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Využití fuzzy clusteringu při modelování vlastností ztvrdlých betonů / Using fuzzy clustering in modelling of hardened concrete propertiesHaluska, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
Compressive strength is one of the most monitored parameter of hardened concrete and it is usually determinated by destructive testing. Non-destructive testing applied on existing constructions uses regression analysis to estimate compressive strength. High variability of outputs and eventually failure of necessary requirements for using regression analysis complicate these methods. The aim of this thesis is to show posibility of using fuzzy clustering in this topic and to compare outputs with classic methods.
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En funktion- och miljöpåverkansanlays av materialet isobetong / A Property and Environmental Analysis of the Material IsobetongRosencrantz, Eric, Saether, Oskar January 2020 (has links)
Byggbranschen utvecklas konstant, strävan efter att utveckla nya och effektivare material ärstor. Några av de viktigaste egenskaperna som byggsektorn eftersöker är hög hållfasthet, lågvärmekonduktivitet och låg miljöpåverkan.Isobetong är ett nyligen framtaget material. Det är en typ av skumbetong med egenskaper ochfunktioner som skiljer sig från traditionell skumbetong ur hänseende på hållfasthet,värmekonduktivitet och miljöpåverkan.Syftet med denna undersökning är att identifiera Isobetongens karakteristiska egenskaper ochjämföra de med egenskaper av konkurrerande material. Resultatet föreslås tydliggöramaterialets styrkor och vidare utgöra en grund för fortsatt undersökning samt främja enutökad användning. De frågor vilket undersökningen formas kring är ’Vad har materialet förmiljöpåverkan?’ och ’Hur jämför sig materialet mot mineralull och cellplast gällande funktionoch miljöpåverkan?’.Resultatet visar att miljöpåverkan av materialet Isobetong varierar från 65,5 kg CO2-ekvivalenter per kubikmeter för dess produkt med lägst densitet, upp till 230,7 kg CO2-ekvivalenter per kubikmeter för produkten med högst densitet. Beräkningarna som utförts ijämförande syfte tyder på att Isobetong i genomsnitt inte är likställd med cellplast ellermineralull inom områdena för densitet, värmekonduktivitet och miljöpåverkan. Resultatet förtryckhållfastheten av Isobetong ger ett betydligt högre värde än de övriga materialen.Slutsatsen är att relativt mot de jämförda materialen kan inte Isobetong konkurrera med varesig cellplast- eller mineralullsisoleringar då högre krav ställs på densitet, värmekonduktivitetoch miljöpåverkan. I projekt där en god tryckhållfasthet krävs har Isobetong en klar fördel. / The construction industry is continuously developing, the strive to develop new and moreefficient materials is great. In the industry, some of the most sought for properties of theimproved materials are high strength, low thermal conductivity, and low environmentalimpact.Isobetong is a recently developed material. It is a variety of foam concrete with properties thatdiffer from traditional foam concrete regarding strength, thermal conductivity, andenvironmental impact.The purpose of this analysis is to identify characteristic properties of Isobetong and tocompare them to the properties of competitive materials. The results are proposed to clarifythe material’s strengths and to furthermore act as a foundation for continued research as wellas encouraging an increased usage. The questions the analysis is based on are ‘What is theenvironmental impact of the material?’ and ‘How does the material compare to mineral wooland polystyrene?’.The result displays an environmental impact of the material Isobetong to vary between 65,5kg CO2-equivalents per cubic meter for the product with the lowest density, up to 230,7 kgCO2-equivalents per cubic meter for the product with the highest density. The computationsthat have been completed for comparative purposes indicates that Isobetong on average is notequal to polystyrene or mineral wool in areas of density, thermal conductivity, orenvironmental impact. The result for the compressive strength of Isobetong yield aconsiderably higher value than the other materials.The conclusion is that relative to the compared materials is Isobetong unable to compete withneither polystyrene or mineral wool insulations when higher requirements are set for density,thermal conductivity, and environmental impact. For projects that require a notablecompressive strength does Isobetong show a clear advantage.
