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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cirkadiánní rytmy u sekundární řasy Chromera velia / Circadian rhythm of secondary alga Chromera velia

JONÁKOVÁ, Martina January 2011 (has links)
A life cycle of many known algae is influenced by the circadian clock. It seems probable that also Chromera velia, the closest known photosynthetic relative to Apicomplexa, uses circadian oscillator. We tested, if fluctuating of zoospore?s abundance is driven by the circadian clock. This rhythm is stable even in the constant light condition. Furthermore, three cryptochrome genes, involved in circadian rhythms, were sequenced and consequently phylogenetically investigated. Two of them were classified as CRY-DASH, the third is CRY-DASH-like. The rhythmicity of CRY-DASH expression in C. velia was also investigated. The level of expression was also tested under constant light and dark condition. It was suggested that expression of these genes is associated with the circadian oscillator. This is the first study of the circadian clock in C. velia.

Ultrafast dynamics of energy and electron transfer in DNA-photolyase

Saxena, Chaitanya 26 February 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Étude des rythmes biologiques de l'huître Crassostrea gigas et de leur perturbation par l’algue toxique Alexandrium minutum / Analysis of biological rhythms in the oyster Crassotrea gigas and of potential rhythm disruption by the harmful algae Alexandrium minutum

Mat, Audrey 27 November 2012 (has links)
Les rythmes biologiques constituent une propriété fondamentale de la vie, permettant aux organismes d’appréhender leur environnement et d’en anticiper les changements. Ces rythmes possèdent une double origine : une horloge moléculaire génère ces rythmes, qui sont ensuite synchronisés par des facteurs environnementaux. Si les organismes terrestres sont essentiellement soumis au rythme d’alternance jour/nuit, les espèces marines côtières et estuariennes occupent un biotope plus changeant encore : ils sont en effet également confrontés au rythme des marées. Pourtant, leurs rythmes biologiques sont à ce jour encore mal connus et les mécanismes moléculaires de(s) (l’) horloge(s) sous-jacente(s) ne sont pas caractérisés. Parallèlement, les efflorescences d’algues toxiques, en constante augmentation depuis 1970, constituent un problème écologique majeur, tant local qu’international. Les objectifs du présent travail consistaient à caractériser les rythmes de référence de l’huître Crassostrea gigas et d’en déterminer l’origine (moléculaire, zeitgebers). Il s’agissait ensuite d’étudier les perturbations potentielles de ces rythmes par l’algue toxique Alexandrium minutum, qui produit des toxines paralytiques et est régulièrement présente dans de nombreuses mers du globe. Les travaux réalisés ont permis de mettre en évidence l’existence d’un rythme d’activité valvaire circadien, faible et dual, et n’a pas permis de supporter l’hypothèse de l’existence d’une horloge circatidale. Nous avons formulé l’hypothèse que, chez C. gigas, le rythme tidal est soit d’origine exogène, soit produit par l’horloge circadienne synchronisée par les marées. Les analyses moléculaires réalisées sur le gène circadien cryptochrome dans le muscle adducteur - effecteur du mouvement des valves - ont montré que ce gène oscille à une fréquence tidale dans le muscle strié, favorisant notre seconde hypothèse. Par ailleurs, au-delà des gènes de l’horloge, l’algue A. minutum réprime l’expression de gènes impliqués dans différentes voies métaboliques importantes : la lutte contre le stress oxydant (cat, gpx), la respiration mitochondriale (cox1), l’immunité (ilk), la détoxification (mdr). Finalement nos analyses ont permis de mettre en évidence un impact génotoxique d’A. minutum chez C. gigas. / Biological rhythms constitute a fundamental property of life, allowing organisms to anticipate and adapt to their changing environment. These rhythms present a double origin: they are generated by a molecular clock and synchronized by environmental cues. Whereas terrestrial organisms are mainly subjected to day/night alternation, coastal and estuarine marine species inhabit an even more cycling biotope. They are indeed also submitted to tides. Nevertheless, biological rhythms in marine species are still unrecognized and molecular mechanisms of the underlying oscillator(s) are to date not determined. At the same time, toxic algae blooms are increasing since the 1970s and represent a major ecological concern, both at local and international levels. An objective of the present work was the characterization of biological rhythms in the oyster Crassotrea gigas and of their origin (molecular mechanism, zeitgebers). Furthermore, the work was designed to study the potential disruption of these rhythms by the toxic algal of worldwide distribution Alexandrium minutum, which produces paralytic toxins. The present results show the existence of a weak and dual circadian rhythm of valve activity in the oyster, and do not provide evidence for the existence of any circatidal clock. We suggested that, in the oyster C. gigas, the tidal rhythm could either be generated exogenously or endogenously by the tidally-synchronized circadian clock. Molecular analyses performed on the circadian gene cryptochrome in the adductor muscle of oyster, the effector of valve movements, revealed that Cgcry oscillates at tidal frequency in the striated muscle. This result supports our second hypothesis. Furthermore, A. minutum represses the expression of genes involved in key metabolic pathways: struggle against oxidative stress (cat, gpx), mitochondrial respiration (cox1), immunity (ilk), detoxification (mdr). Moreover, A. minutum impacts C. gigas at DNA level, being thus genotoxic.
