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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání smlouvy o běžném a vkladovém účtu / A comparison of current and deposit account contract

Škrobánek, Petr January 2014 (has links)
Resume: A comparison of current and deposit account contract The original purpose of the diploma thesis " A comparison of current and deposit account contract" had been to describe and analyse the existing legislation of the Current Account Contract and the Deposit Account Contract regulated by Act No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code, as amended by subsequent legislation, further to compare them and to draw the appropriate legal conclusions out of this comparison. With respect to the development of legal control, in particular due to passing the Act No. 284/2009 Coll., on payment system, as amended by subsequent legislation, and the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, it was necessary to modify the meaning of this thesis in the way to reflect new statutory regulation resulting out of the above, while respecting existing regulations. The aim of the thesis thus became a description, analysis and comparison of the Current Account and Deposit Account Contract and a description and analysis of the Contract for Payment Services, all of above covered by the description and subsequent comparison with the Account Contract. The thesis is conceived primarily to comparison of the above-mentioned statutory regulations with the fact that some of the more significant and at the same time problematic legal issues...

Die grondslag van kontraktuele gebondenheid

Olivier, Pierre J. J. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2004 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An overview of the historical development of contract law and its underlying theory, spanning from Roman times to the present day, and in Western European and Anglo American systems, shows that the gradually developing will theory dominated in the early nineteenth century. It was, however, also in the nineteenth century that the first cracks in this theory were observed. First, sociological, political and economic factors, brought about by the Industrial Revolution, the rise of socialism and of labour, required a new, more humane approach. Secondly, with the emergence of a new economic system, new technical problems came to the fore: how were problems of mistake, interpretation, implied terms and derogation to be solved, unless reliance was placed, in each case, on untenable fictions? Thus, towards the last quarter of the nineteenth century, an intense and unparalleled juristic debate ensued, mainly in Europe, but later also in England and the United States of America. New approaches, e.g. that a strict and uncompromising declaration be followed, was proposed. The outcome of this debate was the emergence of the so-called confidence theory. The basis of this approach is that, whatever a person's real intention may have been, he so conducts himself as to lead the other party, as a reasonable person, to believe that the first party has assented to the contract as proposed or understood by the second party, the first party is bound by the impression he created. The principle was clearly stated by Blackburn J in Smith v Hughes (1871) LR 6 OB 597, which has since become one of the famous dicta in the law of contract, and forms part of the English law. It should be stressed that the Blackburn approach was not alien to Europe, where the gradual and natural development of the common law was overtaken by codification The French Codification retained the pure will theory. Under the Dutch code, the so-called will-reliance system was developed, akin to the Blackburn approach. In German law, however, the De Groot view was followed: the mistaken party was permitted to 'resile' from the 'contract' but under obligation to compensate the 'innocent' party's negative interest. In South Africa, the basic point of departure is the will theory but supplemented by the confidence theory This system is made possible by our law of procedure, where two remedies, the justus error approach and the contractual consent approach are available. As both these remedies have the same objective, viz. to protect the legitimate interests of the party that was misled, they require the same substantive law requirements. The confidence theory has imbedded itself so deeply in South African, European and English law, that it is now recognized by some as the key, not only to the solution of the dissensus problem, but also in cases of interpretation, supplementation and derogation. The combination of will and reliance are the foundation stones of contractual liability. These two principles have developed (and are still developing) from society's pre-positive, moral, ethical, political, economic, religious and other values, which have been and are still being absorbed in the body of legal rules. This process of development is informed by the norms and rules relating to public policy, public interest, the bani mores and good faith. These norms and rules are recognized and applied in the legal systems of the United States of America, England and Europe. They form part of our law, but unfortunately our courts are extremely conservative in recognizing and applying them. If we wish to obtain and sustain social and contractual justice, more weight should be accorded to these values. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Oorsig van die geskiedkundige ontwikkeling van die kontraktereg en die onderliggende teorie daarvan vanaf die Romeinse tyd tot vandag in sowel Wes-Europese as die Anglo-Amerikaanse stelsels, toon aan dat die geleidelik-ontwikkelende wilsteorie in die negentiende eeu die botoon gevoer het. Dis egter ook gedurende die negentiende eeu dat die eerste krake in hierdie teorie waargeneem is. Eerstens het sosiologiese, politieke en ekonomiese faktore, veroorsaak deur die Industriële Revolusie, 'n nuwe, meer menslike benadering geverg. Tweedens het nuwe, tegniese probleme ontstaan met die opkoms van 'n nuwe ekonomiese sisteem: hoe moes probleme soos dwaling, uitleg, stilswyende bepalings en derogasie opgelos word, tensy die oplossing in elke geval op onhoudbare fiksies moes berus? In die laaste kwart van die negentiende eeu het derhalwe 'n intense en ongeëwenaarde juridiese debat ontstaan, hoofsaaklik in Europa, maar later ook in Engeland en die VSA Nuwe benaderings, bv. dat slegs gelet word op die eksterne verklaring ter uitsluiting van enige subjektiewe bedoeling, is voorgestel. Die resultaat van hierdie debat was die ontwikkeling van die vertrouensteorie. Die basis van hierdie benadering is dat wat ookal 'n mens se werklike bedoeling mag gewees het, hy so opgetree het dat die ander party, redelikerwys, oortuig was dat die eerste party toegestem het tot die kontrak soos voorgestelof verstaan deur die tweede party die eerste party dan gebonde is aan die indruk wat hy geskep het. Die beginsel is duidelik gestel deur Blackburn R in Smith v Hughes (1871) LR 6 OB 597. Dit moet benadruk word dat die Blackburn benadering nie vreemd aan Europa was nie, waar die geleidelike en natuurlike ontwikkeling van die gemene reg deur kodifikasie kortgeknip is. Die Franse Kodifikasie het die suiwer wilsteorie behou. Die sogenaamde wils-vertrouens stelsel, soortgelyk aan die Blackburnbenadering, het onder die Nederlandse Kode ontwikkel, maar in Duitsland is die De Groot-benadering gevolg: die party wat homself vergis het, is toegelaat om uit die 'kontrak' terug te tree, maar onder die verpligting om die 'onskuldige' party se negatiewe interesse te vergoed. In Suid-Afrika is die basiese vertrekpunt die wilsteorie, maar aangevul deur die vertrouensteorie. Dit word moontlik gemaak deur ons prosesreg, waar twee remedies, die Justus error-benadering en die wilsooreenstemmings-benadering beskikbaar is. Aangesien beide hierdie remedies dieselfde mikpunt het, naamlik om die regmatige belange van die misleide party te beskerm, verg hulle dieselfde materiële regsvereistes. Die vertrouensteorie is so diep in die Suid-Afrikaanse, Europese en Engelse reg ingebed dat dit nou deur sommige mense erken word as die sleutel, nie alleen tot die oplossing van die dissensus probleem nie, maar ook in gevalle van uitleg, aanvulling en derogasie. Die kombinasie van wil en vertroue is die hoekstene van kontraktuele aanspreeklikheid. Hierdie twee begrippe het ontwikkel (en ontwikkel nog steeds) uit die gemeenskap se voor-positiewe, morele, etiese, staatkundige, ekonomiese, godsdiens- en ander waardes, wat in die regstelselopgeneem en beliggaam is en word. Hierdie ontwikkelingsproses berus op die norme en reëls betreffende openbare beleid, openbare belang, die boni mores en goeie trou en word erken en toegepas in die regstelsels van die VSA, Engeland en Europa. Dit maak deel uit van ons reg, maar ongelukkig is ons howe aartskonserwatief in die erkenning en toepassing daarvan. As ons maatskaplike en kontraktuele geregtigheid wil bekom en volhou, moet groter gewig aan hierdie waardes vergun word.

Převody vlastnictví družstevních bytů / The transfer of ownership of cooperative apartments

Moravec, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The transfer of ownership of cooperative apartments The thesis deals with the issue of the transfer of property of cooperative apartments which is a topic frequently approached due to a large number of members of the cooperatives who still haven't settled their legal claims against the housing cooperatives. The housing cooperatives will keep their importance even with the new civil code being applicable. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze legal regulation concerning transfers of ownership of apartments from the housing cooperatives to their members, concentrating especially on the conditions, fulfilling of which establishes an obligation for the cooperative to conclude the contract with their members in order to transfer the ownership of cooperative units. The thesis also attempts to describe some changes brought into the legal system by the new civil code. The thesis is composed of four chapters which are further divided into subchapters. Chapter One is dedicated to the definition of the essential concepts used in the thesis. Considering the transfer of ownership, it is necessary to denominate the parties of the relationship which are the housing cooperative on one side and the member the housing cooperative, and the subject to the property right or claim - cooperative apartment. Chapter Two...