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Untersuchungen zum feldaktivierten Sintern und zum geschwindigkeitsabhängigen Festigkeits- und Versagensverhalten von near-nano WC-Co-Hartstoffen unter DruckbeanspruchungMandel, Kristin 07 February 2014 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden das feldaktivierte Sinterverhalten sowie das geschwindigkeitsabhängige Druckfestigkeitsverhalten von WC-Co-Hartstoffen mit variierenden Bindergehalten untersucht. Dazu wurde eine Herstellungsroute für kornwachstumshemmerfreie near-nanokristalline WC-Co-Hartstoffe mit der Field Assisted Sintering Technique (FAST) entwickelt und genutzt, um Materialien mit Co-Gehalten von 2 bis 12 Ma.-% zu erzeugen. Gezielte Werkstoffzustände und Probengeometrien sind durch Anpassung des Sinterprozesses herstellbar.
Ausgewählte WC-Co-Materialien mit Co-Anteilen von 6 bis 12 Ma.-% wurden unter Einfluss von Beanspruchungsgeschwindigkeit, Spannungszustand und Beanspruchungshäufigkeit hinsichtlich der Druckfestigkeit und des Versagensverhaltens charakterisiert.
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<p>Concrete is in everyday life such as parking lots, buildings, bridges, and more. To keep concrete and its constituents together, binders such as cement are used. Cement’s production process is responsible for 8% of global carbon dioxide emissions as of 2018. With global warming being a severe global issue, the challenge of reducing cement carbon dioxide emissions can be greatly beneficial with even slight improvements. Various solutions to this challenge have developed over the years in the form of processing efficiency, material substitution, or material additives. Of the additives for cement and concrete that have been ventured, nanomaterials have had a strong development in recent years. Specifically, cellulose nanomaterials in the form of nanocrystals, nanofibrils, and more have demonstrated great improvement in cement’s performance resulting in a reduction in cement produced and reduction in emissions. This study expands on the knowledge of cellulose nanocrystals as an additive for cement using the formation factor methodology. Formation factor is a resistivity ratio of the specimen and pore solution that can be used in correlation to the diffusion of chloride ions through the use of the Nernst-Einstein equation. This study also investigates the effect that cellulose nanomaterials have on the mechanical properties and thermogravimetric analysis of gypsum, a material commonly used in cement production that delays the hardening of cement. </p>
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Efecto de la incorporación de caucho como agregado y microsílice como adición en el desempeño del concreto estructural / Effect of the incorporation of rubber as an aggregate and microsilica as an addition on the performance of structural concreteSantos Aybar, Guillermo Nombres, Román Acuña, Daniel Augusto 11 December 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación analiza, mediante un estudio experimental, los efectos en las propiedades mecánicas y reológicas del concreto estructural con incorporación de caucho y microsílice (CCM). Se elaboraron 10 diseños de mezcla de CCM con una relación a/c de 0.50 y 340 kg cemento tipo I, reemplazos parciales de caucho de 0, 5, 10, 15 y 20% y microsílice de 0 y 2%, de arena y cemento respectivamente. Además, se incluyó un aditivo superplastificante MasterEase 3900 y un retardante MasterSet R800. La piedra empleada posee un TMN de 3/4" y cumple con la granulometría para Huso 67, la arena y el caucho granulado tienen módulos de fineza de 2.9 y 4.6 respectivamente. La propiedad de resistencia a la compresión fue tomada a los 1, 7 y 28 días de curado; y tracción a los 14 y 28 días de curado. Los resultados de la reología indicaron que las mezclas que contenían 20% de reemplazo de arena por caucho presentaron incompatibilidad con los aditivos lo que conllevo a una falta de consistencia en dichos diseños, con respecto a los demás diseños con reemplazo de caucho de hasta 15%, estos presentaron una mejor conservación de su asentamiento en el tiempo, una disminución en su peso unitario hasta en 8.4%, un aumento en el calor de hidratación inicial lo que conllevo a la obtención de mayores temperaturas del concreto y por último se observó un aumento en el contenido de aire hasta en 1.7%. Al incorporar microsílice en los diseños con caucho se observó que el asentamiento no presentó variaciones