Spelling suggestions: "subject:"humidification.""
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Cooling Capacity Assessment of Semi-closed GreenhousesLee, Wee Fong 22 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparative life cycle assessment of two desiccant wheel dehumidifiers with industrial applicationOrtis, Astrid January 2022 (has links)
Humans spend around 80 percent of their lifetime indoors. The humidity level plays an essential part in indoor climate, both in non-industrial applications, such as thermal comfort, and industrial ones. Dehumidification is a technology in the field of thermal comfort and indoor climate to control humidity levels. The need for the technology is essential for maintaining indoor humidity levels and lowering dew points. Based on the lack of studies that focus on the complete life cycle of the given dehumidification technology as well as the recently introduced EU Taxonomy there is an urgent need to evaluate the environmental impacts of the dehumidification systems. In this thesis, a comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is performed for two desiccant wheel dehumidifiers with industrial application driven fully by electric energy The intent of the LCA is to quantify the environmental performance of the two dehumidifier systems throughout their lifetime. The scope of this study is cradle-to-grave and includes four main life stages: cradle-to-gate, usage, maintenance and end-of-life. The objective is to identify the main drivers of selected environmental impact categories in each life phase and suggest areas of improvement. Seven categories are chosen based on the ReCiPe 2016 impact assessment method and that are related to the planetary boundaries. The two commonly available dehumidifiers will be analysed separately and in comparison. The functional unit used is 1 kg of water removed from the air which is independent of the performance of the system and focuses only on the wanted effect of humidity control. A base case is defined and scenarios are developed to cover different operational modes. It is found that the usage stage which mainly consists of electricity demand contributes the most, varying between 65% and 99% of the overall impact in all categories. The cradle-to-gate stage, which shows the second biggest impact, has its most significant share in fine particulate matter formation, caused by the equipment for pre-treatment of air. Maintenance has the biggest variation depending on the scenario and application of the dehumidifiers where the number of maintenance occasions can vary significantly. This stage is however less crucial in the selected base case based on its small impact in most categories. End-of-life is insignificant for the results of this study having an average impact of less than 1%. The scenario analysis shows that a significant variation of the impact during usage is expected for different locations. This is mainly caused by the changing composition of the grid electricity which is identified overall main driver. The key parameters that influence the outcomes of this study are the operational hours of the systems, the target supply humidity as well as the climatic data. Potential for improvement is seen for an increased recycled content during the cradle-to-gate stage, the integration of sustainable energy technology as well as the connection of the systems to energy-efficient equipment during usage. Finally, it is concluded that an increase in material consumption may be tolerated by the systems if the energy performance is improved due to the dominating burden during the usage stage. The presented study may serve as example on how the EU Taxonomy can be applied within the field of dehumidification regarding environmental sustainability. It can also be used as a reference for further studies including the complete life cycle of dehumidifiers. Additional work may include other configurations of desiccant wheel dehumidifiers and extension to different assessment methods. / Människor spenderar cirka 80 procent av livet inomhus. Fuktighetsnivån är en viktig del av inomhusklimatet, både inom icke-industriella applikationer, såsom termisk komfort och industriella användningsområden. Avfuktning är en teknologi inom klimatkontroll inomhus och avlägsnar vattnet ur en luftström för att tillföra torr luft i rum. Den är väl ägnad om låga daggpunkter krävs. Möjliga användningsområden inom industrin är lagerutrymmen och förpackningsanläggningar, batteriproduktion, datacenter och farmaceutiska laboratorier. Denna studie har utförts eftersom det endast hittats ett fåtal studier som inkluderar hela livscykeln av sorptionsavfuktare. Utöver det så har EU taxonomin nyligen införts och den kan vara relevant för denna teknologi. Det finns därför ett behov att evaluera miljöpåverkan av dessa avfuktningssystem. I detta arbete utförs en jämförande livscykelanalys (LCA) av två rotorsorptionsavfuktare som används inom industrin och drivs av elektrisk energi. Meningen med denna LCA är att kvantifiera miljöpåverkan av de två systemen under hela livscykeln. Omfattningen av denna studie är ”från vaggan till graven” (eng. cradle-to-grave) och inkluderar fyra faser: tillverkning (eng. cradle-to-gate), användning, underhåll och demontering (eng. end-of-life). Syftet med arbetet är att kartlägga de centrala processer som driver miljöpåverkan, baserat på utvalda indikatorer och undersöka förbättringspotentialen. Sju kategorier från ReCiPe 2016 (som är en metod för miljökonsekvensbedömning) har valts ut för det baserat på de planetariska gränserna (eng. planetary boundaries). De två luftavfuktare analyseras enskilt och i jämförelse med varandra. Den funktionella enheten definieras som 1 kg vatten som tagits bort ur luften. Denna är oberoende av prestandan av systemet och beskriver endast avsedd effekt som är fuktighetskontroll. Utöver ett grundscenario har även olika scenarier utvecklats som beskriver varierande användning av avfuktaren. Resultaten visar att användningen som mestadels består av elförbrukningen bidrar som mest till miljöpåverkan i alla kategorier med en andel mellan 65% och 99%. Tillverkningsfasen har näst störst påverkan av alla livsfaser och är mest relevant för fina partiklar. Detta orsakas av utrustningen för