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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Student and Teacher Conceptualizations of Reading: A Metaphor Analysis Study of Scripted Reading Interventions in Secondary Classrooms

Davis, Hope Smith 13 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Teknisk Tillgänglighet : En insyn på dess tillämpning inom tillverkningsindustrinTechnical / Availability : An insight to its application in the manufacturing industry

Baghestani, Aidin, Rahman, Fahim January 2021 (has links)
Inom tillverkningsindustrin präglas ständig utveckling och förbättringsarbete, speciellt när det kommer till produktionsavdelningen, som är hjärtat för verksamheten. Det är här produkterna vi konsumenter drömmer om visualiseras, definieras och förbereds för att komma till liv. Företagen är därför i mån av att ha en produktion som producerar konkurrenskraftigt i en hög hastighet, men också resurssnålt och tillförlitligt. Teknisk tillgänglighet är det nyckeltal som beskriver huruvida verksamhetens utrustning lever upp till sina förväntningar och är idag ett av de vanligaste nyckeltalen som används inom industrisektorn. Nyckeltalet är en procentsats som beskriver den andel av organisationens utrustning som är tillgänglig under den planerade produktionstiden, och används för att kunna mäta utrustningens prestation men också för att kunna prediktera och förebygga produktionsstopp. I denna studie så har vi beräknat den tekniska tillgängligheten på ett utav Scanias monteringslinjer genom att beräkna maskinernas MTBF och MTTR med hänsyn till seriella och parallella sammankopplingar. I resultatet framgår det att tillgänglighets förluster enkelt kan undvikas genom att använda sig utav redundans samt att enstaka maskiner bristfälliga prestation kan dra ner det slutgiltiga resultatet på grund av maskinernas seriella sammanslutningar till varandra och på så vis göra resultatet missvisande. Vidare kan man dra slutsatsen att värdefull information som kan användas för strategiskt beslutsfattande inom produktionsavdelningen inte nödvändigtvis utvinns ur den tekniska tillgängligheten utan istället av dess byggstenar MTTR och MTBF.Dessa nyckeltal kan användas för att validera organisationens underhållsstrategier, samt för att prediktera och förebygga maskinhaverier. I Scanias fall är tillgängligheten på den avdelningen som studien baserats på så pass hög att det inte riktigt finns rum för förbättring som kan uppnås på personalnivå, och eventuella mål om förbättringar kan kännas långsökta. Som en lösning till detta kan man se över att istället titta på MTBF och MTTR med avseende på samtliga maskiner av samma typ istället för att titta på de individuella. Detta för att få ett medelvärde som representerar maskintypens genomsnittliga presentation på avdelningen. Genom detta så får man en siffra som personalen på underhållsavdelningen kan vara med och påverka denna siffra på en daglig eller veckobasis istället för 6 månaders period. / The manufacturing industry is characterized by continuous development and improvement work, especially when it comes to its production department which is the heart of the business. This is where the products we consumers dream of are visualized, defined, and prepared to come to life. The companies are therefore subject to having a production that produces competitively at a high speed, but also resource-efficient and reliable. Technical availability is the key figure that describes whether the company's equipment lives up to its expectations and is today one of the most common key figures used in the industrial sector. The key figure is a percentage that describes the proportion of the organization's equipment that is available during the planned production period and is used to measure the equipment's performance but also to predict and prevent production stoppages. In this study, we have calculated the technical availability of one of Scania's assembly lines by calculating their machines MTBF and MTTR with regard to serial and parallel interconnections. The result shows that availability losses can easily be avoided by using redundancy and that individual machines' poor performances can reduce the final result due to the machines' serial connections to each other. Furthermore, it can be concluded that valuable information that can be used for strategic decision-making within the production department is not necessarily extracted from the technical availability but instead from analyzing its building blocks MTTR and MTBF. These key figures can be used to validate the organization's maintenance strategies, as well as to predict and prevent machine breakdowns. In Scania's case, the availability of the department on which the study is based is so high that there is not really room for improvement that can be achieved at staff level, and any goals for improvement may feel far-fetched. As a solution to this, you can instead look at MTBF and MTTR with respect to all machines of the same type instead of looking at them individually. This will get you a value that represents the machine group's average performance in the department. With this you will get a figure that the staff in the maintenance department can be involved in and influence on a daily or weekly basis instead of a 6-month period.

