Spelling suggestions: "subject:"curative.""
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Passages et connexions : adapter artistiquement et médiatiquement les témoignages de personnes vivant avec un trouble anxieuxBoucher, Aurélie 12 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche-création. L'annexe 3 contient, à des fins d'archivage, une version texte (accompagnée de captures d'écran) du site web produit dans le cadre de la recherche. Les vidéos incluses ici font partie des fichiers multimédia présentés sur le site web. / Les troubles anxieux sont parmi les troubles de santé mentale les plus fréquents au Canada. En plus de sa prévalence sur le plan pathologique, l’anxiété consiste aussi en un état dont la plupart des humains feront l’expérience au cours de leur vie. Cela en fait un point de départ intéressant pour aborder l’enjeu plus large de la santé mentale. Les troubles anxieux, comme plusieurs autres maladies et incapacités, sont souvent invisibles, ce qui peut rendre leur expérience plus difficile pour ceux et celles qui en sont atteint∙e∙s. Ce projet de recherche-création aborde cette problématique en pensant aux possibilités et aux formes du « rendre visible ». De façon plus spécifique, son objectif est d’explorer et de comprendre comment des témoignages de personnes vivant avec un trouble anxieux peuvent être adaptés artistiquement et médiatiquement. En ce sens, le projet comportait trois étapes de recherche : 1) la collecte, par la méthode du récit de vie thématique, de deux témoignages de personnes vivant avec un trouble anxieux, 2) une adaptation artistique de ces témoignages réalisée par deux artistes invité∙e∙s, 3) la rétroaction face à l’œuvre des personnes ayant offert leur témoignage. La recherche a permis à la fois d’analyser le passage entre l’expérience vécue et l’œuvre d’art créée, mais aussi d’investiguer, par des entretiens semi-dirigés, la façon dont les artistes et les personnes ayant offert leur témoignage vivent ce processus. Dans l’esprit de la recherche-création, le projet propose aussi de communiquer à un grand public, par le biais du web, les témoignages, les créations et les résultats de cet échange. Me basant sur la pratique de la « curation », j’ai entrepris une adaptation (médiatique), dont le résultat est une exposition virtuelle appelée Anxiogenèse. Cette dernière, en plus de viser la sensibilisation à la réalité des troubles anxieux, m’a permis de réfléchir de façon plus personnelle à l’adaptation comme procédé créatif. Enfin, l’analyse des entretiens de recherche a mis en lumière divers résultats clés : comment plusieurs éléments extérieurs au matériel original contribuent au processus d’adaptation; comment les participant∙e∙s interprètent le passage du témoignage à l’œuvre selon des rapports de représentation abstraite, métaphorique et littérale; comment, sans s’être rencontré∙e∙s, les participant∙e∙s échangent indirectement entre eux; et, finalement, comment le concept d’adaptation prend divers sens au cours du projet, incluant lors du travail curatorial. / Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health issues in Canada. Not only is anxiety prevalent in a pathological form, it is also a state most human beings experience during their life, which makes it an interesting starting point to approach the issues surrounding mental health in general. Anxiety disorders, as other illnesses and disabilities, are often invisible. This makes them all the more challenging to live with. This research-creation project engages with this problem by reflecting on how we can “make visible”. More precisely, it aims to explore and understand how testimonies of persons living with an anxiety disorder can be adapted through arts and media – and therefore be rendered visible in various ways. The research was undertaken in three stages: 1) the collection, through the topical life story method, of testimonies by people living with an anxiety disorder, 2) artistic adaptions of these accounts by invited artists, 3) receiving feedback from the participants who had offered their testimony about the adaptation of their story. The research project allowed me to investigate how experiences of anxiety disorders can be translated into art, but also how the people involved in such a process (both artists and those sharing their story) experience this process. In the spirit of research-creation, I also set forth to share the stories, art pieces and knowledge resulting from this exchange to a larger audience through the medium of the web. Guided by the concept of curation, I endeavoured a second (media-oriented) adaptation phase, resulting in an online exhibition, Anxiogenèse. This allowed me to reflect in a more personal way about adaptation as a creative process, in addition to contributing to raising awareness about anxiety disorders. Finally, analysis of the research data highlights a few key ideas: on the ways in which elements that are external to the original testimony contribute to the adaptation process; on how participants construe the adaptations of the testimonials in ways that are literal, metaphorical and abstract; on the ways that the participants connect and relate to each other despite not having met; and lastly, on how the concept of adaptation takes on various meanings throughout the project, including through the curation process.