förbehandling av luften. Underhållet visar störst variation beroende på scenariot och användningen av avfuktaren eftersom antal underhållningstillfällen kan avvika mycket. Denna livsfas är däremot mindre relevant i grundscenariot eftersom den utgör endast en liten andel av den totala påverkan. Demontering är irrelevant för resultaten och utgör i genomsnitt mindre än 1%. Scenarioanalysen visar att en stor variation väntas för olika användningsställen eftersom produktionen av elen påverkar resultaten betydligt. De avgörande parametrar i denna studie är drifttimmar, målvärdet för fukthalten och klimatet. Förbättringspotential anses finnas i andelen återvunnet material i produktionsfasen, såsom integrering av hållbar energiteknik och energieffektiva lösningar under användningen. Det konstateras att en ökad konsumtion av material kan vara gynnsamt om detta reducerar påverkan under användningen. Detta är baserat på den tydliga skillnaden i påverkan under drift jämfört med de resterande livsfaser. Studien kan ses som exempel hur EU taxonomin för miljömässig hållbarhet skulle kunna appliceras inom avfuktning. Den kan också användas som referens för ytterligare studier inom området av livscykelanalys. Fortsatt arbete kan utökas till flera konfigurationer av rotorsorptionsavfuktare, såväl som inkluderandet av andra metoder för miljökonsekvensbedömning.
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Optimalizace vzduchotechniky zimního stadionu / Optimization of air conditioning of the ice stadiumZach, Daniel Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis is divided into three parts: theoretical, calculation and experimental measurement. The issue of humid air and air-conditioning in winter stadiums is elaborately analysed in the theoretical part. In the calculation part, the dessertation focuses on the optimization of current draft of hockey hall air conditioning system. The hall is now in operation during the season, which means from September to March. In the dissertation are discussed two variants of the draft. The first variant is draft upgrade to year-round operation with condensing dehumidification. The second option is solved as a combination of air handler unit system and absorption dehumidification. This variant is also designed for seasonal and year-round operation of the ice rink. At the end of the dissertation are all of them compared in terms of annual costs. The experimental measurement is carried out on dehumidification of air from areas with high water gains, in this case swimming pool hall model. This problematics is solved by changing the speed of ventilator and using Peltier generator.
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Návrh vzduchotechniky v bazénové hale / Design of air conditioning in the swimmingpool hallMahovská, Adriana Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the issue of ventilation of swimming halls. In the theoretical part, I assess the general issue of air quality in the indoor environment and in swimming halls, ventilation methods and elements for air conditioning in air handling units. In the project part, a complete design of air conditioning for the swimming pool buildings. For ventilation of the pool are created 2 alternative variants of dehumidification of the pool hall and their economic comparison. The experimental part is devoted to the evaporation of water from the water area when moving through water attractions.
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Inneklimatet på Skoklosters slott : en studie av ett klimatexperiments första årJustin Moll, Adam January 2014 (has links)
Inneklimatet på Skoklosters slott är på vissa håll problematiskt. Mögelangrepp förekommer i somliga rum, främst sådana som är belägna i norrläge och därmed lite kallare än övriga rum. För att finna en lösning på mögelproblemen inleddes våren 2013 ett treårigt experiment vars syfte var att utröna om mögelproblemen skulle kunna undvikas med aktiv klimatstyrning, vilket inte funnits innan experimentet. Tre olika klimatstyrningsanläggningar installerades i tre rum på slottet, samtidigt som mätningar gjordes i referensrum utan aktiva åtgärder. De tre klimatstyrningsanläggningarna som valdes ut var avfuktning, skyddsvärme och fuktstyrd ventilation. I mars 2014 avslutades första året av experimentet.Ur mögelrisksynpunkt har inneklimatet i nästan alla rum, både försöks- och referensrum, varit relativt godartat. Sämst inneklimat uppmättes i skyddsvärmerummet, vilket förmodligen beror på rummets egna förutsättningar snarare än skyddsvärmen. Bäst inneklimat hade rummet med den fuktstyrda ventilationen, som gav ett oväntat bra resultat och dessutom var den av klimatstyrningsanläggningarna som var mest i bruk. Det är emellertid för tidigt att med säkerhet säga vilken av anläggningarna som vore bäst för slottet.Vid en diskussion om de antikvariska konsekvenserna av en genomgripande installation av en klimatstyrninganläggning blev slutsatsen att det för slottets kulturhistoriska värde vore gynnsamt att göra en genomgripande installation ifall detta skulle innebära att slottets samlingar kunde behållas på plats. Rummens olika fysiska och kulturhistoriska förutsättningar kräver dock att individuella utformningar undersöks, vilket innebär att det kan bli aktuellt med en kombination av olika klimatstyrningsanläggningar. / The indoor climate of Skokloster palace is not without problems. There have been mould growth in some rooms, mainly those who are facing north and therefore are colder than other rooms. To find a solution for the problems with mould growth, a three-year long experiment was initiated in the spring of 2013. Its purpose was to examine if mould growth could be avoided with active climate control, which had not been tested previously in the palace. Three different climate control systems were installed in three rooms, and meanwhile the indoor climate of three rooms without active climate control was logged. The three climate control systems chosen were dehumidification, conservation heating, and humidity controlled ventilation. The first year of the experiment ended in March 2014.The climate in nearly all rooms was acceptable in a mould risk perspective. The room with conservation heating had the least suitable climate, which probably is