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Geocronologia e evolução tectônica paleo-mesoproterozoica do oriente boliviano - região sudoeste do craton amazônico / Paleo-mesoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution and Geocronology of Eastern Bolivia, SW Amazonian CratonGerardo Ramiro Matos Salinas 03 November 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho caracteriza a evolucao tectónica, identificando a cronologia dos principais eventos tectono-magmáticos do Pré-Cambriano Boliviano. A complexa evolucao geológica do Oriente da Bolívia se estende desde o Paleo a Mesoproterozoico compreendendo as provincias Rio Negro Juruena, Rondoniana San Ignacio e Sunsás na regiao conhecida como Bloco Paragua. Diversos métodos de estudo foram adotados na pesquisa tendo em vista tratar-se de um terreno com evolução policíclica e incluiram, alem do mapeamento geológico e petrografía dos principais tipos de rocha, a metodologia U-Pb para determinação da idade de corpos graníticos e a metodologia Sm-Nd na estimativa de idade das fontes destes corpos plutônicos e inferências de ordem petrogenética, bem como dados geoquímicos obtidos para detalhamento das interpretações petrogenéticas. Nas interpretações houve ainda a avaliação critica da literatura recente, a integração de dados de campo, aeromagnéticos e aero-radiométricos, inclusive embasadas na experiência profissional do autor. Os dados obtidos na última década modificaram substancialmente a concepcao do Pré-Cambriano Boliviano, tendo sido caracterizados tres conjuntos litológicos temporalmente distintos antecedendo a orogenia San Ignacio. O granito Correreca na parte meridional da area possui idade 207Pb-206Pb de 1,92 1,89 Ga, com modelo de idades TDM de 2,8 a 2,9 Ga e valores de Nd(t) de -8,5 e -9,4. A Suite Yarituses composta pelos granitos La Cruz, Refugio e San Pablo possui quimismo calcio-alcalino. Os dados U-Pb SHRIMP, TIMS e abrasão por laser-ICPMS indicam a formação desta suíte no lapso temporal entre 1673 a 1621 Ma. A idade de cristalização U-Pb SHRIMP do granito La Cruz é de 1673 ± 21 Ma, idade modelo TDM de 1,83 Ga e valor de Nd(t) de + 2.1 indicativo de derivação mantélica. O granito Refugio tem idade U-Pb TIMS de 1673 ± 25 Ma e o pluton San Pablo idade ICPMS por laser ablasion de 1621 ± 80 Ma (idade TDM de 1,7 Ga e valor de Nd(t) de + 3,5). Este conjunto de dados sugere uma derivação mantelica principal para a suite Yarituses. O granodiorito San Ramón possui uma idade de cristalização de 1429 ± 4 Ma (SHRIMP), TDM de 1,7 Ga, e Hf(t) entre + 3,49 e +5,47 e representa um evento de geração da crosta, a partir de material juvenil. O magmatismo, deformação e metamorfismo da orogênese San Ignácio constitui o principal evento representado na área de estudo, cujo maior representante é o Complexo Granitoide Pensamiento com seus plutons sin a tardi-cinemáticos e tardi a pos-cinemáticos. Os granitos San Martín, La Junta e Diamantina possuem idades de cristalizacao de 1373- 1340 Ma, idades modelo TDM de 1,6 a 2,0 Ga, com valores de Nd(t) de + 2.0 ate -4,0. Os granitos Las Maras, Talcoso, Limonal e San Andrés produziram idades de cristalização de 1347 a 1275 Ma. As idades TDM dos granitos Limonal e San Andrés correspondem a 1,9 e 1,8 e Nd(t) de -1,4 e 1,6 respectivamente. A geoquímica em rocha total indica uma composição compatível com arco magmático, corroborando a assinatura acima dos parâmetros petrogeneticos. Em suma, a orogênese San Ignácio representa um arco acrescionário de natureza continental que construiu a arquitetura final da província Rondoniana-San Ignacio pela colisão entre o Bloco Paraguá e a província Rio Negro-Juruena. A evolução mesoproterozoica finaliza com a formação da faixa colisional Sunsás. Esta orogênese produziu plutonismo sin a tardi cinematico e tardi a cinemático marcando o limite com o bloco Paragua. A natureza alóctone e colisional do orogeno Sunsás como o evento mais jovem do Cráton Amazônico é marcada por frentes tectônicos, bem definidos de sentido sinistral, convergentes para o Bloco Paragua. / This work characterizes the tectonic and magmatic evolution of the Precambrian shield of Bolivia. The complex geological evolution of the eastern Bolivia extends from the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic, and can be related with the magmatic and metamorphic events that are ascribed to the Rio Negro - Juruena (1.78-1.60 Ga), Rondonian - San Ignacio (1.56-1.30 Ga) and Sunsás Aguapei (1.25-1.00 Ga) provinces, known in Bolivia as the Paragua block. Several methods of study were adopted in the research with the scope that this is a land with polycyclic evolution. As such our study included, besides the geological mapping and petrography of major rock types, the U-Pb age determinations of granitoid rocks, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic analyses, as well as geochemical data. At the interpretation there was the critical evaluation of recent papers, the integration of field data, aeromagnetic and aero-radiometric, including the field experience of the author. The data obtained in the last decade have substantially changed the geology of the Bolivian Precambrian shield. It has been characterized three temporally distinct granite suites preceding the San Ignacio orogeny (1.37-1.30 Ga): the Correreca granite in the southern part of the area has 207Pb/206Pb age from 1.92 to 1.89 Ga, with TDM model ages of 2.8 to 2.9 Ga and values of Nd(t) of -8.5 and -9.4; the Yarituses suite (La Cruz, Refugio and San Pablo granites) shows calc-alkaline signature. Data U-Pb SHRIMP, TIMS and ICPMS laser ablation indicate the formation of this suite between 1673 to 1621 Ma. The U-Pb SHRIMP crystallization age of La Cruz granite is 1673 ± 21 Ma, TDM model age of 1.83 Ga and Nd(t) of +2.1 indicative of a predominantly mantle source. The Refugio granite has U-Pb TIMS age of 1673 ± 25 Ma and the San Pablo pluton yields a ICPMS Laser ablation age of 1621 ± 80 Ma (TDM age of 1.7 Ga and Nd(t) +3.5). These data suggest again a mantle source for the Yarituses suite. The San Ramon granodiorite event has a crystallization age of 1429 ± 4 Ma (SHRIMP), TDM of 1.7 Ga, and Hf(t) between +3.49 and +5.47 and represents a juvenile accreted episode. The magmatism, deformation and metamorphism of San Ignacio orogeny is the main event of the study area, represented by the Pensamiento Granitoid Complex with sin to late-kinematic and late to post-kinematic plutons. The San Martín, La Junta and Diamantina granites have crystallization ages of 1373 - 1340 Ma, TDM model ages from 1.6 to 2.0 Ga, with values of Nd(t) from 2.0 up to -4.0. The Las Maras, Talcoso, Limonal and San Andrés granites yielded crystallization ages of 1347-1275 Ma. The TDM ages of Limonal and San Andrés granites are between 1.9 and 1.8 Ga and the Nd(t) values of -1.4 and +1.6 respectively. The whole rock geochemistry of these granites indicates a composition consistent with the magmatic arc. Thus the San Ignacio orogeny represents a continental accretionary arc that built the final architecture of the Rondonian-San Ignacio province (1.56-1.30 Ga) by the collision between the Paragua block and the Rio Negro -Juruena province (1.78-1.60 Ga). The Mesoproterozoic evolution of the SW margin of the Amazonian craton ends with the formation of the Sunsás collisional belt that produced sin to-late and late topost- kinematic plutonism. The allochthonous and collisional nature of the Sunsás orogeny is marked by tectonic fronts, with well-defined sinistral sense, converging towards the Paragua block.
