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Agila metoder utanför IT-sfären : Att skapa en ny agil arbetsmetodDubois, Joacim, Kunnari, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Under denna studie så hade författarna ett uppdrag från en uppdragsgivare som var att skapa en ny agil projektmetod åt denna, för att främja deras arbete med ett projekt som de genomför årligen, som heter Jobb Shop. Projektet hade under det senaste genomförandet inte genomförts med hjälp av någon särskild projektmetod. Författarna till denna studie skapade under arbetets gång en specifik agil metod åt uppdragsgivaren som de kan använda under kommande år vid genomförandet av Jobb Shop. Vid sidan av detta så gjorde författarna även en metaanalys av den nya metoden där de studerade hur den nya agila arbetsmetoden, rent teoretiskt, kan främja kreativitet och innovation. Resultatet av studien visade att den teoretiska grunden för ovanstående fråga var god, och de drog slutsatsen att agila metoder, teoretiskt sett, mycket väl kan främja kreativitet och innovation. / During this study the authors had an assignment from a client which was creating a new Agile project methodology for the client, to promote their work on the project they undertake annually, named Jobb Shop. The project had during the last execution not been implemented by means of a specific project methodology. During this process the authors of this study created a specific agile methodology for the client that they can use in future years in the implementation of Jobb Shop. Alongside this, the authors also did a meta-analysis of the new method in which they studied how the new agile method, theoretically, can promote creativity and innovation. The results of the study showed that the theoretical basis for the above question was good, and they concluded that agile methods, theoretically, may well promote creativity and innovation.
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Write the Book of Your Heart: Career, Passion and Publishing in the Romance Writing CommunityTaylor, Jessica Anne 13 August 2013 (has links)
This dissertation explores how a solitary writer becomes a social writer, entering into the industrial and community relations of mass publishing. A significant part of this transformation is managed through writing organizations which mediate between the corporate world and individual writers. Despite being one of the most prolific and commercially successful book-markets in a time when both publishing and reading are perceived to be under threat, romance fiction, because of its gendered and classed status, is often neglected by the academy and patronized in the media. Researched through observation of the largest romance writers groups in Canada, which I call City Romance Writers, this dissertation explores how writers’ associations help shape would-be writers into players in the professional market, negotiating the boundaries between professional and amateur, local and global, creative and market-driven. It explores how romance writers organize to manage risk and uncertainty in the publishing industry and how they make claims to legitimacy and authority in the public sphere. Finally, it examines how structures of gender, race and class shape the communities romance writers form and the claims they make. I argue that romance writers’ discourses and practices surrounding writing and publication are a revealing terrain for the exploration of contemporary issues of media production, flexible labour, gender and community. In part because of the particular characteristics of romance writing itself, these themes are also underpinned by the constant presence of love, as a discourse, an activity and a story. While revealing the importance of affective discourses of passion and love in mobilizing writers to embrace their own flexibility, this dissertation also argues that writers’ affective relationship with their writing is not fully contained by capitalism.
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Write the Book of Your Heart: Career, Passion and Publishing in the Romance Writing CommunityTaylor, Jessica Anne 13 August 2013 (has links)
This dissertation explores how a solitary writer becomes a social writer, entering into the industrial and community relations of mass publishing. A significant part of this transformation is managed through writing organizations which mediate between the corporate world and individual writers. Despite being one of the most prolific and commercially successful book-markets in a time when both publishing and reading are perceived to be under threat, romance fiction, because of its gendered and classed status, is often neglected by the academy and patronized in the media. Researched through observation of the largest romance writers groups in Canada, which I call City Romance Writers, this dissertation explores how writers’ associations help shape would-be writers into players in the professional market, negotiating the boundaries between professional and amateur, local and global, creative and market-driven. It explores how romance writers organize to manage risk and uncertainty in the publishing industry and how they make claims to legitimacy and authority in the public sphere. Finally, it examines how structures of gender, race and class shape the communities romance writers form and the claims they make. I argue that romance writers’ discourses and practices surrounding writing and publication are a revealing terrain for the exploration of contemporary issues of media production, flexible labour, gender and community. In part because of the particular characteristics of romance writing itself, these themes are also underpinned by the constant presence of love, as a discourse, an activity and a story. While revealing the importance of affective discourses of passion and love in mobilizing writers to embrace their own flexibility, this dissertation also argues that writers’ affective relationship with their writing is not fully contained by capitalism.