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Analyse de l'hypothèse de la perturbation des biorythmes par les champs magnétiques d'extrêmement basse fréquence: mécanismes possibles, impact en santé publique, protocoles de mise a l'épreuve / Analysis of the hypothesis of biorhythms disruption by extremely low frequency magnetic fields: possible mechanisms, public health impact, testing protocols

Vanderstraeten, Jacques 17 June 2013 (has links)
RESUME GENERAL<p><p>Contexte :une association entre exposition prolongée aux champs magnétiques (CM) d’extrêmement basses fréquences (ELF) et risque sanitaire a été établie pour la leucémie infantile (CM 50/60 Hz de l’électricité, RR = 2,0 pour ≥ 0,4 µT d‘intensité moyennée dans le temps) et est suggérée pour le décès par maladie d’Alzheimer (CM 50/60 Hz, CM 16,7 Hz des voies ferrées pour 21 µT d’intensité moyennée dans le temps) et pour certaines hémopathies chez l’adulte (CM 16,7 Hz). Ces associations restent inexpliquées à ce jour. Sur base d’observations animales (effets des CM ELF sur la sécrétion de mélatonine) d’une part, et de la sensibilité magnétique confirmée des cryptochromes (régulateurs des biorythmes) d’autre part, il a été suggéré que ces associations puissent être dues à une perturbation des biorythmes par les CM ELF. Selon les instances internationales, une intensité > 1 mT est requise pour l’existence d’effets biologiques. <p>Objectifs et méthode :sur base d’une revue exhaustive de la littérature et de modèles théoriques reconnus, le présent travail développe certains mécanismes possibles pour un effet perturbateur des biorythmes par les CM ELF. L’impact en santé publique de cette hypothèse est ensuite évalué. Enfin, des protocoles sont proposés pour sa mise à l’épreuve, tenant compte des mécanismes envisagés. <p>Résultats :la possibilité existe d’une interaction des oscillations ELF de l’intensité et/ou de l’orientation du CM (somme vectorielle du CM ELF et du CM terrestre ou CMT) avec les cryptochromes rétiniens. Chez l’animal magnétosensible (dont le rongeur), une perturbation des biorythmes pourrait être consécutive à un mécanisme non spécifique de perturbation sensorielle. Toute observation animale pourrait donc ne pas être extrapolable à l’Homme. Chez ce dernier, une perturbation des biorythmes pourrait être causée par les oscillations de l’intensité du CM (peut- être dès < 100 µT d’intensité de CM ELF). Une telle perturbation pourrait aussi être causée par les variations spatiales de l’intensité du CMT qui existent dans l’environnement résidentiel (proximité de structures métalliques). Par ailleurs, dans l’éventualité de l’existence, chez l’Homme également, d’une sensibilité directionnelle basée sur les cryptochromes rétiniens, les oscillations de l’orientation du CM pourraient alors aussi interférer avec ces cryptochromes (peut-être dès ≤ 10 µT). Dans l’hypothèse où une telle interférence affecte les biorythmes, seules pourraient alors être concernées les oscillations dont l’amplitude atteint plusieurs degrés d’angle. Un tel mécanisme ne pourrait donc s’appliquer à la relation entre CM ELF et leucémie infantile que dans l’éventualité où les intensités les plus élevées (+ 1 à 2 SD) de CM ELF y jouent un rôle. Au cas où l’hypothèse de la perturbation des biorythmes par les CM ELF se voyait confirmée, d’autres troubles de santé seraient alors concernés et d’autres sources de CM seraient en cause, tels les CM statiques d’intensité variable émis par les lignes de transport électrifié. Les paramètres d’exposition considérés devraient inclure l’orientation relative CM ELF/CMT, mais aussi l’intensité locale du CMT (facteur à la fois déterminant et confondant dans la présente hypothèse). L’expérimentation animale devrait investiguer l’expression des clock genes. L’expérimentation humaine devrait investiguer les biorythmes chez l’enfant. Et l’épidémiologie devrait investiguer l’incidence de troubles liés à une perturbation des biorythmes en relation avec l’exposition aux CM ELF ainsi qu’aux variations locales de l’intensité du CMT. <p>Conclusions :malgré les incertitudes persistantes quant aux fonctions précises des cryptochromes de la rétine humaine et quant à l’exactitude des modèles théoriques qui décrivent les interactions entre CM et cryptochromes, certains mécanismes paraissent possibles pour une interaction entre CM ELF et biorythmes. En l’absence persistante d’alternative valide pour l’explication de l’association entre CM ELF et