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Geocronologia U-Pb e Re-Os aplicada à evolução metalogénetica do Cinturão Sul do cobre da Província Mineral de Carajás = U-pb e Re-Os geochronology applied to the metallogenetic evolution of the Southrn Copper Belt of the Carajás Mineral Province / U-pb e Re-Os geochronology applied to the metallogenetic evolution of the Southrn Copper Belt of the Carajás Mineral ProvinceMoreto, Carolina Penteado Natividade, 1985- 08 May 2013 (has links)
Orientadores: Lena Virginía Soares Monteiro, Roberto Perez Xavier / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T01:24:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Moreto_CarolinaPenteadoNatividade_D.pdf: 13805186 bytes, checksum: 31ff869acc3883e50095008070e1e739 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O Cinturão Sul do Cobre, Província Carajás, hospeda diversos depósitos de óxido de ferro-cobre-ouro (iron oxide-copper-gold ou IOCG), tais como Sossego (corpos Sequeirinho-Pista-Baiano e Sossego- Curral), Cristalino, Alvo 118, Bacuri, Bacaba, Castanha, Visconde e Jatobá, que estão localizados ao longo de uma zona de cisalhamento com direção WNW-ESSE, no contato sul entre a Bacia Carajás e as rochas do embasamento. Mapeamento geológico aliado a estudos geocronológicos (U-Pb SHRIMP IIe e LA-ICPMS) permitiram a caracterização dos litotipos hospedeiros de depósitos IOCG na porção centrooeste do Cinturão Sul do Cobre, incluindo: (1) unidades neoarqueanas de 2,74 Ga (Pórfiro Castanha, granito granofírico Sossego e intrusivas máficas); (2) unidades mesoarqueanas entre 2,87 Ga a 2,84 Ga (Tonalito Campina Verde, Trondhjemito Rio Verde e Granito Serra Dourada); (3) rochas metavulcânicas félsicas de 2,97 Ga associadas às lentes de rochas metaultramáficas; (4) rochas graníticas mesoarqueanas de 3,0 Ga (Tonalito Bacaba e Granito Sequeirinho). Alteração hidrotermal que afeta essas rochas consiste em alteração sódica regional (albita, escapolita e óxidos de ferro), sódico-cálcica (albita-actinolita), potássica (feldspato potássico-biotita), clorítica (clorita) e hidrolítica (sericita-muscovita-hematitaquartzo), silicificação e formação de epidoto-calcita-clorita. Os depósitos IOCG, entretanto, exibem variações dos padrões de distribuição das zonas de alteração hidrotermal, apontando para níveis crustais distintos de instalação dos sistemas hidrotermais, com formação de corpos de magnetita maciça e actinolititos em depósitos mais profundos (corpos Sequeirinho-Pista-Baiano e depósito Castanha) e zonas de alteração clorítica e hidrolítica nos mais rasos (corpos Sossego-Curral e depósito Alvo 118). Datação de cristais de monazita hidrotermal (U-Pb LA-MC-ICPMS) e molibdenita (Re-Os NTIMS) dos corpos Sequeirinho e Pista, e dos depósitos Bacuri e Bacaba, forneceram idades entre 2,71 a 2,68 Ga, enquanto que monazita hidrotermal dos corpos Sossego e Curral resultaram em idades entre 1,90 a 1,88 Ga. Adicionalmente, cristais de molibdenita do depósito Bacuri e de monazita do depósito Bacaba indicaram idades em 2,76 Ga e 2,05 Ga, respectivamente. Esses dados sugerem que múltiplos eventos hidrotermais neoarqueanos e paleoproterozóicos foram responsáveis pela alteração hidrotermal e mineralização cuprífera no Cinturão Sul do Cobre. O desenvolvimento de sistemas hidrotermais IOCG profundos (Sequeirinho-Pista, Bacaba, Bacuri, Visconde e Castanha) no Neoarqueano (2,71-2,68 Ga), associados a extensas zonas de escapolita, foi relacionado a reativações das zonas de cisalhamento em função da inversão tectônica da Bacia Carajás. No Orosiriano (1,9-1,87 Ga), a instalação de sistema(s) hidrotermal(is) IOCG em níveis crustais mais rasos resultou na formação de novos depósitos (Alvo 118) e corpos de minério (Sossego-Curral), possivelmente relacionados às fontes de calor devido à colocação dos granitos do tipo-A da província. Esse evento teria resultado em (re)mobilização do minério e sobreposição de estágios hidrotermais, tal como o desenvolvimento de alteração hidrolítica sobre alteração escapolítica preexistente. Assim, o Cinturão Sul do Cobre apresenta um notável registro de recorrência de eventos hidrotermais ao longo do tempo geológico, responsável pela formação de depósitos IOCG de classe mundial / Abstract: The Southern Copper Belt, Carajás Province, hosts several iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits, including the Sossego (Sequeirinho-Pista-Baiano and Sossego-Curral orebodies), Cristalino, Alvo 118, Bacuri, Bacaba, Castanha, Visconde, and Jatobá deposits. These deposits are situated within a WNW-ESE shear zone in the southern contact between the Carajás Basin and basement rocks. Geological mapping combined with geochronological studies (U-Pb SHRIMP IIe and LA-ICPMS) allowed the characterization of the host rocks of the IOCG deposits in the central-west part of the Southern Copper Belt, which include: (1) 2.74 Ga Neoarchean units (Castanha Porphyry, Sossego granophyric granite and mafic intrusive rocks); (2) 2.87-2.84 Ga Mesoarchean units (Campina Verde Tonalite, Rio Verde Trondhjemite and the Serra Dourada Granite); (3) 2.97 Ga felsic metavolcanic rocks associated with metaultramafic lenses; (4) 3,0 Ga Mesoarchean granitic rocks (Bacaba Tonalite and Sequeirinho Granite). Hydrothermal alteration that affects these rocks consist in regional sodic (albite, scapolite and iron oxides), sodic-calcic (albite-actinolite), potassic (potassium feldspar and biotite), chlorite, and hydrolytic (sericite-muscovitehematite- quartz) alterations, silicification, and epidote-calcite-chlorite formation. However, the IOCG deposits display variations in the distribution of the hydrothermal alteration zones, pointing to distinct crustal levels in which the deposits were installed. Massive magnetite-rich and actinolite-rich bodies are recognized in deeper-emplaced deposits (Sequeirinho-Pista-Baiano orebodies and Castanha deposit), while chlorite and hydrolytic alteration zones are identified in shallower-emplaced deposits (Sossego- Curral orebodies and Alvo 118 deposit). Dating of hydrothermal monazite (U-Pb LA-MC-ICPMS) and molybdenite (Re-Os NTIMS) from the Sequeirinho and Pista orebodies and the Bacuri and Bacaba deposits rendered ages of ca. 2.71 to 2.68 Ga, whilst hydrothermal monazite from the Sossego and Curral orebodies yielded ages of ca. 1.90 to 1.87 Ga. Additionally, molybdenite crystals from Bacuri and monazite from Bacaba provided the ages of 2.76 Ga and 2.05 Ga, respectively. These data suggest that multiple discrete Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic hydrothermal events were responsible for hydrothermal alteration and ore formation at the Southern Copper Belt. The development of deep IOCG hydrothermal systems (Sequeirinho-Pista, Bacaba, Bacuri, Visconde, and Castanha) at the Neoarchean (2.71-2.68 Ga), related to extensive scapolite-rich zones, was linked to the reactivation of shear zones due to the tectonic inversion of the Carajás basin. In the Orosinian (1.90-1.87 Ga), the establishment of IOCG hydrothermal system(s) in shallower crustal levels resulted in the formation of new deposits (Alvo 118) and orebodies (Sossego-Curral). This event was possibly associated with heat sources due to the emplacement of A-type granites at the province. This event would have caused ore re (mobilization) and overprint of hydrothermal alteration zones, with the formation of hydrolytic alteration over previously formed scapolite-rich zones. Therefore, the Southern Copper Belt presents an excellent example of recurrence of hydrothermal systems along the geological time, responsible for the genesis of world-class IOCG deposits / Doutorado / Geologia e Recursos Naturais / Doutora em Ciências
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Geologic evolution of the Adrar Souttouf Massif (Moroccan Sahara) and its significance for continental-scaled plate reconstructions since the Mid NeoproterozoicGärtner, Andreas 20 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Located in the south of the Moroccan Sahara, the Adrar Souttouf Massif is the northern continuation of the Mauritanides at the western margin of the West African Craton. The massif itself exhibits a complex polyphase geologic history and contains four geologically different, SSW-NNE trending main units named from west to east: Oued Togba, Sebkha Gezmayet, Dayet Lawda, Sebkha Matallah. They are thrusted over each other in thin-skinned nappes with local windows of the discordantly overlain Archaean Reguibat basement. The eastern margin of the massif is bordered by the Tiris and Tasiast-Tijirit areas of the Reguibat Shield as well as its (par-) autochthonous Palaeozoic cover sequence, termed Dhloat Ensour unit. More than 5.500 U-Th-Pb age determinations and over 1.000 Hf isotopic measurements on single zircon grains from igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks of all the massifs units and its vicinity have yet been obtained. Most of the zircons were studied with respect to their morphological features. This method improves the accuracy of provenance studies by detecting varying zircon morphologies in space and time. These data are accompanied by U-Th-Pb age determinations on apatite as well as rutile. Together, they allow proposing a model of the geologic evolution of this poorly mapped area for the last 635 Ma. A combination of the obtained data with extensive zircon age databases of the surrounding cratons and terranes facilitates continental-scaled palaeogeographic reconstructions.
