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Effective reuse of coupling technologies for Earth System ModelsDunlap, Ralph S. 16 September 2013 (has links)
Designing and implementing coupled Earth System Models (ESMs) is a challenge for climate scientists and software engineers alike. Coupled models incorporate two or more independent numerical models into a single application, allowing for the simulation of complex feedback effects. As ESMs increase in sophistication, incorporating higher fidelity models of geophysical processes, developers are faced with the issue of managing increasing software complexity.
Recently, reusable coupling software has emerged to aid developers in building coupled models. Effective reuse of coupling infrastructure means increasing the number of coupling functions reused, minimizing code duplication, reducing the development time required to couple models, and enabling flexible composition of coupling infrastructure with existing constituent model implementations. Despite the widespread availability of software packages that provide coupling infrastructure, effective reuse of coupling technologies remains an elusive goal: coupling models is effort-intensive, often requiring weeks or months of developer time to work through implementation details, even when starting from a set of existing software components. Coupling technologies are never used in isolation: they must be integrated with multiple existing constituent models to provide their primary services, such as model-to-model data communication and transformation. Unfortunately, the high level of interdependence between coupling concerns and scientific concerns has resulted in high interdependence between the infrastructure code and the scientific code within a model’s implementation. These dependencies are a source of complexity which tends to reduce reusability of coupling infrastructure.
This dissertation presents mechanisms for increasing modeler productivity based on improving reuse of coupling infrastructure and raising the level of abstraction at which modelers work. This dissertation argues that effective reuse of coupling technologies can be achieved by decomposing existing coupling technologies into a salient set of implementation-independent features required for coupling high-performance models, increasing abstraction levels at which model developers work, and facilitating integration of coupling infrastructure with constituent models via component-based modularization of coupling features. The contributions of this research include:
(1) a comprehensive feature model that identifies the multi-dimensional design space of coupling technologies used in high-performance Earth System Models,
(2) Cupid, a domain-specific language and compiler for specifying coupling configurations declaratively and generating their implementations automatically, and
(3) Component-based Coupling Operators (CC-Ops), a modular approach to code reuse of coupling infrastructure based on component technologies for high-performance scientific settings.
The Cupid domain-specific language is evaluated by specifying a coupling configuration for an example fluid dynamics model and measuring the amount of code generated by the Cupid compiler compared to a hand coded version. The CC-Op approach is evaluated by implementing several CC-Ops using an existing high-performance component framework and measuring performance in terms of scalability and overhead.
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Development of novel Classical and Quantum Information Theory Based Methods for the Detection of Compensatory Mutations in MSAsGültas, Mehmet 18 September 2013 (has links)
Multiple Sequenzalignments (MSAs) von homologen Proteinen sind nützliche Werkzeuge, um kompensatorische Mutationen zwischen nicht-konservierten Residuen zu charakterisieren. Die Identifizierung dieser Residuen in MSAs ist eine wichtige Aufgabe um die strukturellen Grundlagen und molekularen Mechanismen von Proteinfunktionen besser zu verstehen. Trotz der vielen Anzahl an Literatur über kompensatorische Mutationen sowie über die Sequenzkonservierungsanalyse für die Erkennung von wichtigen Residuen, haben vorherige Methoden meistens die biochemischen Eigenschaften von Aminosäuren nicht mit in Betracht gezogen, welche allerdings entscheidend für die Erkennung von kompensatorischen Mutationssignalen sein können. Jedoch werden kompensatorische Mutationssignale in MSAs oft durch das Rauschen verfälscht. Aus diesem Grund besteht ein weiteres Problem der Bioinformatik in der Trennung signifikanter Signale vom phylogenetischen Rauschen und beziehungslosen Paarsignalen.
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin Methoden zu entwickeln, welche biochemische Eigenschaften wie Ähnlichkeiten und Unähnlichkeiten von Aminosäuren in der Identifizierung von kompensatorischen Mutationen integriert und sich mit dem Rauschen auseinandersetzt. Deshalb entwickeln wir unterschiedliche Methoden basierend auf klassischer- und quantum Informationstheorie sowie multiple Testverfahren.