significativas, el peso unitario disminuyó en 1.9%, la temperatura del concreto aumentó y se obtuvieron mayores contenidos de aire hasta en 2.5%. Los resultados de las propiedades mecánicas indican que, a mayor contenido de caucho, disminuye la resistencia a la tracción hasta en 35.0% y a la compresión hasta en 43.3%; sin embargo, al adicionar microsílice a los diseños con caucho, la resistencia a la compresión aumentó hasta en un 9.8% y la resistencia a la tracción disminuyó hasta en un 14.8%. / This research analyzes, through an experimental study, the effects on the mechanical and rheological properties of structural concrete with incorporation of rubber and microsilica (CRM). In this investigation, 10 CCM mixture designs were developed with a w / c ratio of 0.50 and 340 kg of type I cement, partial replacements of rubber of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% and microsilica of 0 and 2%, of sand and cement respectively. In addition, a MasterEase 3900 superplasticizer additive and a MasterSet R800 retarder were included. The stone used has a maximum size of 3/4” and complies with the granulometry for Huso 67, sand and granulated rubber have fineness modulus of 2.9 and 4.58 respectively. The property of compressive strength was taken at 1, 7 and 28 days of curing; and tensile strength at 14 and 28 days of curing. The rheology results indicated that the mixtures containing 20% replacement of sand by rubber presented incompatibility with the additives, which led to a lack of consistency in these designs, with respect to the other designs with rubber replacement of up to 15%, these presented a better conservation of their slump over time, a decrease in their unit weight of up to 8.4%, an increase in the initial heat of hydration, which led to higher concrete temperatures and, finally, an increase of up to 1.7% in air content was observed. By incorporating microsilica in rubber designs, it was observed that the slump did not present significant variations, the unit weight decreased of up to 1.9%, the temperature of the concrete increased, and higher air of up to 2.5% contents were obtained. The results of the mechanical properties indicate that, the increase of the rubber content, the decrease of the tensile strength up to 35.0% and compressive strength up to 43.4%; however, when adding microsilica the compressive strength increased up to 9.8% and the tensile strength decreased up to 14.8%. / Trabajo de investigación
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Mejoramiento de las propiedades mecánicas del concreto con ACR empleando aditivo nanosílice / Improvement of the mechanical properties of concrete with ARC and nanosilize additiveAyala Aguilar, Kevin Josué, Ccallo Pérez, Marie 06 October 2020 (has links)
En este artículo se analiza la influencia de un aditivo a base de nanosilice en el concreto elaborado con agregado a partir de concreto reciclado. Para lo cual, se ha realizado un programa de laboratorio donde se analizan las propiedades físicas de los materiales y las propiedades en estado fresco y endurecido del concreto a distintas edades. El objetivo principal del estudio es demostrar las mejoras cuantitativas de resistencia a compresión y tracción del concreto con ACR empleando nanosilice. Asimismo, el diseño óptimo para los casos propuestos es la mezcla M4 (100% ACR y 1% nanosilice) con el cual se logra mejorar en 21% respecto a la muestra M3 (100% ACR) a 28 días. Finalmente, el diseño M4 tiene una mayor resistencia a compresión comparado con la mezcla M0 (1) concreto convencional sin nanosilice. Por consiguiente, la utilización del concreto con ACR es factible en términos de resistencia. / This article discusses the influence of a nanosilize based admixture on concrete made with aggregate from recycled concrete. For which, a laboratory program has been carried out where the physical properties of the materials and the properties in the fresh and hardened state of concrete at different ages are analyzed. The main objective of the study is to demonstrate the quantitative improvements of resistance to compression and tension of concrete with ACR using nanosilice. Likewise, the optimal design for the proposed cases is the M4 mixture (100% ACR and 1% nanosilize) with which it is possible to improve by 21% compared to the M3 sample (100% ACR) at 28 days. Finally, the M4 design has a higher compressive strength compared to the conventional concrete mix M0 (1) without nanosilize. Therefore, the use of concrete with ACR is feasible in terms of strength. / Tesis