Regarding the geologic evolution of the Adrar Souttouf Massif, the assembly of the first units began prior to 635 Ma. Although containing all the major zircon age and Hf-isotope populations of the West African Craton as well as some Mesoproterozoic grains, the Sebkha Gezmayet unit lies to the west of the Dayet Lawda unit of oceanic island arc composition. Hence, the Sebkha Gezmayet unit must have been rifted away from the craton prior to the formation of the oceanic unit within the West African Neoproterozoic Ocean at about 635 Ma. Recently published Hf and zircon age data of this unit suggest that the island arc was derived from a juvenile mantle source. Subsequently, the accretion of precursors of the Oued Togba and Sebkha Gezmayet units as well as a partial obduction of the oceanic Dayet Lawda unit and the Neoproterozoic sediments of a foreland basin (Sebkha Matallah unit) onto the Reguibat Shield took place. Peak metamorphism in the obducted oceanic rocks was reached at about 605 Ma. Magmatism in the western units between 610 and 570 Ma suggests on-going tectonic activity. The Early and Middle Cambrian is characterised by the erosion of the Ediacaran orogen and deposition of thick sedimentary sequences at the Sebkha Matallah unit, which acted as foreland basin. These sediments show a mostly West African zircon record with only some Mesoproterozoic grains provided by the westernmost parts of the massif. Initial rifting of the Oued Togba and Sebkha Gezmayet units from the remaining areas presumably occurred during the Late Cambrian. Coeval granitoid intrusions occurred on both sides of the rift. The two rifted units were likely involved to the polyphased Appalachian orogenies, which is emphasised by Devonian magmatism. Thus, and with respect to the isotopic data, the Oued Togba unit is interpreted to be of Avalonia affinity, while the Sebkha Gezmayet unit can likely be linked to Meguma. The units which remained at the West African Craton underwent intense sediment recycling during the entire Ordovician to Devonian times. Final accretion of all units and formation of the current massif was achieved during the Variscan-Alleghanian orogeny. This was accompanied by magmatism in the Sebkha Gezmayet unit and intense metamorphism of the Reguibat basement, whose zircons often show lower discordia intercepts of Carboniferous or Permian age. The post-Variscan period is characterised by erosion of the orogen and subjacent alternating cycles of sedimentation and deflation.
The Adrar Souttouf Massifs importance for palaeogeographic reconstructions is given by the striking differences in the zircon age and Hf-isotope record of its westernmost Oued Togba unit and the remaining area. The results obtained from the Oued Togba unit resemble the published data of the Avalonia type terranes including prominent Mesoproterozoic, Ediacaran-Early Cambrian, as well as Early Devonian age populations. Many Mesoproterozoic zircons, which are exotic for the West African Craton prior to 635 Ma, form a ca. 1.20 to 1.25 Ga age peak that is an excellent tracer for detrital provenance studies and source craton identification of the sedimentary rocks. This is also valid for some sedimentary samples that do not show ages younger than 700 Ma, but large quantities of Mesoproterozoic zircon. These rocks can be correlated to similar sediments in Mauritania and W-Avalonia and are thought to be of pre-pan-African", i.e. pre-Ediacaran or even pre-Cryogenian age. They may give direct insights to the source area in Early to Mid Neoproterozoic times. Accordingly, comparison with published data of Amazonia and Baltica, allows setting up new hypotheses for the pre-Ediacaran history of the Avalonian type terranes. Lacking of magmatism in Amazonia between ca. 1200 and ca. 1300 Ma favours Baltica as source craton for the Avalonian terranes and requires a new point of view for the Neoproterozoic palaeogeography.
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A zone of high magnetization along the SE margin of Paleoproterozoic Laurentia in the United States is indicated by magnetic anomaly data. The SE edge corresponds to the geochemical Neodymium mantle derivation model age (TDM) boundary and the entire anomaly overlies the Paleoproterozoic Mazatzal Province. Two-dimensional gravity and magnetic models across the Nd boundary are created with Moho constrained from receiver functions with gravity, sedimentary thickness and the base of the crustal magnetization. Upper crustal magnetization does not show strong variation across this boundary and much of the strong magnetization appears to lie in the middle crust. Using magnetic modeling of several potential geologic scenarios, we estimate magnetization, depth extent, and width of this zone of high magnetization. The anomaly has variable width (~ 300 km) with amplitude of approximately 200 nT. Pre-1.55Ga Paleoproterozoic mid crustal blocks have significantly higher average effective susceptibility (0.06 SI) than those of the post-1.55Ga Mesoproterozoic (0.01 SI). In two of the three profiles, the Paleoproterozoic zone of high magnetization has the highest average susceptibility indicating the Mazatzal province is innately highly magnetic. The zone may have formed either by magmatism associated with westward subduction or from highly magnetic terranes wedging between accreting island arcs.
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Geologically-constrained UBC–GIF gravity and magnetic inversions with examples from the Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt, Western AustraliaWilliams, Nicholas Cory 05 1900 (has links)
Geologically-constrained inversion of geophysical data is a powerful method for predicting geology beneath cover. The process seeks 3D physical property models that are consistent with the geology and explain measured geophysical responses. The recovered models can guide mineral explorers to prospective host rocks, structures, alteration and mineralisation. This thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of how the University of British Columbia Geophysical Inversion Facility (UBC–GIF) gravity and magnetic inversions can be applied to subsurface mapping and exploration by demonstrating the necessary approach, data types, and typical results.
The non-uniqueness of inversion demands that geological information be included. Commonly available geological data, including structural and physical property measurements, mapping, drilling, and 3D interpretations, can be translated into appropriate inversion constraints using tools developed herein. Surface information provides the greatest improvement in the reliability of recovered models; drilling information enhances resolution at depth. The process used to prepare inversions is as important as the geological constraints themselves. Use of a systematic workflow, as developed in this study, minimises any introduced ambiguity. Key steps include defining the problem, preparing the data, setting inversion parameters and developing geological constraints.
Once reliable physical property models are recovered they must be interpreted in a geological context. Where alteration and mineralisation occupy significant volumes, the mineralogy associated with the physical properties can be identified; otherwise a lithological classification of the properties can be applied. This approach is used to develop predictive 3D lithological maps from geologically-constrained gravity and magnetic inversions at several scales in the Agnew-Wiluna greenstone belt in Australia’s Yilgarn Craton. These maps indicate a spatial correlation between thick mafic-ultramafic rock packages and gold deposit locations, suggesting a shared structural control. The maps also identify structural geometries and relationships consistent with the published regional tectonic framework.
Geophysical inversion provides a framework into which geological and geophysical data sets can be integrated to produce a holistic prediction of the subsurface. The best possible result is one that cannot be dismissed as inconsistent with some piece of geological knowledge. Such a model can only be recovered by including all available geological knowledge using a consistent workflow process. / Science, Faculty of / Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of / Graduate