Unsere erste Methode basiert auf der klassischen Informationstheorie. Diese Methode betrachtet hauptsächlich BLOSUM62-unähnliche Paare von Aminosäuren als ein Modell von kompensatorischen Mutationen und integriert sie in die Identifizierung von wichtigen Residuen. Um diese Methode zu ergänzen, entwickeln wir unsere zweite Methode unter Verwendung der Grundlagen von quantum Informationstheorie. Diese neue Methode unterscheidet sich von der ersten Methode durch gleichzeitige Modellierung ähnlicher und unähnlicher Signale in der kompensatorischen Mutationsanalyse. Des Weiteren, um signifikante Signale vom Rauschen zu trennen, entwickeln wir ein MSA-spezifisch statistisches Modell in Bezug auf multiple Testverfahren.
Wir wenden unsere Methode für zwei menschliche Proteine an, nämlich epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) und glucokinase (GCK). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das MSA-spezifisch statistische Modell die signifikanten Signale vom phylogenetischen Rauschen und von beziehungslosen Paarsignalen trennen kann. Nur unter Berücksichtigung BLOSUM62-unähnlicher Paare von Aminosäuren identifiziert die erste Methode erfolgreich die krankheits-assoziierten wichtigen Residuen der beiden Proteine. Im Gegensatz dazu, durch die gleichzeitige Modellierung ähnlicher und unähnlicher Signale von Aminosäurepaare ist die zweite Methode sensibler für die Identifizierung von katalytischen und allosterischen Residuen.
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Resonances of scattering in non-uniform and anisotropic periodic gratings at extreme anglesGoodman, Steven John January 2006 (has links)
Bragg scattering of optical waves in thick gratings at extreme angles, where the scattered wave propagates parallel (extremely asymmetric scattering - EAS) or nearly parallel (grazing angle scattering - GAS) to the grating boundaries, is associated with many unique and practically important resonant phenomena. It has been demonstrated that one of the main physical mechanisms for these resonant phenomena is the diffractional divergence of the scattered wave inside and outside the grating region. This thesis fills the gaps in the theoretical and experimental understanding of Bragg scattering in gratings at extreme angles by investigating EAS and GAS in structures where diffractional divergence of waves is significantly affected by anisotropy and/or non-uniformities of the dielectric permittivity.
Unusually high sensitivity of wave scattering in thick periodic gratings to small step-like variations of mean structural parameters at the grating boundaries is predicted and described for the case when the scattered wave (the +1 diffracted order) propagates almost parallel to the front grating boundary (the geometry of GAS). A unusual pattern of strong multiple resonances for bulk electromagnetic waves is predicted and analysed numerically in thick periodic holographic gratings in a guiding slab with mean permittivity that is greater than that of the surrounding media. It is demonstrated that these resonances are related to resonant generation of a new type of eigenmodes in a thick slab with a periodic grating. These eigenmodes are generically related to the grating -- they do exist not if the grating amplitude is zero.
A new type of resonant coupling of bulk radiation into the conventional guided modes of a slab with a thick holographic grating is predicted and explained theoretically. It occurs in the presence of strong frequency detunings of the Bragg condition by means of interaction of the strongly non-eigen +1 diffracted order with the slab-grating boundaries. Therefore, it is only in the presence of step-like variations of the mean permittivity at the grating boundaries that this type of resonant coupling can occur.
A new method for the analysis of EAS and GAS in anisotropic gratings is developed. This method is based on the consideration of the diffractional divergence of the scattered wave and the two-wave approximation in anisotropic gratings. Special efforts are focused on the analysis of EAS and GAS of extraordinary waves in uniaxial gratings. In particular, it is demonstrated that increasing curvature of the normal surface in the direction of propagation of the scattered wave results in increase of its diffraction divergence and the resonant amplitude.
A theoretical model is developed for comparison of the theoretical predictions with data obtained from experimental observations of EAS in a holographic grating written in a photorefractive medium. The developed model is applied for the interpretation of experimental observations of EAS in BaTiO3 photorefractive crystals. Good agreement with the theoretical predictions is demonstrated.
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Bioculturalism, simulation and satire : the case of S1mOneKrajewska, Anna Urszula 03 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study offers a close look at Andrew Niccol’s (b 1964) satirical film S1mOne from a biocultural perspective emphasising the technological simulation of a Hollywood celebrity and the farce ensuing from her creation. The film is based on Niccol’s assumption that the hypertrophied culture into which he places his cultural object will be one in which human traits of sociality will be well advanced and the highly demanding genre of satire will be entertaining, persuasive, and on occasion punitive in its ridicule of Hollywood.
