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"Nekrolog dietrichštejnské knihovny": Osud mikulovské zámecké knihovny mezi dvěma světovými válkami / "The Obituary of the Dietrichstein Library": The Story of the Mikulov Manor Library between the Two World WarsKaucká, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
The Master's thesis follows the unusual fate of the castle library in Mikulov. This library belonging to the family of Dietrichstein-Mensdorff-Pouilly was sold off through auctions in the times of the so-called Czechoslovak First Republic (1933, 1934). A part of its stock became a property of today's Moravian provincial library in Brno and some of the old manuscripts were sold to other institutions in Czechoslovakia. The thesis focuses on the position of the aristocratic family of the Dietrichsteins which was connected with the legal institution of fideicommissum, the cancellation of which led to the selling off of the Mikulov castle library. Moreover, the thesis deals with a comparison of the above mentioned situation and the other castle library sales between the two world wars. Over 200 000 items were sold from the Mikulov library, most of them being old and valuable books. Key words: fideicommissum, Mikulov, Nicolsburg, Dietrichstein family, aristocratic libraries, history of libraries
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Etické principy konfucianismu ve vedení asijských podniků / Confucian ethical principles in managing Asian companiesŽuchová, Marcela January 2014 (has links)
Citation Confucian ethical principles in managing Asian companies: Diploma Thesis / Marcela Žuchová; supervisor: ThLic. Mgr. Denisa Červenková -- Praha, 2014. -- 86 p. Abstract The thesis "Confucian ethical principles in managing Asian companies" will present the ethical principles of Confucianism that affect the current management of Asian companies at Eastern Asia. The work will introduce with history of Confucianism, its influence on the culture in Asian countries and with some dominant elements, which over the centuries strengthen to certain ethical standards determinating the way of today's management of Chinese, Korean and partly Japanese companies. Many of these companies do operate in western countries with different cultural tradition based on Christianity. Presenting of some ethical principles in Asian management in the context of cultural traditions allows for deeper intercultural understanding. Keywords Ethics, Confucianism, Confucian Ethics, Management, Cross-Cultural Management, Cross- Cultural Psychology
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Politika, historie, paměť: politické využívání minulosti ve Francii od 90. let 20. století / Using of the Past in France from 1990s till PresentEmler, David January 2014 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Institute of International Studies Modern History PhD. Thesis POLITICS, HISTORY, MEMORY: POLITIC USES OF THE PAST IN FRANCE SINCE 1990s David EMLER Abstract The PhD. thesis analyzes the triangle of mutual influences between politics, history and memory. The introduction brings interpretations of the most important French concepts of memory (Halbwachs, Nora, Ricœur). The content is divided into three chapters, analyzing the mutual interactions of politics and history (so-called "memory laws" and reactions of historians), influences between memory and politics (uses of memory in presidential speeches), and mutual effects between history and memory (development of French historiography of contemporary history).
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Vývoj chápání pravdy od presokratiků k Platónovi a její smysl v dějinách očima Martina Heideggera / The evolution of conception of truth from the presocratics to Plato and its meaning in the history from the perspective of Martin HeideggerŠtěrba, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is based on Heidegger's conception of truth that was forming in his thinking from the beginning of the thirties of 20th Century. We follow the change of the conception of truth in history from Heidegger's perspective, namely on Anaximandros, Parmenides and Plato. We look upon this subject through chosen Heidegger's texts concerning presocratics and truth, along with Plato's dialog Parmenides and an anonymous commentary to it from an unknown author from the late antiquity. For Heidegger the way of Being of a man is changing in history, based on the transformation of mans relation to Being. The relation is linked with a transformation of the conception of truth. The way how we uncover the beings in the world and what does the being mean to us is connected to that too. That is why we can say that in the way how we understand the truth is equally shown how we understand ourselves and the world. We are therefore looking on the conception of truth through Heidegger's concept of history, which is according to him rooted in the transformation of one's relation to Being itself. That affects not only how and from what a man understands himself in the world (and therefore affects the transformation of the conception of truth throughout history), but also whether and how a man asks about the Being...
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Domov odpočinku v Rozsochatci 1952-1956 / Retirement home in Rozsochatec 1952-1956Julišová, Adéla January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a microhistorical case study into the field of regional history. It examines the work of the state institutional social care facility - Retirement home in the village Rozsochatec, where the nursing staff cared for the elderly and non-independent people. The staff consisted of nuns of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and several laical helpers between 1952 and 1956. Moreover, the daily life was shaped by the presence of the Roman Catholic priest, as well as by the constant supervision of the district church secretary. The main purpose of this work is an insight into the everydayness of this specific social facility - medical and nursing care, supplying, meals, hygiene, home cleaning and, last but not least, leisure time, spiritual and political life inside the Retirement home are explored. In addition, the work deals with individual actors (social groups) and the chateau building in the village Rozsochatec, in which the social care institution was located. It describes the relationship of the socialist state to the nuns after 1948 and portray one small religious community. This diploma thesis is based on the field archival and oral-historical research and provides insight into the 1950s against a background of emerging state social care. Keywords:...
