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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les experts de l’insertion.Sociologie des fédérations de l’insertion par l’activité économique / The experts of job integration : sociology of federations of agencies for integration via economic activity

Gérome, Clément 11 December 2017 (has links)
L’insertion par l’activité économique (IAE) regroupe des associations et des entreprises quimettent au travail des chômeurs « en difficulté » afin de faciliter leur accès ultérieur à l’emploi.Cette thèse se penche sur l’action des fédérations de structures d’insertion. Positionnées àl’interface entre les responsables politiques et administratifs et les professionnels des structuresd’insertion, ces fédérations tentent de réguler les tensions et les controverses au sein de l’espacede l’IAE. À partir d’une enquête ethnographique reposant sur des observations participantes etdes entretiens avec des acteurs de l‘IAE, cette recherche met d’abord l’accent sur les stratégiesd’alliance et d’opposition entre fédérations. La thèse interroge ensuite la participation de cesdernières aux réformes de l’IAE. Si les fédérations se présentent comme les représentantes desintérêts des acteurs de l’IAE, elles se posent également en relais des injonctions de l’État enmatière de « performance » et de « bonne gestion ». Enfin, la recherche montre l’avènementd’une nouvelle génération d’experts de l’insertion, aux trajectoires sociales et aux aspirationsindividuelles ajustées aux attentes de ces fédérations. À la croisée d’une sociologie du travailassociatif et des politiques d’insertion et d’emploi, cette thèse entend apporter un éclairage à laquestion des transformations des politiques sociales mises en oeuvre par les associations. / Integration via economic activity (IEA) gathers different structures (associations andcompanies) that set to work unemployed in difficulty so that they may have a subsequent accessto employment. This thesis studies the action of federations of agencies for integration.Positioned at the interface between political and administrative officials and experts ofstructures for integration, these federations try to regulate tension and controverses within theIAE area. From an ethnographic survey based on participant observations and interviews withstakeholders of the IAE, this research first emphasizes strategic alliances and resistancebetween federations. The thesis then questions the involvment of the federations in the reformsof the IAE. If they claim to represent the interests of the IAE stakeholders, they also set themselves as representatives of government demands as far as «performance» and «goodmanagement» are concerned. Finally, this research shows the arrival of a new generation ofexperts in job integration, whose social trajectories and individual ambitions are ajusted to theneeds and expectations of these federations. This thesis is at the crossroads of a communitywork sociology and of policies in the field of employment and integration, and it also intendsto shed light on the problem of the social policies transformations implemented by theassociations.

Entrer en agriculture biologique : sociologie politique d’une professionnalisation sous contrainte (1945-2015) / Getting into organic farming : a political sociology of a constrained professionalisation (1945-2015)