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Data curation for qualitative data reuse and big social research / Connecting communities of practiceMannheimer, Sara 12 September 2022 (has links)
In den letzten Jahren haben Innovationen bei Datenquellen und Methoden für die sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung zugenommen. Diese Forschungsarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Auswirkungen dieser Innovationen auf drei Praxisgemeinschaften besser zu verstehen:
qualitativ Forschende, Big Social Data Forschende und Datenkurator*innen. Folgenden Forschungsfragen werden behandelt. RQ1: Wie unterscheidet sich die Kuratierung von Big Social Data und qualitativen Daten? RQ2: Welche Auswirkungen haben diese Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede auf die Kuratierung von Big Social Data und qualitativen Daten und was können wir aus der Kombination dieser beiden Communities lernen? Ich beantwortete diese Fragen durch eine Literaturrecherche, in der ich Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen qualitativer Datennachnutzung und Big Social Data identifizierte. Dann führte ich semi-strukturierte Interviews mit den drei Praxisgemeinschaften durch. Die Analyse identifizierte sechs Schlüsselthemen für die qualitative Datennachnutzung und Big Social Data: Kontext, Datenqualität und Vertrauenswürdigkeit, Datenvergleichbarkeit, informierte Einwilligung, Datenschutz und Vertraulichkeit sowie geistiges Eigentum und Dateneigentum. Ich habe außerdem fünf weitere Themen identifiziert: Domänenunterschiede, Strategien für eine verantwortungsvolle Praxis, Fragen der Datenpflege, Menschen oder Inhalte als Untersuchungsobjekte sowie unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte und Ansätze. Die Verbindung dieser drei Praxisgemeinschaften kann ein breiteres Verständnis der Schlüsselfragen unterstützen und zu verantwortungsbewussteren Forschungspraktiken führen. Datenkurator*innen verfügen über die Fähigkeiten und Perspektiven, um zwischen den Praxisgemeinschaften zu übersetzen und eine verantwortungsvolle qualitative Nachnutzung von Daten und Big Social Data zu unterstützen. / Recent years have seen the rise of innovations in data sources and methods for social science research. This research aims to better understand the impact of these innovations on three communities of practice: qualitative researchers, big social researchers, and data curators. I address the following research questions. RQ1: How is big social data curation similar to and different from qualitative data curation? RQ1a: How are epistemological, ethical, and legal issues different or similar for qualitative data reuse and big social research? RQ1b: How can data curation practices support and resolve some of these epistemological and ethical issues? RQ2: What are the implications of these similarities and differences for big social data curation and qualitative data curation, and what can we learn from combining these two conversations? I answered these questions through a literature review, in which I identified issues in common between qualitative data reuse and big social research. Then I conducted semi-structured interviews with the three communities of practice. The research identified six key issues for qualitative data reuse and big social research: context, data quality and trustworthiness, data comparability, informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, and intellectual property and data ownership. I also identified five additional themes: domain differences, strategies for responsible practice, data curation issues, human subjects vs. content, and different focuses and approaches. Connecting these three communities of practice can support a broader understanding of the key issues and lead to more responsible research practices. Data curators have the skills and perspectives to translate between communities of practice and provide guidance for responsible qualitative data reuse and big social data.
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Semantic representation of provenance and contextual information in scientific researchBrahaj, Armand 15 November 2016 (has links)
Semantic-Representation-Provenance-Contextual-Information-Scientific-Research Die Computer- und Informationstechnologie ist eine der größten Errungenschaften des letzten Jahrhunderts -- eine Revolution, welche die Art und Weise beeinflusst, auf die wir im täglichen Leben auf technische und soziale Problemen reagieren. Obwohl diese Technologien bereits Forschungsaktivitäten an sich beeinflussen, so ist zu erwarten, dass sie auch einen Einfluss auf das Publizieren und Teilen von Forschungsergebnissen haben werden. Bisher wurden in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen nur in geringem Maße Daten beigefügt. Forschungförderungseinrichtungen drängen zu konkreten Lösungen zum Verbreiten, Teilen und Wiederverwenden von Forschungsergebnissen. Berichte wie “Riding the Wave - How Europe can gain from the rising tide of scientific data” der High Level Expert Group on Scientific Data der Europäischen Kommission zeichnen eine Vision, bei der die Herausforderungen einer Diversität an Datenformaten, Menschen und Gemeinschaften durch die Anwendung technischer, semantischer und sozialer Eigenschaften der Interoperabilität vermieden werden. Diese Forschung adressiert derartige Herausforderungen aus einer technischer Perspektive. Fokus dieser Arbeit ist die Exploration eines neuartigen Ansatzes zur Unterstützung der Kuration (Sichtung und Korrektur) von Forschungsdaten mittels der Entwicklung einer Methodologie und mittels der Definition eines automatischen Datenkurationsprozesses in welchem Daten auf einfache Weise annotiert werden können. Ein Beitrag besteht in einem formalen Modell (COSI), welches die Integration großer Mengen an Metadaten erlaubt, welche als logische Konzepte behandelt werden können anstatt nur als Literale. Diese Konzepte werden in einer Ontologie definiert, welche, unter anderem, Inferenzen und Schlussfolgerungen ermöglicht. Der zweite Beitrag dieser Arbeit besteht in einer pragmatischen