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Rekonstrukce polyfunkčního domu v Prostějově / Revitalization of multifunctional house in ProstejovFixelová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this final thesis is elaboration of revitalization of multifunctional building in Prostějov. The main building has one basement and five floors and two extensions in closed yard. Load bearing system of building is partly from rainforced concrete frame and partly from brickwork. Floor structures are made from rainfroced concrete constructions, main building has a pitched roof and extensions has a flat roofs.
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Polyfunkční objekt / Multifunctional buildingProkop, Radek January 2019 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with project a multifunctional building. My project corresponds to the scope of documentation for the execution of construction. Building hat five floor and construction roof is green roof, single-layer flat roof. Construction systém is cast-in-place concrete frame. In basement is technical facilities and parking place. In ground floor is shop place and parking floor. In first floor is office place. In third and fourth floor are flats. Building foundations are bored cast in place pile – method CFA.
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Stavební průzkum a diagnostika železobetonové konstrukce / Survey and Diagnostics of Reinforced Concrete StructureBernard, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with construction and technological survey of the reinforced concrete structure. The first part of the diploma thesis deals with the properties of the reinforced concrete and with the building survey methods applied in the second part of the thesis. The second part of the diploma thesis focuses on diagnostics of existing structure. More specifically, the hardness of the concrete is tested using a Schmidt hammer and then it is further specified by testing the cores. The reinforcement in the reinforced concrete is also tested using electromagnetic indicator, ground-penetrating radar, and chopped probes. Lastly, a static assessment of the selected girder and column is conducted.
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Multifunční budova na ul. Obchodná v Bratislavě / Multifunctional Building on Obchodná Street in BratislavaBanič, Róbert January 2020 (has links)
Předmětem této diplomové práce je návrh a projektová dokumentace pětipodlažní multifunkční budovy se 2 suterénními podlažími pro parkování pro 52 aut. První 2 patra jsou veřejná - k pronájmu je 23 samostatných prostor. Horní 3 podlaží obsahují 18 bytů a mají samostatné vchody se dvěma schodišti a 2 výtahy. Budova má dvě úrovně střechy a obě jsou pochozí s malým parkem a vegetací. Budova se nachází v hlavním městě Slovenska, Bratislavě, na Obchodní ulici. Záměrem je nahradit dvě staré budovy ve velmi špatném stavu. Z architektonického hlediska má tato budova zapadat do historického vzhledu ulice úpravou tvaru oken a materiálů a zároveň působit mírně moderně. Z konstrukčního hlediska má budova rámové nosné konstrukce z betonových nosníků sloupů a obousměrně vyztužených betonových desek vyplněných dřevěnými konstrukcemi a lehké sádrokartonové příčky.
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Novostavba polikliniky v Rousínově / Newly-built polyclinic in RousínovGalata, Jindřich January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is design documentation for implementation of the construction applied on the newly-built polyclinic in Rousínov. The polyclinic is the detached one, placed in the flat building plot with adjacent parking lot. The whole building is solving continuity on the surrounding local roads and dispersion areas. Basement of this building serves primarily as technical facilities for properly working on this new building. For example it’s about storages, utility room, boiling room, mechanical room etc. The first above-ground floor, where is situated entrance in to the building, from the southeast, is placed pharmacy, medical transport service and the first one doctor’s surgery. In the other above-ground floors are placed another doctor’s surgeries every with different specialization and in the last floor is a section for managers of polyclinic. The building is designed as a cast-in-place concrete frame with infill walls from aerated concrete. This building is based on plain concrete foundation pads and in the middle of span is shear core. Horizontal structures are solved by point-supported slabs with periphery beam and roofing is solved by warm flat roof. Whole building is insulated with contact thermal insulation from non-flammable material.
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Novostavba volnočasového sportovního centra / Newly-built of sports centreMališ, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with designing of a leisure sport centre in Partizánske in Slovak Republic. It is a detached object on a flat terrain. The object of the leisure sport center has two floors, or specifically the sport center stretches through two floors. In the building there is a cafe with bowling, three badminton courts, five squash courts and commercial area intended for massages. The object is designed from constructive system from lightweight concrete block. The second part is constructed from precast concrete frame with infill wall from lightweight concrete block. The ceiling in one part of the object is designed to be assembled of prestressed precast floor slab and in second part of trapezoidal sheet. The roof is made like flat green roof with extensive grassing. The work includes project documentation for the construction.
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Polyfunkční dům, Brumov - Bylnice / Multifunctional building, Brumov - BylniceSkřek, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design of a multifunctional building, which consists of parking lots, store section, office as well as dwelling units. Multifunctional building has four above-ground floors, full basement and a flat roof. During processing, emphasis was placed on layout solutions to be designed according to legislation and standards. In the basement there are parking lots, the ground flood is used as a store section, the first floor consists of office units designed for start-up companies. The third and fourth floor consists dwelling units from one-bedroom to three-bedroom apartments. The building has a concrete frame structure combined with a masonry system from Porotherm ceramic pieces. Horizontal load bearing system is designed of two way reinforced concrete slabs. Walls bellow the ground level are made from core-filled reinforced concrete blocks. The building is supported by the spread footing concrete system. Multifunctional building is situated in flat terrain in the city of Brumov-Bylnice.
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Polyfunkční objekt Pardubice / Multifunctional building PardubiceDvořáková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The Master thesis presents a design of the multifunctional building in City of Pardubice. The building has three functions: caffe house, administration and also housing. The building has four floor without basement and there is a level roof. I tis designed as a reinforced concrete frame and walls with ventilated fasade do not have a bearing function. Design of building mens the general technical requirements for the construction.
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Bytový dům ve Vsetíně - stavebně technologická příprava / Residential house in Vsetin - construction-technological preparationSelníková, Klára January 2013 (has links)
I occupy with selected parts of the technological prepariation of building proces of a residential building in Vsetín in my diploma thesis. The building will be used for housing and retailing. The project is composed of eight building objects, while the main building structure is designed in detail. The subject of this thesis is the preparation of the technical report of the building, the treatise of the main technological stages, the design of the building site, the design of the main building machinery, the technology solutions including HSF and CTP, the construction budget, the time and financial planning of the construction and the specialization in the field of civil engineering.
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Knihovna / LibrarySurovcová, Ivana January 2014 (has links)
Theme of this master's thesis is a new library building design including traffic and technical infrastructure. Content of the building integrates library, education centre, bookshop and coffee house. Main tasks of the institution are cultural, informational and educational activities. Due to its position, library building should create functional centre of social life and provide opportunities for gathering of inhabitants. Library is designed as detached building with four levels above, and one level under the ground. Supporting structure is created by reinforced concrete frames. Ventilated facade is insulated with mineral wool and paneled with cement-fiber boards. Object is covered with single-skin roof.
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