Převody vlastnictví bytů z bytových družstev na jejich členy / Transfer of ownership of flats from the cooperatives to its members

Andresová, Monika January 2012 (has links)
1 Abstract Transfer of ownership of flats from the cooperatives to its members The aim of this thesis is to analyze the legislative regulation of transfers of ownership of flats from housing cooperatives to their members. This is a hot topic, since there are still many members who have not yet settled legal claims against the housing cooperatives. Attention is paid to the legislation contained in the Act on ownership of flats. In addition, legal regulation in the Transformation Act is mentioned, which introduced legislation on transfer of ownership from housing cooperative to its members. Individual provisions of the Commercial Code, which relates to housing cooperatives legislation, are also being analyzed. The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter discusses the formation and development of housing cooperatives, explains its basic principles and mainly characterizes concepts of former housing cooperatives. This introductory chapter also defines the basic terms of the housing cooperatives, such as a cooperative housing and cooperative apartment. The second chapter is interpretation of the contemporary legislation on transfer of ownership of cooperative units. Firstly, the legal protection of a member of a housing cooperative is analyzed in detail. Considerable attention is paid to contractual...

Compétence juridictionnelle en matière de litiges internationaux sur les opérations électroniques de banque

Sultan, Nafea Bahr 30 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d’examiner et d’analyser les conditions d’application des règles françaises et européennes de compétence dans le domaine des litiges nés des opérations bancaires électroniques. De manière générale, le tribunal saisi vérifie sa compétence en analysant le différend, en déterminant les éléments du rapport de droit, en caractérisant les parties en conflit, et en établissant que les exigences de chacune des règles sont satisfaites. Mais, dans le cadre des relations bancaires électroniques, la juridiction exerce sa fonction en tenant compte des facteurs technologiques qui affectent la conclusion et l’exécution et de la relation litigieuse,et en prenant en considération le poids réel et juridique de la banque et du client.Pour que les critères juridictionnels et leurs liens de rattachement soient applicables de manière correcte, logique et équitable, la juridiction se doit appréhender avec un oeil neuf, des notions et concepts aussi variés que l’accord électronique d’élection de for, l’autorité de la banque, l’étendue de la protection des consommateurs, le domicile et la résidence, la notion de l’obligation bancaire, ainsi que le lieu de la conclusion et de la prestation de service, le lieu où se produit le fait dommageable, et le dommage économique. / This thesis examines the possibility of applying of relevant French and European rules in the field of litigations arising from electronic banking. The seized court checks its jurisdiction by analyzing disputed subject, identifying the elements of legal relationship, characterizing the parties of the dispute, and establishing that requirements of each rule are met. Once the court exercises its function, it considers the technological factors that may affect the fulfilling way of the legal relationship and dispute over it, as well as taking into account the actual and legal weight of both bank and customer. So that, in order to practice relevant criteria and connecting links in correct, logical and fair way, it is necessary for the court to reconsider it sunderstanding of different aspects of disputed subject. In other words, the court should renew its view on several issues, such as the electronic agreement on jurisdiction, the authority of the bank, the extent of the protection of consumers, the domicile and residence, the concept of bank obligation, the place of signing and fulfilling the contract, the place where the service is provided, as well as the place of occurrence of harmful event and economic damage.

