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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ny konsumtion av gamla kläder : – En studie om konsumenters miljömedvetenhet och motiv till att köpa second hand kläder på Myrorna / New consumption of old clothes : – A study of consumers environmental awareness and motive for buying second hand clothing on Myrorna

Björling, Maria January 2014 (has links)
The world’s consumption is increasing at an accelerating rate and it´s produced and consumed more goods and services than ever before. A large part of people's consumption consists of clothing that is bought and discarded increasingly leading to a number of environmental problems such as global warming, pollution, loss of biodiversity and the depletion of natural assets. One way to save the earth's resources is to buy used clothing, so called second hand, instead of new ones. The store chain “The Ants” (in Swedish “Myrorna”) has specializing in second-hand goods and sells, among other things, clothes. This study examined consumers' motive for shopping second-hand clothing on The Ants and examined whether this is related to consumers' environmental awareness and their choice to buy second hand clothes on The Ants. The shop staffs experience of the customer's environmental awareness was also examined. The methods that were chosen were surveys that The Ants customers filled out and interviews with store employees. The results showed that consumer´s motive to buy second-hand clothing on The Ants was mainly due to the cheap price and then because of their environmental awareness, customers were relatively environmentally aware and knew that the clothing industry contribute to environmental problems. The consumers felt that they received too little information about the problems and they would like to know more. The result also showed that consumers don´t act according to this awareness as very few of them asked questions to the staff about their clothing production or work with sustainable consumption and the environment. The Ants shop staff experienced the same thing since they rarely or never received any questions from customers about clothing and its environmental problems. Customers also bought more new clothes than second-hand clothing. / Konsumtionen i världen ökar i en allt snabbare takt och det produceras och konsumeras mer varor och tjänster än någonsin tidigare. En stor del av människors konsumtion består av kläder som köps och slängs i större utsträckning vilket leder till ett flertal miljöproblem som global uppvärmning, föroreningar, förlorad biologisk mångfald och förbrukning av naturtillgångar. Ett sätt att spara på jordens resurser är genom att köpa begagnade kläder, så kallat second hand, istället för nyproducerade. Butikskedjan Myrorna har specialiserat sig på second hand varor och säljer bland annat kläder. Denna studie undersökte konsumenters motiv för att handla second hand kläder på Myrorna samt undersökte om detta har ett samband med konsumenters miljömedvetenhet och deras val att köpa second hand kläder på Myrorna. Även butikspersonalens upplevelse av kundernas miljömedvetenhet undersöktes. Metoderna som valdes var enkäter som Myrornas kunder fyllde i och intervjuer med butikspersonal. Resultatet visade att konsumenternas motiv för att handla second hand kläder på Myrorna berodde främst på det billiga priset och sedan på grund av deras miljömedvetenhet, kunderna var relativt miljömedvetna och funderade ofta på klädindustrins miljöproblem. Dock ansåg konsumenterna att de fick otillräcklig information om ämnet och skulle vilja veta mer. Resultatet visar också att konsumenterna inte agerar utifrån denna medvetenhet eftersom ytterst få av dem ställde frågor till butikspersonal om deras klädproduktion eller arbete med hållbar konsumtion och miljö. Myrornas butikspersonal upplevde samma sak eftersom de sällan eller aldrig fick några frågor från kunderna om kläder och dess miljöproblem. Kunderna köpte också mer nyproducerade kläder än second hand kläder.