explained by the condition of the room itself rather than the effects of the conservation heating. The room with humidity controlled ventilation hade the best climate during the year, and the ventilation system had the most uptime of the climate control systems. It is however too early to tell which system might be the best after only one year.When discussing what consequences a thorough installation of a climate control system might have on the cultural heritage values of Skokloster palace, the conclusion was that it would be favourable to install active climate control – if that allowed the collections of Skokloster to remain in the building. Due to the different physical and cultural conditions of the palace’s rooms, it will be necessary to find tailored solutions for climate control systems. In order to do that, a combination of different climate control systems might be worth looking into. / Spara och bevara - Energimyndighetens forskningsprogram för energieffektivisering i kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader
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Řízené odvlhčování v letním období / Controlled dehumidification in summer seasonVoleš, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the design and the assessment of two variants of existing HVAC system, that serves the microelectronic laboratory premises of GL Electronic company, which are situated in JIC INMEC center. The aim of the designing process is to find the optimal solution of the problem, which is concerned of excessive air humidity gains in the clean rooms. The first proposed approach is the installation of controlled dehumidification in the form of direct cooling into the yet existing device. The second considered approach is a complete deconstruction of implemented air conditioning unit and subsequent reinstalling of the brand new unit, which would meet all the requirements. Both two variants will be in the beginning outlined in a form of pre-study, selected option will be later on processed as project documentation for construction. The winning solution will be designed in the way that will satisfie the criteria of hygiene, function, and economy. The next section of the text will be dedicated to the research regarding the topic of the physical nature of air humidity, of the transportation of humidity, dehumidification of the space, also. Last but not least, the heat recovery efficiency will be measured (in the form of thermal glycol tubes). The experiment provides evidence of the system's real-time performance.
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Vzduchotechnika prostoru autosalonu / Air conditioning area of the car showroomSvobodová, Leona January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with shielding elements in the theoretical, project and experimental level. The theoretical part describes the variants of building shading and compares individual shading elements. It explains several concepts from the field of environmental technology, which are related to the topic. The design part deals with the air conditioning of the showroom space with a specific indoor environment. The space has a flush facade, so it has a high heat load. This is a showroom for veterans, where it is necessary to maintain optimal constant hu-midity throughout the year. An air conditioning unit was designed for these needs. The experimental part describes the measurement of the values of the shielding factor of external blinds for individual slopes of slats. The measurement results are applied to the reference room and the dependence between the inclination of the slats and the energy demand for space cooling is evaluated by the software.
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Icing Mitigation via High-pressure Membrane Dehumidification in an Aircraft Thermal Management SystemHollon, Danielle D. 08 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Mikroklima bazénových hal / Indoor environment of pool hallsHalla, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the problems of the indoor environment of swimming pool halls. Firstly, it describes issues and principles of designing HVAC system in the areas with high humidity production. Thesis then focuses on various approaches to calculations of evaporation from the water surface and different possibilities of dehumidification including different types of HVAC units. This knowledge was applied to the design of HVAC system for particular assigned building, for which are proposed two different solutions. Thesis includes experimental part, its aim is to analyse one specific critical part of the hall. Based on local surveying and long-term measurements a few possibilities of improvement are suggested.
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Variantní řešení rekonstrukce systémů vzduchotechniky prostoru laboratoří / Variant solutions reconstruction of airconditioning systems in the laboratoryFaltys, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the designing and assessment of two variants of the reconstruction of the air conditioning system for the half of 3rd floor laboratory building BioVendor – Laboratorní medicína a.s. company. The system is proposed to fulfil hygienic, operational, economic and functional requirements for indoor microclimate of laboratories. The task of this system is the transport of fresh air to interior and the covering of heat gains in summer. The equipment is also designed for the regulation of air humidity in the interior. The theoretical part deals with the application of heat penetration of solar radiation double glazed construction. Calculating and project part deals with the specific proposal of two variants of a new HVAC system-level studies of which the selected variant is developed as the project documentation. Experimental part is devoted to measuring of CO2 concentration in operationally similar laboratory. The result of this work is to evaluate the operational and economic impacts on the choice of technically feasible options and implementation documentation selected option. The benefit of the experiment is to verify sufficient air exchange to ensure the optimum concentration of carbon dioxide in laboratories.
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