leucémie infantile, l’hypothèse de la perturbation des biorythmes par ces CM paraît devoir être investiguée plus avant, mais en tenant compte des variations locales d’intensité du CMT. <p>Background: An association between prolonged exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields (MF) and health risk has been established for childhood leukemia (50/60 Hz MF of electricity, RR = 2.0 for ≥ 0.4 µT of time-averaged intensity) and is suggested for death by Alzheimer's disease (50/60 Hz MF, 16.7 Hz MF of railways at 21 µT of time-averaged intensity) and for some hematologic malignancies in adults (16.7 Hz MF). These associations remain unexplained so far. Based on animal studies (effects of ELF MF on melatonin secretion) on the one hand, and on the confirmed magnetic sensitivity of cryptochromes (regulators of biorhythms) on the other hand, it has been suggested that these associations may be due to a disruption of biorhythms by ELF MF. From current data, however, biological effects seem only possible at > 1 mT of intensity.<p>Objectives and methods: on the basis of an exhaustive literature review and with use of recognized theoretical models, this paper develops some possible mechanisms for disruption of biorhythms by ELF MF. The public health impact of this hypothesis is then evaluated. Finally, protocols are proposed for the testing of it, with taking into account the proposed mechanisms.<p>Results: an interaction seems possible between ELF oscillations of the intensity and/or the orientation of the ambient MF (the vector sum of both the ELF MF and the geomagnetic field or GMF) with retinal cryptochromes. In magnetosensitive animals (including rodents), disruption of biorhythms may then be secondary to a non-specific mechanism of sensory disturbance. All animal observation could therefore not be extrapolated to humans. In the latter, on his turn, a disruption of biorhythms may be caused by the oscillations of the MF intensity (perhaps from <100 µT of ELF MF intensity). Such disruption could also be caused by spatial variations of the intensity of the GMF that exist in residential environment (near steel structures). Moreover, in case of the existence in humans (like in animals) of a directional sensitivity based on retinal cryptochromes, then the oscillations of the MF orientation also could interfere with these cryptochromes (perhaps from ≤ 10 µT). In the event that such interference affects biorhythms, only oscillations of several degrees of amplitude would then be concerned. As a consequence, such a mechanism could apply to the relation between ELF MF and childhood leukemia only in the event that the highest MF intensities (Mean + 1-2 SD) also play a role in that relation. In the event the hypothesis of disruption of biorhythms by ELF MF is confirmed, other health problems would be concerned and other kind of MF would be involved, such as the static MF of variable intensity that are emitted by the lines of electrified transport. The considered exposure parameters should include the relative orientation of ELF MF and GMF, but also the local intensity of GMF (both determining factor and confounder in this case). Animal experiments should investigate the expression of clock genes. Human experimentation should investigate biorhythms in children. And epidemiology should investigate the incidence of disorders related to disruption of biorhythms in relation to exposure to ELF MF as well as to local variations in the intensity of the GMF.<p>Conclusions: Despite the persisting uncertainties about the precise functions of retinal cryptochrome as well as about the accuracy of the theoretical models that describe the interactions between MF and cryptochromes, some mechanisms seem possible for an interaction between ELF MF and biorhythms. In the persisting absence of valid alternative explanation for the association between childhood leukemia and ELF MF, the hypothesis of biorhythm disturbance by ELF MF deserves further investigation, however with taking into account local intensity variations of the GMF.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Dynamique quantique de transferts d'électron dans des systèmes environnés à fort couplage / Quantum dynamics of electron tranfer in strongly coupled environments

Mangaud, Etienne 12 July 2016 (has links)
