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Estimating domestic outdoor water demand for residential estatesDu Plessis, Jacobus Lodewikus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The outdoor water consumption of residential properties is a major contributor to the seasonal fluctuation of the overall water consumption of these properties. The estimation of the relating outdoor water demand has become valuable to property developers and planners alike. This could enable designers to optimise designs of water distribution networks and assist in water resource planning and gaining legislative approvals. For the purposes of this study the outdoor water-use components were mathematically defined and combined to develop an outdoor water-demand model.
In order to evaluate the results of an outdoor water demand model on a monthly temporal scale it was necessary to develop a proxy outdoor water consumption evaluation method based on the metered monthly consumption of residential properties. The method entailed verifying that the generally non-seasonal indoor water consumption as a function of the winter water consumption. This entailed analysis of the total monthly, indoor and outdoor water consumption data adopted from a noteworthy North American water end-use project. The indoor water consumption estimated in this manner could then be subtracted from the overall monthly water consumption to obtain estimated monthly outdoor water consumption data. The estimated outdoor consumption could be compared with the simulated outdoor water demand, as described by the model.
The parameters that formed part of the mathematical outdoor water demand model were formulated from data available for residential estates, where conditions such as types of vegetation, irrigated area and size of pool could be prescribed in a constitution, usually instituted by a home owners association. The data was derived from one estate located in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The mathematical model was simulated using the Monte Carlo method and the @Risk software. Three residential estates located in South Africa were subsequently modelled. Additionally, the model was employed to estimate outdoor water demand for houses located in Northern America for verification purposes. The Monte Carlo simulations of the outdoor water demand model presented in this study yielded realistic results when compared with the proxy outdoor consumption figures as well as the metered actual outdoor water consumption data analysed. The peak monthly outdoor water demand estimation results were particularly close to the consumption data.
This study serves as a baseline for further research into outdoor water demand. Research into the effects of water restriction and conservation potential could follow from this work, especially in today’s environmentally conscious society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die buite waterverbruik van residensiëel eiendomme dra grootliks by tot die seisoenale fluktuasie van die algehele water verbruik van hierdie eiendomme. Die beraming van die dienooreenkomstige buite wateraanvraag kan waarde toevoeg vir eiendomsontwikkelaars and beplanners, indien dit ontwerpers kan instaat stel om water verspreindingsnetwerke te optimeer en te help met water hulpbron beplanning en wetlikke goedkeurings. Vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie is die buite waterverbruik komponente wiskundig gedefinieër en gekombineer om ‘n buite wateraanvraag model te ontwikkel.
Ten einde die resultate van ‘n buite water aanvraag model op ‘n maandelikse tydskaal te evalueer, was dit nodig om ‘n benaderingsmetode te ontwikkel, gebaseer of die gemeterde maandelikse water verbruike gebruik. Die metode behels dat die data, verkry van ‘n bekende Noord-Amerikaanse water eindverbruikprojek, van die algmeen nie-seisoenale binneshuise water verbruik vergelyk word met die maandelikse winter water verbruik. Derhalwe kon die binneshuise waterverbruik wat op hierdie manier beraam is afgetrek word van die algehel maandelikse waterverbruik om die maandelikse buitewater verbruik te beraam. Die beraamde buitewater verbruik kon sodoende vergelyk kan word met ‘n gesimuleerde buite wateraanvraag soos beskryf deur die gesimuleerde model.
Die parameters wat deel uitgemaak het van die wiskundige buite waterverbuik model was gedefinieër uit data wat beskikbaar was vir residensiële ontwikkelings, waar voorwaardes soos plantegroei, besproeiingsarea of swembad grote dikwels voorgeskryf kan word in ‘n grondwet ingestel deur ‘n huiseienaarsvereniging. Die data wat in hierdie model gebuik word is hoofsaaklik afskomstig van ‘n landgoed geleë in die Weskaap provinsie, Suid-Afrika. Die wiskundige model was gesimuleer met behulp van die Monte Carlo metode en die @Risk sagteware. Drie residensiële landgoede geleë in Suid-Afrika was daaropvolgend gemodelleer. Daarbenewens is die model gebruik die buite watergebruik van groepe huise geleë in Noord-Amerika te beraam vir verifikasie doeleindes. Die Monte Carlo simulasies van die buite water aanvraag model van hierdie studie het realistiese resultate in vergelyking met die beraamde buite verbruike sowel as die werklike gemeterde buite water verbruiksdata opgelewer. Die piek maandelikse buite water aanvraag beramings resultate was veral vergelykbaar met die piek maandeliks waterverbruik data.