Nicolas, Frédéric 08 November 2018 (has links)
Comment se fabriquent les vocations agrobiologiques ? Si l’émergence, l’institutionnalisation et la transformation de l’agriculture biologique en objet d’action publique laissent à penser qu’un segment professionnel s’autonomise, notre enquête montre que les agriculteurs biologiques ne peuvent entièrement échapper à l’action de la profession et de l’encadrement agricoles ainsi qu’aux systèmes de classement produits par leurs pairs. Derrière l’enjeu technique qui consiste à produire sans intrants de synthèse se jouent en effet des luttes pour définir et contrôler le titre d’agriculteur. Ces luttes se jouent à un niveau institutionnel et interpersonnel et ont pour effet de délimiter les frontières du territoire professionnel. De ce point de vue, la figure de « l’agriculteur professionnel » (pratiquant une agriculture à temps complet, intensive et spécialisée) continue à structurer l’économie morale du groupe professionnel et son segment agrobiologique : la sélection et la hiérarchisation des représentants, des encadrants et des producteurs s’opèrent alors en fonction de leur plus ou moins grand ajustement à cette forme d’agriculture. Dès les années 1950, la sélection des dirigeants agrobiologiques s’opère sur leur acceptation de la division de plus en plus réglée des tâches de représentation, de conception, d’encadrement et de production. C’est ce que nous montrons dans un premier temps à partir de l’analyse des archives de la société Lemaire-Boucher et des archives personnelles de Raoul Lemaire, à la fois producteur, boulanger, entrepreneur, sélectionneur et homme politique. L’homme échoue dans sa croisade morale en faveur de l’agriculture biologique précisément parce qu’il se situe à l’intersection d’espaces occupés par des agents de plus en plus spécialisés. À partir d’entretiens semi-directifs, d’observations directes et d’un questionnaire auprès du personnel scientifique et technique participant au contrôle des vocations agrobiologiques, nous analysons ensuite ce contrôle, qui s’opère à bas bruit et de manière indirecte depuis les années 1980. La focale portée sur le processus d’institutionnalisation du segment et sur les logiques de recrutement et de travail des agents d’encadrement permet de montrer que la sélection des agriculteurs biologiques s’opère d’abord par la sélection de ceux qui les sélectionnent. De ce point de vue, l’émergence d’une nouvelle forme d’agriculture n’entraîne pas mécaniquement l’émergence d’un espace d’encadrement autonome : d’un côté, la construction de l’agriculture biologique comme objet de recherche légitime contribue à isoler les chercheurs des agriculteurs — et donc à renforcer les effets du processus de professionnalisation — ; d’un autre côté, l’institutionnalisation de l’agriculture biologique contribue à la naissance d’un appareil d’encadrement dual reposant sur une division morale du travail, entre des organisations et agents d’encadrement favorisant la reproduction de la figure de l’agriculteur professionnel et d’autres dont l’action consiste à ménager des espaces où l’hétérodoxie reste possible.Le contrôle des vocations agrobiologiques s’opère aussi entre agriculteurs, comme l’analyse la troisième partie, basée sur une enquête à dominante ethnographique en Midi-Pyrénées. Nous y montrons que les coûts d’entrée, de sortie et de maintien en agriculture biologique sont différenciés selon l’origine et la trajectoire sociales des agriculteurs, mais également selon la valeur de leur patrimoine de ressources au sein du groupe professionnel agricole. Tant leurs choix professionnels que leur style de vie sont évalués à l’aune de l’idéal modernisateur et professionnel de l’après-guerre. Dès lors, l’origine agricole, le capital symbolique procuré par le diplôme d’agronome, les ressources d’autochtonie, le capital économique et le patrimoine sont autant de ressources qui permettent à certains agriculteurs biologiques d’être considérés comme de « bons professionnels ». / How does one get into organic farming? Even though it has gained its autonomy as a segment, organic farming is not free from the structural constraints imposed to farmers as an occupational group. To produce food without any pesticides is not only a technical matter. Behind that lies a struggle to define and control who is licensed to be a farmer. This struggle takes place both at an institutional and interpersonal level and revolves around the definition of farming. In that matter, the definition inherited from the “modernisation” period (from the 1950s onwards) still has consequences on the way farmers are selected, on the way extension services work and on the way farmers are represented by professional organisations. Our main aim is therefore to understand the effects of “professional farming” on the way people come to organic farming, practice it and talk about it, and on how it creates social and professional differentiation between organic farmers. First, we consider the effects of this new moral economy on the way organic farmers are represented. By analysing the archives of Raoul Lemaire, one of the first advocate of organic farming in France, we show that his moral crusade to represent small scale farmers – and organic farmers in particular – doesn’t succeed because the personal domination he wants to build his power on tends to be replaced by a less personal and more bureaucratic domination embodied by “la profession” : therefore, organic farming lacks visibility from the very beginning of its existence in France in the end of the 1950s. Then, relying on semi-structured interviews and on a survey, we emphasize that the institutional control of who is allowed to be an organic farmer doesn’t depend entirely on organic organisations. By focusing on the way people are recruited and work in specialised and non-specialised research and extension organisations, we show that the selection of the people who select farmers is paramount in reproducing the definition of the occupational territory inherited from the “modernisers”. Finally, relying on qualitative material (observations and semi-structured interviews mainly), we show that there are multiple ways to get into organic farming but also unequal means to resist to the modernisers’ moral economy: thus, being from a farmer’s background and/or being trained as an agronomist and/or having local social capital tend to differentiate some organic farmers form others. Therefore, the technical and symbolic unification of the farming occupational group that took place after 1945, still has important effects on the way the group, the organic segment and rural areas more generally are socially stratified.

An investigation into NHS health promotion specialists' ethical dilemmas about their work

Walters, Penny January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution de la pédagogie par les compétences à la motivation, à la réussite et à l'adaptation professionnelle de l'étudiant dans les formations du secteur sanitaire et social en France / The contribution of competence-oriented pedagogy to student’s motivation, achievement and professional adaptation with in health and social education in France