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Possibilities and Challenges of Mathematical Modeling in Teacher’s FormationSalett Biembengut, Maria 12 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this article are the results of research of empirical data from two pedagogical experiences using Mathematical Modeling with two groups: one with 28 students from the last period of a course of
mathematics teachers, and another with 21 teachers of a course of continuing education. The objectives of the course were: teach Mathematical Modeling, and in sequence, modeling as a method
of teaching. The data about the interest for the proposal and the need of the two groups in learning modeling for use in practice was raised from interviews and issues raised and works done by them. Even though the importance of Mathematical Modeling as a method of teaching is not underestimated, some aspects exemplify the difficulties for the participants in changing the concept of teaching and
learning: formation of the participants and the need for formation.
Key-words: Mathematical Modeling, possibilities and challenges.
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Creative mathematical activity of the students in the model of differentiated teaching in Russian FederationSafuanov, Ildar S., Gusev, Valery A. 09 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper, creative mathematical activities of school pupils in conditions of the differentiated teaching in Russian Federation are described. Various forms of differentiated teaching (internal – level, external – profile) are characterized. Ways of using entertaining problems for detecting and fostering mathematical abilities are revealed. New course of geometry for differentiated teaching is introduced.
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臺中縣市高級中學校園創意設計之研究 / A Study of Creative Designs in Senior High School of Taichung County and City詹紹威, Chan, David Unknown Date (has links)
統計各校符合校園創意設計原則的項數,以加權百分比率來進行分析研究,探討不同背景學校在校園創意設計的表現情形;以皮爾森相關係數(Pearson’s correlations coefficient)分析在校園分類「校舍、庭園、運動場、附屬設施」和「各原則」間的關係等;本研究的結論與發現如下:
根據文獻探討與研究發現,對教育當局、有心校園創意設計的學校及後續研究等,提出十八點建議。 / A Study of Creative Designs in Senior High School of Taichung County and City
The principles of innovation, variety, elegance, improvement, excellence, and delicacy of school creative designs in “School Buildings in Taiwan” (湯志民,2002a) have been applied in this study. There are seventeen features constructed by the principles above as well as creative methods and techniques. In this study, 56 administrators in school, consisted of the principles and the directors of general affairs office of 28 senior high schools in Taichung county and Taichung City, were interviewed and inquired about the concepts, vision, and the policy of maintenances. Meanwhile, 112 teachers and students, two teaches and two students in each school, were also interviewed, and their shared ideas and feelings about how the school facilities are used will be the reference of rebuild, improving a school, or building a new school.
The statistics is gathered by calculating the numbers of how each school matches the principle of school creative designs, which is analyzed by the power percentage. Pearson’s correlations coefficient is as well used to analyze the relation between the category in campus-school buildings, schoolyards, play ground, school facilities-and each principles. The conclusion and detection of this study is as followed:
1. From the statistics:
(1) The principle of innovation and school facilities are easier to achieve and improve, so the statistics are much higher than any others.
(2) The statistics of schools in Taichung City is apparently much higher that that in Taichung County.
(3) There are schools value the principle of excellence and delicacy, even though the statistics of which is not high.
(4) The statistics of the category of campus is not affected by the extent of school. Among the items in the category, only the principle of improvement is obviously related.
(5) The longer the school history is, the more related is the sum and the statistics of the principle of elegance; The longer the school history is, the much higher the statistics of schoolyard is.
(6) The more school facilities there are, the higher the statistics of schoolyard is.
2. From the concepts and visions:
(1) The concepts of creative school design are rather complicated, which are extensively consisted the functions of living and education.
(2) Schools all hopes to feature themselves in their vision and head to have lasting multi-function facilities and space.
3. From the policies of maintenances:
(1) In national senior high schools, the authority of maintaining school facilities is often kept to the principle and administrators.
(2) In private senior high schools, the board of directors often controls the authority of maintaining school facilities.
4. From the shared ideas and feelings of teachers and students:
(1) The teachers and students seldom take part in the process of designing and building campuses. Few of them enjoy the school creative design.
(2) The schoolyards is most teachers and students’ preference. The trend of creative design of schoolyard is toward a delicate style. Environment-friendly ideas are often welcome.
(3) The statistic of playground is lower than any other. Those designed and matches the principle of excellence and delicacy are often welcome and love by students.
(4) The statistics of school facilities is the highest among all. However, the items loved by teachers’ are quite different from students.
According to the analysis of literatures and the results of the study, eighteen suggestions are offered to educational authorities, the schools which are interested in school creative design, and those who go further studies.