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Depósitos auríferos associados ao magmatismo félsico da Província de Alta Floresta (MT), Cráton Amazônico : litogeoquímica, idade das mineralizações e fonte dos fluidos / Intrusion-hosted gold deposits related to the felsic magmatism of the Alta Floresta Gold Province (MT), Amazon Craton : lithogeochemistry, mineralization ages and source of fluidsAssis, Rafael Rodrigues de, 1985- 03 February 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Roberto Perez Xavier / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T12:52:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Assis_RafaelRodriguesde_D.pdf: 28529636 bytes, checksum: a178f7c0049490d9875ccc010692fdbb (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: MINERALIZAÇÕES E FONTE DOS FLUIDOS. A Província Aurífera de Alta Floresta, porção centro-sul do Craton Amazônico, localiza-se entre os limites das províncias geocronológicas Ventuari ¿ Tapajós (1,95-1,8 Ga) e Rio Negro ¿ Juruena (1,8-1,55 Ga), ou entre as províncias tectônicas Tapajós ¿ Parima (2,03-1,88 Ga) e Rondônia ¿ Juruena (1,82-1,54 Ga), a depender do modelo adotado para o cráton. Ela é essencialmente constituída por sequências plutôno-vulcânicas derivadas de diversos arcos vulcânicos amalgamados no decorrer do Paleoproterozóico. No segmento leste da província, na região que compreende as cidades de Peixoto de Azevedo ¿ Matupá ¿ Guarantã do Norte ¿ Novo Mundo (MT), rochas plutônicas e vulcânicas de composição granítica hospedam mais de uma centena de depósitos auríferos concentrados ao longo do Cinturão Peru ¿ União do Norte, de direção NW-SE. Com base na paragênese e estilo do minério, essas mineralizações podem ser agrupadas em três tipologias principais: (1) Au ± Cu disseminados em sistemas graníticos e dominantemente representados por pirita e concentrações variáveis de calcopirita e hematita; (2) Sistemas filonares de Au ± Cu essencialmente constituídos por pirita com calcopirita subordinada; e (3) Au + metais de base confinados a veios e vênulas que truncam sequências vulcano-sedimentares sin- a pós-tectônicas. Neste contexto, três grupos principais de rochas plutônicas podem ser distinguidos: (1) embasamento granítico e granitóides antigos; (2) intrusões graníticas de composição sieno/monzogranítica que hospedam as principais mineralizações auríferas da província; e (3) hospedeiras sub-vulcânicas de composição monzogranítica a tonalítica. No conjunto, essas unidades representam um magmatismo cálcio-alcalino oxidado, hidratado, de médio a alto K, meta- a peraluminoso e ferroso a ligeiramente magnesiano, possivelmente derivado da fusão parcial da crosta inferior (manto metassomatizado) em ambiente de arcos vulcânicos. Embora a principal hospedeira plutônica (Granito Guarantã) exiba importantes características adakíticas, compreende-se que seu magma fonte tenha se formado nas porções profundas da crosta, com plagioclásio instável, mas granada e hornblenda estáveis. Os novos dados U-Pb em zircão (SHRIMP) indicam que as idades de cristalização do embasamento granítico variam de 1.980 ±8,8 Ma (Gnaisse Nova Guarita) a 1.978 ±8,1 Ma (tonalito foliado), enquanto as hospedeiras graníticas teriam se formado entre 1.904 ±4,6 Ma (Granodiorito X1), 1.901 ±6,8 Ma (Tonalito Pé Quente) e 1.863 ±4,8 Ma (Granodiorito Jorge) e as hospedeiras sub-vulcânicas entre 1.774 ±7,5 (Pórfiro União do Norte) e 1.773 ±5,7 Ma (quartzo-feldspato pórfiro X1). Os valores ?Nd(t) (-5,49 a -0.975) e as idades modelo TDM (2,36 a 2,02 Ga) sugerem magmas de derivação mantélica extraídos de fonte paleoproterozóica, em que a cristalização fracionada teria correspondido ao principal vetor de evolução petrogenética e, em menor escala, processos de contaminação crustal. Coletivamente, é proposto que esses litotipos tenham se originado a partir de três estágios magmáticos principais: (1) embasamento granítico e granitóides antigos no Orosiriano; (2) hospedeiras granodiorititicas-tonalíticas durante o Orosiriano tardio; e (3) pórfiros e sub-vulcânicas no Statheriano. Esses eventos estariam respectivamente associados à construção do (A) Arco Magmático Cuiú-Cuiú; (B) Arco Magmático Juruena; e (C) contexto pós-colisional do Arco Magmático Juruena. Neste arcabouço geológico, enquadram-se os depósitos magmático-hidrotermais do Pé Quente, Luizão, X1 e Francisco, correspondentes aos alvos de estudo dessa tese na escala de depósitos. Os depósitos Pé Quente (Suíte Pé Quente, 1,97-1,9 Ga), Luizão (Granito Novo Mundo; 1,97-1,96 Ga) e X1 (Granito Guarantã; 1,9 Ga), representam os principais exemplos de mineralizações de Au ± Cu disseminadas em sistemas graníticos, enquanto o depósito do Francisco (Pórfiro União do Norte; 1,77 Ga) seria o principal representante de mineralizações auríferas filonares associadas a metais de base. As zonas mineralizadas dos depósitos X1 e Luizão estão condicionadas a uma forte alteração fílica (muscovita grossa + quartzo + sulfetos) com abundantes concentrações de pirita, mas variável de calcopirita e hematita. Essas zonas estão circunscritas a uma intensa alteração potássica pervasiva com ortoclásio + microclínio ± hematita. Embora essas alterações também ocorram no depósito Pé Quente, seu minério está temporalmente relacionado tanto a uma alteração sódica precoce quanto à alteração fílica. No depósito do Francisco, contudo, o minério está confinado a veios de quartzo com extensos halos de alteração sericítica com pirita + esfalerita + galena ± calcopirita ±digenita disseminadas. Essas alterações são margeadas por uma forte alteração potássica com ortoclásio ± hematita, a qual está circunscrita a uma ampla zona de alteração propilítica de cunho regional. Assembleias de inclusões fluidas provenientes de cristais de quartzo dos depósitos Pé Quente e X1 indicam a coexistência de duas tipologias principais de fluidos: (1) um fluido aquoso de ampla salinidade (2,1 a 26,1% eq. NaCl) e de baixa a moderada temperatura (126,5°C a 268,4°C), coexistentes com fluidos (2) aquo-carbônicos de baixa salinidade (6,1 a 8,9% eq. NaCl), mas altas temperaturas (251,6° a 334,6°C), indicativas de aprisionamento heterogênio em condições de imiscibilidade em um sistema magmático-hidrotermal profundo. No depósito Luizão, o regime de fluidos é registrado por fluidos (1) aquoso-salinos (33,6-37% eq. NaCl) com temperaturas entre 200° e 280°C; coexistente com (2) fluidos aquosos bifásicos de baixa salinidade (2,5-15% eq. NaCl) e temperatura (95°-185°C), indicativos de processos de separação de fases em nível crustal mais raso quando comparado aos depósitos Pé Quente e X1. E finalmente, no depósito do Francisco, as assembleias de inclusões fluidas indicam fluidos eminentemente aquosos de baixa à moderada salinidade (até 24,7% eq. NaCl) e temperatura (85,3°C a 373,2°C), que exibem grande variação quanto ao grau de preenchimento pela fase de vapor (10-70%), sugestivos de processos de ebulição em nível crustal raso. Adicionalmente, os dados isotópicos para oxigênio, deutério e enxofre indicam forte componente magmática para os depósitos do Pé Quente, Luizão e X1, enquanto que no depósito do Francisco, fluidos eminentemente magmáticos teriam interagido com fluidos externos, possivelmente de origem meteórica. Em virtude das similaridades entre seus principais atributos geológicos, assembleias de inclusões fluidas e dados isotópicos, os depósitos Pé Quente, Luizão e X1 podem ser classificados como similares a depósitos do tipo ouro pórfiro, porém, posicionados em níveis crustais mais profundos do que os clássicos exemplos andinos, enquanto o depósito do Francisco seria equivalente às mineralizações epitermais de sulfetação intermediária. No âmbito dessas mineralizações, são reportadas as primeiras idades Re-Os em sulfetos provenientes das principais zonas auríferas dos depósitos supracitados, assim como as primeiras idades da alteração hidrotermal (40Ar/39Ar) associadas à zona mineralizada do depósito epitermal da província. As idades Re-Os em concentrados de pirita do depósito Pé Quente variam de 1.792 ±9 Ma a 1.784 ±11 Ma (idade modelo: 1.787 ±5,5 Ma), enquanto que para o Luizão elas estão compreendidas entre 1.790 ±9 Ma e 1.782 ±9 Ma (idade modelo: 1.787 ±6,2 Ma). No depósito X1, as idades Re-Os em molibdenita são coincidentes aos casos anteriores: entre 1.787 ±7 Ma e 1,785 ±7 Ma (idade modelo: 1.786 ±5 Ma). No depósito do Francisco, as idades 40Ar/39Ar em alíquotas de sericita oriundas do halo de alteração sericítico fornecem idades entre 1.779 ±6,28 a 1.777 ±6,3 Ma e, portanto, bastante similares aos depósitos disseminados de Au ± Cu. Em adicional, as idades 40Ar/39Ar da alteração fílica do depósito Pé Quente variam de 1.833,6 ±6,2 a 1.830,6 ±6.2 Ma, enquanto que no depósito X1 essas idades estão compreendidas entre 1.733,3 ±6,2 a 1.751,3 ±6,1 Ma. A grande uniformidade isotópica obtida para os depósitos disseminados de Au ± Cu fornece uma excelente idade isocrônica em 1.786 ±1 Ma, com idade modelo em 1.787 ±3,2 Ma, as quais permitem apontar para um único e estreito evento aurífero na Província, centrado no Statheriano e que teria durado aproximadamente 10 Ma. No conjunto, essas idades, portanto, demonstram a contemporaneidade das mineralizações com o alojamento de corpos porfiríticos sub-vulcânicos sin- a pós-colisionais na Província, correlacionados às suítes Colíder (quartzo-feldspato pórfiro X1) e Teles Pires (Pórfiro União do Norte), pertencentes ao terceiro evento magmático da província. Logo, as idades Re-Os diferem substancialmente das idades U-Pb das hospedeiras plutônicas graníticas dos depósitos investigados. Esse fato demonstra não haver qualquer conexão genética entre o plutonismo granítico e processos responsáveis pelas mineralizações auríferas da província, diferentemente dos três eventos auríferos até então propostos para a província: (1) 1,98-1,95 Ga (e.g. depósitos Luizão e Pé Quente); (2) 1,87-1,85 Ga (depósitos X1 e Serrinha) e (3) 1,77-1,79 Ga (depósito do Francisco). Essas idades abrem, portanto, novas perspectivas para a exploração aurífera na Província, visto que unidades vulcânicas e sub-vulcânicas de idade 1,78-1,77 Ga agora se tornam alvos potenciais à exploração / Abstract: The Alta Floresta Gold Province, eastern portion of the Amazon Craton, extends between the Ventuari ¿ Tapajós (1.95 to 1.8 Ga) and Rio Negro ¿ Juruena (1.8 to 1.55 Ga) geochronological provinces, or between the Tapajós ¿ Parima (2.03-1.88 Ga) and Rondônia ¿ Juruena (1.82-1.54 Ga), depending on the model used. The province is mainly composed of arc-type plutono-volcanic sequences amalgamated during the Paleoproterozoic. At the easternmost segment of the province, in region that comprises the districts of Peixoto de Azevedo ¿ Mautpá ¿ Guarantã do Norte ¿ Novo Mundo (MT), a significant number of gold deposits are distributed along a NW-SW striking belt (Peru ¿ União do Norte belt) hosted by plutonic and volcanic rocks of granitic composition. Based on ore and stype paragenesis, these gold mineralizations can be clustered into three main groups: (1) Au ± Cu disseminated within granitic systems and essentially represented by pyrite