Laroudie, Bérangère 23 January 2019 (has links)
La pédagogie par les compétences est entrée dans les formations du secteur sanitaire et social, en France, depuis les années 2000. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’en explorer les effets sur la motivation, les résultats scolaires et l’adaptation professionnelle. La thèse s’appuie sur les théories constructiviste, socioconstructiviste, et sociocognitiviste. Dans ce cadre, trois enquêtes ont été menées, les deux premières auprès des étudiants et la dernière auprès des professionnels de terrains. Ces enquêtes ont permis de comparer deux groupes d’étudiants : un groupe ayant bénéficié d’une pédagogie par les compétences et un autre groupe ayant bénéficié de pédagogies traditionnelles. La thèse montre que les étudiants ayant bénéficié d’une pédagogie par les compétences ont moins d’amotivation, et plus de motivation extrinsèque (MEID et MERE). Leurs résultats scolaires sont aussi plus élevés. Par contre, ils semblent moins autonomes et moins aptes à transférer leurs connaissances. Ces résultats interrogent l’encadrement, la formation des encadrants, et l’emploi du portfolio et des unités d’intégration en formation. / Competence-oriented pedagogy has entered the training of the health and social sector in France since the year 2000. The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to explore the effects on motivation, academic achievement and professional adaptation. This doctoral dissertation is based on constructivist, socio-constructivist and socio-cognitivist theories. In this context, three surveys were conducted, the first two with students and the last one with professionals. These surveys compared two groups of students : a group that benefited from a competence-oriented pedagogy and another group that benefited from traditional methods.This doctoral dissertation shows that students who have benefited from a competence-oriented pedagogy have less amotivation, and more extrinsic motivation (MEID and MERE). Their school results are also higher. However, they seem less autonomous and less able to transfer their knowledge.These results question supervision, training of supervisors, and use of portfolio and integration units in training.

Die Lehrhospitation : ein hochschuldidaktisches Instrument im Professionalisierungsprozess von Hochschullehrenden / Lehrhospitation : a didactical tool to promote the process of professionalisation of teachers in higher education

Klingovsky, Ulla, Reich, Ria, Schmidt-Wenzel, Alexandra January 2010 (has links)
In diesem Beitrag werden das hochschuldidaktische Instrument der „Lehrhospitation“ und seine Relevanz im Professionalisierungsprozess von Hochschullehrenden als subjektwissenschaftlich begründetes vorgestellt. Damit richtet sich der Beitrag an Praktikerinnen und Praktiker in der hochschuldidaktischen Weiterbildung, deren Gegenstand die Professionalisierung des Lehrhandelns von Hochschullehrenden ist sowie an interessierte Hochschullehrende, die ihre Handlungsoptionen in der Lehre professionalisieren möchten. / This publication focuses on „Lehrhospitation“ as an instrument to audit and evaluate teaching in higher education. In doing so, it is figured how the implementation of it has an impact on the professionalisation of teaching staff. This contribution addresses on one hand practitioners who train the teachers in higher education and on the other hand interested teachers in higher education themselves, who are looking for improvement to their teaching - as a way of professionalisation.

The professionalisation of Scottish football coaches : a personal construct approach

Clarke, Peter Thomas January 2017 (has links)
Sports coaching has struggled to gain credibility as a profession. It has previously been described as a pseudo profession, though in recent years there have been a number of attempts to rectify this view in order to formally recognize coaching as a profession. Most literature on the professions focuses on the more established professions, with very little research undertaken into the professional development of football (soccer) coaches. The research undertaken examined the ways in which Scottish football coaches learnt their ‘trade’ once they had achieved their initial certification – in other words, how they became socialised into the profession of football coach in Scotland. In order to achieve this aim a number of different samples were examined. First, a sample of aspiring, young professional players were examined, followed by a sample of full time young professionals. Further, two samples of coaches undertaking their initial accreditation courses (SFA UEFA ‘B’ Licence and SFA UEFA ‘A’ Licence - this latter award being essential to become a full time professional football coach in Scotland). Finally, a sample of senior coaches (those that had been practising for at least five years) was examined. The methodology of choice was that of Personal Construct Psychology (PCP) which enabled an idiographic analysis of each coach to be carried out. Using the Repertory Grid (Repgrid) technique all samples, which were exclusively male, completed a grid and the group of senior coaches also had their grid data further analysed using the ‘Laddering’ approach, which enabled a more detailed set of core constructs to be derived. In addition, the development of the ‘Snake’ interview approach, enabled a more detailed examination of senior, elite coaches’tract development. This format enabled the senior coaches to describe perceived critical incidents that had occurred in their professional lives and discussed what meaning such incidents had in their professional development. Results indicated that there was a mismatch between what young professional players thought that coaches should do and what coaches actually did in their daily practice. Further, differences in constructs between “B” level, coaches and “A” level coaches and senior coaches were clearly definable. There was little evidence to support idealistic notions of what should happen in learning situations with senior professional coaches and reasons for such were discussed. It was argued that much more attention should be paid by the National Governing Body, the Scottish Football Association (SFA), to ensure that courses should be better structured to be more relevant to neophyte coaches in their initial learning. Thus, once these coaches become formally qualified (certificated) more precise mechanisms, in terms of realistic Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes, mentoring of coaches at all levels and the establishment and encouragement of ongoing and accepted communities of practice, coaches will benefit and develop as professionals from such continuous life-long learning opportunities.

