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Vývoj čínského práva rodinného po roce 1949 s přihlédnutím k jeho římskoprávním aspektům / The Development of the Chinese Family Law taking into account its Roman Law AspectsPlatzerová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The thesis concerns with the development of the Chinese family law during the 20th century, presents legal sources in relation to the historical development and describes the basic aspects of the Chinese family law with regard to similar aspects of the ancient Roman law. Explains the significance of the social stability in legal context from the end of the Qing dynasty up to the present, describes the importance of the neoconfucian ideology to the family law and the role of the law in the Chinese society in general. The thesis is divided into several parts, the first one begins with the period of the end of the Qing dynasty at the turn of the 20th century, describes the historical circumstances of the founding of the first Chinese Republic, explains the principles of the then family and social relations in detail, especially the structure of the traditional family, the significance of the ancestor worship, the scope of the agnatic relationship and its relation to the property rights, the importance of the marriage and the system of mutual dependency of the family members. The thesis further expounds the attempt to reform the traditional family after the 1911 revolution, the circumstances of the creation of the Civil Code, the contents of the Chapter IV of the Code and their significance to the...
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Mariánské Lázně a jejich hosté. Místo setkávání kulturních a politických elit střední Evropy / Mariánské Lázně and its guests. Meeting point of cultural and political elite of central Europe.Hrajnohová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the phenomenon of attendance of Marienbad and its region in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century, when travelling for health and progress of tourism in spas became an inseparable part of social, economic and political life. The thesis shows everyday spa life in this period from the point of view of spa visitors, at the same time emphasizes social and economic aspect of given problems of history, as well as progress of tourism and travelling in this area. The thesis is regionally focused, but it has also more general overlap to the question of balneology and health resorts in European benchmark. The thesis shows Marienbad as a cosmopolitan place - meeting point of cultural, political, economic and territorial elite.
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Velkostatek města Sušice. Od městských (šosovních) vesnic k robotní abolici a jejím výsledkům / Borough landed estate of Sušice. From borough villages to abolition of corvee and its resultsLhoták, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Jan Lhoták Borough landed estate of Sušice. From borough villages to abolition of corvee and its results (abstract) The aim of this doctoral thesis lies in its contribution to a complex problem of economic development of Czech landowning towns in the post-White Mountain period. The research is focused on a selected problem of town feudalisation, i. e. analysis of the importance as well as extent of their seignorial activities. Czech historiography has dealt with such a topic rather marginally, because towns used to be understood as a strange element in feudal environment, which on the contrary created conditions for social modernisation. Aristocratic (chamber) or church landed estates used to be studied as a matter of priority. Introductory chapter balances current research on the topic of borough landed estates. General survey of the research in Western Europe is presented first. Seignorial ambitions of towns are part and parcel of a vast outlined study of mutual relation between the town and the country. The topic has already been applicated in archaeology and medievistics. For the Early Modern period the research has been fragmented between agrarian and urban history, the methods of which approach the topic with various results (above all the work of Adolf Zeman about Pilsen and Rokycany in the 18th...
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K analýze vojenského významu olomoucké pevnosti v období válek o rakouské dědictví a sedmileté války / Military Importance Analysis of the Olomouc fortress in the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years' WarBorovský, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
Military Importance Analysis of the Olomouc fortress in the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years' War Jiří Borovský Abstract The thesis focuses on a role played by the city of Olomouc during the War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748) and the Seven Years' War (1756-1763). Between 1741-1742, almost all Moravian territory became an operational space for armies of the Prussian king Friedrich II. The Prussians took the city of Olomouc, too, and made it their most important military and logistic base within the occupied territories. As soon as the War of Austrian Succession was over, the fortress of Olomouc was rebuilt fundamentally: It took a mere decade of an immense building activity and Olomouc became the most modern bastion fortification in the whole Danubian Monarchy. Shortly after the works had been finished in 1758, the Prussians invaded Moravia again in order to seize the city again. The author analyses both Prussian campaigns to Moravia. The thesis mainly deals with the conditions that involved both Austrian and Prussian parties at the beginning of the war. It draws comparison between both armies involved, and between the actual results of the wars, too. In particular, the author focuses on the comparison of the role of the fortress during the two conflicts as well as on the differences...
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Kapitoly ze života Ladislava Malého (1862-1956) / Chapters from Ladislav Malý's Life (1862-1956)SLADKOVSKÁ, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to describe the personality and life of Ladislav Malý (1862-1956), a teacher, writer, traveller and amateur national historian, who put forward the foundation of the Museum of Příbram. The thesis also tries to situate Ladislav Malý's life into the context of the era and to assess his importance in the history of Příbram, the Příbram region and the Habsburg monarchy, respectively the Czechoslovak Republic. The third task of the thesis is to assess if Ladislav Malý fits in this context and whether or not, in some way, he is out of it. The story about Ladislav Malý is not strictly chronological. As the title "Chapters from Ladislav Malý's Life" sais, the individual aspects of his life (teacher's work, writing, traveling, etc.) are described separately to make them easier to understand and to place them in the overall picture of the era of second half of the 19th century till the middle of the 20th century.
