en diskriminasie op grond van geslag nog steeds ernstige struikelblokke vir die onderwyseres op haar weg na beter vooruitsigte in die onderwys. Aanbevelings vir praktykverbetering asook verdere navorsing is gemaak. / The Coloured woman in education has a particular role to play, especially in the life of the child growing towards adulthood as well as in the school in general. The aim of this investigation is to determine that role. Relevant information had been obtained by means of literary sources, autobiographical texts, interviews and questionnaires. Having obtained this information, it was established that the circumstances in which a large proportion of Coloured female educators work, are not always favourable. Many coloured learners live in socio-economic disadvantaged areas where crime and gangsterism prevail. Value systems, lifestyles of the subculture, inadequate material care and a serious lack of education are causing disruptions of learners' inclination towards the school. Being a woman enables the female educator to show considerable empathy in her pedagogic communication with the learners. She endeavours to sufficiently provide in their needs. As pedagogic accompanist she assists the learner to see every milestone that he/she achieves as the basis for another. Her involvement brings about an acknowledgement of the human dignity of the milieu-deprived Coloured child. Many coloured learners have indicated that their female educators are their role models. Some female educators are compelled to teach the same grade for years. Their significant role merits experience of teaching the various grades at school. Women are very versatile and have potential which can be utilized adequately in all the facets of the school situation. They can make very important contributions towards the organisation and administration of the school as a whole, given the opportunity. Their focus on human nature and the importance of sound relationships as well as their high sense of duty are indicative of the ability female educators have to become excellent leaders in education. They are nevertheless under-represented in educational management positions. Although the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, is based on the principles of equality and human dignity, sexism is still a stumbling block in the path of female educators. Recommendations for an improvement m educational practice as well as further research were made. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Filosofie van die Opvoeding)

Pentecostals in retreat : changing cultural and religious identities

Gorman, Roger Dale 06 1900 (has links)
This study is about the identity of Coloured Pentecostals living in Retreat, Western Cape. It concerns the effects which social change has upon boundary markers and worldview. It uses Robert Schreiter's semiotic approach to culture. Schreiter says that social change along with boundary markers and worldview are the basis for changing identities. This study applies Schreiter's approach to a case study to see if it will work. The study considers the traditional Coloured Pentecostal Culture's identity represented by the older generation of Pentecostals in Retreat. It then considers some responses to those traditional boundary markers and worldview given primarily by the younger generation of Pentecostals. It then suggests some possible solutions to the problems which have been identified as the reasons for the changing cultural and religious identity of the Coloured Pentecostal Culture . / Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

Efeito do déficit hídrico em características químicas e bioquímicas da soja e na degradação da clorofila, com ênfase na formação de metabólitos incolores / Influence of drought stress on chemical and biochemical characteristics of soybean and on chlorophyll degradation, with focus on the formation of non-coloured chlorophyll catabolites