La résolution unilatérale / Unilateral termination of contract for breach

Toma-Dăuceanu, Laura 25 October 2013 (has links)
La problématique traitée. Cette étude est dédiée à l’institution de la résolution unilatérale, c’est-à-dire, à la situation quand le contrat est anéanti par la déclaration unilatérale du créancier émise à la suite de l’inexécution importante d’une obligation contractuelle par le débiteur. Cette étude concerne principalement la résolution unilatérale légale comme elle a été consacrée dans l’article 1552 du Code civil roumain et les particularités de la résolution unilatérale conventionnelle. La distinction entre la résolution judiciaire et la résolution unilatérale a comme fondement la manière de laquelle la résolution opère. Ainsi, tandis que la résolution judiciaire est disposée par le juge, la résolution unilatérale est déclarée par la partie en droit. En conséquence, à l’exception de la manière dont la résolution opère, la résolution judiciaire et celle unilatérale ont le même régime juridique. Pour ces raisons la recherche exhaustive de ce sujet a supposé une analyse des éléments communs de la résolution. De plus, en vue de la manière de la rédaction et de la position des articles qui la concerne, ainsi comme des avantages offerts par cette manière d’opérer, la résolution unilatérale est prévue comme le moyen général d’anéantissement du contrat pour l’inexécution des obligations. En conséquence, dans le contexte du Nouveau Code civil roumain, pour traiter le sujet de la résolution unilatérale, une analyse complète du régime juridique de la résolution s’impose. Bien qu’en apparence, les résolutions du Nouveau Code civil roumain concernant la résolution n’apportent pas de modifications en substance par rapport au régime juridique de l’ancien Code civil roumain inspirée par le Code civil français, une analyse systématique des dispositions regardant l’exécution des obligations contractuelles mènent à une autre solution. Pour ce motif, on a choisi de commencer cette étude par la présentation des considérations générales en ce qui concerne la résolution (la Ière Partie), cela ayant comme finalité l’essai d’identifier les traits caractéristiques de cette institution, sa nature juridique et son fondement. A la suite, on a opté d’examiner les conditions pour que le droit à la résolution, les particularités de la résolution et de la résiliation unilatérale conventionnelle (la IIème Partie) et les effets de la résolution et de la résiliation (la IIIe Partie) [...] / The object. This study is dedicated to the unilateral termination of the contract in the situation when the contract is destroyed by the unilateral declaration issued by the creditor as a result of the significant breach of a contractual obligation by the debtor. This study mainly concerns the unilateral and legal termination of contract for breach as it was enshrined in Article 1552 of the Romanian Civil Code and also the case of the conventional unilateral resolution. The distinction between judicial termination of contract for breach and unilateral resolution of contract for breach is based on how the termination operates. Thus, while judicial termination of contract for breach is declared by the judge, the unilateral termination of contract for breach is declared by the party entitled. Excepting this distinction, the judicial termination of contract for breach and the unilateral one have the same legal regime. For these reasons this analyses focuses on the common elements of the termination of contract for breach. Furthermore, we believe that in this new legal frame the unilateral termination of contract for breach is intended as a general means of destruction of a contract for breach. This is the reason why in order to address the issue of unilateral termination of contract for breach we appreciated that a comprehensive analysis of the legal regime of the termination of contract for breach is required […]

Die akzessorische Anknüpfung. Grundfragen und Grundprobleme / Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Gesetzes zum Internationalen Privatrecht für außervertragliche Schuldverhältnisse und Sachen von 1999 / Accessory Connection. Basical Questions and Problems / Considering the Act of Private International Law of Non-Contractual Obligations and Properties of 1999

Michel, Sandra 27 May 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Meze obligačního statutu / The Limits of the Applicable Law of Obligations

Šidla, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
This thesis discusses the limits of statute of contractual obligations solely from the perspective of conflict of law rules. It is based primarily on the analysis of national conflict of law rules contained in Act No. 91/2012 Coll., On Private International Law. There are also analyzed relevant standards of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No. 593/2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I) and conflict of law rules in the German Initial Act to the Civil Code, as well as in the Swiss Act on Private International Law. The primary hypothesis of this work is the concept of a single contractual statute, which governes contractual relationship since the early beginning to the end. The secondary hypothesis follows the departure of German international private law from the principle of seat for the principle of incorporation. Another hypothesis explores the safeguarding of property rights once acquired, if the substantive legal facts are in the mode of the original substantive statute closed that no means no and yes means yes, but ... This work also examines the question of whether the European legislator through the unification of rules of conflict of law removed the deficiencies that resulted from the application of autonomous national conflict of law rules or...

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