Les transferts d'électron sont au cœur de nombreux processus d'intérêts chimiques, biologiques ou photochimiques comme, par exemple, dans la technologie du photovoltaïque ou la photosynthèse où ils ne sont que rarement isolés. Par ailleurs, des résultats expérimentaux tendent à montrer que les phénomènes quantiques, notamment les superpositions d'états ou cohérences, peuvent se maintenir sur l'échelle de temps du transfert d'électron même en présence d'un environnement. Dans ce travail, le transfert d'électron est étudié dans trois types de systèmes moléculaires. Le premier est un transfert intermoléculaire dans une hétérojonction oligothiophène-fullerène modélisant une interface de séparation de charge pour de futures cellules photovoltaïques organiques. Le second est un transfert intramoléculaire dans des composés organiques à valence mixte où l'on étudie l'effet d'un pont avec une chaîne croissante de n-paraphénylènes dans des polymères aromatiques avec des sites donneur-accepteur (1,4-diméthoxy-3-méthylphénylènes). Le troisième est le transfert intermoléculaire dans une chaîne de tryptophanes dans une chromoprotéine cryptochrome. Dans tous ces cas, une attention particulière est portée à une modélisation réaliste. Dans ce contexte, il est crucial de faire une partition judicieuse entre l'ensemble des degrés de liberté et de décrire proprement l'interaction entre ceux impliqués dans le transfert et ceux qualifiés d'environnement. A cette fin, un hamiltonien décrivant un système électronique donneur-accepteur couplé à un bain d'oscillateurs harmoniques a été paramétré en utilisant notamment la méthode de la DFT contrainte (cDFT). Le bain d'oscillateurs a été décrit par une analyse en modes normaux ou via la fluctuation de l'écart énergétique obtenue par des calculs de type QM/MM. Les systèmes étudiés présentent tous des environnements fortement couplés et structurés nécessitant d'explorer des stratégies peu conventionnelles. Dans un modèle d'environnement formé d'un nombre fini d'oscillateurs traités explicitement, le traitement dynamique nécessite d'utiliser des méthodes multidimensionnelles telles que la méthode multi-couches multiconfigurationnelle de produits de Hartree dépendant du temps (ML-MCTDH). Dans l'approche de dynamique dissipative où le bain intervient seulement par ses propriétés statistiques il est alors nécessaire de se tourner vers une méthode non perturbative telle que les matrices hiérarchiques. A côté de ces approches exactes, une autre stratégie consiste à effectuer une transformation de coordonnées afin de définir une coordonnée collective incluse avec le système électronique qui est elle-même couplée à un bain secondaire. La propagation dynamique peut alors être effectuée par une équation-maîtresse approchée s'appuyant sur la théorie de perturbation. Comme principaux résultats, nous analysons en détail le domaine de validité des différentes méthodes utilisées puis expliquons le comportement dynamique des différents cas amenant à une délocalisation facile ou à un piégeage de la charge. Par là même, nous montrons que la méthodologie proposée, appliquée à des systèmes-modèles dans ce travail, est bien adaptée pour l'analyse de l'influence mutuelle entre le transfert de charge et les déformations nucléaires, une situation prototypique pour de nombreux processus importants dans les systèmes chimiques et biologiques. / Electron transfer reactions are at stake in several chemical, biological or photochemical processes of great interest as, for instance, photovoltaic technology or photosynthesis where they are rarely isolated. Furthermore, experimental results show that quantum phenomena, notably superpositions of states or coherences, can persist on the time scale of the electron transfer even in the presence of an environment. In this work, electron transfer is studied in three types of molecular systems. The first one is an intermolecular transfer in an oligothiophene-fullerene heterojonction modelling a charge separation interface for future organic photovoltaic devices. The second one is an intramolecular transfer in mixed-valence organic compounds where the bridge effect of an increasing n-paraphenylens chain is studied on aromatic polymers with donor-acceptor sites (1-4,dimethoxy-3-methylphenylens). The third one is an intermolecular transfer in a tryptophan chain of a cryptochrome chromoprotein. In all these cases, a special attention is given to realistic modelling. In this context, it is crucial to define carefully the partition between the degrees of freedom, in particular amongst those implied in the transfer and those qualified