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Styrteknologier under tillväxt : - En flerfallstudie i gasellnominerade företagJuneskär, Linus, Rönkä, Tim January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Gasellföretag klassas som de företagen med högst tillväxt i Sverige och utgör en viktig del av den nationella ekonomin. I takt med att de växer ställs nya krav på sammansättningen av gasellföretagens styrteknologier för fortsatt tillväxt. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka gasellföretag för att skapa en djupare förståelse och samla kunskap kring hur sammansättningen av olika styrteknologier påverkas av tillväxten. Vi kommer undersöka vilka styrteknologier tillväxtföretagen arbetar med och hur de har påverkats under tillväxtfasen. Metod: För att undersöka studiens syfte valdes en kvalitativ flerfallstudie som forskningsdesign. Studiens empiri bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre gasellföretag som blivit selekterade genom ett kriteriestyrt urval. Slutsats: Studiens slutsats tyder på att sammansättningen av gasellföretags styrteknologier påverkas av den höga tillväxten. Vi ser förändringar i både de formella- och informella styrteknologierna och att förändringarna är nödvändiga för att hantera tillväxten. Vi finner många samband hur gasellföretag väljer att förändra och implementera styrteknologier för att hantera tillväxten.
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A holistic model to create organizational information security awareness programs – iSAPRydefelt Calatayud, Leonor January 2011 (has links)
There is a large number of information security awareness programs (iSAP) found in the literature with multiple approaches. Considering that the number of security breaches performed by insiders is as high as 48%, the effectiveness of such programs is questionable. This leaves a considerable space for external, but also internal criminals, to perform and succeed in their attacks, something that can cause heavy losses (both economical and less tangible as reputation) to organizations. This thesis decided to study some of those iSAP to see their strengths and weaknesses. After studying the approaches in focus for this thesis, and following an inductive research method, a new model to develop iSAP from a holistic point of view was presented. The solution has been aligned with subject matter experts (SME) at “Company X” and with end-users external to that company. The model is now ready to be studied empirically in organizations to evaluate its effectiveness.
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En medveten gränspolitik eller panik? : En undersökning av EU-medlemsstaternas folkrättsliga åtaganden gentemot skyddsbehövande vid extraterritoriella gränskontroller, med utblickar mot tredjelandssamarbeten / A conscious border-policy or a situation of panic? : An examination of the public international law obligations of the EU Member States toward people in need of protection at extraterritorial borders, with outlooks on the cooperation with third countriesMuhieddine, Darin January 2020 (has links)
Genom åren har flyktingar och andra skyddsbehövande gjort försök att ta sig till Europa. Avsaknaden av reguljära vägar har dock resulterat i att hundratusentals människor har mist sina liv på de alternativa vägarna längs Medelhavet. År 2015 var migrationsströmmarna till Europa mest frekventa, vilket uppenbarade en ineffektivitet i EU:s migrationspolitik. Situationen med de ökade migrationsströmmarna har kommit att kallas för en flyktingkris, som har gett upphov till omedelbara kontrollåtgärder. Bland åtgärderna finns visumkrav, transportörsansvar och förstärkande av extraterritoriella gränskontroller genom fördjupade samarbeten med tredjeländer. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka EU:s extraterritoriella gränskontroller i förhållande till folkrättsliga normer, med fokus på skyddsbehövandes tillgång till skydd vid tredjelandssamarbeten. Resultaten av undersökningen visar att EU:s extraterritoriella gränskontroller begränsar människors tillgång till skydd – genom att stoppa människor i ursprungs- och transitländerna eller genom att avlägsna dem från Europa till tredjeländer som exempelvis Turkiet och Libyen. Även om dessa länder anses utgöra så kallade säkra länder framgår av sammanställningen att överträdelser av mänskliga rättigheter är återkommande inslag. Härav följer att EU:s intresse av att reglera migrationen har fått stå i framkant, medan intresset av att ge skyddsbehövande tillgång till det skydd de är berättigade till har följaktligen fått stå tillbaka. / Over the years, refugees and those in need of protection have made several attempts to reach Europe. However, the lack of regular routes has resulted in hundreds of thousands of people losing their lives on irregular routes along the Mediterranean. In 2015, the migration flows across the Mediterranean reached high levels, which revealed inefficiency in the EU's migration policy. The situation with the increased migration flows across the Mediterranean has been labelled as a refugee crisis, and has given rise to immediate measures. The measures include border checks such as visa requirements, carrier responsibility, and extraterritorial border controls through deepened cooperation with third countries. The purpose of this study is to investigate the EU's extraterritorial border controls in relation to public international law norms. The focus is on the possibility of access international protection in situations of collaborations with third countries. The results of the study show that the extraterritorial border controls restrict people's access to protection - by stopping people in the countries of origin and transit, or by removing them from the European territory to third countries such as Turkey and Libya. Both are considered to be safe countries. However, evidence shows that neither Turkey nor Libya are such safe countries and that human rights are frequently violated. Accordingly, the EU's interest in regulating migration has remained at the forefront, while the interest in protecting those in need has been held back – even for those who are entitled to protection under public international law.