Emergy analysis of the resource use in greenhouse crop production and of the resource basis of the Swedish economy /

Lagerberg, Charlotte, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Alnarp : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Socially responsible consumption : an exploratory study on the Western Cape

Korboi, Jesse B. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / Socially responsible consumption plays a major role in achieving environmental sustainability in any part of the world. The aim of this investigation was to identify whether consumers in the Western Cape are socially responsible. The research was conducted using a sample of 200 consumers in the Cape Town area as a representative sample of the Western Cape. Data were gathered from respondents by means of a questionnaire. The statistical interpretation of the survey results were done by means of constructing frequency distribution tables since the data are nominal. The results of the analysis of the data pointed out that while consumers in the Western Cape demonstrated willingness to know how products are made before buying; they do not take into consideration the environmental and social impact of their purchases, meaning that they are not socially responsible consumers. Out of 167 completed questionnaires, 36% of respondents based their buying decision on the price and quality of products. This constitutes the single largest group of respondents in the survey. The results also revealed that consumers are willing to boycott products that are proven to be unethically produced, which is a positive development. Radio and television were the main sources of information for consumers about entities. In terms of the definition of moral standards, consumers proved to be idealistic, meaning that they believe that moral standards should be viewed as universal regardless of the society in which it occurs. These findings clearly indicate that while consumers in the Western Cape are not socially responsible, there are positive indications from the survey that can be used to improve the situation. Consumers' willingness to know how products are produced before buying, the willingness to boycott products proven to be produced unethically, and their idealistic view on moral standards are all positive indications for improvement. The recommendations provided in the study, if implemented, will go a long way towards making consumers more conscious about the social and environmental impact of their purchases.

Is de-carbonized development possible? Household emissions and renewable energy in developing countries