and variable amounts of chalcopyrite and hematite; (2) Au ± Cu-rich veins mainly composed of pyrite and subordinated chalcopyrite; and (3) vein-type Au + base metals that crosscut sin- to post-collisional volcano-sedimentary sequences. Whitin this context, three major groups of plutonic rocks may be distinguished: (1) basement and old granitoids; (2) granitic intrusions that vary in composition from tonalite to syeno/monzogranite and that host the major gold mineralizations within the province; and (c) subvolcanic hosts of tonalite to monzogranite composition. These units display affinities to the calc-alkaline, oxidized, hydrated, medium to high-K, meta- to peraluminous and ferrous to slightly magnesium (I-type granites), possibly derived from volcanic arc-type setting from partial melting of lower crustal sources (metasomatized mantle). Although the main granite host (Guarantã granite) exhibits an adakite-signature, it is understood that its magma might have been derived from a deep crustal level, with instable plagioclase, garnet and hornblende stable. The new SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages suggest that the crystallization ages related to the granitic basement range from 1,980 ±8.8 Ma (Nova Guarita gneiss) to 1,978 ±8.1 Ma (foliated tonalite), where those obtained to plutonic granitic host rocks are between 1,904 ±4.6 Ma (X1 granodiorite), 1,901 ±6.8 Ma (Pé Quente tonalite) and 1,863 ±4.8 Ma (Jorge granodiorite), and those related to subvolcanic host rocks vary from 1,774 ±7.5 (União do Norte porphyry) to 1,773 ±5.7 Ma (X1 quartz-feldspar porphyry). The ?Nd(t) (-5.49 to -0.975) and TDM ages (2.36 to 2.02 Ga) are indicative of Paleoproterozoic mantle-derived magmas with fractional crystallization as the main vector of evolution to these lithotyepes, such as crustal contamination in minor importance. Collectively, these lithotypes can be clustered into three main magmatic stages: (1) Orosirian granitic basement and old granites; (2) Late Orosirian granodiorite-tonalite host intrusions; and (3) Statherian porphyries and subvolcanics. These events would related, respectively, the construction of (A) Cuiú-Cuiú magmatic arc; (B) Early Juruena magmatic arc; and (C) Post-collisional Juruena magmatic arc setting. Within this geological context, we have the Pé Quente, Luizão, X1 and Francisco magmatic-hydrothermal gold deposits, the main case of study in this work. The Pé Quente (Pé Quente suite; 1.97-1.9 Ga), Luizão (1.97-1.96 Ga) and X1 (Guarantã granite; 1.9 Ga) deposits represent the major disseminated Au ± Cu mineralization in granitic systems, whereas the Francisco deposit (União do Norte porphyry; 1.77 Ga) would correspond the principal exemple of vein-type gold + base metals. The Luizão and X1 ore-zones are related to a strongly and pervasive phyllic alteration (coarse-grained + quartz + sulfide) wich high concentrations of pyrite but variable chalcopyrite and hematite. These hydrothermal zones are limited by a strong and pervasive potassic alteration with orthoclase + microcline ± hematite. Although these hydrothermal alterations are also found in the Pé Quente deposit, its ore is temporally related both to an early sodic as phyllic alterations. At the Francisco deposit, however, the main ore-zones are restricted to quartz-rich veins with metric sericitic alteration halos (5 to 6 m) with disseminated pyrite + sphalerite + galena ± chalcopyrite ± digenite. Collecvely, these hydrothermal alterations are limited by a regional propylitic alteration. Fluid inclusion assemblages in quartz crystals from X1 and Pé Quente deposits reveal the presence of two types of ?uids: (1) aqueous two-phase inclusions with wide salinity (2.1-26.1 wt.% eq. NaCl) and homogenization temperatures (126.5°C to 268.4°C); and (2) H2O-CO2 inclusions of low salinity (6.1-8.9 wt.% eq. NaCl) and higher temperatures (251.6° to 334.6°C), suggestive of heterogeneous entrapment by immiscibility processes in a deep magmatic-hydrothermal system. At the Luizão deposits, the fluids regime revel the coexistence of two types of aqueous fluids: (1) a high salinity (33.6 to 37 wt% NaCl eq.) fluids represented by halite-bearing fluid inclusions with temperatures that range from 200° to 280°C; and (2) a low salinity (2.5 ¿ 15 wt% NaCl eq.) and lower temperature fluid represented by two-phase inclusions, indicating fluid phase-separation processes at shallower crustal level if compared the Pé Quente and X1 deposits. And finally, at Francisco deposit the fluids are mainly composed of low to moderate salinity (up to 24 wt.% eq. NaCl) and temperature (85.3° to 373.2°C) and salinity aqueous fluid inclusions with heterogeneity in the vapor-phase filling degree (10-70 vol.%), which are suggestive of boiling processes in a shallower crustal leve. Moreover, oxygen, deuterium and sulfur isotope data do indicate a strong magmatic signature to the Pé Quente, X1 and Luizão deposits, whereas in the Francisco deposit, fluids essentially magmatic may have interacted with meteoric fluids. Based on the similarities between the major geological attributes, fluid inclusions assemblages and isotopic data, the Pé Quente, X1 and Luizão deposit can be similar to gold-only, Cu-poor porphyry systems, however, placed within deeper crustal levels than those classically interpreted as andian-type porphyry, whereas the Francisco deposits would be equivalent to polymetallic epithermal deposits of intermediate sulfidation. About these gold mineralizations, this work reports for the first time Re-Os pyrite and molybdenite ages for the Au ± disseminated deposits, such as the firt hydrothermal alteration ages (40Ar/39Ar) related to the ore-zones of the epithermal systems from the province. The Re-Os pyrite ages for the Pé Quente deposit vary from 1,792 ±9 Ma to 1,784 ±11 Ma (model age: 1.787 ±5,5 Ma), whereas those for Luizão deposit are between 1,790 ±9 Ma and 1,782 ±9 Ma (model age: 1,787 ±6.2 Ma). The Re-Os molybdenite ages for X1 deposit are very similar to the previously deposits, because it range from 1,787 ±7 Ma to 1,785 ±7 Ma (model age: 1,786 ±5 Ma). At the Francisco deposit, the 40Ar/39Ar ages from sericite samples from sericitic halo vary from 1,779 ±6.28 to 1,777 ±6.3 Ma, therefore, very similar to those obtained to the Au ± disseminated deposits. Additionally, the 40Ar/39Ar ages to the phyllic alterations from Pé Quente deposit range from 1,833.6 ±6.2 to 1,830.6 ±6.2 Ma, whereas to the X1 deposit these ages are constrained between 1,733.3 ±6.2 to 1,751.3 ±6.1 Ma. The isotopic uniformity of the disseminated Au ± Cu deposits provides an excellent isochronous age at 1.786 ±1 Ma, with model age at 1.787 ±3.2 Ma, suggesting a major and unic Staherian gold metallogenetic event within the Alta Floresta Gold Province that would lasted approximately 10 Ma. These ages allow us to correlate the ore-forming processes with the post-collisional felsic magmatism of the Juruena arc, possibly associated to the emplacement of the Colíder (quartz-feldspat porphyry) and Teles Pires (União do Norte porphyry) suites, belonging to the third magmatic event that took place in the province. Therefore, the Re-Os sulfide ages are substantially different from the U-Pb zircon crystallization ages of the plutonic granitic host rocks. This demonstrates that there is no genetic connection between the emplacement of granitic plutons and the ore-forming processes responsible for the gold mineralization in the province, contrasting, therefore, to the three auriferous events so far proposed to the province: (i) 1.98-1.95 Ga (e.g. Luizão and Pé Quente deposits); (ii) 1.87-1.85 Ga (X1 and Serrinha deposits); and (iii) 1.77-1.79 Ga (e.g. Francisco deposit). These new Re-Os pyrite and molybdenite ages open new perspectives for gold exploration in the province as volcanic and sub-volcanic units of 1.78 to 1.77 Ga now may become prime targets / Doutorado / Geologia e Recursos Naturais / Doutor em Ciências
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Geologic evolution of the Adrar Souttouf Massif (Moroccan Sahara) and its significance for continental-scaled plate reconstructions since the Mid NeoproterozoicGärtner, Andreas 21 December 2017 (has links)
Located in the south of the Moroccan Sahara, the Adrar Souttouf Massif is the northern continuation of the Mauritanides at the western margin of the West African Craton. The massif itself exhibits a complex polyphase geologic history and contains four geologically different, SSW-NNE trending main units named from west to east: Oued Togba, Sebkha Gezmayet, Dayet Lawda, Sebkha Matallah. They are thrusted over each other in thin-skinned nappes with local windows of the discordantly overlain Archaean Reguibat basement. The eastern margin of the massif is bordered by the Tiris and Tasiast-Tijirit areas of the Reguibat Shield as well as its (par-) autochthonous Palaeozoic cover sequence, termed Dhloat Ensour unit. More than 5.500 U-Th-Pb age determinations and over 1.000 Hf isotopic measurements on single zircon grains from igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks of all the massifs units and its vicinity have yet been obtained. Most of the zircons were studied with respect to their morphological features. This method improves the accuracy of provenance studies by detecting varying zircon morphologies in space and time. These data are accompanied by U-Th-Pb age determinations on apatite as well as rutile. Together, they allow proposing a model of the geologic evolution of this poorly mapped area for the last 635 Ma. A combination of the obtained data with extensive zircon age databases of the surrounding cratons and terranes facilitates continental-scaled palaeogeographic reconstructions.