Lösung die es erlaubt, Metadaten on-the-fly zu annotieren. / Computational and information technology is one of the biggest advancement of the last century, a revolution that is influencing the way we approach social and technical problems in our day to day life. While these technologies have already influenced the research activity per sé, it is to be expected that these innovations will significantly influence the publishing and sharing of scientific results as well. So far, scientific publications have relied on limited result data attached inline in research paper publications. Establishments supporting research are pushing for concrete solutions that allow dissemination, share and reuse of research results. Reports such as “Riding the Wave - How Europe can gain from the rising tide of scientific data” of the High Level Expert Group on Scientific Data, European Commission (High Level Expert Group on Scientific Data, October 2010) presents a vision where the challenges of diverse data formats, people and communities are avoided due to the application of technical, semantic and social features of interoperability. This research is an effort to address similar concerns from a technical perspective. Focus of this research is the exploration of a novel approach on supporting research data curation by developing a method and defining an automated data curation process where data can be easily annotated. As a contribution, this work offers a formal model (COSI) that allows integration of plentiful metadata that can be treated as logic concepts and not merely as literals. These concepts are defined in an ontology that allows among other actions, inference and reasoning operations. The second contribution of this work is associated to a pragmatic solution that facilitates annotation of metadata on the fly. This solution is referred as sheer curation and shows how data can be annotated (based on COSI) and published while investigations are executed.
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Digital curation of records in the cloud to support e-government services in South AfricaShibambu, Badimuni Amos 05 January 2021 (has links)
Many scholars lament of poor infrastructure to manage and preserve digital records
within the public sector in South Africa to support electronic government (egovernment).
For example, in South Africa, the national archives’ repository and its
subsidiary provincial archives do not have infrastructure to ingest digital records into
archival custody. As a result, digital records are left to the creating agencies to manage
and preserve. The problem is compounded by the fact that very few public sector
organisations in South Africa have procured systems to manage digital records.
Therefore, a question is how are digital records managed and stored in these
organisations to support e-government? Do public organisations entrust their records to
the cloud as an alternative storage given the fact that both physical and virtual storages
are a problem? If they do, how do they ensure accessibility, governance, security and
long-term preservation of records in the cloud? Utilising the Digital Curation Centre
(DCC) Lifecycle Model as a guiding framework, this qualitative study sought to
explore digital curation of records in the cloud to support e-government services in
South Africa with the view to propose a framework that would guide the public sector
to migrate records to the cloud storage. Semi-structured interviews were employed to
collect data from the purposively selected Chief Information Officers in the national
government departments that have implemented some of the electronic services such
as the Department of Arts and Culture, Department of Home Affairs, Department of
Higher Education and Training and the Department of Basic Education.
Furthermore, the National Archives and Records Services of South Africa was also
chosen as it is charged with the statutory regulatory role of records management in
governmental bodies. So is the State Information Technology Agency (SITA), a public
sector ICT company established in 1999 to consolidate and coordinate the state’s
information technology resources in order to achieve cost savings through scale,
increase delivery capabilities and enhance interoperability. Interview data were
augmented through document analysis of legislation and policies pertaining to data
storage. Data were analysed thematically and interpreted in accordance with the
objectives of the study. The key finding suggests that although public servants
informally and unconsciously put some records in the clouds, government departments in South Africa are sceptical to entrust their records to the cloud due to a number of
reasons, such as lack of policy and legislative framework, lack of trust to the cloud
storage, jurisdiction, legal implications, privacy, ownership and security risks. This
study recommends that given the evolution of technology, the government should
regulate cloud storage through policy and legislative promulgation, as well as
developing a government-owned cloud managed through SITA in order for all
government departments to use it. This study suggests a framework to migrate paperbased
records to cloud storage that is controlled by the government. / Information Science / D.Lit. et Phil. (Information Science)
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Die präkustodiale Intervention als Baustein der Langzeitarchivierung digitaler SchriftstellernachlässeWeisbrod, Dirk 05 November 2015 (has links)