to be part of an environment. To this end, a Hamiltonian describing a donor-acceptor electronic system coupled to a bath of harmonic oscillators is parameterized using the constrained DFT method (cDFT). The oscillators' bath is described by a normal mode analysis or via the electronic gap fluctuation obtained by QM/MM calculations. The systems under study turn out to be strongly coupled, and structured which requires to explore non-conventional strategies. In a model environment constituted of a finite number of oscillators treated explicitly, the dynamics is performed by multidimensional quantum propagation methods such as the multi-layer multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method (ML-MCTDH). In the dissipative approach, where the bath acts only by its statistical properties, it is mandatory to turn to non-perturbative methods such as the hierarchical equations of motion approach. Apart from these exact approaches, an alternative strategy consists in carrying out a change of coordinates in order to define a collective bath mode included in the electronic system, which itself is coupled to a secondary bath. The dynamical propagation can then be done by an approximated quantum master equation using perturbation theory. As main results, we show in detail the domain of validity of the different methods presented and explain the dynamical behaviour of the different cases leading to an easy delocalization or a trapping of the charge. Hence, we show that the methodology applied in model systems are well suited for the analysis of the mutual interplay between the charge transfer and nuclear deformations, a prototypical situation in many important chemical and biological processes.
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Unravelling novel molecular targets for photobiomodulation in human hair follicle towards the development of more effective light-based therapies for hair growth

Buscone, Serena January 2017 (has links)
Light and optical techniques have made a profound impact on modern medicine both in diagnostics and in therapy. Therapeutic action of light is based on photomechanical, photothermal, photochemical and photobiological interactions, depending on the wavelength, power density, exposure time and optical properties of tissue and cells. Last decade experienced a growing rise of commercial devices for management of hair growth, where all of them are based on low levels of light resulting into photobiological, non-thermal interaction of photons with cells, a process that recently has received an official term ‘photobiomodulation’. However, the design and analysis of the reported clinical studies are highly debated in a wider scientific community. The picture is further complicated by a virtual lack of proof about the exact molecular targets that mediate the physiological response of skin and hair follicles (HF) to low levels of light. The goal of this project was to investigate the expression of light-sensitive receptors in the human HF and to study the impact of UV-free blue light on hair growth ex vivo. The expression of Cryptochromes 1 and 2 (CRY1, 2), Opsin 2 and 3 (OPN2 and OPN3), but not other Opsins 1, 4 and 5 was detected in the distinct compartments of skin and anagen HF. Evaluation of the physiological role of detected light-sensitive receptors on hair growth was performed by the modulation of photoreceptors activity in HF ex vivo model. HFs treated with KL001, a stabilizer of CRY1 protein that lengthens the circadian period, delayed HF anagen-catagen transition; while silencing of CRY1 induced premature catagen development accompanied by reduced cell proliferation. Silencing of CRY1 in the HF outer root sheath (ORS) cells in vitro caused downregulation of ii genes involved in the control of proliferation; including the cyclin dependent kinase 6 (CDK6). OPN3 also had a positive effect on metabolic activity and proliferation of the ORS cells in vitro. OPN3 silencing resulted in the altered expression of genes involved in the control of proliferation and apoptosis. Investigated CRY1, OPN2 and 3 greatly absorb in the blue to green-region of the visible spectrum. This led us to investigate the effect of blue light on HF growth. Daily treatment with blue light (453 nm, 3.2 J/cm2, 16 nm full width half maximum) prolonged anagen phase in HF ex vivo that was associated with sustained proliferation. In addition, blue light (3.2 J/cm2) significantly stimulated proliferation of ORS cells in vitro. This effect was abrogated by silencing of OPN3. To summarize, CRY 1, OPN 2 and OPN 3 are expressed in the distinct compartments of the HF, including HF stem cells. Blue light (453 nm) at low radiant exposure exerts a positive effect on hair growth ex vivo, potentially via interaction with OPN3. The further research should be conducted to decipher interactions between blue light and the investigated receptors in the HFs. In addition, the beneficial effect of blue light at low radiant exposure on hair growth raises a possibility of increasing therapeutic efficacy when combined with topical chemistry used for management of hair growth.
