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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konferencijos informacines sistemos prototipas / Conference system prototype

Sakalas, Aivaras 24 May 2005 (has links)
The project is designed for an actual software area nowadays – automation solutions for conference organization. The product, developed with Java Tapestry technology is a web-based application with document, content management, publication, and conference organization process. The software for web systems is effective when developers have easy way to make software changes or upgrades. Tapestry framework allows software creation with the good separation between presentation and data exchange levels. This solution allows creating prototype for all customers, and adding special customer’s defined functions very simply. The project goal was to improve Tapestry functionality and ability for web applications, and create a web portal framework with content management, document management and users rights management subsystems in it. The design, problems, results and project realization are fully described in this document.

Atvirų elektroninių išteklių kūrimo ir panaudojimo skatinimas akademinėje institucijoje / Promotion of the development and use of Open Educational Resources in academic institution

Stankevičiūtė, Odeta 02 September 2011 (has links)
Kauno kolegijoje yra patvirtinta ir vykdoma nauja e. mokymosi plėtros programa 2009-2013m. Pagal ją Kauno kolegija orientuojasi į atvirą e. mokymąsi, todėl atviras elektroninių išteklių kūrimas, panaudojimas bei talpinimas yra vienas iš pagrindinių šios programos tikslų. Taigi šiame darbe pateikiama: informacija apie atvirus elektroninius išteklius, jų nauda tiek studentui, tiek dėstytojui, tiek institucijai, atvirų elektroninių išteklių kūrimo ir panaudojimo proceso Kauno kolegijoje analizė, atvirų elektroninių išteklių talpinimo programinių įrankių integravimo projektas, sumodeliuotas UML kalba, vartotojo instrukcija. Parengus šį darbą paaiškėjo, kad minėtų programinių įrankių integravimas yra reikalingas ir kad tai tikrai skatintų vartotojus kurti, talpinti bei naudoti atvirus elektroninius išteklius, taip pat buvo surengti mokymai maždaug šimtui vartotojų, ir buvo parengta dalis dokumentų, reglamentuojančių atvirų elektroninių išteklių talpinimo veiklas bei institucinė licencinė sutartis, skirta autorių teisėms apsaugoti. / Kauno kolegija (Kaunas University of Applied Sciences) has adopted and implemented e-Learning Development Program for 2009-2013. One of the key components of the program is orientation to the open e-Learning, so the main tasks are the promotion of the development and use of open educational resources and storage of such resources. Thus, the aim of this work is to promote the development and use of open educational resources by preparing the integration project of Open Journal system, Open Conference System and DSpace systems, by organizing the training courses for users, also by preparing the documents regulating the activities of the hosting of open educational resources. In this document are presented: the information about open educational resources, their advantage for all – student, lecturer and institution, the analysis of the situation of the development and use of open educational resources in Kauno kolegija (Kaunas University of Applied Science), the project of integration of Open Journal System, Open Conference System and DSpace systems, modeled using UML language, and also a short user manual. After the completion of this work revealed that such integration project of the above-mentioned systems was necessary and it would really promote users to develop, load and use open educational resources, also there were organized training courses for about one hundred users, alike there were prepared a part of the documents regulating the activities of hosting open... [to full text]

Automatizuoti veiklos procesai internete: konferencijų sistema / Automated business processes on the Web: conference system

Budreika, Rytis 29 May 2006 (has links)
More and more business processes are moved to the web to have all information easily accessible to everyone. High requirements are raised for business process automation – software systems should be easy to use, multilingual, expandable, and flexible. They should do the major part of organizational tasks. In the current work, the conference system model is proposed and implemented using Tapestry framework, which gives conceptual clarity and possibilities to expand system in the future. Much attention is devoted to process automation – sending of messages at predefined time moments, calculations, process stages management is executed by software agents. Only parameters are set by the administrator. The system enables executing of several conferences simultaneously and saves their history.

Problems and Solutions for Conducting Online Live Instruction

Wang, Cheng-Jung 16 August 2004 (has links)
According to the literature there are still very few researches focusing on the Online Live Instruction in e-Learning. By Integrating IP-Based Video Conferencing System and Full Screen Capture with Live Streaming Broadcast System into an LMS, instructors can provide Online Live Instruction. In this kind of environment, teachers and students can interact together like in conventional classroom. This study explored the process of Online Live Instruction, solutions for the encountered problems are also provided. SOP (Standardized Operation Procedures) are developed on how to conduct Course Material Lecturing and Group Discussion & Summary Report activities. Suggestions about Online Live Instruction for teachers, teaching assistants and students are also included.