Seriño, Moises Neil 20 October 2014 (has links)
Politische Entscheidungsträger stehen heute vor der Herausforderung, dem Klimawandel zu begegnen, ohne das Entwicklungspotential von Entwicklungsländern einzuschränken. In diesem Zusammenhang trägt diese Arbeit zur Beantwortung der Frage bei, ob Entwicklung ohne höheren CO2-Ausstoß  möglich ist. Untersucht werden insbesondere die Emissionen von Haushalten und die mögliche Verbreitung erneuerbarer Energien in Entwicklungsländern. Diese Arbeit geht in vier Punkten über die bisherige Literatur hinaus. Erstens untersucht sie aus der Perspektive eines Entwicklungslandes die CO2-Emissionen von Haushalten und analysiert den Einfluss steigender Einkommen auf Emissionen, unter Berücksichtigung sozio-demografischer Eigenschaften der Haushalte. Zweitens betrachtet sie andere relevante Faktoren wie CO2-und Energieintensität, die steigende Emissionen beeinflussen könnten. Drittens untersucht sie, wie ungleich die Emissionen der Haushalte verteilt sind. Aus der Ungleichheit von Emissionen ergeben sich direkte Konsequenzen für die Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen von Haushalten. Zuletzt wird die Möglichkeit der Verbreitung verschiedener erneuerbarer Energien in Entwicklungsländern erforscht. Erneuerbare Energien scheinen eine Handlungsoption zur Reduzierung von CO2-Emissionen darzustellen. Sie können helfen, Wachstum in Entwicklungsländern zu fördern, ohne die bereits besorgniserregend hohe Konzentration von klimaschädlichen Gasen in der Atmosphäre weiter zu verschlimmern. Der erste Teil der Dissertation untersucht, wie CO2-intensiv der Lebensstil philippinischer Haushalte ist und analysiert Möglichkeiten, Emissionen und Wohlstand von Haushalten zu entkoppeln. Wir schätzen die CO2-Emissionen der Haushalte, die durch den Konsum verschiedener Güter und Dienstleistungen verursacht werden, indem wir eine Input-Output-Analyse mit den Ausgaben der Haushalte in den Jahren 2000 und 2006 kombinieren. Auf Basis der Schätzung sind die Ausgaben der Haushalte, die im Zusammenhang mit Kraftstoffen, Licht und Transport stehen, die CO2-intensivsten, während diejenigen für kurzlebige Güter am wenigsten CO2-intensiv sind. Die zentralen Ergebnisse sind, dass während sozio-demografische Eigenschaften der Haushalte wichtig für die Erklärung der Höhe von Emissionen sind, keine konkreten Anzeichen für eine Entkopplung von CO2-Emissionen und Wohlstand gefunden wurden. Wenn sich das Konsumverhalten nicht ändert, werden philippinische Haushalte bei steigendem Wohlstand wahrscheinlich einen Lebensstil führen, der mit höherem CO2-Ausstoß einhergeht. Der zweite Teil schlüsselt die Veränderung der Emissionen durch Haushalte auf und untersucht andere relevante Einflussfaktoren wie CO2-Intensität und Energieintensität. Während der erste Teil die starke Korrelation zwischen Emissionen und Einkommen herausarbeitet, wird durch die Aufschlüsselung deutlich, dass diese Korrelation nicht gleichverteilt zwischen allen Haushalten ist. Der Einkommenseffekt ist in ärmeren Haushalten ausgeprägter, während der Effekt der Energieintensität in reicheren Haushalten überwiegt. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Energieintensität ein Ansatzpunkt dafür sein kann, Emissionen von Haushalten zu reduzieren. Insbesondere kann der Einsatz energieeffizienter Haushaltsgeräte gefördert werden, ebenso wie kraftstoffsparende Fahrzeuge oder der Zugang zu öffentlichen Transportmitteln. Um die CO2-Emissionen von Haushalten zu reduzieren, muss untersucht werden, wie sich die Emissionen auf die Haushalte verteilen. Jede politische Maßnahme zur Linderung des Klimawandels, die die Reduktion von Emissionen beinhaltet, hat einen direkteren Einfluss in gleicheren Gesellschaften, als in Ungleicheren. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Emissionen sehr ungleich zwischen den Haushalten verteilt sind, dass diese Ungleichheit zunimmt und sich ein großer Anteil der Emissionsungleichheit durch energieintensiven Konsum von Kraftstoffen, Licht und Transport erklärt. Dies legt nahe, dass politische Entscheidungsträger sich auf energieintensiven Konsum fokussieren sollten, um die Ungleichheit von Emissionen zu reduzieren.  Die ersten drei Teile der Arbeit stellen heraus, dass ein großer Anteil der CO2-Emissionen der Haushalte durch energieintensiven Konsum verursacht wird. Dies deutet auf die Notwendigkeit hin, auf emissionsneutrale Energiequellen wie erneuerbare Energien umzusteigen um den Lebensstil der Haushalte zu erhalten oder zu verbessern ohne die globalen Emissionen weiter ansteigen zu lassen. Daher wird im vierten Teil die potentielle Ausbreitung verschiedener erneuerbarer Energiequellen in Entwicklungsländern modelliert  und ihre Bestimmungsfaktoren untersucht. Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Diversifikation, da die meisten erneuerbaren Energien wetterabhängig und dadurch nicht planbar sind, eine Diversifikation aber eine stabile und verlässliche Energieversorgung ermöglicht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen robusten nichtlinearen Effekt von Einkommen auf Diversifikation, der sich als grafisch als U-förmige Beziehung zeigt, so dass wir eine weitere Diversifikation erneuerbarer Energiequellen bei steigenden Einkommen in Entwicklungsländern erwarten. Darüber hinaus können technologisch fortschrittlichere Entwicklungsländer, Entwicklungsländer mit ausgebildeten Fachkräften, entwickelten Finanzmärkten, guter Regierungsführung und hohem Rohstoffvorkommen den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energien diversifizieren ohne auf ausländische Direktinvestitionen und Entwicklungshilfe angewiesen zu sein. Wir dokumentieren ferner, dass sich die Diversifizierung erneuerbarer Energiequellen seit Einführung des Kyoto-Protokolls Ende 1997 weiter verbreitet hat. Auf Grundlage der obigen Erkenntnisse können die folgenden Politikempfehlungen abgeleitet werden. Auf Seiten der Haushalte: Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass Haushalte bei steigendem Wohlstand einen Lebensstil führen werden, der mit geringem CO2-Ausstoß einhergeht. Den Konsum der Haushalte zu beschränken ist jedoch schwierig und umstritten. Güter, durch die ein hoher CO2-Ausstoß verursacht wird, können besteuert werden um die Emissionen von Haushalten einzuschränken. Allerdings sollten politische Entscheidungsträger dabei Vorsicht walten lassen, um nicht die Bemühungen der Armutsbekämpfung zu gefährden, da auf den Philippinen ein Viertel der Bevölkerung als arm anzusehen ist. Es gibt verschiedene andere Optionen, die CO2-Emissionen der Haushalte zu drosseln. Dazu zählt die Verbesserung der Produktionseffizienz und die Veränderung des Konsumverhaltens hin zu einem weniger CO2-intensiven Lebensstil. Wichtig sind dabei insbesondere Verbesserungen beim Zugang zu öffentlichem Verkehrsmitteln, sowie zu energieeffizienteren Beleuchtungs- und Kühltechnologien. Ferner ist es ein wichtiger Politikansatz, den Einsatz erneuerbarer Energiequellen auszuweiten und erneuerbare Energie in den Energiemix von Entwicklungsländern einzugliedern, um wirtschaftliches Wachstum von Emissionen zu entkoppeln.