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Fotomorfogeneze: vliv světla na procesy vývoje rostlin ve výuce biologie na školách / Fotomorfogeneze: the effects of irradiation on plant development in the eductational programs of basic schools and highschools

Sedlecký, Libor January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis was creation of functional experiments and supporting teaching materials for high school students which would clearly demonstrate the processes of photomorphogenesis in plants. Proposed experiments had to be verified in practice on the basis of their reliability, repeatability and reproducibility in schools. It was necessary to drew up the educational materials for each experiment focused on observation of photomorphogenesis plant's reactions. These materials give students the basics of scientific work and specifically they increase the interest in experimental plant biology. The first part of the thesis is literary introduction that provides the theoretical background to the topic of photomorphogenesis for teachers. It summarizes the current of the art mechanisms and manifestations of photomorphogenesis processes of plants. The second didactic part of the introduction deals with the framing up teaching of plant physiology into current curricula of education in the Czech Republic. For the formativ of educational materials experiments had to be designed to demonstrate reliably basic photomorphogenetical processes. Three experiments were designe dat: 1. plant phototropism, 2. negative plant phototropism and 3. plant scotomorphogenesis.To select these experiments I...
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Mixotrophic Magnetosome-Dependent Magnetoautotrophic Metabolism of Model Magnetototactic Bacterium Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1

Mumper, Eric Keith 20 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Unravelling novel molecular targets for photobiomodulation in human hair follicle towards the development of more effective light-based therapies for hair growth

Buscone, Serena January 2017 (has links)
Light and optical techniques have made a profound impact on modern medicine both in diagnostics and in therapy. Therapeutic action of light is based on photomechanical, photothermal, photochemical and photobiological interactions, depending on the wavelength, power density, exposure time and optical properties of tissue and cells. Last decade experienced a growing rise of commercial devices for management of hair growth, where all of them are based on low levels of light resulting into photobiological, non-thermal interaction of photons with cells, a process that recently has received an official term ‘photobiomodulation’. However, the design and analysis of the reported clinical studies are highly debated in a wider scientific community. The picture is further complicated by a virtual lack of proof about the exact molecular targets that mediate the physiological response of skin and hair follicles (HF) to low levels of light. The goal of this project was to investigate the expression of light-sensitive receptors in the human HF and to study the impact of UV-free blue light on hair growth ex vivo. The expression of Cryptochromes 1 and 2 (CRY1, 2), Opsin 2 and 3 (OPN2 and OPN3), but not other Opsins 1, 4 and 5 was detected in the distinct compartments of skin and anagen HF. Evaluation of the physiological role of detected light-sensitive receptors on hair growth was performed by the modulation of photoreceptors activity in HF ex vivo model. HFs treated with KL001, a stabilizer of CRY1 protein that lengthens the circadian period, delayed HF anagen-catagen transition; while silencing of CRY1 induced premature catagen development accompanied by reduced cell proliferation. Silencing