Erfarenhet mot Algoritmer : prediktivt underhåll genom maskininlärning i svenska Försvarsmakten / Experience versus Algorithms : Predictive Maintenance through Machine Learning in the Swedish Armed Forces

Ellmén, Niclas January 2024 (has links)
Rapporten utforskar möjligheten till implementering av prediktivt underhåll genom maskininlärning för markfordon i svenska Försvarsmakten. Undersökningen syftade till att finna nya metoder att planera och bedriva underhåll av militära fordon. Detta baserades på en litteraturstudie där civila och militära tillämpningar av maskininlärning granskades. Därefter analyserades empirin utifrån Kent Anderssons teori om militär nytta.  Analysen visar att det ur en teknologisk synpunkt skulle vara möjligt att implementera maskininlärning för prediktiva analyser av underhåll i militära fordon. Däremot tillkommer många utmaningar kopplade till datainsamling, interoperabilitet, cybersäkerhet, krav på höga kompetenser och ett behov av avancerade algoritmer. Militär verksamhet präglas även av mycket osäkerhet och fordon nyttjas i väldigt varierande miljöer. Detta försvårar omständigheterna för en AI att förutspå framtida utfall.  För att prediktiva analyser skulle kunna nyttjas effektivt skulle Försvarsmakten behöva ändra sitt förhållningssätt till materielunderhåll. Vidare forskning är emellertid nödvändig för att undersöka en faktisk implementering, eller ett maskininlärningssystems fullständiga militära nytta. / This work explores the possibility of implementing predictive maintenance through machine learning for ground vehicles in the Swedish Armed Forces. The investigation aimed to find new methods for planning and carrying out maintenance of military vehicles. This was based on a literature review that reviewed civilian and military applications of machine learning. The empirical data was then analyzed based on Kent Andersson's theory of military utility.  The analysis shows that from a technological point of view it would be possible to implement machine learning for predictive analysis of maintenance in military vehicles. However, there are many challenges linked to data collection, interoperability, cyber security, requirements for high skills and a need for advanced algorithms. Military operations are also characterized by a lot of uncertainty and vehicles are used in very varied environments. This makes it difficult for an AI to predict future outcomes.  For predictive analyzes to become a reality, the Swedish Armed Forces would have to change their approach to maintenance. However, further research is necessary to investigate an actual implementation and the full military utility of a machine learning system.

Les mesures correctives des émissions aériennes de gaz à effet de serre : Contribution à l'étude des interactions entre les ordres juridiques en droit international public / A Corrective Approach to Reduce Aircraft Greenhouse Gas Emissions : Contribution to the Study of Interactions between Legal Orders of International Law

Leclerc, Thomas 16 November 2017 (has links)
La recherche d'une mesure mondiale et corrective des émissions de gaz à effet de serreafin de réduire l'impact de l'activité aérienne internationale sur les changements climatiques a étéconfrontée à l'émergence d'obstacles, sous forme de conflits de normes, liés au défi général del'interaction entre le droit international de l'aviation civile, le droit international des changementsclimatiques et le droit de l'Union européenne. La conciliation des normes matérielles etinstitutionnelles concernées, sur la base d'une interprétation évolutive de la convention de Chicago,est alors apparue comme l'unique solution pour remédier aux situations conflictuelles constatées.Le recours à cette démarche interprétative maintient néanmoins un climat d'insécurité juridique etpose la question des limites à l'adaptation du droit international de l'aviation civile au défi d'uneprotection du climat mondial. Ce travail d'analyse vise alors à démontrer qu'un recours à cettedémarche interprétative n'est pas toujours nécessaire et qu'une application rigoureuse de ladistinction intrinsèque au droit international de l'aviation civile séparant le domaine de lanavigation aérienne du domaine du transport aérien international est la clef du problème. Ellepermet en effet de proposer une solution corrective respectueuse des ordres juridiques fonctionnelsconcernés tout en rétablissant un climat de sécurité juridique indispensable au développementsoutenable de l'aviation civile internationale. / Looking for a global and corrective measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions frominternational civil aviation has been facing legal obstacles. These obstacles took the form ofconflicts of norms linked to the general challenge of the interactions between international aviationlaw, climate change law and the law of the European Union. Using evolutionary interpretation ofthe Chicago Convention in order to reconcile norms of substantive and institutional nature emergedas the best solution. However, this method perpetuates legal uncertainty and poses the generalchallenge of flexibly and elasticity of the Chicago Convention in response to the climate changechallenge. This study examines the above mentioned issues of interactions between legal ordersand provides recommendations to restore legal certainty needed to ensure sustainable developmentof international civil aviation. More specifically, this study reveals the underestimated relevance ofthe ongoing distinction between the legal regimes of air navigation and air transport, which is a keylegal element in the search for a global and corrective solution to the impact of international civilaviation on climate change.