Developing a professional identity : a grounded theory study of the experiences of pharmacy students undertaking an early period of pre-registration training

Quinn, Gemma L. January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Trainee pharmacists are required to undertake a work-based pre-registration training placement (PRTP) in order to qualify. Literature exploring how this placement influences the development of students’ professionalism is sparse, however it is acknowledged that placements offer learning that can not be replicated in an academic environment. Following recent recommendations for the PRTP to be split into two six-month placements, the “sandwich” Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) programme at the University of Bradford offers a unique opportunity to study the impact of an early PRTP. This project aimed to understand the experiences of “sandwich” students during their early PRTP and generate a theory explaining how professionalism develops during this time. Methods: A constructivist grounded theory approach was taken. Fourteen students who had recently completed their early PRTP were interviewed using semi-structured, face-to-face interviews. A constant comparative approach to analysis was taken. Findings: The process developing a professional identity emerged as the core category. This consisted of four interlinking stages; reflection, selection of attributes, professional socialisation and perception of role. Developing a professional identity occurred under the conditions of realising the reality of the profession, developing practical knowledge and skills and learning from mentors. The consequence of developing a professional identity was that participants felt they were now a trainee professional. Discussion and conclusion: The theory demonstrates that developing a professional identity was the main process that occurred whilst MPharm students were on their early PRTP. Regulatory, funding and educational organisations should consider this when reviewing pharmacists’ training and students’ approach on return to university.

O trabalho juvenil em perspectiva

Souza, Maria Inês Fontana Pereira de [UNESP] 16 August 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2001-08-16Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:39:02Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 souza_mifp_me_fran.pdf: 1551292 bytes, checksum: d99c5ad4c73eeccdf1299c12ff441a02 (MD5) / Neste estudo buscou-se conhecer a realidade concreta do trabalho juvenil diante dos avanços jurídicos, bem como das várias transformações ocorridas no mundo do trabalho hoje. Partiu-se do pressuposto de que a ambigüidade entre o factual e o legal e a necessidade da reversão desta realidade só se efetivará com um conjunto de ações integradas no tempo e espaço, pelas diferentes políticas publicas. O objetivo geral deste estudo, portanto, é analisar o processo de inserção do adolescente no mundo do trabalho, contribuindo para a ampliação do conhecimento científico sobre a questão social mundo do trabalho e trabalho juvenil. Para alcançá-lo, determinou-se como objetivos específicos: delinear a visão dos representantes dos vários órgãos envolvidos com a proteção dos direitos dos adolescentes no que tange ao trabalho; identificar as atividades produtivas, as condições de trabalho e a remuneração dos adolescentes pesquisados; verificar o grau de escolaridade e dificuldades encontradas pelos adolescentes relacionadas à Instituição Escola; constatar se a inserção profissional oportuniza a capacitação profissional. Para tanto, foram entrevistados adolescentes trabalhadores e representantes dos órgãos públicos do município de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo, ligados diretamente à questão. Os dados levantados demonstraram que o trabalho juvenil, embora existindo um aparato legal, continua trilhando por caminhos que necessitam de cuidados e revisões especiais para a formação da cidadania dos homens do amanhã, do contrário, frente à vulnerabilidade do segmento, estar-se-á sacramentando a exclusão social. / This study searches to know the exact reality of the youthful labour in front of the legal advances, as well as the many transformations occurred nowadays in the working world. The presupposition used was the ambiguity among the factual and the legal, as also the need of reversion of this reality, that will only take place within an entire collection of integrated actions in time and space, done by the different public policies. The general objective of this study is, therefore, to analyse the process of teenager introduction in the working world, contributing to the amplification of the scientific knowledge about the social question working world and youthful labour. In order to reach this, the determinated specific objectives were: sketch the vision of the representatives of several institutions involved in the protection of children rights as regards as the work; identification of productive activities; the conditions of the work and the remuneration of the investigated teenagers; find out the school degree and the difficulties faced by the teenagers related to the School Institution; confirm if the professional insertion opportunises professional capacity. So, worker teenagers had been interviewed as well the representatives of the public institution of Bauru Town, São Paulo State, Brazil, which were connected to the question. The raised up reports show that the youthful labour, although the legal pageantry, continues on a way that needs attentions and special revisions to be able to form the citizenship of the future men, otherwise, because of the segment vulnerability, the social exclusion will have been assumed.