The study makes a contribution to the idea that a cultural object/text operates as a rapid mechanism for propagating cognition — it shows how Niccol has adapted to less than optimal conditions in his world of Hollywood — in this case he parodies the role of the director of Hollywood films in the figure of Taransky. Cognition is understood as that series of mental processes which include attention, memory, learning (from mimicry as well as other forms), problem solving, ratiocination, and making decisions. Niccol relies on his audience's embodied capacities and skills of recognition, thinking, feeling, remembering, and accounting for his message to be understood. Niccol’s technical skill in editing his narrative to emphasise the satire of the narrative of Taransky and Simone is a critical part of the film’s success. Interpersonal and social propagation of cognition is achieved through reference to other cultural artefacts recalling a variety of similar ideas used in film and other visual creations. The cultural significance of the simulacrum, Simone, is that she is a vehicle for and a form of socially propagated cognition.
The powerful imagistic impression of film helps to structure internalised cognitive artefacts in the viewers who are expected to reflect on their habits of viewing and thinking. When a film, artwork, poem or novel is analysed, then such a cultural object becomes a vehicle of and for propagating cognition. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Art History)
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Estudo de viabilidade do sistema de ancoragem de uma unidade flutuante de produção e armazenamento \"FPSO\" acoplada a um sistema de completação seca \"TLWP\". / Mooring system feasibility study of a floating production and storage unit \"FPSO\" coupled to a dry tree system \"TLWP\".Fabiano Pinheiro Rampazzo 29 March 2011 (has links)
A produção de petróleo e gás em campos brasileiros é cada vez mais proveniente de regiões com águas profundas e situadas longe da costa, chegando a distâncias de mais de 100 km, como, por exemplo, na Bacia de Campos ou de Santos. Devido à falta de infra-estrutura e às características do petróleo desses campos, a cadeia de abastecimento e o sistema de exportação da produção possuem grande importância para a indústria offshore. Uma maneira usual para a exportação da produção é através de dutos submarinos, onde o óleo e/ou a gás flui das plataformas diretamente para o continente. Com esta infra-estrutura é possível a utilização de sistemas de produção sem capacidade de armazenamento e, conseqüentemente, torna-se desnecessário o uso de navios para o alívio da produção. No entanto, devido à qualidade do óleo e às distâncias entre os poços e a costa em alguns campos brasileiros, a utilização dos oleodutos mostra-se uma solução pouco viável. Por este motivo, é bastante comum o uso de FPSOs ou semi-submersíveis conectadas a sistemas auxiliares, como o FSO (Floating Storage and Offloading). Nas plataformas, outra característica importante e desejada é tornar viável o uso de um sistema de completação seca (árvore de Natal acima da linha dágua) com o objetivo de diminuir, significativamente, os custos operacionais envolvidos. Esse tipo de completação é utilizado, com excelência, por unidade do tipo TLWP ou Spar, devido ao baixo nível dos movimentos e acelerações observadas nestas plataformas. Entretanto, as condições ambientais severas amplificam as dificuldades para encontrar um sistema com grande capacidade de armazenamento e que permita o uso de completação seca. Neste contexto, pesquisadores e engenheiros estão sendo obrigados a desenvolver novos conceitos capazes de atender a essa demanda. Desta forma, uma nova solução, considerando um FPSO e uma TLWP operando a uma curta distância e trabalhando de forma acoplada com a conexão garantida por cabos sintéticos vem sendo estudada. Essencialmente, o grande atrativo deste conceito é o fato de que toda a produção e o armazenamento são concentrados no FPSO e a TLWP é responsável pela perfuração e extração dos hidrocarbonetos através de risers verticais. Assim o sistema trabalhando de forma conjunta possui capacidade de armazenamento e permite o uso da completação seca. Nesta dissertação, foi realizado um estudo sobre a evolução deste novo conceito, dividido em três fases. A primeira focada no dimensionamento do sistema de conexão e ancoragem das unidades e em uma investigação da interação hidrodinâmica entre as unidades de forma a mostrar a viabilidade do sistema. A segunda fase, focada na validação dos resultados por meio da comparação com os testes realizados no modelo em escala do NMRI (National Maritime Research Institute - Japão). Finalmente, a terceira fase, com foco no redimensionamento do sistema de amarração e no sistema de conexão, com base nos resultados obtidos na segunda fase. / The oil and gas production in Brazilian fields are commonly found in deep water and situated far away from the coast, reaching distances of more than 100 km as, for example, in the Campos Basin or Santos Basin. Due to the heavy oil and lack of pipeline infrastructure found in these fields, not only subsea equipments that must support high pressure but also logistics problems such as supply chain and production exportation system play an important role for the offshore industry. A usual way to export the production is to concentrate it in hubs of submarine pipelines which flows