« Feedback » correctif à l'écrit à travers l'étude comparative du FLE en Espagne et de l'ELE en France : processus d'enseignement, apprentissage et acquisition / "Feedback correctivo" en la expresión escrita a través del estudio comparativo del FLE en España y del ELE en Francia : proceso de enseñanza, aprendizaje y adquisición / Corrective feedback in written works through the comparative study of FFL in Spain and SFL in France : teaching, learning and acquisition process

Marti, Alexandra 29 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse qui se veut transdisciplinaire, alliant les sciences du langage, les sciences de l'éducation et la sociolinguistique, se centre sur quatre axes principaux : la politique du plurilinguisme dans les institutions éducatives, l'apprentissage et l'acquisition des LE (le Français Langue Etrangère : FLE, et l'Espagnol Langue Etrangère : ELE), les erreurs et le feedback correctif (FC) à l'écrit, les pistes d'optimisation didactique pour promouvoir l'éducation plurilingue et le FC. Les résultats de ce travail de recherche montrent que, à l'échelle nationale, l'objectif du plurilinguisme dans les institutions éducatives est très loin d'être atteint en France et en Espagne, comme en témoigne l'analyse des chiffres et des statistiques publiés par les deux Ministères de l’Éducation Nationale durant l'année académique 2014-2015, laissant transparaître la situation peu avantageuse du français en Espagne et de l'espagnol en France face à la prédominance de l'anglais, bien qu'il soit indéniable que l'ELE présente de bien meilleurs résultats que le FLE. A l'échelle locale, c'est-à-dire au niveau de la classe, notre travail de recherche-action autour du FLE et de l'ELE s'est centré sur l'analyse de différents types de FC expérimentés à l'écrit (direct, indirect, reformulatif, métalinguistique, électronique et mixte) à travers une démarche en trois étapes : rédaction / comparaison avec le FC / réécriture. L'objectif était de découvrir l'impact de chacun des FC à l'étude dans les deux systèmes éducatifs considérés, et de réaliser une synthèse de la rétroaction corrective s'avérant la plus efficace en France et en Espagne, en vue de faire évoluer le stade d'interlangue des apprenants. Les données et les résultats de la recherche montrent que la pratique de certains types de FC, suivant différentes modalités de regroupement d'apprenants (individuel ou en binôme), a eu une incidence directe dans le processus d'apprentissage / acquisition de la LE, tels que le FC direct chez les collégiens de FLE et d'ELE, le FC métalinguistique en binôme chez les lycéens espagnols, le FC mixte chez les lycéens français et les étudiants des deux pays. En revanche, d'autres FC n'ont pas entraîné l'assimilation de nouvelles connaissances par les apprenants, à savoir le FC indirect, surtout chez les collégiens hispanophones, le FC métalinguistique en binôme chez les lycéens francophones, le FC métalinguistique individuel chez les lycéens hispanophones, le FC indirect chez les étudiants de part et d'autre des Pyrénées. C'est ainsi que de nombreuses règles grammaticales restent encore inertes. D'où la présence récurrente d'erreurs non rectifiées dans les productions écrites de tous les apprenants. L'étude conclut en proposant quelques recommandations susceptibles d'être étoffées, voire modifiées, ayant pour finalité le « plurilinguisme » tant proclamé par les instances européennes et l'optimisation du FC en classe de LE. / This thesis, which aims at adopting a transdisciplinary approach by combining the Language Sciences, Education Sciences and Sociolinguistics, focuses on four main ranges: the politics of the plurilingual education, the learning and acquisition of a foreign language (French as a Foreign Language: FFL, Spanish as a Foreign Language: SFL), error treatment and corrective feedback (CF) in writing, as well as the didactic optimization tools directed to promoting both plurilingual education and CF. The results of this piece of research show that the nationwide goal of fostering plurilingualism is far from being reached in France as well as in Spain, as evidenced by the figures and statistics issued by both respective Ministries of Education for the academic year 2014-2015, which attest to the underprivileged status of the French language in Spain and that of the Spanish language in France compared with English language, even though it cannot be denied that SFL teaching delivers, in this regard, better results than FFL teaching. On a local scale, at the classroom level, the methodological approach of action-research carried out in different FFL/SFL classrooms has focused on the analysis of different types of written corrective feedback (direct, indirect, reformulative, metalinguistic, electronic and mixed) throughout a process split into three phases: writing task / comparison between the aforementioned task and the provided corrective feedback / rewriting task. The objective sought was both to bring to light the impact of CF on both education systems and to elaborate an abridgment of the most effective CF in France and Spain in order to develop the students' interlanguage stages. As shown by the data and results of the research, the practice of some types of CF, according to different classification methods for learners (individual, pairs), has had a direct impact on the foreign language learning/acquisition process through the direct CF in secondary school students (both FFL and SFL), the metalinguistic CF in tandem partners amongst Spanish-speaking students undertaking the Spanish Baccalaureate and the mixed CF amongst the French-speaking high school students and the students of both countries. Nevertheless, other types of CF have been proven to be ineffective to insure assimilation by learners such as the case of the indirect CF, especially amongst secondary-school Spanish students, the metalinguistic CF in tandem partners amongst French-speaking high school students, the individual metalinguistic CF amongst Spanish-speaking learners and the indirect CF amongst students on both sides of the Pyrenees. This has brought about the specific conservatism of plenty of grammar rules. Hence, the recurring presence of errors left uncorrected by students in their writing tasks. The study concludes with some recommendations liable to being broadened or modified, with the objectives of reaching the much proclaimed "plurilingualism" by the European institutions and of optimizing the CF in the FFL/SLF classrooms. / Esta tesis, que quiere ser transdisciplinaria, combinando las ciencias del lenguaje, las ciencias de la educación y la sociolingüística, se centra en cuatro áreas principales: la política del plurilingüismo en las instituciones educativas, el aprendizaje y la adquisición de LE (el Francés Lengua Extranjera: FLE, y el Español Lengua Extranjera: ELE), el tratamiento del error y el feedback correctivo (FC) en la producción escrita, así como las pistas de optimización didáctica para promover la educación plurilingüe y el FC. Los resultados de este trabajo de investigación muestran que, a nivel nacional, el objetivo del plurilingüismo en las instituciones educativas está muy lejos de ser alcanzado en Francia y en España, como lo demuestra el análisis de las cifras y las estadísticas publicadas por los dos Ministerios de Educación en el año académico 2014-2015, dejando ver una situación poco ventajosa del francés en España y del español en Francia frente al dominio del inglés, aunque es innegable que el ELE presenta en este sentido mejores resultados que el FLE. A nivel local, es decir en el marco del aula, la investigación-acción realizada en clase de FLE y de ELE se ha centrado en el análisis de diferentes tipos de FC escrito (directo, indirecto, reformulativo, metalingüístico, electrónico y mixto) a través de un proceso en tres etapas: redacción / comparación con el FC / reescritura. Se trataba de descubrir el impacto de cada FC experimentado en ambos sistemas educativos y de realizar una síntesis de la retroalimentación correctiva más eficaz en Francia y en España, con el fin de desarrollar el estadio de interlengua de los alumnos. Los datos y los resultados de la investigación muestran que la práctica de algunos tipos de FC, según diferentes modalidades de agrupamiento de aprendices (individual o por parejas), ha tenido un impacto directo en el proceso de aprendizaje / adquisición de la LE, tales como el FC directo en los alumnos de Secundaria de FLE y de ELE, el FC metalingüístico en tándem en los aprendices hispanófonos de Bachillerato, el FC mixto en los aprendices francófonos de Instituto y los estudiantes de ambos países. En cambio, otros FC no han provocado la asimilación de nuevos conocimientos por parte de los aprendices; a saber el FC indirecto, sobre todo en los alumnos españoles de ESO, el FC metalingüístico en tándem en los aprendices francófonos de Instituto, el FC metalingüístico individual en los aprendices de habla español, el FC indirecto en los estudiantes de ambos lados de los Pirineos. Esto ha dado lugar a que numerosas reglas gramaticales permanezcan todavía inertes. De ahí, la presencia recurrente de errores no rectificados en la producción escrita de los alumnos. El estudio finaliza proponiendo algunas recomendaciones susceptibles de ser ampliadas o modificadas, con el fin de lograr el "plurilingüismo" tan proclamado por las instancias europeas y optimizar el FC en clase de FLE y de ELE.