Hierdie studie dien as 'n basis vir verdere navorsing in buite waterverbruik. Navorsing gefokus op die gevolge van water beperkings en bewaring potensiaal kan as aanvullende voordele van hierdie studie ontstaan, veral in vandag se omgewingsbewuste samelewing.
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Miljövänligt och prisvärt eller slitet och äckligt? : En undersökning om unga vuxnas attityder till second hand-kläder / Environmental friendly and affordable or worn and gross? : A study on young adults’ attitudes to second hand-clothesKristoffersson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Många av de miljöproblem som finns idag går att koppla till produktion-och konsumtionsvanor. Att konsumera på ett hållbart sätt är vitalt för att ett samhälle ska kunna försörja framtida generationer utan att förbruka jordens resurser helt. Unga vuxna har en viktig roll att spela när det kommer till att utveckla samhället i en miljömässigt hållbar riktning. Hur de väljer att konsumera har och kommer ha stor påverkan på miljön. Att köpa kläder på second hand är ett sätt att bedriva en mer hållbar konsumtion, då det både är resurssparande och ofta ekonomsikt fördelaktigt. Denna studie ämnar undersöka unga vuxnas attityder till just second hand-kläder. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av respondenterna anser att second hand-kläder är någonting bra i avseende på pris och mindre miljöpåverkan, samtidigt som de även upplevde det som någonting ohygieniskt. De flesta hade aldrig köpt second hand-kläder tidigare, även då resultatet visar att majoriteten skulle kunna tänka sig att göra det. Miljö och kläder var en koppling som inte tydligt gjordes av respondenterna, då många aldrig tar hänsyn till miljön vid klädkonsumtion och många inte visste hur klädkonsumtion påverkar miljön. Viss medvetenhet kring miljöproblem generellt kunde tolkas av resultatet, vilket tyder på att de unga vuxna är medvetna om miljöproblem men inte nödvändigtvis vilka miljökonsekvenser just klädkonsumtionen har. Hur omgivningen uppfattar second hand-kläder påverkade också respondenternas inställning. För att få fler unga vuxna att välja second hand-kläder framför nyproducerade kläder krävs förändrade attityder och normer, vilka är avgörande för konsumtionsbeteendet. Vidare krävs mer kunskapsspridning om relationen kläder-miljö. Individer som förstå hur det är sammankopplat ges verktygen att aktivt kunna göra hållbara konsumtionsval. / Many of the environmental problems that exist today can be linked to production and consumption habits. To consume in a sustainable manner is vital for a society to be able to support future generations without depleting the earth's resources. Young adults have an important role to play when it comes to social development in an environmentally sustainable direction. How they choose to consume has and will have a major impact on the environment. To buy clothes at a second hand store is one way to engage in a more sustainable consumption, since it is both resource-saving and often financial favorable. This study aimed to examine young adults' attitudes to second hand clothing consumption. The results showed that the majority of the respondents believe that second-hand clothing is something good in terms of price and less environmental impact, while they also experienced it as something unhygienic. Most of them had never bought second-hand clothes previously, but the result shows that the majority would be willing to. Environment and clothes is a connection that was not clearly made by the respondents, since many seldom takes into account the environment when shopping for clothes and many did not know how clothing consumption affects the environment. Some awareness about environmental problems in general could be interpreted by the result, which indicates that the young adults are aware of environmental problems but not necessarily which environmental consequences clothing consumption has. How the surroundings perceive second-hand clothes also affected the respondents' attitudes. To get more young adults to choose second-hand clothes rather than new clothes requires a change in attitudes and norms, which is crucial for consumer behavior. It also requires more education about the clothing-environment relationship. Individuals who understand how it is connected are given the tools to actively make sustainable consumption choices.