Der Computer ersetzt in den letzten Jahrzehnten zunehmend analoge Schreibwerkzeuge und Kommunikationsmittel. Das hat auch Auswirkungen auf den Schaffensprozess von Schriftstellern, die ihre Aufzeichnungen immer häufiger als digitale Objekte hinterlassen. Für Literaturarchive stellt sich folglich die Aufgabe, zukünftig auch digitale Schriftstellernachlässe zu übernehmen und zu archivieren und hierfür eine Langzeitzeitarchivierungs-Strategie zu entwickeln. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Zeitraum vor der Übernahme eines Nachlasses durch ein Literaturarchiv und stellt die Frage, welche Maßnahmen Nachlasskuratoren in Zusammenarbeit mit Schriftstellern ergreifen können, um die Langzeitarchivierung zu ermöglichen. Nachlässe sind in diesem Zeitraum noch die persönlichen Archive von Schriftstellern. Der Eingriff von Seiten der Kuratoren in persönliche Archive wird in dieser Arbeit als präkustodiale Intervention bezeichnet. Die Arbeit erörtert zunächst die theoretischen Grundlagen dieser Fragestellung und arbeitet die Notwendigkeit der präkustodialen Intervention in Schriftstellerarchive heraus. Anhand eines Literaturberichtes zeigt sie, dass der Forschungsstand in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz im Vergleich zu den englischsprachigen Ländern defizitär ist und identifiziert Ursachen für diesen Befund. Zudem werden aus der Literatur mögliche Maßnahmen der präkustodialen Intervention entnommen und weiterentwickelt. Daraufhin überprüfen Experteninterviews in ausgewählten Literaturarchiven sowie eine Schriftsteller-Befragung diesen Befund und reichern ihn mit weiteren Daten an. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Literaturrecherche und des empirischen Teils wird die Einrichtung einer Cloud-basierten Arbeits- und Archivierungsumgebung für Schriftsteller als Hauptbestandteil einer Interventions-Strategie für Literaturarchive vorgeschlagen. / In recent decades, the computer has been displacing increasingly analogue writing tools and means of communication. This has an impact on the creative process of writers as well who leave their records more and more as digital objects. Therefore, special collections are being confronted with the task to acquire and archive digital papers in the future and to develop a digital preservation strategy for them. The present thesis deals with the period before the acquisition of papers and manuscripts by a special collection and brings up the question what kind of measures curators could take in cooperation with writers in order to make digital preservation possible. During this period, papers are still the personal archives of writers. The intervention in personal archives on the part of the curators is referred to as pre-custodial intervention. The work initially discusses the theoretical foundations of this question and exposes the need of pre-custodial intervention in writers archives. By means of a literature review the thesis shows that the state of research in Germany, Austria and Switzerland compared to English-speaking countries is deficient and identifies reasons for this finding. In addition, possible actions of pre-custodial intervention are taken from the literature and developed further. Thereupon, expert interviews in selected special collections as well as an online survey of writers review this findings and fill them with other data. Based on the results of the literature review and the empirical part, a cloud-based archiving and working environment for writers is proposed as the main component of an intervention strategy for special collections.
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<strong>TOWARDS A TRANSDISCIPLINARY CYBER FORENSICS GEO-CONTEXTUALIZATION FRAMEWORK</strong>Mohammad Meraj Mirza (16635918) 04 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Technological advances have a profound impact on people and the world in which they live. People use a wide range of smart devices, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), smartphones, and wearable devices, on a regular basis, all of which store and use location data. With this explosion of technology, these devices have been playing an essential role in digital forensics and crime investigations. Digital forensic professionals have become more able to acquire and assess various types of data and locations; therefore, location data has become essential for responders, practitioners, and digital investigators dealing with digital forensic cases that rely heavily on digital devices that collect data about their users. It is very beneficial and critical when performing any digital/cyber forensic investigation to consider answering the six Ws questions (i.e., who, what, when, where, why, and how) by using location data recovered from digital devices, such as where the suspect was at the time of the crime or the deviant act. Therefore, they could convict a suspect or help prove their innocence. However, many digital forensic standards, guidelines, tools, and even the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cyber Security Personnel Framework (NICE) lack full coverage of what location data can be, how to use such data effectively, and how to perform spatial analysis. Although current digital forensic frameworks recognize the importance of location data, only a limited number of data sources (e.g., GPS) are considered sources of location in these digital forensic frameworks. Moreover, most digital forensic frameworks and tools have yet to introduce geo-contextualization techniques and spatial analysis into the digital forensic process, which may aid digital forensic investigations and provide more information for decision-making. As a result, significant gaps in the digital forensics community are still influenced by a lack of understanding of how to properly curate geodata. Therefore, this research was conducted to develop a transdisciplinary framework to deal with the limitations of previous work and explore opportunities to deal with geodata recovered from digital evidence by improving the way of maintaining geodata and getting the best value from them using an iPhone case study. The findings of this study demonstrated the potential value of geodata in digital disciplinary investigations when using the created transdisciplinary framework. Moreover, the findings discuss the implications for digital spatial analytical techniques and multi-intelligence domains, including location intelligence and open-source intelligence, that aid investigators and generate an exceptional understanding of device users' spatial, temporal, and spatial-temporal patterns.</p>
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