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Hur uppnås balans i styrningen av en organisation med konkurrerande logiker? : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på straff och vårdLarsson, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Att med fokus på obalans och balans öka förståelsen för hur konkurrerande logiker hanteras i styrningen av kriminalvården i Sverige. Metod: Den kvalitativa studien genomfördes med en hermeneutisk utgångspunkt där 7 semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med öppna frågor, där den enskilde individen har fått beskriva sin upplevelse av straff och vård. Uppsatsen har en abduktiv ansats då en kontinuerlig växelverkan mellan teori och empiri har gjorts. En analys har sedan genomförts, baserat på det empiriska resultatet och den teoretiska referensramen. Resultat & slutsats: Ur organisationens perspektiv, uppnås balans mellan de konkurrerande logikerna straff och vård genom att anstalten försöker motivera klienterna till förändring i tankesätt och handlingsmönster, och erbjuder klienterna arbete, programverksamhet, utbildning, fritidsaktiviteter, och har samarbetsavtal med externa organisationer inför frihetsförberedande åtgärder som permissioner och utsluss. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien har bidragit till ökad förståelse hur de konkurrerande logikerna straff och vård hanteras med hjälp av styrmedel, med fokus på obalans och balans. Ur studien framkom att den öppna anstalten omfattas av styrmedel som påverkar balansen mellan straff och vård, där obalans är dominerat av straff, balans mer balans mellan straff och vård. Studien kartlagde styrmedel som påverkar balansen mellan obalans eller balans, styrmedel som orsakar obalans, och styrmedel för att uppnå balans. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: En fördjupad studie hur styrmedel hanteras på en anstalt av högre säkerhetsklass med fokus på obalans och balans mellan de konkurrerande logikerna straff och vård, och jämföra med de resultat som framkommit i denna studie / Aim: Focusing at imbalance and balance increase the understanding of how competing logics is managed in the management by the correctional care in Sweden. Method: The qualitative study was made with a hermeneutic starting, with 7 semistructured interviews which were made, and where the individual respondents described their own experience of punishment and care. The paper uses an abductive approach where a continuous interaction between theory and empirical data has been used. The analysis was based on the empirical result and the theoretical frame of reference. Result & Conclusion: From the perspective of the organization, balance is achieved between the two competing logics “punishment” and “care” thanks to the prison trying to motivate the prisoners to change their thoughts and behaviours, and to offer the client work, different programs, education, leisure activity, and to have cooperation contracts with external organizations before freedom preparing actions like permissions. Contribution of thesis: The study has contributed to an increased understanding how the competing logics punishment and care manages with help by controls, focusing at imbalance and balance. Out of the study it emerged that the low-risk prison comprises by controls like affect the balance between punishment and care, where imbalance is dominated by punishment, balance more balance between punishment and care. The study maped controls which affect the balance between imbalance and balance, controls which cause imbalance, and controls to reach balance. Suggestions for future research: Further study would be how controls managing at a prison of higher security focusing on imbalance and balance between the competing logics of punishment and care, and compare the results with the results from this study.
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Power/Thermal Interaction within an Adaptive Turbine EngineDeSomma, Andrew K. 10 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Russia’s war against Ukraine : The effect on IT security in Sweden’s municipalities / Rysslands krig mot Ukraina : Effekten på IT-säkerheten i Sveriges kommunerGötlind, Hampus, Olsson, Rickard January 2023 (has links)
This report aims to look at how Russia’s war in Ukraine has affected the work with IT security at Swedish municipalities, what actions have been taken, if any, and see if there has been an increase in attacks towards the municipalities’ networks. This was done by sending out a questionnaire to all of Sweden’s 290 municipalities via email with four questions regarding their IT security. 103 of Sweden’s municipalities responded to the email. Ten municipalities declined to participate in the report, which means that 32% (93) of Sweden’s municipalities participated in this survey. We chose to evaluate the Swedish municipalities and their preparedness in case of war for several reasons. They are a uniform group which we believed adhere to the same guidelines and regulations regarding cybersecurity, and the fact that they store and engage with critical and sensitive data about Sweden and its population, making them prime targets for attacks by foreign powers. The results were presented anonymously and based on the voluntary responses of the municipalities. Answers were then compiled and sorted into the five main categories from the NIST framework for cybersecurity. The report concludes that Swedish municipalities have taken significant actions to protect their networks in response to Russia’s war and aggressions towards Ukraine. For example, 18 municipalities reported that they had trained their staff in some way, which was the most common measure, and 11 municipalities had implemented two-factor authentication. However, more can be done in terms of responding to threats and enhancing recovery plans and systems. In summary, there seemed to be a lack of consensus on how municipalities should handle their own IT-security, as there was a high variation in the responses. The follow-up questions revealed a significant increase in attacks towards the municipalities’ networks, with many considering their networks potential targets for future attacks from foreign powers.