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Miljömärkningar och medvetenhet : En studie om unga vuxnas medvetenhet kring miljömärkningar / Environmental labels and awareness : A study on awareness of young adults on environmental labelsMester Pirttijärvi, Josefin January 2014 (has links)
Dagens samhälle är präglat av materialism och dagens konsumtionsmönster är ohållbara ur miljömässig synpunkt. Konsumtionen skapar därmed miljöproblem och ett viktigt styrmedel för att göra den mer hållbar är miljömärkning. Miljömärkta produkter produceras på ett miljöansvarigt sätt utan kemiska bekämpningsmedel och gödsel som är skadliga för både människa och miljö. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka den nuvarande medvetenheten kring miljömärkningar hos unga vuxna på Möckelngymnasiet. Metoden för studien var enkätutdelning till skolklasser som går sista året på gymnasiet. Utfallet av undersökningen visar att medvetenheten kring miljömärkningar är stor hos respondenterna och att respondenterna känner igen många av miljömärkningarna. Allmän kunskap om människans miljöpåverkan och om konsumentansvar visas i de flesta fallen vara knutna till val av miljömärkta produkter. En anledning till att köpa miljömärkta produkter är ansvarskänsla, vilket tyder på ekologiskt medborgarskap hos respondenterna. En anledning till att inte köpa miljömärkta produkter är för högt pris, vilket visar att det kan vara kontextuella faktorer som gör att vissa respondenter inte köper miljömärkta produkter. / Today’s society is characterized by materialism and today’s consumption patterns are unsustainable from an environmental point of view. The consumption is thus creating environmental problems and an important instrument to make it more sustainable is environmental labeling. Environmental labeled products are being produced in an environmental responsible manner without chemical pesticides or manure that both are harmful for humans and the environment. The purpose of this study was to examine the current state of awareness on environmental labels of young adults in a high school called Möckelngymnasiet. The method of the study was to do a survey research in classes with final year high school students. The outcome of the survey shows that the awareness on environmental labels is high among the respondents and that the respondents recognize many of the environmental labels. General knowledge on human’s environmental impact and on responsibility of consumers is shown to in most cases be linked to buying environmental labeled products. One reason to buy environmental labeled products is a sense of responsibility, which indicates on ecological citizenship among the respondents. One reason to not buy environmental labeled products is too high price, which shows that contextual factors can lead to that some respondents not buying environmental labeled products.
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Three essays on home production, time use and healthLu, Yuqian. Crossley, Thomas F. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--McMaster University, 2006. / Supervisor: Thomas F. Crossley. Includes bibliographical references.
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Essays on consumption and living standardsBrzozowski, Mateusz. Crossley, Thomas F. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--McMaster University, 2006. / Supervisor: Thomas Crossley. Includes bibliographical references.
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Skuldsättning och inkomstojämlikhet : En ekonometrisk studie av konsumtionsfunktionen / Debt and income inequality : An econometric study of the consumption functionSchön, Annie January 2018 (has links)
Tiden före den senaste finanskrisen präglades av generös kreditgivning och ökande inkomstskillnader. Det är väl bevisat att hög skuldsättning ökar risken för finansiell instabilitet, och bevisen blir fler för att inkomstojämlikhet påverkar överskuldsättning i en positiv riktning. Flera, däribland Frank et. al. (2010), vill förklara sambandet mellan inkomstojämlikhet och skuldsättning med att människor ägnar sig åt statuskonsumtion. Frank et. al. (2010) formulerar en hypotes för att empiriskt undersöka huruvida konsumtionsfunktionen bör innehålla en relativ faktor, och syftet för denna uppsats är att undersöka giltigheten i ”hypotesen om utgiftskaskader” i en svensk kontext. Hypotesen testas genom regression av förändringen i andelen skuldsatta hos Kronofogdemyndigheten på förändringen i gini-koefficienten inom kommuner mellan åren 2011-2016. Studien finner inget signifikant samband mellan andelen skuldsatta och gini-koefficientens förändring. Resultatet kan möjligen förklaras med att den geografiska enheten som observeras är för stor. / The years leading up to the latest financial crisis were characterized by generous credit markets and growing income inequality. It is well proven that high indebtedness increases the risk of financial instability, and there is growing evidence of income inequality affecting the debt-rate in a positive direction. Several, including Frank et. al. (2010), believes that the relationship between indebtedness and income inequality can be explained by people engaging in status-seeking consumption. Frank et. al. (2010) formulates a hypothesis to empirically investigate whether the consumption function should contain a relative factor, and the purpose of this paper is to test the validity of the expenditure cascade-hypothesis in a Swedish context. The hypothesis is tested by regressing the change in the number of people with debt registered at the Swedish Enforcement Authority on the changes in the gini-coefficient within municipalities in the years 2011-2016. The study finds no significant correlation between the number of debtors and the change in the gini-coefficient. The results may be explained by the fact that the geographical unit of observation is too large.