Acesso à justiça e carência econômica / Acess to justice and poverty

Costa Neto, José Wellington Bezerra da 24 February 2012 (has links)
Inicialmente buscou-se traçar o arcabouço teórico sobre o qual seria analisado o objeto do trabalho, os reflexos da carência econômica sobre as potencialidades de acesso à justiça. Este alicerce consistiu em pontuar a linha evolutiva do caráter da função jurisdicional desde os lindes do Estado Liberal, passando ao Estado do Bem-Estar Social e culminando no Estado Pós-Social, com o principal enfoque no caráter que a garantia de acesso à justiça recebeu em cada um destes contextos. Foram tratados temas paralelos, como a questão do conhecimento acerca dos direitos, bem como a eliminação de custas, solução bastante alvitrada por alguns, intensamente rechaçada por outros. Depois passou-se à averiguação dos reflexos que a disparidade de condição econômica das partes causa sobre a igualdade destas no processo, e o instrumental conferido ao juiz para a correção das distorções, seguindo-se com o enquadramento da assistência jurídica no quadro de garantias processuais que constitui o que se denomina na doutrina processo justo e équo. Foram realizadas as distinções básicas ente assistência jurídica; assistência judiciária e justiça gratuita. Fez-se ainda uma breve análise de direito comparado, com alguns elementos históricos, concluindo-se com a indicação de pontos que poderiam ser eficazmente aplicados ao sistema brasileiro. Entra-se então pela segunda parte do trabalho, voltada para a práxis, e que se prende primordialmente na análise do direito positivo brasileiro naquilo que concerne à assistência ao carente no exercício da garantia constitucional de acesso à justiça. Ao final são apresentadas de forma pontuada as conclusões gerais. / Initially we tried to trace the theoretical framework on which the object of the work would be analyzed, the effects of poverty over the possibilities of access to justice. This foundation was to point the evolution of the character of judicial function from the Liberal State, to the Welfare State and ending in Pos Welfare State, focusing most on the character of access to justice guarantee in each context. Parallel subjects were explored, like the question of knowledge about rights, as also the elimination of judicial fees, solution indeed defended by some, and intensely rejected by others. Following we searched the effects of economic disparity of the parts over the equality of them in lawsuit, and the instruments given to the judge to correct this distortions, concluding with the contextualization of legal aid in face of procedural guarantees that form what doctrine calls fair and equal trial. There were made the basic distinctions between legal aid in consulting; providing counselors and gratuity from fees. There is a small analysis of comparative law, including some historical elements, concluding with the pointing out of some suggestions that could be profitable in Brazilian system. We enter the second half of the work, facing the praxis, specially analyzing Brazilian law system concerning legal aid in exercising the constitutional right of access to justice. At the end, the general conclusions are presented in topics.

Rational Reform of Housing Access Policy in Ontario

Ries, Benjamin Carter 19 December 2011 (has links)
Ontario’s current regulatory approach to low-income housing lies between two primary challenges: the human right to housing, and political/fiscal constraints. This thesis draws on legal theory and economic analysis of law to articulate the proper goals of housing access policy. A structural theory is proposed to explain the normative relationship between efficiency, communitarianism and justice in housing. An array of regulatory options are compared and considered in light of the features that characterize Ontario’s low-income rental housing markets. This analysis favours demand-side housing subsidies to low-income households, combined with supply-side tax expenditures to improve elasticity in the low-income rental market. Further reform of rent and covenant controls, social and affordable housing supply, and land use planning is recommended to ensure an efficient residential tenancy market. These reforms are offered as a framework for the implementation of the human right to housing in Ontario.