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Betongens hållfasthetsutveckling vid användning av olika ersättare för portlandklinker : En laborativ studie / Concrete strength development in the use of different replacement for clinker : An experimental studyNilsson, Daniel, Lundgren, Dennis January 2012 (has links)
Tillverkning av portlandklinker står för ungefär fem procent av världens totala koldioxidutsläpp. Det finns därför ett allmänt intresse att minska användandet av portlandklinker. Klinkern kan antingen ersättas av andra cementerande material, eller så kan nya cementsnåla recept utformas. I den här rapporten har två cement med inmald flygaska respektive slagg från Cementa AB undersökts. För att undersöka klinkerersättnings-materialens potential har tester för tryckhållfasthet, uttorkningskrympning, bindetid, värmeutveckling och arbetbarhet utförts. Resultaten visar att skillnaderna mellan försökscementen och byggcementet är så pass små att båda bör kunna användas som byggcement. Ytterligare har ultrafiller av kalksten använts som ersättare för att minska cementhalten i betongen. Det går lika bra att delvis ersätta försökscementen med ultrafiller som det gör för byggcementet. Med cementsnåla recept och större del ersättningsmaterial finns det stora möjligheter att spara på energi och miljö. Detta borde i framtiden kunna leda till ett bättre och mer miljövänligt byggmaterial. / Manufacture of clinker is responsible for about five percent of the total global carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, there is a general interest in reducing the use of clinker. Clinker can either be replaced by other cementitious materials, or reduced by using lean-cement recipes. This report examines two experimental cements, one with fly ash and one with slag, developed by Cementa AB. To examine the potential of clinker replacement materials, tests for compressive strength, drying shrinkage, initial setting, heat generation and workability, were performed. The results show that the differences between the experimental cements and the reference are so small that both are useable as building cements. In addition, an ultrafine filler of limestone is used as a replacement material for further reduction of the clinker content in concrete. It was also found, that it is just as efficient to partly replace the experimental cements with ultrafine filler as in the reference cement. There are great opportunities to save energy and the environment impact with both clinker-saving cement recipes and with cement replacement materials. This should lead to a better, more environmentally friendly, building material in the future.
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Propuesta de rellenos fluidos de baja resistencia controlada para obras de saneamiento en la Región Ica / A proposal of controlled low strength materials in sanitation projects in the Ica RegionPaucar Gutierrez, Elizabeth Ida Bertha 17 March 2021 (has links)
El Relleno Fluido o también conocido como Material Controlado de Baja Resistencia (CLSM por sus siglas en inglés) vienen siendo requeridos sobre todo en épocas de pandemia por el COVID-19 en lugar del relleno compactado, debido a su gran facilidad y rapidez para los rellenos de cavidades de zanjas, tanto en redes de agua, desagüe y alcantarillado, relleno de cimentaciones de edificios y puentes, entre las principales aplicaciones. El presente estudio contempla el desarrollo de mezclas con contenidos de cemento Portland tipo I de 60 a 90 kg/m3 para rangos de resistencia a compresión entre 5 a 15 kg/cm2 a 28 días, con agregados de la cantera Tinguiña de Ica, y aditivo agente espumante para conferir la fluidez y trabajabilidad necesaria que facilite su colocación en obra. Resultados satisfactorios de fluidez entre 9 ½” a 10 ½” y pérdida de fluidez promedio de 2”/ hora, y rangos de resistencia de hasta 24 kg/cm2 fueron obtenidos, los cuales permitieron un buen comportamiento costo beneficio tanto en ahorro económico, y tiempo de ejecución propuesto para un proyecto real de saneamiento en la ciudad de Ica. Asimismo, gracias a la aplicación de las mezclas de Relleno Fluido propuestas, se preservará el distanciamiento social durante su empleo en obra, dado que solo requiere de una persona para su aplicación en los rellenos de zanjas. / Flowable Fill or also known as Controlled Low Resistance Material (CLSM) have been required