Borrmann, Daniela 07 August 2009 (has links)
O Brasil é o segundo maior produtor e exportador de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill) no mundo. A produção é altamente dependente de fatores climáticos, incluindo a temperatura e quantidade de chuva. A soja cultivada no sul do país em 2005 sofreu déficit hídrico causado por temperaturas altas acompanhado por umidade baixa durante o estádio reprodutivo. Pouco se sabe sobre a influência do déficit hídrico na degradação da clorofila e na qualidade dos grãos em geral. Nesse trabalho foram analisadas, numa primeira etapa, as características químicas e bioquímicas de cinco amostras de soja, provenientes de três cultivares que cresceram sob déficit hídrico e que não atendiam aos padrões para comercialização por conter altas quantidades de sementes verdes. Os grãos foram analisados quanto a diversos parâmetros físico-químicos e bioquímicos incluindo a análise dos pigmentos verdes imediatamente após a colheita e após 20 meses de armazenamento. A acidez foi medida adicionalmente após 30 meses de armazenamento. A atividade de água e umidade foram 0,6-0,7 e 8,7 %-11,9 %, respectivamente, e não mudaram durante a estocagem, mas houve um aumento em acidez o que indica atividade de lipases. A atividade da lipoxigenase 1 foi significativamente prejudicada. Imediatamente após a colheita os pigmentos verdes correspondiam a feofitina a, feofitina b e pequenas quantidades de clorofila a e b, e traços de outros derivados da clorofila, em ordem decrescente. Após 20 meses de estocagem quase todos os pigmentos haviam desaparecido. O déficit hídrico provavelmente aumentou a permeabilidade das membranas, o que levou a um aumento do pH e promoveu a transformação das clorofilas para feofitinas. Na segunda etapa do trabalho foi estudado o estágio avançado da degradação natural da clorofila na qual desaparece a coloração esverdeada dos grãos. Esta etapa corresponde à formação de catabólitos incolores (NCC), mas existem controvérsias se essas substâncias são os produtos finais da degradação. Assim, foram investigadas a formação e degradação dos NCC durante a maturação da soja e o efeito do tratamento térmico pós-colheita. A soja foi colhida em seis estádios de maturação e a formação dos NCC foi analisada por HPLC após secagem dos grãos a 40 e 60°C. Todas as amostras contiveram frações com um máximo de absorbância a 320 nm, considerado típico para os NCC. Os teores aumentaram até o 114o dia após a semeadura e decresceram significativamente em estádios mais avançados de maturação. Nas amostras secas a 40 e 60°C os teores de NCC foram menores, devido a níveis iniciais de clorofila inferiores. Esses resultados indicam que os NCC em soja provavelmente não sejam os produtos finais da degradação da clorofila. A sua redução em estádios mais avançados de maturação indica a sua metabolização para outras substâncias. / Brazil is the second largest soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) producer and exporter in the world. The production depends on climatic factors, like temperature and rain volume. Soybeans cultivated in the south of the country in 2005 suffered drought stress imposed by adverse high ambient temperature, accompanied by low humidity during the reproductive stage. Little information is available regarding drought stress on quality of grains. In this study, firstly, chemical and biochemical characteristics of five soybean samples belonging to three cultivars grown under drought stress and did not meet standards for marketing due to high amounts of green seeds, were evaluated. Grains were analyzed for several physicochemical ad biochemical parameters, including analysis of pigment contents, immediately after harvest and after 20 months of storage at room temperature. Acidity was measured additionally after 30 month of storage. Water activity and humidity were 0.6 - 0.7 and 8.7 % - 11.9 %, respectively, and did not change during storage time, but there was an increase in acidity, which alludes to lipase activity. The activity of lipoxygenase 1 was significantly prejudiced. Immediately after harvest, green pigments corresponded mainly to pheophytin a, followed by pheophytin b, small quantities of chlorophyll b and chlorophyll a and traces of other chlorophyll derivatives. After 20 months of storage almost all green pigments had disappeared. Drought stress probably enhanced membrane permeability, which led to a lower pH and promoted transformation of chlorophylls to pheophytins. In the second part of the study, the advanced stage of natural chlorophyll degradation was investigated, in which the green colour of the seeds disappears. This stage corresponds to the formation of non-coloured chlorophyll catabolites (NCC), but there are controversies if those are the final products. Thus, the formation and degradation of NCC during soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) maturation and two post-harvest drying temperatures was investigated. Soybean was harvested at six maturation stages and the formation of NCC was analyzed by HPLC after drying at 40°C and 60°C. All samples contained fractions with an absorption maximum at 320 nm, which are considered typical for NCC. The amounts of NCC increased until 114 days after plantation, and were significantly lower in advanced maturation stages. In samples dried at 40°C and 60°C, NCC amounts were lower, due to inferior initial chlorophyll levels. These results indicate that the NCC in soybeans might not be the final products of chlorophyll degradation. Their reduction in advanced maturation stages may be due to further metabolization.

Efeito do déficit hídrico em características químicas e bioquímicas da soja e na degradação da clorofila, com ênfase na formação de metabólitos incolores / Influence of drought stress on chemical and biochemical characteristics of soybean and on chlorophyll degradation, with focus on the formation of non-coloured chlorophyll catabolites