the oil or gas from the platforms to the continent. This infrastructure makes possible the use of no storage production systems and, consequently, releases the use of the shuttle tanks employment. However, due to the quality of the oil and the distances between the wells and the coast, some Brazilian fields do not allow the use of the pipelines to export their production. For this reason, is quite common to use FPSO and semi-submersible aided by auxiliary systems such as the FSO (Floating Storage and Offloading) units. Another important and desired characteristic of production platforms is to make it feasible to install a dry Christmas tree system aiming to decrease, significantly, operational costs involved. This feature is performed, with excellence, by TLWP and Spar units due to the low level of motions and accelerations observed in these platforms. Harsh environmental conditions can bring difficulties to find a solution of a system with both storage and dry tree system capability. In this context, researchers and engineers are being forced to develop new technological systems capable to support this demand. In this way, a new solution considering a FPSO and a TLWP coupled in a short distance by synthetic ropes has being studied. Essentially, the attractive feature of this concept is the fact that the production is performed by the FPSO whereas the TLWP is responsible to support the risers and drilling facilities turning the system coupled, equipped with a dry Christmas tree and with the possibility to storage the production. By now, the concept evolution has been divided in three phases. The first phase concerned about an advanced research focusing on the connection and mooring system development and the hydrodynamic interaction between the units and having in mind the verification of the concept feasibility. The second phase, concerned about the results validation by a comparison with scale model tests performed in the NMRI (National Maritime Research Institute Japan). Finally, the third phase, has the focus in the mooring and connection system resizing based on the results obtained on second phase.
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Interação multi-escala entre o oceano e a atmosfera e a variabilidade de baixa frequência / Multiscale interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere and the low frequency variabilityEnver Manuel Amador Ramirez Gutierrez 19 December 2011 (has links)
No presente trabalho utiliza-se um m´etodo multi-escala para estudar de forma te´orica as intera¸coes nao lineares entre o oceano e a atmosfera atrav´es de ressonancia onda-onda. Desenvolve-se uma hierarquia de modelos acoplados oceano-atmosfera nao lineares que foram escalonados convenientemente para representar as principais escalas de variabilidade clim´atica (i.e., intrasazonal, interanual, e decenal). A enfase dos modelos desenvolvidos foi dado para a regiao tropical. As fontes de nao linearidade inclu´das no modelo sao de dois tipos: I) nao linearidade intr´nsica (advectiva) e II) nao linearidade relacionada com os termos da f´sica e ambas sao abordadas neste trabalho. Para obter as equa¸coes que regem a dinamica de intera¸coes ressonantes a partir da hierarquia de modelos acoplados, aplicou-se um m´etodo perturbativo multi-escala. As solu¸coes sao escritas em termos de solu¸coes de ordem dominante e solu¸coes seculares. Para as solu¸coes de ordem dominante e seculares utilizam-se as fun¸coes base do problema linear, em uma aproxima¸cao do tipo Galerkin. As propriedades das fun¸coes base permitem calcular de forma anal´tica os coeficientes de intera¸cao associados com os termos nao lineares, assim como tamb´em permitem projetar estes termos nos modos de oscila¸cao natural do sistema (ressonancia). Com este m´etodo obt´em-se modelos reduzidos que permitem determinar as contribui¸coes de diversos processos para a evolu¸cao em escala lenta de um determinado modo de variabilidade natural. Para aplicar estes conceitos ao problema de acoplamento oceano-atmosfera utiliza-se como Ansatz (hip´otese inicial para a solu¸cao do problema) um tripleto composto por duas ondas atmosf´ericas e uma onda oceanica, sendo uma onda de Kelvin e de Rossby na atmosfera e uma onda Kelvin no oceano. O tripleto escolhido representa uma aproxima¸cao de v´arios fenomenos encontrados na regiao tropical, e.g. o desenvolvimento do El Nino, a intera¸cao da oscila¸cao de Madden-Julian com o oceano, a intera¸cao entre el Nino e variabilidade intrasazonal. No presente trabalho ´e mostrado que existe a ressonancia envolvendo ondas atmosf´ericas e oceanicas e que a modula¸cao em baixa frequencia produto desta ressonancia pode afetar desde escalas r´apidas sin´oticas equatoriais, intrasazonais, interanuais e at´e variabilidade da ordem de dezenas de anos. Palavras chave: Dinamica Equatorial nao linear, Intera¸coes Ressonantes, Modelos Acoplados Oceano-Atmosfera, El Nino, Oscila¸cao de Madden Julian, Oscila¸coes Decenais (Decadal) / In the present work a multiscale method is used to study resonant nonlinear wave-wave interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere. A hierarchy of coupled atmosphere-ocean models is developed using typical scalings found in the tropical region with the aim to represent some of the dominant modes of climate variability (intraseasonal, interannual and decadal). The sources of nonlinearity included into model are of two types: I) intrinsic nonlinearity (advective form) and II) nonlinearity related to physical terms. A multi-scale perturbation method is applied to obtain equations governing dynamics of ressonant interactions. The solutions are described in terms of dominant and secular solutions. For the dominant modes basis functions of the linear problem are used in a approximation of the Galerkin type. The properties of the basis functions allows the analytical computation of the interaction coefficients associated with non-linear terms and the projection into the natural oscillation modes of the system (resonance). Using this method it is possible to obtain reduced models to determine the contributions of several processes to the slow time evolution of a specific mode of natural variability. To apply these concepts to the problem of atmosphere-ocean coupling an Ansatz composed of a three waves (two atmospheric Rossby and Kelvin waves and an ocean Kelvin wave) is used. The triad chosen represents a aproximation of several phenomena found in the tropical region, e.g. desenvolving of El Nino, interaction of the Madden-Julian oscillation with the ocean, interaction between El Nino and intra-seasonal variability, etc. It is shown that system allows a resonance involving atmospheric and oceanic waves and that the low-frequency modulation resulting from these ressonance can affect the system from fast equatorial synoptic scales to decadal timescales, including the intermediate scales i.e., intraseasonal and interannual.
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Vázané modelování asynchronního motoru metodou konečných prvků / Coupled modeling of induction motor using finite element methodGregor, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes complex modeling of asynchronous motor by finite element method. Complex modeling concerns to making models based on different physical principles and their connection. Models are made in Ansys program components and their connection is made in program Ansys Workbench. This thesis includes creating electromagnetic model, thermal model, mechanical model and coupled model which connect partial models.
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Coupled Dynamic Analysis of Flow in the Inlet Section of a Wave Rotor Constant Volume CombustorSmith, Keith Cameron 12 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / A wave rotor constant volume combustor (WRCVC) was designed and built as a collaborative work of Rolls Royce LibertyWorks, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), and Purdue University, and ran experimental tests at Purdue's Zucrow Laboratories in 2009.
Instrumentation of the WRCVC rig inlet flow included temperature and pressure transducers upstream of the venturi and at the fuel delivery plane. Other instrumentation included exhaust pressures and temperatures. In addition, ion sensors, dynamic pressure sensors, and accelerometers were used to instrument the rotating hardware. The rig hardware included inlet guide vanes directly in front of the rotating hardware, which together with concern for damage potential, prevented use of any pressure transducers at the entrance to the rotor. For this reason, a complete understanding of the conditions at the WRCVC inlet is unavailable, requiring simulations of the WRCVC to estimate the inlet pressure at a specific operating condition based on airflow.
The operation of a WRCVC rig test is a sequence of events over a short time span. These events include introduction of the main air flow followed by time-sequenced delivery of fuel, lighting of the ignition source, and the combustion sequence. The fast changing conditions in the rig inlet hardware make necessary a time-dependent computation of the rig inlet section in order to simulate the overall rig operation. The chosen method for computing inlet section temperature and pressure was a time-dependent lumped volume model of the inlet section hardware, using a finite difference modified Euler predictor-corrector method for computing the continuity and energy equations. This is coupled with perfect gas prediction of venturi air and fuel flow rates, pressure drag losses at the fuel nozzles, pressure losses by mass addition of the fuel or nitrogen purge, friction losses at the inlet guide vanes, and a correlation of the non-dimensional flow characteristics of the WRCVC. The flow characteristics of the WRCVC are computed by varying the non-dimensional inlet stagnation pressure and the WRCVC's operational conditions, assuming constant rotational speed and inlet stagnation temperature.
This thesis documents the creation of a computer simulation of the entire WRCVC rig, to understand the pressure losses in the inlet system and the dynamic coupling of the inlet section and the WRCVC, so that an accurate prediction of the WRCVC rotor inlet conditions can be computed. This includes the computational development of the WRCVC upstream rig dynamic model, the background behind supporting computations, and results for one test sequence. The computations provide a clear explanation of why the pressures at the rotor inlet differ so much from the upstream measured values. The pressure losses correlate very well with the computer predictions and the dynamic response tracks well with the estimation of measured airflow. A simple Fortran language computer program listing is included, which students can use to simulate charging or discharging of a container.
