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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise comparativa entre retalho semilunar modificado posicionado coronalmente e retalho posicionado coronalmente. Estudo clínico controlado randomizado / Comparative analysis between modified semilunar coronally positioned flap and coronally advanced flap. A randomized controlled clinical trial.

Meneses, Igor Almeida de 01 March 2013 (has links)
Objetivo: Este trabalho avaliou comparativamente, por meio de parâmetros clínicos, as técnicas cirúrgicas do retalho posicionado coronalmente versus retalho semilunar modificado posicionado coronalmente. Materiais e Métodos: Foram selecionados 17 pacientes que apresentavam ao menos duas retrações gengivais classe I de Miller em dentes não molares da mesma arcada, bilateralmente. Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados foram: profundidade de sondagem (PS), índice de sangramento à sondagem (ISS), nível clínico de inserção (NCI), altura (ARG) e largura (LRG) das retrações gengivais, altura (AMQ) e espessura (EMQ) da mucosa queratinizada e altura (APAR) e largura (LPAR) das papilas mesiais e distais à retração. Um lado, aleatoriamente selecionado, recebeu retalho posicionado coronalmente (Grupo Controle-GC), enquanto no outro lado foi utilizada a técnica do retalho semilunar modificado posicionado coronalmente (Grupo Teste-GT). Resultados: Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados não apresentaram diferença estatística entre grupos. Na análise intra-grupos, houve diferença estatisticamente significante em relação ao nível clínico de inserção e a altura da retração gengival em ambos os grupos na comparação entre o pré-tratamento x 3 meses e pré-tratamento x 6 meses. A largura da retração gengival apresentou diferenças intra-grupos apenas no GC na comparação pré-tratamento x 3 meses e pré-tratamento x 6 meses. O recobrimento radicular médio obtido foi de 75,26% para o GC e 61,82% para o GT. O recobrimento radicular completo obtido foi de 47,05% para o GC e 22,22% para o GT. Conclusão: Ambas as técnicas foram eficientes na redução de retrações gengivais classe I de Miller, com vantagem apenas numérica para a técnica do retalho posicionado coronalmente. / The aim of this study was to compare the modified semilunar coronally positioned flap (MSCPF) to coronally positioned flap (CPF), evaluating clinical parameters. Seventeen patients with bilateral Miller class I gingival recessions in non-molar teeth in the same jaw were selected. Clinical measurements of probing pocket depth (PPD), bleeding on probing index (BOP), clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival recession height (GRH) and width (GRW), width (WKT) and thickness of keratinized tissue (TKT), and adjacent papillae height (APH) and width (APW) were determined at baseline, 3 and 6 months post-surgical treatment. One recession, randomly assigned, received MSCPF and the other was treated with CPF. Between groups analysis showed no statistical differences for all parameters. Intra-group analysis showed statistically significant differences for CAL and GRH in both groups for baseline x 3 months and baseline x 6 months and for GRW in the CPF Group for the same time intervals. Mean root coverage was 75.26% for the CPF Group and 61.82% for the MSCPF Group. Complete root coverage was 47.05% for CPF and 22.22% for MSCPF. Both techniques were effective in reducing Miller class I gingival recessions.

Análise comparativa entre retalho semilunar modificado posicionado coronalmente e retalho posicionado coronalmente. Estudo clínico controlado randomizado / Comparative analysis between modified semilunar coronally positioned flap and coronally advanced flap. A randomized controlled clinical trial.

Igor Almeida de Meneses 01 March 2013 (has links)
Objetivo: Este trabalho avaliou comparativamente, por meio de parâmetros clínicos, as técnicas cirúrgicas do retalho posicionado coronalmente versus retalho semilunar modificado posicionado coronalmente. Materiais e Métodos: Foram selecionados 17 pacientes que apresentavam ao menos duas retrações gengivais classe I de Miller em dentes não molares da mesma arcada, bilateralmente. Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados foram: profundidade de sondagem (PS), índice de sangramento à sondagem (ISS), nível clínico de inserção (NCI), altura (ARG) e largura (LRG) das retrações gengivais, altura (AMQ) e espessura (EMQ) da mucosa queratinizada e altura (APAR) e largura (LPAR) das papilas mesiais e distais à retração. Um lado, aleatoriamente selecionado, recebeu retalho posicionado coronalmente (Grupo Controle-GC), enquanto no outro lado foi utilizada a técnica do retalho semilunar modificado posicionado coronalmente (Grupo Teste-GT). Resultados: Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados não apresentaram diferença estatística entre grupos. Na análise intra-grupos, houve diferença estatisticamente significante em relação ao nível clínico de inserção e a altura da retração gengival em ambos os grupos na comparação entre o pré-tratamento x 3 meses e pré-tratamento x 6 meses. A largura da retração gengival apresentou diferenças intra-grupos apenas no GC na comparação pré-tratamento x 3 meses e pré-tratamento x 6 meses. O recobrimento radicular médio obtido foi de 75,26% para o GC e 61,82% para o GT. O recobrimento radicular completo obtido foi de 47,05% para o GC e 22,22% para o GT. Conclusão: Ambas as técnicas foram eficientes na redução de retrações gengivais classe I de Miller, com vantagem apenas numérica para a técnica do retalho posicionado coronalmente. / The aim of this study was to compare the modified semilunar coronally positioned flap (MSCPF) to coronally positioned flap (CPF), evaluating clinical parameters. Seventeen patients with bilateral Miller class I gingival recessions in non-molar teeth in the same jaw were selected. Clinical measurements of probing pocket depth (PPD), bleeding on probing index (BOP), clinical attachment level (CAL), gingival recession height (GRH) and width (GRW), width (WKT) and thickness of keratinized tissue (TKT), and adjacent papillae height (APH) and width (APW) were determined at baseline, 3 and 6 months post-surgical treatment. One recession, randomly assigned, received MSCPF and the other was treated with CPF. Between groups analysis showed no statistical differences for all parameters. Intra-group analysis showed statistically significant differences for CAL and GRH in both groups for baseline x 3 months and baseline x 6 months and for GRW in the CPF Group for the same time intervals. Mean root coverage was 75.26% for the CPF Group and 61.82% for the MSCPF Group. Complete root coverage was 47.05% for CPF and 22.22% for MSCPF. Both techniques were effective in reducing Miller class I gingival recessions.