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Středověká ves a její přírodní prostředí. Modelové příklady (8.-15. století). / Medieval village and its natural environment. Model studies (8th-15th century).Janovský, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with the natural environment of two selected deserted medieval localities - Jevany-Dubina (Prague-East District) and Hol (Capital City of Prague). This work consists of two relatively independent parts. The first theoretical part describes chemical processes occurring in forest soils, and anthropogenic impact on soil. The second part is the actual research associated mainly with the study of agricultural land use and the variability of the natural environment influenced by man. The research of the Jevany-Dubina site consisted of an additional geodetic survey, a description of all relics, a surface collection and a geophysical survey. Selected procedures partially helped to interpret the parts of the settlement and its function. We conclude that a farmstead with guardians was most probable. The main part of the thesis is devoted to a geochemical research in the intravilan and extravilan of the deserted medieval village Hol. The greatest attention was paid to the interpretation of phosphorus (P) distribution in soil. Another of the issues dealt with in this thesis was the extent to which residents fertilized their fields and gardens around the village. Higher values of anthropogenic P in soil have been documented only in the intravilan of the village. Farther away from the...
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Jaroslav Průšek a československá sinologie. Mezi politikou, vědou a fascinací. / Jaroslav Průšek and Czechoslovak Sinology. Between politics, science and fascination.Zádrapová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Jaroslav Průšek and Czechoslovak Sinology. Between politics, Science and Fascination. Abstract This thesis deals with the beginnings of Czechoslovak Sinology in the context of the political and social situation during the post-War period, posing the question: what factors played a decisive role in that process? The study focuses on a few main areas: Jaroslav Průšek, the founder of Czechoslovak Sinology, as an individual actor whose personality combined an engaged approach to social affairs with intellectual honesty based on direct contact with the culture under study (especially its language and literature), and his contribution to building Sinology as a scientific discipline. Of necessity, that was explicitly tied to the contemporary political situation, which shaped scientific practice through the cooperation of all loyal actors, at the ideological as well as institutional and personal level. Through a discourse analysis of contemporary texts, mainly by Průšek, we follow these continuities diachronically: the development of Průšek's thought on China from his student days in the 1920s, through his stay in China and Japan in the 1930s and the particular war years, until the post-War (and post-1948) period; as well as synchronically: the links to the period's mentality, created by shared values. We further...
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Osídlení ve východním zázemí středověké Prahy: podoba vsí a proměny sídelní sítě (12.-16. století). / Settlements in the eastern hinterland of the city of Prague: the villages and transformation of the settlement system (12th-16th centuries).Košařová, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis is a contribution to the knowledge concerning settlement structures and appearances of villages in the eastern hinterland of medieval Prague. The work focuses on the microregion situated in the basin of the Rokytka stream. Based on archaeological and written sources, contemporary settlement network is reconstructed, inclusive of its transformations taking place between the 12th and 16th centuries. The core section of the thesis includes processes and interpretation of the results revealed during the rescue archaeological excavation in the territory of the deserted medieval village Babice. Considering the microregion within its wider context of Prague hinterland allows evaluating its economic potential and its relation to the High Middle Ages city.
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Mimoevropské kultury v zrcadle vybraných operních libret 18. století. Pokus o typologii / Non - European Cultures in the Mirror of Selected Eighteenth Century Opera Libretti. An Attempt to TypologyPšenička, Jan January 2016 (has links)
English abstract The master's thesis deals with different representations of non-European cultures and their inhabitants in musical dramas (operas and related genres) of the eighteenth century. Firstly it gives some typical characteristics of these musical artworks in historical context (focusing on Italian and French examples especially) than it concentrates on the topic of so-called exoticism in general. The final part of the thesis which is based on three case studies formulates some typical approaches to the problem of representation of non- european cultures by analyzing musical settings, stage representations and especially librettoes of three important operatic works by Vivaldi (Motezuma), Graun (Montezuma) and Rameau (Les Indes Galantes). The topic of exoticism in Handel 's selected operas is mentioned in a short survey. Keywords: 18th century, music history, opera history, Italian opera, French opera, exoticism, inrercultural relationships, comparative studies
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Výuka církevního práva na teologických a právnických fakultách v Českých zemích v letech 1918-1989 / Education in Ecclesiastical Law at Faculties of Theology and Law in the Czech Lands in the Years 1918-1989Nohel, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The work deals with the history of teaching religious-legal subjects of theology and law in the Czechlands in the years 1918-1989. The author examines the structure of all subjects thematically related to canon law and describes changes depending on the legislative and historical contexts of individual time periods. The work also maps the roles of different lecturers at universities that have been providing religious-legal subjects. Moreover, the author mentions major publications of those teachers. In its conclusion the thesis presents structured medallions of the teachers mapping their studies, subsequent exposure to individual universities, their publishing and other relevant activities in ecclesiastical structures. Complete lists of religious-legal subjects are then included in separate annexes chronologically grouped separately for each university.
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