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Generative rhythmic modelsRae, Alexander 08 April 2009 (has links)
A system for generative rhythmic modeling is presented. The work aims to explore computational models of creativity, realizing them in a system designed for realtime generation of semi-improvisational music. This is envisioned as an attempt to develop musical intelligence in the context of structured improvisation, and by doing so to enable and encourage new forms of musical control and performance; the systems described in this work, already capable of realtime creation, have been designed with the explicit intention of embedding them in a variety of performance-based systems. A model of qaida, a solo tabla form, is presented, along with the results of an online survey comparing it to a professional tabla player's recording on dimensions of musicality, creativity, and novelty. The qaida model generates a bank of rhythmic variations by reordering subphrases. Selections from this bank are sequenced using a feature-based approach. An experimental extension into modeling layer- and loop-based forms of electronic music is presented, in which the initial modeling approach is generalized. Starting from a seed track, the layer-based model utilizes audio analysis techniques such as blind source separation and onset-based segmentation to generate layers which are shuffled and recombined to generate novel music in a manner analogous to the qaida model.
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Skapa ett framgångsrikt förbättringsarbete på AKzo Nobel Surface Chemistry i StenungsundFranzén, Mathias January 2012 (has links)
Dagens omgivning är full av osäkerhet, marknadssvängningar, geografiska förändringar i arbetskraft och den högteknologiska utvecklingen vilket utsätter nutidens organisationer för ständiga förändringar (Savery och Luks 2000). Detta innebär att företag på 2000-talet, genom att systematiskt förbättra verksamheten, oavbrutet måste hålla ner kvalitetsbristkostnader, minimera förluster och öka produktiviteten för att kunna bevara sin position på marknaden (Baghel, Bhuiyan och Wilson, 2005). I denna studie var syftet att skapa ett nytt arbetssätt och struktur för ett framgångsrikt förbättringsarbete på Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry Stenungsund. Studien bestod dels av ett teoriavsnitt med en litteraturstudie utifrån nutida forskning och även en kvalitativ undersökning genom djupgående intervjuer med 19 medarbetare från olika ansvarsnivåer och via en enkätundersökning som gick ut till resterande medarbetare. Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry är en del av Akzo Nobel koncernen som är en av världens ledande färgtillverkare. Koncernen har över 55 000 anställda i över 80 länder där ungefär 3600 anställda arbetar på ett 20-tal platser runt om i Sverige. Företaget bedriver förbättringsarbete genom daglig uppföljning ute i fabrikerna och på respektive avdelning. Dessutom samlas alla förbättringsförslag upp i en databas och en utvald styrgrupp analyserar och prioriterar dessa. Problemet är dock att det saknas struktur och systematik för hur förbättringsförslag och actionpunkter ska gå från idéer, till att genomföras och följas upp för att kunna driva igenom förbättringar. I detta projekt togs det fram en modell för hur företaget kan skapa förutsättningar för ettframgångsrikt förbättringsarbete genom att skapa en kreativ miljö för medarbetarna att arbeta i. Vidare poängterades vikten av att ledningen fokuserar på att generera kvalitet hos medarbetarna genom att fokusera på kärnvärden och emotionell kompetens. Därefter presenterades framtagen struktur med arbetssätt för att minimera ledtiden från förslag till genomförande och återkoppla detta genom givna forum och system. Vidare föreslogs att ledningen ska förbereda organisationen på att ett nytt förbättringsarbete är på väg och förklara varför detta är väsentligt för företagets framtida överlevnad. Detta kan skapa förutsättningar för att implementera förbättringsarbetet på ett framgångsrikt sätt med en positiv effekt på medarbetarna.
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Inomorganisatorisk kreativitet och innovation / Corporate creativity and innovationEricsson, Camilla, Dahlby, Tove January 2009 (has links)
This essay discusses organizational culture and focus on corporate creativity and innovation. The aim is to see which organizational factors that foster creativity and innovation in organizations. The essay will provide answer on how organizational culture can encourage creativity and innovation and how organizations can promote the rise of a creative work environment. The research design of this essay is a qualitative case study with interviews at Gotland Energi AB (GEAB). The interviews provided insight in factors that can foster creativity and innovation in organizations. The five factors recognised are; the organizations desire of creativity represented in the firm, encouragement, independence and freedom, quick testing of new ideas and economic assets. These factors are seen as part of the organizational culture as they contribute shared values and guidelines to the members of the organization. Creativity and innovation are seen as essential in the success of organizations therefore the result of this essay can help firms identify factors that foster creativity.
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The collaborative impact : writing a play with the collaboration of actorsLyall-Watson, Katherine January 2007 (has links)
How can a playwright share authorial control with a group of actors when creating a new play script? How does the individual playwright address matters of genre, form, style and structure to create a unifying theme, while remaining true to the dramatic intention and aesthetics of the group? What impact will the collaborators have on a playwright's work? Will they help or hinder the writing process? This exegesis closely follows the creation of a new play, The Woods, in a process where the playwright intended to facilitate a collaborative process with the actors rather than act as sole author. Issues arising in this mode of working include the real meaning of sole authorship, aesthetic integrity and creative power balance. The analysis of these issues will have relevance for theatre practitioners working in collaborative contexts.
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