Rational Reform of Housing Access Policy in Ontario

Ries, Benjamin Carter 19 December 2011 (has links)
Ontario’s current regulatory approach to low-income housing lies between two primary challenges: the human right to housing, and political/fiscal constraints. This thesis draws on legal theory and economic analysis of law to articulate the proper goals of housing access policy. A structural theory is proposed to explain the normative relationship between efficiency, communitarianism and justice in housing. An array of regulatory options are compared and considered in light of the features that characterize Ontario’s low-income rental housing markets. This analysis favours demand-side housing subsidies to low-income households, combined with supply-side tax expenditures to improve elasticity in the low-income rental market. Further reform of rent and covenant controls, social and affordable housing supply, and land use planning is recommended to ensure an efficient residential tenancy market. These reforms are offered as a framework for the implementation of the human right to housing in Ontario.

Acesso à justiça e carência econômica / Acess to justice and poverty

José Wellington Bezerra da Costa Neto 24 February 2012 (has links)
Inicialmente buscou-se traçar o arcabouço teórico sobre o qual seria analisado o objeto do trabalho, os reflexos da carência econômica sobre as potencialidades de acesso à justiça. Este alicerce consistiu em pontuar a linha evolutiva do caráter da função jurisdicional desde os lindes do Estado Liberal, passando ao Estado do Bem-Estar Social e culminando no Estado Pós-Social, com o principal enfoque no caráter que a garantia de acesso à justiça recebeu em cada um destes contextos. Foram tratados temas paralelos, como a questão do conhecimento acerca dos direitos, bem como a eliminação de custas, solução bastante alvitrada por alguns, intensamente rechaçada por outros. Depois passou-se à averiguação dos reflexos que a disparidade de condição econômica das partes causa sobre a igualdade destas no processo, e o instrumental conferido ao juiz para a correção das distorções, seguindo-se com o enquadramento da assistência jurídica no quadro de garantias processuais que constitui o que se denomina na doutrina processo justo e équo. Foram realizadas as distinções básicas ente assistência jurídica; assistência judiciária e justiça gratuita. Fez-se ainda uma breve análise de direito comparado, com alguns elementos históricos, concluindo-se com a indicação de pontos que poderiam ser eficazmente aplicados ao sistema brasileiro. Entra-se então pela segunda parte do trabalho, voltada para a práxis, e que se prende primordialmente na análise do direito positivo brasileiro naquilo que concerne à assistência ao carente no exercício da garantia constitucional de acesso à justiça. Ao final são apresentadas de forma pontuada as conclusões gerais. / Initially we tried to trace the theoretical framework on which the object of the work would be analyzed, the effects of poverty over the possibilities of access to justice. This foundation was to point the evolution of the character of judicial function from the Liberal State, to the Welfare State and ending in Pos Welfare State, focusing most on the character of access to justice guarantee in each context. Parallel subjects were explored, like the question of knowledge about rights, as also the elimination of judicial fees, solution indeed defended by some, and intensely rejected by others. Following we searched the effects of economic disparity of the parts over the equality of them in lawsuit, and the instruments given to the judge to correct this distortions, concluding with the contextualization of legal aid in face of procedural guarantees that form what doctrine calls fair and equal trial. There were made the basic distinctions between legal aid in consulting; providing counselors and gratuity from fees. There is a small analysis of comparative law, including some historical elements, concluding with the pointing out of some suggestions that could be profitable in Brazilian system. We enter the second half of the work, facing the praxis, specially analyzing Brazilian law system concerning legal aid in exercising the constitutional right of access to justice. At the end, the general conclusions are presented in topics.

Řízení bezpečnosti a kontrolní aktivity použité v firemním prostředí / Security Control and Remediation Activities in Enterprise Environment

Zápotočný, Matej January 2013 (has links)
Cílem této práce bylo popsat řízení bezpečnosti a kontrolní mechanizmy, které jsou používané v korporátním prostředí. Práce se zabývá teoretickým popisem standardů používaných pro aplikační bezpečnost, dále popisuje nástroje určené pro získavání informací o firemním prostředí, které mohou být použity pro odhalovaní bezpečnostních zranitelností, nebo pro jejich odstranění. Také popisuje procesy, kterými se mají společnosti řídit, aby byla minimalizována možnost dopadu na produkci a rovněž zaručena trvalá bezpečnost prostředí. Uvedené jsou i kontroly dosažených výsledků při použití nových technologií a jejich finanční i časové výhody.

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