especially in times of pandemic by COVID-19 instead of traditional compacted fill, due to its great ease and speed for fillings works of trench cavities, both in water and wastewater networks, filling for foundations in buildings and bridges, among the main applications. The present study contemplates the development of mixtures with Portland cement type I from 60 to 90 kg / m3 for 28 days compressive strength ranges between 5 to 15 kg / cm2, coarse and fine aggregates from the Tinguiña quarry, in Ica city, and foaming agent chemical admixture to provide the adequate fluidity and workability to cast in place at the job site. Satisfactory fluidity results between 9 ½ ” to 10 ½” and average fluidity loss ratio of 2 ”/ hour, and compressive strength ranges of until 24 kg/cm2 were obtained, which a good cost-benefit performance both in economic savings, and execution time for a proposed sanitation project in the city of Ica. Likewise, thanks to the application of the proposed flowable fill mixtures, social distancing will be preserved during its use on site, because it only requires one person to apply it in the trench fillings. / Tesis
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Příprava a vlastnosti pěnových materiálů na bázi Bioskla / Preparation and properties of Bioglass based foam materialsNedbalová, Radka January 2014 (has links)
The work deals with the preparation and mechanical properties of coated Bioglass® 45S5 based foam materials with open porosity. The samples have been fabricated applying the replication method with use of polyurethane foam. Furthermore, these samples were coated in order to increase the strength characteristics and crack resistance. Polyvinylalcohol and PVA with cellulose microfibrils have been used as coating. Besides microstructural parameters of investigated materials using the SEM images strength characteristics in compression and in tension were also quantified.
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Experimental Tests of Pre - placed Aggregate Concrete for Concrete RepairsHassan, Husseen, Sahal, Abdifatah January 2020 (has links)
Since a large part of the hydropower structures in Sweden was built in the 1950s and 1960s, many of them are slowly but surely exhibiting deterioration. The hydropower companies are facing big challenges and are consequently investing in effective repairing methods since a hydropower structure failure could pose serious consequences and dangers to people, the environment, and the community. Many structures within hydropower are made of concrete and the demands on the new supplementing concrete are high. Concrete with the potential to meet these high demands is the pre-placed aggregate concrete, which has shown promising results regarding its mechanical properties in previous studies. For this reason, this type of concrete is of interest to investigate. The focus has not been on optimizing the pre-placed aggregate concrete for full-scale productions. Instead, the main objectives of this master thesis were to study and analyze the mechanical properties of this type of concrete, such as shrinkage, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, freeze-thaw resistance and moreover investigate parameters of importance in the mix design to obtain a homogenous and easy flowing grout that successfully could fill the voids between the coarse aggregates. The investigations were carried out by laboratory experiments in the research and laboratory facilities of Vattenfall in Älvkarleby. The mix design of the grout was developed using the methods and requirements stated in the American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM standards, and The Swedish Institute for Standards, SiS. A total of 15 grout-mixes were made. However, only the last five were used to cast specimens as the air content was insufficient in the first ten. The results indicated that it is necessary to replace the air-entraining admixture with microspheres in order for the pre-placed aggregate concrete to meet the requirements in exposure class XF3 and XC4. The scaling of the pre-placed aggregate concrete was less than 0.1 kg/m2 at 56 cycles, and thus, the freeze-thaw resistance was classed as very good. Moreover, the use of slag considerably reduced the bleeding of the grout and also improved the casting results. However, on the other hand, it increased the shrinkage of the pre-placed aggregate concrete. An efficiency factor of 0.6 proved to be too low since