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Técnicas de redução de potência estática em memórias CMOS SRAM e aplicação da associação de MOSFETs tipo TST em nano-CMOS / Static energy reduction techniques for CMOS SRAM memories and TST MOSFET association application for nano-CMOSConrad Junior, Eduardo January 2009 (has links)
Em nossos dias a crescente busca por portabilidade e desempenho resulta em esforços focados na maximização da duração de bateria dos equipamentos em fabricação, ou seja, busca-se a conflitante solução de circuitos com baixo consumo e ao mesmo tempo com alto desempenho. Neste contexto usualmente na composição de equipamentos portáteis empregam-se SOC´s (Systems On Chip) o que barateia o custo de produção e integração destes circuitos. SOC´s são sistemas completos que executam uma determinada função integrados em uma pastilha de silício única, normalmente possuem memórias SRAM como componente do sistema, que são utilizadas como memórias de alta performance e baixa latência e/ou também como caches. O grande desafio de projeto em memórias SRAMS é a relação de desempenho versus potência consumida a ser otimizada. Basicamente por sua construção estes circuitos apresentam alto consumo de potência, dinâmica e estática, relacionada a primeira diretamente ao aumento de freqüência de operação. Um dos focos desta dissertação é explorar soluções para a redução de consumo de energia tanto dinâmica como estática, sendo a redução de consumo estático de células de memória em standby buscando desempenho, estabilidade e baixo consumo de energia. No desenvolvimento de técnicas para projeto de circuitos analógicos em tecnologias nanométricas, os TST´s (T-Shaped Transistors – Transistor tipo T) surgem como dispositivos com características potenciais para projeto analógico de baixa potência. TSTs / TATs (Trapezoidal Associations of Transistors – Associação Trapezoidal de transistores) são estruturas self-cascode que podem tornar-se uma boa escolha por apresentar redução do leakage, redução na área utilizada e com incremento na regularidade do layout e no casamento entre transistores, propriedade importantíssima para circuitos analógicos. Sendo este o segundo foco deste texto através do estudo e análise das medidas elétricas dos TSTs executadas para comprovação das características destes dispositivos. Também apresenta-se uma análise das possibilidades de utilização dos TSTs em projeto analógico para tecnologias nanométricas. / Nowadays the increasing needs for portability and performance has resulted in efforts to increase battery life, i. e., the conflicting demands for low power consumption and high performance circuits. In this context using SOC´s (System On Chip) in the development for portable equipments composition, an integration of an entire system for a given function in a single silicon die will provide less production costs and less integration costs. SOC´s normally include a SRAM memory as its building block and are used to achieve memories with low latency and short access time or (and) as caches. A performance versus power consumption analysis of SRAM memory building blocks shows a great challenge to be solved. The electrical design aspects of these blocks reveal high power consumption, dynamic and static, and the former is directly proportional to the operating frequency. The design space exploration for dynamic and leakage consumption reduction in these circuits is one of the focus of this work. The main contribution of this topic is the leakage reduction techniques based in performance, stability and low energy consumption for the memory cell stand-by mode. Among the electrical techniques developed for analog circuits at the 20-100 nanometer scale, the TST (T-Shaped Transistors) rises with potential characteristics for analog low power design. TST /TAT (Trapezoidal Associations of Transistors) are selfcascode structures and can be turning into a good alternative for leakage and area reduction. Another point is the increment in mismatch and layout regularity, all these characteristics being very important in analog designs. The TST electrical measurements study and analysis are developed to show the device properties. An analysis of the TST desired properties and extrapolation for nanometer technologies analog design are also presented.