Regarding the geologic evolution of the Adrar Souttouf Massif, the assembly of the first units began prior to 635 Ma. Although containing all the major zircon age and Hf-isotope populations of the West African Craton as well as some Mesoproterozoic grains, the Sebkha Gezmayet unit lies to the west of the Dayet Lawda unit of oceanic island arc composition. Hence, the Sebkha Gezmayet unit must have been rifted away from the craton prior to the formation of the oceanic unit within the West African Neoproterozoic Ocean at about 635 Ma. Recently published Hf and zircon age data of this unit suggest that the island arc was derived from a juvenile mantle source. Subsequently, the accretion of precursors of the Oued Togba and Sebkha Gezmayet units as well as a partial obduction of the oceanic Dayet Lawda unit and the Neoproterozoic sediments of a foreland basin (Sebkha Matallah unit) onto the Reguibat Shield took place. Peak metamorphism in the obducted oceanic rocks was reached at about 605 Ma. Magmatism in the western units between 610 and 570 Ma suggests on-going tectonic activity. The Early and Middle Cambrian is characterised by the erosion of the Ediacaran orogen and deposition of thick sedimentary sequences at the Sebkha Matallah unit, which acted as foreland basin. These sediments show a mostly West African zircon record with only some Mesoproterozoic grains provided by the westernmost parts of the massif. Initial rifting of the Oued Togba and Sebkha Gezmayet units from the remaining areas presumably occurred during the Late Cambrian. Coeval granitoid intrusions occurred on both sides of the rift. The two rifted units were likely involved to the polyphased Appalachian orogenies, which is emphasised by Devonian magmatism. Thus, and with respect to the isotopic data, the Oued Togba unit is interpreted to be of Avalonia affinity, while the Sebkha Gezmayet unit can likely be linked to Meguma. The units which remained at the West African Craton underwent intense sediment recycling during the entire Ordovician to Devonian times. Final accretion of all units and formation of the current massif was achieved during the Variscan-Alleghanian orogeny. This was accompanied by magmatism in the Sebkha Gezmayet unit and intense metamorphism of the Reguibat basement, whose zircons often show lower discordia intercepts of Carboniferous or Permian age. The post-Variscan period is characterised by erosion of the orogen and subjacent alternating cycles of sedimentation and deflation.
The Adrar Souttouf Massifs importance for palaeogeographic reconstructions is given by the striking differences in the zircon age and Hf-isotope record of its westernmost Oued Togba unit and the remaining area. The results obtained from the Oued Togba unit resemble the published data of the Avalonia type terranes including prominent Mesoproterozoic, Ediacaran-Early Cambrian, as well as Early Devonian age populations. Many Mesoproterozoic zircons, which are exotic for the West African Craton prior to 635 Ma, form a ca. 1.20 to 1.25 Ga age peak that is an excellent tracer for detrital provenance studies and source craton identification of the sedimentary rocks. This is also valid for some sedimentary samples that do not show ages younger than 700 Ma, but large quantities of Mesoproterozoic zircon. These rocks can be correlated to similar sediments in Mauritania and W-Avalonia and are thought to be of pre-pan-African", i.e. pre-Ediacaran or even pre-Cryogenian age. They may give direct insights to the source area in Early to Mid Neoproterozoic times. Accordingly, comparison with published data of Amazonia and Baltica, allows setting up new hypotheses for the pre-Ediacaran history of the Avalonian type terranes. Lacking of magmatism in Amazonia between ca. 1200 and ca. 1300 Ma favours Baltica as source craton for the Avalonian terranes and requires a new point of view for the Neoproterozoic palaeogeography.
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Geochemical investigation of the co-evolution of life and environment in the Neoproterozoic EraKang, Junyao 19 February 2024 (has links)
The co-evolution of life and the environment stands as a cornerstone in Earth's 4.5-billion-year history. Environmental fluctuations have wielded substantial influence over biological evolution, while life forms have, in turn, reshaped Earth's surface and climate. This dissertation centers on a critical period in Earth's history—the Neoproterozoic Era—when profound environmental shifts potentially catalyzed pivotal eukaryotic evolutionary events. By delving deeper into Neoproterozoic paleoenvironments, I aim at a clearer understanding of life-environment co-evolution in this crucial era.
The first chapter focuses on an important juncture—the transition from prokaryote to eukaryote dominance in marine ecosystems during the Tonian Period (1000 Ma to 720 Ma). To assess whether the availability of nitrate, an important macro-nutrient, played a critical role in this evolutionary event, nitrogen isotope compositions (δ<sup>15</sup>N) of marine carbonates from the early Tonian (ca. 1000 Ma to ca. 800 Ma) Huaibei Group in North China were measured. The data indicate nitrate limitation in early Neoproterozoic oceans. Further, a compilation of Proterozoic sedimentary δ<sup>15</sup>N data, together with box model simulations, suggest a ~50% increase in marine nitrate availability at ~800 Ma. Limited nitrate availability in early Neoproterozoic oceans may have delayed the ecological rise of eukaryotes until ~800 Ma when increased nitrate supply, together with other environmental and ecological factors, may have contributed to the transition from prokaryote-dominant to eukaryote-dominant marine ecosystems.
Recognizing the spatial and temporal variations in Neoproterozoic oceanic environments, the second chapter lays the groundwork for a robust stratigraphic framework for the early Tonian Period. Employing the dynamic time warping algorithm, I constructed a global stratigraphic framework for the early Tonian Period using δ<sup>13</sup>C<sub>carb</sub> data from the North China, São Francisco, and Congo cratons. This exercise confirms the generally narrow range of δ<sup>13</sup>C<sub>carb</sub> fluctuations in the early Tonian, but also confirms the presence of a negative δ<sup>13</sup>C<sub>carb</sub> excursion of notable magnitude (~9 ‰) at ca. 920 Ma in multiple records, suggesting that it was global in scope. This negative excursion, known as the Majiatun excursion, is likely the oldest negative excursion in the Neoproterozoic Era and marks the onset of the dynamic Neoproterozoic carbon cycle.
Shifting focus to the late Neoproterozoic, the third chapter delves into the origins of Neoproterozoic superheavy pyrite, whose bulk-sample δ<sup>34</sup>S values are greater than those of contemporaneous seawater sulfate and whose origins remain controversial. Two supervised machine learning algorithms were trained on a large LA-ICP-MS pyrite trace element database to distinguish pyrite of different origins. The analysis validates that two models built on the co-behavior of 12 trace elements (Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, Sb, Te, Au, Tl, and Pb) can be used to accurately predict pyrite origins. This novel approach was then used to identify the origins of pyrite from two Neoproterozoic sedimentary successions in South China. The first set of samples contains isotopically superheavy pyrite from the Cryogenian Tiesi'ao and Datangpo formations. The second set of samples contains pyritic rims from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation; these pyrite rims are associated with fossiliferous chert nodules and do not have superheavy sulfur isotopes. For the superheavy pyrite, the models consistently show high confidence levels in identifying its genesis type, and three out of four samples were inferred to be of sedimentary origins. For the pyritic nodule rims, the models suggest that early diagenetic pyrite was subsequently altered by hydrothermal fluids and therefore shows mixed signals. The third chapter highlights the importance of pyrite trace elements in deciphering and distinguishing the origins of pyrite in sedimentary strata. / Doctor of Philosophy / Understanding how life and the environment have shaped our planet's story over 4.5 billion years is like piecing together an intricate puzzle. On the one hand, changes in the environment kickstarted big shifts in how life evolved. On the other hand, living creatures have also left their mark on Earth's landscapes and climate. This dissertation focuses on unraveling the mysterious Neoproterozoic Era (1 billion to 538 million years ago), a time when Earth saw some of its most dramatic changes.
A significant aspect of my investigation delves into the evolutionary dynamics within ancient marine ecosystems. Specifically, I'm exploring a critical juncture when organisms with more complex cellular structures, known as eukaryotes, became ecologically more important than prokaryotic life forms in many aspects of Earth systems. By examining ancient rock formations from China, I have found evidence suggesting that nitrate, a vital nutrient, was scarce in the Neoproterozoic oceans. However, around 800 million years ago, there appears to have been a significant surge in nitrate availability. This surge potentially catalyzed a pivotal phase in evolution, possibly driving the shift from prokaryote to eukaryote dominance in these ancient waters.
Second, there is a challenge to delineate a robust timeline for the early Neoproterozoic Era. Imagine trying to piece together a story from a time when there were no calendars or clear dates. Employing advanced statistical methods and comparing chemical signals preserved in carbonate rocks from disparate global locations, I endeavor to craft a coherent timeline for this crucial period. Within this timeline, a noteworthy anomaly in the carbon cycle emerged around 920 million years ago known as the Majiatun excursion. This anomaly represents a significant shift in the Neoproterozoic carbon cycle.
Furthermore, my investigation plunges into the geochemistry of sulfur, an important element in shaping ancient marine environments. Certain sedimentary rocks harbor anomalous sulfur isotope signatures in the mineral pyrite (also known as fool's gold), hinting at dramatic environmental transformations during the late Neoproterozoic. Employing advanced analytical techniques and machine learning methodologies, I seek to discern the origins and implications of these anomalous sulfur isotope signals found in pyrite, unraveling their significance in reconstructing the environmental dynamics of ancient oceans.