Environmental imprint of human food consumption : Linköping, Sweden 1870-2000 /

Schmid Neset, Tina-Simone, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2005. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Wachstumspotentiale erneuerbarer Energien und ihre Implikationen für Klimaschutz, Versorgungssicherheit und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit /

Herholz, Ute. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Hamburg, 2005. / Zsfassung in dt. Sprache.

Avaliação da qualidade da água consumida em função da sazonalidade da chuva e os impactos ambientais no sistema de abastecimento público / Evaluation of the quality of the water consumed depending of the seasonality of rainfall and the environmental impacts in public supply system

Costa, Walsyneide Christiane Souza 18 May 2012 (has links)
For public supply of Alagoas, CASAL (Sanitation Company of Alagoas) - Eastern Business Unit uses different types of ecosystems to capture water with different operating mechanisms, especially surface and groundwater sources (wells). The study aims to evaluate the quality of drinking water due to the seasonality of rainfall and environmental impacts on water supply systems were evaluated in the supply systems of the cities of Colonia de Leopoldina, Matrix Camaragibe, Pilar, Porto de Pedras and Rio Largo. To assess the current quality of the systems were analyzed for physical, chemical and bacteriological, representative of drinking water in treated water samples of the years 2008 and 2009, verifying the compliance with the standards of Ordinance No. 518/2004 of the Ministry of Health . For characterization of human impacts on water sources (surface or underground) at points of capture were used arrays of impacts. With their monthly data from the meteorological station of SEMARH-AL, precipitation (mm) were used in comparisons between consumption and water quality index (data provided) to verify the periods behave according to the weather and climate (considering the two stations defined for the regions, namely: rainy and dry season). According to the results, the analysis of human impacts on watershed study showed that rates were higher than 0.7 or 70% demonstrating good environmental conditions, and the uptake of Pillar reached a level close to excellent environmental quality. With regard to seasonality, water consumption had better quality in the dry season, the rainy season IFQDP parameters (physico-chemical indices) had a low that usually goes from March to August of each year, but that in the rainy season ratio was gradually adjusted to the required dosage of coagulant (alum). Since the parameters IBDP (bacteriological index) did not influence the rainy season. But the cities studied have reached a good level of water quality getting achieve the standards required by Ordinance 518/2004 of the Ministry of Health, which demonstrates the efficiency of treatment processes of a Water Treatment Plant / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / Para o abastecimento público de Alagoas, a CASAL (Companhia de Saneamento de Alagoas) Unidade de Negócio Leste utiliza diferentes tipos de ecossistemas para captação de água com mecanismos de funcionamento distintos, destacando-se mananciais superficiais e subterrâneos (poços). O trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a qualidade da água consumida em função da sazonalidade da chuva e os impactos ambientais nos sistemas de abastecimento público, onde foram avaliados os sistemas de abastecimento das cidades de Colônia de Leopoldina, Matriz de Camaragibe, Pilar, Porto de Pedras e Rio Largo. Para avaliar a atual qualidade dos sistemas foram analisados os parâmetros físicos, químicos e bacteriológicos, representativos de potabilidade da água, em amostras de água tratada dos anos de 2008 e 2009, verificando o atendimento aos padrões da Portaria nº 518/2004 do Ministério da Saúde. Para caracterização dos impactos antrópicos nos mananciais (superficiais ou subterrâneos) em pontos de captação foram utilizadas matrizes de impactos. Com os respectivos dados mensais, da Estação Meteorológica da SEMARH-AL, de precipitação (mm), foram utilizadas comparações entre consumo e índice de qualidade da água (dados fornecidos) para verificar como os períodos se comportam de acordo com as condições do tempo e do clima (considerando as duas estações definidas para as regiões, quais sejam: estação chuvosa e estação seca). De acordo com os resultados, as análises dos impactos antrópicos nos mananciais estudados mostraram que os índices foram superiores a 0,7 ou 70% demonstrando assim boas condições ambientais, sendo que a captação do Pilar chegou a um nível próximo a excelente de qualidade ambiental. No que diz respeito à sazonalidade, a água consumida apresentou qualidade melhor na estação seca, no período chuvoso os parâmetros IFQDP (índices físico-químicos) tiveram uma baixa que vai geralmente de março a agosto de cada ano, mas, que no período chuvoso o índice foi ajustado gradativamente com a dosagem necessária do coagulante (sulfato de alumínio). Já os parâmetros IBDP (índices bacteriológicos) não tiveram influência do período chuvoso. Contudo as cidades estudadas atingiram um bom índice de qualidade das águas conseguindo atingir os padrões exigidos pela Portaria 518/2004 do Ministério da Saúde, onde demonstra a eficiência dos processos de tratamento de uma Estação de Tratamento de Água