of CRY1 in the HF outer root sheath (ORS) cells in vitro caused downregulation of ii genes involved in the control of proliferation; including the cyclin dependent kinase 6 (CDK6). OPN3 also had a positive effect on metabolic activity and proliferation of the ORS cells in vitro. OPN3 silencing resulted in the altered expression of genes involved in the control of proliferation and apoptosis. Investigated CRY1, OPN2 and 3 greatly absorb in the blue to green-region of the visible spectrum. This led us to investigate the effect of blue light on HF growth. Daily treatment with blue light (453 nm, 3.2 J/cm2, 16 nm full width half maximum) prolonged anagen phase in HF ex vivo that was associated with sustained proliferation. In addition, blue light (3.2 J/cm2) significantly stimulated proliferation of ORS cells in vitro. This effect was abrogated by silencing of OPN3. To summarize, CRY 1, OPN 2 and OPN 3 are expressed in the distinct compartments of the HF, including HF stem cells. Blue light (453 nm) at low radiant exposure exerts a positive effect on hair growth ex vivo, potentially via interaction with OPN3. The further research should be conducted to decipher interactions between blue light and the investigated receptors in the HFs. In addition, the beneficial effect of blue light at low radiant exposure on hair growth raises a possibility of increasing therapeutic efficacy when combined with topical chemistry used for management of hair growth.
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Applications of optical-cavity-based spectroscopic techniques in the condensed phase

Li, Jing January 2014 (has links)
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) and cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy (CEAS) are two well-established absorption spectroscopic techniques originally developed for gas-phase samples. Condensed-phase applications of these techniques still remain rare, complicated as they are by additional background losses induced by condensed-phase samples as well as the intracavity components in which the sample is constrained. This thesis is concerned with the development and application of optical-cavity-based techniques in the condensed phase. Polarization-dependent evanescent wave CRDS (EW-CRDS) has been used to study the molecular orientation at the solid/air and solid/liquid interfaces. An increase in average orientation angle with respect to the surface normal has been observed for both methylene blue and coumarin molecules as a function of coverage at the fused silica/air interface. An orientation-angle-dependent photobleaching of pyridin molecules at the fused silica/methanol interface have also been observed. EW-CRDS has also been used to monitor slow in situ photobleaching of thin dye films deposited on the prism surface. The photobleaching dynamics is interpreted as a combination of first- and second-order processes. A significant fraction of this thesis has been devoted to studying magnetic field effects (MFEs) on the kinetics of the radical pair (RP) reactions in solution, in an effort to understand the ability of animals to sense the geomagnetic field. Two novel optical-cavity-based techniques – broadband CEAS (BBCEAS) and CRDS have been developed for this purpose. BBCEAS uses a supercontinuum (SC) source as the cavity light source and a CCD camera as photodetector, enabling simultaneous acquisition of absorption spectrum across the whole visible region (400 – 800 nm). In CRDS, a tunable optical parametric oscillator has been used as the cavity light source. Combined with the switching of external magnetic field (SEMF) method, this technique allows the decay kinetics of the geminate RPs to be monitored, with nanosecond resolution. Both BBCEAS and CRDS provide sensitivity superior to single-pass transient absorption (TA), a technique traditionally used in the MFE studies. A series of photochemical systems have been studied by BBCEAS and CRDS, respectively, among which, the MFEs of drosophila melanogaster cryptochrome has been observed. Importantly, this is the first time an MFE has been observed in an animal cryptochrome, and provides key supporting evidence for the cryptochrome hypothesis of magnetoreception in animals. Besides the optical-cavity-based techniques, a novel fluorescence detection method of MFEs has also been demonstrated. This technique proved ultrahigh sensitivity when applicable.
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