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Gênese das mineralizações associadas ao magmatismo ácido na região do Garimpo do Papagaio, noroeste da Província Aurífera de Alta Floresta (MT) / Mineralizations genesis associated with acid magmatism in the Papagaio artisanal mining region, northwest of Alta Floresta Gold Province (MT)Galé, Marcelo Garcia 09 November 2018 (has links)
A Província Aurífera de Alta Floresta insere-se na porção sul do Cráton Amazônico e constitui uma região alongada na direção WNW-ESSE onde se situam depósitos auríferos associados ao magmatismo plutonovulcânico Paleoproterozoico. A área pesquisada abrange o garimpo de ouro do Papagaio, situado em Paranaíta, Mato Grosso. Durante o mapeamento geológico, foram identificados corpos de rochas plutônicas a subvulcânicas de composições granodiorítica e granítica, além de rochas vulcânicas e piroclásticas dacíticas e riolíticas. Estes litotipos são pertencentes à série calcioalcalina de médio a alto potássio, meta- a peraluminosas correspondentes a granitos do tipo I de arco vulcânico em margem continental ativa. As idades U-Pb mostraram que o magmatismo na região ocorreu aproximadamente entre 1.80 - 1.78 Ga. com zircões herdados de até 2,1 Ga, mostrando evidências da existência de uma crosta mais profunda e antiga durante a subducção. Os dados de \'épsilon\'Nd(t) mostraram a existência de contribuição crustal e mantélica na fonte de idade TDM entre 2.15-2.02 Ga. Estes dados revelaram que o vulcanismo na área é pertencente a Suíte Colíder, correspondente de um magmatismo que ficou ativo por aproximadamente 16 Ma e que evoluiu de composição dacítica a riolítica. A lavra garimpeira ocorre sobre uma mineralização aurífera com cobre, zinco e baixos teores de chumbo, preferencialmente confinada em veios que cortam os halos de alteração potássica, sericítica e propilítica. Os veios existentes na região evoluem de forma sistematica em seis tipos: (I) Veio de quartzo estéril associado ao halo da alteração potássica; (II) Veio de quartzo com minerais de minério, por vezes, associado ao halo sericítico; (III) Veio sulfetado com halo de alteração sericítica bem desenvolvido nas salbandas; (IV) e (V) Veios de quartzo e carbonato tardios; (VI) sistema de veios de quartzo mais novo e sem relação com a evolução do depósito. Os três primeiros tipos são semelhantes ao sistema A-B-D descrito em depósitos do tipo pórfiro, enquanto que os mais novos apresentam características de um ambiente mais raso e epitermal. O ouro ocorre principalmente na zona central dos veios do tipo II, em paragênese com a calcopirita + esfalerita + pirita ± galena ± magnetita. O quartzo dos veios sofreu diferentes intensidades de recristalização decorrente de subsequentes pulsos hidrotermais e as imagens de catodoluminescência mostraram que as inclusões fluidas aquocarbônicas representam fluidos primários com importante participação no transporte de conteúdo metalífero. Os resultados de isótopos estáveis de D, O e S em quartzo, sericita e pirita hidrotemais mostram que os fluidos são magmáticos com contribuições de fluidos meteóricos. Neste contexto, o Garimpo do Papagaio se desenvolveu sobre um arco magmático continental, a partir da intrusão de corpos graníticos hidratados e oxidados que marcam o evento magmático final da Suíte Colíder. Representa um depósito do tipo pórfiro que foi sobreposto por características epitermais intermediate-sulfidation, como resultado da telescopagem hidrotermal consequente do rebaixamento da câmara magmática. / The Alta Floresta Gold Province is situated on the southern portion of Amazonian Craton and forms an elongate region with WNW-ESSE direction where auriferous deposits are associated with Paleoproterozoic plutonovolcanic magmatism. The area of research covers the Papagaio artisanal gold mining, located in Paranaíta, Mato Grosso. During geological mapping, plutonic to subvolcanic rocks bodies of granodioritic and granitic compositions were identified, as well as dacitic and rhyolitic volcanic and pyroclastic rocks. These lithotypes belong to the calc-alkaline series of medium to high potassium, meta- to peraluminous corresponding to type I granites of volcanic arc in an active continental margin. U-Pb ages showed that magmatism in the region has crystallized in the range of 1.80-1.78 Ga with inherited zircons up to 2.1 Ga, showing evidence of a deeper and older crust during subduction. \'épsilon\'Nd (t) data showed the contribution of crustal and mantle material in the source with TDM age between 2.15- 2.02 Ga. These data revealed that volcanism in the area belongs to the Colíder Suite, corresponding to a magmatism that was active for approximately 16 Ma and evolved from dacitic to a rhyolitic composition. The mining prospect occurs on gold mineralization with copper, zinc and low levels of lead, preferably confined in veins that cut potassic, seritic and propylitic alteration halos. The existing veins in the region evolve systematically into six types: (I) Barren quartz vein associated with potassic alteration halo; (II) Quartz vein with ore minerals, sometimes associated with sericitic halo; (III) Sulphide vein with a well developed sericitic alteration halo in the salbands; (IV) and (V) Late quartz and carbonate veins; (VI) system of quartz veins newer and unrelated to deposit evolution. The first three types are similar to A-B-D system described in porphyry deposits, while the newer ones have characteristics of a shallower and epithermal environment. Gold occurs mainly in the central zone of the type II veins, in paragenesis with chalcopyrite + sphalerite + pyrite ± galena ± magnetite. The quartz of the veins underwent different intensities of recrystallization due to subsequent hydrothermal pulses and cathodoluminescence images showed that aquocarbonic fluid inclusions represent primary fluids with important participation in metalliferous content transportation. The results of D, O and S stable isotope in hydrothermal quartz, sericite and pyrite show that fluids are magmatic with meteoric contributions. In this context, the Papagaio artisanal mining developed on a continental magmatic arc, from the intrusion of hydrated and oxidized granite bodies that mark the final magmatic event of the Colíder Suite. It represents a porphyry deposit that was superimposed by epithermal intermediate-sulfidation characteristics as a result of hydrothermal telescoping, resulting from the lowering of the magma chamber.
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Estudo Paleomagnético de Unidades Paleoproterozóicas do Cráton Amazônico / Paleomagnetic Study of Paleoproterozoic Units from Amazonian CratonSantos, Franklin Bispo dos 03 May 2012 (has links)
Na América do Sul, o Cráton Amazônico representa um componente essencial nas reconstruções de supercontinentes, entretanto, há uma grande escassez de dados paleomagnéticos de qualidade para esta unidade geotectônica, principalmente, para o Proterozóico. Com o intuito de esclarecer a participação do Cráton Amazônico na evolução do ciclo continental, este trabalho apresenta um estudo paleomagnético realizado em quatro unidades geológicas Paleo- a Mesoproterozóicas pertencentes ao Cráton Amazônico. As unidades escolhidas para este estudo foram às rochas vulcânicas do Grupo Surumu (1980-1960 Ma, U-Pb), as soleiras máficas Avanavero (ca. 1780 Ma, U-Pb) ambas situadas no norte do Estado de Roraima (Escudo das Guianas), os enxames de diques Nova Guarita e a intrusiva máfica Guadalupe ambas localizadas no norte do Estado do Mato Grosso (Escudo Brasil-Central). Determinações 40Ar/39Ar realizadas em biotitas de quatro diques de Nova Guarita mostraram resultados coerentes, fornecendo uma idade média de 1418,5 ± 3,5 Ma para a época de intrusão dos diques. Idades U-Pb obtidas em rochas da intrusiva máfica Guadalupe indicam uma idade mínima de 1530 Ma para estas amostras. As análises paleomagnéticas realizadas em mais de 1100 espécimes de rocha através dos tratamentos térmicos e por campos magnéticos alternados revelaram direções características coerentes para as quatro unidades de rochas estudadas: (1) as rochas do Grupo Surumu apresentaram direções noroeste com inclinações positivas. Foi calculada uma direção média Dm = 298,6°, Im = 39,4° (N = 20, alfa95 = 10,1°, K = 11,4), a qual foi interpretada como sendo de origem primária; (2) as rochas máficas Avanavero apresentaram direções sudeste com inclinações positivas/negativas baixas, sendo determinada uma direção média Dm = 135,6°, Im = -2,1° (N = 10, alfa95 = 15,9°, K = 10,2°). Um teste de contato cozido realizado para um dos sítios amostrados atesta o caráter primário da magnetização remanente isolada, a qual foi adquirida pelas rochas há ca.1780 Ma atrás; (3) os diques máficos Nova Guarita apresentaram polaridades reversas e normais, tendo sido isoladas direções sul/sudoeste com inclinações positivas e nordeste com inclinações negativas. Um teste de contato cozido positivo foi obtido para um dique que intrude o Granito Matupá, o qual confirma que a magnetização remanente (Dm = 220,5°, Im = 45,9°, N = 19, alfa95 = 6,5°, K = 27,7) isolada para estas rochas corresponde a uma magnetização termorremanente adquirida durante a formação da rocha há ca. 1419 Ma atrás; (4) rochas pertencentes a Intrusiva Máfica Guadalupe também apresentaram polaridades reversas e normais. Direções noroeste/nordeste com inclinações