A water footprint assessment of primary citrus production in the Lower Sundays River Valley Citrus Farms, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Munro, Samantha Alanna January 2015 (has links)
With the current implementation of the South African National Water Act (NWA) underway, comprehensive tools to assist in the efficient, fair and sustainable management of water resources are needed. Water footprints (WFs) are increasingly being recognised as a meaningful way to represent human appropriation of water resources and provide a framework for assessing the sustainability of water use. The study calculated blue, green and grey WFs for the lower Sundays River Valley (LSRV) citrus sector across dry, humid and long-term average climates for a number of cultivars. The sustainability of both the LSRV and the production process of citrus were examined through the adoption of a number of environmental, social and economic indicators. The study revealed that there was no water scarcity in the area because of an inter-basin transfer and that water pollution levels attributed to citrus production required a more comprehensive indicator than the grey WF. Results showed that navels, despite being the dominant cultivar, had the highest WF and the lowest water productivity and technical efficiency. It also provided lower benefits of income and employment in terms of water use in comparison to other cultivars. Conversely, cultivars such as lemons, which required a greater amount of water and fertiliser, were the most productive cultivar with the lowest blue, green and grey WF. The study demonstrated the complexity of decisions regarding water management and the need to assess accurately the environmental, social and economic implications of strategies to increase efficiency of water. The importance of incorporating local data and verifying WFs was also illustrated. The analysis highlighted that WF assessments could be useful for the South African government and agricultural sectors to assist in future water management decisions and promote increased collaboration between stakeholders. The study found that the adoption of local benchmarks could be useful in aiding the promotion of more efficient water use and could factor in sensitive economic and social attributes. WFs in conjunction with other economic and social indicators could also be used to evaluate the sustainability of current and future allocations pertaining to the implementation of the NWA. It was however noted that this requires vast amounts of accurate data.