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This is a project-based thesis focusing on the investigation of topics related to human newborns and the factors found in their surrounding environment that need to be assessed so as to provide them with a feeling comfort. The objective is to boost their emotional development by the means of light in a close relation to sound so as to provide them with a type of intelligence allowing them to normally interact within a society during their adult life, reassuring social equality and eliminating potential social exclusion due to unexpected behaviours. After researching topics to have a better understanding of the newborn baby and its enclosing environment, a luminaire design solution -functioning with a reactive scheme performed with integrated sound sensors- provided further results to the main topic investigation. The conceptual scheme for the product development was inspired by the connection between the newborn and their life-giver, closely linked to the cross-modality of sensory development before and after birth. Additional results were obtained with light measurement assessments and a parent survey targeting both the intended light quality subjective evaluations and the marketing strength of the designed product. This survey was used -along with other means- as a design evaluation tool at the final stage of the design process. Potential further improvements as well as considerations for a distinct spatial application are discussed in the final part of the thesis. The sustainability aspect covered within this degree project is closely linked to good physical and mental health aspects, clean energy use and efficiency achieved by the integration of input sound sensors and controls, and conscious production and consumption by the proposal of low global footprint materials for the luminaire design. In the conclusions, an overall summary of the thesis outcomes is presented and further research is proposed regarding both the main topic investigation as well as a greater user category that can be related to the light metric assessments that were carried out for this research.
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Semi-Active Damping for an Intelligent Adaptive Ankle ProsthesisLapre, Andrew K 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Modern lower limb prostheses are devices that replace missing limbs, making it possible for lower limb amputees to walk again. Most commercially available prosthetic limbs lack intelligence and passive adaptive capabilities, and none available can adapt on a step by step basis. Often, amputees experience a loss of terrain adaptability as well as stability, leaving the amputee with a severely altered gait. This work is focused on the development of a semi-active damping system for use in intelligent terrain adaptive ankle prostheses. The system designed consists of an optimized hydraulic cylinder with an electronic servo valve which throttles the hydraulic fluid flowing between the cylinder’s chambers, acting on the prosthesis joint with a moment arm in series with a carbon spring foot. This provides the capability to absorb energy during the amputees gait cycle in a controlled manner, effectively allowing the passive dynamic response to be greatly altered continuously by leveraging a small energy source. A virtual simulation of an amputee gait cycle with the adaptive semi-active ankle design revealed the potential to replicate adaptive abilities of the human ankle. The results showed very similarly that irregularities in amputee biomechanics can be greatly compensated for using semi-active damping.
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Activity Intent Recognition of the Torso Based on Surface Electromyography and Inertial Measurement UnitsZhang, Zhe 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents an activity mode intent recognition approach for safe, robust and reliable control of powered backbone exoskeleton. The thesis presents the background and a concept for a powered backbone exoskeleton that would work in parallel with a user. The necessary prerequisites for the thesis are presented, including the collection and processing of surface electromyography signals and inertial sensor data to recognize the user’s activity. The development of activity mode intent recognizer was described based on decision tree classification in order to leverage its computational efficiency. The intent recognizer is a high-level supervisory controller that belongs to a three-level control structure for a powered backbone exoskeleton. The recognizer uses surface electromyography and inertial signals as the input and CART (classification and regression tree) as the classifier. The experimental results indicate that the recognizer can extract the user’s intent with minimal delay. The approach achieves a low recognition error rate and a user-unperceived latency by using sliding overlapped analysis window. The approach shows great potential for future implementation on a prototype backbone exoskeleton.
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Bi-Directional Vector Variable Gain Amplifier for an X-Band Phased Array Radar ApplicationMashayekhi, Arash 01 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents the design, layout, and measurements of a bi-directional amplifier with variable vector (in-phase / quadrature) gain control that will be part of an electronically steered phased array system. The electronically steered phased array has many advantages over the conventional mechanically steered antennas including rapid scanning of the beam and adaptively creating nulls in desired locations. The 10-bit bi-directional Vector Variable Gain Amplifier (VVGA) is part of the transmit and receive module of each antenna element where transmit and receive functionality is determined through a simple switch. The VVGA performs amplification of the IF IQ pair by an adjustable complex coefficient. At receive, the VVGA functions as a Vector Variable Gain Current Amplifier (VVGCA) and at transmit, the VVGA functions as a Vector Variable Gain Transadmittance Amplifier (VVGTA). Design procedure, layout entry, schematic and parasitic extracted simulation results, and measurements are presented in this thesis.
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