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A constituição do sujeito contemporâneo do consumo : aprender a comprar bem, para comprar sempreMutz, Andresa Silva da Costa January 2013 (has links)
A Tese analisa a constituição do sujeito contemporâneo do consumo como resultado de operações do Dispositivo Pedagógico do Consumo. Focaliza centralmente os investimentos pedagógicos para o governo da conduta dos sujeitos consumidores nas atuais sociedades capitalistas neoliberais. O referencial teórico-metodológico alinha-se à vertente pós-estruturalista dos Estudos Culturais. M. Foucault e seus leitores, como P. Veyne, N. Rose e E. Castro, contribuíram com seus estudos acerca do modo como estamos nos constituindo sujeitos. A esses, aliaram-se autores que têm se dedicado à análise de traços da sociedade atual, como Z. Bauman, M. Lazzarato, M. Featherstone, N. Canclini, e pesquisadores brasileiros como A.Veiga-Neto, R. Fischer, L.Sacchi, C. Traversini, F. Marcello. M. Costa e I. Carvalho, empenhados em exercícios semelhantes. O material empírico selecionado está composto por um conjunto de artefatos culturais de caráter heterogêneo, incluindo documentos publicados pelo Estado brasileiro e por organizações não governamentais, assim como outros documentos da mídia produzidos por instituições privadas, como revistas impressas mensais, sites da internet, etc. Com eles foram mapeados: a) os campos do saber acerca do consumo e do consumidor, b) os tipos de normatividade implicados nesses saberes, c) as formas como os sujeitos são posicionados no interior das relações de poder, implicadas pelas verdades do consumo. A opção por um conjunto diversificado de materiais justifica-se pela pergunta que orienta a pesquisa: como se constitui o sujeito contemporâneo do consumo? Procurou-se respondê-la indicando o modo como operam os saberes, e se engendram os poderes nos programas e ações de todo o tipo, que visam a conduzir a conduta dos consumidores. Os resultados apontaram para o agenciamento dos sujeitos por meio do que denominei Dispositivo Pedagógico do Consumo, que emerge e opera em condições históricas específicas, atendendo urgências do campo econômico, social e ambiental. O “consumidor consciente” constitui-se nesse contexto como produto e efeito do dispositivo que opera por meio de três domínios: 1) a constituição do eu consumidor, como agente de transformação ambiental, social e econômica; 2) a medicalização do social por meio da prevenção, tratamento e cura das doenças do consumo e 3) a pedagogização do consumo. / The thesis analyzes the constitution of the contemporary subject of consumption as a result of operations from the Pedagogic Device of Consumption. Centrally focuses on pedagogical investments for the government's conduct of consumer subjects in the current neoliberal capitalist societies. The theoretical and methodological referential aligns with the post structuralist strand of Cultural Studies. M. Foucault and his readers, as P. Veyne, N. Rose and E. Castro contributed with their studies about how we constitute ourselves as subjects. In addition to these authors, others who have dedicated to the analysis of the current society traits were allied as Z. Bauman, M. Lazzarato, M. Featherstone, N. Canclini, and Brazilian researchers as A.Veiga-Neto, R. Fischer, L.Sacchi, C. Traversini, F. Marcello. M. Costa and I. Carvalho, are engaged into similar exercises. The selected empirical material consists of a set of cultural artifacts from heterogeneous character, including documents published by the Brazilian government and by the non-governmental organizations, as well as other media documents produced by private institutions, like monthly print magazines, internet websites, etc. There were mapped with them a) the fields of knowledge in regards to the consumption and the consumer b) the types of normativities implicated in those knowledge c) the ways in which subjects are positioned within the power relations implied by the truths of consumption. The choice for a set of diverse materials is justified by the question that guides the research: how the contemporary subject of consumption is constituted? We tried to answer that indicating how the knowledge operates and how powers are engendered into the programs and actions of all kinds that aimed drive the consumer´s conduct. The results pointed to the agencement of the subjects through which I called Pedagogical Device of Consumption, which emerges and operates in specific historical conditions, heeding urgencies from the economic, social and environmental field. The "conscious consumer" is constituted in this context as a product and effect of the device that operates through three domains: 1) the constitution of the “I” consumer as an agent of environmental, social and economic transformation. 2) the social medicalization through prevention, treatment and cure of consumption diseases and 3) the consumption pedagogization.
