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Nové trendy v mezinárodní obchodní arbitráži / New trends in international commercial arbitrationJavůrková, Hana January 2017 (has links)
New trends in international commercial arbitration The subject of this diploma thesis is the international commercial arbitration as a dynamicallydeveloping field and more specificallyselected segments of the development of this field. Due to the great popularity ofsolvinginternationalcommercialdisputestheotherwaythanincivillitigationinternationalcommercial arbitration is a very important and growing field. International commercial arbitration is pushed continuallytobeimprovedtobeabletoprovideaquick,qualifiedandfairsolution.Sincethereis changed competencefrom courttoarbitratoritis alsoveryimportant forstates toensurethat arbitrationawards that haveariseninthearbitrationprocedurerespectpublicorderandthattheprocedure keepscertainstandards of the process. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical definition of international commercial arbitration, the distinctions between arbitration and civil litigation and ADR methods. There are also named theoretical concepts of arbitration such as contractual theory, jurisdictional theory, hybrid and autonomous theory with representatives of each one. The second section describes the development of the international arbitration and covers all important sources of law of international arbitration. Since there are...
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