A review of the control of motor vehicle fuel specifications and its effects on air quality

Choi, Ya-yin., 蔡雅然. January 2003 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Environmental Management / Master / Master of Science in Environmental Management

Camelthorn (Acacia erioloba) firewood industry in Western Cape, South Africa

Raliselo, 'Muso Andreas 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MFor)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The reliance of firewood demand on indigenous trees such as Acacia erioloba is a continuing phenomena despite the concern that over-exploitation of these resources will degrade the environment. This study tested the hypothesis that the cutting of A. erioloba in the Northern Cape is driven by (a) market demand in the Western Cape, (b) ignorance of the long-term ecological consequences and/or (c) ignorance of legislation along the chain of custody of this product. The assumption is that whoever is involved in the A. erioloba firewood industry (resource owner, trader or user) is neither aware of the protected status of the resource nor the negative consequences associated with the over-exploitation of the resource or they are driven by short term monetary gains. Therefore, there is a need to understand the needs of every participant in the chain and to further find out if there may be substitutes for A. erioloba firewood. The results of this study show that there is a market for firewood in the study area and that this demand is driven mainly by the availability rather than the quality of firewood. It will also be shown that Acacia mearnsii which is available in the study area is a better product than A. erioloba and therefore it can be a suitable replacement but consumers were found to bum almost everything that would give them embers. The most preferred firewood in the study area is A. cyclops. The concept of indigenous trees is not clearly understood by retailers and consumers. The major role players in the supply chain were found to be the retailers and the transport owners who may be targeted when firewood trade is to be stopped in the short-term. The results further highlighted the fact that the majority of consumers were aware that indigenous trees were protected in South Africa but the majority of retailers were not aware. The study recommends that firewood trade should be stopped completely by strict enforcement of the law or by the involvement of every role-player and/or that the trade should be regulated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fenomeen dat die aanvraag vir vuurmaakhout staatmaak op inheemse bome soos Acacia erioloba duur steeds voort ten spyte van die kommer dat oorbenutting van hierdie hulpbronne, ter versadiging van die behoeftes van 'n steeds toenemende populasie, die omgewing sal degradeer. Hierdie studie het die hipotese getoets dat die afsny van A. erioloba in die Noord- Kaap aangedryf word deur (a) die mark aanvraag in die Wes-Kaap, (b) onkunde oor die langtermyn ekologiese gevolge en/of (c) onkunde oor die wetgewing van hierdie produk by die skakels in die verskaffersketting. Die aanname is dat wie ook al betrokke is by die A. erioloba vuurmaakhout-industrie (hulpbron eienaar, handelaar of gebruiker) is beide onbewus van die beskermde status van die hulpbron asook van die negatiewe gevolge geassosieer met die oorbenutting van die hulpbron of hulle is aangedryf deur korttermyn monetêre gewin. Daarom is dit nodig om die behoefte van elke deelnemer in die ketting te verstaan en om verder uit te vind of daar plaasvervangers vir A. erioloba vuurmaakhout is. Die resultate van hierdie studie toon dat daar 'n aanvraag is vir vuurmaakhout in die studie-area en dat hierdie aanvraag hoofsaaklik gedryf word deur die beskikbaarheid, eerder as die kwaliteit van die hout. Daar salook aangetoon word dat Acacia mearnsii, wat in die studie-area beskikbaar is, 'n beter produk is as A. erioloba en dus 'n geskikte plaasvervanger kan wees, maar dit wil voorkom of die verbruikers omtrent enigiets sal brand wat kole sal verskaf. A. cyclops is die vuurmaakhout van voorkeur in die studie-area. Handelaars en verbruikers verstaan nie die konsep van inheemse bome duidelik nie. Die vernaamste rolspelers in die verskaffersketting is die handelaars en die eienaars van die vervoer en hulle kan die teikengroep wees as die handel in vuurmaakhout in die korttermyn stopgesit word. Die resultate het verder na vore gebring dat die meerderheid verbruikers daarvan bewus is dat inheemse bome beskermd is in Suid-Afrika, maar die meerderheid handelaars is nie hiervan bewus me. Hierdie studie maak die aanbeveling dat handel in vuurmaakhout totaal gestaak moet word deur strenger wette of deur die betrokkenheid van elke rolspeler en/of dat handel gereguleer moet word.

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