O trabalho juvenil em perspectiva /

Souza, Maria Inês Fontana Pereira de. January 2001 (has links)
Orientador: Neide Ap. de Souza Lehfeld / Banca: Oris de Oliveira / Banca: Paulo de Tarso Oliveira / Resumo: Neste estudo buscou-se conhecer a realidade concreta do trabalho juvenil diante dos avanços jurídicos, bem como das várias transformações ocorridas no mundo do trabalho hoje. Partiu-se do pressuposto de que a ambigüidade entre o factual e o legal e a necessidade da reversão desta realidade só se efetivará com um conjunto de ações integradas no tempo e espaço, pelas diferentes políticas publicas. O objetivo geral deste estudo, portanto, é analisar o processo de inserção do adolescente no mundo do trabalho, contribuindo para a ampliação do conhecimento científico sobre a questão social "mundo do trabalho e trabalho juvenil". Para alcançá-lo, determinou-se como objetivos específicos: delinear a visão dos representantes dos vários órgãos envolvidos com a proteção dos direitos dos adolescentes no que tange ao trabalho; identificar as atividades produtivas, as condições de trabalho e a remuneração dos adolescentes pesquisados; verificar o grau de escolaridade e dificuldades encontradas pelos adolescentes relacionadas à Instituição Escola; constatar se a inserção profissional oportuniza a capacitação profissional. Para tanto, foram entrevistados adolescentes trabalhadores e representantes dos órgãos públicos do município de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo, ligados diretamente à questão. Os dados levantados demonstraram que o trabalho juvenil, embora existindo um aparato legal, continua trilhando por caminhos que necessitam de cuidados e revisões especiais para a formação da cidadania dos homens do amanhã, do contrário, frente à vulnerabilidade do segmento, estar-se-á sacramentando a exclusão social. / Abstract: This study searches to know the exact reality of the youthful labour in front of the legal advances, as well as the many transformations occurred nowadays in the working world. The presupposition used was the ambiguity among the factual and the legal, as also the need of reversion of this reality, that will only take place within an entire collection of integrated actions in time and space, done by the different public policies. The general objective of this study is, therefore, to analyse the process of teenager introduction in the working world, contributing to the amplification of the scientific knowledge about the social question "working world and youthful labour". In order to reach this, the determinated specific objectives were: sketch the vision of the representatives of several institutions involved in the protection of children rights as regards as the work; identification of productive activities; the conditions of the work and the remuneration of the investigated teenagers; find out the school degree and the difficulties faced by the teenagers related to the School Institution; confirm if the professional insertion opportunises professional capacity. So, worker teenagers had been interviewed as well the representatives of the public institution of Bauru Town, São Paulo State, Brazil, which were connected to the question. The raised up reports show that the youthful labour, although the legal pageantry, continues on a way that needs attentions and special revisions to be able to form the citizenship of the future men, otherwise, because of the segment vulnerability, the social exclusion will have been assumed. / Mestre

May I Interest You in a Freshly Brewed Presidential Candidate? : An Analysis of Presidential Campaign Television Advertisements in the United States, 1952-2016

Johansson, Simon January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to shed light on the relationship between the commercial advertising model AIDA (Awareness/Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) and political television advertising, with a historical perspective being of extra interest. In order to do so, the study made use of theories concerning the AIDA-model, representation, rhetoric (with focus on ethos, pathos, and logos), and the professionalisation of political communication. The methodology involved qualitative analyses of 18 official political campaign advertisements from nine United States presidential elections between the years 1952-2016. One issue-ad from each candidate (Republicans and Democrats only) from every other election was strategically chosen for examination. Each advertisement was then analysed both as it relates to its rhetorical content as well as its structure with the defined four stages of the AIDA-model in mind, with any potential patterns between the rhetoric and the structure being taken into account. The results of the study suggest that while the AIDA-model can be recognised in political television advertisements in the United States since the inception in the 1950s, the advertisements from the post-modern phase of the professionalisation of political communication (1985-) seem to place more emphasis, compared to the modern phase (1950s-1985), on the desire stage of the AIDA-model. Furthermore, no distinct differences could be found between the parties from a pure rhetorical and structural standpoint, and both appear to be on practically identical evolutionary paths. An explanation to this could be the escalating reliance on hiring independent experts and specialist to manage the various areas involved with running a political campaign, which is a characteristic of the ever-increasingly professional environment of political communication.

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