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A constituição do sujeito contemporâneo do consumo : aprender a comprar bem, para comprar sempreMutz, Andresa Silva da Costa January 2013 (has links)
A Tese analisa a constituição do sujeito contemporâneo do consumo como resultado de operações do Dispositivo Pedagógico do Consumo. Focaliza centralmente os investimentos pedagógicos para o governo da conduta dos sujeitos consumidores nas atuais sociedades capitalistas neoliberais. O referencial teórico-metodológico alinha-se à vertente pós-estruturalista dos Estudos Culturais. M. Foucault e seus leitores, como P. Veyne, N. Rose e E. Castro, contribuíram com seus estudos acerca do modo como estamos nos constituindo sujeitos. A esses, aliaram-se autores que têm se dedicado à análise de traços da sociedade atual, como Z. Bauman, M. Lazzarato, M. Featherstone, N. Canclini, e pesquisadores brasileiros como A.Veiga-Neto, R. Fischer, L.Sacchi, C. Traversini, F. Marcello. M. Costa e I. Carvalho, empenhados em exercícios semelhantes. O material empírico selecionado está composto por um conjunto de artefatos culturais de caráter heterogêneo, incluindo documentos publicados pelo Estado brasileiro e por organizações não governamentais, assim como outros documentos da mídia produzidos por instituições privadas, como revistas impressas mensais, sites da internet, etc. Com eles foram mapeados: a) os campos do saber acerca do consumo e do consumidor, b) os tipos de normatividade implicados nesses saberes, c) as formas como os sujeitos são posicionados no interior das relações de poder, implicadas pelas verdades do consumo. A opção por um conjunto diversificado de materiais justifica-se pela pergunta que orienta a pesquisa: como se constitui o sujeito contemporâneo do consumo? Procurou-se respondê-la indicando o modo como operam os saberes, e se engendram os poderes nos programas e ações de todo o tipo, que visam a conduzir a conduta dos consumidores. Os resultados apontaram para o agenciamento dos sujeitos por meio do que denominei Dispositivo Pedagógico do Consumo, que emerge e opera em condições históricas específicas, atendendo urgências do campo econômico, social e ambiental. O “consumidor consciente” constitui-se nesse contexto como produto e efeito do dispositivo que opera por meio de três domínios: 1) a constituição do eu consumidor, como agente de transformação ambiental, social e econômica; 2) a medicalização do social por meio da prevenção, tratamento e cura das doenças do consumo e 3) a pedagogização do consumo. / The thesis analyzes the constitution of the contemporary subject of consumption as a result of operations from the Pedagogic Device of Consumption. Centrally focuses on pedagogical investments for the government's conduct of consumer subjects in the current neoliberal capitalist societies. The theoretical and methodological referential aligns with the post structuralist strand of Cultural Studies. M. Foucault and his readers, as P. Veyne, N. Rose and E. Castro contributed with their studies about how we constitute ourselves as subjects. In addition to these authors, others who have dedicated to the analysis of the current society traits were allied as Z. Bauman, M. Lazzarato, M. Featherstone, N. Canclini, and Brazilian researchers as A.Veiga-Neto, R. Fischer, L.Sacchi, C. Traversini, F. Marcello. M. Costa and I. Carvalho, are engaged into similar exercises. The selected empirical material consists of a set of cultural artifacts from heterogeneous character, including documents published by the Brazilian government and by the non-governmental organizations, as well as other media documents produced by private institutions, like monthly print magazines, internet websites, etc. There were mapped with them a) the fields of knowledge in regards to the consumption and the consumer b) the types of normativities implicated in those knowledge c) the ways in which subjects are positioned within the power relations implied by the truths of consumption. The choice for a set of diverse materials is justified by the question that guides the research: how the contemporary subject of consumption is constituted? We tried to answer that indicating how the knowledge operates and how powers are engendered into the programs and actions of all kinds that aimed drive the consumer´s conduct. The results pointed to the agencement of the subjects through which I called Pedagogical Device of Consumption, which emerges and operates in specific historical conditions, heeding urgencies from the economic, social and environmental field. The "conscious consumer" is constituted in this context as a product and effect of the device that operates through three domains: 1) the constitution of the “I” consumer as an agent of environmental, social and economic transformation. 2) the social medicalization through prevention, treatment and cure of consumption diseases and 3) the consumption pedagogization.