Effektivität von Schmelzmatrixproteinen in der chirurgischen Behandlung von gingivalen Rezessionen

Rompola, Eirini 18 February 2002 (has links)
Zielsetzung: Verschiedene chirugische Techniken sind für die Deckung entblößter Wurzeloberflächen vorgeschlagen worden. Die vorliegende Studie sollte die Ergebnisse koronaler Verschiebelappen mit bzw. ohne Einsatz von Schmelzmatrixprotein (SMP) bei der Therapie fazialer Rezessionen vergleichen. Material und Methode: Die Studie war als intraindividueller longitudinaler Vergleich über 12 Monate in einem doppelt verblindeten plazebo-kontrollierten randomisierten Design gestaltet. 22 Patienten im Alter von 24-64 Jahren, die 2 paarige faziale Rezessionen von mindestens 3 mm aufwiesen, wurden untersucht. Beide Rezessionen wurden in derselben Sitzung nach der Technik des koronalen Verschiebelappens chirurgisch gedeckt. Eine Rezession wurde dabei zusätzlich mit einem kommerziell erhältlichen SMP (Emdogain) und die jeweils andere mit dem entsprechenden Trägergel (Vehikel: Propylen-glykol-alginat) behandelt. Die Zuweisung der Therapien erfolgte zufällig. Präoperativ sowie 1 und 3 Wochen, 3, 6 und 12 Monate postoperativ wurden durch einen verblindeten Untersucher klinische Parameter (Höhe und Breite der Rezession, Breite der keratinisierten Gingiva, Sondierungstiefe, Attachmentniveau, Knochenniveau) mittels manueller sowie elektronischer Parodontalsonde bzw. Schieblehre auf 0,5 mm genau erhoben. Ergebnisse: 12 Monate postoperativ zeigten beider Therapievarianten signifikante Rezessionsdeckungen und Attachmentgewinne. Die fazialen Rezessionen verringerten sich von 4,5 mm auf 1,5 mm in der SMP- und von 4,4 mm auf 1,5 mm in der Vehikel-Gruppe was einer Rezessionsdeckung von 71,7% bzw. 73,6% entspricht. Der Unterschied zwischen den zwei Gruppen war nicht signifikant. Alle anderen klinische Parameter zeigten keine Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen. Schlußfolgerungen: Der Einsatz von SMP zusätzlich zum koronalen Verschiebelappen zur chirurgischen Rezessionsdeckung ergab keine wesentliche Unterschiede in den klinischen Resultaten im Vergleich zum koronalen Verschiebelappen in Kombination mit dem Trägergel. / Objectives: Various surgical techniques have been proposed for root coverage of denuded root surfaces. The aim of this study was to evaluate a comparison of coronally advanced flap procedure with or without the use of enamel matrix proteins in the treatment of recession defects. Material and methods: This study was an intra-individual longitudinal test of 12 months duration conducted as a blinded, split-mouth, placebo-controlled and randomised design. 22 patients, aged 24-64 years, with 2 paired buccal recession defects of at least 3 mm participated. Surgical recession coverage was performed as coronally advanced flap technique at both sites in the same session. One site was additionally treated with commercially available enamel matrix proteins (Emdogain) and the other site with placebo (propylene glycol alginate) in accordance with the randomisation list. A blinded examiner assessed pre- and post-surgical measurements. Clinical measurements and photographs were taken pre-surgically and after 1 week, 3 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months postoperatively. Measurements comprised height and width of the gingival recession, height of keratinized tissue, probing attachment level, probing pocket depth and alveolar bone level by periodontal probe, Florida Probe or caliper to the nearet 0.5 mm. Results: Twelve months after therapy, both treatment modalities showed significant root coverage and probing attachment gain. Gingival recession decreased from 4,5 mm to 1,5 mm for the Emdogain treated sites and from 4,4 mm to 1,5 mm for the control sites, corresponding to mean root coverages of 71,7% and 73,6%, respectively. This difference was not significant. All other clinical variables were not different in the between-group comparison. Conclusions: The use of Emdogain together with coronally advanced flap technique for recession coverage appeared to be equally effective in the overall clinical outcome, there is no clear benefit to combine Emdogain with this surgical technique.

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