the compressive strength of the specimen with slag was approximately 50 % higher than the ones without. Furthermore, the shrinkage of the pre-placed aggregate concrete was after 63 days found to be lower than that of the conventional concrete. Also, the compressive strength of the pre-placed aggregate concrete without slag proved to be approximately 15 % lower than that of conventional concrete. Additionally, vibration during casting was found to increase the compressive strength of the pre-placed aggregate concrete and also improved the casting results. Low bleeding, combined with a high discharge time of approximately 45 seconds for 1.7 liters of grout, generated the best casting results. The results from the investigations have shown that this type of concrete has great potential. However, actions and further investigations should be made to see whether changing the fine aggregate size to a smaller one improves the ability of the grout to penetrate the voids between the coarse aggregates. Moreover, pump injection of the grout should be tested instead of pouring it over the coarse aggregates to see whether it improves the casting results and the mechanical properties. / Då en stor del av vattenkraftsdammarna i Sverige byggdes på 1950 och 1960-talet börjar många av dessa sakta men säkert brytas ner. Vattenkraftföretagen står inför stora utmaningar och investerar följaktligen i effektiva reparationsmetoder då dammbrott skulle kunna få allvarliga konsekvenser för människor, den omgivande miljön och för samhället. Flertalet konstruktioner inom vattenkraften är gjorda av betong och kraven på den nya kompletterande betongen är höga. En betong med potentialen att möta och uppfylla dessa höga krav är injekteringsbetongen som i tidigare studier uppvisat lovande resultat beträffande dess mekaniska egenskaper. Med anledning av detta är injekteringsbetongen av intresse att undersöka. Fokus har inte varit på att optimera injekteringsbetongen i syfte att genomföra fullskaliga försök. Istället har huvudsyftet med detta examensarbete varit att studera och analysera injekteringsbetongens mekaniska egenskaper såsom krympning, tryckhållfasthet, spräckhållfasthet, frostbeständighet samt undersöka viktiga parametrar i skapandet av ett homogent och lättflytande cementbruk som med god framgång kunde fylla ut hålrummen mellan grova ballasten. Undersökningarna utfördes genom laboratorieförsök på Vattenfalls betonglaboratorium i Älvkarleby. Vidare har skapandet och utvecklandet av bruket utförts i enlighet med metoder och krav angivna i American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM standards, samt i Svenska institutet för Standarder, SiS. Totalt gjordes 15 bruksblandningar, dock användes enbart de sista fem till gjutning av provkroppar då lufthalten visade sig vara för låg i dem första tio. Resultaten indikerade på att det är nödvändigt att ersätta luftporbildare med mikrosfärer för att erhålla en lufthalt som uppfyller kraven för betong i exponeringsklass XF3 samt XC4. Injekteringbetongens avflagning efter 56 dygn var mindre än 0.1 kg/m2 och frostbeständigheten kunde därmed klassas som mycket god. Användningen av slagg minskade cementbrukets vattenseparation avsevärt och bidrog även till förbättrade gjutresultat. Dock bidrog det å andra sidan till en ökad krympning hos injekteringsbetongen. En effektivitetsfaktor på 0.6 visade sig vara för låg då injekteringsbetongen med slagg hade en cirka 50 % högre tryckhållfasthet än dem utan. Dessutom visade sig injekteringsbetongens krympning vara mindre än den konventionella betongens efter 63 dagar. Tryckhållfastheten hos injekteringsbetongen utan slagg uppvisade även en cirka 15 % lägre tryckhållfasthet än den konventionella betongens. Vibrering under gjutning visade sig höja tryckhållfastheten hos injekteringsbetongen samt förbättra gjutresultaten. En låg vattenseparation i kombination med en flödestid på cirka 45 sekunder för 1.7 liter bruk visade sig ge bästa gjutresultaten. Resultaten från laboratorieförsöken har visat på att injekteringsbetongen besitter stor potential. Dock bör ytterligare undersökningar genomföras för att bedöma huruvida en mindre ballastfraktion för sanden påverkar brukets förmåga att penetrera den grova ballasten. Vidare bör bruket pumpas in istället för att hällas över den grova ballasten, detta för att se huruvida gjutresultaten samt de mekaniska egenskaperna hos injekteringsbetongen skulle förbättras.
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