positivas ou sul/sudeste com inclinações negativas foram isoladas para estas rochas, para as quais foi calculada a direção média Dm = 356,6°, Im = 59,4°, (N = 10, alfa95 = 10,2°, K = 23,2). A idade desta componente, entretanto, ainda não está bem estabelecida, podendo representar uma remagnetização adquirida durante o evento Brasiliano, já que ela é similar às magnetizações adquiridas há 520 Ma, presentes em formações geológicas do Cráton Amazônico e do Cráton do São Francisco. A caracterização da mineralogia magnética de todas as amostras investigadas foi obtida através de curvas termomagnéticas, curvas de histerese e curvas de magnetização remanente isotérmica. Quatro pólos paleomagnéticos para o Cráton Amazônico foram determinados para estas componentes, os quais estão localizados em 234,8° E, 27,4°N (A95=9,8°) (pólo GS, Grupo Surumu), 27,5°E, -45,8°N (A95=11,5°) (pólo AV, Avanavero), 245,9°E, -47,9°N (A95=7,0°) (pólo NG, Nova Guarita) e 306,2°E, 38,9°N (A95=13,7°) (pólo GUA, Guadalupe). Os resultados paleomagnéticos obtidos para as rochas Surumu (pólo GS) contribuíram para um melhor ajuste da curva de deriva polar aparente (CDPA) para o Escudo das Guianas durante o Paleoproterozóico (2070-1960 Ma). A comparação desta CDPA com a construída para o Cráton Oeste-África para o mesmo período de tempo sugere que estes blocos cratônicos estavam unidos há 1970-2000 Ma atrás, em uma paleogeografia em que as zonas de cisalhamento Guri, no Escudo das Guianas, e Sassandra, no Cráton Oeste-África estavam alinhadas como sugerido em modelos anteriores. O pólo Avanavero de 1780 Ma é consistente com a paleogeografia do supercontinente Columbia em que o proto-Cráton Amazônico e a Báltica estavam unidos como no modelo SAMBA (South America-Baltica) proposto anteriormente com base em evidências geológicas. No cenário proposto aqui para o Supercontinente Columbia há 1780 Ma atrás, o Cráton Oeste-África estava unido ao proto-Cráton Amazônico na mesma configuração sugerida pelos dados paleomagnéticos de 1790-2000 Ma. O atual lado leste da Laurentia estava unido ao norte (atual) da Báltica. A Sibéria estava unida com a atual costa Ártica da Laurentia e a proto-Austrália, com a atual costa oeste da Laurentia, em posição similar ao modelo SWEAT. Embora os dados paleomagnéticos disponíveis para o Cráton Norte da China e Índia indiquem paleolatitudes equatorias para estes dois blocos, nesta época, suas posições no supercontinente Columbia são ainda incertas. No modelo do Columbia apresentado neste trabalho, o Norte da China foi colocado ao lado da Sibéria e a Índia, ao lado da proto-Austrália, em decorrência de evidências geológicas. Outros blocos cratônicos, tais como, Congo-São Francisco, Kalahari e Rio de La Plata não foram incluídos, pela ausência de pólos paleomagnéticos desta idade. Os dados paleomagnéticos atualmente existentes para a Báltica e a Laurentia mostram que estes dois blocos continentais permaneceram unidos desde 1830 Ma até, pelo menos, 1270 Ma atrás. Já o pólo paleomagnético obtido para os diques Nova Guarita de 1419 Ma e o pólo de mesma idade, recentemente obtido para a Intrusiva Indiavaí, quando comparados com pólos de mesma idade da Báltica e da Laurentia, sugerem que o proto-Craton Amazônico já havia iniciado sua ruptura no Supercontinente Columbia nessa época. De modo alternativo, porém, essa diferença na posição dos pólos do proto-Cráton Amazônico e da Báltica/Laurentia, pode ser explicada por movimentos transcorrentes dextrais que teriam ocorrido entre o Escudo das Guianas e a parte sul do Cráton Amazônico em tempos posteriores a 1420 Ma. Neste caso, esta grande massa continental do Supercontinente Columbia, composta pelo proto-Cráton Amazônico, Báltica e Laurentia, pode ter permanecida unida por, pelo menos, 400 Ma. / The Amazonian Craton is an important component in Paleoproterozoic reconstructions, however, paleomagnetic data for this craton are yet scarce. Aiming to decipher the involvement of the Amazonian Craton in the Contiental cycle evolution, paleomagnetic studies were carried out in four Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic geological units. The chosen units are the volcanic rocks from the Surumu Group (1,980-1,960 Ma, U-Pb), the Avanavero mafic sills (ca. 1,780 Ma, U-Pb), both from the northern Roraima State (Guyana Shield), and the Nova Guarita dyke swarm and Guadalupe mafic intrusive, both from the northern Mato Grosso State (Central- Brazil Shield). 40Ar/39Ar determinations on biotites from samples belonging to four Nova Guarita dykes yielded well-defined plateau ages whose mean 1,418.5 ± 3.5 Ma is interpreted as the age of dyke intrusion. U-Pb (SHRIMP) determinations on rocks from the Guadalupe mafic Intrusive indicate a minimum age of 1,530 Ma for this unit. Paleomagnetic analysis performed on more than 1,100 specimens by thermal and alternating magnetic field (AF) treatments revealed stable characteristic remanent magnetizions (ChRM) for all geological units: (1) northwestern directions with positive inclinations were isolated for samples from the Surumu Group (mean: Dm = 298.6°, Im = 39.4°, N = 20, alpha95 = 10.1°, K = 11.4), which were interpreted to be primary. (2) Southeastern directions with low downward/upward inclinations were isolated for the Avanavero rocks, for which a mean direction was calculated: Dm=135.6°, Im = -2.1° (N=10, alpha95 = 15.9°, K = 10.2°). A positive baked contact test attests for the primary origin of this ChRM direction, which was probably acquired at about 1,780 Ma ago; (3) both south/southwestern directions with downward inclinations or northeastern directions with upward inclinations were isolated for the Nova Guarita dykes. A positive baked contact test attests for the primary nature of the ChRM directions (Dm = 220.5°, Im = 45.9°, N=19, alpha95=6.5°, K = 27.7) which most probably correspond to a termo-remanent magnetization (TRM) acquired at ca. 1,419 Ma ago; 10 (4) both northwest/northeastern directions with downward inclinations or outhsoutheastern directions with upward inclinations were isolated for rocks from the Guadalupe intrusive, whose mean direction is: Dm=356.6°, Im=59.4°, (N =10, alpha95=10.2°, K = 23.2). The age of this component is yet uncertain. U-Pb geochronology suggests an age of (or older than) 1,530 Ma for these rocks, however, a remagnetization effect at Cambrian times (520 Ma) cannot be rolled out as these directions are very similar to those found for younger geological units in the Amazonian Craton and Sao Francisco Craton. Four new paleomagnetic poles for the Amazonian Craton were obtained from these magnetic components, which are located at: 234.8°E, 27.4°N (A95=9.8°) (GS pole, Surumu Group), 27.5°E, 45.8°S (A95=11.5°) (AV pole, Avanavero), 245.9°E, 47.9°S (A95=7.0°) (NG pole, Nova Guarita) and 306.2°E, 38.9°N (A95 = 13.7°) (GUA pole, Guadalupe). The 1,960 Ma Surumu pole contributes to better define the APW path traced for the Guyana Shield in the time interval between 2,070 Ma and 1,960 Ma. Comparison of this APW path with that traced for West-Africa Craton for the same time interval suggests that these two cratonic blocks were linked together, in a paleogeography where the Guri (Guyana Shield) and Sassandra (West-Africa Craton) shear zones are aligned, as suggested by previous models. The Avanavero pole is consistent with the proto-Amazonian Craton and Baltica link as in the SAMBA (South America-Baltica) model at ca. 1,780 Ma ago, as previously proposed based on geological evidence. In the scenario proposed here for the Columbia Supercontinent at 1,780 Ma ago, the West-Africa Craton was linked to the proto-Amazonian Craton in the same configuration as suggested by Paleoproterozoic (1,960-2,000 Ma) paleomagnetic data (see above). Actual eastern Laurentia was linked to northern Baltica. Siberia was located at the actual Arctic Coast of Laurentia, and proto-Australia at the western coast of Laurentia, in a position similar to that of SWEAT model. Although available 1,780 Ma paleomagnetic data from North China and India indicate low paleolatitudes for these two blocks, their positions in the supercontinent Columbia are yet uncertain. In our model, North China is located beside Siberia, and India beside proto-Australia, based on geological evidences. Other cratonic blocks, such as Congo-Sao Francisco, Kalahari and Rio de la Plata were not included as no 1,780 Ma paleomagnetic poles are presently available for them. The paleomagnetic poles presently available for Baltica and Laurentia, show that these two blocks remained as a single continental mass since 1,830 Ma up to at least 1,270 Ma. However, the 1,419 Ma Nova Guarita pole and the recently published 1,416 Ma Indiavai pole from the Amazonian Craton, when compared with poles of similar age from Baltica and Laurentia suggest that the proto-Amazonian Craton had already broke-up from the Columbia Supercontinent at that time. Alternatively, the difference in the position of the 1,420 Ma poles from the proto-Amazonian Craton and those from Baltica/Laurentia, may be explained by dextral transcurrent movements between the Guyana Shield and the southern part of the Amazonian Craton at times later than 1,420 Ma. If so, this great continental mass, formed by proto-Amazonian Craton, Baltica and Laurentia may have remained as a single continental block for at least 400 Ma.
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