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An Online Input Estimation Algorithm For A Coupled Inverse Heat Conduction-Microstructure ProblemAli, Salam K. 09 1900 (has links)
<p>This study focuses on developing a new online recursive numerical algorithm for a coupled nonlinear inverse heat conduction-microstructure problem. This algorithm is essential in identifying, designing and controlling many industrial applications such as the quenching process for heat treating of materials, chemical vapor deposition and industrial baking. In order to develop the above algorithm, a systematic four stage research plan has been conducted. </P>
<p> The first and second stages were devoted to thoroughly reviewing the existing inverse heat conduction techniques. Unlike most inverse heat conduction solution methods that are batch form techniques, the online input estimation algorithm can be used for controlling the process in real time. Therefore, in the first stage, the effect of different parameters of the online input estimation algorithm on the estimate bias has been investigated. These parameters are the stabilizing parameter, the measurement errors standard deviation, the temporal step size, the spatial step size, the location of the thermocouple as well as the initial assumption of the state error covariance and error covariance of the input estimate. Furthermore, three different discretization schemes; namely: explicit, implicit and Crank-Nicholson have been employed in the input estimation algorithm to evaluate their effect on the algorithm performance. </p>
<p> The effect of changing the stabilizing parameter has been investigated using three different forms of boundary conditions covering most practical boundary heat flux conditions. These cases are: square, triangular and mixed function heat fluxes. The most important finding of this investigation is that a robust range of the stabilizing parameter has been found which achieves the desired trade-off between the filter tracking ability and its sensitivity to measurement errors. For the three considered cases, it has been found that there is a common optimal value of the stabilizing parameter at which the estimate bias is minimal. This finding is important for practical applications since this parameter is usually unknown. Therefore, this study provides a needed guidance for assuming this parameter. </p>
<p> In stage three of this study, a new, more efficient direct numerical algorithm has been developed to predict the thermal and microstructure fields during quenching of steel rods. The present algorithm solves the full nonlinear heat conduction equation using a central finite-difference scheme coupled with a fourth-order Runge-Kutta nonlinear solver. Numerical results obtained using the present algorithm have been validated using experimental data and numerical results available in the literature. In addition to its accurate predictions, the present algorithm does not require iterations; hence, it is computationally more efficient than previous numerical algorithms. </p>
<p> The work performed in stage four of this research focused on developing and applying an inverse algorithm to estimate the surface temperatures and surface heat flux of a steel cylinder during the quenching process. The conventional online input estimation algorithm has been modified and used for the first time to handle this coupled nonlinear problem. The nonlinearity of the problem has been treated explicitly which resulted in a non-iterative algorithm suitable for real-time control of the quenching process. The obtained results have been validated using experimental data and numerical results obtained by solving the direct problem using the direct solver developed in stage three of this work. These results showed that the algorithm is efficiently reconstructing the shape of the convective surface heat flux. </P> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Verbesserte Bestimmung des Chloridgehalts in Beton durch neues MessverfahrenBinder, Fritz, Burtscher, Stefan L. 08 November 2023 (has links)
Die ASFiNAG unterhält mehr als 5.000 Brückenobjekte im Straßennetz. Die meisten von ihnen wurden in Stahlbeton- oder Spannbetonbauweise errichtet und insbesondere die Stützen sind hohen Belastungen durch Chlorid ausgesetzt. Dies führt langfristig zu einer Verringerung der Dauerhaftigkeit und Instandsetzungen sind daher erforderlich. Eine genaue Ermittlung der Depassivierung und ein Prognosemodell sind bei Chloridbelastung besonders wichtig für eine kosteneffiziente Erhaltung. Die neue Methode LA-ICP-MS (Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) ermöglicht exaktere Ergebnisse als die traditionelle Chloridbestimmung mittels Titration. Die Vorteile der beiden Methoden werden im Beitrag diskutiert und die Ergebnisse verglichen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die LA-ICP-MS-Methode zuverlässigere Ergebnisse liefert und durch die hohe Ortsauflösung der Chloridprofile sowie die genaue Bestimmung des Chloridgehalts noch nicht dagewesene Möglichkeiten für eine exakte Beurteilung und Prognose eröffnet.
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