Daniela Borrmann 07 August 2009 (has links)
O Brasil é o segundo maior produtor e exportador de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill) no mundo. A produção é altamente dependente de fatores climáticos, incluindo a temperatura e quantidade de chuva. A soja cultivada no sul do país em 2005 sofreu déficit hídrico causado por temperaturas altas acompanhado por umidade baixa durante o estádio reprodutivo. Pouco se sabe sobre a influência do déficit hídrico na degradação da clorofila e na qualidade dos grãos em geral. Nesse trabalho foram analisadas, numa primeira etapa, as características químicas e bioquímicas de cinco amostras de soja, provenientes de três cultivares que cresceram sob déficit hídrico e que não atendiam aos padrões para comercialização por conter altas quantidades de sementes verdes. Os grãos foram analisados quanto a diversos parâmetros físico-químicos e bioquímicos incluindo a análise dos pigmentos verdes imediatamente após a colheita e após 20 meses de armazenamento. A acidez foi medida adicionalmente após 30 meses de armazenamento. A atividade de água e umidade foram 0,6-0,7 e 8,7 %-11,9 %, respectivamente, e não mudaram durante a estocagem, mas houve um aumento em acidez o que indica atividade de lipases. A atividade da lipoxigenase 1 foi significativamente prejudicada. Imediatamente após a colheita os pigmentos verdes correspondiam a feofitina a, feofitina b e pequenas quantidades de clorofila a e b, e traços de outros derivados da clorofila, em ordem decrescente. Após 20 meses de estocagem quase todos os pigmentos haviam desaparecido. O déficit hídrico provavelmente aumentou a permeabilidade das membranas, o que levou a um aumento do pH e promoveu a transformação das clorofilas para feofitinas. Na segunda etapa do trabalho foi estudado o estágio avançado da degradação natural da clorofila na qual desaparece a coloração esverdeada dos grãos. Esta etapa corresponde à formação de catabólitos incolores (NCC), mas existem controvérsias se essas substâncias são os produtos finais da degradação. Assim, foram investigadas a formação e degradação dos NCC durante a maturação da soja e o efeito do tratamento térmico pós-colheita. A soja foi colhida em seis estádios de maturação e a formação dos NCC foi analisada por HPLC após secagem dos grãos a 40 e 60°C. Todas as amostras contiveram frações com um máximo de absorbância a 320 nm, considerado típico para os NCC. Os teores aumentaram até o 114o dia após a semeadura e decresceram significativamente em estádios mais avançados de maturação. Nas amostras secas a 40 e 60°C os teores de NCC foram menores, devido a níveis iniciais de clorofila inferiores. Esses resultados indicam que os NCC em soja provavelmente não sejam os produtos finais da degradação da clorofila. A sua redução em estádios mais avançados de maturação indica a sua metabolização para outras substâncias. / Brazil is the second largest soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) producer and exporter in the world. The production depends on climatic factors, like temperature and rain volume. Soybeans cultivated in the south of the country in 2005 suffered drought stress imposed by adverse high ambient temperature, accompanied by low humidity during the reproductive stage. Little information is available regarding drought stress on quality of grains. In this study, firstly, chemical and biochemical characteristics of five soybean samples belonging to three cultivars grown under drought stress and did not meet standards for marketing due to high amounts of green seeds, were evaluated. Grains were analyzed for several physicochemical ad biochemical parameters, including analysis of pigment contents, immediately after harvest and after 20 months of storage at room temperature. Acidity was measured additionally after 30 month of storage. Water activity and humidity were 0.6 - 0.7 and 8.7 % - 11.9 %, respectively, and did not change during storage time, but there was an increase in acidity, which alludes to lipase activity. The activity of lipoxygenase 1 was significantly prejudiced. Immediately after harvest, green pigments corresponded mainly to pheophytin a, followed by pheophytin b, small quantities of chlorophyll b and chlorophyll a and traces of other chlorophyll derivatives. After 20 months of storage almost all green pigments had disappeared. Drought stress probably enhanced membrane permeability, which led to a lower pH and promoted transformation of chlorophylls to pheophytins. In the second part of the study, the advanced stage of natural chlorophyll degradation was investigated, in which the green colour of the seeds disappears. This stage corresponds to the formation of non-coloured chlorophyll catabolites (NCC), but there are controversies if those are the final products. Thus, the formation and degradation of NCC during soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) maturation and two post-harvest drying temperatures was investigated. Soybean was harvested at six maturation stages and the formation of NCC was analyzed by HPLC after drying at 40°C and 60°C. All samples contained fractions with an absorption maximum at 320 nm, which are considered typical for NCC. The amounts of NCC increased until 114 days after plantation, and were significantly lower in advanced maturation stages. In samples dried at 40°C and 60°C, NCC amounts were lower, due to inferior initial chlorophyll levels. These results indicate that the NCC in soybeans might not be the final products of chlorophyll degradation. Their reduction in advanced maturation stages may be due to further metabolization.

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