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Técnicas de redução de potência estática em memórias CMOS SRAM e aplicação da associação de MOSFETs tipo TST em nano-CMOS / Static energy reduction techniques for CMOS SRAM memories and TST MOSFET association application for nano-CMOSConrad Junior, Eduardo January 2009 (has links)
Em nossos dias a crescente busca por portabilidade e desempenho resulta em esforços focados na maximização da duração de bateria dos equipamentos em fabricação, ou seja, busca-se a conflitante solução de circuitos com baixo consumo e ao mesmo tempo com alto desempenho. Neste contexto usualmente na composição de equipamentos portáteis empregam-se SOC´s (Systems On Chip) o que barateia o custo de produção e integração destes circuitos. SOC´s são sistemas completos que executam uma determinada função integrados em uma pastilha de silício única, normalmente possuem memórias SRAM como componente do sistema, que são utilizadas como memórias de alta performance e baixa latência e/ou também como caches. O grande desafio de projeto em memórias SRAMS é a relação de desempenho versus potência consumida a ser otimizada. Basicamente por sua construção estes circuitos apresentam alto consumo de potência, dinâmica e estática, relacionada a primeira diretamente ao aumento de freqüência de operação. Um dos focos desta dissertação é explorar soluções para a redução de consumo de energia tanto dinâmica como estática, sendo a redução de consumo estático de células de memória em standby buscando desempenho, estabilidade e baixo consumo de energia. No desenvolvimento de técnicas para projeto de circuitos analógicos em tecnologias nanométricas, os TST´s (T-Shaped Transistors – Transistor tipo T) surgem como dispositivos com características potenciais para projeto analógico de baixa potência. TSTs / TATs (Trapezoidal Associations of Transistors – Associação Trapezoidal de transistores) são estruturas self-cascode que podem tornar-se uma boa escolha por apresentar redução do leakage, redução na área utilizada e com incremento na regularidade do layout e no casamento entre transistores, propriedade importantíssima para circuitos analógicos. Sendo este o segundo foco deste texto através do estudo e análise das medidas elétricas dos TSTs executadas para comprovação das características destes dispositivos. Também apresenta-se uma análise das possibilidades de utilização dos TSTs em projeto analógico para tecnologias nanométricas. / Nowadays the increasing needs for portability and performance has resulted in efforts to increase battery life, i. e., the conflicting demands for low power consumption and high performance circuits. In this context using SOC´s (System On Chip) in the development for portable equipments composition, an integration of an entire system for a given function in a single silicon die will provide less production costs and less integration costs. SOC´s normally include a SRAM memory as its building block and are used to achieve memories with low latency and short access time or (and) as caches. A performance versus power consumption analysis of SRAM memory building blocks shows a great challenge to be solved. The electrical design aspects of these blocks reveal high power consumption, dynamic and static, and the former is directly proportional to the operating frequency. The design space exploration for dynamic and leakage consumption reduction in these circuits is one of the focus of this work. The main contribution of this topic is the leakage reduction techniques based in performance, stability and low energy consumption for the memory cell stand-by mode. Among the electrical techniques developed for analog circuits at the 20-100 nanometer scale, the TST (T-Shaped Transistors) rises with potential characteristics for analog low power design. TST /TAT (Trapezoidal Associations of Transistors) are selfcascode structures and can be turning into a good alternative for leakage and area reduction. Another point is the increment in mismatch and layout regularity, all these characteristics being very important in analog designs. The TST electrical measurements study and analysis are developed to show the device properties. An analysis of the TST desired properties and extrapolation for nanometer technologies analog design are also presented.
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