應俊豪, Ying, Chun-hao Unknown Date (has links)
承襲清末地方軍事主義與西方條約特權體系脈絡,加以民初軍閥亂政影響,民國時期的中國社會逐漸出現兩種類型的特權人物:一個是手握槍桿子的「丘八爺」,另一個則是同時操持著條約與砲艦的「洋大人」。 「丘八爺」是軍閥割據與頻繁內戰的產物。數以百萬計的「丘八爺」平素身著戎裝,打著軍人名義,動輒打打殺殺,作戰失敗或軍隊欠餉時,即譁變作亂,化為草莽土匪,到處打家劫舍。但遇軍閥招安,則又由匪轉兵,形成兵、匪間的惡性循環。雖然嚴格說來兵、匪之間不無差異,但是民國以來,尤其北京政府時期,「丘八爺」往往以兵、匪不分的兵匪面目,烙印在一般人的印象中。 另一方面,歐美國家自清末挾帶條約體系與船堅砲利來到中國之後,經由一連串戰爭,透過砲艦外交模式教導中國人:條約必須遵守、外人生命財產安全必須獲得保障。歐美國家常設性駐華外交、領事機構,則是扮演關鍵性的角色,手持上帝之鞭,多年來宣傳、馴化中國政府與中國人。如此,中國逐漸從抗拒、反彈,到接受西方權威,承認外國人在華的地位不容輕蔑與挑戰。「洋大人」的權威形象,由此在中國樹立起來。 理論上,「丘八爺」為禍雖大,百姓亦深以為苦,但畢竟是中國內政問題,與外交事務無涉。可是,清末以來,隨著大批洋人進入中國內陸通商、傳教與居住、外國資金流入中國市場、外國軍艦巡弋重要內河、外國領事機構與軍隊駐紮各通商要衢,條約特權體制進一步內化為中國權勢結構的一部份。當數量龐大、散佈全國的「丘八爺」,與深入中國內陸的「洋大人」頻繁接觸,「丘八爺」將魔爪伸向「洋大人」之後,也就變成嚴重的外交問題。 歐戰後的東亞秩序,歷經巴黎和會、華盛頓會議的凝聚共識,歐美列強(包括日本)逐漸形成一個觀念:將美國對華政策擴大為各國對華政策,也就是放棄原先帝國主義競爭、權力均勢的模式,改以「門戶開放政策」作為處理中國事務的中心指標。與此同時,經過馬列主義、無產階級革命洗禮的蘇聯,也重新回到中國:一方面利用放棄在華特權博取中國同情,另一方面以打倒歐美帝國主義為口號,大肆宣傳民族主義式理念。列強任何強硬的舉動,常被布爾什維克宣傳家渲染為帝國主義侵華鐵證,激發更強大的反帝浪潮。在這樣的國際場景之下,當「丘八爺」遇上了「洋大人」,會發生什麼問題?當「丘八爺」以打、殺、搶、綁等各種暴力形式,一再挑釁「洋大人」威嚴,甚至任意污衊指為「洋鬼子」時,「洋大人」該如何應付?蘇聯宣傳家環伺在側、伺機扯後腿的情況下,「洋大人」是否還能重施故技,以帝國主義的老路子—砲艦外交來施以懲罰?另謀他法?抑或默認中國現狀的發展? 此外,1920年代前後,中國軍閥割據、南北對立逐漸發展到高峰,北京政府對外雖有中央之名、對內則無約束地方之實力。面對如此威信不足、欲振乏力的北京政府,以及地方分裂割據的現狀,「洋大人」顯然無法經由「代理人機制」,透過北京政府有效地制約地方問題。 因此,1920年代上半期,當意氣風發、趾高氣昂的「丘八爺」,遇上了受到外在與內部多重制約、看似有些跛腳的「洋大人」,勢必會產生許多值得深入討論、分析的有趣問題。 其次,當我們回顧以往被定位為帝國主義侵華—國賊賣國史的北洋外交史,面對民族主義史觀與俯拾皆是的情緒性指責字眼,是否應該嘗試以新的理解取代原先的敵意,重新建構不同視野的北洋外交史?處於中國軍閥主義高漲的1920年代上半期,體現中國內政不安因子、大肆肆虐中國社會各個角落的「丘八爺」現象,與「洋大人」之間的互動,及其衍生出的種種外交交涉,乃是當時最常見的外交與內政問題。但是囿於傳統民族主義史觀,外交史家往往只著重關係國家民族大義的重大外交事件,以及國際會議層次,屬於政府高層官方外交(high diplomacy)往來交涉模式。對於發生於社會下層,一些名不見經傳的「丘八爺」與「洋大人」衝突問題,外交史家若非視而不見,即是匆匆帶過,而忽略華洋衝突背後所隱藏的重要文化意涵。究其實際,當西方列強以帝國主義強權之姿在中國樹立起條約特權體制,「洋大人」頻頻以傳教士、商人角色深入中國內陸之際,中外之間國家主權界線因此變動不居,產生許多不明確的灰色地帶。而發生在中國內部,由「丘八爺」與「洋大人」構織出的華洋衝突事件,就是徘徊在邊境與邊界之間的重要問題。一方面華洋衝突涉及到兩國之間條約權利與義務的界定,屬於官方外交層次、明確的國家主權邊界設定。另一方面,華洋衝突在本質上,同時也涉及到不同文化邂逅下的族群衝突問題,以及彼此認知、設想的民族偏見問題,如中國人心中的「洋大人形象」,與洋人心中的中國的「兵匪問題」均屬於這個層次。而在文化邊際效應的作用下,華洋勢力之間的滲透、爭執與磨合,構成中外往來的真實文化底蘊,正是當時日常生活的寫實反映。透過發生在邊境地帶的華洋衝突研究,與中外官方外交進行對話、討論,或許可以思索出與傳統相當不一樣的中外關係史。 因此,本文試圖從複雜的華洋糾葛角度,以「丘八爺」與「洋大人」的互動切入點,經由複線式歷史論述與中外不同觀點的探討,由下往上地剖析外交問題,探究當時中外重疊地帶上的北洋外交史。

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