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Komunistické dějiny v českém národním dějinném příběhu --- Případová studie české učebnice dějepisu pro střední školy / Communist History in the Czech National Historical Narrative --- A Case Study of Czech Secondary Education History TextbookQian, Nana January 2021 (has links)
Nana Qian Abstract After the collapse of the communist rule, how to collectively-memorize and narrate its Communist past in the contemporary context has been an urgent and critical mission for the Czech Republic. Interpretations and portrayals of the communist state have experienced a fluctuating path, from complete rejection to indifference and empathy. An examination of the re-interpretation of the Czech communist history to its younger generation could be an effective approach for a clearer and overall understanding of Czech communist history narration. Meanwhile, history textbooks are, to a great extent, representations of the authoritative narrative. Therefore, while drawing on the rich literature on both the studies of historical narrative and especially Czech communist history, the interpretation of Czech communist history narration in this research is focused on the close examination of a Czech secondary education textbook. This thesis argues that in addition to stating and explaining the general historical facts, the textbook utilizes emotionally descriptive expressions, selective depiction, and an indictive comparison to highlight a narrative of discontent and distrust towards the communist regime and the Soviet oppression while endorsing democratic values and the market economy of the West.
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"Zapomenuté myšlenky středověku a Životní cyklus myšlenky ve středověku" / "Lost Ideas of Middle Age and Lify Cycle of Idea in Middle Age"Koutský, Karel January 2013 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT This work consists of two parts. The first one, "Lost Ideas of Middle Age" has a character of an auxiliary study and does not hold any particular scientific ambitions. It serves as a reservoir for monitored case out of history of science in its widest meaning. Good deal of attention is dedicated to so called blind alleys of science, too (therefore "Lost Ideas"), as they are considered an important source. This wide scope was necessary due to the task of the second part of the work, i.e. tracking and identification of evolutionary processes of ideas/"memes" in medieval natural philosophy. Even those ideas, that do not directly share on "pedigree" of thesis claimed by modern science, were subject to evolution and in effect, even their death or degeneration should be of an interest. Another reason for chosen wide scope was a question of proper context. Medieval philosophers were interested in general questions and any particular problematic they were interested in was related to the "big picture". Medieval universe felt a bit like a living organism where every single part played its specific role in supporting harmony of the whole - in contrast to modern science which disintegrates into number of ever more specialised branches with increasing tendency to lose ability to communicate among themselves....
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Duchové dějiny v kontextu české a evropské historiografie 19. a 20. století / Intellectual History in the Context of Czech and European Historiography in 19th and 20the CenturyČtvrtník, Mikuláš January 2015 (has links)
The main thematic scope and basis of the PhD thesis is the specific movement in the historiography called duchové dějiny (in English partly misleading translation intellectual history) in the form, in which it was developed in German speaking lands as Geistesgeschichte, and in the Czech historiography as duchové dějiny outlined by Zdeněk Kalista. In the PhD thesis duchové dějiny is put into the wide context of the development of historical thinking and methodology in the 19th and 20th century. The PhD thesis treats the subdiscipline of duchové dějiny in many perspectives and at different levels and thematically is not enclosed by the boundaries of the duchové dějiny itself. The duchové dějiny is here in a way an optics through which one line of historiography and historical thinking in the 19th and 20th century is observed, treated and interpreted. The PhD thesis also aims to connect the history and its methodology with the archivistics and archival theory. In this way proposes the thesis certain solutions. Nowadays, duchové dějiny belongs rather to the marginal movements or subdisciplines in the historiography in the Czech and German speaking lands, contrary to intellectual history in Anglophone areas. In spite of this the PhD thesis tried to show, that the duchové dějiny is still alive,...
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Soudobý čínský pohled na vrcholový sport a na jeho roli ve vzestupu Číny / Contemporary Chinese perceptions of top-level sport and its role in rise of ChinaČížek, Petr January 2014 (has links)
& KEYWORDS The topic of this thesis is a metatextual analysis of representative Chinese publications about sport published in the post-Olympic era. Together they offer a comprehensive perspective of the sport in China. The thesis employs critical approach to examine Chinese perception of their own history, Chinese motivation to develop competitive sports, the state- run sports system in China, as well as various problems and challenges lying ahead of Chinese sport, ready to be tackled. Part of the thesis offers an analysis of linguistic and ideological aspect of the Chinese publications. The thesis also encounters the topic of the rise of China (i.e. People's Republic of China) and offers brief explanations in relation to the main topic rather than in a broader context. Keywords: modern history of China, history of sport, sport in China, competitive sports, state-run sports system, language & ideology, Marxism, People's Republic of China
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Rudolf II. a jeho doba z pohledu latinské barokní historiografie (Bohuslav Balbín, Tomáš Pešina z Čechorodu, Jan Florian Hammerschmid aj.) / Rudolph II. and his age from the view of the Latin baroque historiography (Bohuslav Balbín, Tomáš Pešina z Čechorodu, Jan Florian Hammerschmid etc.)Čepelák, Jiří Augustin January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the works of the Czech baroque in Latin writing authors of non- Catholic and Catholic confession: Pavel Stránský (1583-1657), Jan Amos Komenský (1592- 1670), Jan Laetus-Veselský (1609-1659), Julius Solimanus (1595-1639), Bohuslav Balbín (1621-1688), Tomáš Pešina of Čechorod (1629-1680) and Jan Florián Hammerschmidt (1652- 1735). The focus of the thesis is (apart from the comparism of the point of view of the authors on personality and reign of Rudolph II. with the aspect on the ideal of the sovereign at that time) the description of their life and work as well, because some of them haven't been subject of interest of the researchers so far. The thesis brings also the stylistic and content escription of their historiographical works and selected passages from them are edited in the final part of the work.
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